The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, September 18, 1903, Image 4

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Brinson Briefs. Mr. Oscar Kiug spent Sunday in Doualsouville. The firm composed of Thompson and Williams has been dissolved. Miss 8ertba Perry is on a visit to her sister who resides in this place Mr. W, W. Lane of Iron City pass ed through Sunday en route to Pine Grove neighborhood. Miss Pauline King is the attrac> tiye guest of Mrs. John Swain at the Methodist parsonage. There wore services at the Baptist church last Sunday morning, and at the Methodist churoh Sunday night. Miss Leila Sims who has been spending some time with relatives in North Georgia, has returned to her home in this place. Mr. S, J. Warren will in a few days begin the erection of two neat new residences in town. lie will al so begin building his new mill. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Earp are the possessors of a fine new baby at their home and they are receiving the congratulations of their friends. The storm did a great deol of damage to cotton crops and the cane in this section. Lots of Turpeotme trees were also broken down. Mr. A. Y. Jones and Miss Smith went over to Bainbridge last Friday night to attend the lecture by Ben Tillman, but were disappointed that bo did not appear. Rev. J. I. D. Miller delivered an in teresting leoture at the K. of P, Hall last Friday night to a fair sized con gregation. The proceeds were given over to a fun I tor the establishment of a library. Mr. C. L- Funderburk was among those who took in the excursion to Savannah Monday. lie bad busi ness in that placo and took advan tage of the cheap rates to go. We understand that as yet no one has been elected to the vaoancy as principal ot the Brinson school for the fall term and it is probable that there will be no school earlier than January 1st. Rev. Mr. Miller has accepted his recall to the pastorate of the Baptist ohurch at this place, and the church has been apprised ol bis acceptance. We understand that a private study for the preacher will be erected at once near the church. The Stuart Lumber Co. are having their large saw mill at their place thoroughly improved and overhauled therefore the necessary delay in beginning operations has thrown a good many temporarily out of work. Great was the disappointment) not only to our city but to the people throughout this section at tbe inabil ity of Ben Tillman to leotore here on the evening scheduled. Quite a number of people from the surround ing towns came over to attend but finding themselves doomed to disap pointment in one way they proceed ed to enjoy themselves in others. Managers Tonge and Prevatte seem ed to have encountered a hoodoo in the operatio line this season. M, Braoy who has been connected with the Willis Drug Company for aeveral months has accepted a posi tion in Thomasyille with the Pea cock Drug Co. Mr. Sanders, form erly with Dr- Hicks, will take the place made vacant by Mr. Brncey. Messrs. Tiller and Arnold have moved their oflioes into the building recently occupied by tbe Argus Pub lishing Company. Tbe interior will be completely renovated and in a short time will bo counted among tbe handsomest offices in tbe city. Sheriff Sales. Georgia—Decatur County: Will be sold on the first Tuesday in October 1903, at the court house door between the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to-wit: Sixty-two and one-half acres in the northwest corner of lot of land No. 134 in the 15th district of said county, said E roperty leved on as the property of 8. [. Glenn on a fifa issued from the jus tice court of the 513th district G. M., in favor of the Bank of Thomaayille. Also at tbe same time and place, East one-half of lot of land No. 265 iu 14th district of said county, coataining 125 acres nue or less. Said land levied up on as the property of J. S. Yeates and J. E. Yates, to satisfy a fifa issued from the June term 1903, of the city- court of Bainbridge, in tavor of T. L. Brvan <V Co., vs. Said J. S. Yeates and J. E. Yates. Also at same time and place Twenty- two and oue-half acres of land, more or less off of lot of land number 78, in the 19th district of said county and state, bounded as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said lot of land and running south about 250 yards to within about 50 yards of the Jackson public road; thence in a westerly direc tion abcut 100 yards to said road; thence in the same direction along said road about 300 yards to lands of Mrs. Mittie Sasser, thence north to the original lines, thence east to the starting point. Said land being levied upon under a fifa issued from the superior court of said county at the May term 1903, in favor of W. A. Davis, vs. J. S. Koberts, Ad ministrator of the estate of J. R, Taylor. This September 8th, 1903. A. W. Fordham, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia—Decatur County: Ily virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be soid at public outcry on the first Tuesday in October 1903, before the court house door in said county between the legal hours of sale tbe following real estate situate in Decatur county towit: One hundred and twenty-five seres of land off of the south half of lot No. 289; all of lot No. 288 except 15 acres in the northeast corner in said lot. One hundred and fifty acres on the west side of lot No. 287, all of lot No. 317, one hundred and twenty five acres off of the east Ride of lot No. 312; all situate in the 21st district of said county, containing altogether eight hundred and eighty five acres more or less. The above lands are well situated and adapted to cultivation of tobacco and located in and around the tobacco sec tion of Decatur county. About one hundred acres of fine hammock land that has never been cleared, and about three hundred acres of well improved land with dwelling houses nnd out houses in a good settlement. Terms, cash. J ; H. Emanuel, Administrator of Estate of D. A. Campbell, Deceased. State of Georgia—Decatur County: Mrs. K. M, Nicholson 1 In the Superior ys. > Court, May E. A. Stewart. > Term 1903. It being represented to the Court by the petition of Mrs. K. M. Nicholson that by deed of mortgage dated the 18th day of December 1991 E, A. Stewart conveyed to the said K. M. Nicholson the west half of lot of knd number two hundred and fifty-nine in the Nineteenth DiBtriet of Decatur County, Geoigia, containing one hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less, for the purpose of securing the payment of the promisory note made by tbe said E. A, Stewart to tbe said K. M, Nicholson due on the 18th day of December 1902 for the sum. of one hundred dollars, which amount be sides interest is now due and unpaid. It* is ordered that the said E. A. Stewart do pay into this Court by the first day of the next term the principal, interest and costs due on said mortgage or show cause if any he has to the contrary, or that in default thereof foreclosure be granted to the said K. M. Nicholson of said mortgage and the equity of redemption of the said E. A. Stewart therein be for ever barred, and that service of this rule be perfected on the said E. A, Stewart according to law. \ 1 W. N. Spenoe, Judge S. C. A. C. A true copy from the minutes cf this Court. C. VV. WlJlBEBLEY. Clerk. Tax Notice. FIRST ROUND. I will be at the following precincts on dates named below for the purpose of collecting State and County Taxes for the year 1903 . Climax, Monday, September 21 Bells. Tuesday. Higdon, Wednesday, Reagans, Thursday, Pearces, Friday, Whigham, Saturday, Fowlstown, Monday. Attapulgus. Tuesday, FaceviUe, Wednesday Recovery, Thursday, Oc Kendricks, Friday, Bainbridge, Saturday, Bainbridge. Monday, Spring Creek, Tuesday, Donalsonville, Wednesday, Steam Mill, Thursday, Iron City, Friday, Rock Pond, Saturday, Pine Hill, Monday, Belcher, Tuesday. Lime Sink, Wednesday, Blowing Cave. Thursday. Spring Hill. Friday, Bainbridge, Saturday Georgia, hlorida & Alabama dI Double Daily Passenge^j^ tober SECOND ROUND. Climax, Monday, October f9 BellB, Tuesday, “ 20 Higdon, Wednesday, “ 21 Reagans, Thursday, “ 22 Pearces, Friday, “ 23 l\ higham. Saturday, •* 24 Fowlstown, Monday, “ Tuesday, “ 26 Attapulgus, 27 Faoeville, Weduesday, “ 28 Recovery, Kendricks, Thursday, “ Friday. “ 29 30 Pine Hill. Saturday, “ 31 Bainbridge, Monday, November 3 Spring Creek, iuesday, “ 3 Donalsonville, Wednesday, “ 4 Steam Mill, Thursday, “ 5 Iron City, Friday, “ 6 Bock Pond. Saturday, “ 7 Belchers, Monday, •• 23 i Jme Sink, Tuesday “ 24 Blowing Cave, Spring Hill, Wednesday, “ Thursday, “ 25 26 Will be at Bainbridge two week of November superior court. Books will pcsitiyely close December 20 1903. Respectfully, M. W. Bates T. C Notice. The Honorable Boa-d of County Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Decatur County, this day fixed the county tax rate at five mills for the year 1903, for the following purposes: Court house and public building, |1.00 on the 1,000 Bridges an l Ferries, 1.56 “ 1 Coroner, .<04 “ 1 Courts, 80 “ ' Sheriff, 50 “ Non resident witnesses, .05 “ Jurors, 60 “ ' Pauper. 30 “ 1 General fund, 15 “ 5.00 R. A. Lytle, Chairman. Joe H. Gilpin, Clerk. State, op Georgia—Decatur County. S. M. Godwin 1 Libel for Divorce, in vs > Superior Court of De- A.J, Godwin. )catur County. Filed « September 15th, 1903, The defendant A. J. Godwin, is here by required, in person or by attorney, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county of Decatur. State of Georgia, on Tues day after the first Monday in November next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s libel tor divorce, as in default of such appearance the Court will pro ceed according to the statute in such (,-ases made and provided. Witness the Honorable W. N. Spent®, Judge of said Court, this 17th day of September, 1903. C. W, WlMBERLEY, Clerk GEORGIA—Decatur County: John Murkerson, ) Libel for Divorce, vs J- Decatur Sup. Court. Lettie Murkers’n ) Filed Sept 12. 1903. The defendant. Lottie Murkerson, is hereby required, in person or by attor ney to be and appear at the next supe rior court to be hold in and for said county of Deoatur, on Tuesday af ter the second Monday in November, next, then and there to answer the plaintiff's libel tor Divorce, as in default of such appearance the court will pro ceed according to the statute in such cases made and provided. Witness the Honorable W. N. Spence, judge of said court, this l8tli day of September 1903. C. W. Wimbkrlky, Clerk. Old Papers For Sale. R. C. Cox & Co : : headquarters for ; ; Books, Magazines, Period icals arid all Leading Da ihj Paper's. St at loner // Inks, and Supplies. You can join our Library Subscription List for Only $3. yer Year! R. C. Cox & Co., West of Ccurt House Square. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF DISABILITIES. Minnie E. Barbree 1 Libel for Di- vs. > vorce. Decatur John Tilden Barbree.) Superior Court, May Term. 1901. Verdict for total divorce 12th day of November, 1902. Notice is hereby given that on the 81st day of August. 1903, the under- sigded tiled in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Decatur county an application for removal of the disa bilities resting upon him under the ver dict in the above stated case. Said ap plication will be heard at the term of said court which convenes on Tuesday after the second Monday in November, 1902. John Tilden Barbree. H. H. CHEATHAM, M. D. GENERAL practice. Permanently located over Hicks’ Drugstore Spceial Attention given to diseases Eye,. Ear, Nose, nncl Throat. Bainbridge, Georgia' NORTH BOUND. Gulf Coast United, Sun. Only. P.M. Lv, 8 *7 8 55 9 07 9 34 10 00 10 12 10 28 10 34 10 46 10 58 11 10 11 37 1] 55 12 25 A. M. 3 49 3 58 4 03 4 45 5 10— 5 15 5 40 5 55 6 43 6 52— 7 03 7 26 7 45 8 20 P. M. Ar. A.M. JjV. 5 40 602 6 17 6 30 § 6 85— 6 52 7 20 7 33 7 50 8 25 9 01 9 15 8 27 9 38 9 50 10 03 10 12-10 20 10 46 11 05 11 40 A. M. Ar. STATIONS. Tall abas sec Lake Jackson Gibson Havana Hinson Laingkat Attapulgus Bower Bainbridge k Bldorendo Boykin Colquitt Corea Damascus Kowcna Arlington Edison Grubbs Cuthbert P.M. At , South 1 NO. S. ..Pally Ex. Sun, *0.1 0% j PUT 10 48-10,3 J 10 16 " jjM-lll K. A. McTyer, Gen. Agt. 8 25 8 06 7 40 A.M. LvJ Mi 5 25 1 4 57 .B, Coleman Gen, Pass. Agt. W.M.! Atlantic Coast Line Railway] Florida and Cuba. Double Daily Passenger Ser TO — TROY, OZARK, DOTHAN, ELBA, BAINBRIDGE TH0MIU VALDOSTA, WAYOROSS, SAVANNAH, CUALELtoI BRUNSWICK, JACKSONVILLE AND ALL FLORIDA POINTS.^ Through Putman Sleepers Port Tampa to New York Coast Line, also via Atlantio Coast Line and Southern R’y. To St. Louis, CinoiDati, Louisville, Chicago, Kansis City, Birmingham, Nashville, New Orleans, and all points East and North Leave Bainbridge going East—1:50 a. m., 5:45 a. m., 1:00 p. n, Leave Bainbridge going West—2:20a. in., 12:15 p. m. Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M.ill for New York, Boston and Baltimore. Throngh Pullman Cars on all through trains and to ew York, L Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond and and all point] Quarantine Regulations between the United States and the If Cuba was raised October 15th. therefore, there will be no re hereafter on passengers traveling between Havana and the Unite For further information, call on nearest Ticket Agent, or address W J Craig, W H Leahy, Gen. Pass. Agent, ' Divsion Pass. Ajettl Wilmilgton. N. C. Savannah, ( H M Emerson, Traf.H T J Bottoms, Trav. Pass, Agent. Tho masville, Ga. Stuckey & Co] Livery, Feed and Sale Stablij — wbst STREET, Bainb FIRST-CLASS RIGS, GOOD SURRIES, POLITE DR FOR OCCASIONS. x Transfer business ’Bus meets all Boats and Railway trains day and night and o wago n will tranfer baggage eitherway. ’Phone 104 yourwilj service cTucnii' BRACK1N & CO, Livery, Feed, Sale Stables, A ND Broad Street, Bainbridj Busses meetsall trains and transfer passengers promptly to WJj the city. First class teams and trusty drivers. Call at "l PHONE 56. rers. Call - - bracks PANACEA MINERAL SPRING Panacea, Fla., on the Gulf of Mexico. Excellent mineral water cures all forms of indigestion and stomach affections. Situated among the pines, pure salt breezes, a de lightful place for bodily and men tal rest. Salt and fresh watertishi oysters, fish, etc- splendid accommodation sonable rate. Address, Mrs. K. McFarland, Panacea, Fla. The Cypress Lumber Shingles, Tanks, & House Fin* properly manufactured APALACHICOLA, FLO Mil to. F