The Times and state's right advocate. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1833-1833, February 20, 1833, Image 1

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VOL. I—NO. 6. Till: TI.HES djaasiiti’d <Ai!/y.y <j_a22i 3 WILL he published oner a week, in the Town of Milledge- Tille, at THREE DOLLARS per annum, if paid in advance, or fDl T R DOLLARS, at the end eftho year. qJ- Advertisements inserted at the usual rates: those jent without a specified number of insertions, will be pub ished until ordered out and. charged accordingly. Sales of Land, by Administrators, Executors, or Guardians, are re* quired, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the court-house in the county in which the property is situate.' Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette sixty days previous to the day of sale. Sales of negroes must be at public auction, on the first Tuesday of the mouth, between the usual hours ofsale, at the place o‘s public sales in the county where the letters Testamentary, of Administration or Guardianship, may have been granted, first jiving sixty days notice thereof, in one of the public gazettes ,f this State, and at the door of the court-house, whero such nles are to be held. Notice for the sale of Personal Pro psrly must be given in like roann orty days previous to tbeday ofsale. Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published for fortydays. Notice that appli cation will he made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land, must be published four months. Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be published for four months, before any order absolute shall be made thereon by the Court. & ssoteib Warc-llousc and Commission Merchants, MACON, GEORGIA. BLANTON & SMITH, Ware-House and Commission Mer chants, Macon, make liberal advances on Cctton in store,and on shipments; also on NOTES and other proper ty deposited in their hands. Their Ware-Houses are more convenient to the business part of town than any other, possessing the advantages of a Wharf, and are more exempt from danger by fire than any other in Macon. A UCTIOX, BROKERAGE, AND Com mission Husiii css. WJNII E undersigned has taken the spacious fire proof brick A 6tore, in the south end of Ellis shotwell & Co’s range, for the purpose of transacting .auction, Brokerage and Coin mission Business, generally—He. will be aided in the manage ment of any business confided to him, by his brother J. T. Towland, and respectfully solicits a share of the pat ronage of thier respective friends, and the public.... Until the store is completed his Counting room will he kept over j the Commercial Hank. WILLIAM P. ROWLAND, j N. B. Cotton will be bought or sold for a moderate commission. Oct. 3, 25 I PLANTER’S FIRE PROOF WAKE IIOUSCS. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. THE UNDERSIGNED having purchased the FIRE j PROOF WARE-HOUSES, lately occupied by Messrs. > Sims, Williams and Woolsey, respectfully tender their ser- , vices to their friends and the public in general, in the Ware- j House, Factorage and Commission Business, uudei tk<- firm I of MASON A RANDLE, They will ho prepared to extend the usual facilities to their customers, by making ad- I vances on PRODUCE IN STORE. Connected with the Ware-Houses, safe and very extensive j CLOSE STORAGES, For the reception of any Goods, which may be consigned to them for sale or otherwise. The situation of their Ware-! Houses as to convenience, safety and the despatch of busi- j ness is unsurpassed by any in the City. The undivided at- j tention of the Subscribers, w ill he given to the above busi ness, with a pledge not to engage in any speculation upon produce. They hope to merit and receive a liberal portion of public patronage. ' WYLIE W. MASON, ! JOHN S. RANDLE. February 2, 1833. B—4 (fj* We take pleasure in recommending the above gentle men to public confidence, believing as \vc do, in their integ rity ar.d qualifications for business. JOHN HOWARD, WM‘ JOHNSTON, for themselves and other lato pro prietors. FOR SALE. ffMIE Subscriber, from.recent misfortunes, is desirous of abandoning his business in this place, and offers for sale the large three story building on Walnut Street, at pre sentoccupied by him as a Tavern. The situatien is eligible, the house as large and room}' as any in the up country, and the internal arrangements every way adapted to comfort and convenience. The extensive patronage bestowed upon this House sirce its establishment, to the present proprietor, no doubt will be continued to any enterprising and industrious individual who may succeed him. The house will be sold alone, or together with the Furniture, (the latter, however, would be preferred,) upon liberal and accommodating terms, l’crsons who may be disposed to purchase, would do well to cal! and view the establishment at an early day, L. A. ERWIN. N. B. All the Stages that come to Macon stop at this cs iahlislmiont. Macon, Feb. 7 s—ts TIN WARE MANI FACTI HER. (Mulberry near Third steet, Macon, Ga.) TRIE subscriber continues to manufacture Tin Mare in ; every variety, and has now on baud a general assort- j went, which he will sell or retail at the Savannah j or Augusta prices. j he has also just received an assortment of Japaned Tin Mare, consisting of Unins, Sugar Boxes, Waiters, Bread Pans, Canisters, Sugar’llowls, Milk Cups, Tumblers, Pep per Boxes, Graters, Toy Cups, Rattles, Candlesticks, Lamps, Spit Boxes, Sand Boxes, and Pocket Lanterns, kc. &c. Also, Patent Bakers, Foot Stoves, Block Tin Tea Pots, Plates, Basins, I •Tumblers, £fc. He. Job Work done tit the sliorti'st iiolico. WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Macon, January 2, 1833. 1.... JEFFERXON HALL, *PHE subscriber has taken the large and commodious house A formerly occupied as a Tavern by THOMAS C. RUSSELL, end hopes from his experience in business to give general satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. His Bar will be supplied with the choicest liquors. His Stable will oc superintended by an experienced ostler, and provided with the best of provender. FRANCIS A. HUSON. Mr. Donougli Feb, 4th. ll - Tlaw notice. HOMAS G. BARRON & DAVID IRWIN have entered into Copartnership, and will attend to any business in their profession within the Cherokee « tr cu 't, which may be entrusted to them. All communications will be addressed to Nandfordville, Cass County, lhey will practice under the firm of . ... IIARKON hi IK" IN* Jan- ;«-45 BJ. AMI TE " HlGhS^jSt^OC'A TE. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY .NAR.HADTKE A. SLADE, AT THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUL “W E NEVER DESPAIR OF ANY THlNG—Truth BEING CUR GUIDE, W! SHALL SAIL UNDER HER AUSPICES.” HoRAf E . COOKE A SPEAR, Nil- 100, Broad-Way, Acie-York. I I constantly on hand, and are manufacturing a large assortment ol Cabinet Furniture of every description, consisting of double and single scroll Sofas, spring and hair .at 3 * Wardrobes, Sideboards, Secretary, Book Cases, dres sing and plain Bureaus, Pembroke Case, dining and toilet marble top Centre and Pier Tables, Mahogany, curled Maple and Fancy Chairs, &e. fee. Also, pure curled “a*r Mattrasses, feather Beds, Cushions, &c. They are constantly manufacturing the Patent Windlass Bedsteads, with which they have Annulled most of the Ho tels and Public Houses in the Union. They are now prepared to fill all orders either for cash or on time. They refer to Messrs. Cooke & Cowles, Macon. CLOTIIIXB STORE. MACON, GEO. F EWIS FITCH, Merchant Tailor, is now opening, at XJih« Maeon Clothing Store, anew and splendid assort ment of Goods and Clothing, in his line, consistingof super, blue, black, brown, green, olive, claret, mulberry, invisible green, and mixt London Cloths ; stiped cassimere, anew ar article; Petersham’s Oxford mixt atiuet, first rate; fashionable | figured and plain V elvet, Satin, Florentine, Marseilles and Valencia vestings; blue, black, orange, drab, buff, white, and steel mixt Cussimeees ; silk Italian, and fig. fancy Ac white crevats; English and India handkerchiefs; duck, horse and lined gloves ; lack and white silk stockings ; silk, cotton and worsted randemjialf hose; French fyncy velvet suspen ders ; silk, webbing and cotton suspenders; shirt bosoms and shirt collars; velvet and bombazine stocks, and stiff ners; linen cambric handkerchiefs; silk umbrellas; cloth caps, children’s fancy and hair seal flannel, brown shirting & sheeting; gold and silver epaulets, stars; tassels, lace", buttons, &c. If LADY -MADLCLO THING.—Fine blue, brown, green & olive frock and dress coats, and coatees ! mixed over coats and pea coats ; fine blue, black, brown, drab, orange and mixed pantaloons; blue and mixed sattinet pantaloons; cord and berentine pantaloons ; fine figured, plain, velvet, Florentine, Marseilles, bombazine and cloth vests; draw ers, shirts, monkey and short jackets; trowsers; fustian pantaloons ; goat’s hair Oantoons, Indigo blue and Cam- Diet cloaks ; ladies goats hair, camlilet, silk and plaid cloaks ! all of which are made up in the best manner, and will be sold cheap ffor CASH, TAILORING, in all its branches, carried on as usual. Having the latest fashions ami good workmen, my work shall not be inferior to any. I solicit the patronage of my friends and the public generally. All orders thankfully re ceivedand promptly attended to. 55tf CIIFAI* STORE.—Jlacuii, Guo. ~ TWENTY-FIVE per cent cheaper than ever. JOB MAGIE is just opening a very extensive and splendid assortment of Goods, which has been selected in the New York market by himself, from the latest importations, which are particularly calculated for this market, and which will be disposed of fully twenty five per cent, cheaper than ever.— These goods are of the latest style and most fashionable pat terns, and are offered to his friends and the public with con fidence fully assured, that not only the style but prices will fully meet their approbation. Their attention is requested o the same—a few of the articles are mentioned, viz : 200 pieces calicoes and prints, some very rich. Extra fine furniture callicoes and common. 50 pieces fine parish muslins and ginghams, plain and striped, figured and striped mandarines, saragoses black and purple Grodeswissand Itallian silks watered grodenap, black and brown colored do. hernani gauzes, Orleans robes, paint ed palmarines and crape deleon, nlacl, and colored silk, cam blets and princettas, fine french bombazines, blond gauze veils (some extra sizes.) Satin straws, scarfs, fancy hand kerchiefs and shawls, very rich, sett cap and belt ribbons new patterns, thread laces and insertings, also edgings and footings, checked and striped muslins, jackonet, swiss and Cambric do. one case grass bleached irish linens assorted, long lawns, linen cambrics and cambric handkerchiefs, super, vestings, plaid and plain drillings and fine french linens, pongees and ponge handkerchiefs, bandanna and Hags, gloves 1 and mitts assorted. 50 dozen silk, cotton, randon hose and half hose assorted. 100 parasols and umbrellas, very neat and rich 100 pieces mosquito netting. Bead bags nrnl purses, shell tuck and side combs, cambric and furniture dimities and cotton fringes, G, 7,8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 by 4 damask table cloths, table covers, dunstable and straw bonbets, palm leaf hats, black and drab beaver hats la test fashions, travelling caps and trunks. 10 bales sheetings and shirtings and plaids. 500 lbs spun cotton, tickings-, osnaburgs, cotton cards Ac. Also, an extensive assortment of perfumery, soaps, oils, powder, powder boxes amt putts, erasive baits, cologne, honey and rose waters, otto of roses, Ac. Ac. Also, 3000 pair shoes and pumps nssortod, amt 100 nair morocco and calf skin boots, same very heat and fine. And a very large supply oi saddles, bridles, martin gals, saddle and travelling hags, Ac. &c. Ac. Together with a general assortment of hardware and cutle ry of "all kinds that is wanted in this market; also carpen ter’s tools of all kinds. Blacksmith’s tools, cross-cut and mill saws, guns, rifles, Ac. Also a supply of crockery .china and glassware, Also 10 Uoz. superior calf skin, gining and binding skins, sole leather, gin band leather, Ac. and a supply of groceries, family medicines &o. DRAWING POSTPONED. I \lO.\ HOTEL PROPERTY. THE Drawing lias been postponed till the first Saturday in March next, when it will positively I be drawn. J. B. BATEMAN, l’roprictor. ! Thomaston, Dec. 28. 1 lIME. The subscriber still continues manufacturing JLime at his plantation in Crawford county, where it can he had at all times in quantities to(suit purchasers and upon j accommodating terms —to wit: By the barrel in the rock at £2 50 “ “ “ slacked 150 By the bushel in the rock 50 “ “ “ slacked 25 It Any also be had at the following places at the undermen tioned prices—iu wit : At Esq. Bell’s in Talbotton in the rock per barrel 84 50 slacked $3 50 * At C. M. Norwood, Talbot county in the reck per barrel $} 50 slacked $3 50 At T. Bryant’s, McDonough in the rock, per barrel $5 00 slacked $1 00 At J. B. Wick’s, Thomaston in the rock per barrel $1 00 slacked $3 00 At Cullodcnsville in rock per barrel 55*3 00 slack ed $2 00 At B. Pye’s, in Forsyth in the rock per barrel $4 slack ed 83 00 And in Macon at Messrs. Ellis, Shotwell A co. per barrel in the rock $3 75 slacked 82 50 Also, at the subscribers in Macon per barrel in the rock $3 75 slacked 82 50. The increased demand has enabled me to put the prices at a reduced rate, and 1 think l may venture to assert that from the improvements 1 have, been daily making iu the burning together with my selection of rock, that I now have Lime e qual to any Thomaston Lime, except its whiteness, and this I hope to improve. 1 believe for brick work and ce ment, no lime on earth is superior, but that part I am dis posed to leave with the public, and if it does not sustain it elf, i want nothing for it. 1 deem it nnnccessary to trouble the community with a long list of certificates vouching for the virtues of the lime, i when I propose a trial and if not good-no pay-mote is unne cessary. All orders from the country thankfully received and prompt- Iy attended to. J* BLNNLI T. Macon Aug. 27, ISM, -°* lf MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA. FEBRUARY 20, 183:5. Jl. ». 11l SON IATE'of Milledgeville, and his mother, have taken *he J establishment in Macon, formerly kept by Charles j Williamson, Esq. known as the | WASHINGTO\ IIALL. The house has undergone thorough repair, and with other improvements, a Dining Room, eighty feet in length, has been added to the south wing of the building. The bed chambers have been re-painted,and the furniture is entirely new, particularly beds. His servants, the same as were employed in his house at Milledgeville. From the central situation of his establishment and his long experience in the business, he confidently looks to the i public lor a liberal share of pattronage. Macon, Oct. 29, 1832. ” • 30— FIIHE subscriber would inform the citizens of Macon, and I A. those whose business brings them hither, that he has j now completed his Stable on Second street, in a style info rior to but few in the Southern country. He has also been jdaiiy adding, and will continue to do so, all that is nemo sary to the comfort of the man of pleasure, and for denatch to the traveller. He has now on hand, used in the Livery, j some forty head of horses, with a number of Barouches, j Gigs, Sulkeys, Ac. which are mostly new, and others are j undergoing repairs nee ssa.’J’ for the season ; besides which, in a few days, tvjjl receive an additional supply o! (tigs and Sulkies, well suited to the taste and wants of the dI-ICC. Attached to the Livery Stable, is a coach-makers, pain ters, trimmers, and harness manufactory, as well as a Blacksmith shop ; and having been at much trouble and ex pense in procuring good workmen, for all these different branches, will enable the subscriber at all times to keep his vehicles and harness in perfect repair. Every care and pains will be taken to promote the interest comfort and convenience of the Patrons of the Establish ment; but the subscriber has been taught by experience,(that persons hiring must make good all these delays, and in juries, which may happen. It is proper here to remark, that all carriages, gigs, or otlier vehicles, or horse, being injured by accident, ill-usage, or other cause, the person having hi red the same, will be held liable therefore, for each day, the article or horse is withheld as unfit for service ; and also for repairing and feeding, during such delinquency. The heretofore established Prices will continue to govern, and may he seen at the Livery Stable ; they are as moderate as the times w ill admit. STAGE TO MONTPELIER. SPRINGS. During the ensuing summer and fall, the subscriber will run a daily liack between this place and the Montpelier Springs; commencing on the first day of June—leaving Washington Hall, in Macon, at 3 o’clock, P. M. where seats can be procured, at the usual stage rates, to-say, 81,- 75 per seat, payable in advance. TIIE INDIAN SPRINGS, " ill also he visited twice a week, by hacks running from my stable—leaving Erwin’s Hotel, in Macon, every Tues day and Saturday, at 8 o’clock, A. M. and leave the Springs at 8 o'clock, on 'riiursdays and Monday’s; price of a seat, S5 in advance. JOSEPH BENNETT. Macon, January I, 1833. 1— PROSPECTUS OF TIIE Hau kinsviltc Advocate. riMIE undersigned design, as early as a sufficient number “■ nf subscribers can be obtained to publish in the Town of Hawkinsville, PulaskiCounty,Georgia, a paper under the above title. In the whole Southern Circuit, although it extends over tar more territory than any other in the State, there is not printed a single paper, Surely this Circuit has not iesolved to be behind every otoer in the State, in the march of im provement! While,then, the citizens of every other Cir cuit, have the pleasure of receiving!}}’ each mail, papers prin ted within their limits, may we not, with reason, indulge the ! sanguine expectation, that our citizens, as also those of I other Circuits, (to whose |papers they contribute a liberal patronage) will bountifully aid in the support of this attempt to establish a paper in tliie place, and contribute much to its circulation. Hawkinsville has been so rapid in its growth, and hasal rcady risen to so much importance, in acommercial point of view, as now to render it the most important town in the Southern Circuit. What place, then, could or would be more suitable for the establishing and supporting a paper ? It has become the fashion, of those w ho make proposals for edititing a paper, to declare their political creed ; that all may know by their colours, on which side they will fight. The un <lersigned, without censuring such example, will follow it in part only. They, therefore, declare them selves to be native Georgians, and that while they design to steer clear of extremes, they no less fervently hope to be ever found on the side of, the people, the true democracy of the State. Prudence might require them to stop here : but they feel constrained to. go further. —The various and momentous questions, which agitate to the very centre, our political connexion as sovereign States, and the fearful en croachments of the United States’ Government (more espe cially as manifested by the late decision of its supreme Court,) which like some dreadful yawning gulph, threaten he most awful and ruinous consequences, demand of every true patriot and advocate of his country, to be at his post, and like the faithful an, to tell when all’s well, or every hope is past. With what disinterestedness and deep devo tedness have not the Southern people ever been attached to a just ami equitable union of the State! How many con cessions, and what convincing sacrifices have they not made, and will they not even yet make, as peace offerings upon the altar or social harmon} ! But it lias been justly said, that a cold, calculating, selfish policy, like the Israel- ite’s rod,is swallowing up every better feeling, and calling upon all to fall down and worship this “golden image,” as j the only true and living Deity. Whatever may be the course of others, while the undersigned truly hope, that our excel lent Constitution, our once happy Union,and the high des tiny to which under happy auspices, it may aspire, will notj merely live like some golden age, as a song in the memory j of posterity; they trust in the fervor of their heats to be found evercontiibutlngtheir poor and humble mite to rcsistj encroachment, in whatever shape it may come, and op pression under whatever colors disgftised, till every hope, shall expire in the last entrenchment of thrir country. Perhaps they ought to avow, their deep devotion to the political principles of Washington and Jefferson, and the un blemished principles of all those who have been an orna 1 meat and glory to their country ; and more especially thei cordial and warm support nf the Hero who Itas never dy ing laurels, both in the field and in the Cabinet. But pro fessions alone arc vain. The undersigned hope to be judged 1 of by their acts. As to the politics of the State, amid chance or change, or the violence and heat of pa*ly dissenj tions, they faithfully promise with calmness and coolness, to 1 discuss the measures of each and every party in tie spirit of j candor. And whether praise or censure he their object, they Will never follow any other light but that of truth—they will never have any oilier guide, but that of honor. With these |i n view, they will hold as dust in the ballaueeany unjust or i unmeaning censure. . . . No inconsiderable portion of their paper shall be devoted to general literature, with whatever may improve, adorn or refine the mind ; and more especially to Agriculture; ton the successful im-provement of w hich, freed from liurdefWome taxatiod, mainly depend the happiness, prospentyand glo ry of th« Southern country. TIIE HAWKINSVILLE ADVOCATE will he published weekly at Three Dollars per annum, if ptiid in advance , or Three Dollars and|Hfiy t entsat the end of the year ..... JARED EVERETT, THOMAS C. Bl'Ll.l' AN. Haw kiiisviltc, Oet. 4, KIDIOVAL. THE Subscriber lias removed to the Store foY mcrly occupied by Manning If Lane, where he has | now on hand, and intends keeping a general assortment of j ready made Clothing, together with every article necessary for the completion of Gentlemens apparel. A. C. VAIL. Milledgeville, Feb, 12, 1833 JIST RECEIVED AT TIIE MILLEDGEVILLE CLOTHING STORE, f x ADDITION' to his former stock a fresh sup ply of ready made Clothing, of almost every description suitable for the present season. The work is w iirrented, and prices low; also a few pieces of very superior cloths of vari ous coljrs. ’ A. C. VAIL. February 42 * THE SUBSCRIBER having a very large as-i sortment of fine Dress Coats now on hand, w ill sell I hem at very reduced prices. A. c. \ All.. | February II 5. t s ' PROPOSALS I'OU Liiiai'iiius; mid Improving THE SOUTHERN BANNER, A Payer now published Weekly in Athens, Geo. gj|S'*qllE rapid increase of population, and in tel 1 i - gence of Wkstevn Georgia, have promoted the Editors of the “Southern Banner,” in order to keep oaco with the improvement of the times—to lay before i their friends and patrons the following proposals : They intend about the first of February next, to pub lish the “ Banner” on a largo imperial sheet—not infe rior in size or style of execution, to any now published in the Stale—lor the accomplishment of which purpose, they have ordered from New York an entire new set of materials. The Editors deem it unnecessary at this late day, to enter into a minute detail of their political creed —they would cieein it hut a work of supererogation. .Suffice it to say, their best efforts will always be directed (by dis seminating correct principles, religious, moral, and po litical) to the advancement of the interest, honor and happiness of the people—particularly that portion of them comprising the Western and North Western sec tion of the State ; and to whom they inaiuly look for patronage and support. The patronage of the Banner is now respectable, but not sufficient to meet the increase of expenditure that must necessarily occur, in effect the improvements con templated. They are sanguine, however in the hope, that a liberal public will yield to their efforts, that sup port and encouragement, upon which they alone must rely, for the successful accomplishment of an undertak ing so responsible. TERMS. The price of subscription will be the same as hereto fore —viz : 83,00 per annum in advance, or 81,00 if payment is delayed until after tiie year expires. As an inducement to our friends to exert themselves for us, we oiler to give a copy of the Banner for-every ten responsible names forwarded by any one imlitidual. Letters, post paid, aildrossed to the Editors, or to Al bon Chase, Publisher, will receive prompt attention. ALBON CHASE, ALFRED M. NISBET. Athens, Ore. 8, 1832- stir Editors in this State willconfcr a favor by in serting the above. PROSPECTUS FOR PUBLISHING, 11Y SUBSCRIPTION. IN CIIROKEE CO. ( A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, TO BE ENTITLED TIIE CHEROKEE INTELLIGENCER, TO BE CONDUCTED BY IIOWELL COBB. OX presenting to the people this prospectus, the Editor deems it superfluous to say ono word with re gard to the utility.of newspapers. There are, however, par ticularly at this lime, other duties that may not be avoided so easily. In entering the political arena, we may not conceal our sentiments, for we conceive it our duty, to our friends and opponents, frankly to avow them. The State Rights’ Doctrines as contended for by the best expounders of the Constitution are those we avow ; we hold that each State has reserved to herself, all and every right, not surrendered up and enumerated iu the Constitution of the United States ; that they may, nay should, and have reserved for the very purpose, those rights, that whenever occasion requires they mav he exorcised ; hut the States should he careful, in the execrcise of wlrat are called and supposed to he reserved rights, those surrendered up are not violated : for they are no more the rights of the States than if they had never been ex ercised by them. The General Government too must move within its legitimate sphere, carefully observing what pow ers it may excercise—w hat are reserved to the respective so vereignties, and what have not been granted. While here, we remark that we are uncompromising Union men, and feel, and consider ourselves identified with all those that now rally under tlm stfiiJal’d of the twenty-four States, whatever minor distinctions may, hereiofoae have As respects the parties in Georgia, too, we have a word to say—We have acted with perfect satisfaction to ourselves, with the Republican party. The spirit of that party will he carried into our labors ; but we wish it understood that we have not, and cannot now consent to advance our party views and prospects by contending against those of our opponents, we ( ll'or to our opponents the free use of ourcolumus, if they are properly used. It is useless to say any thingof the interestingcountry in which tiie Intelligencer will be located— the farmer is in vi ted there by its fertile lands—the unhealthy, by its waters and air— the city mist by the valuable treasures found in its bosom. The earliest attention and notioe wiH be given of all new discoveries of gold mines or other valuable curiosities. The Editor will practice Law in the counties of Cherokee, Cass, Forsyth, Lumpkin and Floyd, and will be thankful for \ any business committed to his attention in those counties. All letters and communications to the Editor, relating to the Office, or other business, must he post paid to entitle ttiein to notice : this rule will he firmly adhered to. All communications intended for publication must be ac companied by a responsible and respectable name. Nothing of a personal charades, either in the form of a ! communication or advertisement, will, in any instance, be permitted to appear in ourcolumus. Our subscription will be three dollars each year, when paid in advance, or four dollars at the end of the year. Advertising and Job-Work solicited and executed with neatness and despatch. A synopsis of all the Sheriffs’ sales will he published it Augusta, Milledgeville and Macon, at the expense of the pro prietor. ’('ho paper may he expected to appoar by the 30lh of r eb ruary. . Our correspondents will direct their communications to j Cherokee Court I louse. trT* Editors in Georgia arc requested to publisc the above. I January 19 «- w.n. .ijom.s. editor. SKETCHES OK the Land Districts in Cherokee county, Georgia, shov ing the water tourers. public ru :rls, and improved 1011, and quality of each lot. warrant ! to be correct, may lie had by inclosing fifty cents, (post paid) forauy district, to THOMAS Al. COOK, IVliliedgcuilie, Ga. February 7 BAGGING. (On Consignment.) JUST received, 250 pieces best Hemp Ragging which will be sold on reasonable terms. E. L. \ OUNG & CO. August 2* 20 JOHN F. B. BESSON of Harris county, Geo, has for sale this year 000,000 cuttings andOOO rooted vines.— The whole is if different kinds and best qualities to plant and well adapted to the soil and climate <8 this State ; he has now in hand a Treatise on vine culture, and the art of mnUinjr Wine, which he will sell at a litir price, to nccqpn modatethe public in general. November 27, 1832. 82— Macon, Georgia. The Proprietor having made large his liouso in Macon, is now prepared to enteitain Hoarders and Trav ellers, a: all times. During the summer lie will be generally at the Indian Springs, whore his establishment will be kept up as hereto fore. In his absence it will be under the direction of a young man of good charactor. L. .1. ERU’rX. N. D. The Stage Office is kept at his house in this place. Macoii, June 7 1832. Btf AULLEDGEVILLU STREET TOTTERY. (Authorized by the General Assembly of the State of Geo). Dame Fortune staml9 in merry mood Pouring her favors to the crowd— 13c ready, friend, before they fall— Who knows but you may catch them all! ’TIOttEY jJIOYEY !—LOTS OF JIOXEY!! WHEN we consider that Fortune is daily dif fusing wealth and happiness in all parts, anil every’ corner of this extensive country, through the medium of tho LOTTERY SYSTEM ; that scarcely a weok or a day wheels by us without bringing the Intelligence, that some one of our friends or fellow-citizens has drawn a nuzc; and that it only requires an investment of the trivial sum of ten dollars to give us a oood chance for a Prize of 20,000 ; Surely it is unnecessary to urge upon this liberal and enlight ened people, the policy of stepping in the way to wealth and the favor of Hie propitious Dame. THE NEXT DRAWING WILL TAKE PLAC E ON' THE SECOND SATURDAY IN RAY NEXT Or sooner if the sale of Tickets will authorize it—at which time the following comfortable PRI7.ES will be FLOAT ING in the Wheel, viz : 1 of *IO,OOO Sol * 600 1 of * 5,000 a of * 500 1 of *I,OOO 1 of * 100 a of * 000 a of * too 1 of * *OO I of * 200 2 of *7OO 21 of * 10® besides a great number of 50's and 20's-—thus it will be per ceived, that there are now in the wheel more than * 25,000, exclusive of the prizes below S 100. Those, who wish to acquire fortunes for 3mall sums, will do well to make early investments, before the golden moment passes, and will be gone lorever. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 820,000 is 8 20,000 3 Prizes of 10,000 is 30,000 4 do 5,000 is 20,000 0 do 1,000 is 9,000 5 do 900 is 4,500 5 do 800 is 4,000 5 do 700 is 3,500 5 do 600 is 3,000 5 do 500 is 2,500 f, do 400 is 2,000 5 do 300 is 1,500 5 do 200 is 1,000 35 do 100 is 3,500 50 do 50 is 2,500 GSO do 20 is 13,000 5,000 do 12 is 60,000 Eos* titan TWO blanks to a PKIZU. All the Prizes to he floating from the commencement, ex cept the following, deposited : s follows, viz : First llav's Drawing. 2 I’m t 5,0 o. Icl 1,050, ! of 1100, 1 of 800, I. of 700, 1 of GOO, I of 500, 1 of 100. 1 of 3no, 1 of 200. Second Dav's Drawing.— 1 Prize of 10.000, lof 1,000, lof 000, lof *OO, lof 700, 1.• , O lOf 500, I oMt'i'. lof 300, 1 of 200. Third Day’s Drawino. — I Prize <•'" 10,000, 1 I l.o?0, : of 000. I of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of COO, tof fOO, 1 of -100, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. - Fourth Day’s Drawing. —l Prize of 10.C00, 1 ot 1,000 i of 900, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of COO, 1 of 500, 1 of 4'JO, i of 300, 1 of 200. Fifth anu cart Drawino,— 1 Prize of 20,000, I ot 1,000, I of 900, 1 ot 800, 1 of 700, 1 of 600. 1 of 500, 1 of 100, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. And on the commencement of the First, Second, 1 bird and Fourth Day’s Drawing, the first drawn number shall he en titled to a prize of 8 1,000, and on the conclusion of the last Day’s Drawing, the first and last drawn numbers shall be en titled to a capital Prize of * 5,000 each, in addition to such prizes as may be drawn to their numbers. The whole Lottery to be completed in Five Day’sDraw iui; only ! PEIZEfi OSLY TO BE DRAWN. The whole of the Prizes payable in sixty days after each Day’s Drawing—subject to a deduction of fiiftecn per cent. All prizes not applied for in twelve months from caelt draw ing to be considered as a donation to the tunds ot tiie Mii ledgeville Street Lottery. * 2; The drawing to take idace under the superintendence of VVM. W. CARNES, JOSEPH STOVALL, SAM. BUFFING FOX, JOHN H. WARE, S \M. ROCKWELL, JAS. S. CALHOUN,& WM. H. TORRANCE, ROBT. M’COMB, E. E. PARK, Commissioners. Also, a Board of Visitors. PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS. YVliole* * 10-lltilve* « s~<tuarters *2 50. For sale in a great variety of numbers at the Commissioners Office, on Wayne Street, opposite the Post-Oflico and Slate i Hank. , 0 | (£jT ORDERS for Tickets, from any part of the l . States, : (po»t paid,) will inert w iih prompt attention, j Address to PBYOR WRIGHT, SecrelM'y to Comrr*ioionors. MilWfevills, Fsb.*lo,lW>3.