The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, December 21, 1901, Image 3

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able ■U'il- PLANT system S’lorida and Cuba Daily Passeng i . TO Tro - fv...,h,Jl»n. liainbficijr« NSAlI, VO v.ntT) TliomasvilU', Vu’dostn, W avcrcss, Cll-Vlil ESTON, BHUNjA »vK, JACKSONVILLE ''aii i' ibOliIDA It ij J i • <t„ ^ ■**. ou »\ll through * BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, KyAhhouA ami all Poiuts East. i>v couuection with ,WAY m ATLANTIC COAST UUS Lovais trill®, SOin’IIETlTi la. Cia.ei»»a’ ■ r '°’"" a rT’ l3S ,D City. BirsaoiaE'AaMa. ST aalnrillo.. STa-w Or la via aa 1 all jjVj f abridge going East—2:05 a. m„ 12:20 p. m. Kiia'a'ilge going West—2:05 ft. in., 13:20 p. m. . i|S Savannah with Ocean Steaim-lnp I.ine mid M. & M.-T. Ce for New York, IIo hi: and Baltimore. . I utUrniation, call on nearest 1 icket Agent, or address ‘'; v " k L TODD. ;?TSc Manager, Division Pass. Agent, ■ ? ' ' Savannah. Ga.. Montgomery. Ala. | WHAT SHALL VVE DO FOR OUR CHILD- j KEN. — BY HON. G. R. GLENN, STATS | SCHOOL COMMISSIONER OF GEORGIA. Service. It the twentieth eentitry has j brought unmeasured opportunity s tor olie young and 'ising generation, it has brought us almost trem.udous ami awful responsibility. What shall we do for Our children is an indefinitely graver question that what we shall do for our lands, our forests, our mines, or for our water power. There ate men in Georgia who are spending fifteen Hundred dollars a year on a three year old colt to develop power of muscle and speed of limb Unit the co'l may win a prize on the world’s great Derby. Other men are paying a hundred dollars a season to have pointer dogs intelligently trained. If eolts ami pointer dogs demand intelligent treatment m order to secure prize winning speed on the race track and reliable pointing of birds hi t.he field r i i y > }. era are all the while drilling oat of the country into the towns and cities in order'that they may secure nine months’ service and nine months’ prompt pay? Nor is this all. There is a growing demand tor teachers, especially in the rural school, who can teach THE GREAT EOQ INDUSTRY Suggestions us to Host Msuiit-r of Murkfltln::, Ktc. From pamphlets just issued by the United ttates Department of Agricult ure wo gather many interesting sugges tions about, eggs and Che best manner of marketing cut-in. Tho egg industry is already of consid- , • , , ... . i ernble commercial importance, iueegg manual training, dement i, y ague ,1- j of tho Uuited StRte8for 1S91) tore and other elementary studies i w4g estimnte j at 820,000,000 dozen, und that are known to be necessary for a jijoso figures uro generally considered well-rounded development of .the j too low. Our own state was credited children. by the census of 1800 with 11,623,788 | dozen eggs. The demand has always been somewhae ahead of the supply in Georgia. Under the influence of p:uu- No Discovery in medicine lias, ever j ppiets sent out by tho Agricultural Do- created one quarter of the excitement pertinents of tho United States and of i r dazzles tii e would. C-iiGIA PINE RAILWAY GC TJHIONATEEaKA RIVEli ROUTE. Sigieduie effective Ju.,e 24, 1800. tlOth Mcrtittim, Ijlil IllH'Ml No. 1. SllIHlliy (Central Time ) No. ‘2. SniiUay savrti utuMi. So. No. Dully that 1ms t een caused by Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption; It’s sever est, tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia,. Heuiorr huge, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect healt h. For boughs. Colds, Asthma, Croup. Hay Fever. Hoarseness and YVhoopit g Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the wor Id. It is sold by It*. L. llicks, who Daily except JMimlay. Ji *5 h! am 2 12 a m !» l;i i ( .l oli i 10 0U ; fvap nnh ksoivi li Wuvoro*’ • Tlioina.ivU*. MullV{jp) •‘•ay ’ li-llil’uliltfG li ilnb.’ldge rsI 1*.. , kin (>.l_ '.lit DiilllllrtCUM A rliiigton Arlington Albivuv Biii itii vi il« -» l» 1 i ’ 0 1> » ' M! l> 1 ' 1> 1 I Hi p 1 | 1 no p m j 12 2» P m II 2) si m MlHC llj I 4.* li 1 12 50 p 1 lo ;u> r 1 7 00 P 1 II 25 a 1 i n 17 , | IO 45 1 I !0 *2„ of sport, lliu iiitt'iligiMil handling oi guanintoo satihf»«cti*>n or refund money, children is now required in order to L;u '^ bottles 50c und $1,00. Trial hot- make nieii and women wliocau stand one he counted 111 the tieree romped* tton for the prizes of human life. The highest premiums this world is paying today are awarded to men and Women with full, well rounded and highly developed brain power. If experts are req tired tor intelli gent training of colt- and dogshuredy it 111 st he true that experts are nec essary for tiie skillful training of 0 nldreii. Experts are people who have been trained for their h.'.sii.ess: experts are people who know and who know that they do Know. The skillful and reliable physician is the who knows what to do with the most desperate ease. The skillful teaches COLIiRST SPOT ON EARTH. There are tio points iu Europe where the cold records of America are eclipsed, hut in Asia our lowest records ure thrown completely in tho shade. Siberia has the coldest weather known anywhere in the world. At Werchojansk, Siberia. 93.-1 degrees below zero was observ ed in January, 1SS8, which gets nviav below anything ever known 7 a the world before or since. A* that point the average tomr.-r* for January is nearly (>•'. ''.agrees below. This town is siE -..ted at an eleva tion of :R0 fee*, 'above the level of the sea, a'.ul during the entire win ter th; weather is nearly always ; r u ill I :I 1 * 4 -"> p »».! . 2 Gears ia & Alabama. I. mu i '£ mill 1 naUi* < Mhtiiiv, Mlicitt), AU.tu •1 ..I . 2 make f . I mu. <• si v iiit Mil li, Mont^oiiiCi i’.l. I*.vni.lent. I. V>. IMr.o liuilw . -LV.itral of (.Srorglu 1{’> connocH" a 11 ml ; 11 poi 1 i > 1 ncdlmi s im! all ; 1 at ArHnurtoti with * ilM K: K. B. GOLEM AN. Geuei-ui Su itrill i»t Gcorpu a* Plant Syeten if. iittOmUini. cube j.nd clear. Perhaps the ranjor- i.-, likewise, the man or woman who l.y of people suppose that the con 1 .- IA A ii fiii V <J \M -A FirstsClass- TS 4 y A 'p. !' D'Kii -".1 !i i>’ \jt' slwii 'i} g ' '* fR HI % « ! A c-voting tny last attention to the care of alimiteil number of hotscs I have only experienced horsemen and they arc under my direct supervision. knows what to do with the most des- lieraie hoy or girl. Years 01 time and lives of patience and Worhls of skill and the whole iiistoryof ait are necessary to redeem and saved one child. If a thousand told in value is added to the head of a horse or deg I when it ib correctly tiallied during | the formative years ol horse, and dog life, ten thousand fold of value can be added lo tile lilc of a child when it is properly trained during the formative years of its life. We can’t develop brain pop;or and character unless we have touchers 01 bruin power andchatacfcv. Wo can’t secure these teaccPrs Miiless we put our hands ill our pockets and pay for them. "U1 SITUATION IN GSOKGtiA. Now, then, what is our situation': est weather in the world is at the north pole, but reliable observation made by explorers disproves t 1 '-,. theory cour .,ctcly. S YltlPATllETt G o:»G INS. Nature often shows her kind tho several states, assisted by tho work of tho various experiment stations, them has been of late yours great improve- moot in tlio methods of feeding und oaring for potihry and iu the selection of laying stock, to that the egg produc tion has greatly increased. There is always a murket for poultry and eggs fdr food, and tho raising u r fancy stock for brooding purposes pa; a well in sumo localities. la times, eggs, when sold, wero marketed near tho place whore they were produced. Put with improved methods of transportation largo quanti ties are now shipped from tho United States und Canada to remote points on tltis continent and oveu to Eugluud and moro distant countries, Tio ro arc spe cial egg oasts for shipping s j far di.-tuntj points. (Jc cour.-o eggs that aro to bo trans ported a long distanoo mt>t be kept fresh by urtifloiftl means. Fresh eggs put into cold storage with a pure atmos phere at a temperature of 31 degrees Fohronholt suffer very little ehungo iu their quality. When carried on cars or steamships they should bn kept in a temperature of from -13 tu 3.3 degrees. When rlio cases uro ri moved from tho cold storage chamber, they should not) he opened utonoo in u warm at mor ph tro, lint should bo loft fonts least twq •jays unopened. In the lust two or throe years a now method of preserving oggU has boon tested with gratifying rv-u’.rs. The Nor;'.: Lv.ko.u ^.vpefimout Station has paid pr-vMcvilar atfeutioii to this prob lem. The tmW method referred to is to uiufj the eggs in a suitable vessel which carefully over tnem n solution tv; what) is called' water glass. Tula is tho popu lar namo for ponvp;nnu nlhww. or for Dray Lino' on n SEO. D. GBIF.FI Is running on full time and if ...•>* • You need niiy 7 -hauling c-ill on me Helpfulness by bringiit" healthy or- j must bo clean and sweet and.thou pone gaits to the relief of diseased ores. If one kidney loses its function!.I power, the other will crtlnrffS. nut! do the work of both. If hoSu.t.rBiv.or.. ( ^dinm silicuto. tlio’commercial ur.lolo or less a.footed, the. t.ctu-ebj, ol. 1*1 1 ^ytugoftou a mixture the f.f'L A Mvr r;kin nmy cotno to their Ad i'*..i 1 ^lnss is coiurtor.’;. - sold in twu forms, a •pour out on the,surface v -dt Mould 1 gyrnp-thick liquid, of about the coutisj* othcrvioc cjtittsc fatal L10 ,d poison- j tcncy f motusscs, amt a p n ‘ iXlor, ., ir.;j. On. tike qtl'-cy 'B-ntl, when I'd i According to tlnj vesuU-s obtained ptres are slorded by a e.iill the 1 j fo;a esperimcnla tv solution of tho do- bcvs come to the rescue nud^af' .. *ircd strongdt (:.< preserving eggs may large part.of the skir> ^rlv* 7 This bo made hy- diszoiviag one pave of tho explains why it is r, da - ,-crotts fori (jycnp thick' in ten parts of the sufferer frQin, ;j „iisc<T,t'd kidneys ^-;ucr. If watergiuss powder Is .used, to tak' 1 cold. - ^ fess is required for a giveu quantity of 1 s.w Ia™™;,.™.-.. ri.^'ITSlK .,,, , „ ... . , 1 In making thu solution. Therefore it is • ‘ A 1C 1 111 V'fluiilh V g .,.3 j beat to b 0 U it nnd cool it hoforn mixing A 0 have mx hundred and sixt\-livu | sleep head downward. It tolds and | wate-aJ-ss contracts its wings to the utmost. ' , '* i * " * , , * The effect is to reduce its size and 1 ' Vf)l,d “ u 1: ** w Jlirrel * al ° loC shape to a narrow ridge, hardly din, 1 P ac J l , n « th * tho ? ho tl.or- ti.nguishable in shape and color 1 ough y .caldod P.m, ihc packed eggs THE BEST MADE. it Running and Well Finished. 3 cud AH Modern Eqinprsiats. 'v-'il'le and tei ms of S;ll;sf,iolio!l, e •t Lit -URV. ill o If vo 1 n or write ■d a set - ' ici tliousuid children ofschuol age (een- 1898); uig'it.-iTinLi.s of these chil dren are in the rural districts. The\ go lo school less than one hundred •livs in the year. The teachers of I these children receive as their p ly an average of less than $130 fir their services in each of these rural schools, i The day laborers 01: the signets oi Atlanta le-.etve inoi-c pay for their toil day hy day than wo pay to the a-erago district school teacher, and vet the teachers are expected to I e experts. It ought to he stated here laud everywhere that the teachers m : the rural districts in this stale as well I as Hie teachers in the towns and mil. s, are giving t» the stale a net— Machine I v j ut vastly heion l the anourtt, of | pay they receive J'or it. To m;tko the > situation more aggravating, wo ,jo and color . from the seed heads on thousands of . ia aaorjl P laro ’ f x Do North Dakota Lxr. • -V u- ioh, Btcms around. The butterfly also \ , sleeps on the top of tho stout. tl ' found'»t best not to ..asbllww befort the morning, when the 7 anbeums ' P™™*^nd am.ounce« r.-nher that T warm them, • nil these gray pied t> nllou °f the solution is su•.'rim.t'u*. for 5Q sleepers ort tho grass toy . open their do "" JJI ' 1/1 -- v P’orcrly racked, wings, and the colorless bonnets are i ^ !k and incrpouslvo *3'4hod starred with a thousijul living flow,. I t>f prewwmg egre./o. a long ti-jc, has era of purest azure, been cuus dn-covv.tiu, a rit.d, impetus 1 1 will be given to whut ts already qp f1 n—’ THI: FESTtVAU Cb'V' 01 1 leg large pvopertlbiKi as au inqu iry, qt The “festival of tool. d g a fen- thu United States, turn of each new vr-.r ,ifR the Pa- I risians. It Legar or ‘.'no ist of .Tun-j SSLjlr " U . ; >r /'{**'" s «*u,v u,i*u« «. great nucasm-o upon aurti.g wu 0 . t i ports .1 absurdities ■ *- * | and im 1 .eP'cies wove licensed.. This feast CU\ S \ : (• l v , > CM vL>' C Voultr”* Of course tho qunLty and si70 of eggs must depend in tno breed of chickens. Om, who do- - . ,, uires te sen 4 eggs to, market wishes of , ?. s ' 110 „ f Pblehratcd after the course tq furnish those -.vnieu w.llbring .a •'".part oi -he ihirtcc ;ta ccatu- the t /Cst p ^ c< »* The North Cundiua ry. Fools or licensed jesters wore , ^psriwtat sm'tiou has made careful kept t at ‘ 0-irt up {O UiO time of oi tho rizv o£ e^uo! .H 0V eral I-,,,,!,..;.{., c i not i*!iv L.its e° tut/ Leauuors *■ J *°)> b^t tno ancient pr^^dn. Of those tested th*> larpre^fc wero i ly when it is due thy little pittance j ^u ' ' dS llCVCr rcviTOa 'T ^ ie W*'* «»'i by Light Uralunas and weighed 2d —— 1 j K v ca 1 v,a ’ A uonces a doaeu. Those laid by the Black ' ' * ' Luugshau and Burred Plymouth ltock heus wuiglied a little over 2(t ounces per dozen, whilo the eggs of Single Comb Brown Leghorns, iate hatched Ply mouth Bock, While Wyandotte and 1 J 9 ri b—4 OsOi-a M. © © I to year, trying to heller tile ! conditions. Oil' statute Ttvv ai b: o. .'V V. h , grr W -a.-. 13road Street. • > • • 7 all trams and transfer passengers promptly • ‘ ‘ ol the city. First class teams am! trusty drivers .aides. ’Rhone 5G. BF.ACM& CQKPAlu'- j Fully eighty per orut, of our teach • 1 v/onucrrni l r , ■ . 1 r I * llO l.ini.l <. f 111 i • tortoise fj I ers in the rural d.stv.cts are shifunp j ^ )0 , ( , :uaIn Q wonderful WO r,, ^ aboat. c.,an.gimi Liieir places from j was efficacious in extingp ,hiti" t-;-i> 1 a!| d when {Paced v.ude 7 the tongue would produce proph .lc l:isplratlr;:i. 1 Another stone UPSfjssitit; the latter a.v of prognsi iu education j property was to be found vr> the <ve of - 111.; to sul j -cl these teachers * he head of the cat. bow- ever, was thought lo, contain what |t-s ivero tests every year to hud out j would undoubtedly have been tho most win; are fit to leach; and yet when 11 wonderful and most desirable treasure 1 c mm to nay these people I have less CO f "^ '* i,: 'A OP ’ X Uil<> « "'«> ! 1 . , ! hl< n<l of aw imaginary existence, for ! than $loU apiece to pay them with, j that than who was so fortunate as to and ,ve can’t pay that when it is due. | posses* this prccieits stone would l:nv, I, -t anv wonder Unit oar best teach- '■> ‘1 ail his withes granted! -Chmuhcra* s-j«i;naL He U'n» Cnnllons. Wederly—The doctor says i must tuke more exercise. Do you think l ought 10 begin with dumbbells? Mrs. Wederly—Suppose for u starter you come out with me tills afternoon and wheel the baby carriage? Wederly — 1 — er — really, Mary, I couldn't think of It. 1 don’t want vo overdo the thing the first day.—Chica go News.