The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, August 24, 1901, Image 1

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fe'tR 3. BAINBRIDGE. DECATUR CO., GEORGIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1901. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF DECATUR COUNTY AND OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE. COVEKY RECORDS. , rB e Wilson, of Branch vile, e ,l relatives near this place let; Fiinderbutke, of Brinson, •ook with friends on this side Mrs. Pa'll Johnson- of Bain- litel relatives at this place last. Smith. from the other river, was a pleasant visitor days last week. }. Roberts and children have , their home after a pleasant utiyes at Fovvltown. lessive rains have continued is t two weeks, making the ^reeable for pvedestrians. bi idee between town and the ie fed in Sunday. Though it we go over it ivita great L. Funderburke has just ry interesting series of ser- e Methodist ohuroh. He was id by Keys, Pace and Boland, il of interest was manifested, lumber of Recovery and Syl- le are expecting to attend the ueetiug at Oak Grove church day, and it expected to be a iineai be red liyall who attend, ie that Mr. Clayton Smith, of de of the river, speut a *ew here last week. Wonder if of this place, ha* such great for him as to let him come his-‘old sweetheart” again. L. the ••first” sometimes gains ibt M. Bowen, our couuty miissioner, paid our school easaut and profitable visit ,y. While here he helped iize a school library associa te expect to derive great u. We will be glad to haye nr school agaiu at auy time. . Johns, a prominent citizen a. ins kiudly fitted up a mu- Dil we have a delightful music lit by Miss Amelia Harrell, niter of young men aie tak- and great interest is being expect some of the young owing interest towards learn- ft "rule ” >1 is on the highway to sue- I'siducfced by;^i'^jf, .8. T. Me Hiuhx. assisted by Miss Arne, of Thomasville. We have ntof seventy pupils and still We feel that our teachers heir best to make the school nd profitable one for all who visit it. We bad an euter- t Friday evening at our was really a treat to all who t Johns is at. work on his gin 1 be prepared to giu the cot- fariuers of this section of Pupil. GU., Aug. 21, 1901. Ninson BRIEFS. F- Russell and Miss Smith peaching at bethel Church ! Dickinson a prominent mer- J" Ci ,y w is in Brinson Sat- | l ' s iness. "ridges has begun the erec- |u9w barn to take the place ltscently burned, l'tna Cox of Lapis, who has N h *r sister Mrs. W. H Daa- |t last, week for her home. Js'umie Culley and Winnifred |«Uirned the first of the week t visit to St. Marys Fla. P 1 services at the Methodist ed Sunday. It is believed | deal of good has been ac- J J y the meeting. Rev. Piper I s regular appointment here T*y- 1 Martin and Miss Pearl Mar- ■’■cea fo r Arlington where f ttt *i n a waek or ten days eo- F"* Ul Dawson Ga. where J as a position with a cotton m *• Miss . Georgia Southern Military College, Bainbridge, Georgia. The Leading Co EducatioiU Military School of South Georgia. —— riiree Conrses:—English-Classical, English-Scientific and English Commercial. $125 will cover all expenses for nine months session. Full and competent Faculty of Eleven Teachers. Literary, Military, Music, Physical Culture, Commercial, Stenography and Typewriting, Expression and Art Departments SUPERIOK METHODdvTMSCIPLlNE AND STUDY AND THE FINE BEARING OF ITS STUDENTS ARE SPECIAL FEATURES OF THIS VIGOROUS YOUNG INSTITUTION. Haudfiomely illustrated catalogue and full information upon request. Lieut.-Col. JAMES E. DUNN, C. E., President, Bainbridge. Georgia. PANACEA MINERAL SPRINGS •^“HOTEL. V F. W. Duvall, Manager, FROM ELDORENDO. Mr. Editor: . We wish to announce that there will- be a basket and ice cream supper at Eldorendo ou the Both of this month, on Friday night. Also we will have lemonade, soda water and several different kinds of refreshments. Every body is specially invited to attend; so come young men aud bring your girls and held us all you can. We will en deavor to make you spend a pleasant evening. Mrs.W. M. Dbtwildkr ) Miss Loot Franklin, s ( muutte *- We will give a few items with our an nouncement. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Toole visited here recently. Lucy 0. Franklin has returned home from Babcock to the delight of her many friends. Mrs. Dr. Sessions arrived home last week. Her many friends were delight ed to see her. Lizzie and Lillie Calder. accompanied by Mr. Eulie Hatcher, visited Beilview Sunday. They report having spent a pleasant day. Mr. Charlie Peacock, from Babcock City, visited here Thursday Charlie is a handsome fellow and no doubt was a welcome visitor. Mrs. W. M. Detwilder. one of our kindest and best ladies, deserves credit, for she is doing all she can to make our ice cream supper a success. 80 come. MIRIAM LOCALS. We are having plenty of rain in this section now. L. P. Berwick went to Iron City last Thursday on business. Misses Willie and Ollie Calloway went to IrprbCity last Thursday shopping. Misses Minnie and Dola Eagerton vis- ■ited their parents at Brinson Sundav last. Reports have it that there will be a wedding at this place before long. Who j is it ? j Quite a number of cur young people ; attended Preaching at Salem church ■ last Sunday. j J. E. Adams, of Steam Mill, visits this place real often. What s the attraction Elbe 1 ! The public school is pr .gressiug uicelv unde i' ' be proficient management of Mips Minnie Eagerton. j A certain young man vi-its on the j other side of the creek real ofteu now What's the attraction, J'>e ? | What young man of i)e»ser comes out ' tin., W ay everv Sunday driving a blind . dorse ? Its a girl he's looking after. Miss Ollie Galloway has returned to her home at this place af‘or a three week's visit to her father-iG'fb"'- AU. Miriam, Ga. \.ol.... SHARBER SCHOOL NOTES. Miss May Eley. of Terrell county, is visiting her uncle, Sam Eley. Rairi is not much needed in thiB sec- tiou just uow. Owing to the continued rains a great iniiuy of our farmers have lost their fod der. Rev. Mr. Eley left yesterday to attend a seribs of meetings in Jaiksou county Florida. ! I Messrs. Brit Williams and Obe Jones of Sumter county are visiting relatives in this community. Miss Emma Askius, of Heynoidsville, was a pleasant visitor to our neighbor hood Saturday and Sunday last. Wonder why a certain young man visits Reynoldsville *0 oft.entpow. There must be some attraction there Little Miss Pearl Clark i» very sick at her home with congestion nf the brain May the guardian angel hotter over her bedside. Miss Edyth Chason, who has had oharge of the school here was taken seriously ill Thursday night act. Under ( the skillful treatment of Dr Bridges, we are glad to note her uonditii n much im proved. Miss Edyth- has made many friends during her short s ay wi It us. May she always be as happy as she has endeavored to make us. *• Pupil. Brinson,Ga., Aug. 20, 19<M. A DELIGHTFUL PARTV. Last Tuesday evening M'sr Olive Morgan entertained in honor of her charming guest Miss Sal lie Curry of Climax. Luoious refreshments were served throughout the evening and it is needless to say that every one en joyed themselves, for they always do at this hospitable home. Among those envited were: Misses Pohlraan, Griffiths, Donalson, Grcinnier, Dick eiison, Jackson of Tumpa Fla., Har rell, Maes, O’Donnell, Maxwell, Callahan and Hinds. Messers, O Fleming, D. B. McBride, O. Toole, C. M. McBride. L. C. Bower, L, Jier- ry, G. and W. Griffiths, /. Bruton, J. Mitchell, I). Curry, M. Maes, C, Harrell, M. Kwtlecki M. Town send. FROM GEORGIA HtLL*. Dear Search Light: Cornelia is an ideal summer resort, located on the Southern railway, 1,000 feet above sea level. This places one above malaria and musquitoes, as no such things can live in this climate. Many points of in terest can he seen and visited from here. Mt. Airy, only two mil is, Tallulah Falls, twenty-one miles. From the balcony of our hotel we have a splendid view of the mountains and. beautiful valleys which make* u grand picture on a clear morning. The drives are simply grand, over hillayiud valleys, j , We are now in the mi 1st ofarnit season,; qjicious peache- and templing grapes, j the finest fruit we ever saw. The mountains here aboii'ctd in miner. . ills, gold, asbestou*. corundum. Corun- | dmn is made into emery wheels and ma chinery of that kind. Thq supply is al most mex'nausitble. The,water ’.‘ abso lutely pure and need* no iee. Fare is splendid. The people are hospitable and do all they can to mike the visitor enjoy his sojourn among them. As a health resort, the best evidence I can give i* that I have gained one pound each day I have been here.. My health i* good now and we expeat to return home Septembrr 1st.. To my friends 111 old Decatur who want a ni«e and healthy place to conie in summer. I recommend Cornelia, Ga. I Aug. 2I,19 H. J. E. H. An Open Letter, STATE OF GEORGIA. Ornoc or T. B. Maxwell. Ordinary Decatur Couuty. Grenada Drug Company, Bainbridge. Ga., Gentlemen: Four Application* of Pike’s 'letter Remedy cured a bad case of Tetter which I hau suffered with for some time on my foot, after trying va rious so-called tetter oures. Yours Truly. T. B. Maxwell. The above testimonial speaks for it self. The Totter Remedy is sold 011a positive guarantee. A cure or your money hack. Price 50 cents a box. Manufactured only by the Grenada Drug Company, Bainbridge, Ga. Situated on Dickinson’s Buy and au Ideal ’Resort for Rest and Recreation Finest mineral waters. Baths both fresh and salt. Tram meets all trains. A hotel with all modem equipments. A week spent at Pan- eoea may restore your health and save a doctor’s bill. KATKS, $1 . PER DAY. Address F. W. Duvall, Panacea, FIa. The Plunf System will run last low rate excursion of the season to Mont gomery l rom Thomasville and interme diate points. Sept. 2d, Round trip from Bainbridge - - - $1.75. Leave Bainbridge - - - - 9:55 p. in. Arrive at Montgomery - • 5:00 p. fu. Tickets good returning on all regular trains up to and including Sept 4th. Call on any Plant System agent or address. R. L. Todl. D P. A. Montgomery. Ala. T. J. Bottoms. T. P. a. Thomas villa. Ga. First-class Jut Work executed at this office. ' 1 h OF V. NOTICE. Brinson, Ga., Aug. 22. 1901. Doput.y Grand Chancellor J. A Jones, of WayeroBs, will be at Brinson. Ga.. ou Tuesday evening Sept id for the pur pose of iostitnlii:^ a K of P lodge .at this place There will be fio.11 twenty to twenty-fi v« charter mem her*. Brother Knight* from Bainbridge and Donalson- ville lodge* are cordially invited to come and assist in the work. f raternally yours, Committer AN APIMCVL TO THE CHILDREN. The great need in the education of our children in the country, at. the pres ent time, is more reading matter. Very few childreu in the rural section* have anything else to read hut their text hooks. What is needed is a lot of mis cellaneous reading matter to interest the ohild and broaden his mind, and cultivate his intellect. We have tried to get the patrons of eitoh school to . furnish their children with extra reading matter, but they have failed to realize it* importance, and have not taken much interest in it. We have decided to try another method. If we can get t.OOO hooks, we can divide them into 4(1 lots of 25 books each and let each school have one lot. until they have exhausted ir And then give them another oue, aud so one until everv school tins had the benefit, of the 1.000 books. We oan get 1,000 books for $150.00, We would like for every one wh.> feels an interest it the education of our children to help us. If every teacher will take up a collection in the school he is teaching and every in dividual give us according to their means we will get the amount without any dif Acuity. Remember tills and send us as large a contribution as you can, and let ns have these libraries for 1902. Robt. Bowen, c. 8.0. Engineer Hary Bradford who once pulled the throttle over the Alabama .Vidland Ry has been here this week and will probably move bin fam ly to this point. For several year* be has been with the Southern Ry. where he was held in esteem by hia employers. P. T. Thomas. Kumterville. A!«:, "I was suffering from dyspepsia when 1. commenced taking Kodol Dvspepsin Cure. I took several bottles aud can digest anything.” Kodol Dyspepsia, Cure is the only preparation containing' all the nHtitml digestive fluids. It gives week stomachs entire rest, restoring their natural condition. K. L. Hicks. A 100 pound “Jew tisb” wa* on exhibit in front of the Grenada Drug Store Saturday last. The iuon*ler was captured by J. YV. Oallahau awl R. B. Coleman who had ncen or. the Florida coast fishing. Afahy people paused in passing to peep at the fish. LUnBER, LUMBER! Perfectly matched Flooring and Ceiling, $6.00 per thousand In lots of not less than one thouv sand feet. Even though you are not ready to build, you can save money buying this lumber now as the price will not las long. We cpd, perve yu l promptly. FLINT RIVER LUMBER CO. old GOLD AMI Fin ER. Have von any of this? YVhy not bring t to Stiberx, Bairibridge.-Ga., and• re ceive highest price either in cti-li or trade? Will buy an > article in. gold or silver. j .’. july«-4t. Fbr . i Two S0-hov*o boiler* cheap. One Hi perfect condition. Appllv to L. i. Patterson, e.:0-4t. Bainbridge. Ga.