The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, September 07, 1901, Image 7

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SJ7557 becomes dangerous if by its excite- »> bJSSB#****" 4 ** U,hkxi.iv;athowb. Kli<- of Iniui ' efr l, e r know* that the \ v v*i p"p ,ls are * Um .,, the children who .ft books at ho**- Indeed, read oat ot oohool more important th&n what in school, for they will „ r own choice the books . uko, and the books we ,.lH)oks which influence Vs,” as Bulwer says, “sug- lus, thoughts become too ■j, prompt to action. Man .aud piece of machinery, nerves and muscles •act for the slightest body* Yet the very wind „ c; ipnal hint or associa ’etthe whole in motion ;C0 an action. Actions re tro habits, and determine ct er, fixed and firm and (or good or for evil. ’ ,, as the child has acquired r of getting at the sense of cl page, the taste for the lie had in literature may grow, and it may^do so even is acquiring this power, enters on the perilous path esc-ibed by Mrs. Browning ra Leigh”: st his own way, he, an alieu ment it renders the ordinary course ot life uninteresting, and increase the morbid thirst for scenes in which we shall never he called upon to act.” Few people to-day ever think of opening the pages of Sonthej-’* ‘Doc tor,’ b t'there is a passage to be found there on the influence of.books which is worthy of printing in tetters ■of gold. He says: Wo .Id you know whether the tendency of a book is good or evil, examine in what state of mind you lay it down. If it in duces von to suspect that what you have been accustomed to think . un lawful may after all, be innocent, and that that may he harmless which you have hitherto been taught to think dangerous,—if so—throw the book into the fire, whatever name it may bear upon the title page. Throw it into the fire, young man! Young lady, away with the whole set, at- ld nf books. [d of hooks is still the world; !.| ings in it are less merciful L re puissant. For the wicked Led like angels. Eyery knife (rises 1 with e emeutavy fire to assail Ihiallife ” of the public libaries do a vork in guiding children’s I, b t h ndreds of thousands Ills need enlightenment as to jit books to place in the way hoys and girls. . To direct I how wisely to choose Iht jinir children should read is a hi well worth the attention of js, and it is far more important lost people are apt to consider only lire there the vicious hieli children find on the |tands, or winch are brought attention by other means re is a vast quantity of weak Ivolous material not precisely ■mediately harmful, perhaps [licit ought to give place to [er, sounder, and more health ntal food. I reading of newspapers and ires, for sample, which are almost unreservedly in the [of children all over the country rgi't a loose habit of mind | weaken the power of sustained ftraiion in reading. Many and jrown-up person lias had |<> regret the hours of useless Ieoh he has frittered away Its inning hia power of getting uilei.ts of more valuable i with which, when it is too fe desires to make himself fa k'd icice that indiscrimate >1' r and novel reading has m I'fihg distorted views of human human environment, and of i character, it is scarcely possi- 1 realise. Many a t>oy and girl I' 1 constant state of expecting |ti ng lo turn up which will their lives in some wonderful I after the fashion of some story I have read, and they are thus ' ®ore or Wgs unfitted for the J'cal realities of life and for the F'lav conditions which surround Instead of manfully obeying [‘ | ® n ghsh motto, “Do the next they are always waiting for S :c 'at aud an peeled turn of for TMt MMOCNOeTMC 8M1UL ta thtt f*lr land •**•• «kpt mb* plain ChlM back to ms sod, ato Am) otina (Meld the «pi*mtln« fists When ertsiry arrow* tr. WWe enow ta Minina Meek • •tie. Through tlneyird 4r*rjwB drSta, The world we emet with t wuil She groeted wttb t mile. •ImUrihg, tbt addled tod, B»lh*i*. »oh(. And whet the Mt the untft • f*»e. rod Ute mllet nil) Iwepofct Be* IrsJetnna ol heart. And nightly when the knelt and (wtyed llestde tier anuw white bed Hrr fa<* wad otw put* efnlla that madt A htaaen about her head. When love Bret trembled In her eat The heart throb* that tieguile, She ltalened with aew-uting nor. Tlwu rheaad it wtlh a amile. ■arrow and pain wtlb unlit* tbt hot* I nto her lataat breath. But the awoetnl amile ah* ever won Hal tbt mile the ware in draiti. . —Allred Auttui is Independent. 6ELF FLAME OF JEWELS. The Gloaa the Diamond Shews Whet.' ladei Prreearo. A traveler (or a diamond lions* woe talking shop the other evening amt. ■peaking of gems, said: -The most overworked expression , .... . .1 ttwfl by tbe uuMOplilti lea tod ftnil deeply though it should be the prominent, impressed diamond purchaser Is, ’ll feature in a rosewood bookcase!” | actually looks as If It slows of Itself.' How to insure tba co-operation of Kow ' 11 ** <l ®* known that . ,, \ such Is acfnally tbe ease, although not, parents in leading their cbildren to of fourra, m tbs way the public la the right books is a matter which ! tends. The beauty or the gem in light t mish ‘ < w°;-^"»r'zr!Lsr. and it ia very gratifying to know | the dtamotui baa more, for It may that many have this matter very gtomn eve# In the oUbt with a pole ranch at heart. ' - | Do parents eyer consult yon as to Heated to a certain temperature t$y t’ etr children’s homo reading for Internal Ore shows Itself, and under pleasure their joy books, so to speak | yranT ago'*!* went to Am.tera ajid how fi»r uro you equipped with aam to purchase some spsctnl stones ti.e neeessarv knowledge to answer f° r • California millionaire who bad i • .' „ v.r,, i. , ordered them through our New Tort, such inquiries? Would ni t parents g|g| W blKi there l waa thq^ru gladlv accept suggestions from teach- tlie Inside workings of tbe famoqs 4k* ers for books for children’s home mondcpulng eslobltsbmenta if that . , , i i .1 city* Of gll that I saw. bqwv.ver,. the reading, and surely no school author-, of , pfW , ity won! 1 consider that the teacher > suns most surprised my., TtyJ manager , ^ ■ Florida and Oxttea. Double 'Daily Passenger Service. Montgomery,. Troj, jUiark, Optimo* Elba, BainJx4Ugf^ * * TliOtturtviile, Viddosta, Wayoiow, v savannah, CHAHWatoN* Brunswick, Jacksonville •:;! FLUIDA PI r. Tlvvouffh Fullmaa Car# ‘ NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, Uichtuoud and all Points East, in-oonn'ection with SODTHERI KAlLWiXm^TlG C0A8T UK.c To ■%. Ztoutisi, Ciaoitiaaki. TianitowiltOi CKloaaro. gassow City, Sitsslnghsm, VaakvUU, Sfiatir OxlaatMt, . agid oil poiateWMSt t»«Kwth«res. Leave Hainbridge going East—3:0S k. m., 12:30 p. m. Leave Bain bridge going W«,t—2i05 a. w., 19:20 j>. m. Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and. M- A M. T. Co., for New York, Boston and Baltimore. was oversteppirg her sphere in mak { Pl a < x ‘*l * tor * p rpse. cpt gem between- , . ... ,. , the jaws of a vise .and carefully ajv mg recommendations of this ktud. i pji^ m gertalt) gtuougit of prraaare. Ba There are many excellent series of. then e^||pgqlabp5j,'nU tbe light In tba cheap classical books which are now! •fcoft.aflfj .aa aaop os my eyes bad be* ..... . . ,, , . come .wrustomed to tbe darkness I published which might we.l form the j Muy^th£diamond emitting a soft radt- imcleus of a library tor the children | s^pr y# Its own like a very pale glow- in their homes. I have one series tl A * 1 **• '**“* I tbr ,ye|tpwer diamonds wer# slightly especially in mind, entitled Heath s, phosphoreseebt than tbe first ». , c. u-.i #m i.:.a. wigtyatones, . “By the. yrgy. you would«lly as- tonlsbtVl. to khqw the nutnber.of Jewels For further Information, oall on nearest Ticket Audit, oi; address BWWrenn. tt L TODD. , Pass. Traffic Manager, Dp'Uiob Pitas. A-ent,. Snvaanali, Oa.. ' 'Montgomecy. Ala. GEORGIA PINEL RAILWAY QQ, ISOHTH^BOVNB jTlueozMLt###^# Sliver Schedule ejfrctive June 24, 1000, sot ni not an. Home and School Classics, wliigh is exactly s liable for this purpose. The books are till vouched for., by the names ot men and women in whom teaoheis and parents alike have confidence, ar.d the selection covers the .whole field of children’s reading. X RAOIVK. HDtniM] Fl.Oim Washed down a telegraph line which Chiis. C. Ellis, of Lisbon. la., nad to re. pair. '‘Standing waist deep in ioey water.” he writes, “gate me a terrible cold and I ‘grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oakland, Neb.. Sionx City and Omaha said I had Consumption and could not live. 'I hen I beiisn using Dr. King’s New Dis covery and was wholly cured by six bottles.” Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds ond all ’1 hroat and Lung troubles by R. L Hicks. Trial bottles free. Price 50c and $1.00. which t also popsess setf itamfC to niptv or less extent, anfl.,4 have often wondered If the uIoli<|(p.lats who per formed such apparently, well autbeull- toped womlers In the,.middle ages did npt know soipetlilu« of;, phospbores- cence aml its odtlitu-si!'—SptJtt^Orleans T))mc*-J>cuiocrat. except SunUny i 'liu p ui p in 10 vu p m U . so u m .S 10 a m 3 13 a m S 1A n ni « 30 a m H «A a in S A0 a in ' 0 18 a in a 8tt a m 10 00 n iu lo lu a m 11 80 u m 13 40 p in 3 84 p m 7 4A p m 1 84 pm 8 0(1 p in 4 no p ll: 7 SA p rn « 8A o ill Ko. 8. [tally except Sunday. S 0A a 111 s no » m 11 00 a Hi t tA pm 0 to p III No. 1. Sunday only. UOtb Meridian, (Central Tune ) A 00 p .8 8U,p lo oo p ni 13 w a m s lo a iu 8 8A pm i 3 13 a in 8 00 pm : 8 |A a in 8 0A P III i 8,80 » Ml 8 38 p iii i 8 4A a ni 3 4(> p ui • s 8o a ui 0 AA p,il 1 0 |» u m 4 18 p HI I 0 80 a III 4 40 p IN ! 10 00 ll III 10 10 II III 11 8)1 a 111 13 40 p III 1 84 p III 3 IMI p III Suvaiuinta Jacksonville Wavoroo* Thim aavtllH Montuoiuery West Halo bridge Until bridge West Hainbridge K1 doles do llnykln llelqiiltt Dan, asciis Arlington Arlington Albany Sniltlivtfle Slnltlivllle MiinOgOli cry Amertcu* foil Valley No. 4, Dally except . . Sundny : fliTo a in hi IA n in No. 3. Sunday only. At neon Atluntu Snvanniib S’80 ll III : 8 IA ll (ll ' 8 84 a in ; T Vi p m 1 3 OT p in ■1 0 no p III : 0 4A P III : 8 < o p m : ; o n» p pi i i A 88 p in : A 111 p in , 4 AA p III | * H,' I'UI | 3 97 p 111 > 3 8A pin | jo p III 1 All p III 13 34 p in a pi 8 IA a ui 8 3A n ui f 4A p ui 3 07 aiu 0 80 |> ||> 0 9# p IU A to {> iu 0 fa )• pi f 8s p|n A |> >11 4 AA p III 1 »1> 8 '*7. p in 8 8A p ip 1 80 p ui 13 34 p HV ll jo ii ni i ll fil'd ip 7-A0 u ui . ?■», u >>( S-tenllol of ueorglp li'y. > No. Daily except hunduy llTiTn. 19 AO 1> 10 10 80 p ll 7 IMI p m 11 3A a t>i A 80 a u> 18 IA >> to If 10 1> 10 II 91 u II l] a in 48 h 7 AA p m 8 38 p III I—Plant System. 9—Uoorgla Pine Hallway. I—Georgia A Alnbamn. Train* At, I, and 9 and I niuke close conncoUou at, Af.ltnaton wtlh Central of .Georgia for and from Albany, Maeon, Atluntu anil nil points Kiist nmt Avert thererif 1 Trains 3, and fft tnuice clone popneclton at Wesc, Hnlnhylilge u Itli the Plant Sy.sten, for and from Savannah, Atontgomciy. npil ull points Koat mill H eat, tlmrraVf: '4 B. COLEMAN, agU* f 8f»u W ri.d fI vie)H. hr.-. ■ * m 9. M ITHAM, 1‘rraMeul. J. O. tUIIHtCMn V. PrePl. It. 41, IIAN’l**Wt,[>.d ashler. ■/t’1 Robert Bltlsimmoo*. the pugilist, has ascended the lecture platform What tbe Bye Telia, Ej-ro are very treacherous, noditboso Who. meddle in amorous matt era sbould, lEDotv all atKMlt .theiu. VVlien the upper lid covers half or more of the pupil, the )ndlcs|)oa la of cool, deliberation. Ait eye the upper lid'of which pusses horltoDtally across tbe pupil Indlonte* mental ability, Cn- stendy eyea. rapidly Jerking from side to side, are frequently Indicative of an unsettled mind. K Is said that the prevailing color of eyes among the pa tients of lunatic asylums are brown and black. Eyes of any color with weak brows and tong, court! re las ties are Indicative of a weak constitution. Eyes that are wide apart are said to Indicate grant Inlellfgcurv aud a igoa* dona mcmafty. Eyes of which the Whole Iris' Is visible belong to erratic i u,,, i (M-rsons. even wttb a tendency towonl and some of his utterances prove f stariu^ea lu him to be as much a success tn Ins; Weak coiintenaarus ludlcatv Jettloasy. new role as Jie was in the prise fight- j Bigotry, hitoleraoce aud peninocUy; ,ng arena. The following is a para-1 Brniu —• graph taken from one of his recent J striettr ApurnpiTate. lectines: “I never see a young man j One of the pretty Sunday school ,. . _ .... * p„_i i;t a him 1 teachers hns a clasa of little gtrljL^nd dissipating but I feel like taking him ^ ^ r|Mloa) to M ttleaL „jF$ ao . aside and telling him that he iswast- ^ av 0 f gQgjp imie incident chat baa ing his strength and squandering his j happened tu the week and request tba . . .4 „„ r„_ him. Children to quote a verse of Scripture brain power and stori a | ! to lllnatrate tbe story. In tbl# wny self a legacy of disappointment and „he j,opes to impress the usefulness snffering. It is not a question of ot Biblical knowledge upon tbe little , b T . , .„„ 1f ■ ones. iJist 8unday she told ber class morals. It is a question <> 0 j a cnw ; boy who would catcb cats tereat. ‘Life is like a sparring match. >04 j their tails off. A man needs to he in the finest pm-- “Now. ran any little girl tell me of ... , k.„ „ n r an approi>rlate verse?” she asked, sible condition to nave any chance was a pause for a few tnouieota, | when one little girt arose and In a sol* mt rolee said: victory. The largest ocean going steamer that has ever been built has recently been launched by the owners of the White Star Line. This monster the Bttiy ChTtwed Under tee Jrwo cf C*cc7|La< CAPITAL S25,000.00* •a* W. 8 Wi’thatn, John D. 'Harrell, R. V*. Ha'rtsfiwlfl, Sirectew* l>r. J. D. (.tofison, JarncV A. RdiJ> A. (B. Wether, H. C. Draper. Aocounte ot ooar irma #nd individuals eoliOited MNSitaNtar THE SEW YORE WORLD, THRICE A'WEEK EfllTlOH* The beft paper at D.ts 'oweet Price A IRAK 150 I’APXtoi FOR OKU IHILLAK As pod as a dailyfrtfthe price of a Weekly. During the Aniervfijn-lipuiiM] wa: The Thuioe»a-\VexK worij> proved iti great value by thepioruntnera. thorough ness aud accuracy of its reprrts fr»«tu nl, the scenes ot important evenw. It 1 as useful as a dailv to the reader, an rMi acatrasn isriner. oemg imctm mctnjxr of |be local school boara. . , , s metuper or iw local scdooi noaro. Celtic has a length of seven hundred ^ Mebool and tested the Intel* feet registered.tonnage of 20,880 and ligwne of the elase by bis qnesttoaa has a speed of seventeen knots per T !i®. < ^ bo i ^ U ‘7 n Zlj o‘ you tell me . ^ hoar. Her engines consume JbU w j. a , nj , e ttiiag Is IT w hieh will place them’ beyond tons of coal per day and furnishes After s moment’s silence a small boy pti-sect surroundings in some accommodations for 20,859 pasten-, o?e t oTher d*V for ‘tnaginel sphere. As John gers. saudla vtr bourser'- London Answers. wa* JL Midi.- _ . . , , , _ wjll be of equal value, in- reporting the \\ hatsoever God has Joined together , great and complicated questions Which ' let no man po» aaundet. —Carthsga j ar @ now before the. Amsncau naopls. > It printe the news of all tha world having Special correspondence from all important news points os the globe. I has brilliant illustrations, atoffes by graai authors, a capital hnmor page, com piet4 markets, departmaale for tbe household and woman's wosk -and other special fla. partments of nnusuai interest ff« offer this unequalled net and •mrnm. y r E8TABLI8HED 1N8 hb s-pJlr. Shaving $al«*n. West Broughton 8t.,lfainbridge, Ga ■ t fcstabliahcjj bv a home boy. First-clasa material and oolite and at - , tentire Barbers. Wifi F Thornton. RI|OPKIETOK. P t. TOWNSSHD. i offer this unequalled aasmeaaet TKm •SJkXOS-XJCsmT to gether one ear Ift $LOO. Tbe regular price of the two papers Is g 2 4f. ». WMTHOKKI.AN T*mm tWBlWHUIIA. Attomwp»-at-Law, Bainbrtdge, (} eor BOB’ L. Z. BRIDGES. P**ctidnf Fhyriclan, B KIN SON, - - QEOKGIA. 1 Ail oslls promptly attended.. .