The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, December 28, 1901, Image 5

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AFFAIRS personals. , .. -en-Maken hens lay m I Alb« nien . .hous’d.' 40c po«" d !U [ j D . H al3tead spent Christ* Lind d' c punters of the Hub. Oarr entertained In laiiner last evening 1 6ra- e farming . 0 f her friends. I r , t [ u l social meeting of the ll t ie was held last eve* Ith Le«f? ue [ t he resilience of of Mm® L‘11 “scrub races” rack Tuesday eve- people Wits Iral interesting L|<] at the tr La good many lit. woman there are ! excel Miss Eleda Matwtone, Mrs. Eugene Bruton is visiting rela* tlyes iu Damascus. Mr. and Mrs. W VV. MeCulley, of Bilbson, were in the city yesterday. Mr. afcd Mrs. McKeeyer, of Climax, were in the city yesterday. Miss Loueee Gremmev is spending some time iu Brinson. Herald character liar contralto of the Opera Company. ,nd p«l.liu alike praise the lithe Herald Square v this season ,hau ever, Reynolds calls for and de- i r p ue8 j a y night, itindry to any part of tle^ geiioy Acme Steam Laundry, as. Ga. Opera They are Mr. Lucian Bower, who has been at tending the State Normal, spent the the holidays at Lome, Miss Ruth Sparks, of ThomasVille, Is expected in the city in a few days to visit Mrs. H. C. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tonge. of Savan nah, will spend next Week here with tin family of, Mr. W. G. D. Tonge, Miss Alice Cbason came home from college to spend the holidays this week with her parents. Miss Marv Neely, of Atlanta, will be the guest of Miss Allie Golden Cliette next week. A nvtmber of the younger set gave a delightful dance in the armory The Andrews’ Carnival Co., have a double one-half column display ad in this issue of tho Search-Light Capers King has secured w hich will tell you of the attractions , Brown residence, corner t j, e y R a y e to offer, and West str'ets, which was j ■ j v,,. t P Wil- Rev. T. C. l ims will preach at the purchased b> J. r. v\ 11 > . r Presbyterian Churcli ttsiaorrow I morning and night and it is to be tentative Byron bower re- . .. hoped a large congregation will turn iast Friday night from At- \ . Iasi i lu.v | out to hear him. yin? been detained several , Monday s and Tuesday s crowds were immense and our merchants are well pleased with their Clirist- nrc of every performance of m4S sales. It is a significant fact ,kl Sq are Opera Company ^at those merchants who placed their ads in the Search-Light, led all the rest in their sales. ,rr adjournment of legisla-' ■important business. ami singing strength of , The young ladies are lly pretty. |oe II. Gilpin lias sold liis V Bethel churcli to Mr. E. I he and Mrs. Gilpin have )the city. Mr. Gilpin lias Id the Howell place near Dlill. REiiKYS CLOSE CALL. I tu iuv engine, although every Id an.’, eveiy nerve was racked I," wii:u« C. '.V, Hebamy, a lo- Burlington, Iowa, leak ami pale, without any apr II all run down. As I was about Vigor a bottle of Electric Bit- |her taking it. I felt as well as I in my life.” Weak, sickly. J people always gain new life. Ind vigor from their use. Try ftikfiiction guaranteed by ii. Price 53 cents. Men’s Outfitters. Ready to wear specials all come under our great December sale. Our line of men’s and boys clothing all consist of the very best patterns and styles all new and made to fit like a tailor made garment. We have made a great hit with our line of overcoats. Our $8.oo men’s grey cheviot goes at $6.oo. Men’s brown kersey coats mar ket $6.oo great value at that go at $5,49. Our line of underwear cant be excelled. Jtfll colors and light and medium weights to tho heaviest tha* is made. tPrico per suit S/to SS. Our Tfeekwear is the talk of 1 the town, every shape and color, imperial \ a scots, plain assots, four-in- ^and:, win dsors, puffs, tack scarfs, bound bowso and shield bows . . 25e, 50c and S/. 00 Prof. Little, of Cairo, and Miss Susie Slater, of Savannah, were mar ried in the Baptist church at Cairo Tuesday, 20th inst. Iiev. J. B. Wight officiating. Prof. Little has been in charge of the Cairo High School for the past term. One of the most pleasing and thor oughly delightful entertainments of the season was given Monday eve last by Miss Horiense Pohlman, the occa sion being her birthday anniversary The home was also beautifully deco rated. Space does not permit of any\ thing like a full account of the affair. We do all kinds of repair, clean ing, pressing, etc. Bainbripge Tailoring Company, Bin! ridge Ga. Our lino of shoeo aro the best that money can bug. We handle jffunan dc Son fine shoes. Our foot giovos SO. 50 and SS shoos are the swallest ever shown in Oiainbridgo. We have a line of bogs u nion suits 25c to 6O0. See ufor S1/5!/} '/(j j/ff/JS gou wear. Toole Bros., Men’s Outfitters. ’‘J’RINCETON’SocK Suit) "TOW FREE Street Fair AND n4 - REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF |ibt National Bank at Bain bridge, Ga., in the State PL'ia, at the close of business December 10th, 1901. of RESOURCES. DOLLARS. 108.07V.27 and Discount fMHtts, secured and unsecured 0.069 22 I '' tRtt,s Bends t.o secure circulation 6.250.00 fclL S ' B -' 11lds 554.09 |f r ?,,,v1-and fixtures 8,891.65 Ifmm ,"auks Glut reserved agents) 3,692.23 |n l lwr° V i |,fc)5t,|,v ed agents . . . 1.122.01 K Me 87.13 Ln? ,1, th r, r CH “ h 'terns l' hH - hiitiomd Banks ..... IF I Mm].7 ?, n, ' ,-enn y- nickels and cents lie . 0Nti RtSEHVKP N Bank. Viz: Render notes !' { liTOu 00 i '. . 31, Jan. 1, 2, 3 and 4. If you want to make money learn to save it, you chu savb piouey bjr doing all ) our trading ^ Gurley’s Department Store. Read the following low nrf/ botVQli, • 25c lawere. , .1 '**••••• • » • • b Penis 1.210.98 . . . . 910.00 .... 137 55 Under the auspices of Bainbrid- 6 418.00 188.020.73 Independents, Company I, 4th Ga State Troops. Labilities. DOLLARS. . "'O'di Paid in « mr *,■::** exn enses and taxes paid h 7^np:M rese . rved ;^ ente • - • l" lHl .^P0Mt. S suPje;t. to check* uficHte, 25.000.00 1 751.98 - 4C0 20 24 00 „ „ 55.2SO 55 1 deposit .... . . 5.060.00 . certificates of deposit for money borrowed. 55.500.00 138.020 73 An up-to-date aggregation 0 f wp grade Canvas and Plat;ibrm3hows and Free Exhibitions 0 n the main streets of the city. No charge to see these wonder ml exhibitions Standard sheeting the • Heavy Sea Island ■' 5o yard wide.,. v Cotton Flannel.. 1, "•'*® Good bed tick.» • i 5c Good 0«ur ,lr,,llft « -Ns.vX Mens doo* 4|»;, ^ i eat heavy f .inel drawers x Cotton flani- .1 , ,lrs good... %v Best " <W<<dl U,,den,h bu.. 15u “ e8t /Men uoftice U) u 0 4»»d coffee Arbnekle’a and Laaening’* Res* subbed aage ^ IfeLargo-nut mega !!.... *T |3i I b, package Oai meal 'm*' 2 Bara Polo soap So Together with a large stock of Fencval Merchandise, Wl,ieh wo would be glad to have you call and see at. ' ts * " C ° Unt - v 4Jeeatnr. ss: ■t the rtfcov '^"''^’’t Ccsbier of the above named do soleronl and 'ID, I v J M Bl : statement is true to the best, of my knowledtro and Delict. [ G. J. THOMAS, Asst. Cashitr. worn i-efore tne | Correct—Attest; ^ulier. 1001. iMBl-ni v J uui - !-R- «• HARTSPIELD.) n >-1 No*ary Public. J. D H ARRELL, * CR, - nr County, Georgia J ■ D • CHASON, Georgia, j Directors. Four valuable prizes offered to the farmers bringing in largest number of people on one wagon. Gurley’s Department Store, BRIDGE, ga.