The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, October 12, 1901, Image 5

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rctors^told me was incurable. Bottle relieved me the second and third “lost cured. To-day I am a well man.’ l ‘ c=> *®' -==> ***3 News comes from Macon that the | Mr. Sam Einstieu, of Cohu «c Co , " . aPFAIRS ft Bainbridge horses are leading the was in the city Thursday. LOCAL* A y races in that city. Thursday Lila' Mr. W. D. Acker, of Iron City, spent iC Sprague won the 2:20 trot in 2:17; Wednesday night in the city. Kent McEwen on yesterday won the j Mr. W. B. Spence, of Faceville, was in 2:27 trot in 2:17; while Maud Mills ‘he city Thursday having brought Mrs, came in the money iu the 2:40 pace. “ iU “T «“ d here to board the J * j G. F. dc A. Ky. for Cuthbert. Our sportsmen readers are remin- ^ w . G. Powell, of Cyreue, was in ded that it 18 unlawful to shoot, trap the city one day this week, or in anvother way ensnare any quail I Mr . & M rs.-P. D . JloBae. of MoKae- pheasant, or anyother iusectiverous ville, passed through the city Thursday or singing bird earlier than Novera- * en-route to the Bethel churoh neighbor ber 1st. Doves may be killed after August 15th, and deer after Septem ber 1st. . „ re V the possum on the llm’ ton can see hun, If you’ll try. glory in my soul, just lot her roll! Say, Good bye. 'here Change in legal ads. in this TOOLE Bros., The Men’s Outfitters, •t Mr c A Helton has severed bis ‘ , ionS with tha hardware business A j Mcdonald on Water street. The Oak City Studio does first ,ss work call and see them. La- t stiles in photography. The Gentry Dog and Pony Show U be here on the 21 Nov. and the eetlt” ones are looking for the y’e approach. yl, 8S Wilson has arrived and the Gity Studio is now open and „ oan get first class pictures in the test styles. Liberal reward will be given for , of one Sunburst Pin with 49 , ar l a . Lost somewhere up town, pply at this office. Vnnis Silver, North Stratford. N. H.: purchased a botttle of One Minute ngh Cure when suffering with a cough Mr. Percy Campbell, who has been spending several weeks in the city recuperating, left Tuesday for Iron City where he will visit rela tives a few days before returning to hood in Pine Hill District. Mr. S. Harrell, of Whigham. was pleasant caller at this office Thursday. He reports everything in a prosperous condition iu l> 8 locality. On Ollnard-Engllsh. Snnr’av morning, Oct. at 10:30 o’clock, at the home of his work ,n the Library field. His Unde’s , arenta. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. English, of Climax, occurred one of friends hope that his stay in Bain- bridge has been ol great benefit to him. the most beautiful home weddings ever held. The ceremony was wit nessed by a largo number ot friends Mr. Sidney Johnson, a former res- and relatives. The contracting par- identof this county, died in Plant' tit . s belng Mr< s. E. Clinard and System hospital at Way cross last Miss Love English. Wednesday and his reinuius were 1 Have the largest and most up to. date line of new men and boy suits ever brought to Bainbridge. Their boy suits are by far the prettiest lin ever seen in Bainbyidge, We have made * *“"*li» >.f specialty o* Clothing Mr. Clinard is formerly of Deea- brought to Bainbridge Thursday, and ’ t„ r CO unty, but for the past three theuoe to Bethel cemetery iu Pine y „ ar8 0 f Byarne, Cuba. Under the Hill d.stnol where they were interr-, Governmeut sigDal and lelegl . apl , ed the following day. Deceased had I gervi(je he ig a val „ ed employee and many relatives and friends who will stand8 high aB a thorongh bu8ine8B man, beloved socially by all. The “PRINCETON’Sach Suit) And guarantee to fit yon in any price suit you want. Look for tlieir place when in need of anything a man or boy wears. No fake advertisement one price to all. Toole Brothers, THE HEN’S OUTFITTERS. most cured L. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Don Boozer, at their ome on Evans street, are rejoicing ,ver the arrival of a fine baby boy ia Wednesday night last. Dr. Jno. E. Toole Marshall E. H. mart, and Mesrs. J. M. Flemiug and ) D. Stulls are among those wro ave attended the races in Macon hia weeK. Judge T B Maxwell held forth douday in the regular monthly term 1 the Oadinary’s court Some im- oitant citations from bis office are i tins issue, ltead them. By recent act of the Council, the mpovnding officer does not receive he fee. but it goes into the' city reasury. It remains to be seen how ell the new departure will work. Mrs Hunnewell Griffin entertained ery delightfully yesterday evening t her home in this city. Mrs. Grif fin is always a charming hostass and e regret thut lack of space forbids more extended notice ot the affair. '1 he Annual session of the Bowen Missiouery Baptist Association was held at Bethel church Thursday, yesterday and to-day. Many dele- gales from neighboring churches ave been in attendance and a re freshing time has been had. Ten new names were added to the roll of the Bainbridge Board of Trade at a meeting last Tuesday eight at Council Chamber. Tice Constitution and By Laws for the government of the order were adop ted and severol important commit- were appointed. regret to learn of his death. By request of the Ladies’ Aid So ciety , of Brinson, Ga., we announoe that there will be an “oyster supper given by them at The Herbert House in that place on Friday night 18th inBt. to attend which a cordial invi tation is extended to all. The pro ceeds will be turned into the build bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. English; famous for her beauty both iq person and char acter. Her absence will be felt by her many frieuds by whom she was so admired. t This beautiful home ceremony was performed by Rev. K. L. Molver, of ing fund for the Baptist church. I the presbyterian churoh of this place Remember the date, Oct. 18th in his happiest and most graceful IIUMVK TO ATOMS. The old idea that the hodv sometime* a powerful, drastic, pugative pill h-n Ueeu exploded; for Dr. King s New pills, winch are perlejt.y harmless, geady stimulate liver ami bowels to ex- l>si poisonous matter, cleanse the system d absolutely cure constipation and ■t I ei.lrche. Only 25c at it. L. Hichs dn g store. Friday night. As per announcement through the Search Light, Rev. W L Richards preached at the Baptist church last Sunday ou “Our Coming Carnival.” The preacher pointed out the blight ing and damaging effects which mast follow if the Association brings to Bainbridge such an aggregation of disreputable shows as were here the last season. Many of our citizens en dorse tne pastor’s remarks. The Georgia Southern Military College, onr local school, has con tinued to take in students since its and Lieut-Col. Dunn and the trustees are highly gratified at its condition. Bainbridge now has one of the most thorough and effi cient schools in the state. It should and in fact will secure the contin ued support of the citizens over the county. The opening of the school lor the spring terra is expected to far exceed the present enrollment. ‘•I was troubled for several years wi.h chronic indigestion and nervous debili ty,” writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster. N. H., “No remedy helped ms until I began’using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicine 1 ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years, S ;e says Electric Bitters are just splen- did’for female troubles; that they are a irrand tonic and invigorator tor weak ® ofhAP mmirniH style. After an elegant luncheon at 12 o’clock the happy couple boarded the 12:45 train for their future home in Cuba. I Why Do You g las Send off to get you a S ut of Clothes when you can get them at home, made like you want them—made to fit. We Absolutely Guarantee Our Clothes to come op in flit and work manship or MONEY REFUNDED. 3 Remember BARGAIN BULLETIN Gurley’s DEPARTMENT STORE.. A Straight Clean Sale ot Good Goods at a Very Low Price. Yard wide Sea Island the regular 5c article only . : . . 4c Standard AAA sheeting, heaviest and beet ----- 5c Extra good checks at - - - 4c Heaviest and best 27 in. wide - 5c No. 1 Ball Thread beet made 15o box Or 10 bails for - - - 5c It would do you good to see our line of Dress Goods, Ladies’ Shirt Waists and Skirts before buying. We are seoond door from corner across from Hotel Bon Air. It costs you noth ing to look if you don’t bny. Wo have goods that will please you and we know v it. ♦t Cleaning and Pressing Done neatly. Call for and deliver book to any part of the city. || Bainbridge Tailoring Co. R. C. COX, Manager.. A Hatter of Life and Death, It is often whether you have your prescriptions filled promptly and accurately. We make a Spaaialty of run dowu women. No other medicine can take its pace in our family try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by K. L, Hicks. George McN ii.’i intimate friends hope to keep him out of the race for County Treasurer at the next elec- This hither-to popular offier •us begun parting his hair in t ie middle and therefore his political ad mirers recognizing the futility of his entering into the race. Geo. \\. Lane, Pewarno, Mich., writes: dir Kodol Dsypepsia Cure is the bes rem-dy for indigestion and stomach "bde that I ever used. For years I s 5-ired from dyspepsia, at time* com- I'n-U’.ig me to stay in bed and causing UiH uitold at-ong. I am completely Great preparations are being made in Thomasville to entertain the third annual conference of the Ep- worth Leaguers of the Thomasville District, which convenes in that city on the 17th inst. The district is thoroughly aroused and great good is expected to accrue from the meet ing. Mr M W Howard, the efficient District Secretary, will preside over the meeting, and delegations will be prerent from nearly every league within the district. Mr. B F Hawes Jr. has been oho. en to deliver the response to hs welcome address. The following delegates were Bp pointed from thi epworth league of this city: Kev-^V l Smith MW Howard, A L Townsend, » • J B y Hawes Jr., C V Lester, Misses*Li'll' Fle-ning, Pauline Car ' ' «>by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Iu,. Limile Mims, and Nan Db-ken- “‘unending it, to friends who suffer ’ M.wdume- M W Howard, J " ‘'mmd^nuuliawa.'s offer to K ?? f » » , ! Sellers, S sie R J : U. Thus fur I have never I Callahan, Mattie Sellers, Our Shoe department is complete in every respect. Shoes li at are neat aud that will tit your feet. Our line of Men’s and Boys clothing will please you both in price and quali ty. Come see for vourself and be convinced that what we tell you is pure simple truth. 15c 25o Men's Brown Drill Drawers Men’s Negligee shirts worth at only .... - 15o Come early before they are all sold. Ladies’ heavy rib Undervests, regu lar price 25c will be sold at • 15c As long as they last, lied table cloth w-ortt) 20c to 25c at • the low price of 15c There are plenty of goods we could call your attention to but time and space for bids, but we promise you that wbat is said is tacts not fiction. Our Prescription Department And Physicians And family recipes are filled fromjpure fresh drugs, and in the most careful and exact manner. Our charges are obliging at all times. We also-carry a complete stock of reasonable and our servtee prompt and 1 Patent and proprietary Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, druggist Sundries Sto. And ail we ask is that ypu please call and see, we will do our beat to please you at dURLEY’S Department STORE, BA1NBKIDOE, GA. kail h L Hicks. Hamilton. Which we will sell as cheap as they can be booght anywhere OAK CITY DRUG Bainbridge Georgia. CO