The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, July 03, 1903, Image 1

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IlMBER 36. BAINBRIDQE, DECATUR COUNTY, GEORGIA FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1903. $1.00 YEAR IN ADVANCE -Davidson. [day evening the mar' im Beulah Donalson Walter Alex- fc son was solemnized at [ ist church, the cer- performcd by Rev. K of Dawson. I c h was beautifully decs 1 bamboo and palms and Id to overflowing. At Ida! party entered to lot the Tanhauser wed- | which was played by Dickenson. Mrs. Jcuthbert, was matron Id Miss Mildred Hicks lonor. Misses Maude land Lillie Chestbam, I Louise Bruton, Gladys tiara Curry and Willi- were bride s maids. [Davidson, of Dawson, Lan, and Drs. Wright land Gordon Chason, lichard Gay of Cuthbert. Inady, of Dawson, Harry Id Ralph Graves, were In. Col. Jno. E. Donal- llr. R. B. Coleman were The ring bearer was lit*, bunham Desverges, and Barrel 1, Ramelle Palmer, jlesverges, Mildred Pike, ly Callahan and Lillian lere flower and ribbon | the performance of the Mr. Erie Donalson kessively “Beauty’s Eyes.’ fide was becomingly at- handsome gown of la crepe and the regula* pi veil of tulle. The maid ton ot honor wore a styl* lof green. The bridesmaids ptilyattired in white over i carried bouquets of wa- |the ceremony a large re* fas held at the home of :s father on Shotwell I The house was beautifully for the occasion and the evening dainty re ps were served, id Mrs. Davidson left on fight train for the north | th «y will spend several touiyig. On their re* | e y will visit Indian and Springs in Georgia and at home to their friends Davidson is the daughter l°hn Brown, editor of the d ge Democrat. She was ere and has made a large ”i friends by her charm- ^tractive manners. Mr. "f'sa prominent business being a member i r . m . of Lo "'e & David. . CUy , wholesale grocers. fcrm. Wlth ° Ut a doubt one bn,i' CSt weclf lings ever seen T ? e ’ as well as one of host nf b r eSt wishes of the " St of fne n‘ls go with her. kholdersMVV^ting. Cso'f tn ie r ng ■ 0t the , , S , ot tne Georgia, Flor- ill be h 7! Railwa V Com. b‘ b n e „ held at the office of esda? J", Bainbrid ge. Ga„ o'clock^. 2,St ’ I9 ° ?1 at Resident, Hatc «, Sec’y. J- P. Williams, Pres. Official ®rgan of Pecatur County anb the Clty> of 36atnbrtt>ge. Spring Creek Naval Stores Company. The Search-Light publishes to day the application for incorpora* tion of a new naval stores company under the above name and style. The incorporators are J. K. Joice, of Chicago, and H. M. Graham and M. E. O'Neal of'Decatur county. They propose to cary on the business of producers and manu facturers of naval stores. At first this will be done by the usual methods* and only turpentine and rosin will be produced. But a lit tle later on, it is stated, they will establish plants for the manufact ure of turpentine, charcoal, creo* sote and other things by a process ot their own from pine wood, pine stumps, knots and roots. This process, it ;s understood, will be entirely different from the Bilfin- ger process. The authorized capital stock of the corporation is to be $75,000, $60,000 of which having been paid in, and they desire the privilege of increasing it to $110,000 whenever they see fit. In order to carry out the purpo* ses for which they are tq be created they desire the right to own and operate trams, railroads and boats. The headquarters of this company will be at Brinson, Ga„ and their extensive operations will be man aged from that point. This is destined to be the big gest company of its kind in this section and will be controled by men of experience and large means. The incorporators are the owners of the Stuart Lumber Company at Brinson, and it is to be supposed that it will be run in connection with that big institution. A! Fresco Heart Party, Mrs. Gans, Mrs. McRee and Mrs. Ehrlich entertained most de lightfully forty seven of their lady friends last Tuesday afternoon al fresco at the Hotel Wainman. The verandas were beautifully decorated with palms and sun flowers and artistic rugs were scattered here and there The dainty and stylish costumes of the ladies lent brilliancy and harmony to the scene. The game.of hearts was played, at which the ladies are always adepts. Mrs, Fowler won the first prize and was presented with a beautiful gauze fan, Mrs. Wal ter Perry won second and received a handsome silver belt buckle. The consolation prize, a high art pin tray, was cut for by all and fell to the lot of Mrs, Lucien Toole. Delicious punch wus served from a cool ferny bower by Misses Louise Thomas and Varina Russell The three charming hostesses entertained with the ease and grace of manner tor which they are each noted. Board of Trade Meeting. A special meeting of the Board of Trade was called and held Tues day afternoon for the purpose of selecting and raising fuuds for the purchase of a suitable lot on which the A. C. L. may build their new passenger depot. The A. C. L. has definitely de termined to build a new passen ger depot. They own the lot on which the present depot now stands. It would suit them to build on this lot rather than to go to the ex pense of buying another. As their lot is not so convenient to the city they have made the Board ot Trade the proposition that they will build it on any lot selected and furnished them. The Board of Trade selected the Townsend lot which is two blocks nearer than the present depot. This lot contains a little more than two acres and is well located for a passenger depot. The railroad has intimated that they will erect a depot on this lot that will cost not less than $7,000 and in addition will beautify the south ern portion of the lot and make of it an attractive park. It already has on it a number of pretty trees and can easily be made an orna mental spot. .* The purchase price ot the lot is $1,200. This the Board of Trade proposes to raise from the business men and citizens by popular sub scription, All who were present subscribed liberally and already about half of the required amount has been guaranteed. The sub scription list will be presented to every one within . the next few days. The Military’s Return. The Bainbridge Independents and the Fourth Regiment Band returned Wednesday at noon from their week’s encampment with their regiment and the 2d Geor- ia at Griffin. The boys were considerably fagged out by their long and tedi ous trip from Griffin. They were on the road 24 hours. They were promised a special train to bring them through but these promises were not fulfilled. They arrived at Cuthbert too late for the G. F. & A. train and had to spend the night there very uncomfortably. They all agree however that the encampment was a success. The week was spent in constant drill and other military duties, which made of them better soldiers than they were before. On the whole the company showed up with credit. The 4th regiment band,, being the only band at the encampment, furnished the music for all occa sions. They received high praises on all sides and may he justly considered one ot the best military bands in the state. ANNOUNCEMENT. On July 15th H. H. Cheatham, M. D , will open an office over Hicks’ drug store for the practice of medicine and surgery, with spe cial attention to diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat. New Lumber Company Formed. The Georgie & Florida Lumber Company was organized last week and is now rc.'dy fror business. The members of the new firm are W. O. Fleming, president, E. L. Wayne, general m magerand treas urer and W. R. Starr, yice-presi- dent. They have opened offices in the Hicks building. They are wholesale dealers in yellow pine lumber and pine and cypress shin gles. Mr Fleming is well known here, being a native of Bainbridge, and until this partnership was formed he was one of the owners and edi tors of the Argus. Messrs. Starr and Wayne k have recently moved here from Moultrie, and have been in the general brokerage business, Bainbridge is well located for the wholesale lumber business, as a large portion of the lumber dis- tricts of Georgia, Florida and Ala bama are easily accessible. We have already two wholesale firms, and the third is welcomed and wished every success. Rowel I-Cox. Teachers Examined. The Search Light job office has re eeived a new and elegant lot of sta tionery and the latest tyle type. This is better stationery “than has ever been brought to Bainbridge before, and we are prepared to do the best work at reasonable prices. Do not order from abroad when yon can get ]ost as good at home. We will save you time and money. Give tu your work. That was a decided surprise that Mr. Cary Cox treated his friends to here when they learned that he had married Miss May Rowell, of Newton. No one had the remotest id;a that he was con templating matrimony. The ceremony was performed atthe home of the bride in New- ton last Tuesday morning. It was a very quiet affair and only the relatives and intimate friends of the bride were present. “They left immediately for Bainbridge by way of Thomasville and will make their home with Mrs. W. G. Mathis on Independent street. Mrs. Cox is the attractive daughter of the late Hon. L. G. Rowell, clerk of the Supetior Court ot Bakei county. Mr. Cary Cox is a prominent Bainbridge liveryman, member of the firm of Stucky & Cox, and by his genial, liberal spirit has made friends here by the score. The happy couple are receiving the hearty congratu lations of every one. Superior Court in Special Session. Judge Spence came to Bain bridge Wednesday and held for a few minutes a special term of the Superior Court. The object of the term was to pass upon the ap plication of the incorporators of the Bainbridge Turpentine and Pine Products Company for char ter. The petition was granted and they are now a corporation duly chartered under the laws of Georgia. There being no other business the special term was adjourned. • Judge Spence only remained in the city for a few hours as he had important engagements elsewhere. The new brick store and hotel to be three stories high now being bnilt on Water street by Sheriff Kordham is rapidly going upward. It will be completed and ready for ooonpancy in a few weeks and will be a band- some adornment for bustling Water street. Last Saturday was examination day for those teachers who are ap plicants for positions in the public schools of Decatur county. Forty three white and about 75 colored teachers were here and undertook the ordeal, for ordeal it proved to be before it was over. Commis sioner Bradwell conducted the ex amination of the white teachers and Prof Sims the colored. The following white teachers stood the examination: Misses Rosa Arline, Malissa Arline, Alice Wimberlay, Valda Kerr, Flora Boyce and Dola Egerton, of Bain bridge; C. E. Duggar, C. F. Rea- berg, O. J. Williams, Misses May Froscher, Maidee McCrory, Lula Cox, Mary Crowder, Laura Jones, Edn^ Brooks, O. P. Duggar and P.C. Harrell, of Whigham; Misses Annie Lee Eagerton, Blanch Mur phy, Fannie Franklin, Minnie Talbert, Mattie and Helen Fun derburk, Minnie Eagerton and T. H. Blalock of Brinson; W. H. Roberts and Miss Annie Sanlin, of Iron City; Miss Mary McEach- ern and Bessie McTyer, of Climax; Miss Vera Rawles, of Fowltown; Misses Nora Campbell, Alice and Irene Askins, of Facevtlle; J. B L. Barber and Miss Ruby Whigham, Recovery; G. P. McCord, Tallahas see; Miss Sallie Fletcher, Havana, Miss Pauline King. Fairchild; Miss Ethel Griffin, Attapulgus; I. F. Watson, Sylvester; Miss Flor ence Harris, Donalsonville, and F. M. Reeves, Calvary. The questions propounded were received from the state school commissioner, and covered the following branches: Arithmetic, Geography Physiology, History, English, Reading, Theory and Practice. Some of the questions were rather puzzling and intricate. Under the rules for the examina- tion only one day was alldwed within which to complete it. There was work enough cut out by the questions to last a person of ordis nary endurance two days. The consequence was that the teachers were unable to do justice to them selves and stand creditable exam inations as they otherwise could have done had they been allowed more time. It is a manifest injus tice to the tearhers to allow only one day and the law should be changed. Mr. Bradwell is busily engaged grading the papers and it is prob able it will take him thirty days to complete this work. In order to get a first grade license the appli cant must make a general average of 90 and not fall below 70 in any subject. The second and third grades are ten and twenty points lower. City Court Bill Introduced Capt. John D. Harrell this week introduced a bill in the senate pro viding for the election of the judge and solicitor of the city court of Bainbridge by the vote of the peo ple. As the law now stands they are appointed by the governor. The introduction of this bill is the result of the recommendations of the last grand jury favoring a change in this particular. It is not known that the bill will have opposition, as the sentiment ot the I people of the county seems to favor it.