The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, December 28, 1901, Image 3

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——..I. II I- l' ——— I■ of Eol*. M *“ B1,d B «***«. Jg of the western; I once had a trainer, an old Irish- the is |fl streanl8 and lakes inan, who had served In a British regl- e in tUe . of immense size ; tncnt In India and who knew the wa"» n^P.l ns food by the of tigers In every detail. He taug! t.r.m-no rtf throo nf i limn tn /In »«<%»/> i.. n d ns LUVU WJ «•'- “■ •“ '***’•■* w*«.«ia«. ue tuught idoin aw To i-nve a honor of three of them to do more work In the scem ' s The eels of ' show arena than I have ever seen done tJite creat ^ ^ Cai . 0 i; ;le by tigers. 1 hav StliUe of Ul0 Caroline uy tigers. I have seen him sitting i nn invitation 1 island- 0 i lflt they lilber- j down between two of them at rest j “ Tlli8 felloi re pet' u!:ar j. fol . t j,elr place ; times during rehearsals and examining j working hard „lorlV S ... . tsrlilpl: > tliolr olntrs tn Rnn iF nnv of Hwvtv- » 1 there NOOIlU'tl ?e seen him slttiu L ’ r An AtvfnI Dlaapjiotatmeat. “The most disappointed man I ever saw.'’ said a Baltimore financier, “was a poor wr-3tch who was about to be hanged in one of the northeastern counties of Maryland. 1 happened to be there about the time and accepted ! an Invitation to witness t ie execution. -'.low's lawyers had been to save lis iieek. ”ud nrtiesi i<—- — a i *** “ “ u j tn tuum were seemed to be some possibility ..Ion tlie - j sore or split. Any one who has ever j *’ lat be might he reprieved. The time find- imes will cr.mb tried that with even a house cat knows . * '*• fur tlu> psecutlon arrived, however, erfs 6 °®® t m'gj, an< j select! that It strikes the feline nature as nn ! 11:1(1 tlu ’ sheriff made plans to caVry IS .p’ace for their win- >-i„ r.. ... == •id SOCU IUI IB.M i i • w v.v»»uu.i oilarl)' aU ‘ .“niest plat-cs Wliiqk 1 their claws to see if any cf them w 1 .1 Gneo lit* enllf A m- i .. there or make a de- ft moss covered soil ' 'mto it snugly, re in tli t!l0U1 nSnths‘at a time ubso for Sometimes . i. s . nnd inert. Ot '°»!worod with moss or vege- - 11 ' "<111(1 at other times they aris “L to view with their "“tads cabled back upon fiat he.' After tlieir season cf odieS ' mountain tops the eels • - to the vax- tlie unwarrantable faraillavlty. but they j out tlK ‘ execution. The march to the never did more than show their teeth • R( ‘n ff o!d had begun, and the prisoner was about to mount the steps when a Tk( Reason. A German professor who Is given to j grant deliberation of speech and hus never been known tc met,use its speed ; under the most compelling circum-j THE MAJOR’S VENGEANCE. HcKInley anil the Reporter Who Persistently Assailed Him. under me most compelling circum- . During one of his congressional enro- stauces had an amusing experience In palgns Major McKinley was followed ..... ... ..... i...» ...... am„i tr, hv ii n-iiiirtei* for a and whine, and that in half playful ness. One day he got very drunk. I had never known him to transgress before. messenger arrived, waving a telegram in his hand. “The procession was at one? stopped. Ruwnii liiui tu iruueKrcsK IKriOie. - Before he was noticed on ids return to 11,1,1 the sheriff took the telegram, hut ^1. ... i • i . ... Uil tit tliui- It- .1 t.k ft... j./\n n mwins iut0 the r,ve ™ and •Jf W feed upon the craw *£ c b crustacean they have a , rtici. Is shared by the na- i'4 C n. s are excellent eating. ; , vi n induce the natives to 'em! alive or (lead. the cage he had gone in with his ti gers a fid fallen In a heap on the floor. The other keepers tried to take him out of the cage, but to have done so would have meant a bitter and bloody fight with the three striped ones. They gunrded him nil night In his drunken slumber. The next time he put them to work, however, they balked, and he could neither persuade nor drive them. They had ceased to trust him, or some thing of that sort, and his usefulness with them was at an end completely.— F. Bostock tn Frank Leslie’s. Relieved. . „ tong ride through a desolate "“ B country, and the pollti- Z ht t0 relieve the monotony by L e nmsings on his, recent vic- •j embarrassments that even lii'i; saw that It was addressed to the con demned man. lie bunded it to the, fel low. who, trembling with' hope, tore open the envelope. lie cast his eager glance at the message, puled and let it drop from ills hand. The sheriff picked up the paper, read it. and the march to tile scaffold was resumed. In a few minutes the man Who had hoped for a reprieve was in eternity. “The message was from some minis ter who had become Interested in Ills case. It told him to trust in the Lord | and he would be suved.”—Washington Post a restaurant not long ago. The waiter had brought him raw oys ters. and. to his dismay, he saw that the professor had apparently no inten tion of tasting them.- “I cannot cat these oysters.” said the German slowly, without raising his eyes to the anxious waiter. The man seized the plate and bore it out of sight In an Instant. Ho was a new waiter, and it was with much trepida tion that he laid the second supply cf oysters before this discriminating pa tron. “I cannot eat these oysters.” said the from place to place by a reporter for a paper of opposite political faith, who la described as being one of those “shrewd, persistent fellows who are al ways at work, quick to see un oppor tunity and skilled In making the most of It!" While Mr. McKinley was an noyed by the misrepresentation to which he was almost dally subjected, he could not help admiring the skill and persistency with which he was assail ed. His admiration, too. was nut uu- mlxed with compassion, fo- the re porter was 111, poorly clad and had an annoying cough. One night Mr. Me 1 cannot eat tnese oysters, eaiu ue uhuu.viuk w *" . professor after one glance at the plate . Klnley took a closed carriage fora near- which had been set before him. | by town at which h- was announced to “I—I think you'd find them all right. ! speak. The weather was wretchedly sir," faltered the - waiter. “1 don’t | rftw and cold, and what followed is think there’s anything wrong about ' thus described: . them, sir.” lie looked miserable, hav- | He hml not gone far when he heard Ing been told that the German was a [ that cough and knew that the repottet frequent and valued patron of the res- j was-riding with the driver on the ox- taurant and must he well and quickly posed sent. The major called to t it m voar hands!” ‘ jeoiu-h gave a lurch and The ray of light that shot iu- rchide turned the spattering , tnvrlnds of evanescent gems. - fa you want?” asked the pol- w jth a firmness that showed had faced danger before, money." It Is.” watch and diamond ring. are yours.” st say you're good natured any- uiil one of the highwaymen, r.t all. Are you sure that's all lire?" t In thunder did you think we s afraid"-and the politician’s •1-mhlcd a little—“you \ wanted »!"—Philadelphia North Amcrt- nser-t Testa tn Brazil. Id take a small- gang of prac- fee planters from Ceylon with r-st'.ous to bo not afraid of ticks and Berne flies, to say of the dear little mosquito, ter had extracted during four , Brazil no less than 200 cliig- -a underneath every ■ toe nail feet. the vile insects on enrth the !y is the worst. She lays her :side your flesh and hntclies cry ugly insects an inch long ree rings cf bristles round the ad with sharp nippers. They .out six weeks to develop uu- Trouble For the Tnnrlata. The poor Saxon "towrlst”—what he may suffer in the Emerald Isle! There Is a story on record of three Irishmen rushing away from the race meeting at Punchestown to catch a train back to Dublin. At the moment a train from a long distance pulled up at the station, and the three men scrambled In. In the carriage was seated one other pas senger. As soon as they had regained their breath one said: “Pat, have you got th’ tickets?” , “What‘tickets? I’ve got me loife! 1 thought I'd have lost that gettin’ in th’ thrnin. Have you got ’em. Molke?" “01? Begorrah, I haven’t!” “Oh, we’re all done for. thin!” said the third. “They’ll charge us roight from th' other soide of Oireland.” The old gentleman looked over his newspaper and said: “You are quite safe, glntlemen. Walt till we get to th' next station.” As soon as the train palled up the little gentleman Jumped out and came hack with three first class tickets. Handing them to the astonished stran gers, he said: "Whist, I'll tell you how I dkl it: I wilit along th’ thrnin. ‘Tick ets. plaze: tickets, plazel’ l called, and those belong to three Saxon to wrists In another carriage.”—Harry Furulss in Strand. An Evenlncr Cull. “I called on Perkins last evening.” remarked Mr. Brown. "Did you have a pleasant time?” in quired Mrs. Brown. "Very. Perkins was beating bis wife when 1 went In.” “What?" “1 say rerkltis was heating his wife, but of course he stopped when I came In.” "Well, I should hope so.” “1 bogged him to go on, but ho said some other time would do just as well.” “Ycu bogged him to go on?" “Why. yes. 1 didn’t want to spoil the fuu. you know.” served. “I cannot eat these oysters." an nounced the professor for t’ae third time, with the calmness of chorus In a tragedy, "because ns yet you have fur nished mo no fork.”—Youth's Compan ion. Tl»«* Public Timte. driver to stop and alighted. "Get down off that sent, young man." he said. The reporter obeyed, thinking the time for the major's vehgeance had come. "Here." said Mr. McKinley, taking off bis overcoat, “yon put on this overcoat and get Into tlint carriage." -But. Major McKinley." said the re porter, “l guess you don't know who I 1 v jiuuri, • !»>■• «’ . . Several kind Workers pooled their; nm . | m-ve been with you the whole Efforts to Insure the Waifs a happy j campaign, giving It to you every time Holiday. They rounded up the little j y 0l] spoke, nud 1 am going over tonight Hickeys nt a Mission and gave them a j to rip you to pieces If l can." Free Show. Every Swipes in the j »i Know." said Mr. McKinley, "hut Place was a Monday Night Gallery | vott put on this coat and get inside and God, so the Church Talent was going ,; et warm so that you can do a good against a knowing Proposition. A pnle young Man with amber Flro Escapes sprang a Hue of Parlor Mngic that would have queered even a Sup per Show. The Bunch advised him to hack off the Dump. When a Young Lady with Glasses tackled "Stnbut job.”—Clinutauquan. THF MAGIC NUMBER. A liiKKMtlon ‘>y the Cyiilo Tbn« Set the'Others TlilnUlnst. „ lv „ - , "j often hear of the magic number/’ Mater” oh the Violin they broke her; „ n |d someone. "What number Is .t. le run. you unow.” i up with Cnt Calls anil told her to! -why. nine, of course,” replied some "Oh. you brute! Do you mean to any tear off some Bag Time. They bleated 1 0 ne else. "There are nine muses, j that you could have looked calmly on at the Amateur Elocutionist and acted know, and you talk of a nine any Howdy when a Stout Woman got up wonder. Then you howl at ninepins, to read a Fairy Tale from Hans Chrlfs- j and a eat has nine lives.” tian Andersen. Then they began to, “Nonsense!” broke In another. ' bov- yell for Mulligan and Hicks to come] en is the magic number. Seventh on nud save the Show. Whereupon heaven, don’t yon know, and all that: two pug faced Kids came forward and given colors in the rainbow, seven did a Hottentot Song nnd Dance with days in the week, seventh son ol a a Buck nud Wing finish that killed , seventh son—great fellow—and — them dead. I "Tush, tush!" remarked a third. Mornl.—Tbe Waifs canuot be expected , “Five's the number you mean, a to lift themselves many Notches above i mnu lias tlve tltigers on bis hand nut X- ... V-..I. T.I Irl i. „ n I.U. fool mill III 8 U VO While he beat his wife? “Certainly. Why not?” "1 thought you had at least n spark of manhood left. I suppose you will be heating me next." "Yes; 1 think 1 could if you would play cribbage with me.” "Play cribbage?" “Yes; that is what Perkins nnd his wife werl- doing.”—London Telegraph. St. Pnul's. “Tt is curious.” says the London Chronicle, “how St. Paul’s, although the first cathedral church In England that was built actually for the observ ance of the Anglican ritual, manages nevertheless to retain something of a foreign and a Catholic nature in the way it off ers shelter to the tired pas serby. Apart from the restless groups ... of sightseers, there are always plenty skin, then commence to turn j 0 f people there who have gone In sole- fits just when you want to j i y for the sake of its wonderful peace ep after a hard day’s work in j an j quiet. -They would have found neither, by hives of Brazil adopt a novel j t^e way. in old St. Paul's of the fif- jztrn.cting the brute when full. teenth century, for while mass was They tie on a piece of raw pork | pein- said in one chapel, a funeral serv- ■ino comes out of your skin j | oe ( n another, nud so on, all sorts of commerce was carried on in the middle aisle, from the hiring of servants to the transaction of legal business. “We have altered nil that nowadays, nnd St. Paul's is the quietest spot in the noisiest city in the world.” as a header into the piece of -Ceylon Observer. IClmaw'H “Souvenir." Li Him- Chang was In Paris, t to visit the Credit Lyounais aved lively Interest in its halls, rs. Its safes and the room where ais of the Inst city of Paris loan it. lie was first, shown bonds frnncsar.d l.tlDfl francs nnd then 0 fumes. Taking them In his he scrutinized them, exclaiming ady. Moli. joli!" Then he finally tbom in his pocket, saying, 'air dt* Paris!” The governor of Lyonnais went to the tnln- 1 iarelgn affairs with a list of the and asked what he was to do. - agreed tlint It would not do to 111 Rb-e them up. and the foreign (•funded his "souvenir de Par's!” Got Hln Price. “Away over on the cast side of the city.” said n New Yorker, "lies the shop of a well known butcher, who rejoices In the euphonious nnd sug gestive name cf ’Four Cent Miller.’ He sells meat In smallest quantity to his customers, and, as the coin of the realm In that locality Is principally conspicuous by Its absence, there is a constant effort to heat him down In price. The other day Miller and a would be customer all but came to blows over a pound or so of pork chops, and the discussion finally culminated in Miller irately demanding: *• -Well, why don't you go to Smith (a rival butchen if you can get them cheaper?’ "‘Because/ explained the customer. •Smith hasn't got any.' ‘Oil.” said Miller. ‘Is that so? Weil, when I haven't got any m.v price will lie 4 cents, too. lmt while 1 have they cost T cents. See?’ -The customer saw nud purchased. —New York Tribune. the Public Taste.—New York Herald. five toes on his foot, aud lie has Uvia senses; nud"— -Three is undoubtedly the tangle number.” interrupted another, "because people give three cheers, nud Jonah was Inside a" whale three days and A Testimonial Worth Huvinsr. An Inventor, having produced a won derful hair Invigorating fluid, sent a case of buttles to u bald ollltor, with a wan lusiut- u ........ — —. request for a testimonial. He got It In ; three nights, nnd If at first you don these terms: ! succeed, try, try aguin-three times. “A little applied to the Inkstand has j y0 u see!” given it a coat of bristles, making n , Tills was received with some con- splemlld penwiper nt a small cost. Wo | tempt by the company, nnd a soulful youth gushed out: ••Two. oh. two is the magic num ber—-oneself nnd one other, the adored' one—just two!” A hard featured Individual, who Imd been listening to the conversation lilth- Absurdly did you asked, they were he replied. L'nrticTilar. resign from your so absurdly partie- Hls Half. An old Maryland, colored man was . summoned to court by the coutiovcisy j over the ownership of a mule. I “Who bought the mule?” demanded the judge. ■ . .... “Clem Sin if and Ah each bought half ob him. sail.” responded the old man. , “Where Is Smith now?” ! “He ain't neither cum down yit. salt. ! He went to curvy ins huff .when ns half was in a bad humor. N°" ® cliillnn wants to get deb b'tiii'li s ia away from my half, en deb half am ^“Stop!” roared the Judge. “Dismiss the case.”—Chicago News. Alaska'* Inliom.ltOlil* Interior. In the vast aud almost unknown In terior of Alaska the climate Is arctic. The winter Is of eight luoiltla* dura tion. drv and. excepting certain re stricted localities, entirely free front wind The temperature descends ns low as 80 degrees, with a mean of per haps 40 degrees. Ice forms in the rivers and lakes to a thickness of ei-lit feet nnd more. Summer extends over four mouths. During Its earliest month high winds prevail. unco of lids short season is mild nnfl the'temperature pleasant, rarely ex ceeding sc, degrees. The snow and rain annually precipitated la about 1AJ indies.—Era. applied the lather to a twopenny nail, and the nail Is now the handsomest shaving brush you ever Saw. with beautiful, soft hnlr growing from the end of it some live or six Inches in length. i uwu HBicimih v»# v... — - “Applied to doorsteps, it does away | erto unmoved, here remarked in with the use of tt mat: applied to the bur&h voice: floor. It tv HI cause to grow therefrom j hair sufficient for a ht-ussels carpet. A little weak lather sprinkled over a shed makes It Impervious to the wind, rain j or cold. It Is good to put Inside dill- 1 Aren's cradles, sprinkle on the road side or anywhere that luxurious grass Is wanted for use or drnament. It pro duces the effect In ten minutes.”—Col- llef’s Weekly. rwu 'uiLf, 'The magic number Is number one In tills world, and If you want ta suc ceed never forget It." An Interval of deep thought on the pnrt of all followed, after which they went in silently to suppcr.-IVarson’s. No Word For l-ove. In comparison with the English tongue foreign tongues seem parsimo nious In some ways of expression nnd wasteful In others. 1 For Instance. It Is Impossible to “kick n man In Ffench. You'must give him u “blow with the foot.” The I’ovtu- Afrtcnns tVnnJi. bet Never Wtjic. Great attention Is given in mod of the African tribes to the care of the body. The teeth are cleansed With u a stick which lias been chewed into gueac- do not "wink” at one; they c osa a kind of brash. The bunds are nnd open the eyes.” washed frequently, not by turning and In the languages of the American ln- twistlng aud rubbing them together dlniis there Is no wold with whidi one within the other, as with us. hut convey the Idea of "stealing. I*e*£ a P bv a straight up and down rubbing, because the Idea of property Is so such as is given to the other limbs, fcaguo.! It Is related of one of the eatly Tiffs manner of washing Is so charne- missionaries that In attempting t urns l» Cliuriiv UilBBIUliai two teristic that an African might be din-' translate the Bible Into Algonquin he a European with- could find no word to express lovt • die chairman wouldn’t tet me st because some one else was ~ r - s if that made any dlffcr- Ckleago Post. WP8 °f Modern Education. Mother—0!i. 1 am so glad you I don’t know what on earth 1 baby. -Shall I run for the doctor. Mother—No. for an Interpreter. Pen*. Paper and Royalty. Whenever the signature of an lisli king or queen is requited S’a hook or elsewhere It J 8 — ; otiKW gurats thick white paper, on one side only An Owl’s Too*. It is alleged that taxidermists are careless in the mounting of owls. In museurtts and elsewhere our wise eyed friends are «■» up ^!tl. three >oes In front of and one behind ,|1C I" 11 Which they are seated. One who has tlnguished liy It from a mirw™* , . , - 1 M out reference to the color. The sun Is and was compelled to Invent It their only towel. 1 ^ Spelling Bcc. Some of you who think you are well up in i spoiling juKt try to spell the Mother—No. for an Interpreter. n f the require- ach nurse left suddenly today. Wife—YV bat arc a BUC cessful °'Jy can understand what he meats necessary to mv (tear: UB-Uto - j poker player, my t-Mf; Well , „ man .Tbe Earliest Ctitiirs. The earliest mention of cigars In English occurs In a hook dated 1711"). words jin this little sentence: A traveler In Spanish America named “it Ik agreeable to witness the nn- Cockburn, whose narrative was pub- paralleled ecstasy of two harassed pe - lished In that year, describes how he diers tjndcAvorlng to gauge tue sj met three friars at Nicaragua, who, he n ,etry bf two peeled pears- - :a \e us some seegArs to smoke; Bead) It over to your friends and see these are Leaves of Tobacco bow tiany of them can spell rolled up In such Manner that they word (jorroetly. The sentence contain* servo both for a Pipe and Tobacco it- many }>f Che real puzzlers of the Spell E(1 j». * * *. they know no other way ing book.—London Tit-Bits, i here, for there Is no such Thing ns a j j - ———r . As an MO' - {WWjWi Tabacc-o Pip, «■*“•" i «* «a everything is watched ia Iloss.a.t^ej voice TrnreBUK. ; 1 be swSls up and claims to tie proud of their system of ri-gisterlng h.iarms. E1(?bteeJ , n ,jtes Is said to be the lot* ftiire U no'way of knowing if the When a weapon ot any -md ■" P distance on record at which a * avor ,.A BpM reciprocates the fettling.— chased a permit must be secured from ^ ^ hrtj| ^ bear<t This oc* W Bp ? ...Jl, 7 ” ' | mot illlVV uiuis ui niwe r ved tile habits of the hooters j Bnya .. ga ve Os some scegArs to smoke: maintains that this Is incom-et and that no living owl ever places three tm . s tn front of h’-* perch- Low la this?—New York Press. . « mat distance on record at he secured *rom y^iee has been heard, the local authorities- Till* name of the cn ., i( , a , a tllc Grand canyon C »he Col man who makes the purchase, v.’-h the , . ■— th« number of th.e weapon, is recorded, if the purchaser ever wants to dispose 3 I Wife ( * , would care to pla.Y with wc*i V* .-r.rdon me. I for- 1 : Hushaud—Oh. I neatly a T •^Piy choosing tny brides- Chicago Record-Herald. foe to lio my wife. Ntoiyn—Ob, P . of me weapon he must notify the au thorities nnd cause the transfer to be recorded on the books of the firm svhicli sold It. orado. where one man shoutltis the name Bel? nt one end his voice » as plainly heard nt the other end. wilicb Is el"htpe;i miles nwny. Or. Yonng re cords that at Gibraltar the Amuan voice Ban Frhnclswo Bulletin- ten relies. | Pulnfnl AM Arthn.1. Dumlfelgb—If was an nwfu> trial for me to make that fpeech tonight, Mildmay—Don’t mention it. old hoy- that ut Gibraltar the bnraan ttinlc what the'rest of qa *uf- has been V.eard ut a distance of | ere ^ ? ■ . * -Brooklyn Life.