The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, June 08, 1901, Image 1

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NU 46. BAINBRIDGE, DECATUR CO., GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1901. ONE DOLLAR A YBAK IN ADVANUB OFFICIAL ORGAN OF DECATUR COUNTY ANO OF THE CITY OF BAINBRID6E. From Pin^ Orovo. \ ,cbool at Piae Grove is progress. ely • have had «>««•> rain recently. Iwliat to tbo discomfort of some . f -.istliug fanners. I Hessie Adams from Colquitt, is Inured guest of friends in our com v this week. e (} r ive Sunday school, organised , T eeks ago, promises to be n great s . if last Sunday’s interest bt- . anything. l ue niong to Sunday school my Id,,, We cannot get along without I your at may be highly itu- lut to its success. ■thing can contribute more to the „f rt community religiously, educa tor socially than a Sunday school; Ijot us make ours a sncces*- bv good jiiaiice, good lessens and ft hearty f will * w iter had the pleasure of at- „ concert at. Brinson Saturday jino, under the auspices of the Brin, Lloio!. conducted by Misses Frank |nd Jones. pronounce .the exhibition a cnm- Success, and thiuk It spesks well ■h e intelligence and energy of both Tiers and pupils. * L j, brethren of Pine Grove |:h were much edified last Sunday |ne of the anient discourses the wri- ...; heard, deiicevedby Kev. Mr.Sull- [ from some point below Bain bridge. I Sullivan i> an able minister and n ee." the hearty support of his con iition. .non. Buskin. DESSES DRIFTS. K. Horn goes to Bainbrirg jday. |i. Tnm Barber. ->t' Iron City, visited i Saturday and Suuday last, lot. Barber and Miss Minnie Eager- |went oyer to Brin:on Saturday at om b ram here last. Friday capped the -miikiyg ponds nut of places that iu Imlrl -vater. 'esrrs. Darias and Albert Barber, of Bethany neighborhood, visited hove Saturday and Sunday. BMrs. Cheshire and Beauregard, sling salesmen for a Chicago music ■v. spent s-'me'days bore last week sold several several instruments. |he literary school here at Salem after fill term came to a close last inlay with suitable exercises, bean- |Uv rendered t»y the pupils, also an e-si. e address from each teacher, school has been under the supervi*- f Prof..] B. L. Barber and Mi-s leEigerrou. Prof. Barber having cnmiect-d with our school four is i, sufficient, to sac that he has the best esteem from patrons and pupils •alem school. Miss Kiger on. though I. us but’one term, goes away with iiighwst, respects from patrons arid ds. ah wishing her much success aver her lot. may be oust, e.-ser, June 8. 1081. liAMBLKR IIEVI H AT URIXSOY bed at lus home in Brinson Ga. h uo.ay morning last at 4 o’clock r u long illness, Master Sims son ot Mr. anil Mrs. J. H. Sima that place. The remains were 'isd in the Mt Zion Cemetery on nday following. For some time cased had been sick, but lately condition had so much improved t the family bad fondly hoped ids reoovi ry. A few days be- '• bis ueath lie began to grow tse and continued sp until the end w at the time above stated. I'he bereaved lovedeones have the ext sympathies of the entire i‘tnnuity it; tln-r hour of affliction lev. Mr. P per conducted the fun- • exercises whi m were solemnly d sadly pronounced. ENCAMPMENT OP THE FOURTH RKO|. MENT INFANTRY’ Q. 8. T. The fourth legiment of infantry, the Emmett liifles ot the first in fantry, of Georgia, anil the Twin City Guards and Dothan Rifles of the first infantry of Alabama and the Chatham Artillery, of Savannah, Ga., will reach Bainbridge on June 18th., and general orders will be issued and the camp formally opened under tliv command of Col. W. E. Wooten on the morning of the 19th. The Bainbriitge Independents will go regularly into camp on the mom- iug of the 18th. So will the band. The Chatham Artillery will bring the large brass camion that was pre sented to the battery by Gen. Geo. Washington in 1786. They will also bring a gallin gun with a firing capacity of five hundred shots per minute, and one of the latest and one of the most improved breech loading cannon. These three can nons will take part in the sham battle and all parades and reviews. The grounds will be opened to visitors at all hoars except from eleven o’clock at night until five o’cloek in the morning. No admission will lie charged and no written permits to enter will be req ired. The colonel commanding desires every one to visit the camp and see the moil m camp and on d. ty. The govenor and his stafi will review the regi ment while in camp. Morning and evening guns will be fired-by the Chatham Artillery every day. Guard mounting will be held every morning at nine o’clock ami regi mental parade and review every afternoon at four o’clock. One of the many attractions of the encamp ment will be thejreamou of t esttrv v ing members of. the Bambridge In dependents, who were in the Confed erate army from 1861 to 1865. These old veterans'in gray will come on the grounds and mess with the Bambridge Independents of lodav. Large crowds will attend the en campment every day. REVIVAL HKM VICKS V During this week special services have been held every night at the Methodist church. The meeting will continue through next week. Miss Jennie Armstrong ol Atlanta will arrive to-day, and will assist the pastor in the meetings. Miss Armstibng needs no intro duction to the people of Bainbridge, having spent several days here last ye:.r. She will begin her work with us Sunday at llo’clock. The public is cordially invited to all services. The pastyr earnestly desires that members of ail denominations unite in the meetings. The Sunday services are as follows : Epworth League 10, a, m Bible reading by Miss Armstrong II, a in and 8, p ru. Sunday School 4, p. in. The Infant Swallows the D»e. With a vise like grip upon her head and the spoon containing the unpleasant “Piatt mixture" tilted against her clinched teeth, the Cu ban infant might kick and squirm and shriek, but must swallow or choke. It was a foregone conclusion that she would swallow. No doubt that the mixture was n crude mess—more like the ill-stnell- ing and ill tasting "yarbs’’ of some savage witch doctor than the medi cine of a refined and enlightened physician. No doubt it contained more engredients that were stupid and useles-, if not positively harm fill, than ingredients that were whole some and beneficial. No doubt the method of administering the dost- was about as tactful us—well, as Senators Plait’s interview in which he described the Cuban people as a race of liavs and their leading mdti ns mostly rogues. But when it is all over it will be found that, aside from the little de tail of having replaced Cuban grati tude with Cuban resentment, we have secured practically all that we would have h*d if the Platt amend ment had never been devised bv om profound statesman of the Caliinei and the Senate. And for this we should lie thankful. —New York World. JOXfcs—FAKiVKLL TO THE LADIES- Every Thursday in June will be a' bargain day, commencing next 1 Thursday the fitli, with Ribbon, As usual, late in the season has reduced prices on all of my hats. Have dis posed of ail the $60, $35 and $25 hats—have a few $6 and $5 hats still on hand. Hats,at prices to suit all, from 25 cents up for cash only 1 on all reduced goods. Mbs. M J. Reynolds. As the residence of the bride’s mother hi Whigluiil on Tuesday lust Mi . Ben Junes to Miss Stelh. Famuli. liev. W. H. Williams per formed the ceremony in mi impres sive manner. The groom iN the son of Mr Henry Jones an industrio -s citizen of Whig- ham. 'The bride is the daughter of Mrs Alt' Farm-11. She will no doul make, the/ fortunate young man a good wife. The Search Light joins those wh wish them a great deal of happiness through life. A DEEP MYSTERY. It is a’ mystery why women en dure backache, headache, nervous ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, faint mg and dizzy spells, when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. “1 suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs Phebe Cherley, of Peterson, Iu, “and a laiue back pained me so 1 could not dress m>.- self, but E.ectnc Bitters wholly cured me, and, although 73 years old, I now am able to do all my hou-i work.” It overcomes constipation, implores appetite, gives perfect health. Only 56c at R. L. Hicks’s drug store. IIKCBKlW SUPPER The Ladies Aid Society of Brinson, Ga., will conduct an ice cream sup per in the grove in front of Mr. Brinson’s residence on Tuesday night tiie 18th. mst. An elaborate pro gram will he arranged and t very at tention shown the guests. You and your friends are ver^ cordially in vited to be present and lend your aid to the success of the occasion. The proceeds « iii go to the church build iug fund aud will eq ally be sham between Baptist and Methodist, churches. Don’t forget the night aud don’t forget to. attend and bring your fnende along. Committee. THK CHATHAM ARTILLERY Will Ho Into ( amp at HnlntuMtr WlUl the Kauri It lloKlmmt. Col. W. E. Wooten, commanding theJJEourth regiment, is iu receipt of a communication which occasions him and the members of the regi ment generally a-great deal of pleas ure. Some time ago the Chatham Ar tillery, of Savannah, was invited In participate in the enenmpinetij, and at a meeting heltl a few nights ago it was decided by that conimnud to ac • opt the invitation. Col. Woolen has been uotified that the Chathams will go to Bainbridge at the proper time, and will be present at tin- formal opening of the encampment, As is well known, the Fourth’s e oainpnu-nt begins on the 18th Inst, and will continue for one week. With one exception, the Chatham Artillery is said to he the oldest unl it ia organization in the United States. It, served through the revolutionary war, and participated in some of the great battles of that conflict between the colonies and King George. It has offered its services to the gov- iniueiit promptly after call for vol- teteeif, and in the war between the states was a famous Confederate bat- cry. When the call tens made for vol unteers at the outbreak of the u a •vtth with Spam, tiie Cliatlmuis went to Griffin to he mustered in, aud ‘here met a number of the . officers rid men who had belonged to i lie Fourth Georgia regiment, and wtfre lien attached to the First Georgia regiment, U. S. V. At Griffin and afterwards at Chickatnaugu, t.h« Chathams and the officers and men of the First Georgia became great friends and companions, and tiie en campment at Bainliridge will b< largely m the nature of a reunion. The artillery will carry to Ban. bridge two famous cannon that wei. presented to the battery by •'Georg* •Vaslimgton when lie d-as pi^sidct. •>f the UuitedStates. They will als* nave one of their modern field pieces —Albany Herald. Mr. S. 0i Hartafiald Married The announceinriit in the Atlanta papers of last Tuesday of the mar riage ot our esteemed fellow towns men, Mr R G Mansfield came as a pleasant surprise to this community. Tiie bride whom Mr Iiartsfield has won is Miss Augusta Roper of Atlan ta, the accomplished niece of Gen. John B Gordon, 'i'he beautiful wed ding was performed at ‘•Sutherland’* the country home of Gen. ami Mrs. Gordon, at Kirkwood. The mar riage was witnessed by the imme diate families of the contracting par ties ami from the published accounts must, have liecua notably picturesque occaxion. Space forhibsour copying in full the elaborate details pub lished, desunptive of the occasion and llm parties participating. The bride is nit nuns .ally hand some and cultivated young woman, the eider of the two lovely daughters of Mis May Gordou Roper. No formal announcement having been made of the marriage, it was some thing of a surprise to their many friends throughout the statu. Mr. lfartsfield Inis made many fiieitds since becoming a citizen here, being ihe cashier of the People’s Bank and is widely known through out the slate as a popular and suc cessful young man. We extend the longrutiilatlons of his many friends here while waiitng to welcome the happy couple to our city after (.heir extended bridal tour. StSHAY SCHOOL RALLY. A Sunday school rally will f)e held at Sylvania church, three miles southwest of Faceville, on the Fourth .f July. Rev. W. I’. Smith, of Bainliridge, will speak at eleven a. tu , and Rev. O. K. Boland and probably others, in the afternoon. Music and singing by the different schools. Ice urtum and lemonade will he served on the grounds d ring the day. The money raised will he used to paint the church. All are invited to attend. S. M. Smith. Rev. J. L. Funderburk, CARD. OK THANK*. Oil last Sunday morning e-e the sun had gilded the eastern treetops the death angel visited onr happy home and hore hem-e our idol boy Z.aiit, after a lingering illness of sev eral months. lie sank into the sleep of death as softly as the dew enfolds the rose. •Beyond the sunset’s radiant clow, There is a brighter world, we know. The warm thanks of thesorrowing parents are tendered the people of | Brinson and vicinity for .kindness extended. Mb. and plus J. II. SiMft. First-class Job Work executed at this office, i The Atlanta Journal and the Ac worth Post are having ^lively tut over the old question whether the term “United States” is a or plural r.oun. The trouble with these esteemed contemporaries is that they both are right and both are wrong. Thu right aud wrong sides of this q estiou are to be i!cteru.. | i*d ml grammatically, but by the period >f usage. Before I lie provision for rates rights in the federal oonstuu- ion was abrogated by the result of >f the civil war, it was ci.tir ly .1 roper to iise the plural verb, winch was the commonly accepted form, •mt since then a new Interpretation lias been forced upon the people who fought for the constitution, and in accordance with the result of that mighty conflict, it. is now proper to use the singular verb. The constitu tion is now obsolete, or at least out of Jute, in this fast age. Notice to Teachers. The Annual Institute for the teachers of Decatur county will be held in Bainbridge, the week com mencing June 10th, All licensed teachers are required by law to at tend. We wish to make this Insti tute an educational rally for Deca tur county, and all who arc enter- csted in the advancement and .im provement of our schools are cor dially invited to attend. ' Rout. Bowyn, C. S. C. NOTICE TO TEACHERS, On June 15th, there will be q special examination at tuy office for those who desire to teach in the pub lic schools of Decatur county, und who were providentially hindered^ from attending the regular examina tion on June ,1st. NOTICE. I shall not occupy my residence oppo site Judge Westmoreland’s any mure. 1 will sub lease at a bargain. Apply at ** my drug store, R.L Hints,