The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, August 10, 1901, Image 6

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The Search-Light. BAINBRIDGE, AUG. 10 1901. Tk« IlfQtt. In a 8r>hlTt, To tin* drones nature has certainty beef: very bountiful. They are very large and strong. have a helmet made of enormous black pearls. two lofty quivering plumes, a doublet of lrld.% cent. yellowish velvet, 11 heroic tuft and a fourfold mantle, translucent and rigid. While the workers have 12.000 facets to their eyes, the drones are gifted with 2(1.000; while the workers have 5,000 olfactory cavities In their antenna', the drones have over BTMjOO. While the workers are laboring for the benefit of the community the drones sail o!T every bright morning Into space. Irresistible, glorious, and tranquilly make for tbc nearest dowers, where they sleep till the afternoon freshness awakes them. Then, with the same majestic pomp and stif) overflowing with magnificent schemes, they return to the hive, go straight to the cello, plunge their bends to the neck In the vats of honey and fill themselves tight as u drum to repair their exhausted strength, whermipun. with heavy steps, tin y go forth to meet tin; good, dreamless and careless slum ber tlmt shall fold their. In Its embrace till the time for the nest repost—Mae terlinck's "Idfe of a Lee.” Posing ns a Model.. A curious feature of a model's occu pation Is her p.ning lor an artist who Is painting route mo else. Wealthy people are capricious and often do net care to give long sittings. Therefore*, after the artist has caught tlie expres sion of ihe face, he will call In a model to pose for tlie figure. tbun* models 3*> not .-are to do this, as purt of tltelr eujoyment of their occupation .•onalsta lu roving themselves reproduced on canvas, but there ure others who are* quite willing to help fill out. Various models have curious points of excellence, ami often a painter will employ at different stages In the prog- ress of his work from three to four models for otic figure on his canvas. One model is known for her coloring, another I'cr her bands, another for her hair. An artist generally notea In his address t>ook the characteristics of a model after her name. These quota tions are taken at random from an artist’s address liook: "Fine young Jewess.*’ “English. tall and slim, blood, costume;” 'Hood buck.’’ "Good figure, short legs. Ivory tone." - Cosmopolitan. Ratllsklm Afraid of Cows. It will probably not surprise our renders to hear that most Spanish hull- fighters object to fighting cows. The real reason may. however, astonish them. A sportsmanlike objection to persecuting a female animal has noth ing whatever to do with It. The fact Is that tlie avepage toreador la sincerely afraid of a row. And be has good reason. The cows of the half wild breed used for the arena are much quicker In their movements than are the hulls. Their horns ure more pointed and more formidable. They do not lower tlielr heads to tlie ground, shut their eyes and charge like a locomotive upon the rails, but are alrrt and ready to follow swery move- meut of their persecutor*. Tltelr war like tactics have been adapted not to Mind, bovine frontal attacks, but to the strategy of active and cunning beasts of prey, of which the human bullfighter la only a feeble mimic. If those Wiesp Idols of tl |u Spanish populace would face young and active wild cows which bnd just been robbed of their calves, they mlgtu perhaps forestnll the hutch- j er. hut they weald. At any rats, dp i something ta earn their fennels.— tal ion’s. Aa Mltsr st4 a DsMm Hale. *Qne beautiful spBtig morning an editor found a golden hair lying bo- tween the' pages of a qtanuacript,” writes Edward Rok In The tardies’ ' Home Jouruafi fThc moment he reach- 1 ed the page It gracefully fluttered eat. Flushed with excitement, the editor caught It. It was not his hair.'lie ar gued. therefore It was not hie property. Thru, again, lie thought, the owner probably hist It and might need it. 6o he put It hack, lie was a methodical man. u ml he replaced It exactly sa he hud found It lie was not many days I older when he received a letter proving | by the very luilr lie had so dexterously I caught and euiwclrnttoufly replaced that he never hud read or even opened the manuscript of the writer. Could anything have Issui a eiwirer case against the editor? Most certainly not. it was conclusive and dual, don't you HOC?" i A Little Prims. In the moriilug u workman kissed his Wife nud children and went to help u hundred others tear down a building. ■ During the (lAy he slipped and fell. Then came an nuibulance and a hos pital ami then a bit of black crape uu an obscure dour. Ills children went ou without their - father. { His wife, whose life hud been bound ! up In that of her husband, grow pale 1 and died. Helplessness killed the little ones. 1 Vet In speaking of the accident men onld: i “It was not ao bud. Only cue owu was killed.-—Chicago Journal. MwtIub the Queer. Tho game of counterfeiting Id this country Is |«i:iyed by [icople of all nu- tlouslltles. nisi, although sonic* women ami children are used as tools, men take the principal purls. After having made the colu the grent fmiblem la bow to convert It Into good money. Tlie maker rarely takes part In that opera tion. It Is the biisInesN of gangs, which consist usually of two persons, known as tho “holder" and the “shover." The holder carries a stock of the counterfeit money, and tlie shover has one piece. This he takes to n store or a saloon and buys something for a small amount, and when he conies Into the street the holder sees him from bis po sition a block away. Joins him. receives the good money and bauds him another counterfeit. The object la to work so that the shover. If detected, umy plead Inuo- cence and prove flint the piece la the only one that he has ami that be lias no other money. Some clever operators go so far as to mix good coin with the To Osesr HI. Wife*. Temper, -1 beard alwu; a peculiar case of hen. pecked husband recently.’’ said a young Wotnsitlbc other (jay. "What was It?" her friend Inquired. “There is a lima who has some diffi culty In ganging his wife’s temper. At times she Is considerate of Ills welfare and at other times— well, he rather thlnksdbnt married life I* a failure. “He has n peculiar manner of finding out the state of his wife's feelliig to ward hint. In the evening jrhen he re turns I ionic from pork lie never steps Into.the iMiuse without going through a •ort of ceremony, Pleat be throws hi* bat In the house, and then he neats himself on tlie steps and waits. If five minute pass wltlrbut the hat 1 icing thrown out again, he enters an,I gener ally finds his wife very agreeable. However. If the bat Is thrown out again the unfortunate man seeks hos pitality for tlie night somewhere else rather than brave the anger of hla help meet.-—Cleveland leader. T.«- t’mUm ok W»r, Not Ions ago I visited the towu at, lu northern Italy. There fa a wbeatfldd the farmers have rb->"'ed up skulls of men until they have plied up r. pyramid 10 or 12 fret high, over this pyramid some one lias built u can opy to keep off the rain. Tliero were the skulls of young men of Savoy. Sar dinia and Austria—men of IS to ltd years of age. peasants from the farms iiad workmen from the shops—who met at Novara to kill each other over a matter in which they had very little concern. Further on Frenchmen. Austrians and Italians foil together at Magenta, the hue of tjie blood that flowed ort under the oil* •.* trees, do over Italy ns yon will there is scarcely u sjiot not crimsoned by the blood of France, oca reply a railway station without Its pile of French skulls. You cun trace them across to Egypt. to the foot of the pyramids. You will find them in Germany—«t Jena and iw?fpslc. at Lut- zen and Bautzen and Austerlltz. You will find Sfcnn In Itusata at Moscow. In Belgium at Waterloo. “A boy can j stop a bullet as well as n muu," said Napoleon. And with the rest are the skulls and lames of boys "ere evening to be trodd(i) like the grass."—Popular Science Monthly. Queer Turkish Fish. April It) Is the great fete day of “Bn- luklt.” or plnce of fishes. This Is a small church situated ourslde the walls of Constantinople, and It enjoyed no particular reputation before the con quest of Constantinople by tlie Turks. At the time of the Invasion, however, a monk wns cooking some fish there when n messenger came and told him tlmt the Turks had entered Constanti nople. The monk did not believe the story and said be would sooner believe that the half cooked fish would Jump back into the water. As he spoke the fish Jumped back )nto the water, and ! since then the place has had a great | reputation for Its healing power*. r j A church has been built over tlie I spring dedicated to “Our Lady of the ! Fishes," and on this day a regular pil- | primage takes place from all parts ot I the town. Many slek are carried thlth- | er. and many miraculous cures are re j ported. The truth of the story Is proved by the presence in a large martde lined , tank I11 the church of the lineal de- { srendnnts of the half cooked fish. Any j one who dors not believe bn* only to look In the water, and he will see them, brown on one side and white on the other, swimming about at their eosa. -THE JESSE FRENCH PIANO & OESBi . « ._Head Office: ST. LOUIS MO.- > Kriinch Houses at Nashville, ’lenn., Dallas, Tev R; . Ala., Montgomery, Ala. ’’ '“""I MANUFACTURERS OF TON AND CH1CKER1NG PIANOS. BKSl’ ORGANS ON EARTH Terms reasonable struments fully guaranteed. 12- I_i BL-EDSo^, General Agant DonalsonviUe, ( STEAMBOAT SCHEDULES- CRBRCH DMECT(S pkksbytkhian uhuror I Hev. (.'has. It. Nisi,,.. , 1st, ant unit 5th Siumi?,!”' N| xml . sfd n, m. l'rayrr u.n ti l J 1 ? I 7:311 d. Sunday Sihroui’iVa ' Braawell, aiulorliiteiuiimt. BAPTIST OHV’KoH. " 4a Approneh to Pvrpetasl Motion. A dork Is to be seen si Brussels which rotnes ntmut as near bring a peritcrusl motiou machine as ran he Invented, for the sun does the winding. Tlie following Is the method by which It works: A shaft exposed to the solar rays cause* an up draft of air, which acts the fnn lu motiou. Plio fan actu ator) mechanism which raises the weight of the clock until It reaches the top and thru puts a break 011 tlie fan till tlie weight lias gone down 11 little, when the fan ts again liberated and proceeds to act as tiefore. A* long os the sun shines frequently enough and the tuachliiery does not wear out the Clock will keep In perpetual motion. PrM> aa SravrnicCrs. Frogs are line scavengers, destroying great quautltlea of decaying iniiiiinl substance In springs and brooks' ami : keeping the water pure, thus proving themselves most worthy ot kind treat- j meat and preservation. They devour, { too, great numbers of Insects, Includ ing files and mosquitoes. In spite of their queer sbupe. they are remarkably . expert Jumpers and swimmers, nnd many a boy has learned from them ' both bow to ptajr leapfrog and how to swlittt In Retreat. Dowp from the upiter air floated tho ■train* of music, yet Neptune was visi bly imnoycb, “NVtiafs gnawing at thy vitals, sire?" asked a mermaid. • . -I wish In' the nnme of Orpheua,- eald the sea king, “tlint liowtlng (turtles could slug something else Iwaklcs ‘A Life on the Oceun Wave.’ ” * Anti forihwith be crawled Into s cove nnd pulhsl the rave In sftbr him. —New York Marine Journal. “1 notice be was unusually formal and circumspect In Ids behavior.” she told her dsorest friend, “and I thought at first 1 bad offended him bi sous* way." 1 “Had yoof* “Oh. no. As ooon os Brother Willie came in aud got the pI onogTapb be hod tcudvertehtly left on the table every thing woo all right again."—Chicago Po * - y . . . I Carina a Mala. *\ A mule In a pack train which wns usually loaded with salt discovered that by lying down wlien fording a certain stream and allowlug tlie salt to dissolve he could lighten bis burden. The muleteer once loaded him with ■pooites Instead, which absorbed water when bo lay down In the stream aud Mde Mo tMMon fonrMd boaster. Tho oabMNMlirMiiMitMai ' Merle* It Dmta Low. "I haven't much use for Blitbereley," said the proud papal “Whyy asked the proud mamma. “1 listened to him roe an hour today while be told me about what his Imby bod sold or tried to say. and Just as 1 was shoot to tell him about ours be left me. saying he had to catch a train.” —Baltimore American. * Sea Bathlao. A perron can easily determine with one ^Indulgence whether or not oi*en sir bathing Is hurtful to him. If cir culation Is speedily restored after he has left the wutor. If his sklu Is well reddened nnd he la soou well warmed up and as strong aud “lively" aa when I he took hla first plunge, then lie may properly assume tlmt his hath has done hiru good. If. on the other hand. Ills ■klu continues cold and dummy for 15 or 20 minutes, notwithstanding the hrtak rubbing lie gives himself, and for an hour or more nlterwnrd he is weak, dull ami languid, then he may lie toler ably certain that there In something wrong with Mm which, forbids cold bathing. A P*t Walloper. The parliamentary register Tor 1SW ■bowed that there waa then only one i pot walloper In all England. Oue see- | lug the term for the first time might | easily Imagine thut n pot walloper was j a species of Ichthyosaurus ot Home oth er reptile of a past uge. It will tie die- i covered upon Inquiry, however, that | the term "pot walloper" Is literally one j who bolls a poi and wns applied to vot ers in certain boroughn of England i where, before the passage of the re form bill of 1832. tlie qualifications lor suffrage w&s to have hoiled iwulloped) bis own pot In the parish for six months. A ('nrloan Tr**. There Is a curious* combination tree In West Blockbrtdge. Muss. It is prW : manly a mu|H<> which ineusureH. a tool j from the ground, Vi f«*i 3 Inches In ! circumference. Fifteen feet from the grotiod there ure om* or two birch litnha ' fiTowtng, and higher up Mre currant nud I rusptierry bushes which bear fruit etu h 'year. It. Is not stated whether the j sugar made from Its sup has a ms[> j berry flavor, or the htreh titirk a cur rant rotor and taste, or the tierries a ! •!*•**» tang of btreh. It la very old uttd 1 bids fair to aland for many years longer. ■Is Manners AM la u ttr.Hh. The laundress’ little boy Is tjelng strennoosty brought up "by hand.” i "Why. mum.” she said despairingly. “If I pounded that boy Mock and Woe I cookJol leant him bio meaner*. Here, WjUtor to the onfbtn. who was looking «oofno*d|y M Home peonies given utm by the mist reus. “What do you snv to the ladyr* Willie looked troubled Then. “Yes. [ tun'nm; no. ma'am; pease, fnnk you. i cstuse me." be raid breathlessly, re- ' metiibering all his “manners’' at once, the occasion evidently being great It la never too late to leant, but when a mao thinks be knows It all that aet- tleo it—Chicago Neva. oil mill jitter A pul SRtli, 1001, and until fur ther notice, tlh locul rates ot freight between luiKtlngK on the (.'liHttuhooebve, Hint, Ajw- inchivolu nud Clitpohi river* will he a* lot- lows: ( olton, .Ktv per bale; flour, lue tier tmrrell; fertilizers, $Mti per ton. Other freights lu proportion. Schedule—Leave Cclumbus. Steamer M. W. KELLEY, L'tipt. T. A. .Mur- ei oil., Tm-Mliiy, 10 u. hi. Steamer fJl’KEK Cll Y, Ciipt. E. L. MagruUer, Tliiirsihiv, 10 u. in. »V. d. BKAULEY, Uupt. A. A. Lliut, SHtnr.tny m u. m. All Bouts go via Buinbridge north b uud. Steuiners queen City mul Kindly, south hound, will trunsfvr to northbound Lowts iit Clmt'nhoothee, freight und piissengers for lliiiubrldge. This schedule will he obsel yed, river, etc., perndittng. Warehouse Landings. t.'olmi.bus, (iu., J’ort Jackson, Fla. Florence, (in. LiUdoiiN, Fla. Kuluulu. Alii. * L hiittiilioochcu, Flu. Ft.. bainc.N, (ill. < LAN. it. K. Points. VpiH.TL', Alrt. i f ■>. .a. I*, it, K. Fullltd, (’on gi (in it. it. J'oiiitn • i Ruin bridge, U» Dower Colmiibia, Ala.) -J l‘iant»ysteiu points Middle *>ordon ( Ala. f On pine It,. K. jw»inta* lAiwer (So. Hod, Ain. V ppii* Htistol.Flu. Alii Midland it U or / Hioiintstowii, Mu. Aljign, A in, KhxceptJ li McClellan) Neiu’ri funding, Fla. Lp, ecEKtiframilgn,Flu St emu ndlU, Ou. j oMer hstitfuimlgH. PurruiiioteV, Flu, ( ♦Hjlirun’i*, klu. Pell, or Owoiih, Flu. Miignolia «>r Helena Flu DuxTey’s Mill. Korrestcr'A, Flu. Apuluchieola, Flu. re«t*r\e the right of not landing nt Huy point \n hen *rom*hleied dangerous by the euptiiin. iwmtH will not stop nt any point not mimed in the list of landing* Issued under date of April mil, HUM. uni responsibility for freight ceases after it 1ms been dWlunged nt u lundlug wliere no person Is there to leeetve it. Fieights for ull points except warehouse landings must he prepaid W• K. MuuKK.« ••'••’ Ml Munuger. J M. BlVIKtis, deety A Tie as. Otliee (imriut RniUllng, ». .cphditie No. ft. C. H. GB.IFFI1T, —-DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF HOMEMADE HARNESS Jxll W oxls Kl'oa.'bly azxcL Proxxvptily. Sacocu'tiod. REPAIRING A SPECIE LTY, jiajr l’EKMS: STRICTLY CASH«®a North Broad Street near Braokin’a Stables, BAINBUIDGE, - GEORGIA. PLANT STEAMSHIP HUE 3 SAIMKCS EACH WEEK BETWEEN Pert Tampa and Havana* Vm Key West. Pliint System trains run direct to ship side connecting with Steamers leaving Port Tampa 0:00 P. M. Mondays,Thurs- Kwv.YV. L. Ulvhiirds, p ,, ,, j yu-es « veiy Sunduy ul II o'clurtM . .30 p. in. hrtbbulb school«. V“m, 1 1 M. E.OHrUUH,SOUTH. Bev. \V. I*’, gnitth, fustor i..j every Subbuth nf l| ,i. in. H1 m BruvCr leeeting w«Uu«*a«y buth school at 1#«. m. AH juJiSS vtted to Htiemt Hll tlie servlee, CUfUl H.i;. Allen. 3tg Busihuuiu, s.kjJ ALLEN & COMPACT PI^H IIJSUBEftQSJB BAIN BRIDGE, . QEl A (Joneral Herd * Store 1 * CLEAN* STOCK, CLEAN METHODS. I have genuine ta to cfer YOU! Small profits and quick Mb, 1 weight and just measure, pa attention and courteous tn constitute my motto. Can I Say More? Make it convenient to vail it| store and be convinced of I facts. W- H. GASS ELDORENDO, ( days and Saturdays For any informati any information as to rates, sched ules, and reservations address B. W. YVrexn, Pass. Traffic Mauager. K. L. Tot*D. i Savannah, Ga. Division Pass. Agt. Montgomery, Ala. HENRY VAUGHN Practical Blacksmith and Wood- workman. Always ready to serve. Lowest prices for best work. IkgrShop on West 6treet,, near old Townsend Warehouse. BAINBUIDGE, GEORGIA. NOTICE. Get your work doue at tba o.d re liable stand of A. GUY, Boot and ShceMaker. On Water Street. Dyspepsia Co Digests what you eat It artificially digests tfcefoodanr Vatu re In strengthening anai /trueting the exhausted dlgestlti gans. It is the latest discovereddij ant and tonic. No other prepa oan approach It in efficiency. _ stan tly relieves and permanentlftt Dvspepeia, Indigestion, Heartr Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache,Ga8tralgia,C^4IcP , all other result® of imperfectdig« Prepared by E. C DsWItt 4 Co- ChW SOMin nii\G WORTHY OF C0KSIDER1H A NEW REVOLUTION U BARBEODSINESS. An absolutely safe shave at. 1 ' 1 ' City Shaving Parlor, a cons^icuM* next door to city Post Office. Our plan of shaving is so 00 that we can prevent infection or lotion by so called noxious or pp> groins. These troubles are f , in ' tracted from one to the other m of using the same razor or brush o» body. Now how we prevent suet les we have a steriliier. a nickHtf oohcern in which a* always ' boilirg boiling water. We pul **" qaanity of AuUseptiel*.then bet after 1 rhoffttg each cusr<>a'r , r hi? razor over the. Sterilizer is boiling water, letting it reiua> E t< ’ minutes. After shaving we use * tion of that Antiseptiola on ears mer’s face. By this method we '-'*“ sure vou a safe share. „ r Ai Call and see us and we will eo ^ you that our service is the best city. Shave 10c.. Hair Out 2 P. M. SIMS, PropneW r '