The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, September 07, 1901, Image 1

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BAINBRIDGE. DECATUR CO., GEORGIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1901* ORB tlOLLAk A YKAi IB AOVAHCK MAAKI'P 1 * ApT osta, <?*•» S«fpt. 1.—The new*- ,l,„t of thfe "Coiiigg Nation, „ 0 f the socialist* of this which has been published at , Colony, was *oM at public yesterday on mortgages the colony bad given to firms oity and Savanna^. The ty was bought in by a repre- , of the creditors for $600, , it represenlated an original of probably $8,OIK) or $10,000 „Hinted of a Campbeil per- press, with a capacity of 10,• hour. a stereotyping ontflr, esses 8,000 or 4,000 pounds and other machinery of a law, printery. The buyers will bly sell it off at private sale t their money out of it. lest of the property of the will be sold nett Tuesday to y claims against it. The mort- f 0 r which' the outfit sold it to about $1,700, with labor er of $100 of so more. Then* borers’ liens and other claims t the the hilanCe of the pro- and sil will be sold to pay thus bringing the colony to an members of the colony have n a stew a long time, dissen- ansiug among them from the mug of the colony’s existence, of the mem iters of the colony 1 to this county several months nd found employment iu. vari nlerprises about here. • A half families remained there and a Dial quarrel has existed be- ihem. Only yesterday a j art was held to settle their nets and the sheriff required i of several iu oases that had between them. When'asked use of the failure of the colony f the most prominent members > the system.' The common i destroys the individual by de tig too great a sacrifice from mpetent man and putting too a premium upon incompetency system is pretty to look upon, ankind is not ready to put it practice.” Tbs Pr uidaat Auusl&attd. Georgia Southern Military College, Bainbridge, Georgia. The Leading Co-Ed uctilioal Military School of South Georgia. — Three Courses:—English-Classical, English-Scientific and English-Commercial. $125 will cover all expenses for nine mouths session. Full and competent Faculty of Eleveu Teachers. Literary, Military, Music, Physical Culture, Commercial, Stenography and Typewriting, Expression and Art ’Department* SUPERIOR METHODS OF DISCIPLINE AND STUDY AND THE FINE BEARING OF ITS 8TUDENTS ARK SPECIAL FEATURES OF THIS VIGOROUS YOUNG INSTITUTION. Handsomely illustrate! catalogue and full information upon request. Lieut.-Col. JAMES E. DUNN, C. E., President, Baihbridge. Georgia. Telegrams were received in this city yesterday afternoon announc ing the attempted assassination of President McKinley at Buffalo. N. Y. An anarchist, who had keen tracking the president for some time, ffred two sliots, each taking effect in the abdomen. News, of course, hss been meager, and a more accurate and extended account of the deplo- able affair may be expected hi our next issue. In the event Mr. McKinley dies Vice President Roosevelt will take his chair and it is not known which will lie the greater ouiamity to the country, the death of the president or the succession of Roosevelt to the presidental chair, PH A UBS MMIATI K COUNTY. Kerucrioifs .w \ iiachki.ok. Some women are not so red as they paint themselves. Wer bury our- ramanwe- tenderly but we forget where the graves are. It is a short lane that has no lov ers in it after it turns into the shad ows. Age tnay wither the. tieautv of a good woman, but it refines her soul. 1,000 ACHii* IX I'ANTAMtlfK*. THIS SllOt'I.U HK OONK. Au tfffon is beiugutMide in Camilla with fair prospects of success to form a stock company tor the pur pose of cultivating cantaloupes next year on au extensive scale. The promoters of the scheme propose to plant a thousand or twelve hundred acres of Rooky ford cantaloupes out on the Flint, that lfftpl being admir ably suited for tbe isop, and having There are two things a woman . never Ireen planted in melons, would cannot be tempted to betray—tbe make tbe best kind of a fruit. It is man she loves and her age. If it weren't for t|ieir wives some men would have bieaoli cf promise suits on their hands every week. A woman will hHiig on to the faded photograph of some young man who made love to her when she was a girl even after she lias forgot ten Ids name. estimated that the cost of cultivation and getting the melous to market will be $30,000, while with a fair seasou and prices the crop ongf t to bring $75,000. We understand thfe 'company will build or olmrler two or three (mats to take the melons to Huinhridge At its recent meeting in Thamas- ville the State Agricultural society mode a recommendation that should lie carried out without delay. The society i.dopted resolutions urging the legislature to take the necessary steps to establish and maintain an experiment farm in South Georgia. <5ne of the main objects of this movement is to provide lor the study and practice of the most scientific and economical methods of growing sugar untie and manufacturing sugar and syrup. It is proposed also to make provision for experimentation with other products that are especial ly suitable lo south Georgia. We hope to see a south Georgia experi ment farm established at the earliest possible time It lias been demon- wl ere they will be loaded on cars for j #tmw| , )eyolld aI1 (lollbt lhat iugar I shipment. As the, lands are close to a||< , 0 , Uie q , mlity oan Some married women never seem ( the river the cost of loading will be . maJ(J t | (at Heclioil of Georgia -Camilla^Ciarlon.^ (at a good profit. The demand for l||IR HBtV HAILROAIl. { IIKATH \T UOMItl »T, will be a shock lo the many d* in this cuunty of Mr. W. R. i to learn of his death at his e in Colquitt Ga. on Sunday last last. His death was occasion- Hemorrhagic fever and his "s was of short duration. De- fi was one of the most iiifluen- ai, d honorable citizens of Miller hy mid has always been promt- Hi the politics of liis county, ^hl the position of oVdinary at lime of his death, the duties of '•h office lieperformed most effi- tly for several years past. He 11 'Ufniber of the Baptist church lf we mistake not, a Miaou. An Open Letter. Tb OF GEORGIA. UE( r T. B. MAXwr.Lt,. Ordinary Guntur County. n 'aiia Bbuit Company. BainLridBe. Ga.. ... emeu: Four applications of 'tetter itemed.* cured a bad case „ ,- ei which 1 aad suffered with for <n Le i?V uy f° ot - after t.rviuic VS- so-ealled tetter cures. ' ' Yiur* Ttulv. T. H. Maxwell. to think that men would not seem so anxious to flirt with them tf, they didn’t know there was no danger of their having to marry them. When a woman really loves a man ahe will wake him up in the middle of the night to ask him if lie thinks her mother, who is out west, is all right, and if he says yes, she’ll go right to sleep agaii. There have been no new develop ments in the projected Flint River and Gulf railroad, but the prelimin- Georgib cane syrup inureases every year because the fact that it has no superior and few equals is becoming more generally known. Chemical analysis shows lhat Georgia sugar is ary affairs are progressing nicely | superior to the Louisiana article in and the prospects are very bright, j saccharine qualities and there is no MR, RUSK'S IIKATH. The sad death of Mr. Carl P. Rose, which occurred in this city last Suuday after a lingering illness, will be learned with regret bv the many the The men who are behind the luoveiueut are all successful business men, who have tbe’ confidence of their respective counties. The bene fit ttial tbe road would be to the sec tions through which it will pass grow with every inspection until it seems to all wbo have thought of matter that the amount of friends of this popular young gentle man over the country. Since coming to Bainbridge, Mr. Rose has 'been holding tin* position of traveling salesman for E. .1. Ik il money necessary to build and eq dp the road Would be readily snliSorUied by tbe land owners along ibe route. Lind that cannot now In* sold lor limit lo tbe demand for it. Great possibilities are offered to Georgia in the sugar industry. It is good policy for the state to make the most of them. It would pay Georgia to provide the means of ascertaining and mak ing known tbe liesl method* of utili- icing a crop which grows to great perfection and an abundant yield in a large part of Iter territory. And there are other south Geor gia crops of gieat possible,.I lie $3 an acre will when the road is that would be made far more itnpor- Col. .1. F. Stone, a former well- known-newspaper'man, but now a successful farmer of Decatur county, was iu' Waycross Friday, shaking hands with old frlendi. .Col. Stone, several years ago, was editor and publisher of the Jesnp Sentinel, and old timers say ilia* lie gave his readers the best newspaper- ever published in Wayne county. For a nunifier of years lie was travel ing representative of The Savannah Morning News. Gov. Atkinson ap pointed him a member of Ills staff, which position he tilled with the dig nity and graue of the veteran that he was. About a year ago Col. Stone sev- ered Ids connection with the News and retired to his farm hi Decatur county, near Cairo. He owns a tract of 1,015 acres, about 450 of which have been cleared. The colonel runs a Dye horse farm and has made quite a success in tilling the soil. lie has 80 acres planted in long and short cotton, from which lie ex pects to pick about 40 (inks. In addition, lie has a large acreage plan ted to 'torn, peas, piuder/L potatoes, etaud about four acres in emit*. ”1 know Georgia* from Tennessee to the Florida line, aud from the coast to Alabama,” he said to a Jour nal reporter, "and there is not a* healtlier or more prosperous spot iu Georgia. As for morals, you can stand on a street corner tu Cano from Monday morning until Satur day night and never hear an ugly word. "Nor can you find land anywhere more fertile. Why, the little town of Cairo ships from 7,000 to 10,000 barrels of syrup and from 5,000 to 8,000.bales of cotton every year, to way nothing of tbe immense q*niiiVt- lis Co., a position which lie held, built readily sell for $10. Pine lands taut and profitable than they art* now to the satisfaction of his employers, He was a young man of pleasing ad dress and affable disposition. He uumliered many among his friends and his genial face will be greasy missed from our city- To In* loved ones and friends are tendered tbe deepest sympathy of the* town. ■pssv&mm3 . full, Ud kRRi guarani fctk. , Pricy Don't be sallied with temporary re lief lrom indigestion. liodol D)*-|'e|>-! Cure jiorinaueutlv atld K m*ilUn«^.yl** move* tliis complaint, it rent's e- |*er- will double in value as soon as th first iron is laid. The business of tiie towns would he. generally in creased and the whole section will lie benefiUe.f.—Camilla Clarion. by the operations of a well conducted experiment farm in lhat part of tiie state. Tbe agricultural society and tl e representatives of south Georgia counties should press,{.lie,proposition for a south Georgia expel iuie The Plant Syd-em will run last low j a l| lli«y s Sft»h : W»4ff*«lt%l ties of uhiukeii* and egg*. The farm-' *$&r 'So. . •.PKt'l AL KXl't'MSIOV r»te «xour*i*»ii to Bsvamuih Si IS* Bound Trip trom IJalubi*i<lrfMrJ '*U- '0 Leave Bainbridge - - ,*5Ml *. p ..-Vrriv«ais»8avaiitiah - - - SS4j4«» a. ■ J.tki&ift Y 1 **^ returning <ni»lj regnl mill!-, inclnuliig...special tng 'Ifffd "*4 :r-' 'At! 1 l- .-.-iii * I j *jji.aqy; V’fnt Sterna, era ate not politfbiasis; they don’t- even discuss gold and silver They simply live at home and hoard at the same place and let Wall street severely alone. ; ' "The old school house it) which j*"™ l ,U^t.*^endr^, of Wayero**, tat ght at the y ear * ago is stfll standing. My ;*t ^7ofTe'’fc5d£!l^ix5 f* rt *,?**"> ••w" ife imfHtal. rv< ’ nJJ* . ^^thglbti^e utily once has a pnysic- 4i:i '"!> ilfliM 1, iap/visjted the place in Lis prof^s- t, . ; ^iyiial yapsci^y, aud that Was to see gif}.'l.'.ad ( eaten tqo many green **e.wbt>; pl.unnp, 'jj'fje (>nly liunirm',Wing lo lit* on the plaie was a' negro man \OTI»:kVT« , Bc»* &taiavrao» Las ftolrtto? that ot atvdhmta »«w 't xuo to svaqqgtw* atoti »br>H ooii io tsrfxceo * ivo yoMt*> yiqmL ilioT *(bIoa ti Sjiloi toallsix* dir-d'W ox auoiI xm ti xoiZ*) £3jj».:Lv; *noejoow n Katmtlay Ne,>tember lid a -p '-ebil * ii.ii w$fjWl 4*- HJ •j''. 9vi.) unttitU'Jicii nc*. : JA"(t(j£7(| tud Joori .ouivj hn» Uat -nf tl .xoufljm? at .11 tlyMtrtqqit nu-j nnaq*({-liioa«ai*soq imu kw-Aij-t vi j:*,nig ,ntu(Sn.axll .noik/^ibnl jtletiwwfl .£f.o«ir:i>id in oft ,9aap?nj'(i'i ba&.hqttsrt&. Algf/nfsafj.odojtbBoTj 3! >18 •coi-»VA5»? b Svrtiaq ail laJi wk 1 c.tfto II* . .03 £ um*<X.» 3 Xts b.ioqnU IIMll* of t Attended ^^. ^-^ xiiifortunate enough to leta L'..l.»£ '^Vct' df Wktfy timber fullou Inqi.”—*j 1KH14V tfmVe G. | ^aycro^i Joorgal. d si. **T.l J vO 'aa*jv oi;«Jl.i*i«gfl oj.11/ - -on osi q v>/ bio?. .!■ -' .0 * VA» 4 oif .d itH