The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, May 04, 1901, Image 2

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■ ll.l—".III •• > The Search-Light. BAINBRIDGE, MARCH 4, 1801 As soon as a roan marries his ste nographer lie slops dictating to her. Only four Chicago newspapers now claim the largest circulation in that city. You are much more liable to dis ease when your liver anb bowels do not act properly. DeWitt’s Little Early R sera remove tho cause of disease. R. L. Hicks. The teachers of Oklahoma have given Gov. Barnes of that Territory a pair of driving horses, in recogni tion of his work for tho schools and colleges of the territory. The least in quaiiily and most in quality describes DeWiits Little Eirly Kisers, the famous pills for constipation, and liver complaints R. L. llicks. Letters written by Queen Victoria are alredy increasing iti value in Lon don and the other day a href .three line note of hors, writteu m her own hand, sold for £25. Mr. W. .1. Baxter of North Brook, N. C. says lie suffered with piles for fifteen years. He tried many reme dies with no results until lie used DcWilt’s Witch Hazel Salve and that q .iokly cured him. R. L. Hicks. Russell Sage has become, rather late in life, a billiard enthusiast and spends several evenings a week in t ial form ot relaxation, in which he has become quite expert. De Wilt’s Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of the bow els and remove the impurities speed ily will) uo discomfort,. They are famous for their efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe. H. L. Hicks. Rev. Dr. Minot J. Savage told his New York congregation Sunday that the orthodox idea of heaven is too cold. Well, at any rale, the ortho dox idea of the other place is too warm. Lb+ii affections will readily disap- p ' ir by using D°Witt’s Witch Hazel Stive. Lookout for counterfoils. If you get DeWitt’s vou will get good results. It is the quick and positive cure for piles. R. L. Hicks. The following unique letter was addressed to a friend on the outside by a moonshiner in jail: “Dear Jim:—This is to let you kuow I have been took up by the moonshiners. The trouble wuz, Jim, 1 trusted too much in providence. I went to meetiu’, an’ wuz a shoutin’ ‘Glory hallelula,’ when I orter ha’ been home, lookiu’ alter the ‘still!”’ —Stanton. " n.WES HAVE CH The Wilmington Dispatch say: “An old Confederate soldier asks the Dispatch why the difference m the treatment of Aguinaldo and Jef ferson Davis? When the president, of the Southern Coufedracy was captured lie was placed in irons, thrust into a dungeon and subjected to indignities. Aguinaldo receives the best treatment there is in the shop. Jefferson Davis was an old man; Aguinaldo is a young man. The q lestion is certainly a very timely one. Times have changed.” And the additional shame of the infamous treatment accorded Mr. Da vis is, that the then president and secretary of the war of the United States were native southerners— North Carolinians both. The iron ing was done by him who is now c minanding general of the armies of the United States, of his own voli tion. But, thank God, neither Mr. Davis nor the South were humbled by the treachery on the one part nor the vulgar inhumanity on the ether. —Raleigh Post. IT D17.ZLK8 THE WORLD. No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the ex citement that lias been caused by Dr. King’s New Discovery fot Con sumption. It’s severest tests have been on hopeless victims of cotisum tion, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleu risy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold by K. L. Hicks who guarantees sat isfaction or refund money. Large bottle* 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. If people only knew what wo know a’) > it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it undid he used in nearly every house hold, ns there are few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fullness sflor eating, belching, flatulence, sour stouinoii or waterhrnsh, caused by indigestion ordyspepsin. A prepa ration, such as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which, witli no aid from the stomach, <will digest your food, certainly can’t help hut do you good. K. L Hicks. The Florida legislature has decreed it a newly enacted law that tom- years of insanity of husband or wife shall he cause for divorce, and that the person who may got the divorce shall provide for the support of the other party. Tiio Philadelphia ltoc-, ord sas that such a law was in oper ation foi several tears in Wisconsin, but it was final U repealed because it seemed to oe an inducement to some husbands to have their sane wives committed to asylums. No doubt there are cases in which the lack of such a law is a hardship to the un fortunate husbands or wives o' mane persons.—Albiuy Herald, The fact that the throes of the imagination under great nervous ex- citeracut often produce a correspond ing physical case of a man who had gone to sleep with his artificial teeth in his mouth, says the Scotsman. Waking suddenly with a choking sensation he found his teeth had disappeared. He concluded they must be far down his throat. Chok ing and struggling lie hammered on the door of a friend sleeping in the house, who, seeing his critical con dition, vainly tried to draw the teeth out of the sufferer’s throat. He ran for a blacksmith who lived a few doors awny, but the blacksmith’s hand was too big to put into the man’s mouth. A doctor had been sent for, hut lie was so long in com ing that the victim of the accident seemed likely to die of suffocation before the physician arrived. A lit tle girl of 10 years was bro ight, un der the impression that her small hand might reach the obstacle and withdraw it, hut she got frightened a id began to cry. The sufferer be came black hi the face, his throat swelled out and his friends expected every moment to tie his last, when finally the doctor arrived. He heard the history of the case, and cast Ins eyes seriously upon the floor. There lie saw ttie whole set of teeth. He adjnstud them in the jaws of the pa tient, told him to breathe freely and every symption of suffocation disap peared. ui.ovva to atoms. The old idea that the body sonie- ti nes needs r powerful, drastic, pur gative pill has been exploded; for Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently stimu late liver aud boweisto expel poison ous matter, cleanse the svsteui and absolutely cure constipation and sick headaoh. Only 25c at R. L. Hicks drug store. g\\S ARP KESPU.\»IBI.E. A law recently adopted in Indiana provides that proprietors of saloons shall be responsible in damages to the innocent victim* of the liquor sold bv them. Tl.e State Supreme Co :rt has just passed upon the law, affirming it and bolding that it ap plies in cases where women and chil dren have been deprived of means of sapport through the effects of liquors. In the case before the court it was shown that George Homire went home drunk, picked a quarrel with a boarder in the house aud killed him. As a oouseq sence of the crime he was sentenced to the penitentiary for a long term, narrowly escaping the gallows. It was proved that when sober Homire was a peaceable man and devoted to liis family of wife and several children, of he was the sole support; but when drunk he was quarrelsome and bad-teinpered. It was further proved that oil the day of the tragedy, lie bought and drank 1 qnor at the saloon of one Halfman, from tho effects of which he became intoxicated. When her husband had been convicted and transported to the penitentiary, Mrs. Homire brought suit against the saloon keep er keeper, Halfman, for damages, placing the sum of $20,000. Half- man demurred, claiming that the new law did not apply in such cases. The lower court sustained the demnrrer, and the case was appealed. The Sup reme Court reverses the trial court, holds that the law docs apply iri such cases as that of Mrs. Homire, and sends the case back for trial upou its merits. In its decision -the Supreme Court says that the homicide committed by Homire was a crime punishable by imprisonment, and that his arrest, conviction and imprisonment were result* naturally to he expected; that a showing by tho plaintiff that the sale of the liquor to him caused the crime, sufficiently establishes the plaintiff’s claim for loss of support in consequence. It is held that only two facts are necessary to he shown, outside of the salu of the liquov by the defendant. The first of these -is the intoxication, caused in whole or part by the sale of ttie liq i >r, and the second is the loss of support in con sequence of s .ch intoxication. The temperance people are natur ally much elated at the opinion of the Supreme Court. They regard it as an important victory, since it will force saloon men to exercise great care in the sale of liquors to persons who drink to excess. W T hen the sal: oon men realize that, the law will hold them responsible for the acts of men mho become intoxicated on li quor purchased from them, they will refuse to sell whisky to a man al ready under the influence of it, or- likely to become drunk and do dam age.—Savannah News. Professional Cards- DR. S. J CHESNUT. Physician and Surgeon - Treats diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. All calls promptly attended. office os Broughton Street. J. E. MATHIS, Contractor and Builder, BAINBRIBGL\ GA. Bids Submitted on All Kinds of BRICK: or : WOOD : WORK. 12 1 tf R. J. ROONEY, Contractor and nilder. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all . . classes of building. . . J. W. BURNEY, filJD BUILDER BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA. 8gy*Agenfc for Hardwood Mantels, Doors, Sash and Blinds, and contracts for first-class Cement Sidewalks. Fresh Meats OF AJ1 Kinds AT MY NEW BUTCHER - SHOP, ON WATER STREET. JETE H. POWELL TOMB STONES, and - - nomms. - - Do you conte mplate erecting a monument or tomb stone, or in any way im proving your cemetery R>t? If so, write me at CUTHBERT, GA. I will submit designs and prices and will call at yo ir home to see you. The best work of all Grades c# G re cite erd Stffarble PRICES TO SUIT YOU. T. G. SPEARMAN, Cutlibert, Ga. strike:.* a rich kind. “I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility,” writes F. J. Green, of Lan j caster. N. H., “no remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bit- [ ters, which did me more good than all the m dicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run down wo men. No other medicine can take Us place in our family.” Try them Only 50o. Satisfaction guaranteed by it. L. Hicks. “Our little girl was unconscious from strangulation during a sudden "ud terrible attack oL cio.p. 1 Have vour old harness cleaned up an 1 worked over—almost as good as new at A. P. Holt’s, West street. quickly secured a bottle of One Min uie Cough Cure, giving her three doses The croup was mastered a id our little darling speedily recovered.” So writes A. I.. Spafford. Chester, Michigan. R. L. Hicks. To the Public. 1 nave a very large spring and sum mer pasture near town where I will take cows at morning and graze them during the day, returning same at night, for the sum of $1.25 per month. GEO. D' GRIFFIN. 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone setting a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an inwention Is probably patentable. Communion, lions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency lor securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. recelre tpfclal notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Ulnstreted weekly. largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms. $3 a roar: Jour months, »L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co/’'"'’"’.*™,. New York Branch Office. SB F 81, Washington, D. C. 6. R AU J | ATTORNEY-AT-’ Office With Townsend 4 and. BAINBRIDGE - B. B. Bower. Btrojs H. BOWER&BOW ATTORNEYS AT ^ BAINBEIEGE, J OES ‘ Practice in the State court, , and Justice courts. Also <L| estate, improved aud wild |» !$! jots for sale. “® W. I. GEE Attorney and Counselor At COLQUITT. - G£o Office: Iu Court II 0US4> ALBERT H. RUSS Attonej* at Law BAJNBRIDGE, - , G ' r Office Over -Bainbridge State J. STERLING RQBRET attorney at law. BAINBRIDGE." . . G Will .practice in all the eon JOE. H. GILPIB Attorney at Law, BAINBRIDGE, - - G 8®” Will practice law tcgetli courts, except the criminal hrai city court of Decatur county Public in office. JOHN C. CHAS0H ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BAINBRIDGE, - - Will practice law in all the Co kEJoiatalilll'I ATTOHITETS AT LA Bainbridge, - Ga. Will practice iu all the Federaland Courts Offices: Up-stairs" Building. SIC 2TTTSSBA - Attorney-at-Law BAINBRIDGE, - GEO Will pt.,ctice in all the c ial attention given to real uiercial and corporation pr #8T Office in old Bank Bui ALBERT GRICE, Tonsoral Arti COLQUITT, • GEORG Best Work. Satisfaction Goa DENTAL SURGEON BAINBRIDGE, . . . a©“Offico—Corner Water and streets, in Chason Building. DR. H. D. WIL Dentist. OFFICE— Over H. B. Ehrlich & Co.’s Bainbridge. - READTH For $1.30 We send yna Search-Light, Do You Want M $ M .Envelopes, Cards, INoteHeads, Letter J0b WOrk? iSUtemenls Wg 8 : fivin. l er8)Chec ks,Blanks, iPosters, Business — 'Cards.Receipts. etc It so, call at The Search-Light Job Office to get them. Prices cheap and work done at once. Try us. the I’wioe-a-Week Atlanta oiirn' Juvenile Journal, one year. We send THE S' Light and the -1 Constitution. For$1.50 We send The S. Light and the T Week Savannah News. Wesend Tl Light and i a-Week New York World. New subscriptions or renei these offers. Subscribe AT OTTOS rot