The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, March 27, 1903, Image 5

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)CAl- AFFAIRS j X. S. Hawes was in Albany Iftek. Julm Gaston has returned I Atlanta. 1 thermometer dropped to 47 on Bay night- X 1*. Spenee ot Camilla was fiithis week. . are glad to see Mr. Earnest |es out again. ti. C. Bird of Colquit was in Wednesday, . regret to hear that Mrs. J. P. | ee is quite sick. great deal of interest is being Led in tennis. |r. H. II. Hodges of Donalsonville i the city on Tuesday, s Allie Golden Cliett will give [use party early in April. ■ the change in ad of J. M. Ird’s Racket Store this week. C. H. Cross of Mimsville has [ e ,l his family to Bainbridge. i trees are coming out in their er garbs a little ahead of time. Ilr. L. E. Gelk-rsledt of Troy Ala. ] in town the first of the week. , X. M ■ Hunter of Quitman was lislered at the Bon Air Tuesday. Ilr. S. 1). Bennett of the Atlantic st Line was in the city Tuesday. I,:i< Evers of Colquit but formers ht this place, was in the city on A party of young people are plan- x pleasant trip to I.trae Sink on |»rii 1st. [Mrs. Bin ford will be the guest of J. M. Brown for several days |\t week. Ilr. Ilirhoh of Atlanta representing le Western Assurance Company was Ire Thursday. A parly of young people from the ■ainman went on a fish fry Tues- ky afternoon. I Mrs. Ben Dickenson entertained a Irge number of friends at cards (hursday evening. Mrs. Jesse Subers wiU leave next booth for Chicago where she will pend the summer. We are very glad to see Dr, J. D. toason able to be out again after a ng and severe illness. Ir. Balkeom of Chicago is expected |n Bainbridge within a few days to isit his sister Mrs. Jesse Subers. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Williams, who re always welcome visitors to the ity of oaks, will spend April here. Mi.v-es Van Mitchell, Harrison Adams and Singleton will go to Blufftor; Saturday to spend a day or two. Bon’t use anything but Reine De violette Talcum powder, which can Grenada Drug he purchased at the Store. Mr. Holland the special agent of ’he Queen Ins. Co. was the guest of Mr E, J. Perry for several days this week. " e learn that Mr. R. A. McTyer his bought the brick building in rear of the Oak City Drug Store, from H. C. Allen. Mr E. X. Clark traveling freight ‘‘s''iu of the Atlantic Coast Line w i-t/egistered at the Bon Air the first of the week. Mr. J. I. Subeis has one of the m ' st elc ‘gant window* that has ever been seen in this part of the country. Ii is filled with the pen and ink •ketches of Mrs. Sig Nussbaom after Gibson, and the embroidery work of *he Misses Ehrlioh. Mrs. M. C. Donalson and family will leave in a few days for North Georgia where they will spend the summer. Over thirteen hundred dollars were subscribed towards completing the Presbyterian church at the congrega tional meeting last Sunday morning. We are indebted to Mr. T. L. Wilder of the eastern portion of the county for some excellent samples of syrup of the unadulterated "ane- ty. There will be no services in the Baptist church iu-this oity Sunday morning or evening as the pastor Mr. Jester is attending the Union meeting of the Baptists in Brinson Ga. The Duller Bros, show was not allowed to complete their week’s en gagement at the opera house. The managers said the entertainment was entirely too bum. The most unusual entertainment of the year will be that afforded the people of Bainbridge Tuesday night by Miss Annie May Abbott the Little Georgia Magnet. An excellent programm will be rendered by the Epworth Leaguers of Bainbridge Sunday night, at' the church, in observance of “Kpwnrth League Forward day.” Mr. R W. Fleming went to Alba ny this week to stand his examina tion for the captaincy of the Bain bridge Independents to which posi tion he was elected some time ago. Mrs. Blackheart of BabcocK Ga, passed through the city Tuesday en route for Georgetown S. C. where her husband who was formerly tor- man ot Babcock Bros, Mills is now located. Mr. Walter Cnddelle of Fort Gaines was in the city Monday. He has had a horse in training here at the fair grounds during the winter months. He drove the horse home Tuesday. The ladies of the Presbyterian church are to have a hankerchief sale on April 7th. at the home of Mrs. Ben Dickenson. Delightful refresh ments will be served and a pleasant evening assured all those who at- tend. Watch our columns for the ads of those business men who succeed be cause they know how to giye good goods to their customers and who know how to let their patrons know where to find these good goods. Dr. John C. McCaskill formerly an elder in the Presbyterian church at Live Oak Fla. was unanimously elec ted to the same office in the Presby terian church in Bainbridge last Sun day morning. Announcement of the time ot bis installment will be made later. Miss Annie May Abbot who will appear at the Bainbridge Optra house on Tuesday night has the en dorsement of every throne in the old world says the Atlanta Constitution. Three times has she appeared before the present king ot England and t'be royal family. Our readers will find in this week’s paper the ad of Mr. C. H. Griffin the harness man. Mr. Griffin is thor oughly competent to do any kind ot work in his lrtie and our readers will do us a favor by calling on him when anything is desired in the line which he handles. Books of all kinds ordered from the Search Light office. We want Bainbridge to be on the water wagon-a sprinkler. The aucomidation on the G. F. & A. has been greatly improved by the purchase of several passenger coach es. Hunter and Baggs, the furniture merchants are now agents for the VYheeler and Wilson sewing ma chines. They have a nice turnout on the road. Messrs H. J. Bruton and M. D. Powell left for Mississippi the mid dle of the week. They will be in the West for soma time, Mr. Pow ell will not return before the first of May. Bainbridge streets are dustier in dry weather and more muddy in rainy weather than any place we know. There is a remedy tor both evils. We are not chronic grum blers but we do advocate every measure that will add to the com fort of our people and enhance the beauty of the town. BIG EASTER SALE Commencing next Monday at the RACKET STORE All kinds of Ladies Fanny KaMev Hats, varviog price from B5o, 75c. 1.00, 2 00. 2.50. 3.50 and if5.00. Mv Hats are beauties ana the latest fashions from New York. Easter Dress Goods, and Trimmings. I will make your eyes open with delight in my stock of Summer Good*, they are I eauties. don’t fail to see them in this sale. Ladies Easter Shoes and .Slippers 75c. 35c, 05c. 98c. #1.50 and 2.00. Men's Straw Hats from 25o, 49o and up. Men's taster Suits, 3.75, 4.98. 5.49, 6 50, 7.50.(10.00 You can dress up id style here. .Men's Easter Shoes OSo, 1.25, 1.50, 2 00, 2.50. (3.50. Come and see these bargains Special Prices on Other Goods for Easter Bargains. The Young Ladies Club. The Young Ladies Card Club met with Miss Gladys Monger on Tuesday afternoon and were en tertained with progressive carroms. The afternoon was spent most delightfully, Miss Hortense Pohl- man won the souvenir of the after I noon and Miss Allie Golden Cliett was awarded the consolation. 12 lbs good Coffee, fl.00, Tobacco. 25o a pound: 4 Cigars. So; 2 Towels for 5 papers Pins, 5c; 5 papers Needles. 5c; 24 Envelopes, So; A good nail Ham mer, 10c; A good hadd Saw for lOot Man’s Sunday Shirt, 29o; Good pair Men’s Slippers 90c; Rubber bottom Slippers 49c a i air; 12 yards Laoe only 10c. So; 5 ] Many Other Easter Bargains at THE RACKET STORE, Bainbridge, Ga. SORGHUM FOR STOCK. Have you a little patch that you have no special use for? Plant it in our Orange Sorghum and you do not plant more of it next year we will be mistaken. You can feed it either green or dry and stock like it either way. It about as economical a fodder you can raise. The farmers of Kansas planted 50000 acres of sorghum last year for fodder alone, Its value is just beginning to be really known around here, and it is'safe to say that nearly every one who gives it a fair trial this year will double his acreage next year. Be sure and get the right ^kind- Orange Sorghum. Come here and you will be sure of getting it cheaper than anywhere else, the same as all other kinds of seeds. R. L. HICKS, NEW BICYCLE SHOP! OF mm BROTHERS, Next Door to Argus Office. We are prepared to repair Bicycles, Guns, Pistols Locks, Umbrellas, Electric and Door Bell Work. Scissors, Knives and Cutlery of all kinds sharpened. Bicycles To Rent. SOMETHING TO TELL VI US Low Price Man and PoorMan’s friend Could not Bainbridge support a sprinkling cart during the summer months. Our main streets are watered by means of hose, but the principal residence streets are, late in the af ternoons often a number ot carria ges have passed over them, in a de- iplorable condition. One can scarce ly breathe. It the germ theory is oorrect we ought all expect to die with diseases which we take into oar systems in the dost. SAPP BROTHERS, ! Water Street. Headquarters tor all Kinds of Fruits, Vegetables, Candies, Raisins, Cigars, Tobaccos. , And a General Line of Fancy and Family GROCER1ES. Brin/ your Chickens and Eggs to SAPP i BROTHERS, [ Water Street, Bainbridge, Ga. a Mirror, square in the face & ask yourself, if you dont owe it to yourself & family to go where u can get good goods at an hon est living prices, Now for your goods dont stop in at all places, & listen to their “tale” of “woe”, nor run off after “strange “gods”? But come to headquarters & simply c what is “do ing,” if goods u buy of us are not satisfactory, your money back. Yours for Perhaps u, had not thought of, we nave 2 of the largest stores, & 2 ot largest stocks in Bain bridge, we are not only mens out fitters, but we are mens, Boys, Ladies, & \ Childrens, outfitters, we j sell everything u wear, & our new goods are now in, we have been the leaders for 10 years. Ask anybody where to go, to get a nice pair of shoes, Mens Or Ladies, & if they are on thespuare, they will tell u to go to the Mart Cloth ing. Co or the Fair Store, a nice suit of clothing, Ladies Hats, in fact any thing u wear, we fit all ages, all “Atl Sects” Guar antee every-thing we sell,' nice clever clerks, who dont mind showing , u, & if u dont want to buy, it will beall right, it will not cost u a cent, Now look in Subscribe for the Search Light, the official organ. a prosperous new year, REMEMBER WE HAVE TWO STORES. $1.00 A m Z‘JSAJR’