Newspaper Page Text
The! Nugget.
What Lumpkin County’s
Lower is Doing.
Bnotrod at tho D ihlonoifa, Ga.
an Second Class Mattr i\
Official Or
>an of hot I)
Hov. L. T. lined haa located the!
devil. lie Hunks he is in (’anton,
In New York
trot tickled and
Inst week a man
laughed until he
Last Sunday’s Atlanta Constitu
tion contains the foll.nvingdcserip-
tivo report of what a dam across the 1
—• Chestatee nver in Lumpkin coun-
aD( ty is accomplishing: “Tho power j
notv used in tho city of Gainesville j
comes from the dam on the Olios-1
tateo river, 15 miles northwest of |
the city. This dam is no little one I
itself. It is owned by the Gaines-I
ville and Dahlonega Electric Rail
way Company and furnishes 1,200 ,
horsepower, this company being a
7 Tlif liver must be gently stirred so
Jf that the bile will be thrown off in the right'
‘channel; the system must be invigorated’
Fresli Meals,
Three hundred and ninety tench- twin companion of the North Ga.
attending tho Normal | Electric Company, General War-
AND Tonic PELLETS form the Mild Power Curs,
that completely does ib.e work without shod
,or injury to any part of the system,
Sausase, Etc
A LSO A FI’Ll. MX | ■; up
ers are
School at Athens.
There were disastrous floods in
the north and destructive cyclones
in the west last week.
Mamie DcCris, the “Diamond
Queen,” failed to receive n pardon osville and
ns was expected l>.v many.
Hon. IT. H. Perry filled the pul
pit at the First Methodist church
In Gainesville last Sunday.
Confederate veterans will get to
ride to the reunion at Augusta
next month at one cent a mile.
ner being at the head of both.
The 'Chcstatatec dam, is 200
feet long and 27 feet high. The!
power is brought to the city on
heavy copper wires strung along
the l ight of way of tho old Gain-
)ah!onega railway, an
enterprise which ex-Govornor
Candler headed, and over which
road trains at oiio time run from
Guineas illo to a point beyond the
Chattahoochee river. The old
roadbed lias been rcwoikcd by the
new company and it is the inten
tion to have cars running over this
25 doses 25 cents
at all dealers.
New V*» ¥
Ran da Dots.
The Agricultural commissioners,
Road working is all tiiego now.
Mr. C. N. Fitts will soon have
his new store house finished and
his goods moved into it.
Miss Mamie Fitts lias been (piite
A mob of GU girls undertcok to! liuo in another year to Dahlonega. ; ill with pneumonia fever, but her
run New York their own way last j The road is graded as far toward many friends are glad of the fact
week, but the police scattered 1 Dahlonega as the Chestatee dam ! that she is rapidly improving.
and power house, leaving only 8 Mrs. James Waters and Mrs.
more miles of gruding necessary. ; Walter Waters are (piite sick at
The Chestatee dam cost $100,000, present. We hope for them a
and was completed -more than a speedy recovery,
year ago. Owing to the fact that the
Those few facts tell concise- children have had so much work
ly tho story of what has been the j to do, and that, the exercises for
graduate of the Stato University, | greatest development in the hiss ! the exhibition at Nimblewill
is dead. He graduated in 1858, in | tory of the Queen City of the I school so extensive, the entertaiu-
the class with Robert Toouib. Mountains. Sinco the installation ! ment lias been postponed until
Last week Capt. Z iDloon of of the lightning and power system i week after next. C. S.
Atlanta, was found guilty of two an( l Hie building of the electric Bell, Tate and Watkins are
charges by tho police board and street railway, property has n f l-! the probable candidates for Con-
sentenced to suspension of GO days J vanced to what it is worth, new or l . CP8 next time from the Oth.
There are four candidates for
Mayor in Gainesville, to wit: Col,
Howard Thompson, John A.
Smith, Judge Jas. A. Gaston and
R. D. Mitchell.
of the southern states estimate the
cotton crop of the south to he 10,-
271,000 bales.
Dr. A. II. Mitchell, the oldest
We learn that the prosperous
town of Buford, Ga., was entirely
destroyed by fire yesterday morn
ing before day.
Tho cost of tho first summer
session of the Georgia legislature
is announced as $97,038.82. As
sistant Cashier Furlow of the
Treasury Department, has receiv
ed the reports of legislative com
mittees and compiled the figures.
The summer session was $428.11
cheaper than the fall session of
manufacturing enterprises have , Won > t wo have lively times when
come in and rhe $500,000 invested' ^ 0 . 7 tre ^ on )|, e
A 2 o'clock this morning the
A demijohn of whiskey
another of gin, both of the
brands, have been pm in his tomb
at Putman, Conn., by Phinens G.
Wright, a wealthy and eccentric
citizen, who is himself seeing to
nil of his mortuary arrangements
in advance of the sorrowful event,
says an exchange. The old fellow
must be a dear lover of the juice.
111 the development of these powci'3
means more for Gainesville than
anything else it has ever known.
The building of the line to Dah
lonega through Hall and Lump-
11 s
ry in the Tillman murder ease in
South Carolina hadn’t come out.
| Two of the lawyers were arrested
The political pot in the Ninth
district is beginning to boil and we
may look for hot times before the
date of the next nominating con
vention. Wo learn from good
authority that Dr. E. W. Watkins
was at Blnirsvillo court last week
and made the positive statement
that he is in tho race for congress
and would so announce to the peo
ple in a few days. He proposes to
make his race, based on his record
in the Georgia legislature, and the
live issues of the day. Ilo wants
to meet the people face to face and
tell them why he should receive
their support.
kin counties will develop a section
that has long felt the need of a
railroad. The finest, forests of
hard woods are found along the
line in the greatest abundance, and
these will bo giyen a market here
tofore barred to them for lack of
shipping facilities. Also the great
gold belt in and around Dahlon
ega and the mica mines will be
developed upon a more extensive-
plan and made to yield larger re
turns to their owners. The rais
ing of sheep, goats, cattle and
chickeps will receive an impetus
by the building of this road to
Dahlonega, as all these can be
profitably raised in this section.
Tho chicken market of Gainesyi lie
is now tho biggest in the world,
amounting, as it does, to $500,000
a year, and the building of the
railroad to tho mountains will
make it a better one because of the
shipping facilities afforded.”
negroes especially,
won’t do for engineers. The other
day at Flovilla a man and his wife
wore riding togother in a buggy,
pulled by a mule. Tho speed was
not fast enough for the woman and
she reached out and twisted tho
mule’s tail. Tho result was both
wore killed in the runaway.
for carrying concealed weapons
and it looked like a riot would oc
cur, is the news wo receive by tel
that two boys,
You who have boon spending
your money from home should
study what tho Savannah Nows
says about it, as follows: Tho
money that you spend away from
home “never comes back any
more.” Do men think of this?
Take you, for instance. Have
you ever bought nu article away
from home because it was a few
cents cheaper than you could get
it at home that you did not feel
that you were retarding the
growth of your town by injuring
the business? It saves little, if
anything, to send your orders
away, or to buy your supplies
away from home. Such a .-ysiem
indirectly hurts you uo mat tor
who you are? Audit works di
rect bairn to your follow citizens,
who have taxes to pay, rent to
Sam Johnson, the negro preach
er down at Crawfordsvillo convict
ed of robbing the Miss Battle, was
given fifteeu years. As soon as
the sentence was passed he tried
to make his cscapo by leaping
through a window but was caught
by the time he struck the ground.
Had ho been killed where would
ho have gone? To the devil.
Chicago capitalists havo been
consulting Mayor Howell of At
lanta about building an electric
line from Atlanta to Dasvsonville.
The indications arc that it will be
carried through.
New York was visited by one of
the greatest rain storms last Fri
dav ever experienced. The dam
ages amounted to thousands of
Some ul the police force of At-
, , , lanta haye recently been behaving
pay, employees to pay and oilier I ba<Hy, resulting iu t wo of them hes
chaigoato meet.
ing suspended from 30 to GO days,
Walk OverShoes
The first electric mail service of
the south, is the one running lie-
tween Augusta, Ga., and Aiken,
S. C., which wont into effect < uo
day last week.
In Atlanta this
miania’s steal Fait, oat. 7 w,
Frank Weldon, Sec
week a negro
was fined $75 for biting off anoth
er m-gioc’k n.osc. Now, won't this
negro be a nice looking aspect
with his nose bit off when called
up at t he judgment d ty ?
Some time our printer gets a
subscriber’s name under the wrong]
post office on the mailing list, and
when this is done the postmaster
where it is received will please no
tify ns of the error at once. The
postoffice regulations make it bis
duty, but laws and instructions
are not carried out every time.
With tlie
[Freshest & Purest
It is reported
sons of J. C. Causey, in Crawford
county, was badly woundtd re
cently by the discharge of an old
shotgun which they were trying
to clean. One of the boys was 12
and other about 14. One of the
boys had his leg shot to pieces and
the otbe v had an arm mangled.
The trouble was that the old caps
had rusted and it was not known
that the gun was loaded.
Orator, Entre Nous Club.
A gentleman who had been over
at Mr. Grant Woody’s for several
days, was telling us last Saturday
about a little girl of Mr. Aber
crombie getting lost in the moun
tains a few days previous. This
little girl and several other chil
dren had gone out iu search of
chestnuts in the afternoon. They
got scattered about, but all return
ed borne before night except this
little girl. Dark came on and the
child still was absent, causing
much alarm. Very soon many
people were out in search of the
lost one, and after traveling for
hours in every direction, found
the lost child ou top of the Big
Cedar Mountain about ten o’clock,
three miles from home.
176 Warren Avenue,
Chicago, 111., Oct. 22,1902.
For nearly four years i suffered
from ovarian troubles. The doc
tor insisted on an operation as the
only way to get well. J, however,
strongly objected to an operation.
My husband felt disheartened as
well as 1, for home with a sick
woman is a disconsolate place at
best. A friendly druggist advised
him to get a bottle of Wine of
Cardui for me to try, and he did so.
I began to improve inafewdays and
my recovery was very rapid. Wi th
in eighteen weeks 1 was another
.Mrs. .Stowes letter shows every
woman how a home is saddened by
female weaknes and how completely
Wine of Cardui cures that sick
ness and brings health and happi
ness again. Do not go on suffer
ing. Go to your druggist today
and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine
of Cardui.
Where you will also find a complete hoc of
Tobacco, Cigars, Paints, Oils, Lends
Stationery, tombs, tain
Rubber Goods and Druggist’s Sundries gen
Low Rates
Dry Goofis, Shoos and GlolM »
Georgia, Lumpkin County.
To all whom it may concern:
B. R. Menders and
miuistrator of John May_,
the court in their petition, duly tiled, j and all OtllCI* i>‘CO(ls.
that they have fully discharged all the
duties of their trust
The Most Direct Ptoute to
For further particulars call at Aiuwi
uN. n Mays. A.i- aiid let us make you prices on Fall, VviiP
lays, represent to .. _ A
and pray to be
finally discharged from said trust
will pass upon the same on the 1
Monday in November. 1903.
This 5th day of October, 1903.
John Hi ke, Ordinary.
-Davis, 9
Georgia, Lumpkin County.
Will he sold, on the first Tuesday in
November, next, at public out-cry at
tin- court house in Dahlonega, Georgia,
said county within the legal hours for
sheriffs sales, to the highest bidder for
cash, the following property, to-wit:
All that parcel of land lying and being
in the City of Dahlonega on the Clarkes-
ville road described as being a triangu
lar lot, containing Q of an acre more
or less, lying between said Clnrkesville
road and the old Hand ditch and being
a part of lot of land number 981, in the
12th district and 1st section of Lump
kin county, Georgia, and being known
as the Lizzie Coffee lot. Levied on as
the property of Lizzie Coffee (col.)
by virtue of and to satisfy a city tax ii.
fa. in favor of the City of Dahlonega!
vs. the said Lizzie Coffee for city taxes !
due on said lot for the year 1903.
This Oct. .7, 1903.
Geo. W. Walk eh
City Marshal, j
First Round.—Oct. 12th
to 1 I. Hightower, 1 to 3.
13th—Cane Creek, 9 to 11.
1 to 8.
1 Rh—Porter Spring, 9 to 11.
tatee, 1 to 3.
loth—Frogtowu, 9 to II. Crumbys,
1 to 8.
16th—Shoal Creek, 9 to 11. Wahoo,
1 to 8.
17th—Martin’s Ford, 9 to 11. Aurn-
ria, 1 to 3.
19t.h—Dahlonega, all day.
26th—Mill Creek, 8 to IU. Nimble-
wili, 1 to 3.
Jones’ Creek 4th.
15. J. Walden, T. C.
for children: safe, sure. No opiate*
Send TTs
iVliltV IlffiCIHITlIrt OS Ot' 1 '
j Good-
Cheap ant
Call lit onoe.
Mrs. '