The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, July 06, 1901, Image 3

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m<er IbdtU' le an odd feature to tlw tbeoJ- small Indian tribe of the W la which Inhabit British Co- a about latitude 5* They be- t there are five world*, one e other, and the middle one Is world, tbe earth. Above It beaveus, and under It are two Ids. m tbe upper heaven Is •me deity, who I* • woman, doesn't meddle much with tbe n the second world below her. «b Is the center of the lower and here Is tbe hottse of the which live tbe sun and tbe reel titles. n earth Is believed to be ou rimming In tbe ocean. The lerworld from tbe earth Is h1 by ghosts who can return ]C y wish to heaven, from which icy may he so.nt down to our If then they misbehave again, cast Into the lower of the un- ds, and from this bourne no traveler returns. *,lla Coola are sun worshipers, ex, tbe sun. tbe master of the f gods, who also Is called “the and "the sacred one." Is the ou to whom the tribe pray. Each of the Bella COola has Us own ns and Its own form of tbe cur litlons. so that In the mytholo the tribe there are comitlesi- Ictinus. When tiny or >ot a r of a clan tries to tel i4L ndt ilcb does not belong to . <-lat. lie a white man trying to tel. s joke—be Is considered as ap ting the property right which belong to him. Hard Dorks to Kill. •earning wuhoon Isa hard.ducfc Its hide Is very tough and Is covered with feather* and Besides tbe bird is a great one of the kind that used to t the dash" wbeD (Minted with arm that (lashed when Bred. It ry little value- for table use, be- tough. The only way to uiaunge 1 is to skin It and' parboil it In 'a with plenty of water. The oe- aUe cniis of walloou sklus. are grvat ducks for diving." well known Trod Avon river y can dive quicker, go down , remain under water longer and up farther away than any other hat frequents our waters. . I re- r once l succeeded In killing a i. anil, being short of game for hie. 1 determined to cook my I got a negro to skin It. giving e tilde for Ills trouble. After be- ailed we put It lu a great pot full ter and under It kindled a hot fter awhile I wanted to see how king ot my duck progressed and the top off the boiling pot. hut was so much steam escaping I not see into tbe pot and struck a over It. The blamed Walloon, fed i.: the Hash of the match It eared and has never been seen —Baltimore Sun.‘ » A I.cnsnn to tlODiorlats. ennuot safety assume Iq these hat there is any regtou lu which ud such a journal Is not read, tly a certain Humorist needed a d went and stopped in a cottage emote village by tbe sea. Bis room opened ou the kitchen, ids landlady, a woman widely led as a person of great acumen maker of phrases, was wont to ' the neighbor*. Be listened and th landlady and uelghliors luto htmi: lug --ketches which were tly published in a I-omlon luagn- A month or two went by. Then teruoon he came back to the cot- 5 meet and cower before an In- t matron, who toM him. among tilings, thnl be had one hour lu to pack his traps and quit the She was uot going to have au Iropper in her house, a ltd she a slgulficant hint to the effect he people of tbe village were of me opinion and might lie betray- o au attempt to give a forcible stration of their views.—London Llabtlnw t’p the- Coliseum. Tbe Romans have the. hideous babtt of periodically lighting the Coliseum daring tbe tourist season with Bengal light* and. wbat I* more amazing still, usually succeed In making a financial success of It although uo one was ever known to go twice. There Is tbe additional abomination In those days of a big brass hand and * chorus of 100 voices lu ou Invocation to the Flavian amphitheater. The ef fect Is tremendous, but somewhat stun ning to thosp Who are accustomed to their Coliseum empty ami flooded with peact-rul moonlight, where pic tures from tbe post rise with tbe clear ness of second sight, and no sound Is heard but one’s own breathing or the song of the nightingale. Contrast with sueh a scene tbe red, bine and yellow Bengal lights, the smoke, the confu sion. tbe hundred shrieking throats and tbe clang of the brazen Instru ments! Imagination shrinks ami curses the Romap of today with whom such a thing Is possible. But Is It Ids fault? As I said before. It Is a great financial success. tend tlie Italians certainly do not patronize It. Query. Who does?— Rome Letter In Pall Mall Gazette. How Th*r Broke Cp. An amusing story Is rain ted In “Co ■adlon Savage Folk" of the manner In which an adjournment was taken by a mass meeting. A missionary who had started a school among tlie Indians met with opposition, and tbe meeting had been called In support of the rival scheme. There were several speakers who de nounced the school In existence. We replied vigorously, showtug the effi clency of tbe school and denouncing In turn tbe methods adopted by tbe op position. An Indian chief produced some specimens of work done at tbe school, and several speakers supported ►be work as It was being done. Tbe ill max was reached when * gentleman rose and said: "1 move the whole thing bust!" Tbe chairman put tbe motion. “It Is moved and seconded that tbe whole thing bust!" ‘ The audience sprang to their -feet and. waving hats, yelled "Busted!"/ind made for the door. Thus ended the first and last opposition In that matter. Pride ot tbe Riding Academy. Rowell—There goes Withers on horse back. Be Is a living Illustration of tb< saying. “A merciful man Is merciful to bis beast" 8nntile—In what way? Rowell—Don't you see? He lets bln freight rest on the horse only once In while. The most of tbe time he Is lu the air, going up or coming down.— Boston Transcript Some men never amount to much be cause they get Into tlie habit of fre quently begtnulug life anew.—Chicago News. It is easier to keep well than get c ire T. DeWitt's Little Early Risers t keu now an 1 then, will always keep y> Ur bowels in perfect order. They ne er gripe but promote au easy gentle action. K. L. Hicks. Koto They Are Married. Pbfui young man went three to ask a beautiful young lady i. ht he the partner of her joys and -'s and other household furniture, eh time his heart tailed him. and the question away unpopped. saw the nugulsh of bis soul and ■npassion ou him. So the next he came she asked him If he had ht to bring a screwdriver with blushed and wanted' to kDow for. , he. *n the fnllDess of her heart, ^be did not kuow Out that he want to screw up ola courage be left took the hint and tbe glrL—Pear- U eekly. An Incorrigible. th-re ever was a terrible child In "orld." remarked jthe worried r - "he's one." s l!i s particular fault?" ! -t 1 will. I can’t, break him of I of telling the tlhlth right out " have company.”—Pbiladel- t'-es. The tloml fetleclw ol Apple Katin*. The apple Is such common I rill! Unit few are familiar with its remarkable efficacious properties. Everybody ought to kuow that the very liest Iblug they can do Is to eat tipples Jtisl nefore re tiring for the night. The apple is an excellent brain food, because It has more phosphoric acid In easily digested shape than any other vegetable known. It excites the action of the ll-er, pro motes sound nud healthy sleep and thoroughly disinfects the month That I* not all. Tbe apple agglutinates the surplus adds of the stomach, helps the kidney.secretions-and Is one of the best preventive* known of diseases of tbe throat.—Journal of Agriculture. A bad complexion generally vresults from inactive liver and bowels. In all such oases, DeWitt’s Little Early Risers produce gratifying results. R. L. Hicks. Journalistic Errors 1 do not allude to wliui are obviously mere misprints, such as when The Morning I’osi announced at the bead of Its fashionable Intelligence tliht lord Palmerston bud gone, down Into Hamp shire with a parly of fiends to shoot peasants, but I refer to blunders due to crass Ignorance of a pretentious order. Perhaps the I vest. Instance wus when one of tbe "young lious" of Tbe Dally Telegraph In a lending article enuuier- a ted the great musters of Greek »eitl|e ture as Phidias. I’raxlfeles and Milo. Ignorant of the fact that Milo Is not a sculptor, but an Island. Tbe Times was even worse when, mistaking Prussia for Austria, tt de voted a whole leader to discussing why Prussia bad Joined the zollvereln The Saturday Review once explained ot great length that the population might be nourished gratuitously on young lantlis If killed unweaned before they had begun to crop grass, having there fore cost nothing tp fetal Many other Instances will doubtless occur to your reader*.—Notes and Queries. Tbe world owes every man a living, but doesn’t furnish a collector.—Den ser Tiroes. Th* Bride «t Last Said “Okeri* In telling about “Some People I Have Married” In Ladles’ Home'Journal the Rev. D. U. Steele say*: “Being on Episcopalian, I always use the formal printed service or tbe prayer book. In this the greatest stickler Is ’obey.' One day a couple came to me, bringing ns witnesses the parents of both bride and groom. Everytblug proceeded smooth ly to the point 'love, honor and obey,’ when the bride refused to say the last. 1 repeated It and waited. Again she refused, and I shut up my book. “Then there was a scene. They talk ed It over, aud the more seriously they argued and discussed the more stub bornly she refused. The pureuts be came angry, tbe groom excited uud tbe bride hysterical. To humor her, he Joined In the request to have me leave it out. But I liked the fellow and de cided thnt a little sternness from me In tbe present might be a favor to him In tbe future. So 1 told them 1 had no authority to change It and would not do bo. I tried to show the foolishness of her objection, but It was uo use. “Finally I said to him: ‘Well, this household must have a head some where. I will leave It out for her It you will say It.’ Then it wns his time to refuse, which be did. He gathered up his hat and started for the door when, presto change, she sprang nfter him. led him back by the baud, looked meekly up at blm and suld It.’’ Drtirlss tbe Line. A good story Is told In Missouri at tbe expense of Its once famous govern or. Claiborne F. Jackson. Before be solved tbe enigma of lovelock be had murrted five sisters In reasonable .lapses of Conseeutiveue8s. After one wife had been lost aud appropriately mourned he espoused another, and he kept bis courting within a narrow cir cle of his own relatives, for he rather liked the family. Tlie untlquated father of these girls was almost deaf, ami wlieu the gov ernor went to this octogeikirlau to ask. for his surviving daughter the follow ing conversation ensued: “1 want Lizzie." “Ebr “I wont you to let me have EHa-a both." “Oh. you want Lizzie, do you?. Wbat. “For my .. 1 wall -*to—murry-her." & “OIj. ye*. Just so. I hear you, boy." "I'm precious glad ypu do," muttered tbe governor. ••Well,’’ slowly responded the vet eran. "you needu't halloo so that the whole neighborhood knows It. Tea. you cau have her. You've got ’em all now. my lad. but for goodness' sake, If anything happens to tbut 'ere poor mis- guided gnl. dou’t come aud nsk me for the old womnul", • Jackson solemnly promised that he never would. Gan be properly run without being Advertised, And no advertising pays better than newspaper advertising. Thb news-, paper goes into tbe homes of the people and is read through. If bar gains are offered, they make a note of it. TIE SEARCI-LIBIT a first-class advertising medium^ As it is read hy the people very generally in this county and by many in adjoining counties. OrlKln of “Wbtsr." Several rcasous have been assigned to account for the word "Whig." util versa Hy known to all the English ■peaking people. By some the word Is supposed to be a contraction of a loti gcr oue, “whlggnmore." which lu some parts of England uud Scotland, espe daily Scotland, signifies a drover or herder. It was In 1070 that the word first became couimou In the British isles, when the struggle was lu progress be tween the peasantry uud the aristoc racy to have or uot to have the hill passed by parliament to exclude the Duke of York frotu the Hue of miceett- slon. All who were opposed, to placing the duke In tbe line of succession were derisively called "whlggnmores.” or “drovers." Just ns tbe city dssle of to day speakers of the "grunge rm." the "grays." the "chin whisker*" and tbe "hayseodera." But Scotch tradition gives altogether a different reasou for tbe existence of tbe word. It 1* this: Daring the earl; religious wars tn Scotland the weakest; of the factions used the word* "We Hope In Gad" men motto. Tbe tsfjMals of these words were placed on. their banners thus. "W„ H. I. G„” nod .mom all tbe foliow^rwof that clan were glv en the title of “Whig.’' which wa* aft erward attached os a party nickname.. PUT AN AD. IN And work up your business to % pay in point.. Work Tlie Jaw of an Oltm Too can find an example of nature's,, adaptation of tbe Jaw to use In tbe case of certalD carnivora, like th* otter—a, big weasel that has ucqntred oqua-tle habits. Tbe Jaws of such beasts are so fixed In tbe sockets tbut dislocation, l». Impossible. In some Instances yon can not. even after tbe animal Is dead, sep arate the Jaw from tbe bead. Tbia ar rangement!* evidently designed to en able the beast to bite to the greatest advantage without danger that tbe chewing apparatus will come loose. Cause ml Though), “Von look thoughtful tonight. Rmlth.” remarked Brown B6 he stretched him. self on. two chairs. “You," said Smith. “I have Jnat got a ootc from tbe landlady." “IVbnt does she say?” “She soys that I must psy my board at once, or her daughter will sup me for breach of promise. I’m thinking what I’d better da”—Tit-Bit*. Our bonk and job office is busy turn ing ont lint-das* job work all' the time, and we propose to give satis faction at reasonable prices. If yon need anything in the job printing line, write to u* or see ua before placing your order. I.t will pay you. . RSSSFaCTFTJI.X.’S TEE SEARCH-LIGHT.