The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, August 31, 1901, Image 7

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i • v i. flit WT % WBUMHW XIWRO. THB MMOtN Of THS SMILfc. » -, n . V | throve* out j Emilia Clarion; ' l5 ^ that peHtup* the an- ( H * 1,,w we publish a letter from a 'TrMu a ll be the leading wvH »«S ro |»w?H.-.lier. T <• I - i of l-' 1 * Ii» th#t f»?r fund wtipr* slope trr) plain Shine took to nun and sky AjhJ olive# fihtotd the sprouting grain fc'h*n «nntr> ac-ruw* tty, Whetv ii)u\a fed streams seek tun warmed in 1004; t )a> oai#l ,:U S bnt pesasMe annexation, m nl , )0lV would Democrats, „s f Populists ai"* members»S - * . a htt| . p,)]itio:i! parties'*tan* Hi > it ? There is a cIihiicp tliat leading. W 001 tbe leari- stioii. .j very strong sentiment Voiimrie* in favor of annex*-. h , r , is no way «f fiu'l'us out t strong it 1* >« eilher u0 " n . rol ,l«l req lire * great deal U on to bring out a full ex- i of it. nutioable, however, that the payers are beginning to give lie*a! of attention to our tariff u vobiuteo ami fruits, ami the ,usl is also trying to influence Sentiment in favor of a lower „ ,;m sugar. The position ,| 1( . Cuban papers and sugar )!UX o growers take i~ that this could well afford U) open its u , Cuban products, because ,1 riieii get the entire trade of , l( |. Besides, it is pointed t free Cuban sugar and to- wcrnbl not seriously reduce the 0 f our sugar ami tobacco, he other hand the sugar inter this country, which are be r greiter every year on ac- of the development of the beet ilustry. are against free trade bilm or any reduction in the ii sugar. The tobacco inter- n also bo counted as being lany reduction in the duty on o, notwithstanding the tact that whole of the cigar o itp :t ot were sent to our market it nut o me anywhere near ■iug the demand. And the lowers are ready to line up lie sugar and tobacco interests t making our markets free to prun mils. rlaiii, ot course, that there jt be free trade between tlie liintries. If Cuba were annex- on ever, the tariff question lie disposed of. The question ehing our mar Ice Lb to Cuban eis free ot duty therefore’ is to become merged into another on, namely, that of annexation, roplu of the United States, us s those of Cuba, would divide it. It wo.,Id profoundly inter- fry part of this country, be— the North is interested in the i g of sugar and tobacco ns well 1 b tilth. And the race q es- « now be eomtiig so troublesome 1 i' do ilitful if there would be ug element in pretty nearly state against admitting into mo" another state having a -ition that is nearly, if not half negro. uiuoi, of course, be said with "give of certainty that the an- 1,1,1 °f Cuba will be an issue in 1' it the Post undoubtedly has 1 ' UU( I reasons far thinking it ■ •'Savannah News. 1 oi.ouKn nr.Arex’s priykh. ter contains food for thought to all negroes who want to see their race advanced. i, Mr. Editor: Please allow me space in your paper to s iv a word to the negroes of Mitchell county. Some think the organization of so! many societies among the negroes is ‘ for no good purpose, but I do not) think so, because a larger part of the! societies a r e made up of negroes who j employ labor. i The trouble with the most of ne- groes is that they”* let all men see; their dishonesty. They want their employer, let him be white or col-'. ored, to give him more for labor than - it is worth. The negroes of this conn-1 Through *:ir|wd drtite. The world we enter with « vtil She greeted wtib * imile. 8lutr.0f*rtr.:< she nailed »n4, smiling, woke, AnJ when ihs tell lbe ururt Of grore. sol ll)e srfJl hmpofce Her tantiemes* of Heert. «,And nightly when *he knell end prayed liwtut- IKT allOW while t**J Brr !afn was one pure Mr.ile tint oiud* ▲ ttraveu Aboul b.r Vlien love first trembled in her ear The heurt throb# that Iteguilc, Bhr listened with Assenting tear. Then chased it with * smile, flbfsow and psm with smiles abe bar* hrr latest breath. Bui the sweetest smilp she ever wore Was the smile she wore In death. —Alfred Austin in Independent. PL1NT SY vileSM. Florida and Cuba. Double Daily Passenger Service. T0- Mditgomery, Troy, Ozark, Dothan, K0>n, Bainbritlgo, T}ionifif>vill« i , Valdosta, 'Wayeross, SAVANNAH, CHARLESTON, BRUNSWICK, JACKSONVILLE ■a hi!»i Pi t . Through Pullman Cars NEW U'UlUr*, Aflft to.. YORK, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, Kiebiuond umi all Points East, i" connection with SOUTHERN RAILWAY AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE. SELF FLAME OF JEWELS. The (ilow fhv Ulnmund Sbow« When 1‘ntler l*re#»ore. A traveler for a Ulamor.d bouse was . , , i , , . . talkliil t Niton ttie* other evening and. try have lung charged the white man 8pwilsl „ s of ^ Mi( , ; "Ttu' most overworked expression used liy tbe miso|>tiisticnml aail tU-ejily with their mistakes and negligence, and until they quit sitting-down and waiting for others to do tor them, what they should do for themselves they will never be any moie than they are. I have negged meu 11 work when Ihev did not have bread Impressed diamond purelmaer U*., 'll Betmilly lisiks as If tt glows of Itself.' Now. it Is not genenilt.v known »fmt Been !s aettmlly the ca^e. although not. of course. If) the why tbe |ml,tic In tends. The lienuty ot the Rem in llglil Is. of course, ia its remarkable refract- i •ertntn comlltlons 1 To 3-t. Louis. Cincmatki. Loui.trUl*, CKicago Ktasin City. ;3Dir*3sijo.gjl.\»xa. stack *11 peiatm VXam^ wadi ITorthwsa. "Leave Bninbridge going East—8:05 r. in., t4:H0 )>. in. Leave Bain bridge going \V»jt-2:05 a. m., 19:30 p. ru. Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. & M. T. Co., fur New York, ILmiou ami Baltimore. Fov further information, call on nearest Ticket Agent, or address HWWveuu, H L TODD. Fass Traffic Manager. Division Fuss A^ent, ^ Savuuimli. (Ja.. Moiitgotnery. Ala. to eat and they had rather loaf and lve f K>Wl ' r - ,,nl under e<u . ,' T | the dlamonu has more, for It tuny fast. How can anyone expect to g | (>an , KV1M , | a lhe nlahl w i ttl pa le but estreinety beautirul ligbi. In abort. It becomes piiospliarpacent. Heated to n certalu temperature the I long to see the day when loafing j Internal lire shows iiselt, and under pressure the same ts true. have anything by working two days in a week and loafing four days V GEORGIA PINE RAILWAY CO. Tlxronatee&ka River Route.” aoiiTn pot'M, negroes will iiave to work. It is time for us to q ut (retting over otliui; people’s property and get some of our own. Respectfully, Rev. h. F. Williams. 1IK KKI'I' Ills I.Eii Twelve years ago J. W. Sulltyan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with a rusty wire. Irifianiuliou and blood poisoning set in. For two years he suffered intensely. Then the best doctors urged amputationii, ‘•bul^lie writes, “I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and 1 1-2 boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever.” For eruptions, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, sores and all blood disorders, Elec tric Bitters has no rival on earth. Try them, R. L Hicks will guaran tee satisfaction or refund money. Only 50 cents. PU.vmiVKR vvn Ut'I.P RMLWIV. r, 00 ,i n, I, III a in M !W !| m lo uo u in “Some years ago I went to Amster dam to purchase some special stones for n California millionaire who hadj s-ilplli ordered ftieui through our New f ork I ^ jj JJJ house, and white there t was shown the Inside workings of the famous dia mond cutting establishments of that city, or all that I saw. however, the •self flame' of Mm? stones under pres sure most surprised me. The manager placed a large rose cut gem between the Jaws of a vise and carefully ap plied a certain amount of pressure. He then extinguished all the IIrIi.i In the shop, and as soon as my eyes had in come accustomed to (lie darkness 1 saw the diamond emitting a soft radi- j -,, ance of Its own like a very pule glow- j * | worth. As 1 rememlMT It. be said Uirp | { '■ the yellower diamonds were slightly | more phosphorescent thBD the flrst water stones. i ho.». Uii; I y except Si.ijU,.y. B 00 o in I, Ml 2 p 111 11 20 p 111 a :tr. pm a on I. in a »,r> pm a 2." j,, a 10 pm I a ..a p... ' 4 P< p III 10 III a in n »o o m i 12 40 p m j Schedule effective June 34. 1000. worm im No, I. No. 2. No. 4. Snndiiy '.Kith Moildlim, Sunday bully ; only. Tumi ) only. except Muulny ti OR p Ut 1 SlIYHltlllfll 10 Hi u in i< |3 «. in H JV) p 111 l J HCkHOII villi* o 00 u 111 h 30 a in III (Hi jl III J V. RYCIOSM <> | ft Tl 111 ( 13 a ui l*i fd) U 111 l Tlimiiiivlllo H 25 u in 3 25 a ti. H III 1! Ill l Moiitgon Biy 7 45 p m 7 4ft p in ‘i 12 :i Hi ! WVut. llniiiln filir* 2 07 pin 2 (-7 n in • S 15 ii ut lUilTiln JilifT’ (• MU p 111 •> so p III : H W H 111 •2 \V» nt r.iilubi lil«^ 0 2ft 1) ill n 2ft p in H In n in 2 Klitui cult) < 0 p Til ft f.O p in i >■ Mt a in i Tiny kin r. f.o p in II Nl J 4 111 . !l l« It III ‘2 CeKjllltt ft ,'<H p tn ft He jl In 9 :«i ii .ii 2 DhTIIHK'UH ft p; p in ft )> III . 10 OU a 111 * Arlington 4 fift j* in 4 fift p in : 10 10 II IK s Arlington 4 .MI p in 4 no p in ' 11 II:- il III H Albilny S 27 P in S -.7 P n. | 12 40 p III ' 8mit iivtJln 2 M |1 m 2 .Tft p in | 2 34 () Til 3 Ondtlivllle 12 Mi p ru 12 Mi p in 7 «•> p ii: 3 Moiitgou.ory N 10 p Til f 10 aim l 34 p tit An,el ltu* 1 Ml p in 1 50 p in 3 «H» p »n 3 Kort a alley 12 24 p in 12 24 p in 1 00 p in Mhcoii I! 20 ii in 11 20 a in ; • :tt> v in 0 Ailantn 7 fto a hi 7 M ii in H 2t |l III i Suvantiiili except. 8u mlo y " I 4f a hi 12 .111 p m in an p iv. 7 on p m 11 2.1 n in f. au o in 12 IA p ,n 12 III p in II 40 o in 11 27 U 111 II 17 o a, 10 4.1 n in III 20 II in 2— uo.irgla Pine Kidlwny. il-t'pntrul i.t i.enrglii H’v, 4- ticnrgla A Aloliania. I'niniH tit, l.uml 2 amt I im t<« clime connect Inn ot Arlington >, J tl. t.enti al fit (P-iivgin tonlshed to know the riumtK’rof Jewels which also iiossess 'self flame’ to n more or less extent, and I have often wondered If the alchemists who per formed such apparently well nuibenu- catial wonders In the middle ages did not know something of phosphores cence and its oddities.’’—New Orleans Times Heniocrat tor ami from Savannah. M. Vent. Uiitnhi lilge .(lit the Plont S \ -p.,. tgoilmi y, and all pi,lots Knot mill Weal tin lint. K. B. COLEMAN, Genaral buyerit lemlent. It. U. II \nTHKIKI.n. 4'n.lllci j s um the Err Tell*. Ill tliis issue we publish petition : Eyes are very treacherous, and those , , , l'i- , rj who uieddle In amorous matters should for charter of the Hint River ami, hmw , n|1 Guli Railway, wlncli is to go from; vvjien ihe upixer lid covers half or Aslibnrn to Bainbruiau via Svlves- 1 more of the pupil, the Indicaiton is of ciiol d.'illn-ralKm AO/S'ye the upper ; lid ot which pussi v i-.orizontnny across t prom-j tb,, pupil indicates input:.: ability. Lu ■rsLBssig # Duly Cbrtered Under tee L.*i cf Cecifeia. tor ami Camilla. There are some of the tl ilium business men of the liunl the enterprise ami i ness. We can’t say how road will be b lilt, but wc iiinty be an busi- .oon the i- assured white minister was conducting services in a colored church f di Carolina recently, says the "•v News. After exhorting a - ‘‘“k *d an old colored deacon *' 1,1 prayer, and this is the ap- U ’" c ' 1 t, " i brother in black of- f°r his brother in while: ' ^ r,i ' him de eye ob de dal he that there will be no delay in begin- steady eyes, rapidly Jerking from side to side. nr>' freipii-ntly indirntivp of an unsettled rnl'id It is said that the preva'lieg color of eyes among the p i tients , lunatic asylums are brawn and black. Kyc* of any color with weak brows and Ions, concave Ins tie* Directors: ri Wit.bnm, John 1) Uarrcll, R. G. Hnrtsfield, J. ]>. Uliason, James A. Reid, A. B. Belcher, ning the work as soon as the charter ■ are indicative of a weak constitution has been obtaind. I The road will pass through thei finest section of county and state. Extensive forests of the finest kind , of timber abound, the farm lands are the best in the country, and it will prove a most profitable invest- incut. Strictly Apiiraprlntr. What this new road moans for the j Otre of tbe pretty Sunday school it will go teachers has n class of llnle girls, and Eyes that are wide apart are said to Indicate great Intelligence and u tenu- | clous memory. Eyes of which the | wholp lrts Is visible belong to erratic j persons, even with u tendency Coward J Insanity Wide open, staring eyes In ! weak countenance* Indicate Jealou«y. ! bigotry. Intolerance aufl pertinacity j wit liont flniiness. H. C. Draj »er. I3r Accounts of cor porations, lrrns and individuals solicited oountiy thiough wlucli .... 0 ^ ^ ijp r custom to tell them each Snu- shall'be of considerable interest to ^ uf <, U[U ,. nttle incident mat has THL NEW- TORE WORLD, THRICE A-WEEK EDITION. The best neper at the lowest Pr'ce every citizm. It w id i' 0 *' ol| l.' en hance tiie value of their possessions along the route, but will be the me dium by which other money enter prises will ring up and help develop the resources of the country. 156 Paplus DOLL AH As ood as a daily^at the prief may spy 0 ut a f ar T W bis 1 bands to de <j;ospel in his tongue to de line 1 *’ ^ :t 'I I" 1 * ear to de gospel 1 A( v hi* head way down be- " " ;s knees, and his knees way '-otue lonesome, dark and r 'Mlev, whar prayer is much 1 made. ’Noint him wid de ob sal vast, un, and J Cnre guarinteed MR.L. Hicks’s. hnppemsl lu tbe wts-k and rwinest the _ children to ijliote a verse of Scripture , | V K A H F 0 It II .1 fc to Illustrate the story. In this way , site ho|»ei< to Impress the usefulness of P.ibUcal knowledge u|iOfi the lltUe _ ones. I-asl Sunday sbe lold ber class of 3 Weekly. of a cruel t>oy who woiild catcb eais j — j and cm lb»-!r tails off. i i) url iig tbe Anuericau.Spanish wat Let everyone do all lie can to' ' Now. can any little girl tell me ot j .j- ME Thrick-a Wex:,- \\’OrU.I> pioveilit* i.„ I, i|, :1 s e; ,r)v an appropriate verse?" she asked. K , eal , Vtt ’ lu<; uy thapromptnen-. thorough janse this roa I to • TlH'i-e was a paitse for a few inoincnLs, , r , e ^ K accuracy of its reports from all as possible an 1 the reward they will vv tien one litlle girt aiose ood lo h sol- | the scenes of important event*. It wa» , ...ill reii-itf them—Tile einn voice said: as nueful as a daily to the reader, and it receive will amp . 1 y •■Whatsoever God ha* Joined together ; will be of equal value in reporting the let no man pu« usundei.”—CafthagM great and complicated questions which p • are now before tbe American people, * ”***" I It. prints tbe uews of all the world Airt >cofr!*ii rariuer. ueiuR electee having Hpciial correspondence from all Worth County News. UOVtTlT TMKW Si l-FEH. Often children are tortured with tlamalion, leaves the sk u without a soar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, ’her •’ no salve on earth n« 1 11 O.ilV tfCislS tl “Noo. t>o.'-s. <-an coy o’ you tell me untisualintetert wbnt naeilitng is?" \V.) ,.(f<*2ihis unequalled newspapet Aftw a mouieot’s silence a small boy The SSASCS-LIgSl to il, a La. » seal arose and replied: get her one ear for $1550 • It s v. ha: ye gi e me t'other day for Tbe regular price of the two paper* it '-Limuou Answer*. <2 \. tSBTABLIUMKD HE STAR Shaving Saloon. West Broughton St., Bainbridge,Ga —o- Bstablished bv a home bov. First-clas» material and uolife and at tentive Barbers. Will F Thornton. PROPRIETOR. A I,. TOWNPIJII). G. t . WKNTMoRKI.ANn TOR VEVII & WESTMORELAND, ‘Attobnkyb-at-Law, Bainbndge, Geor Ye* uour^c. ROB’ L. 2. BRIDGES* Fracticlcg Fhy^icla^ UKINSOX. P . Ail calls prmuptly aft