Newspaper Page Text
i.Krwn»:"'r -rr*no -
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The New (Janie I u
\\'i' print iIh> following for the
honofit of Ihosi 1 of our tenders who
may not ho familiar with the game
law as amended l*y the last legisla
“Under tho now law, no wild
in the waters t
four full year?
tho approval <
()n petition
the judge (d ther superior
shall appoint in each county
«f this
i from
if tin- r
of 50
late of
Colored Cemetery.
turkey, pheasant, parti ide'
quail can he shot, 11upped, I
or ensnared between the J o' 11
id' March and the 1st day of
vein her of rneliai ear.
Summer or wood dm lc or wood
cock cannot tic killed between the
1st day of February and tlx* 1st
day of September.
It is made unlawful to remove
from the nosls or to destroy the
pggy of any of the birds protected
by this act.
It is unlawful to sc* 11 or offer for
sale or have in posessinn during
the closed season any game bird
or animal, alive or dead, or any
part of cither, protected by this
It is unlawful for any person,
except on his own lands, to kill or
entrap any wild turkey, quail,
dove or deer for the purpose of
selling the same, provided that
one may obtain a $25 license
to limit for sale, but during the
hunting season only. This provis
ion is operative without the here
tofore required consent of the
grand jury.
Part ridges can not he shipped | tllat buiU him
out of the sate at any time, nor
can they be trapped except one’s
lands, au l then during tin* hunting
season only.
It is unlawful to put walnut
leaves or walnut hulls, devil shoe-
con i f
petitioning, a game warden to hold
office for two years unless remov
ed for catise. This warden ap
points a deputy in each militia dis
I l iet in his county, <’m * lakes oath
t lint he will faithfully ilerform tlu
duties of Ids office, E ivh ex* r
Uses the ministerial dudes ih
sheriff and each is entitled to the
same fees and costs as a sheriff for j
similar service in the arrest and j
conviction of persons convicted i
under tin* net. i
“Each I warden mu-i j
bo it qualilieiI voter in the County |
of his appoint incut, fu addition
to fees and costs referred to, the
warden is entitled to one half the
fines imposed on all I par I by de
Jt Pays To Advertise
By request wo publish the!
names of those who made contri-j
tuit ions for the improvement of j
that part of the cemetery at Dab- j
lonega used by the colored people
to-wit :
If, E. I luierwood 501
('. If. Amlersor. 50
Will Stephens 25
\V. E. Sims 50
E. .1. .Jefferson, work ^1.85
W. M. Riley 50
S. A. Castleberry 601
.1. I). Riley 50
Jack Strickland 50 j
Walter Elrod 25
Mary Duncan 26 j
John Castleberry ”25
Walter Howell 50
Jim and Dave Roberts $1,001.
Charlie Clark, work $1.00 i
John Pruitt, work 60
Tom Smith, work, $1.00
Henry Castleberry, work, 75 j
The City committee $10.00 j
To Seaffe^ers Fram
No matter how long you have suffered, FOLEY’S KIDNEY
CURE will help you. This we will GUARANTEE.
It has cured many cases of Bright’s Disease and Diabetes that I
had been thought incurab r e, however we do not claim that it -win ®
cure these diseases in advanced stages as no medicine can make
new kidneys for you, but
At his store in the Quaker City,
I John Whin mini ulcer employs an j
liii’myof about 5,000 clerks; at his
New York establishment perhaps (
las many more, says the Pittsburg
! Dispatch. He was one of the first
lin the department store field,
which now almost dominates mer-
j (inutile trade in the large cit ies.
He owns that it \v:\s advertising
up commercially.
He pays a salary of $16,000 a year
to the man who writes his daily
advertisements for the Philadel
phia store.
He never cuts down his advi-r-
in dull seasons,
increases them. For
logic, the dull
.vhen trade
Total cash
Work extra.
$4.70 I
Grand total
Why” Where
$20 25
is Maw.
j fusing expenses
strings or any other poisonous sub-! rjlt | 1( , r b(
stance whatever in any of the wn- ; ^ . , •
■’ . 1 accord mg to his
tors or running streams of this • , •
j season is the very turn
s 11 * '. . most needs to lie stimulated
it is unlawful to catch any lisli , .. •
with a seme, net or like device be-1 n , , • • ,
’ l wo business principles guide
tween .June the 1st and Sep-
, . The first is to be on the
tember 1st ot each year, provided , . , , ,, ,, , • , c
. ... , I alert to buy exactly tno kinds of
that ono may fish with hook and
line and by means of cast nets.
It is unlawful to catch, with
seine or other device, any sturgeon
goods the people want, no matter
j m what quarter of the globe these
! goods are to be found ; the second
is to tell the people all about
them through the medium of
A story is going the rounds of
Missouri press, says the New York
j Tribune, regarding a farmer who
is greatly troubled with absent-
mi ml ness. (An the way home
from town, so the story runs the!
t bought came to him that lie had
forgotten something. He took
out his note book, wont over
every item, checked it off, and
saw that he had made all the pur
chases he had intended. As he
drove on he could not put aside j
the feeling that there was sotne-j
thing missing. He took out his
note book and checked off’ every
item again, but still found no
mistake. Ho did this several
times but could not dismiss the
idea that he must have fotgotten
something. When he arrived Qat
home and drove up to the house
his daughter came out to meet
him, and with a look of surprise
f ■ 1
l j
l 1
will positively cure every case cf kidney and bladder trouble if taken
in time, and even in the worst a# 8##M }bt straighten Up
Thomas Maple, Birbeck, Ill., writes
cases.of Bright’s Disease and
Diabetes it always gives com-
:b: t and relief.
j newspaper adgertisoments.
| asked, “Why, where is maw?
mu: I*
ar.Tnts)rik:' .*r jrawara'*
Days Was My Life’s
Agony From Inherit"
ed Heart Disease.
Circulation Over 150,000 |
Cf/re SUNNY SOUTH, Weekly I
Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure
Cured Me.
Circulation Over 100,000
Ghomas E. Watson’s
O e person in every four has a weak heart.
Unless promptly treated a weak Imart will
f. r:iv become a diseased heart. A little extra
strain from anv cause is sufficient to bringon
this deadly :n. i.ulv, the most common cause
ol sudden c -at i Dr. Miles’ I leart Cure will
tore up the , art’s action, enrich the blood
; nd improve the circulation.
poutde began w ith catarrh and 1 have
■ : cd it caused the trouble 1 have
d with my heart. I had the usual
ms of si eplesatiess, lost appetite; cow-
i. palpitation of the heart, shortness
■■■ th and p on around the heart and un-
' left arm. My mother suffered in the same
wav and 1 suppose mine was an inherited
tendency. At one time I was in agony. I
suffered so severely and became so weak
tha my doctors said I could not live thirty
'tvs. At this time I had not slept over two
- a nigtit on account of nervousness.
’ Tst exercise, such as walking about,
1 ring on palpitation and Buttering or
ti , - ■) severe that I would have to give
ling and rest. Nerve and Liver
ed me of constipation and heart
. d appeared under the influence
New Heart Cure. 1 am in
i m 1 have been in twelve
1 aiik Dr. Miles’Remedies for it.
th grandest remedies on
. constantly recommending
.'iids."—-Mrs. L. J. Cantrell,
' . Tex.
sell and guarantee first bot-
'Vmedirs. Send for free book
Heart Diseases. Address
rival Co., Elkhart, lnd.
/ Oenii>"
Life of THOMAS JEFFERSON l gfe € f|*r
)$ li£ il
Jtnd TWO Estimates at tha CJISH
Is the world’s greatest and most widely read week
ly newspaper—the farmers friend, the woman’s
companion, the children’s joy —one dollar a year.
Remember when the kid
neys are affected the work of
destruction never ceases, so
commence taking FOLEY’S
8£39MOf 0US1E at once and
a void a fatal malady.
is made from a prescription of
a specialist in kidney diseases
and was used for years in pri
vate practice before it was
put on the market.
. , , , 1 had a very bad j|
case of kidney trouble and my back pained me so I could
not straighten up. The doctor’s treatment did me no good.
Saw FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE advertised and took one
bottle which cured me and I have not been affected since.
I gladly recommend this remedy.”
Thrcs Physicians Treated Kim Without Success
W. L. Yancy, of Paducah, Ky., writes: “I had a severe
case of kidney disease and three of the best physicians in
southern Kentucky treated me without success. I then took
FOLEY’S KIDNEY’ CURE. The first bottle gave imme
diate relief and three bottles cured me permanently. I
gladly recommend this wonderful remedy.”
Suffered Twenty-Five Years
Seymour Webb, of Moira, N. Y., writes: “I had been
troubled with my kidneys for twenty-five years and had
tried several physicians but received no relief until I bought
a bottle of t-OLEY’S KIDNEY CURE. After using two
bottles I was absolutely cured. I earnestly recommend
TWO SIZES 50c and $1.90
Dr, C.H. Jones.
Mining Lands
Is the recognized standard Southern Literary week
ly—devoted to Fiction, Romance, Literature and
Household reading especially adapted to the fireside
—Fifty cents a year. .
I have Ihe following gold mining
properilies for sale in
.500 acres, 12 miles north-east of
l'ahlonegn, in the above county. Two
veins opt ned up from 8 inches' to two J
feet wide, running ft).00 per ton mill j
lest. AT ins run through the entire j
500 acres. This property also con- '
tains very valuable placer diggins. I
Water in abundance for all necessary
mining operations. Well timbered |
and a farm of 60 acres in cultivation, i
Titles clear and pet feet.
Address for particulars and prices,
NVk PI* McAfee,
Daiiloneg'a, Ga.
Bahlonega Portrait fjlo’b §
Next Door Above liusoiuc Hall,
By Hon. Thomas E. Watson, written for The Weekly Constitution as tlv
first volume of Watson’s History of the Unitfd States, the great st, A .■.!
of Watson’s great Histories. The Life of Jefferson was begun in tie
Weekly Constitution in July—being published weekly and to tie completed
between now and Christmas. All subscribers to The Weekly Uou-liuitmn
at $1.00, or to both The Weekly Constitution and The Bunny 8’out’i at
$1.23 for the two, will be sent FREE!, upon request made nceompan•.•in-
subscript Ion, A comMjETR publication of all the hack installments of
this great history, which should be in every household. You thus go two
invaluable weekly periodicals, one news, tiie otli r fiction au I lilcru'ut
—-—^ | la mm anun n umviii » u>.v ..v ... , ...v - .
uk>5 b or bale and in addition, a publication of all back installments of this cheat iii-g’i
| bringing you to the date of your subscription—all for the trifle of $1.25.
tin* Nugget office--you
* 1 u foil >\vmg blanks:
Y r irruuty Deeds,
Mortgage D teds,
1 - w Notes, Mortgage Eifas’
Mortgages, Plain Notes,
Common Leases,
Minor’s Leases,
Or minal Warrants,
Peace Warrants,
P over of Attorney,
Witness Summons,
,T. P. Summons,
Justice’s Court Fifas,
Forthcoming Bonds,
Coastal lie's advertisements,
Binds for Title,
Vtl iuvu & Bond for Garnishment
A11 ministrator’s Deeds
and Attachments.
la upon the total receipts ok cotton at all U. S. Ports from 1 Kept., 1003, to
12 January, 1004, both inclusive. It is offered only ft/ if} Consiiiution and
not in connection with any newspaper syndicate, and lienee ia limJtad to the
Co;i3 .»it:lion’s Circulation.
The prizes are $3,000.00 for the exact or nearest to exact figures,
$?,500.00 for the uex: best, $300.00 for the next, $20 1.00 for next, and
$125.00 for the next best estimate, for live next nearest.S59.fl© each, SO
next 525 OG each, 20 next SIS OO each, 30 next $7.50 each and lOO
next best estimates $>.03 each. Total ot set prizes $7,000.00. IN AD
DITION $1,000.00 in fin e $200.00 prizes Dr the best es imate- in five
monthly sections of contest and $‘2 S GQC) in two great consolation offers for
500 bales and 1,000 bales each way from exact ligates.
The Statistic
Cotton Yrnr.
covari t» «■ tho ro^.lexi for last few years r.r
Toinl port -ipt. September 1 to l.attl
cf (ollowiu : : J*.uu»ry, botli tnelusivo:
1897-1898 6,070,773
1838-1899 4 6.309,178
1899- 1900 4,201,365
1900- 1901 4,848,751
! 90 I -1 902 5,279,507
1902-1903 3,215,870
'Yf WRITE BY THE NEXT MAIL if additi nal i:artieular» wanted, or, what
3j^kaJUfJkl£i | is better, send subscription remittance, with estimates, direct by money order
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right or registered mall to
G D. BRUCE, Gen Manage
i m
Director &
And Dealt r in
n nd
Dahlonoga, Ga.
O N' H
We D<
Daiilonega, Ga.
Staple Dry Goods, Shoes, l’:ttrtt 2 , (oci.i'n .
Groceries, nil kinds Farm Implement • ll11
Mining Supplii s at very rcnsotinhle liffui 1
In fact anv and evcrylhing you need.
Greatly reduced .Price:-’ di
NT a 11 y A id i e I < * e- -
Clock and Watch Repairing
a Specialty
J. F. Moore & Co. |
■ f
S mnon’.. A.WL,,L'm!L'• --