The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, October 26, 1901, Image 7

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1 ■ ' -i- -X- c -t* •4". -*k_-*4- -4- -4- -4- ^ -4- - 1 - M- LIFE’S TRODDEN PATH —OR— * W2B * WE v WEAVE. I FAT.'. CHAPTER I f - D/.WKON HALFOIID. nftercne o o slock. C«l. “Hugh,*’ iiaid he, in a most irnper- tnrable manner, "hear me, and then >ou may shoot. You remember Clarice, my daughter she knows *11- slie’s coming-uud liesides I want no money from yon-nota cent I’ll never betray you but she can-noxv dare to 5 f r 0 T* -K aotor on the stage of social humanity ] *hoot. Do you, sir, suppose I would he was an unerring j idge of man. In all his professional and social re lations, he possessed that peculiar | powe r of drawing o it from others PLANT SYSTEM. Florida and Cuba. Double Daily Passenger Service. -TO- oome I er-i without first planing yonr damnable destruction in the event you should fall upon me? TO BE CONTINUED. to retire, „ of hi* oape8 ’ oners in or,ler very moment a at the door, fearless, nt this card siiated, and in a tone inquired who was 0 answer came, but still now louder than at first a# P* ied with a shake of the it” he deman- ife ote „ho is tl,al! ’ a8 though expecting some from the ™ id81 of tbe ne8S , a wild restlessness m ,„d. After repeated de- jrrufiE, wheezing voice sug- [ all the combined hard- prolonged in reckless roke the spell and oom- jnslead o£ entreating said: ooe to see you on business door! it’s important that ,ee you quickly ” “It your is so important” exclaimed “that you cannot post pone where you are for you,” returned the nrdaiit voice, “and I have the way from Mexico to de- Mexico?” rejoined Randall excitement, “trom Mexico! such important business I don’t know any oue in and probably I am not the ou seek.” ur name is Hugh Kawson Sir,” replied the voice ou , “you ave the person the nteuded for. Opeu the door .?” Kaudall again hesitated mg the brief pause eudeav- eoall and locate every per- ln the range of his acquaint circumstance confused ut, finally lesolving to make lilion of the mailer, called more determined tone unable sal the slight tremor of his y, tell me the name ot the from whom you bring tbe “Then listen ” said the rstan- d hesitating as though pre- ary, the man, demon or devil need the name:—“Richard better known to you as Tom n Halford.” last words were drawled incisively that the very sound voice came as though it were ully directed missle that gatlr eeover from the shock that paralized him with a sense of (1 betrayal, he sank down up- kuees, entaugleil in that “fatal e weave.” seutly, he rose up and assum- inr of indifference, approached or which he unlocked; then rawing to near the center of tigued with the te 10,18 a U he desired to know without ap began o ^ ear - |Q g i n q t iisitive or curious. The stranger, after settling him self down comfortably, surveyed every corner of the room with a cold furtive glance, and proceed to un- b itton a worn and faded vest that age or rough usage had assimilated to his own individuality. He drew forth from its inner pocket a sealed letter, stained with perspiration. “Here it is”—he said. Randall, in his eagerness to learn its contents almost snatched it from his hand. But the stranger held it firmly; if not in a tantalizing spirit, at least in a manner to iucite a deeper interest in the communication he was about to deliver—and resuming said: “Tom has played in bad luck—things haven’t worked with him in several years; two many in the same kind of business, you know. He now complacently handed Randall the letter, which he tore open and began to read inaudibly: “City of Mexico, Mexico, May, 18—. H. It. Randall.—Dear Hugh:— I once thought there would never be auy necessity for seeing you again or molesting you. It has been about tbirteeu years since I left you under the circum stances of which you are aware. But reverses have come and forces me to do that, which for your safety. I would otherwise leave undone. It is true, time has healed the wound inflicted, but the scar yet remains to torture me with the memory of its pain; and this, coupled with my em barrassed financial condition, com pels me to beg your kind indulgence. In conclusion, 1 beg to inform you, that the bearer of this letter is your humble servant—Tom Dawson Hal ford, alias Richard Cody, alias Jack Nutt & etc. Randall stood as though he was fixed to the floor-a tableau ot dilem ma and amazement; with face blanch ed an 1 cadaverous, eyes wild and stariug, he remained motionless ex cept for tbe deep inhalation of a loug drawn breath which alone gave evis deuce of a struggling within. Now. moving backward, meohamoally, to the old arm chair, he sank down in lt-crushed beneath the weight, and burdened with all theerrols audmis takes which the present had unearth ed from the past and heaped upon e violence of the thurst of the j the arrogant strength of his man dagger, and ere Randall hood. The two men gazed at each other in pantomimic critique “Did I not send you mouey when you were iu Missoun?”-said Randall slowly regaining his self possession and rising to his feet. “And vou would continue to hound me though I were to give r ou I possess and all I could borrow”! His face colored—his eyes flashed with a om, invited this mysterious - strange, invincible fire. He rushed vdoomed visitor to come in. j to the desk and pulled from tbe draw how do you do, sir,” said Ran- e r a loaded revolver, then threw his as he pointed to a chaiT into hand up and lowered the barrel to ALBERT K. RUSSELL, Attoney t Ltw, BAINBRIDGE, - - GEORGIA. Office Over Bainbridge State Bank Montgomery, Troy, Ozark, Dothan, Elba, Bainbridge, Thomasville, Valdosta, Way cress, SAVANNAH, CHARLESTON, BRUNSWICK, JACKSONVILLE FLRIDA PUNT. i. STERLING ROBRETS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BAINBRIDGE. - . GEORGIA. Will practice m all the courts, DIRECTORY OF SECRET SOCIETIES MASONIC. OityoN Lodgk, No. s.—Meets 3rd Tliursdnj In each month, at 8 p. m. Jno.D. Harrell, w. M.;U. G. Woodhnll, 8 W.;Jno K. Toole, J. W.; J. F. lirowii, Soo’y U. A. McTyre, Treas.; W. W, Palmer, s. U. J. W. White, J.T. l. Tho • Ison, S. S ; \V H. Krause,J. 8.; V. Hurry,T r. llAINBIPOE It, A . CH LE Dr. Jno. E. Toole, Hlg nestj L. F, Pa - tors in. King; Dr. H. D il»ou, Scribe; 1 Nnasbimm, 0. of H.: K. J tills, It. A. C.J 81 Nuasbaum, P. S.; H.B lirllch, M, or Hi' Vail; I. ZacharhiK, M. o d Vail; W. W. Ha rell, M. of lat Vail; V. b„ ry,Sontluel KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Dkoatu Lodge, No.32.—Meets Island 3 Tuesdays la each month, Sp. in. 0.0.—A. M. Hamaey. V 0.—M. F.. O’Ne trelute—T J Williams. M.of VV.—J KToo of It.and 8. and M. of F—V. Berry. M. f Kx.—0 W Wimberly. M. at A.—W II lngra n. -8. J. tlheanut. O *>.—J. U. brocket! bill flie the visitor, without ceremony, hiuiSelf. ' 1 have traveled quite a dis- le level with Halford’s bead. “You villian”! exclaimed Randall you would rob me and then betray i must be fatigued with the m e. Dare to move and I’ll send little rest will do you good j bullet whirling through your con note; let me read it now a»! temptible bram.” tnediate reply may be expected) Halford realized his imminent dan you beeu ma le acquainted ■ ger. Randall hail been too quick for its eonteuts?” j him and now was a fitting moment 8 w °r>ls W e re hurried, and foN! to exercise that diplomacy by which ^ b - v l he closest scrutiny of tbe : expert criminals, so often by their 1 r Halford NEW YORK CROWDS. and all Through. Pullman Cars ??«!«!'&!! NEW YORK BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, Kiohmond and all Points East, in connection with SOUTHERN RAILWAY AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE. To S-fe. 3L.oiai.aL Gin.cUua.a.-fci, Lonic-rill®. Chisugo, Kansas City, Binaiagham, XT aaHvriHa. 3KT®w Orlostxxa ax&d ad! points Wsst and XTortHwas. Leave Bainbridge going East—3:06 a. m., 12:30 p. in. Leave Bainbridge going West—2:05 a. m., 12:00 p. m. Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. & M. T. Co., for New York, Boston and Baltimore. For further information, call on nearest Ticket Agent, or address BWW reun, B L TODD, Pass. Traffic Manager, Division Pass. Acent, Savannah, Ga.. Montgomery, Ala. THE NEW YORK WORLD, THRICE A-WEEK EDITION. The best paper at the lowest Price The Different YVny» In Which They Impressed Tiro Men. “What I like about New York,” re marked a westerner, ‘Ms Its tremen dous energy. The crowds anil bustle have upon me the exhilarating effect of a stimulant. As I move along among the musses on the sidewalks and look Upon the perpetual stream of vehicles of all descriptions In the streets 1 am conscious of a buoyancy of spirit and an increased physical energy. I feel like going! all the time, my mind Is brighter nnd clearer, nml, In fact, my whole being seems toned up. New York und Its crowds are more beneficial to me than any resort 1 have ever struck. After a two weeks’ stay here I return home feeling like another man.” “Well, that Is strange." said the per son to whom this statement was made. “Do you know New York has upon me Just exactly the opposite effect. To me what I might term the surplusage of life here Is depressing. I nm by no means fond of solitude. I have lived In a moderate slzed*clty ail my life, and It boros me to stay In tbe country for any great length of time, but when 1 come to New York and nm caught In the tides of humnnity, see the over crowded tenements nnd have ray ears assaulted with the perpetual din of the streets 1 become positively melancholy. I feel what an Insignificant atom I am, after all—no more than u drop of water In n great river—and the feel ing oppresses me. It seems so like there was nobody here who enred whnt became of anybody. The only relief I find from the feeling Is In the theaters. I go to ri show every night while I am here, and of course I enjoy that Im mensely. But as soon ns I have made the rounds of the shows I am ready to return homo, where I know most ev erybody nnd there are many who c/ire.” —New York Times. A YEAR 156 Papers FOR ONE DOLLAR As ood as a. daily at]the price of a Weekly. During the Americun-Spanish wai 1'he Thrioe-a-Webk World provediti great value by the promptness, thorough ness and accuracy of its reports from all the scones of important event.-. It \va- as useful as a daily to the reader, and It will be of equal value in reporting the great and complicated questions whicL are now before the American people. It prints the news of ull the world having Special correspondence from all important news points on the globe. Ii lias brilliant illustrations, stories by greai authors, a capital humor page, complete markets, departments for the household and woman’s work and other special de partments of unusual interest Ws offer this unequalled newspapei and Tbe SEAnaJEX-X-XgXXT to gether one ear for $l,SO. The regular prioe of the two papers is 2 OJ. RAILWAY RUMBLES. Onr miles of railroad track exceed by more than 10,000 all the tracks of Eu rope, The Dominion of Canada has granted $88,884,557 and 30.725,130 acres of land to railways. More than 45,000,000 passengers year go through the North Union and South Union stations In Boston. In most European railways the prln clpal difference between second class and first class lies In the color of the seat cushions, first class being usually red, second class gray. The overage cost of the body of a modern long electric car Is $2,000, the <Sp»cial VJoiice to Jilt Tlfjf Customers Who patronize us at the city bar ber shop. I am now In a position to better serve, iutertain and please you than ever before, having secured a nice, handsome, well-furnished barber shop in the Hotel Bon Air,, where I have all conveniences neces sary to please the most fastidious. Our shop is fitted up with three new elegant hydraulic chairs; a fine com bination dressing case, arranged for three chairs and all latest equipments Hot and cold baths and shampoo showers; clean towels and sharp ra zors. Thankful for past patronage and hoping for a continuance of same I am yours for business, I'--'—. P. 77/. Si Hit, Prop. „ TAX NOTICE. I will be ufc the following named pre cincts on the dates named below for purpose of collecting state and oouuty tax for the year 1001. Climax. Monday Sept. 28d. And Fri day Oct. 18th. Bell’s, Tuesday Sept. 24th. and Sat. Henry Braydon, Harris, N. C., suysf I took medicine 20 years for asthma , but «.ne bottle of One Minute Couch ur u!^i . a u . o«,i , ,, ... , , ... Higdon’s, Wednesday Sept. 25th. and Cure did me more goo 1 than any thing Monday Oct. 21st, else during that time. Cure.” JL L. Hicks. Best Cough ESTABLISHED 1885. THE STAR Shaving Saloon. West Broughton St., Bainbridge, Ga Established by a home boy. First-class material and nolite and at tentive Barbeis. Will F Thornton. PROPRIETOR. Bengali's, Thursday Sept. 20th. and Tuesday October 22d. Pearce’s, Friday Sept 27th. and Wed nesday Got. 23d. WIngham, Saturday Sept 28th and Thursday Oct. 24th. Attapulgus, Monday Sept. 30th and Friday Oct. 25th. Belcher's. Tuesday Oct. 1st. ai.d Mon day Oct. 28t,h. Lime Sink Wed need i.y Oct. 2d. und Tuesday Oct. 20th. Blowing Cave Th An Open letter. STATE OF GEOBG1A. Office of T. B. Maxwell, Ordinary Decatur County. G enada Drug Company, Baiubridge. Ga., . Gentlemen: Four applications of Pike’s 'l etter Remedy cured a bad case of Tetter which 1 had suffered with for some time on my foot, after trying va rious so-called tetter cures. Yours Truly. T. B. Maxwell. The above testimonial speaks for it self. The Tetter Remedy is sold ou a positive guarantee. A cure or your money back. Price 50 cents a box hursday Oct. 3d. and Wednesday Oct. 80th. Spring Hill, Friday Oct. 4th. and Turs- dav Oct. 81st. Fowltown, Saturday Oct. 5th. and .Saturday Oct. 20th. Rock Pond Tuesday Oct. 8th. and Tuesday Nov. 5th. Iron City. Wednesday Oct 0th. and Wednesday Nov. 0th. Donalsonville. Thursday Oct. 10th and Thursday Nov. 7t.h. Steam Mill Friday Oct. Uth. and Fri day Nov. 8th, Lower Spring Creek. Saturday Oct. 12th. and Saturday’ Noy Oth. Facevi’.le Monday Oct. 14th. and Fri day Nov. 1st. Recovery, Tuesday Oct. 15th and Sat urday Nov. 2d. Keuarick’s, Wednesday Oct. 16th. and Monday Nov. 25tb. Pine Hill, Thursday Oct. 17th. and Tuesday Nov. 27th. Bainbridge two weeks, November su perior court, after which the books will close. M. W. Bates, T. C. D. C. WUu before him. He took 1 glance the entire person from t0 foo; * bis sue and the miuu- of bis make up. As well as an shrewd tact, escape justice, did not dare to roove-he knew what he bad to say mutt be said without a (uonen b delay. average price of n set of double trucks Manufactured only by the Grenada for such a car Is $000. and the average j D Company, Bainbridge, Gh. cost of tbe motor is $1,500, making the i “ total cost of the car $4,100. | Many pay-icians are now prescrib' g Some of the Austrian ral | Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly hav n; followed the German cus omo { { I f oun d that it is the best prescribti a numbered seats In the cars or raat y trains both first and second class. An j they can write because it is the one j e- extra’charge of from about 25 to 50 paration which contain the eleme U necessary to digest not only some kinds of food but all kind all kind and it tt re curesindgestion and dyspepsia wfjo ci Is made for these seats, according to distance. The other day, Just as a train was about to leave Kutas, In Hungary, for 1 m(l tter what its cause. Palfalva, an official appeared and put sir,™wSruts.\ *■»»««* The company was 290 crowns In ar- screened from flics. Your meat rears In payment of taxes. Next day o0meg nJCe clean and juicy, the taxea were paid, and the train pro ceeded. CITY DIRECTORY. Mayor—k. J. WIIIU. Marshal.—E. II. mart. Deputy Marshal, W. II. Seott. Po- Icuinan, Clark UiGd. (Jl.xftKovCOUNCIL.—B. 'tusAbaum OityTbasu kk.— It. A. Ljrne, ALIIKHMBN.—W. W. IVrlsht, W. C. Muihis J, A. Retd, K. T. Hines, V. Berry, L F Pst. turnon. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Dkdihavy.—T. B. Maxwell. ULBI Su- rtsioCoi’HT.—C. W. Wimberly. SHkiyy— L. F. Patterson. Tax Collkotor.— M. iV. Bates. Tax Assseso.—A. P. Long. UoUNTr Tkasuhsh.—<ico.8. McNair, fi ts- rr 8itnv»roiL—J. D. Tolbert, cososnts— t* J Frederick. Jvuoa or City (Jout.—B. Ii Bower Georgia Seed Rye at Draper <fcUc'§