The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, April 13, 1901, Image 8

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/ The Search-Light. BAIN BRIDGE, AFRIL 18, 1901. PERSONAL. MU-Lula May H ol-ler sjmnt several days in lirinaoii this week. Mr. H. II. Salter an<l Mill, Bvron. \t«re in town yesterday 011 business. .Mi—Jnsie Elnta Munnerlyn is expected to vi-il Miss .timie Cnuipbell today. Mrs. D McLauclilln. of Climax, 1* tlie guest of relatives and friends in the city. Miss Bessie Hi' ings ha- returned home after a pleasant vi-it to relatives at Jaki' f Carson Daniels, of Trov. Ala., has been here this week on a visit to hia pareute. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Caldwell expect to make a visit to New York in the near future. I Mrs. Cunningham, of Quitman, is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Uleu. T. Tonge, on Evans street.. Mr. W. \V. Collier, manager of the feiephoue, went on a visit to -Macon and Dawson this week. Miss Estelle Donalson. Donalsonville's fair v si mist ress, is visiting her aunt, .Mrs. J. R. Graves. School Commissioner Williams and Prof. C. L. Fitzpatrick, of Mlllercouuty were down Monday. Mr It. Q. Harts Held, cashier of the People’s Bank, returned from a short trip to Atlanta this week. Judge J. G Fain and his grand-daugh ter, Miss Anye Wilson, were pleasant visitors to the city yesterday. Mrs. K. G. OhesniC, mother of Dr. S. J. Cliesn .t, and Mrs. A. Cook, of Atta- pulgus, visited the city liibt Thursday. Miss Eleonc Peacock, who has been the guest of Miss Louise Bruton for sev eral weeks, returned to her home in At lanta on Monday evening last. She was arm,mpunted by lather, Mr. J- Q Pea- cook. Mesdames Stanley. Ward, liostwick. and Miss Turner, of Arlington, were pleasant guests of the Hotel Wainman Monday. They were joined Monday ey. e dug I y Mr. John Ward, who accompa nied them on their return trip. ll.NEtOKE-H DOTS. Mr. S. M. Dixon, of Thomasvilie. vi-i' ed his mother last Saturday. V e regret to report the illness of Mi-s B. Worn who has been quite sick for more than a week. We hope she will be entirely recovered in a few days. Mi-s Fannie l bourns i. visiting bers,^ ter near Camilla this week. t Mr. Charlie Jordan visite 1 his parqjts at. Climax Sunday. ■ Miss Emma Diion, of Whigh^, j£- tendecl preaching here Sunday^ Mr. 0 iver Evans, of KowlJ in our community Sunday vij of our pretty girls. Misses Eula and Mamie BO VETTV1LLI5 Bl'DGET. AYe are*gh»d to note the prosperous i cor.diiion of the Shiloh school under the <it maiiiigeu.ent of Prof. John Drake. Services were conducted at this place on Sunday last by Key. Yearby Moody. He also preached on Saturday. I here | was baptizing Sunday The people of t his : see us at. ection are a bout begin cultivating them. There i- but little news afloat, and our corumnuioation is very Mrs. E. H. Daniels at Bai£,uidge Satunrf? We a^Bints Several of our young people seem to | ^ 0 . siilrfP be interested iu the closing of theDoual-. . ^ 'sonville school. Prof Stovall is without doubt an excellent teacher as well as his day last. Mr. Henry Overstreet aud sister, Miss Rose, of Calvary, were pleasant visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S, S. Dixon last Saturday and Sunday. "Mrs. Manor leaves today to visit friends at Recovery. Mr. Charlie Blount is now a welcome resident of our community The young people of our community are expecting a good time next Satur day at a picnic at Harrell’s new mill. Mrs. S. S. Dixon, accompanied by her daughter, Aliss Tessie, went over to Buiubridge last Monday shopping. Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Brinson and little daughter went to Bainbvidge one day last week. Mr. Ira Bates went to Climax one day last week. April 12th 1001. R . April 10,1901. Yankee Blade. FROM CLIMAX. tVOTMBl The practice of dumping trash, tic c ms smap iron, glass bottles et •• into the streets of tin) city must lie immedi ately discontinued. Ordinances Impose a penalty for violations and the marshal has been instructed to make a case a gainst all persons who disregard this no five. C. H. Cauiwkel, Chairman Street Committee. B Ax SON BRIEFS. Miss Looliiw Herring, of Calva-y, was the pleasant guest of Mr. S. Brinson’s family the first of the week. She re turned Monday to Climax where she will spend a few days with her sister before proceeding to her home. Mr. S. Brinson made a business trip to the forks of the creek the .first of the week. Miss McCulley entertained a few of her frier,ds«t crukouole and ttomitioes last Saturday evening. Miss Sarah Jones, of Damascus, spent Sunday here with relatives and attended the marriage at the church Sunday-night. Mr. J. J. Arrhcris making some ma terial additions to Ids residence wlrlc.b will improve the appearance of his pleas ant home. Mr. Frank Andrews went over to Bain- luidge Saturday evening on busine-s Miss Evelyn Piper spent several days dlie first of the week in Buiubridge visit ing the family of Mr. T. 0.. Wainman. I Mr. G. W. Boyce and sister of the eastern portion of the county was ovei several days the latter part of last week and i he first of this. t he marriage at the Methodist church here last. Sunday evening was a very beautiful affair, and w..s of sock 1 inter est to the community. Miss Ague- Fun derburk. the hiide, and Mr. John L. Jackson, the groom, are both popular iu the neighborhood, and a large ctowd gathered to witness the ceremony. The best wishes of the entire community are extended to the happy pair. Mr. .1 II. Neel has been confined to The weather continues quite cool, still we are having some beautiful springlike days. Ye correspondent was sick last week, hence his failure to .-how up. Climax is still booming. We learn that Mr. Bichard Bower, of Whighaui, was here Friday prospecting, pricing land, etc. Miss Alice Trulock visited Whigham this week, Miss Ada Trulock, her cousin, returning with her to spend a few day Mesdames Calhoun and Roundtree vis ited Bain bridge Mouday taking in Sells At Gray’s show. Miss Loohie Herring, of Calvary, was iu Climax last week shopping ami visiting relatives. Mrs. Sallie Blount was the successful candidate for our postoffice aud will as sume charge of same in a lew days. Mr Howard Calhoun wasiu Buiubridge Monday and remained for the e\ cuing performance of Sells At Gray’s show. Mr. Chas. Calhoun is building a nice barn for Mr. A. J. Trulock. Mr. Tru- lock's handsome new residence is quite an ornament to our town. Rev. Mr. Mclyer lias returned from < visit, to his boyhood home in North Caro Iina, aud preached for us Sun ay at the Presbyteriau church. Prof Lackey, principal of our school, has resigned, leaving au unexpired term of two months. April 10, 1001. Oliver Twist. THES1WR* i\OIT«:E. -All hunting, shooting fishing or otherwise trespassing on the foilow- lots of land is hereby positively jdden, 15th Dist. Decatur coun ty Ga.: Lots <233, 235, 236, 237, and 238. 12th Diet. Baker county. Lots 179, 180, 181 and 298. 1 will prosecute to the full extent of the law any party or parties vio lating this notice. A reward of $10 will be given anyone furnishing ev- ideece to convict any trespasser. All permits revoked. Keb’y 28, 1991. Mrs. M. -E. Rob erts. Cal tail Millet, German Millet, Sorghum seed at Hicks’s. V .<>♦ o-$ b -£> #e! A'*’ ?. $>.».' For latest designs in Spring and Summer MiHi n ,„ (.ioods at the lowest prices ever offered in IUinbridge. ~ Have just opened and havj new goods throughout. Mila ners of taste and long experil ence to serve you. VERY RERPECTFULLY, Mirs. 8. T. Youl O’ AMENDMENT TO CHARTER. Bainbiidge, Ga , Match 22,1901 To the Honorable Philip Cook, Secretary of the State of Georgia: The Petition of The Georgia Pine Railway Company tespectfully ehoweth: 1st. That it is a railroad corporation chartered under the general railroad law.- of the State of Georgia, operating a line of railway in said State under and by virtue of a charter granted to it, on the lJtli day of September in the vear 1895. which said charter was amended on the 15th day of August 1990, iu accordance with and in the manner provided bylaw. 2ud. Aud said Georgia Pine Railway Combany shows that it desires to amend its charter by changing the name of said corporation from "The Georgia Pine Railway Company,” to "Georgia, Florida Ac iilabama Railway Oompauy.” Wherefore, this petition having been duly advertised in accordance with the law. your petitioner prays that its char ier he amen-led as prayed-. Georgia Pine Railway Co., by J. P. Williams-, Pm-ident. FROM DON ALSCNY1LLE. Yesterday was .a great day with the Methodists of Doimlsonvtlle, it boiug the occasion of an-Epwort-h League and mis sionary rally. A large congregation as sembled at both morning and evening service, and judging from the attention shown and interest manifested all were greatly pleased at being present at both of these services. At 11 o’clock Bio Thomas, the pastor, preached a powerful sermon on missions, and portrayed in beautiful language the necessity of sending the gospel to the heathen -nations of the earth. Every ■word spoken by this man of -God tow ml a lodgment iu tlie hearts of, all pwent and wiil be tite means of tlfousing more interest in missionary work. At 7:89 o’clock p. m , we were very fortunate iu having with us that brilliant young man from Bainhridge, Mr. B. F. Hawes. Jr . who delivered a beautiful address on the subject of mi—ions and the Holston Plan of raising our mission ary assessment. Donal-onvillefelt proud of the fact that -he had the pleasure of listening tar this eloquent young man. He spoke in glowing terms of the importance of-ending the gospel to those that are darkness aud heathenism. Hi- a,l Fresh Meats O F A_ll Kinds AT MY NEW BUTCHER - SHOP, ON WATER STREET. JETEH. POWELL In-bed a large portion of the time for a dress was listened to with rapt attention wees or more with the grip. | „ wl wi „ , ,, e teul()lllWed 0y our A very enjoyable egg hunt was in bilg-1 v ,| e . Dome again, brother, we wiil he -•din by the lit tie hoys and gtrls last.Sun- glad to have vm with us at anv time: -I tv evening. I tiev were highly lttea-ed i i i . ,, , . , , , • * - * !I . and 1 know the lair sex will be esneoial- and are iio doubt none the worse off for i. .. . , c . ... * , . 1 r l 1\ proud of your coming, nidging from their engagement, ,• ‘ , s gaget April 12. 1901, Mis i the many complimeuts passed, j Doualsonville. Ga., April 8th, 1991. mass, sewing machine THE BEST MADE. Durable, Light-Kunning and well finished. Latest and all modern equipments. Neediest Oils And Attachments Handled- Prices reasonable, and terms easy. If you need a serviceable Machtixl a guarantee of satis faction, call on. or write me at once. J. D. HAXiSTEAS BAINBRIDGE, GEORGli Legal Advertisements. GLIFFORU N. TURKBK, I DUEL POlt DI VOUCH Vs. . DEOATUK SlTI'Ett- Henky A.TURXER, 1 IORUOITUT. It nnpcnrltig to the Court by tin* Sheriff tlint tlie -li-tcmliuit Henry A Turner resides Legal Advertisements CITATION. OKOltlilA—DBCVTUH C'OUSTY: Whereas, \v. A., Lxei-ntortl Hmler deceased, presents to lIn: out of the stale of Georgia, and cannot be his petition, duly tiled and cnt-wil i*| served in process with the process <,1 'his | ov <t, that lie lias fully ndnilnbh i-il IT court. It is ordered that service be perfect- 1 talc This ts, therefore, to clie slip ill by publication for the time as required ; conceriird,-fcimlred amt crwMtnrs. t»i liv law. Tilts April lltli 11)01. W. M. llAKKKLL, V. W. WlMhEHt-i-.T, I’ltf's Attotliey. (JlerR. i cause, If any they can, why .-aid should not be discharged free !r..-*hsi ship, and receive letters of <t :-n , the lb st Monday in June, IHil. T. 11. MAXWELL.'Orillil U. M. Jones and A HIM.E NISI IN DEOA- J. N. Maxwell f T II K St P E It 1 <) II vs > (XVUIIT NOV EM 1 IK It „ , V , V TEli.Vl, 1800, T E. Garland ) DEC AT V It SUPF.HIOH COU ItT, NOV EM IIEH TEItM, 180(1. It appearing to the Court by petition of G M. Jones and J. N. Maxwell,executors of G. W. Hagan, that I. E. Garland on the Is of No'en ber, 18W. executed and t‘ ” said G. \v. Kagan a mortgage on rerun . , — - - - lands in One hundred and t-n-enty-fite »"■ All that tract or parcel of land lying and land otf of the South half ol lot ->l being in the 10th District of Decatur county i Georgia, part of lotsof land Nos. jt:7, contain-! tug sixty-two aud one-half acreson the south west, commencing four acre- son til-west corner, sal-l pare ADMINISTRATOR’S S.\U| ci KO KOI A— I )ec ttur i 'own I y: Iiy virtue of .ui oivler from Ordinary of said county 1 will o«rt*raw pose for pale, before the court! siiUI county, on this first Tue* vlay i next, dining the legal Uonrsoi execuied and delivered to i lowing described real odlatjs the eMtate ot Jacob t’llnaid ue ... the north westof sain lot; and sixty of lot on the west side of lot No, three hundred and ninety-eight in the liith liistrict of Decatur county, iieoi gia; ,uml one hun dred and thirty-throe acres on tlic east side of lot No 8B7 in the county of Deeutjiv, state of Georgia, for the purpose of securing the payment ot two certain promissory not* s, iated Cairo, Ga., Nov. 1st, 1KM, wulllJ , two hundred and fifteen (iii , out.tln* and being ui the ‘JOtb district wW 0 ty. Said land being wed timber* «l aii from the orably l»>ca e<t. Terms, castv liiwAp^ 1 of land being b«»l. T. It. Maxwell, Olilll'-ll YEARS SUPPORT. GEORGIA— DEC.vWia CrfvNiv: Mrs. Mary V. BoK /living m-.ile »! tlon for tw elve aionBW. suppm I tatcol W.A. Bell H.j^appral IHJtnted to set Apart One Hu::'.lred and EiftV elght Dollars and ; their return, all per/oiiSfonccn.e seventy-li re cents each, made by tile said T. i hy jcqulred to show causkb,-tore E. Garland, payable to 0. W.ltrgsnor bearer u i Ordinary of 8u1d/-'oantj\n the with itftor Nov. 1st,. l?f!4. fn. iio* ra <iu» in vi..,. hki. .n*iH.-:ii. with interest niter Nov. 1st, l?n<f, nt the ru of Eight per cent per annum, and ten per ceutol nrincipal and interest as attorney’s fees, winch said Defendant refuses to pay: It is thereiore ordered tl«it the s.i.d T. L. Garland pay into this Court,on or before the tlrst lay of tile next term, the principal amt in tores’ ditc on s«i<l notes, ami the costs of suit; or in default thereof, the Court wi.l proceed is to justice sh \\ appertain. And it is further ordered, that this Uulc s.*i*v»hI on said defendant T. E. tiarlamt or Ids special agent or attorney, three months y rev tuns to the next tern of this Court. W . N.SPRNCE, Judge superior v ourt. A true extract fio.u the Minutes, C. NV. H iMhEKLEY, Clerk. Dec a run Sipkkioh < or it, M \y Term hied It appearing to the Court that the 1‘efehv* . ant in the within case dhe-* not reside in the I county of Decatur, but re.ddos in the state of Florida, it ison motion of Plaintiff's coun sel ordeie«l that service of the within rule nisi be perfected on the said Defendant by publication according to law. This May *25»d limn. \V N. sph^CK, Judge S. c. a. C-. liv the Court, W. »V imkkklby, Cleric. day in May l’-K)i ’ not Oe granted. iu dilltl l i)f l j br-t /y said a|\ill -idi"" >’ ftli., April Jti-' c . 11. .ViAXWtl.L. dull 11 ' CITATION. GEORGI A -DECATUK COUNTY. It. B. itower having in proper form a for permanent letters ot Adan ! the estate of Mrs, a D. liowci, • oe county, this is t»* cite all and j creditors and neiit ot kin it j itower to be and appear at my ^ ftrst Monday m May Muxt,shu>v cans! they can, why i>er:uuneiit 1 >lvt>iil(l not bo granted to it. !*• **o*v»a* HAY TBHW Win,: ! Mrs. A. D. lk*wer’s estat -. Wi h--; •**> that the Defend- J and otUeial signaiure.^L’his Apii-^ i. H. Mvxwel.. " C S. GRIFFI1T, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF HOMEMADE HARNESS- AU TRTorl* ITaa-fcly and Promptly Exscubad. REPAIRING A .SPECIALTY. |ffl“TERMS: STRICTLY CASH-vga North Broa-1 Strcvt. noar Brnukiu’s Stables. ij i‘ DECATUR SHERIFF SAU GKGRGiA—Decatur County : Will be sold l)etore the court thecityof Italnbridge. on the f"**•** 11 v in May next, dm ii g the legal h um? tlie following cescribed proi*v.-: The went half of lot of laud No .R4) in the nlnteenth (IB) district cmint-y, Georgia, containing (> uitd raentv-ltve (I2ft> acres projierty of Feribii Anderson all' derson lo satisfy a Justice Com t m ' or ui D. L. Uryaut vs Mason , teriha Anderson,said ft;ah I ferrrd to D. W. Chacon. A. W. FuuiiU Also at the same time and tain ci.v lot in the village c t ' county if Decatur, Male <>t sail e t.eing a part ul lot of bo-' 1 , 1 ’ it ninety-eight (Slit) in “ BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA. DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education In the reach of all. A.B., B.S.. Normal and Business Man’s courses. Goou laboratories; healthful, invigorating cli- ni"lc; military discipline; pood nmral and religious inlluenccs. Ch- apcst board in the State; abundance of country produce;expea6es from $75 lo $150 a year; board in dormitories nr private familc-6. Special license course for teachers; full faculty of nine; all under the I control of the Uuiversity. A college prepar atory class. Co-educaticn of s«xcs. The insti- • tution fovmiod 8|teciaUy for students of limited means. Geud for catalogue to the President, I Jos. S. Stbw art. A.M | FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. I hive d jersey bulls from six months to two vents old. eliigable to legist ration which I will sell cheap for ca-h. or would exchange them for beef cattle at market value. ‘ Apply to T. M. Hines. B;tinbridge, Ga. -- . vn i h : l .:7tli) District of snld (1 u ;;’ Llescribvu un. follows: tou-u *'' | point on iho l ight of way ot t.- u 'j Railway tompHiiy, tit ty one fyit. , ; thu intersection ot naid right < <* ; In a northerly direction along s ‘; ■ of wu) titty out* feet, thence l.» I direction o e lmiidred mid forty e*‘ ! half feet to a.i alley, tuence nio - * 1 | in a southern• y direction tiftv lv • , ' iug point, botm led on tre Nort.- '. lot. on the E. «*t hy right of w»y ' - Ry.C’o , south, by lot owned by h- '/ A. tvunkiin hdu west by an ' upon ns the property of WiDiR“., .-.iti-fy a rllii in favoj of J. M.toX' ’ Dot wiler. This April 9tlu Itwb , , A. \V. Koki ham- G H Dillard, Bainbridgt jG: first class carpenter uork, a'-*} \ jvvest cash tiirure. Hu fu*’ 1 '**' timates cheerfully and exbcni* 4 work neatly. Give him a tria '