The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, April 20, 1901, Image 8

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-aw ——■ BKIN SON BK1EF8; the Search-Light, — <***» mr _ 1 ihe itctP f!?illii?epg §t©pe, BAINBRIDGEt APRIL 20, 1901. PERSONAL. > Mr. A. W. Miller, of the erect ride, war In the city Tuesday, Mr. J. L Gholson, of Recovery, wa* in town one day this week. Dr. J. D. Chaton Went to Augusta Or tliic week on profteeatobal business. Mrs. Olena Tonge expects to visit re* latives in Quitman in the near future. Mr. J. F. 'Tolar, of Fowltown, was a visitor to Bainbridge one day this week. Hon. Jno. E. D matron will leave to day for Lithia Springs to recuperate hie health. Miss Verna O'Neal, who Is teaching the FairyieW school near FaeeVille, Is at home this week. Mrs. R' B. Kerr has been quite ill re* eently, but la reported to be convales cent at this time. Mrs. Thomas Chason.of Donalsonville. has been visiting the family of Dr. J. D Chacon this week. Mr. George J. Griffiths Is at home again after attending a course in the At* lan a Dental College. Mr. and Mr*. Porter of Apalaohicola Fla., are visiting Mies Maggie Swindell ou College Avenue this week, Rupl. Coleman, of the Georgia Pine aphnt Monday and Tuesday in Savannah on business of interest to his road. Messrs. Will and Dowling Gore have gone to Bainbridge and accepted a po rition in a cooperage.--Dothan (Ala.,) Siftings. Dr. W. C. Spence has returned from Camilla where he went to attend the funeral of his father' whose death was noted in our last Issue, Dr. C. H. Maxwell, of Calvary, * promising young physician of that neigh, borhood. was in the city Wednesday and called at this office. Mrs. Helen Signor and little Mbs Grace, who have been spending the win ter here with relatives, expect to leave for their home In Brooklyn. N. T., today, Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. H. Caldwell left last 8nnday night for a visit to New York and other points in the North. They expect to be gone untill the first of May. Rev. J. B. Mack after filling the Presbyterian pulpit here for the past four months, left for his borne st Ft. Mills 8. C. last Tuesday. His many friends here deeply regret his departure but the instructive sermons which he presohed tn this town will renmlu in the memory and hearts of those who heard .them,-. ' Mr. 8. Brinson' went over to Bain- bridge MCndiiy. The creek is falling quite rapidly and fishing i» reported t<> be good. Messrs. A. V. Jones, Joel Warren and Miss Aurelia Jones spent last Sunday at Damascus. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Kirltlaud went oy er to Bainbridge one day this week shop* ping. Mias Lulu ?■ oUnlley Is thinking of making nn extended trip to Wavcrossat an early day. Her many friends at this point hope thft she will decide not to •tty too long. Mr. J. Mathis, of Bainbridge has ae- epted the contract for the building of the new Methodist church here, and the work will begin right away. The church when completed will be a nice one. Mr. Will D .m bridge who bas been con- trading in Bainbridge for some time, haa returned and will reside here in the future where be will follow his regular liue of buainess. Mr. J. H. Brinson spent several days r.he first of the week in Bainbridge look ing after his stable business there. We regret to report the illness of Mrs. Zimmerman, who has been unwell for so me time. Several of our boys are preparing to acoompany the military to Albany dur ing tie Chautauqua next week. Mr. Jno. 1. Robison has accepted the contract for building Dr. Bridges’ new resideooe. The material is being put on the ground and the work will be rushed forward as rapidly as possible. Mr. Harry Graham spent last Satur day night in Bainbridge ou business. Mr. N H. George went over to Bain- bridge Saturday. . Miss Shelly Dean Is the guest of her sister, Mm J. C. Parrott of this place. Mrs. H. C. Barrett and little daughter accompanied also by Mrs. Barrett’s mother left Wednesday evening for Kentucky, where they will spend the coming summer. Mr. Council Herring of Climax, was the guest of friends here one day this week. Mr. Green, the Photographer, bas erected a temporary gallery here where he will he located for several week. Judge Q. A. Phillips of Rock Pond, was over to see us one day this week. Mr. Dunoan Earpe family have moved from the camps down on the creek and are not residents of the town. Misses Edith Walnman and her friend, Kiss Anna Whitback, who bas beeu visi ting her for some time, are the guests of the family of Rev. E. G. Piper. Rev. Mr. Piper spent last night in Bainbridge the guest of relatives. April 10.1001. Miss — Anxfoe.1 te Be Bis Wtosi. ‘•There are plenty of men In this world,” sold the bead of the firm, ad dressing the clerk he bad summoned Into the private office, “who can trace their successes directly to What they ot Brit considered failures. 1 knew A man who 20 years ago was a clerk 10 a clothing store. Bis employer dis charged him for Incompetency. He hunted through all the clothing stores In town trying to get another Job. but couldn’t find one, and at lost, almost starred, he got a place as a brakeman on one of the railroads. Today he Is practically the bead of that road, draws a salary of $25,000 a year and regards the man who discharged him long ago as the best friend he ever bad. Now, be Is only obe of hundreds of men who have hnd similar experiences. 80 you eee what at first seems a misfortune may often be a real blessing in dis guise.’’ The young man hid a yawn behind bis band nn<L thinking of the live broiled lobster he bad the night before helped a certain soft eyed creature to remove from the scene, languidly re plied! -Yes; I know that has frequently happened. Did you want to speak to me about anything In particular ttalf morning. Mr. YamaleyT "Oh, no: nothing of special Impor tance.” the old gentleman replied, "only I'm going to give you a chance to look back some day and regard me as your best friend. Goodby. I hope you’ll have all kinds of enccess at whatever yon decide to go at”—Chi cago Herald. FOR 8ALE OH EXCHANGE. I h ive A jersey bulls front six months to two years old, elligable to registration which I will sell cheap for cash, or would exchange them for beef cattle at market value. Apply to T. M. HlNUk , Bainbridge, Ga, C- H. GBXFFX2T, DEALER IN ILL KHD8 OF I0KE1ADE HRIE88* A.U Work* ZTMLkly REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. igarTEKMS: STRICTLY CASH" Honh Broad Street near Brickin'* Stables, ‘BAINBRIDGE, - GEORGIA. .A RUI.K NISI IN DECA f TDK 8 Uj> K R I O II J-COURT NOVKMUEU l TKICU, 1«W. G. M. Jones and .A RUI.K NISI IN DECA J. N. Maxwoll * vs.- T K. Garland DECATUR SUPERIOR COURT. NOVEMBER TERM, UMI It Appearing to the Court by petition of o ... and J. N. Maxwell, executors of G. W. Kagan, that T. K. Garland 011 the 1st day of November, ISM, executed and delivered to said G. W. Kagan a mortgage on certain lands In Decatur county, to-wit All that tract or parcel of land lying and the 19th inetr'et of Uocntnr county being In 1 Georgia, part of Iota of laud Nos. HK7, contain lug sixty-'— ■* ■- two uud one-hull acres on the south west, commencing four acres from the •oath-west corner, said parcel of land being In the north-west of said lot; and sixty acres 0* tot on the west side of lot No. — hundred and ninety-eight In the I! of Decatur county, Georgia; .and one hnu- ' " ■ —i-lhreea ».im the east side Urooo.iuty of Douatur, state ■tl.e pui pose of securing the two certain promissory notes. dred and thirty-' of lot Ne *OTIn t! or Oeotgltk fob tl.e paymentot two certain promissory notes, dated Cairo, Ga.. Nov. 1st, lam, for tbesuin of uuwu iNiuui u».| dv* • tain ifuii 1 ur LUUSUin 01 One Hundred and Mf»v eight Dollars and Seventy-dye cents each, made by the said T. K. Garland, payable «*«. W. Kagan or bearer with Interest after Nov. 1st, IBM, at the rale of Bight percent per annum, and ten per cent of principal end Interest ns attorney's fees, which said Defendant refuss* to Dav it Is therefore ordered that the 811,(1 tTk. Garland pay Into this Coen,on or before tho first day of the next term, the principal ami Interest due on said notes, and the costs of stilt; or In default thereof, the Court win nrooeod as to justice shall appertain. And it is further Ordered, Ihat this Hole be ntT. B. Garland or s-rved on said defendant j For latest designs in Spring and Stirtitner Millinery] Goods at the lowest prices ever offered in Bainbridge. f| Have just opened and have ** new goods throughout. Hil]j.j ners of taste and long ezpeii-l Once to serve you. VERY RERPECTFULLY, Panics and Religions Books. There Is one kind of business, accord ing to a New York mail prominent In It that does not enjoy eatiy financial conditions. It la that of publishing de votional and religious literature. This publisher explained thta anomalous follows: When everybody Is prosperous, there Is do very great demand for our publlcationsk People are happy, and they do not go to ehurch to nay great extent Preachers will tell you that church attendance Is never so good In prosperous times os It Is In periods of financial straits. Let s panic come on, however. At first our business reels It as keenly as any other line. People suddenly cease buying everything except what they are obliged to have. As times fall to Improve, people take more to going to church. Attendance Increases very perceptibly. In a few weeks we can tell It In oar business. There la greatly Increased demand for devo tional booki of all kinds. The bust ness Increases, and at the very height of the financial- troubles we do the largest business. As times get better you can see our trade In this Noe of publications gradually drop off until, when prosperity again comes round, we settle down to a normal business quite different from the boom we bad been enjoying."—New York Times. Life Aboard an Arctic Boot. The daye and weeks pass without our taking, any account of them. We get up at fiffiO In tbe morning. At 7 feed the dogsi At 8 we have breakfast, and at 12 we dine. Than we work ttM 0:80, when we bate supper, after wfileb wc stacks and play cards'or chess till bedtime. It Is nor at all eold. Rarely does tbe thermometer descend below sera. Yesterday tbe sun shone gloriously. Tbe lee reflected It with a blinding glare and In brilliant colors. The ship has withstood all the as saults of the k*. It Is splendid to eee bow R breaks up Ice that la sometimes three or four feet thick. At other times, when It Is even, thicker, tbs ship Is rushed against It at full steam. The ebock splits sod breaks N very often for a distance of 40 or 80 yards The Duke of Abrnxxl ts always 00 tbe bridge and lows 00 opportunity of get ting abend. Sometimes be does not even come down to bis mss la. When ever we get tbe Smallest opening, be orders os to go on. and we are glad of R. because tbe more we advance at tbe present time tbe less we shall have to do next year.—Lratlrfa Monthly. ttew In Preach. bis tneelal agent or attorney, three months yrevlous to the next tern, of this Court . . W. N. Waxes. -.-.arssox. Judge superior Court. A true extract trotu the Mtirttes, C.W. tvisumuir. i»bexlSy, clerk. All hunting, shooting fishing or ^ _ _ otherwise trespassing <sn the follow- ! *® tam sic Hots of land is hereby positively 2u,*i!£&mitLSte? 1 VnkfcffiFnSi ; • nisi he perfected on the snld Defendant by is. 'swism^Sy# Bv the Court, c. W. WtiaamScv.Clerk Big tots of land is hereby positively fotkadfisn, Ibth Diet. Peofr ooun- ty Gh.:Lots«IS,3l&.3Sfi, 3*7, and Baker oouaty. Lola "OH. • U extent NOTICK) TV pratdioe of dumping trash, tin earn scrap man. glass Mttiee etc. into A frequent trap In French for (be un wary la tbe difference of meaning In similar phrase*. For example, "fslre feu" means to fire s gun, while "felre du feu" means to light a fire; Tombcc par terra" conveys tbe kjen pf falling to tbe ground from one’s own height, whereas "tomber a terra" peons te fail from any bright—In other words, tumble down and to tumble off. In me way "trailer de fat" means to call s man a fop and "trailer en rot" to treat bhn tike a king. The English word "bore" may be expressed In two ways—"on masor" gives tbe Idea of an active bore and "one bocal- nolie” of a passive bora.—Academy Mrs. 8. T. Young. THE BEST MADE. Durable, Light-Running and well finished. Latest and all modern equipments. Neediest Oils And Attachments Handled* Prices reasonable, and terms easy. If you need * serviceable Machine 1 a guarantee of satis taction, call on. or write me at once. X D. SAXsSTSAX), BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA.! i e mmm, Columbus All kinds of Builder’s Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Nailj Horse and Mule Shoes, Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes, 8a Doors and Blinds, in fact anything you need for buildiug ] poses or in a Blacksmith Shop. Take advantage of the low freight rates on the nva write me and let me give you prices. T. L (WIZARD. COLUMBUS, GA. Legal Advertisements. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. GEORGIA—Decatur County: Hy or an order from the court of Ordinary of said county I will offer and ex pose for sale, before tlie court house door In said county, on the first Tuesday In May _ * ■* -* —- * •*— ' “ J. next, during the legal hour* of sale the fol lowing described real estate, belonging to the estate of Jacob Clinard deceased,to-wlt: One hundred and twenty-five (I98J acres of land off of the South hal iy-fiv If of Legal Advertisements* CITATION. GEORGIA—Dbcatub CtMJoTT: Whereas, W. A. Johnson, Executor of J. Bailer deceased, presents to the Court,-, his petition, duly filed and entered on n* ni* petition, duly filed nnd entered ou re ord, that he has fully administered sold <* tale This I*, therefore, to cite allperjs concerned, kindred and creditor*, to ,1*) cause. If any they can, why said Kxccns . _ should not be discharged from tit* Kiecnii land No. ship, and receive letters of dlsmltslon, < < VJ, d lying the first Monday In June, W01. and being In the Wtli dlstrl.-t nf said conn orably located. Terms, easb- This April Snd 1901. T. 11. liAtwstt, Ordinary, DECATUR SHERIFF SALK. GEORGIA—Decatur Uonnty: Will be sold before the conrt honse >looi the city or Bainbridge on the first Tuesday 111 V.. ■ ;' .du' 1 t'K the legal hours or * • the following described property to-wit: T. B. Maxwell. Ordlntrj. CITATION. GEORGIA—DVCATUU OOOSTT It. B. Bower having In proper form applw I letters or Administration' for permanent tbe estate of Mrs, A. D. Bower. Inte of« county, this Is to oite all and singular creditors and next of kin of sai l Mir iiL»ii’£J. he ia?L ho ? rs ®**® 1 Bower to be and appear at my ofilce on — flm MonrtBy Maym-xt. show eauself M “W> hundred acres. Bold as the property of Kerlba Anderson and Mason At. demon 10 satisfy a Justice Court fifa tn fav- orofD. L. Bryant vs Mason Anderson and Teriba Anderson, said fira having been trant. fiTMvl tn 11 VXT I 'huann ft rrrd to D. W. Choson. A. W. Fokdram, Sheriff. Also nt the same time and pluce one oer- tnlnel y lot 111 the village of Kldorendts county of l^catnr, state of Georgia, the some being a part of lot of land three-hnn- " ninety-ektht (>—* - ......— ,„) In tbe Twenty- seventh (17th) lM.trlct of snld county, and deseriljetl as follows: Commencing at a and official signature. This April *th, INJ- T. B. Maxwxll. Ordinary. YEARSSUPPORT. GEORGIA—Decatub OotJKTT: Mrs. Mary V. Bell, having mnde. ai tlon for twelvemonths anpiwrt out of ’ late of W. A. Bell and appraiser* duly minted to wt apart the same having ■heir return, all persons concerned are WJ lred to ihow cause before the Ogg ■m r required to ihow cause before the un? Ordinary of said county on the first >wj u « ununirj 01 saia county on me “* 3 * — u point on the rlRht nf way of the g£ rin* day In May ISO! why said anpIleaUoo shots Railway coinnany. fifty one fwt nwh Jf »«»««« grouted. Tfils Apriffch. IM. the Intersection of said right of way, theuee In a northerly direction along said right of way fifty one feet, thence In a westerly direction one hundred and forty one and half feet to nn alley, thence along self “ In a snuthetnly direction fifty fret to T. B. Maxwell. Ordinary Ina point, bounded on tre North by vl ^ - -ja*. nne Mori Cewhelmsso. "I think Ull have some of thane rnb lot, on the Rest hy right of way of _ Ky.Co., south by lot owned by R. B, and K. A. Franklin nnd - - - npou as the r — -r ------. . .n’uvnn wiic. into - ....... 1.11 have • the street* of the uky nttuntw iuimedi- *^ r *- Jooe# at the lunch cooutuc. . 'HtoonUntwd. (Mmaaoee impose a j J"? •Nations snd the marsh ah * ’ “* make a oase a- "raid this no- No." reidhxj Smith. •gTve ertth me." "That 90Y* "Yea; I ronMnl even rat the hole In satl>fy a Sfs “ wtt nnd west by an alley. levied property ot William Detwller to 1 tn invar of J. M. Urn vs William . William Detwflcr. This April 9th, MAI, A. W. Fokdham, Shetlff. You oannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeuka nod sparkling eyra if your liver u alngieh and yoor bow- one without getting dyspepsia."—Fbtv 1 ®^ 8 DoWltt’n Little Early Bdelphia Record. I Risers cleanse the whole system. 1 They sever gripe. R. L. Hioks. CLirrokD N. TbkSkk, 1 UBEI.rOKDlV >w* Vs. I D8UATCB BCP» n«m A. TtTkSKk, 1 IOR COURT t appearing to the Court hy the sberlt at tha defendant Henry A Turner oat at the state of Georgia, and cannot w served In process with the pnwoss of court. It Is ordered that wrvtce be peoffl cd by publlcntion for the time as rcQ" 1 *" hylaw. This April Ilth I set. W. M. Hahukll, v. W. WmB«aLtr. riff’s Attorney. ,n ' rl Clerk Thoee famong little pills, De Win* little Early Risers will remove »» imparities from yonr system, ol**an < • jonr bowels, make them regal**' Hicks.