The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, August 03, 1901, Image 3

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• • • ■’ - '■ ■ . t y * . •v V ■ -I, s IXVHKAM^' * [ of twentvfive oomuie* which l 9 de their tax return* to the [oiler general, twenty - two .n-rease* over last year of *6, [ §410,000, ami it is believed ^|1 tile returns are in the stall' oV a total increase over last $20,700,000 or more. Deca | 1I)t y go far shows the largest $440,890, while Gordon I$0,270, shows the smallest. J shows a decease of $39,557; |a decrease of $5,396 and Towns L , a „ e of $24,370. Theso are [ly counties so fur snowing any following are the counties „ increased returns as stktid: [bell, $48,807; Clinch, $88,113; Iherty, $64,927;Faniri, $86,858; ON, $6,270; Jackson, $180,198; Jdes;$421,l 13; Macon, $191,862; [ell, $255,119; Stewart, $88,280 $40,605; Early, $204,670; | $76,174; Oglethorpe, $89,127; $95,532; Cherokee, $05, [llall, $176,661; Forsyth, $70,- Henry. $104,623; Columbia, Is4; Doeatur, $446,890. •; atKI.Sl'TIUM Ilf A BUIHVIAR. , From the New York Press. A man >su't a man who wiu’t ad mit lliNt the reason his wife loses most of her friends is because he .doesn’t like them . If any other woman talked alsnit tlie man a girl is engaged to the way she does, she would never forgive her with her dying breath. Ii’s a mighty rare woman who can’t manage to put a chair ill the bellioom where her husband is sure to knock into it when lie gets up in the dark. It is hard to say which is the btg* ger fool—the man who always gets fooled by a woman or the woman who always fools herself into believ ing that she fools the man. All a man has to do : lo make a girl think she is having a desperate flirtation with him is to ask her what he ought to do to show women his ideas are different from other men’s. Whri Wviaaa Wm Plasty. * v In former days, herrings were tab abundant In Newfoundland waters that the' most ' wanton stnughter of • them Was permitted without any restriction whatever. Seines Were allowed to re tain 1.000 or ‘AOOO barrel* 0 f the flub until they fiertaheO. ami then the net am* freed, and the whole content* fell to the liottom to pollute the ocean fo* mile* around. When a poaching smack was ruptured, the herrings it had oh board were all thrown Into the sen. and frequently boats when chased retorted to i lie came means lo get rid of HrcTim- InatbtR evidence. The Osh then retched only fio cents a laurel of Soo honings, or ten for * cent—Cleveland Main Dealer. ■ ttsktaa II near. The London Spectator tell* a funny story of a deflnlttoa given by n well known public speaker In ah undress to children. "Now. children," lie said, “t propose to give you oh tlie present occasion an epitome of the life of St Haul. Per haps some of you are too young to un tie ret nod wbut the wort) •epitome’ means. 'Epitome.' children, is lit It* signtdcotloa synonymous with synop sis." Having made this simple and clear explanation to the children, the speak er went on with tits story. 1KMAI.U IIXCIIKI.OH*. r,LK or A Bid TURTLE To read day by day of ’.he number of female bachelor* that are being Wirned out ot the colleges is some thing startling. Already one doctor in twenty-five is a woman, and one twenty eighth the outer beach !° f a11 Poachers are women. One- eighth ot tlie' college professors’ chairs are filled by women, while Gan be properly run without being Advertised, |e News of Yesterday contains ollowiog: “The largest sea .tur Jut caught- on [this city was caught by a pkny j Lung men Friday afternoon,near [ on McRae. The turtle wetgl s one journalist out of twenty .s a wo- man. In telegraphy and clerking women show signs of yet tukiug the whole field. While such facts are multiplying, it is notorious that the marriage rate innds and is ten feet long. It [ ti rc-d that six of the party stood back and had their picture without being crowded in tlie Tlie monster will be towed to Lola sometime today to be put «-U*« failing. The whole face of Llnbition..” society appears to be changing, for [is sea giant was brought to the‘ wora *" wilh 8 ,r, P loma « " ot juid purchased by E«gene|Arhoim >•<*«« for a husband^ She is a Gulf saloon, where it now i* i-ill he cooked and served Satur* »ht. There are 394 perfectly bachelor.—Boston Herald. WHIT’S YOttl SAJE WORTH? The Diplomat's Solution. "And If an Irresistible force meet* an Immovable body?” suggested hi* friend. "The situation. Indeed, would be crit ical.’* admitted tlie eminent diplomat; “but. with mutual restraint and tea- ■onAtile concession*. 1 see no reason Id despair of an amicable settlement.’*!-* Puck. - The Actor u* Bis Sslapf. "What Salary are you getting, old boy?" “Too have a brutal and discourteous way of putting It I will tell yon the salary I am promised, but wild horses enn't drag from me tbe amount I am getting.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. "And 1.” the said In a bunt of confi dence. “bare faulta like you. George.” “In that case. Miss Gagging.” he broke In. with a startled look. “I think we bad better call tbe engagement off." -Philadelphia Ledger. Icii eggs in the tw le and nearly Ilf bushel of undeveloped egg*— Look Journal. i T. Thomas. S'uStkervilibt Alas suffering Srom dyspepsia when 1 heiieed taking Kodol 1) .'spepsia 1 took several bottles and can anything. ” Kodol Dyspepsia 1 is the only preparation containing lie natural digestive fluids. It gives stomachs entire rest, restoring ■ natural condi ion: It. L. Hicks, ■ Sometimes a fortune. but never, if you have a sallow 'complexion, a jaun diced look, tuoth patches and blotches on the skin.—all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills gives Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks. Kick Complex ion. Only 50c at K. L Hicks’ drug store. Dressed and dried boards at Reid Son’s, near depot. SIVSS TWO FROM W5ATH. “Onrlittle daughter had an almost fa tal attack of whooping cough and bron chitis,” writes W. K'. Ha viland. of Ar- monk, N. Y.. ‘ but, when all other rem edies tailed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Disco very i ■ • Out mice, who had nonsumption in an advanced stage, also used this - wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well.” Desperate throat and long diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine cnearth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1 (MV bottles guaran teed by K. L. Hicks. T nil bottles free, uni n — i—mini ' A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALLI Watch our n*xt advertisement. If you went to buy a lion whelp you would’nt accept a, kitten as a substitute, even i# the dealer urges you. Now, don’t accept ». fiftbsti- tute for LION COFFEE. It is bound tft turn out a com mon yellow cut, with none of the strength of the lion. Vou want LION COFFEE because it Is LION COFFEE. If, on the other hand, you want a coffee which, in order to hide imperfections, is “highly polished” with eggs and other preparations, then do not hoy If lion coffee were common, ordinary stuff, coffee drinkers would’nt insist on hav- it It is used in millions of homes because it is the best coffee 111 the world for the Pnce. If you doubt this, take a single package home and try it. men will contribute sniciy cuttini Fa:fc affes (w their happiness, comfort and convents sin number of Lion Heads from the ig out a certain nich is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). wrappers of our one pound sealed WOOLSON SPfCe GO.. TOLEDO, 0*00. Ami bo advertising pay* better thah newspaper advertising. The news paper goes rnto the home* of the people and i* read through. If bar gain* arc offered, they make a note of it. THE SEiKGH-UHIT a first-class advertising medium. As it *is read by the people very generally in this county and by many in adjoining counties. PUT AN AD. IN And work up your bi$d$|uow to a payin point. Job Work “Our book ftird job office is busy film ing out first-class job work all the time, and we propose to give *ius- faction at reasonable prices, If yon need anything in'the job printing line, write to us or see hr before planing your order. It will pay you, RssFxcnrruws THE SEARCH-LIGHT.