The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, September 21, 1901, Image 6

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The Sea rch Light. BAIN BRIDGE, SEPT. 2), 1H01 HR, STEVENS’ CROP TALK wot-.U 1* snrtc-\**r ::-r cieejA and they enoii.d be plowed in with a cnlriT&toi or short turn lug alow It in best to <s-ed hw« »iy, tuna allowing for tno lore'oi in,’ i* griv.'t or freezes. *Y re; fin btrloy a mo-t admirable or for tilly spring graz-ng, mlr t.ble !>».•} in c -ntnbuciag fa 'k* h**iuth of »k .-a u ' . it: Ac suring of corn and Jo . rf. i ecre of barley u<-li ierii- bf.'.'tl. umtb< an or. the tuspf iiuii Aag. IS, In'- the trasiness i a; o few niirstr., *3- > c require j or inspection. Mid 1!l -asaf j lot m3v be made as eirly ns | ramie before ( lr- stpple * the season. Some Valuibic Stijurestfons Fot Georgia Fartrtbrs. | «•< .* ; rye, H'lill'1 CUT ALL GRASSES FOR I1AV n\o , . rn , , e green food crap, Import*nor of Hico < tutor*—It* < oo* sumption In tn«* LnluM st.ito* bur is ray on tli«< lii<*r**i*»e. Oilier I’roOucit- ■'7 Aor.icn.TCbAi. JJei’abtvstt. Atlant.a, Sept. 10, 10J L. In view of the crop eotitlitlou ot fill Wast unu the nertc wciit,it behooves to. farmers of Georgia anil too south ge» j is a matter of to lx> determined call; to allow ao waste upon the Wbm I by enrrooudlag or.ttdmous; hut no farm- Many of oui- poople detrend in grem | mess tire upon western hay. Bur so iid- ! favorable liau been the condition in thi! west throughout; the on tire season o! 1901 thnt tb*:r depeiidencu will prove r broken read. In other seasons bar urbict cost $C or W dollars a t«u in the west,. ti n murkot. sold In Georgia, by rea*ou of transportation, uc from $i3-00 t<!| flf'i.C a ton. The preKentyBoason era boon so unfavorable, that western hay brings on (bo term where it is growl 1 and mowed #19.09 n ton. Now tb< fanner, jndgiug by the past, can matte bis own calculation as to what westert hay will cost him by the time it reach** the Georgia market, Iujelew of this he must we the necessity of supplying the needs of nls etock from his own tarm. livery mower should be pot to work m once, of, >f the farm is not equippei with #pch an implement, bring the nan*: Buythu into active play. Every available blade of grass should be one. Gathei in the arab grass, crow foot and wire crass. One all the Bermuda on youi place, and fail uot in url facing all you: pen vine*. Alow also the swamp gross, ■) and all the broom sedc°. chat is uot tex' lar matured to fct used fdr iiay. Tnousjr the two last named do uoe make the be.; hay, they are better than uo bey, o than paying sxcesslve rules for th western article. If a shredder is to bi had, have your cornstalks shrsddiei out stored aura*-. M**ke srxel use of youi cane. Let no;him; esi-iru rmir none* that can bo o.itil for foou lor yonrstuolu This Is a time vrhio > pu s 'o the so-j vor?«c test a farmer’s sen n'.ifiu (uiosvl ‘ edge uud ability to make bis farm u ev.oivas. This is no liir.o for o rr n.n bi'Cuu.-e oi J the difficulties thnt beset him to foi l j his bunds urd, saying, ••all is losi!’ | give up the fight.. Tnno-’U m niau; j cionnm cotton nas been svrlnnsly darn I aged and the corn cron i.* below rn. uvi rage, minor crop , i nch as pcaa uml I j utW i-.’S, are doing well. hiuno report the lielda overrun with { gratts. Gut till ihat graim ai'd turn n ! into hay. Ure nii means to avoid ihc j less oi any t art of noy produce that can 1 to shored away for the ismt man o: j beast. I The cry of disastrous ovoath over a largo section of tbo Union U, altv.i to*: irua A short gram iiuu gras., crop iu tin west tnesus bigu g.uiu anil meat to! the yoiunem farmer who does not raise hii owu supylit's. .Will Georgia (arao i the world, ers, under these oontiiuniin, allow Uiei:, Luna to romriu uapty, wh.U the licld! are covered with vnitmblc native cra-s. i j which cam now l< saved and uot.sed gt a nuruiual ci si ? Or wol tnvy wuit un- j th i>. xc spring ntitl pay tw>uty to rwvu ty-llve do.iats psr ton for v.vstri'n any i , uka r.iuDv you voi n u ixtuu ci;n\ A* soon a. tbe grasses and ivavine- bavu been cut and siora.i .twhy for ..oy bi ffin to get your fluids r-i. iy for ous, ' bur cy, rye. wheat, clover and the p. • renniaI grasses. Ill the uoptr hB.'fr'f rh« coif'>i! belt BepUimhcr is the pwo;*r mouth iorse-tl- ill): all these except wheat, cho sowing 1 of which can be deferred until utter tnc : brstfrosc. EiU'o »eedieguard8aga■ a-i t**e (iau^rrx to *,Le*v v;i ; winter K'.Ua.and spring drourus. Thu fernser of these perils is avoided by soy.*. ir.g ,in time for (he plants to bivouac deep-rooted aud strong before the win- ‘ter freezing. The spring dr 'urhs do uot prove disastrous to Mirly.eeeded crops, since they have time to mater*; ard era ready for the harvest oefore the droatu sers^iu and before the moisture, that bad accumulate^ during tb* wintrr, axi been exhausted. An early oat crop rarely fads except July 1 In spec no Atip. A IV waver, m meuteo bv r.r other later T«e feihot fig tVeluyiag the work us m. ■„ «*: -jvjt: as n'gutv.iable is ap will t*d wo mule* for fire or uxi parent *h 110 lisc '•*•*“ > c ‘ l 11 ' ;* O i 'mutter land yon can i-ecd of the ran ^oee scan- a. cwiei*.?* i always grow and m*.k« | this v - .■::is f he ; y - tin; tn«;v- turn is made, 'in tsi< climate “y* | the sou:.' '* broedtug aud is capable of bciu,. coniuiunicatvd to tbe nnrm;rv. certainly o* late as v,r*-,-ito.-r a osr tificate isstt,-d upon an ca'iv in-p jtu'ii. tborctcrc, would give little or no as-mr arce cf toe absence ot --- 1 ir uu tb* nursery, partloniariy »;n r it *.s tin fttcti in uti infe«tfc<i uciitobtiriiocd. ..loro oVer June rmnb.oi oeion trees wiii nor have rnutU cniSoicti' yr.iwtn ro admi' tjt a stttvfncrorv inspeotioii before Oo tober. It U d-er. ««, toot insect, iuja rtes and disease effects are more con 'f the crowing WmlQ i not '.>.<• !«•» 'usd, it is reliable, aiv. ; coining m wrier ok At needed Colonel | i Jutues M. Sniitn of Oglpthorpe 'xmoty | ! eaui tnaf (ve would baldly know hew *o! | farm without raising barley and rye *ot j ! spunr, readmit fu« various Vrtonci! : and clover, red, cr:m*on or bnrr, ure useful aud shor. U be seeded down Ail , tutiuta. ^ J V,o would no: advise every {nrmrr to ' plant all of those for winter qro;w. This Legal Ait CO, NTY TrtXLBvy It appearing : 0 ~ ••tiijiinii-fioiiev! io. ... . DeciHir inspection of th« , county for -l, t ' win tie necessarr rtt . - current ex pen-,,; year lilOl. rttu i to ......^ non of a new com, C' .ulequiite ii,i- ,|. e ,* *ba» 14 luvy of (i cent- on each . era d again.-f all ,| ltt J nt hve dollars „ lld {f each one lliouranl ( l„i, “ perl y held or owi lt ,) j,. ; -he following i 1*. pa> l„eiewl y, U : •ouiity. due tlie »r pa. t (<_, w can afford to bo without tbcir.. Tim ntor.T.’ or r.iot; ccum AlGnougn there is so niuco lai’d iti Georgia saiwr to r.he profftabie '-ulrivr.. trail of rice, thers has boon a great iug off in its production in tuis state during the last few years. And vei there is uo more profitable crop thin! riot for some sections of our slate, es peciailv along the seabounl. Wo ar- tutlebtefi to O.rwalii Wilson, iu the Set; tomber number of the Southcru Turci Magzaico, for some valuable informn- tion coucarniuK ihis important cereal The average value per aero of no; is $81100, le89 the cost of irrigation, which amounts to about $t> 00. Accord ing to (bus reports oi the Uuiced State* census the average value per acre oi eoru iu 1B00 was $9.Oil; of wheat, #7.(11 of oats. #7. (13. Tho uiree great staple crops of the world, oora wheat aad oats, have an ag gregnte production ot more tuau b.c-OO.- 000,000 funnels and a maraet value o! nearly fJ, WO. (170,000. The prod action of rich is 74.074 3C0.108 pounds valued at #2.06.1,974, iSl. It u tne principal diet of aOO.OdO.ljD'J people, i.r mote than M percent ot tne enure popmauou ol the world. Although rice has been grown iu tb* United states front tne eariien p-erio of our history, it is only of late year that it has reached much development. In Louisiana »a i Trsa* rice cnitute us become a greni industry wita a capital of ffi 000,000 invested in 100 canal*. 1,500 miles in extent and capable, uude.t present water conditions, of floodii**.’ 300,000 acres. The uiu umpnou o? rice in the United States’i; tutir tuNiug etouuny, and tiler 1 is growing dwimua for it. Hence therf is very in tie djng*: of over production. Wnerever tbo condition * are fav.irobl* will it no; bo prcStaoio io ii.y more at tention to the cultivation of this great cert.t: ? Aonurinuce of vvhiVesoir.e food for out peop.e should be oao great aim >*f tu- 1 agrioultuTisis of our state, aud rice t- ttlrevly one ol tbo principal articles ol diet in almost everv Georgia homo. Tint trr. vxs rj iM>i:yi:.\Di'.vcn. We have fit ur co*nmau<i the mean.) of imiepund .ice m • -*;r s. il. nur.p-.ed in the oultivunoa of rv«rv of the lensie iaib *jtie and to some of those oi the tropics 'lucre ts uo need for ne ■ i go \w*st let our cc • r. ion we.oAl, on! spicunns nenr rhe riow season. A certificate at best i qualified evidence of r ot sertonsly Injurious ee.’is. It is propcm; mate the inspections hies nor glvn un- eu.iro aosonce insects and ais i, fiiercloi'e, under rhe mnsr favorable coiidirioc! and to muse sup- plemeu'ai inspections aftor the stoos is dug, whether tbe sciTOUiidlng* are such ue to cause suspioi. u. As oomri.i.iyan assnrnucs ui possible of tuo oieauiuiest of tne stock Is thus obtained, aud it l> hoped that there may be established, thereby, a confidence in the products ot the Georgia nurseries equally advanta geous to the nurserymen and orchard- Uu. Some o artery men have u careless habit of leaving old, unialuble stock heeled in on thoir yards from year to year. This practice affords a harbortng place fot insects and diseases and we strongly condemn it. A case in point: Last jeer the writer found Sail Jose scale m a bunch of old stock heeled in on tbe yarn of one of our nurserymen; ana. ai- thougn uo scale could be found in the nursery blocks, tne regular certificate oouid uot be issued ro the owner Wuouever such conditions are fouuo onr certificate will be wbitbheid nnri tney are correoteii. Aside irorn the San Jose scale th< loilowmg ore ou the board’s list of dan gerously injurious pestit Ttto new poaou scale, black knot, peach yellow!, peach and plum rosette. None ot the» have yet been innnd in any of the uur serits, but with the, exception of tc< yelJowfi they all occur tn the srute to i slight extent, and are carefully ioote* for ween the men* cnons made. List year n) unr-eries were mspeated four of which wr.ero found infoesed with Sun Jose sc.vle, ami from the owners of vhlrb tc.o regular ins|wct’.on otrtldcaco o ns wtihluld. It shoe id be clearly understood here that no nursery- j loan wnose premises are found inie.-itco con obtain the tegular certificate. A nurseryman, u perwon of whose prom iscg is iu feared, but in such a onus nor ns uot to omlaagor the remaiutl er, may be given a s’lecial cor i. To lunid :w, li:nvH . jails bridge! erf^- V'Uoliu lmpvovemeijt, to cm I t ract (tmjiuiHtigtne io be expendfid dminiiB for u nev cm vt ■i. o pay - I'oi iff--', jidhdj'i coiu.ty olficers' f m | m ij- be eraiiled t() ' 0 county . 1 To pay coroners cl! f may he due them by it, tor holding inquests expeufs i 1 o pay the unty for bailiff,. resident cases, fnelceryautlunp ery. and the like ! i To pay jurors per Jinn ration I. ’io pay churgeMiirnmj’ poitiug the poor of tk* ami a.- otherwise p: bv the code To pay Tor edticatiima)' to he levied only in i p.iance with law 9 'i'ii pay any oilier charge against thec-nutj, hay and men: Wu can province tUem j tlficaCe; provided, however, uiat ai. all at. home, and with ottr groat money t stmu growing m r he uifested porriot. o-op, cntion. nj a eurputs, be not or..; Sslf-eastnini.ig. i;at, in cosiuion vv*tn uio tariLers of other southern states, become the weaith.uat ugricalt-urfsts oi ra. B. StxviCcai’r. siinll bo destroytui ami ihq remainder i tmugared under nt;r personal suparvis ion. Likewise, wlitre a nursery .is lo aned in a sc fie int .-stod ueigi.horhood even thougti no s.*alo can be found on tjic nursery grouuos, fninigiulot. will b-.- r.quirtdaud a cerriiioate vili tic given to the owner cf *och a nursery only upon tneaiudltiou! expressed ia;: ! tliur he will fumigate everv riant before RukiA and Rt>;vu',atIons Adopted by ; it is a*>at oat. This requirement is bssoii NURSERY INSPECTION Enbomclupry fL crd. FORMULA FOR FU-VUGATINO lasm.s l t*ui Are* to I'iuu* Llle~ti<*i Inr of "Ann- hlu- mologlst W. M. Msi rt. The law govern;i.« the inspection aad ceriili.vtt.'j of nursery suxia pre scribes that the annual inspection of nurseries slniii bo oi m; b*ted on or b.- lore No*. 1 of eaca vi-ai; but the esecn- Clou of the act, as concerns the derail o( the work, is left largely to toe discre tion of the entomologist. Tile lime of tbe inspvcrion ia;? v.rar wa*. from ne- oeaaicy. extended through the month of November and, indeed, a few ummpor- tan* inspections were ma*le as lace as Deoetnb-ir. The recent addition of an upon the fallowing rale of the redes u-nn fejmlctlotis tidopr.i-d by cue Board o. Entomology Jau. lb, IffJJ: Rplk 6. — The state entomologist ahull fcuv. iKisver to rtqu-.rc uuy uuvsfci viuau oi cue state to tuiuigatc ois stuck wita bydncraaic acid gas whi-n m ot* jnug- tu«nr. uin presence of uuy pest in th ■ LU -ery or in ihe ttiiighbcrao>1 of cue nurserv warrants sunn irtamieiic tor the Iietr. r protection of the agricultural la- tcreate of the -n-tie. Upon tmlnrc of any incivLiuvi, fi*ui or oorporarion to com ply with this rtqnir-meat, tho aiatt for th= dlsDOslciouof swdtt infested with the vtou.y nalus or crown pa-'L lettviug ; t sc eh** difofesion ,hT ^spdCxor. Onr own observatidac in eue orcanrds f the inn* (boetttM agencies to be s.-r-o'.-siy iajurioui either ot-kuclag <*.-•3,-13 or greutiy retttrdtug ifrvwca of ■illViteo - r-reea For aomo t:.:a® it has 5^.,,, qaeffloa a (•> wha^act-ioushould •s* taken ’.visa regard to f.haae troubisa. „,,j K far nureerytanti oave only been requested so withhold from the rnerkw all aC-c«*d stock. In the future wo „ i’l r.ctilri the destruction of plants viably infected with crown gall, utid • tre*.p sttllicieutly iufear/;d wirb woolv aphis to «h«>r Kiiorg m the r onr-. In cas-s oi slight tnfastar.ion bv uie wool- apt'.is oalv fumigation or wi.-tlo oil soap treatment will h® ns ff’C TiTHtii i.t the ti'ne of tne regular inspection ■t will no* be p-sssifcle to decermijjfs tu-j e y :eut cf tueso peats in '-ho nurseries, os the roots will not then be exposed np<i only a few trees in each block can be puiic'i up for .examination. Then, J after f-1. wo must depend largely upou j ■ho h.-uvsryaad msesrritv ot che nur j-rvman for the enforcement of onr in ■itrucrions. Iu this couiiectiou it shoo Id j i gt^ied that we mivh had the hearty ! ! ^oiierution of the C-sorgia nnrserymon 1 in oui- work ami if is largely due to hein that the law has been suacossfuliy iXriOUtOd. Ill iwliii'ion trees the follow ing, if offered for sale, tiro classed a* ery “took and are subject ro the regulations governing the inspection and transportation of the same: Straw berry plants, vines, ornamental trees and shrubs, and greenhouse plants (noi including cut-flowers) When it is desired to use this certifi cate on stock other than chat grown by the nurseryman to whom it was tuned, It may be so used provided scon stock is already covered by our state certificate or the official tag of tho hoard issued t<- nurserymen outside of t_e siate. 1 he regular inspection certificate must not lie used by dealers in nurAiry stock who are not themselves growers. Buying and n*-s?Liug plants U certain ly n legitimate business and we have iiade provision whereby dealers may readily comply with the law. The dealer must furnish this office with tho names of all tne nurserymou from whom he proposes ro purcoose Hoc t, aud if ou:' records show mat all of theiu’tave me; with tne requirement* of the board, a certificate to viui effect wdl ,.e gran ten Aiso wherever prooticuble the stoca handled by i-.etdtr.s vn.l be re-ittspeotea. All nurxevy ivt.i.-':* -.'C.-roa for tratis- ponatiou must be plainly labeled with the .iiioiai inspection certificate in ac cordance with tho following rule of cm- Board; Hu I.R 4 — Any trees, shrubs or other plnuu couiiu'miy known as nursery nock, .shipn.-u witinu the of Gear .via, wuuouc each box, bundle or paoa agv (\n t tea car loan, or less than oar load lot) b-.-iug ulainiy n tie led wun an olfir-ial emomologist’w certificate to tne eff ect that tr.e contents of the .-aims (raw been mspocted imd faand to tacet wita tbe rv-quiremetit;* of too board of onto ] ntcingv, in luasordance wuh secvtnu It' oi the act .files! in, v--. shai. i*: nablo to | oo'.istcatiuu upon tne order of tne in spec or. A i” cursorym*i upon application to ;h.3 office, with dimensions of im fumi eating house, will be furu.s.ted the. formula aad fall tnstrrirtioiis tor fumi- gatins. Whan desire**., i. nt'pessary, we will personally auperiutead the bejjiu- iiing off the .York, The formula tant wo have nd.cp'ed is 1 ounce of potassium cyuuido (9>i 99 per cent), 1 l-l mux’s of commorciil sal- pHnric Hcid. ttxmuoea of water to every lO'J cubic feet of ap.Kje iu the V-run ; time of exv> isure 50 minutes. Our eu- porltnents nave shown that the time may bo extended oo one hour without dangsr of injury to dormant troea We wisn ro give notice here that all fumigating houses should bo placed in order' for aiiprovul a; oho time of nursery Inspection. cu :w- possible ffjo curserics will be taken up syswuiatioally with rcs^iect to location, in order to avoid traveling over the oaiiie ground more than cnoe. It is 1 ‘ Hl1 ^ '<>f ;1, - < ‘ n I said lot arm erti‘ It is further ordered i his order be pulili-hwisi lour mid h copy of tin i.-hed to the tax collect by Ihw. i\ itiiess the bonombl# tv commissioner f ir Decatur county, Ow (5- 1901. Job H. Gilpis. Clerk, lint '*4> ROAD NOTI -i K-; m;! a—Dec.'.tck Cucstti Wbe e*s, The petiii'ia Nalr. ,i. 15. Butler, W Mi Noir et. id., bus lee; thi.* Iioird. petiiimi futf ■ i.enl of h certain rosd, i lows: Co.umenei'Jii *t mite v r "’t on I be Attapt a.ry j.ubile, road amt mwl ea*l direction to r H tk S D June.-., will thenc*iff ■lliection until it cpi“‘« (ireek and thence iu * lion until il whim** tw in*, creek r aid re; one ii d one-halt link* -*-ib miss ovei the land-nt: Nair’s tare. J. 15 HiitW Jo nit- Ko lev. S I) "i"S N wo D A i-Nt.ii. tt.ft- T Harnson. B. 0 H«C B rd. u ., . And whereas. Su'd !“ d h- referred to tie n**,, o Bi-d's district, i s: UnH*. ninl tlie; as** port, to this Loanl. t' vei l 1,B of puulie utility. _ ed out tboswne to cite and adunnib' 1 *d no good cause be shr», before this boaui "t ,!lt S October. 1901. an order! opening up and esln'iU'* ,i pnldi • road in s3to * v | - Witness tee houu ' “ comluis-ioner.-. ol ■U' 1 ' 1 ’* Decatur county. 'In* : eptember. 1941 * ROAD NOTt entomol-.«ts( is nereoy rt boria.-l to tf.oas will not materially interfere vvish I jot until it ii.t wunholu tn- cerilficaie from '.he .*ame. j uii! plan; bur whan for car good i t erry road agai Some ot I'-ur nurserymeu, even tijoagb reason a cert not oompe.'.ed to meet the above require ranee of o'lr schedule wo will far on earli«*r iiispecti in. W. M. Soon, State Entomologist. from witiMr klUiug. Tbit crop Should lM * n4 ' *° the working force will be pot upon good land liberal); Srxil- gteuHy faerktaw the work ia the icture, iaed. We do not deem il neoeeeary to aud the iaepectioo Uus seosoa will Irene, vola-itarily adorned tae plan of tninigntinv all suet (iaciudlug buds nn * g:a t-) grown or aannled by them. We most urirenffy advise ail nurserytn-u to adopt'tine plan, not only ns a precaution asainst thu dmu Jose scale, but to destroy tne woolly apnis and other lajurious insect* Bade to be conveyed ou nursery stock. The stare of Virginia has placed the official ban upon me woolly aphis and . . .'...* I crown gail. an I other state* are britfg- plow iu oars very deeply, provided they dor'oW.* b» oomplewd within the pre-1 inc m r. aa \ pr.**ure to bear far the ra Georgia— Decatur .-'.pplicHfion tiixxmg Cimntv aaul Levenues of p <l , alteration of 'be r* ! ' 111 vir: Where it now cr‘, iginal land line of!"* district liy running east line ii fide on •" .* ill t be *o" , niO “ M. a, , S' - tli line or “Hid M ^ 1 ** 'ate is desired iu ad- ! 'UoUned 1 , K rii j three road counn*-.' , ' a:i '- ;a i this Board as req*-tre l . [rue into tbe putuie'>»’ hoped thnt daumufis for early iu*p,-o | Si1 NoTt—All iotereaced fruit grovrere should cut cut and save tho above or* tide for future reference. As lecerrlflMr. “If flier? ever was a terrible eblld In this world,” remarked tbe worried mother, '‘he’s one.” “-What’ii hi* particular faulty* . **De what I will. I can’t break him of the habit of telling the truth right out m> -----Phllndet i cnl* r | rum. having rep* •' . tvratioti aid the * . ! raid part of the , alt c anon i> fa "**y fU a re, ,"o ** to l l'.l“ Hoarrt being allow*) »') , t d-.rtctiug snJ R1 i ' j*. on the first diseontinuanoe or ^ old roadf-r which ^ toirured. , , ..J TT.idertheha"^* whH© Board •»* ^ ^