The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, September 14, 1901, Image 3

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— lie Ribrw* writ uci.ijctit, Marianna, Kin., Sept. 8—Fri- d*y morn hist, about one mile vn the country from (Jhipiet, Flu., a negro man KMiiulted • white girl. Mini Dime*, lire negro tied, ami wan ouM‘hi'i'1 ftfcflytoneaj turvd late on the name day near Cot- tondale, Kfct. r by lX-iectivu Waits, carried to ilhiptey on a hand car, and put infill, A mob at onoe a rrounded the jtil and the gul wa* brought in and identified the mar, who then nckno wlcdgod the deed. Mayor Watte talked to the mob and naked thi Jp.twlet the law handle the San * promising that- n speedy trial ami sentence-.would be given him* The mob dispersed^ but about an< hour lalet a masked moh attacked the jiil, over, powered the guards and broke into the building, getting out ilk- mm, they took him about 1 mile Hi the country and Ocd several hundred shots into hts body, leaving turn lying in the woods riddled with bullets. y|I.HI * <tr ; dimming dogs- „ that can be imagined lct , tt,e. family is gnth- beard for the morning evening Uiw»l> White ;:.ds and With bowed mb le vmoe ask* W»e idea , -„yon the ftssl tsbout , „f. The custom of welbiigli universal in isehvild, is app ire.nly -, v into drs -sc, especially I be burly bully of Miner*, ii,<e tor a moment before tluu.k God lor his bene- „,1 dwibt.' inafTIJr Oi egotistical an- to imagine providence has had very s iii. s .pplying ll, « meal, credit to themselves 1 to a New York newspaper Deal is practical}' oii- 1,0 ptblitf eating places. [r | u , I restaurant life t» ,j vl . tu ocreimmials’ espec- 0 f ,v religious nature. At nil s idh places the rale is i ok I y ami get out or ,,ccr wines and liti-h rUie rather the benefac uiuum. Should a clorg ice to ho one ill a dinner i ask to ’’say grace,” Wr*: lus uiutli, not as an act jjf i, t ii, t . Most Higb'ffor his in! ii is quite likely that ' Ml ion applies to a very |,rivute liuusehdld, not Yui k, Imt vnnoris lie country. ■ Hg imlliiug to say that in the custom of grace before bsiTvo.l more largely than in ii.c United Siaies, and utli it is more general In til u is i .o'ufbOr districts, inception rather than, the ul u ■ armor's family ur the ii which there is not a ligi > i$ bent and a pretty n-reuoo to the ndigioaa con- Sabbath observance, fam- yi-i-s and grace lmforu hilled It is th stian spirit turn lay fanners’ hoys into | i sir.tnen to fight tie f life.—Savannah News « u«MI,| -U..1H*, Coder certain couiloou* trim tu»T " br aero in ttir itlRtu sky. exactly op poain* to the place where Hie sun may tr.,m bn * faun right. r—whM m «*i line. wfcft-U oikmt "grsctuirbira bn* Iwew given It ium always Iwm n mystery to olrvaniumt imt I’rufwwoc l‘t<«rrtng suggested ttmt It may tie a eemrtrry or ineHwrlr satellite of- |bv twrtU. Hr thinks it nay u« cmupomnI of a ctoail of aieietifa ijuotjtiup mttra from ifcr earth and revolving aiuiiml it In a period of fast one solar ).«r, mi tbaf the son anil the iztioetly sairtUt.- are always on oppuaite atdra of the writ. . A fit, •» emiinn saHna*. CarMwtl bus lavti liiimorriusly da- arrttaal as neiiig built oil tin* ihi of u boiltiiK kettle. Whirl) la alimwt blerall.v true. As ft sinn,Is >.u ii ernst of .smr paeatfve thinness liuvugb wtiicti- Hw> several mine nil. sphukri The most •imiMtnnt ami most usvtl of these springs is tU- riprutlel, wnieb tils charge* Uib.'oUi ballons a <ia,v of van cum i«f.»t* ; ntftires Tim witter of the Hot springs bus lieeu famous for more tbnu a lentury »s a 1 *ruw“ fur various couiplnmts. and the lowti .-an nearly Always (mast of Us royal visitor* dur lug the season from May I to Kept, go Can be properly run without being Advertised, COKTl\K\rtl. vImov. Karly Ob nifty Nowsi Mrs. \V, A, Beckotnof Arlington, Gu., has two bills of CtMliueiitul money, both Issued June 8, 1777. These hills, I *•' one tin 8 anil the other a fi dollar bill, were found in the genealogy kept up by her father Ool. K. L. Pepper. The o.t lest a’ncestor trim- tinned in this record was Gilbert Pep- parlmrn^ni Dorchester, Monday Apr. 19,- 17«fi. Tf.ese hills, while ptysessiug uo tu.iney. Value now, are rare old relics of Kevol tioimry .lays when our infant republic was strug fk* OMh-wiirr. Pafvr— You arv very forwevd. str. tn toy day iIb- youug man waited until in vras aslasl to call. Young Muo— Yes. and now la> walls until bwM atAMI not to vah.-TtaBtU. And ho advertising pays better than newspaper advert.sing. The news-, paper goes into tl.e |,onn-* of tie people and is read thiongli. if l ur- gains are offered, they make a note of it. As ImiL VVUni tras-wh-m-I} .1oim> for «sT“ liirn.gmsi uw imtutwv a* oar fnfe- flora."-Krooktyr late. A, ihimm HBskwl Is r*s». Culm prodnees mu (ulm.-eo for chew Inn or fbr samtlnit. Ttm ihtmiis. trlio silMlke pities might Is- oOmtled on one's ringers wlthmn making a second round of llw Hugcra. Tlte .Hgar and ilia rtgareire prevail. To what esieni the Cttban cigarette might ever become popular with American snmfcera Ij a math-r Is-yorel iPuermlnnilon. 1« Is or- lain that most Americans of pro long.,J gling for independence from British j , lr ' U ? y ^ ® ' ; achlfcitul to I'uljnn hmmls nud It ml dltfl opp ression. tl vre luay be other snohj PU |, V |„ weaning tlsunsclvea lsn-k to bills In existence, but they a-e oerta-j Anrcrhau Ih-hwIs on their roturm-Ue 1*lly verv rare, as tlu possessors of ( liiese lulls have never read in the pub- f 19 m lie prints of but one other, Bonw 8,1 liK ° * H* 9»a , _ , - ' 1 Traprliw sent, to a VWorse boqse In n, i : • • i ... .CMiriin tto* siuaMtwt ami fiueef khnl af The Meiuplus Commeietal-Appi'hl, s sqiupW «r .^nv-wkii) tn delb (Bern.) say«: ”Turkey is said to be; cafe.. Iwmdiintft.' It M'iis 'rrftarihHi to ordering 300 gms with which to re-; 4Wb ri\'rt> a, hate ttwiangh tlve ,, . .. ■'w^iK'ri .-o«lu,«K# tie S««eu with a miero- sisl France or a y other nation that | may come along locking fpr a scrap. As the guns -ire coining, from, Ger.nv TIE SE4ECE-LIGHT a first-class advertising As it is read by ^eopl^ generally in tliis county and by, nia n Y; ''VlJltW^- kSSMllsMi I-'WOOV, As tlie guns ure coining, trom. '•fer.nv | l,» |«. sorid, tigu Kitf-uti. dyadtesa. oft race before ft|(V am j tlu- S dim has no mpney, JlHrUitucuK’i. one day rcmaifcwl io Her u,». s^^KSi^X-.S ui Uii, tarms old. enemy is still sei-htpg. U>, tnjj re Q , iuCIim you may proi>osc, ui.'* , Kelly of the Irish bar m y years of the iii.ieUeiitli used L-J indulge in it pi ;true y eucc, racy of the soil, say» ii bag, hut, iiuforiuiuitely, lie uutimes forget the line of and would always fall l.i- word ’’therefore,” which ■ii mind Imt-k to what ■a h d saying, Sometimes i the i ffeet was ulimist disas- Oiu; tune he Imd been eom- ig the j irv, assuring them were men of exiiiiovdiimry ■te, ami then hranelied off demerit of his case. With 'I liis hand and a smile on he [iiueeedeii: clear a case, gentlemen, mconvinced you felt it so y moment 1 started it. 1 pay men of intelligence a ri|dinient to dwell ou it for l -‘> theretoie, I shall proceed 111 d to you as minutely us u E ' T '»» Kiio.vj iiKtrii. ' ie •Uui'li ef had no almost In- ''t ■' uooj in,; |..oMi,b broil- 'dies Mrs. W.K. Haviland.ot * -but wiiei, all „tiler -uie.:, wc saved he- lire iviti. - .V.-,- DiMu.verv. Our neiee oupui,u ,a advanced "•-e l ti.U Wonderful int-di- .--lie is perfectly weii." 7 !! ' r 'at .a„d |„, u dp-c.1 » i.-V fo Co -rv t. 1 - e.f. h 1 .-' i.'tilde ;• i ' •»''•* o I 'H: ,-f * - v •" i- m.-h-,..- -..ui Many piysicians him iww«- prescribing Korb'l Despapstit.(!ure.rKg»illirlr it.-fvil.g found that''it i- tin* best, prescription t.hev can write.because it i« tiie one pre paration which contain the eTeinwifs necessary tut digest not onlv some k nds of food 1 Hut. nil kiild all 'kind and it, there fore ot»r«s itidigwHon and dyspepsia no matter what its cause. The £,iuisvt!li Courier .I'onrrnsl (I)em.) savs - two other wlme men,-- miking three inall —have been found guilty at Wetumpka. Alii, of lynch- ing> negro, and have been sentenced tti the penttenttarv. Wetumpka Is making a new and bright record, not onj \ for the South, but for the Mholecountrv.” Very’ grannie. A Ite snW. and tut pt-oiHwwsI tfl.^lie first on thy list. tVhcn, tp* cuius txiell with bis wlfv from tlietp M.eddhm igpr. they wvuH U». IpT thrtp- ty sixsts to tin' old lnv\>'. "\Vell. now." sis- saUV “b nnt Uie root, and. Von are ouiy tlie tiranciiea. and V.erviore you uniat utwa; s pay me a< treat ileal of deference.'* “That la all ve« well." aald Inet; linitertiueutly. "tmt l Ihluk the hram ltea. would flourish a great dsa^ taster if, the root m ua Tb, Stlnwr* StMWt*. ^ The primary |OaJM'i- u an* these whlctl- nm tint cHUters ofi seeondary synteum, eomusring- oft sukiMi ghsws- revnlv'lpat round itmm ta iris AMiie manner a* they rewdre rotiudi UM» Mini Theau ire seeomkvy ptatwov. sao'lttn*. ns ummmus The primary planers which are thus attended carry .the satellites rts reoondarj planets with them in tlioli orbits routel tbv III A AD. IN And work up your bnsieees, to at payin point. THI** Dllsifc Dealer- Here, tpadniu. Is a horas II can recomuieud supnd. klud - Old lanly- Of), t tVrn'l warn trial sort Norris Silver. North Stratford N. H “I purchased a isitt.t.le nf O ,e Minute Cpngh Cure wlien suffering with a cough I of 8 latrae. Up Uta heart high, doctors told, me w-,s iuenruhla. Cnc 1 ><tiler-Krii. • bottle relieved me the second and third OM llo,,lH altnoste.ured. To-day I am a well mail.', \ U. L. Hicks. 1 Ills nose close to the gBcllUd. so IM> call' oec where |y*> gotug New York Weekly. j Job Work -A FIR T CLASS-— »: FF.BD AND BOARD STABLE!» I a-ii devoting my 1 have only experience best rl hor mention to the care of a limited number of horses emer,. and they are tinder mv direct supervision, :-T— Our book and job ofiice is busy I lim ing out first-class job work all time, ami wc piopose to givi' mhih- fuction at reasonable prices. If yon need anything in tile job printing line, write to us or see us before placing yonr order. It will pay you. ■NX •?» ’ * 1.1^ S .. ii. « -. W i : rs r vi1 / " ,v r i ? b n k i> i. V- t >. k■ |i, N M it I l \ •t'A'.t. <• i sisisPSCTrtJxr't 3-a'O. i 1 1 3 III EIARCE-LI0H7;