Newspaper Page Text
local Ncww
has been sick a
,'rv ami no appearance
the cadets hayej
,f ram.
\ uunibcr or
/ j vc ,l their new uniforms.
| ol ,,f jackets and dress goods j shower
cd at Mrs. Stricklands.
Dr. Whelchel
few days.
Mr. (i. McGulro went to Atlim-.
ta this \ve< k to be treated for deaf- l $1.50 here last wee
noss. | si/,e of bundles.
1'he weather changed to much When yon need any shingles,
cooler last week after the thunder | write Hutcheson Bros. All ors
dot s promptly tilled, Frodn, Ga.
4 received ai JU1 L Mr. Eli Jackson Jofi last Satur-
Pii'ii Anderson is in Atlanta day to visit his daughter down the
j. ff( |k taking In the sights i f Country.
14 (ffeat eit.y. Remember that G. H. McGuire,
, n ,| Mrs. II. D. Gurley re-. the jeweler, is here ready to do
' | vV eek from a few days j any kind of work in his hue.
urn . ..
Ml to Atlanta. Mr. Frank Patton was wedded
Mr K Sosbeo, who resided down last Sunday to Miss George Ann
' l )(i | oU .,. t . portion of tliis comity, : Gaddis. Both of this county.
lied lad Tuesday. i Mr. (Jbas. J.
Frank Meadors of Dahlon | Gome right this way when you Frost here for several mornings
ega, will move to Gainesville. ! need any job work. past.
Fodder brought from $1.25 to J Mr. 11 R. Gurley is having a The subject for the fnjl term do-
Ovving to i painter to touch up his store house bate by the Phi Mu Society is, rc-
' which is giving it a nice appear- solved: “That virtuo is its own
anee. reward. 1 ' It is expected to be of
Mr. Ed ltutt nnd Ms sister, Miss , ! ,, "f h ""““I 10 *“• Everybody
I .trill. both of BlHirsville have been !* et •
on a visit to relatives here this j As the game law has been vio*
In another column we give tluVe vvoefe latod h .V «° mu of thc ,ca(lin 2 ci,i “
Jato United Stales pe ! .Tillius lloberls was lined one dot- i «•» " f n “ l,lono *" '' nrin f tho l’ nsl
which may prove of interest 1<> lar and cost by Mayor Baker last |>ublisi * 11 ncw
some one. week for disorderly conduct, oc-;^ clw-whoro so all may know
Every negro w1m could get any ; <'»rrin S r eomo time ago lu ' r ™ "' r '
Brown of Wash
conveyance at all last Sunday
went down to Pigeon Roost to see
some of their color baptized.
Col. Jones, president oftheCav
been an nbunduaefl of ington, D. C., has been here this ! ender’s Greek Gold Mining Co., was j All who are indebted to T. .1
•a vine
There has
didder, m-ass and p<
mved in lllis section.
While attending week
in in a. II. McGuires
BVC your walch lilted.
Messrs. George
week looking over the mines. ! Bio city last Saturday, together j Smith, II. B. Smith or T. J. Smith
_ „ __ . , , i with his wife and a lady relative $ Bro., cither by note or account.,
Mr. G. 11. McGuire has been I , , V! . , .... ... .
, . ... and Mr. Wild. are notified to settle at once, tf
absent a part of the week visiting j
his mother in Dawson county.' Those who neglected to pay their j If you are not already a sub-
I city taxes before the lime was up scriber to the Nugget drop in
We understand that several
'Flint big hearted, clover gentle- Ml '. Robert Scales of Stent.
mao, Mr. Swain, the court alonog. T ™"-« I""' 1 cll - v 119
rnpher was in the city last week for I llrel ' isil lu9t w «’ k ' 11,0
tbo firat lime in quite awhile. m «» is m,w 11 . 9,,b » c, ; ,l ’ or
to ihe jNugukt and will be kept
posted about Dahlouega hereafter.
A few years ago wo asked a cer
tain person to subscribe for tbo
Nugget. lie said that ho never
The numerous friends of Rev. | One hundred and fiftysfour tick-
\ While are glad to see him ets had been issued to students of
i r |- to Dahlouega again where he j the N. G. A. College the other day
, {) x-eniiiin about a month, and several have come in since.
Mr. J. 10. McGee is making res
pairs down on his recently pur
chased dwc’ling so as to be able
Mrs. G irt of Brunswick, Ga.,
,f(er spending two or three months
Diihlonega for
greatly | to move in it before Christmas.
Last Sunday, down at the Bap
i 11 have doubtless by this time found | with a dollar while you arc attend*
and l nrner ; parties of thc U. S. geolohcul sur-» . ... . . .11
. . ! 1 1 that they would have saved money mg court and have your name en-
l/ind G11., visited vey are located in tho lower , .. '1 ' , , ,
1)1 naim, ^ , j by attending to it at thc proper 1 torod on our book.
1 r,,.,.s here last Sunday. edge of this county now. . m
Jiit've^ time. | After a three day’s trial in the
Dr. Palmour, the well known l'. S. Court John Chattel) was
dentist of Dawson county, after convicted yesterday of breaking
her health, re
irm .(| home last Monday
jiprovcd. - - .
Fifty of (he utudents have asked list church they got 1; mm'e op | PuGIcmI to extend Ids tune neaily
,. ■(, to attend Atlanta’s Fair them and turned qqt nine members, j ever . v visit he makes us.
read newspapers. After that hjo
lost a relative and sent us a!) obit?
nary with the request that wo
publish it. Did we do It, you
sa y (
Tho Tahlahuckau, tho college
paper, will be out soon. It is be-
... ............ ....... j, ...... p j.... I ing printed by Mr. J. A. Howard
being in Dablonegn for more than \ into Wier postoffice in this county, .j j Pmo p i )ag a now scd ( ,f od
three weeks, left for his home j and will bo sentenced today. itors and no doubt will be an in-
last Sunday. Ihe Doeloi only ex-1 Court, convenes here next Mon= | teresjbipg paper. Wo wish them
peeled to be here ten days but his k an( , w ill likely consume the all much success it) their new field
reputation as a first-class dentist ; WC( , k> As far ns known now the of work.
always onuses him to lie crowded j Untr caM wi || he tried
uilh work, causing him to be com ' which vviU taVe ,,,, a day or so.
; „. s t week, but it D not known yet
ivliotltcr they will ho permitted to
jo or not
charged with non attendance, non
payment of dues, &c.
Onr old friend, Mr. F. S. Paok-
There is one colored man resid
ing in Dahlouega who deserves
Mr. W. R. Crisson, who helped | special mention for his good con-
in dear oil the ground where Rah-1 duet- that is Billie Riley, lie was
M. .1. Gurley of Gaddis- ard of Turkey Hill, was in Dah-
lonega last Monday for the first
time in mouths. Mr. Packard
own, passed through Diihlonega
’or Gainesville this week with a
nixed load. He had live hogs, never forgets the printer,
lend hogs, chestnuts and cabbage, j p os tmaster Crenshaw at
lonega is located is still alive and
enjoying very good health and gets
about pretty well for a uiau of bis
born and raised here and never
had a law suit of any kind in hfs
life. A strict member of the possible
The following compliment comes
from Mr. John A. Smith, of the
firm of John A. Smith & Co. of
Gainesville, Ga,, which is greatly
appreciated: “l received a copy,
.. , -I , . Cant..). W. Woodward return-
of your paper through mail today. 1 1 .
t . , , 1 . i ed from Gainesville last week,. . ,
1 C "T " <! . Where hob,.dittos* hi. sick Norn, of bi. b.y. oyer «
your town and county on b.vm,| ^ ^ |ha| Mre ! 8 „ c „ r „„,1 b.vo .ever even him
Dock Ervin has been milling
some good oye H>>3 week tako,p
from a lot beyond the ooloreqj
Baptist church.
Mr. II. I). Jaquigh was expected
yp ,to h-ia mine, near Anyarin,
yesterday for the purpose of ,be>
ginning operations on tho jju.UU 1
on quite an extensive sonlo.
Griffin, Sparks and Johnson are
now putting iii a lift on the Stgiuj-
ard property belojy ,the Sipgieton
to $ r Ofk a focaljty fjiat is said tg
pontain much .of thjs yalu$b(p
iWhitmiro, Riley and Steven®
are now at work on tho Standard
property, doing profitable worjf.
In a week the three made 8Q pen
nyweights and J.8 grains. They
are all practical nafdy.e miners
and understand tho “lick it is
qfone with.”
Successful operations sti If con
tinue down at the Barlow Min,e
under the supervision of Mr.
Tregent. Go.u.d ,clean ups are hg>
ir.g made the time. In two
days recently, four men made at
one place I6Q pennyweight,® in
two days, which gives you some
idea of the value of blip oi;e.
They have had lino wpather
ever since commencing to trans-
fer the Gorge machinery from
Gainesville to the dam and will
have it all in this week, prac
tically speaking, if the weather
continues favorable. The work
on the dam is progressing nicely.
About fifty hands are onploy?
r e,d pushing the w.grk fast as
Baptist ohiirchj who as pear
living up to its rules as any map
wo know of, either white or black.
: s, chestnuts and camiage. | P()8tinftSter Crenshaw nt New , () j a a or . No community , » D(1 ro r> ort " thnl trouble whatever Last week
Wc iimlurstan.l that Mr. J. V. j Bridge, Ga., has petitioned the I fll)ari9 [ 1 i ithoilt a good paper. ! Wo-lward is much better, which J ' rotm . neti to the
lurlfisonj recently of Dahlottega I department to be allowed to move j You are oertainl y fiUing the waut. j W! H b° good news to her many
"* y®^! Send mo a copy one year and find I ^iqncla hero.
same.” Wo have special bargains in
nt cmv of Gainesville, lias been j the office nine hundred _ OCU u m U « „
nployed by the Southern road,! from its present location to h,s ; chc( -k ^1.00 for s
5 a special detective, we suppose, j premises in w,,n f * r,nni:v ul
Hall county. It j
.... , .it doesn't pav him enough to rent
In all probability the telephone • *
. . , . -i. „-ii! an office where it is now.
me front here to Dawsonville will
>e started next week.
acyorul defendant of this county | s boes, cn.brod.rie., finish braid
_ .. ..ri/1 i»ihhnnc llnnt ornfill
I last week in Atlanta, charged with
They al-; Mr. Robert McDonald, who was j|j e „ a | | ia ijdling of liquor in one
iady have poles for eight miles, killed a few days ago in a ' oac M wa y 0I . another. “Shotgun” WaK
mine near Tifton, Missouri, owned j kel ' v j ap Grizzle and A. T, Walden
a fourth interest in the mine, 80 |. cajnc back,"'’hit Marshal Grizzle
writes a gentleman of that, j ^ e j] s us g0 me six or eight oth-
i'n4 says that he was a partner of
the deceased.- He also owned
wore op taftWc Judge Newman i »■»> >'ibboo 8 . Good green coffee,
Baptist college in Atlanta and his
girl went to thc Shcllmun Semis
nery, same city.
twill go by Auraria, Landrum
mil Ashlcys.
Postmaster Tate went down to
tianta a few days ago and had an
aeration performed on him there
)' 11 physician. He is still in that
ty getting aloug as well as could
e expected.
Nice fresh macaroni, U)c; oat
leal, 10c; good green coffee, 10c;
nil cream cheese, 18', fresh stick
andy, fie; 8 day mantle clocks,
l.fia and 82.00; nice outing 10c.
B. R. Meadeus & Sons.
Mr. Scales of Tennessee, and
If. Brown of Washington City,
fter being here a few days look-
)2 over the mines, departed last
lonfiay. Both will return again,
s Wc think they took stock in the j
umbo gold mine,
some city lots. His father here is
having thc matter looked aftor,
O11 the 20th of September Hon.
G. D. Bruce of this county sent
$28 to the Sellers Tent and Awning
Co., Columbus, ()., but has not res
ceived the tent or heard from it in
any way, although he has written
twooi - three letters, except that
the money order was paid off by
thc postmaster at that place, and
Mr. Bruce has come to the conclu
sion that the firm is a swindle.
Whether he will be able to secure
bis money is yet to be seen.
ers went to jail, a9 follows: Geo.
Corn, 0 months; Long John An
derson, 8; H. Anderson, 1; J:m
Stewart, 1. If there were others he
couldn’t remember the names.
aist Tuesday Harris Posted
Sc;-—the best 10c pound; 1, 0 0Uj was arrested by Constable Carroll,
matches.for 5c. Come and ex- misled -*»y Uyfottq Carder, on *
amine our goods and prices. | warrant swore out by Henry Rob
F I Reese, j erts, charging him with stealing
[ his gold ore from where -lie was
The stockholders of thc Gaines-1 , n j n i n g () n a lot of Judge Murray’s,
ville and Dahlouega railroad will! adjoining the property of the
have a meeting next Tuesday.! r yi Mining Co. After a
What the object of the meeting isj hearing before Squire W. J. Wor
ley, Harris was sept to jail in de
fault of a hundred dollar bond to
we have not learned, but hope
something will be done that will
v be interesting and beneficial to »s await a hearing in the Superior
The long termed defendants were j a ]], m thc way of resuming work j conrt< The ore was taken away
also fined one hundred dollars each,! on thline again ' > *>--
which is generally settled by an
! during the night at different times,
The report reached here last
week that work had be,on stispendqd
at the Pyrites Mine, but it is alf a
mistake. Every.tbi.iig jjj joying
along out there as usual. Who
ever started this report thought
likely that Mr. Bcott’s death would
cause work to suspend, as he \yas
a large stockholder in this valuable
Mr. Wharton Anderson of tho
(Galhonn, was in the city la'st Bun-
d*y aapd fuformed us that this
celebrated mine still keeps up its
good record. The last clean up
was rfiiade a few days ago and the
result was perfectly satisfactory.
Much of the gold was coarso—•
some pieces being as large as three
pennyweight pieces.
Messrs. John Huff and Virge
Moose have leased tho property at
the mouth of Yahoola creek, apd
are putting ip a lift for the pur
pose of operating it. With as
extra month’s imprisonment where
I ^
Wo understand that the road I claimed by Roberts to be hid ; good u mine aa this is said
..nt .mill t r itin L< 1 » II 1 1 1 < it 1 f.A 1 hp I 11 ’ it _ 1 _ ..
Die finance committee of Lump-
in county, appointed by the last
1'iuid jury, are composed of the
lowing gentlemen: Messrs. T.
.Jackson, F. J. Williams and
[) hn Wacnster. Mr. Jackson was
nablo to serve and the other two
■inlineneed their work last Mon-
j - j gv/ ill | / u u j ....... f |
I arrested by Maishal Walker and | an( j btop p 0 d tho proceedings by
carried before Mayor Baker, ' v h° | enjoining tlie Cuvcndcr’s Creek
"c understand that Milford
iitc, who use to reside in this
unity, but now of Union, got
du trouble a few days ago by
ntying a load of liquor to Duck-
3w n, Tenn. Ho
nd carried right
’Dire court, was
was captured
on to Knoxville
in session and rc-
.. ,, C I hands have been busy in various I nut until it was hauled to thc
defendants own nothin*. L “ *'i part, of tho county luff by M*l! Bumpkin mill recently by i’ostell
Lon* John Anderson got on. by j ^ g J, fix> f„ r orusbin*. VosteJ) chnnns that
paying, W*6. ! we hope so nl least. The roods ■ be took this ore out nt a different
Last Saturday was the day fixed ! s hould be worked when they need P lace » bolieying it to ie on n o o
’ it, but it is a rare thing in this
county for them to receive any
attention until just before court.
The other morning wo found an
illustrated love letter on one of the
streets. It was written from
the Glades in Hall county, and
by thc Cavender's Creek Gold
Mining Co. to meet and have the
damages to the Pyrites Co. settled
, by an arbitration, but the latter
Last Saturday Jeff Ward was j company didn’t propose to do thi
Capt. lngersolls. The ore is said
to be just the same as Roberts’.
Later.—Mr. Roberts and Constas
bio Carroll found yesterday where
Posted I had cartied and hid the ore
until he wont to it with a w.*go»
land hauled it to tho mill
carried before Mayor maci, wuu enjoining too ouvencei b j Pie Q| a des in Hall county, and !
fined the defendant one and cost | Co _ an(1 now the matter cannot L ontainod no thing but sweetness, The Union county grand jnijr
or in default of payment, 30 days | )e sc ttlod before April term , ol :and pictures of various sorts, J at last session dispensed with
on the streets for disorderly con ! Lumpkin Superior court, iin<1 lh ° 1 and different kinds of “didoes” the services of a finance eommit-
duct. Jeff was up at T. J. Smith (javender’s Creek Co. cannot oper- fi t to , ast If people would ; tee. Lumpkin’s should do bkc-
........ ------ . . I from first to last. If people would i tee
& Bro.*s store and was caught in atc it8 gold mine until a settlement j ^ hulf gQ , oying aftor thc wed J wise.
the act of donating a block of j is had in some way so it can so ' j ainjr ns before, "there would be
chewing gum to himself, that was j curc auffloient water. The water. nothinfir l>lU happiness from one
it is after comes from the creeks ^ of ~ tbe vvorld t0 the other,
above the Pyrites Company s mine,
‘ the rail-
scnlence of three months
opiisonnient .\nd a hundred
irs fin c
in a glass jar on thc counter. Mr.
Ben Smith accosted him about it,
making .Jeff mad and he went
to cursing in the presence of all
there. The mayor had no juris
diction in tho gum matter, and
therefore only fined him for swear
inir. Jeff is working it out.
Lumpkin’s should do Iikc—
A committee at the explr
ation of the comity officers terms
every two years is sufficient, in ad
dition to what the grand jury can
do ut each terra of court. This com
mittee costs from 40 to 50 dollars
extra every year. There was an
other thing the Union county
to be, coupled with the practical
experince these gentlemen have in
the business, they are djoun^ to
make it pay handsome profits.
The Ingersoll & Crisson dredge
boat is still successfully operating
in the Chestatee river. As stated
recently, it is under the supervi
sion of Mr. Keenum, who lias
much experience in dredging for
the precious metal. We -saw tjie
clean up this *veek and it was
splendid, and in it was one 'largo
nuggoit and a 4a*'ge uumibojr of small
1 ones.
Mr. Fate Johnson, who recently
struck tho rich cluite down on tire
Ivey property, was in town last
Saturday exhibiting some of the
ore which was rich enough with,
the yellow metal to gAve several
the gold fever. It is near the
Rockhouse vein but on an entirely
new lead. Air. Johnson is one of
and the Pyrite company refuses to | Over in Tennessee, ou
let the other company have it, is 1 road the other day, a white
why the trouble arose. boss was removed from some-cause
; and a negro man nut in bis
By last Saturday’s mail we re
ceivod a three pound tm c ‘ in <:011 ' j to work and left the place, among ridinflf bailiff’s to $1.50 per day, t mine apd know howto work it
taining somet ling. c U( 1 . . them was Ned Moose of Dahlon- H general thing tbe mounted ! after he does.
The windy weather is causing ; t h e least idea ot nit it ;( the only Georgian at that bailiffs in om'county are not bond- j Manager W II McAfee is mov-
the members of thc city eoonciU at first thought Rimig it »e u■ ' | cump . The others were all from | ed 0 « cerg , yet at the same time j . things right alon- down —
to get to thinking how dangerous , fornal machine, _ M1 a ( I ‘ ' ! North Carolina who preferod go- they get tho biggest money. The Mp Afo«-T,inrt Gnmnnnv's n
negro man put in his | op-and jury did which we approve j oul . nlo8 t successful miners, having
All the white men 1 of used ; and that was the reduction of the , aupiciont experience to find a
it is going to bo about tire this Ding for a few minutes we
(1 ,- “gict to learn that Dahlon-
. | : .muuj uiiunus ...... preferod go- they get tho biggest money. The
j _ mg home an<l raising tobacco rath-; 0 rdinary’s hooks here show that
winter unless they put a night j the lid and iouml .1 11 nlC( l j ( >r than to work under a negro. ()QC () f t| )e appointed mounted
hip of
the McAfee-Lind Company’s prop*
erty. hi 1 © securing timbers fur
. the mill he ia having ore taken
.i of. F a v«, iT * r i ..a-roJ n rr^ ^ 1
’">• toGmoemllo no as »fa';D'i°cU n '”ho nftorooon nnff i "1.1,,'ck’« past „ffico,-01 ( lu., which : week iron, tbo non of p ro f.; m* on bund at each term ot the inI vei „ a hnve nlreadv been onenu.
il i« going to lose the citizen-I watch on. Some of them speak sound apple.
We reached for our
remain until 2 in the morning.
'■ centrally loftPed to the
1( »hyteriau high school recently .
"tilled in White county of which The marshal lives handy enough
,,|s ’I trustee. Mr ' and Mrs. 'for him to be sent for at any time
;! i,tkw eH have made
" I! ‘D 'hiring t lien
,( ^i. all of whom arc sorry to than was adopted last year aim , Krmt is nno nere .» my | — » — , *-• wcek> Gct , ing moro fhan anv
3 them leave Ilisarmointments 1 wo ' ,lvl 9U,t l)0,tcr Hl V" 0(1, ' v ® thinl crop. 1 have had plenty of resale, just send us Ibc (pKhti s . rol>> Taking from the bonded
the Prosbvinv, u Pl1,11 ^ l I believe. A watchman is needed, fiDc he8 fol . five ycnu .,, This | and the Professor will answer { >|lUi il s what justly belong to
ao-ui win i ' ' lu 1 ,h ‘| and we hope that f omo . ; kind remomhcrancc of one so far j them with pleasure as wo stated j thcm . It is uot right and should
b0 (ll!o ' 1 h -V him as racnt s will he made j.gbt rway ( l Mast week. ' be stopped.
ot .lacks posi omci, u V .... - court for years, getting from ten
explained the contents ot the tin Dayis, of tbe N. G. A. College, in , ,, .
cm as follow: “Will Townsend, reference to ngi icultural pursuits. ; ° VU! vo ( ° ‘‘ lseuc •
Sir Asian, lin* s j You nr f,o„, him eve„| «"■' <* cnet h„ nrder.
many he is needed while not oul. n>lu.„| Onkbrnnu u,.|.leu In Georg.,.. 1 week m i <;*,ml to this sri , ec ,m _ #|3 ^ uU|k ; , Ml lurm ot co , lrt
lay in Duh- would be u much cheaper plun|will send one lo the^NfouCT. ity<mj"' "u!!'“^ J... . when the session was less than a
T than was adopted last year and! Fruit is fino here. This is my | this line, matters not where you'
. n 11 .... I mo . tl I I I i L' .. . I 1 ! . . . 4 ..... .1 .... til.. . i I l fie't l/iril'
for on:
away is certainly a|»picciatcd. 'last week.
he stopped.
ing veins have already been open-?
. ed on this property and ore ia be
ing taken from two of them now.
The prospect is very encouraging,
j for the rooks are speckled with
the yellow metal and the loosn
' material in tho veins pan out
j much coarse gold, Wo had the
pleasure of seeing a number of
specimens of ore from this mine
; this week, all showing gold.
.. ■ L,