The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, July 20, 1901, Image 4

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Ijj Shirt waist? 30c. 40c, 60c. 60c. #1.00. #1.20; Ladies Black nj i|j Skirts 9<k*. 9$c. *1 20. #1.50, #1.85. #2.35; Bilk Skirts *4.50, tf! Fancy Brocades; Black Crepon Skirts. #4.50; Brocaded Satin jU #7.00; Fancy yard wide Percs!e*4n the hest makes at 9c } eryard J jjl fully U'fr India Lineal 01c. 7c. 9c. 15c. 20c, 26c. 30c per vard; |, W| l ill Dimnnties Sc. 10c. 15c per yard; Slippers 75c. »5c. *2.00; Sjk| HI gams in Notions; Suspenders 8c; 12 yards of Lace. Sc; Cologne .**,] ill 15c; Ladies Hose 8c. 8c. 10c. 12c. 18e. 20c, a pair; 24 sheets note H J it] 3 Bars Sweet Soap 5c; 5 Cigars for 6c; a good umbrella 43c; 5 p pi l)8 5 C ; 5 papers needles 5c; 12 safety pins 8c; Men's Oil Grain t',J P| .Shoe* #1.10; Lace Pillow Shams 18c. Everything sold cheap at ih^ BAIN BRIDGE, GEOkfi] WATER STREET, Tne oearon-Light. S. KlIHSKLIi BIUXSOX. MUTCH * I’BOPllIKTOH Knitted at the P>it Ofi* at Bainl ridg Q(i. % on tec^ywl-claM waiter. IMPORTANT NOTK K, Notice is hereby given that I have this iaydesiurtinted the BzlXBRlliOE SEARCH Light, h weekly newnpHR^r pui»li8n#j*l in Bambvidge. Ga.. as the medium for the publication of all legal advertise ment* eminatlng from the Sheriff somoe liming the year 1901. Jan. 10th. 1901. A. W. Fokd.IAM, sheriff. THE aUl'TH A M> THR WERT It look* now like Georgia will have another opportunity l<> render help to some portion* of the drought stricken West. While our state ib enjoying the blessing* of cooling breeze* and the refreshing shower* tlmt gladden the hearts of the farm ers, it i* distressing to read the re I oft* from many parts of the West Rain ha* not fallen for many week* and corn and other grain are literally burned paat redemption. W ith the thermometer ranging between 100 and 110 the parching beat threatens with dire disaster both man and beast. Between the slates of the South and West there are many striking contrasts in favor of the former. And while this is true a tide of home seek ing iuiigranls has been flowing into those bleak and desolate plains for many years, while the fertile fields and forests of the South have h«tn almost ignored. With a climate We sometime* hear the opinion expressed that the growth of wealth J and prosperity in south Georgia will j cease after the saw mill and tiirpen-1 tine operators have exhausted the pine forests. This opinion is riot | borne out bv the fa^ts presented in ; those sections where timber and tur-1 Dentine were once the syle source of industrial enterprise. The great pine forests of Nortli j and South Carolina have disappeared and given away to a much greater and more permanent source of wealth. In the place of the rude turpen tine still, dotted around wiih negro shacks and the cabins of thriftless whites, one sees today the modem cotton mill, surrounded by a town or city of intelligent citizens, pulsa ting with life and progress. The soli- Cured HICKS’S Hygienic Self- Treatment. Ga.. July 8rd, 1901. tude of tlie surrounding pine forrest Mr K L Hiuk , t Bainbiijge. Ga : lias given way to the modern farm, Dear Sir—l write merely to express to odliVMwl b, i»,....... I m.lltori. ami »£'&T^ “«U machinery, yielding all those pro- remember you.fitted a truss on me and ducts that tend to the independence jt; ,-e me full directions for Self Hygienic treatment. The rupture hud been giv- and comfort of the owner and the InR n ,„ untold trouble for a year. It has np at .h. g.™** taW III tlie old days the geographies K. A. Conuell. Ex-repre.«entativ,e taught in the schools the important j Deaitur County, fact that North Carolina’s W, S. WITH AM, Pri*»Mi*iit- J. O. HAHHELI,, V. Pre.’t. B. U. IIAniNKItu inliabi- | a j, ove ; s on |y on « of a vast nuiu- tauts were engaged priiu ipilly ill her ot the testimonials I have received it -h and tur- sino ‘' * mastered this branch of the drug sine busiues*. Some of my most remarkable cures have been right here in the city of Bainbridge. Will this proces cure all oases? 1 belieye it. will. Have I made any failures ? Many. Why? Because it is the unalterable determin ation of some people never to take any the production of tur. pentine. At this time these two states are ahead of all the southern states in the building of cotton mills and other manufacturing enterprises, and c<l ml in severity to the arctic regions ^ products of their manufacturing of the North during a large poi lion | p | aiip| are nupplaiiting those of New treatment which is not saturated with «**•»«■* * ««“ •«* in ,ho ,K.i*l»..a *. market. ,af Urn temperature carries them into a de-. or y ' losophv of common sense and natural groe of heat hardly equalled and less T , f proKreM wiis lm . l«w* But it cost* effort and self-denial .. t , * | ... i ms nr w ei a piop * and perseverauoe; wherefore many irive d.stressing ill tlie torrut cone, ! possible under the old conditions. up the treatment before it has had a fair Through ilia efforts of interested j H t.r:;e of these states is true t !' il * railroad corporations this is the land () f L || UCU . parts «>f our own stale h.v permission ! refer to Mr. Sidney to which the limne seeker from 1 w »,er«r the same conditions existed Bh.ssengame of Bainbridge. •3@gl^BriBS#i3gfgsgggiM Duly Chrtered ttc'cr ire Itws cf Gecigis, cAPim sismiio. When «_ ui. ...... ..... f„|, n i„ u . . titled a truss on him, he was suffering rope finds his way, not ti m c and will be in a greater degree the aooutely wiib rupture on both sides. He made comfortable in a few minutes was entirely cured in less than ten , „ _ He then laid aside hi-* truss and has been attracted to no other. It is no. has not worn it since. That, was nearly •”r- •” ana win ne ill a greater uegree me aocutel between it and any uihei wort* lav- |,| Htor y ,,f a u Houth Georgia in pro- W!1 * m * ored region, b it because his attention p 0rt * l0n t0 i, or greater advantages of days '' soil and climate. Those counties said that during tlie past yoai 1,0 whose timber supply was exhausted less than 00,UK) people bate been j ltJD Qr ftec-n years ago art* the couu-' •.added to the population of one rt fj t j eg where there has been the most these states through this .ii>cncy. notable increase in general prosper This ought to be hp object lesson ,, aiI( , wualth during the past de- to the rail.ends operating and inter- j oa d„. ested in Sxiillu ru deichipmcnt. With i As soon as the timtier was re- all the advantages t *at could be i ra ovod a thrifty class of farmers two years ago. But, the most rein, rkable cure I have ever known wss thecneeof Alien Squire, a colored hhn^smith on Water street,, this'i-ity. On account of bis advanced 1-w—y n age 05 yerrs. 1 feared his case was hope- I Droaa W. 8, VVithaip, Jolm D. Harrell, R. G. HarmW Diraotors: Dr. J. D. Cliason, James A. Reid, A. B. Brlili II. C. Draper. Accounts of cor porations, in Lais solicited indiy^ue BRACKIN & Livery And Transfer less. ,Hul a complete cue was effected and he was aole to lay aside his truss in less than three months. This was over it year ago and he has had no symptom of a return of the trouble. truthfully cl limed b>r the Southern j,. om othe£ b *ss favored sections stated in superior climatic conditions,, came j n> bringing witli tliem new A Case of 11 Year: Standing Cured, cheap lands and prompt rewards for j life ai) d energy, to sc.y nothing of; Bainbridge. Ga.. July 8th, 1901. inlelligeiil labor, .in same amount of ! varied indnstra! oiuerprisea tliat I had rupture ,>t eleven years st.and- , , j 1 .... . ing Mr. Hicks fitted me with a truss advertising and inducements a* the inevitable contingencies ot an and instructed in a aeries of exercises-- , offered by'the ruilroadsto Bottlers in enliglitened and progressive people, also diet' 1 was .made comfortable as i ... . stum as the truss was fitted on and got the W cst, would soon make Southern fm* is the case with Beveral of our W(J n an d laid aside the truss in less than Busses meet all trains and transfer passengers pi lion of tiio city. First class teams and- trusty drivers. CALL AT OUR STABLES—PHONE 6(1. B railroad investments tar moro profit able than they arc now. wiregrass counties which’ are two weeks. I'u.t, wa experiencing a more solid growth nearly two vears J. D. Halstead. \ Missouri editor makes the fol lowing auuouuoeinenl in liis own pa per of bis own maniage: “For the first time we were married Wednes day. We have contemplated this step - for a long time, but funds has always prevented, until . ,, . . , . . , midst, supported wo filially decided to got married ,, . and trust to providem >; for the rest than ever before in their past his-1 tory, in spile of the fad that the saw mill ami turpentim. still had to' seek other locations. As these lands are settled up witli intelligent and I ^ ^ prosperous people,ruilroads are built, towns and cit es grow* up In their y tlie demands in cident to an advancing civilization. ... , , Indeed, soutli has only nit:,id on The subscription rales of the Record l. . , , . r . , | her career of development. will reinujn at the saiim price. Only the immediate relatives were present at thu ceremony.*' Our views on the money question will remain the same, only we need more of if. Will go to housekeeping in the Aisquith home on Seeot d street.” It is now confidently predicted that within a few years coal will lie superseded by oil **s a fuel. Oi lias uow become cheaper in every way Hutu coal. The means of draw ing it out of the ground has been re duced to the minimum of expense, w hile the mining of coal is laliorious and expensive. The s: pply already promises to be inexhaustible. Many large steamship companies are a - ready using oil for fuel, and on ac count of the many .advantages it lias o • er coal will soon supersede us use as a generator of heat. According t:> tlie report of the In terstate Commerce Commission the total numbtr of cnsnallh s to p-v-sons on account of railway accidents dur— the year ending June 80, 190b, was 58,185. The aggregate number i^l persons killed m const quenee of rail way accidents during the year was 7,8115 and the number ii.juted was 50,320. The number of passengers killed during the year was 249 and the number of passengers injured was 4,128. Hon. F. G. duBigiion ha* anno jKu ed Ids withdrawal from the guberna- torial race on account of ill health, This leaves the field still open for another South Georgia man. Dupont Gnerry of Macon has already an nounced his candidacy and other* will i doubtless be heard from in a very ! few days. South Georgia must v&tne j together if she expects to get the governorship. | If y:u have rupture come to Hicks*drug store, get fit ted with truss and get well. Your money refunded if a cure Is hot ef fected. Cemenl Ool\xrii.lo'0.3* * - j Ail kinds of Builder’s Supplies, Lime, Horse and Mule Shoes, Paints, Oils, Glass, Bnwl I Doors and Blinds, in fact anything you need for hull j poses or in a Blacksmith Shop # Take advantage of the low freight rates on * write me and let me give you prices. T. L. GEliZARD. COLUMBO? -THE- R. L. HICKS, Druggist, Chemist and Hygienist. sou i it&ixuii riaiiu & OBGA ■R- -Head Office: ST. LOUIS MO.- Branch Houses at Nashville, Tenn., Dallas, Tex., Bn Ala., Montgomery, Ala. MANUFACTURERS OF ——r THE STAR, JESSE FRENCH, AND RICHMOND ALSO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AGENTS { FAMOUS STEIN WAY, KNABE, VOSE & SONS. TON AND CHICKKRING PIANOS. BEST ORGANS ON EARTH. Terms reasonable* struments fully guaranteed. 3D* Xj BXjSIDSOB)' Ot&aial Agent ,« DonalsonviH