State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-18??, October 22, 1857, Image 3
FODDER Has been coining in riowly of late. It is sold at 7b©«# cents per hundred. FLOUR Supertine JS.tXKjitn.M per hundred.— Family 1.00 FEATHERS- 45(5 50 cents per pound. HIDES—Dry Flint b@lo cents per pound. Deer skins 12(513 cents. IRON—Sweeils s’,(,'<i cents per pound. Relined Ceuta. Coni. English SJs.’cents. American .» cents. LARD—IB@2O cents per pound. LIME M.12‘£«|2.25 cents per barrel. MOLASSIiS -Cuba 5061 5.5 cents per gallon. New Orleans cents. Sorgoh Sucre none in the market. MEAL—9O cents per bushel. SAlLS—cents per pound. OATS In sacks 65 cents per bushel. In the sheaf f»0 cents per hundred. OILS- Linseed per gallon. I”'-” Sperm *2.00(6 $2.25 cents. Bleached White Whale $1.15(65!.25 cents. Train 75(<»,51.25 cents. Tan ner’s per barrel sl4(6sl*<. e . . . ; n POTATOES- There is a small supply 0 ’ m the market selling at $4.5" per barrel- Svvict uta toes are offering at 75(<C" cents per bushel. RICK cents P cr p° un<l- RYE $1.25 per bushel. ROPE Kentucky 116<12 cents perpound. North vrn 10(6 11 cents. Si’ll .\ It - -Chirilied ! cents. Crushed, I ow dered and Lm.f 13« t 14 cents per pound. SALT—«L«S per aark. TALLOW— 12g<12’» cents per pound. WHISKEY The market is well supplied; but we Is-liere the consumption is equal to the supply. Rec ti -d -ells at 3'»(5; : ‘.5 cents per gallon. Monongahela ... cents to $1.0" pcr gallon. Fancy brands arc sold at ■ per gallon; but a first rate article can be hoiicht for> per gallon. WHITE LEAD IN OIL Pure li>«> I<i.l, cents per imiind. Extra »’ 11 cents. ZlNC—l"(rtll cents per pound. nuum.;). In Griffin, on Tuesdar the mth i'i«t.. at the resi dence of Judge J. B. Reul, by Her. C. P. H. Mirtis. EMORY WINSIIIP, ESQ. of this city, to .l/ISS LIZ ZIE ALEXANDER, of the former place. ~ STATEMENT OF the condition of the Manufacturer's Bank of Macon. Sept, gatli, 1'57. made in compliance with the Proclamation of the Governor of Georgia, of October 1, 1'57. RESOI liCES. Notes and bills di-inted maturingl'.'?.'., 12 12 ~ o •• Iving over giaal 1*,21*. «< o o ’•• “ dmilitful, 11,1‘.'2 *.'*> Hanking House Lot and fixtures it 1 Expenses - I ’rotusts, * Due from other Bank* . Hills and ITn-i ks ol otlu r B ks. 1 ■>. . S-as-ie 21,40 j lit ' 1 Specie ami S|H-cie Fundsll.7ll •"•I g'sg's.) 2-t LIABILITIES. Capital Stock ?siSips»>, paid HI."" . 1 1 ■ S’ 1 ■'<fS o<» < iirtilaluni In handsuf Agentssls,""" Actual Circulation, Deposits,. -~a puv other Banks ami Agenciesl.,‘ Profits ami Surplus Fund’l’-.f?, li. Dividends unpaid. 1,h ~" 4 ‘ Dikrctohs. E Bond. President; Dm 4 Flanders. I. P Strong. Robert Collin-. •' B.l'ole ■ • K 1!ON |, Prcsijeut G. W. HARDIE Cashier. m-t 19 , MARBLE WORKS. .1. 11. VIITOPE, A I \NVF ACTCIIEIi of mol l>- ~.-r in 1. ami 1 Domestic Marble, I/” S.';, .. 7... retired 1,1.-Works fr..m Colton Aw-laie, lit IliF-uw "I 11 mid Pirnnb Street, a shoi-t distance >J«h «>f Uai-<le mmi A Spark* 44 archon-'-. u GUAM) HAIL It.'AD Fl/TIV th. . a ’■ 5": r ririTiiirwui Hen n.m «<...•■ > ■■■->. i J on Fridav the “th instant, m .*0110:11011111011 of l,„. completion “f the Tlm mi'l.mfmi Barnesville Kail lil. Preparations me imJ>ig for a hire.- of persons. Th.-..- will Id one or mote ex cursions on the Rotul during tlieA'.y. Ibe public, Inal.- ami female, ate invited to :if.- I. and partiei pat.-ioihe festivities id the ocealin. A triila will I ale llaru.-ville on the morninlf.r the accimuno rl.ition of t!lose e..mitig from 1 li.i* riot. lugs, s -.11 > I: IMX/ j,, .1 \s. W. HlGinttlMf. < onnmtfce. TIKIS. F. UETHEi.y ' Tliomaston, tint. I s . I---., f . I tRGI. a.- rtmenlot li< 1 GOftDS. TOYS, A Xe'lorsm.-l.;. D-f* " WSSENET uct 22 / 11 OCKS of evel V dl-.-crlplli 10l bv ( -aM ti M 7 TO THE PBLIC. rr IF mider-i med will re* bill’ "f tl"- Man- I uiiutar. rs'llank. ol lili ".'.lm -I.- -de. I . .“.her ..f ns. or lor an.' I*l.'lo. sac In us nt ;ar : ,1. 11. XW. A Ross, fbail ,t 1:..!f, I; I- Hoss A Co. f - 1 -, Little A.s-imth. Blc.rt .t Cmd, .1 11. Cberrv A Co.. f " 'l‘J''- . . , Ross, ( oletl'nui A Ross, B '"'a rt Smith, .1. A. A •>. .-. Yirgin, I '■ I other 4 < 0., Mix A K I.' nd. M m-Inp. C,H,rge Pnvne. I •«’•be A Amh rson, t . Cumpben A Son, f ‘ • ‘"-g-rs A Son, s (1 . u-A W .od. ‘ M. Bomdimm, 'Nathan Weed, 1 unhq. lim .is 4 Co., J, Del.oache. | - h ‘ ,l ‘- ;. L. S'.roheeker, fI. 1-itch A < ... ’i. A (». W<mml, £ Macon, Ga., Oct. ”<’< --H Plantation aAcgrocs For Sale. r ptlE undersigned ufiT " ”le his |dant.itimi and I Xcnor*. iu Lied®' The plantation contain.-* ; --u aetvs, first tiiitlih uid. on the cast side *1 M'ichalve three mil< *f' >t " k-villc. and >ix miles from Wooten’s the »»»«>•’” • Albany, on the Smithwestern railr.w The plantation h* ■ «”<’ commodious buildings and is providcil v th ■? convenience usually upon t ottmi under cultivation, ami is one of the>"Clive places m Sutithwest -1 r Tlic stock. Prow' 4 ' an( l Tools, will be sold with the place, if dcsiiw . , 4 The X groes w®" oe s ' °' ,n !l boily, to fin ap proved purcha'l" 1 ’ I ’** Jibe’ al. If this propet® ,, d •'“’ld nt private sale, before the .erond Satuß" December next, it will then be sob! nt pnbli4# -y, on the P'""''*’-’ 5 . , sept2o tl2dc<aT 1 | Macon, Da. fhvOTIC’E. HWING takb bert Fleming into our office we are prey®* * a *' c collect ion and setih-- meiit .'.I all p'JLil' Bucks, accounts. Ac., to lake the settlement • estates and make returns for I.\ vetitor* and Ad 1 raturs. Also to go off and ar range claims ftting money or security, when the amount j ' expense. oct 22-2ty J - J- MS BET. HB- & Mnvisscnet, \VI>G »'■’•<! ><» th<dr NEW STORE on Mul- LeriWet next door to E. L. Strohecker <’o. \\®hey will be plea-rd in see their (Id ,4‘itstr.mei® ' would say to all wishing goods in lheir line®h<y are now opening u as- sortment®' " ill he sold at the A./n>7 The\ ■ giving their personal attention tn WATl’llf AIKI Having been before tie public iijrapacity for 15 ami years, the pub lic arc abl idgc of t!;cir merits in that wax. JF.WM3i»EPAIKIX’H done . ? the >horie-l n<>- fttce am®XTt'HES. Mag ic and®'ig Casus, Gold and Silver Ikddell AViileli< ale by cct J DAY A M A USS E NET. S\V®lmrand Lapinc WATCHES, Gold cases u-w $25 each, for sale bv ’ eet ■ I’ A Y A M A L’SSEN ET, /■’’lE rated American WATCHES, for *:dc bv I O DAV AMA ESSEX ET. I Omd. Ruin . Garnet. T-'paze. Pearl 1 zSdd gold finger I’iogs of all styles and prir®> sale by DAY A MAI’SSENET, SH!E assortment i f Fob, Vest. Chatalain Moiartl chain* .f all >tv|e* ai d piice*. F< r f I< ct -2 DA V A M A CSS EX ET. iissortment of ihei ami plated ware Wide by I<Ht 22 DA VAMAI »l :x ET. \B ‘‘ L KL MEXTS, \ iuim*. Flutes. Fii.g ,>Wltc>. Guitars Batij -es. Tamlxiriiics, Uu V®’.ccordem hr*t Italian Stnng*. Ar., A i f‘.y (••cj.-i |)\Y AMA ESSEX IT. \|’(lE a*-"V rent of Gr tge Wostcnholmc’s for sale bv DAV A MAI’SSENET. F the Tax P yers of Bibb County. f Wiovotnor‘d <• j. ri- • i -f.-.j hi, Pro- Kriili<ai instrwjng fht* 'fa < Collectors of tl.o |.®coiil)tics to '*'•>•11(1 ll,c collect ion of tax< ■ for this i> mtifh tin i-tx pauTsof Bibb nit I have acw Hugh stopped <■ »!lc' ting un fl ' 1 WM. Et-NE. T. C, IL C. i Capital St< 1'" 1) j xuK&*t£!EsnnraßnKinnßßßMßßcasm*BßMr.*jjatwhWHa | JMMc*i ■WATCHLES, Diamond*, Pearl, < nmeo, ( oral, Mosaic, Swiss Painting*, and other kind’* of JEWELRY, OF TITS I. \TEST STYLE AM> BEST QVH.ITY. II.VER and Silver Plated Ware. Oil Plating, Fan ► ’ cv Goods for presents mid many other, purposes, G is Fixtures, Guns and Equipments, Colt s and oth er Pi*tols, Fine Cutlery, Daguerreotype Stork. Work Boxes. Writing Desks, Tea 3 rays, Military Goods, Surveyor’s Compasses, Laud Chains, Mathematical Instruments, Water Colors. Walking Canes, Cabas assorted. Toys, Games, Bolls, Ac., Ac., nil of which we will sell on the best terms. - y gr . L Os Chickering A Sons. Nunns A Clark. A. H. Gale A Co.’s Manufacture, all J U fjof which will be sold at Factory piice, and fully warranted ; Piano Stools, ] Bay State, English, French, and India Rubber Co- ’ vers; Guitars. Violins. Flutes, Accordcons, Ac.,of the finest and best qualities. Our customers and the public generally, are rc spectfullv invited to call and look through our stock, even if they do not design purchasing. Watch work and Jewelry promptly attended to and warranted. E. J. JoIIXSToN A CO. Mulberry Street, 3d door above Lanier House, and opposite the Washington Block, Macon, Ga. oct I'J Lot is mi.;: \i:n j F. h. Bi nnR Late with M. D. Barnes, | Late with Day A Mauscnet j MENARD & BURGHARD, Wntch Makers and Jewellers, It ’'lLL open at their New Store, R;d<ton’s \ V Range, corner of Cotton A•. > nue and Cherry Street, about the Ist of October, a.» beautiful and well selected assortment of U atchrs, Clocks, Ji’wch y. Sihcrwarc, -In sical InslruiiiCßtN,Faiic) (ioods, Arc., Ac. An examination of which they would most respect full) solicit, feeling confident that thev will he able to oftcr everything in their line calculated to please the taste of even flic most fast »us. Repairing of every description executed in a man ner that will guarantee satisfaction, by the best work men in the South. They hope, l»y offering choice and elegant Goods, ' and by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal I share of public patronage. oct 19 JN'o. B. »(<•'* WM. I. ROM. J. B. & W. A. ROSS. W >{ OI.K S A I. E A NJ» Il ETA 11. Dry Goods & Grocery Merchants. M \COX, <JA., H AVE on hand, and are now receiving, in thrir large new Store, on the corner of Second and Cherry streets, one of the most extensive stocks of NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS ever offered in th<- State. Our stock, besides a large and general assortment of Groceries, embraces an extensive variety of SIIOICS, HATS, HARD AND WOODEN WARE. CARPETINGS, AND Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. : Our extended acquaintance ami long experience in trade, afford us the most ample facilities for procur ing our goods on the most favorable terms, and adapting our Stock to the wants of the public, and purchasing as we do, in large quantities, and usually for the cash, we ran afford them to our customers at correspondingly low prices. While we cordially invite the public generally, to ; avail themselves of our ample stock, from which to make their purchases for their person.d wants, we would also especially invite holesale Purchasers to inspect our Goods, and hear our prices, before pur chasing. or sending their orders elsewhere, for we feel confident we ran offer as great inducements as any House in Carolina or Georgia, and we arc deter mined to do it. *-f? 3iv us and see. J. B. A W. A. RtfSS. i OCt 1 '.I BAGGING AND ROPE. CGILS Richardson’s best R<>pc ; *H H F 2”" half coils do do do 2"" do White Rope ; 2"" do New York Rope ; 2<»"o lbs Twine ; K'»o rolls heavy Gunny Bagging ; 2"" Bales do du For sale by J. B. A W. A. ROSS. ; oct J g-oous FOR PLANTERS AND MERCHANTS. .*7M BALES Ga Kerseys, !<• cases Flannels, •MF 27 “ Northern du 25 •• Ticking. 5,oo" Negro Blankets, 27 “ Jean.' and Cuss. ' Bed do JO “ Sli:;-. -. 7• < a*e' Wool hats, 2U “ Rirh’d Hoine’;m>, • 32" “ Shoe**, ]•» “ Sniti’vtts, 2" “ Prints, jo “ Aipe.cas, 1" “ Gingham*, 7 “ Ln: ns, 3" “ Clothing. We are adding daily to our stork a general as ort ment of Goods in our line, to irbich »»<• invite the at tention of purchaser* who are in sraich of good bar gains. J. B. A W. A. ROSS. I oct 19 R ULROAD TO ALBANY. L SALE OF TOWJST ILOTS rpiIE SI BSCRIBER will aeli at Ptiblii ' 1 tin first Tuesday in December, in the city of Al bany, Doug’ *y County: 272 bn iness and rr-udence Lots,of one-fuurth, one half and one acre each. These lots are situated in the most desirable part of the city. Sale po*itiv'-, to be continued from day to day until comph ted. TERMS. One third, cash, one-third, six months, and the balance at twelve months. The location of Albany, bring in the centre of the i rich cotton growing lands of South-western Georgia, . 1 and receiving as she will, from sixty to seventy thou- i sand bales ul the present growing cotton crop, with a certain prospect of a rapid yearly increase, offers the j greatest inducement for profitable investment of any other point in the Southrn Country. The railroad will be completed to Albany by the ■ . first of September, in ample time for the opening of j the business, and the transportation of the present crop. uct ll'-td W. W. CHEEVER. BURNETT'S COCOAINE! , A PEUFECT DRESSING FOR THE HAIR. i r I‘'HE COCOA IXE holds, in a liquid form, a large 1 proportion of deodorized (btoN S><t (/il, pre- • pared expressly for this purpose. X" other compound possesses the peculiar proper - ties which so exactly suit the various conditions of i the human hair. i It softens the hair when hard and dry. It soothe* the irritated scalp skin. It affords the richest lust to. i t It remain* longest in effect. It is the best and cheapest Hair Dressing in the world. Marsden, speaking of the people of Sumatra, says: ( r “Their hair is strong, and of a shining black, the i impri.vemcnt of both which qualities it probably ' ouc* iu a great measure to the constant use of Cocoa { I Nut Nut <)d.”- .M'Tmh n, j). 4'.i. TESTI.MOXIAL. Boston, July l"th, ls.*»7. J/cK'V'x. ./. Burn>tt d' ('».•. I cannot refuse to state '■ the salutary effect, m my own aggravated case, of , your excellent Hair Oil Cocoa inc. ’ 11 Far many months my hair had been falling off, un til I was fearful of losing it entirely. The skin upon • nn head became gradually more and that I l ' c mid not touch it without pain. This irritated con dition I attributed to the use of various advertised hair washes which I have since been told contained j ' ■ camphene spirit. i By the advice of )»y physician, to whom von had shown your nioecss of purifying the Cocoa Nut Oil. ' r I commenced its u*e the last week in June. The I I first application allayed the itching and irritation: i in three or four days the redness and tenderness dis { appealed; the hair ceased to fall, and I have now a I thick growth of new hair. 1 trust that others situ- : i ilarlv alHicted will be induced to trv the same remo- | dy. ’ Yours, very truly. SI’S AX R. I’OPE. Prepared only by JOSEPH BI’RXETT A CO.. Boston, and for sale in Macun by E. L. Si Oil E( KER A C<». Fifty cents for half-pint bottles. oct 22 B! RN E FT’S < <>< <> AIN E, preserving and beautifying the Hair, and ren dering it dark and glossy’ The Cocoainc holds in a liquid form, a large pro portion of deodorized COCOAXLT OIL, preparedvx pressly for this purpose. No other compound possesses the peculiar proper ties which so exactly suit the various condition* of the human hair. I It softens t hr hair when hard and dry, I li soothes the irritated scalp skin. It affords the richest lustre. It remains longest in effect. It is the Bust and Cheapest HAIR DRESSING in 1 th< Wurld. i Prepared only by JOSEPH BURNETT A CO., B.»s --i ton. For sale in Macon by E L. ? ’’ROHECKER A CO., and by Druggists generally. Fitly cents a bottle. pet 22 r. w; DOYLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GlilFl IN. GA. !’t 22 “in F. SAULSBURY TS now located at hi* NEW HTORE, on Mulberry I Street, opposite the latnicr House, and is prepared e t<» slew his old customers and the public geivndlv. r ;i* large and varied assortment of FIXE READV ■) MADE CLOTHING and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, as can be found in thi* market. He will be ’ receiving con.-tantly weekly shipments from New York, embracing the latt -t stvh.*. E. S. | oct 22-ts t. ",'P 1 THOMAS RARI'EMAM, OVID 0. SPARKS. NARDEMAK & SPAEKS, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, \ \ r ILL continue to give prompt attention at their FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, on the corner of 3*l and Poplar Streets, to all business committed to thrir charge. With the,i thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all the interests of their friends ai d customers, they hope to receive their full share of the public patronage. Libeial advances made OU Cotton and other pro duce when required. Planter’s Family Stores, also Bagging, Rope, Ac., furnished at the lowest market rates. oel L. XV. W 18,1.. B IT I T* D 33 R , I)R|('K Masonry, in all its brauche He is now 1) permaiu-ntly l<leafed in Mar n. Ga. All orders I in his line promptly attended 10. Address through | Post Office, Macon, Ga. Oct i . 111 RLIH i , < li \Pi\ A CO., IMPOIITKKS XND .lOI'.BEKS OF Silk anil ’Bii 1 iis<-i-y Ah. 151 Ui'O'bhrui/ Xc/r j'ork. Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Gloves, Dress Trimmings, Ac. JOSEPH M. IH HI.BI T, AXDHEW A. CHAPIX, WOODBRIDGE NEARIXG, KI Ft’S L. TODD, oct 19 W ILLI kMS A POTTER. ; Grocers & Commission Merchants, Xo. W Sot/fh Strtd, X*w York. R. S. WILLIAMS, K. S. POTTKR, G. X. WILLIAMS, OCt 19 .1. W . SP \ LDING A < (>., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, A", s South <'oininitrial S'r. t. btfr..-, Mark t and Walnut, sand Lodi*. .\h>. Our entire attention given t(» the Sale and Purchase of Bah- Rope and Bagging. Provisions, Flour. Grain, Ac., Ac. Kopcetfully refer to Merchants of St. Louis generally. oct 19 JONES A II kN kBERGII. TAILORS, No. 285 Broadway, York, (tppoxUt A. 7’. St>acarf*. New Styles for Gent’s wear constantly on hand. Also, a choice assortment of Gent’s Furnishing Goods, uel 19 W IXiTKX ici> I ’LL. Nos. 9.11.13 15 Cortlaii.lL Street, New York. This House is centrally located in the most busi ness part of the City ami particularly adopted to Southern and Western Merchants. I). D WINCHESTER oct 19 THOS. D. WINCHESTER. DENNIS, PER Bl NS A* < <>., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 20 Broad Street, near Wall New York Orders for every description of Merchandize "ill receive prompt attention. Refers to < . Campbell A Son, Macon, Ga. "ENNIS PERKINS, HeNKY C. I’EKKINS, oct 19 Skill EL HI NTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, M ACON. GA. “ Trianaalar lil'H-k," oirna- of Chrrry St rid and Cotton Artimr. WILL practice in Bibb, Monro<\ C.’awford, Twiggs, Houston. Macon. Dooly ami Worth counties. ’ To bt ibr.nd in his oilice at all hours, oat 19 ALLEN dk WOOTTOX, General Grocers and Commission Merchants. In "I la l.\t on'n llangt,' Third Strut Macon, (la. oct 19 J. A. Ol SLEY, General Grocer and Commission Merchant, ''Balntoh'x Bam/e," Manm, G'a. Iliuuvst prices will be paid for all country produce. LO< KWOOD & DI BOIS, Tv'UjBZEUCJIHLAIXrT 558 Broadway, New York. Bdirnn St. Aicholcutand M-1 ropolitan I lot An. LOCKWOOD, J. in BOIS. . cl 19 L. N. U Hi i i LE, ATTOkMEY at law, MACON. GA. OFFICE next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drug Stole. oct z" ALEX. »!. SPEER, ATiOItT’EY AT LAV7, MACON GA. Off It’E on the Avenue, over the Store of Bowdre A .Uidvrson. uct 2" W k x i 1.1». lAm still buying Military bounty Land Warrants, . and will aiwav.* give the bighe-d cash price. Macon, Ga., Oct 2" G. J. BLAKE. DR. .J. S. B k XTER, CITY OFFEiCS his profc-sionai services to the ciiiz<ns< I Mi U ' B. A. WISE oct 20 DAk ID HOSS, iBOOK-BiixriDErt AND BLANK ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURES, Cormr of Third and Chtrry Stcrttn, {Tn Stair*,) MACON, g \. Is prepared to execute all orders for Blvnk Books FOR C"l RTS v.xn Cm NTING Hoi SE.*, and to bmd Music and all kinds of Printed Work, with neatness and : dispatch. liar tiers’, Graham’s, Godoy's and all other Maga ' zincs buund in cheap and substantial style. ' oct 20 DR. W H. !•’. HOLT. I OFFICE over E. L. Stiohecker A Cu. s Drug Store. E. W. BLOOM, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 229 Broadway, Corner Barclay St., NEW YORK. References, in Macon: Messrs. E. A. A J. A. Nis bet, Attorneys at Law; Dr. Hubert Cvilins. oct 20 T. HOLT* Jr.. ATTORNEY _Z\_T M ACON, GA. OFFICE in Ralston's new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hall. oct 2" J. H. 3! ANGII k M. ATTORNE-V ILA.3AT, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, oct ]•' ROBERT < OL! M k COMMISSION MERCHANT, MACON, (iEORGIA. Will give prompt attention to filling orders foi ' Cotton. Oftince over E. Winship’s Clothing Store, Cottoi j Avenue. * oc t a o T. R. iSLOO.H, Factor & Commission Merchant. MACON, GEORGIA, oct 2" WILLIAM IM -it AY. Factor & Commission Merchant. SAYA.Y.YAI!, GEOKtiIA. DRAPES. AND TAILOH. ICLII’S PETER would re*p> etfnit v inf Tin h; friends and the public, tliat he has removed t< ! tlie old Planter's Bank Building, on Chei ry Street next door to Freeman A Robct is' Carriage establish ment, where he is now prepared, with a fine assort ment ofClotlis, Casimere*. Yestings, Ac., which !:< * will make up to order for gentlemen, iu the mos fa- bionable sty le. ALSO, on hand a good supply of Gentlemens* fur I nishing (>ikmls, such as Glove*. Cravats, Suspendei * ‘ Hosiery, Ac. All of which will be sold on rensotiabli t-'lfll'. .>u! < ITY HOTEL—s kV kN N kll. r undei 'igned having purchased Mr. J. A'Drj. L B. I ' to inform tlie traveling public that he vv ill every effort to make the bouse an aglet bje stopping place for those w ho may favor him will their patronage. Mr. Edmund Murphy will be associated with bin in conducting the bastnoss us the JACKSON B kRN ES. R. L. WOOD. HAS remove! his rooms for the present, to (’ON CERT HALL, over Messrs, M:x A Kirtland* I >h<»e Store, where he is prepared to take likenesses i' ' a Superior Style. Having just returned from New York, he can shov several New and important improvements in th , Daguerrcun Art. PHOTOGRAPHS. taken as usnrl and Colored true to Nature, bv Mi BON IFF, the Celebrated Artist. A large collectioi of Pictures on exhibition, at his Rooms. ‘ If yon trant a youd Picture, call and you can y< t on in WOOP'S Styl . N B. On the fir.*t of November, he will open hi. new and magnificent Gallery in Washington Block I opposite the Lanier House. I sept 20 i *. \i:u <I.OIIIISTOKE. E. 'WTETSMIE IS now opening a splendid and entirely new assort ment of Mens’ and Boys’ r Ready Made Clothing and Furnishing I Goods, comprising the latest stvles and varieties of ( j Cloth and Beaver fcaghtns, from $ s to S4O. r j Fur Trimmed, “ “ “ “ II Rev ersable Pelissicrs, “ “ “ Cloth Katfatans, , Boy •’ Raglans, Cloth Frock Coats, 10 to So, Pilot and Braver Frock (’oats. Business Suits 12 to : <», , Fancy Fr. Cass, suits, Black Doe Skin Pants, French Cass.. Silk Velvet Vests, Ca*hm?T<> and Silk Vests, (’loth Vests,Trunks and Va lises. Carpel B tgs, Canes, Umbrellas, White and colored Marseilles Shirts. White and c.«l v <»»<••! L. B. Shirts, Silk and ’lerino under Shirts, Silk * and Cotton halt hose. Sca ts and Cravats, Collars li and Suspenders, Silk, Cashmere Buck Gloves, Alex andre’s kid Glovus, Travelling Shawls, Travelling Blankets, Bonnet Boxes. Ar., Ac. His stock being entirely new, ho trusts will induce ‘ many to call and examine it before making their pur- | chases, lie feels confident in assuring the public, that he w ill endeavor to keep the very best assort ment, and the latest styles of Goods, and will sell s them at such prices as cannot fail to attract the best judges and closest buyers. Corner of Cotton Avenue and Cherry Streets, fronting Ross, Coleman A Ross, and E. Bond. Mac ui. oct l l .' 82 AT* I HATS. ’ » BELD3N&CO-, k RE now irrcivirg at their Fadiiimable Hai['R . \ Store, under RnUton’s New Concert Hall ( berry street. Mar »n, a large and vant'd assort. Hunt of Goods in their line, consisting in part of the fol lowing articles : FALL SILK HATS, EXTRA FASHIONABLE Black Beaver Hat*. Extra French Felt Hats, Mens’ Cashmorette, Mens’ Mantiloes, Mens’ Drab Beat ers. Mens* Silk \ el- i '* vet Caps. Mens’ Navy Can*. Ex- '• tra Ladies’ Riding Hats, s extra tine, Otto Caps, extra, Bovs’ Hats, Fine (’a hmorette and Fine Black and Fur *Hat>. Wool Hats. Navy and Black Velvet Caps, ('loth Caps, from ’ 6VCts.,tos2 Also a large as- sortment <>f Plantation Goods, Leather Hat Boxes, Um- ■ bit'll as, Ac. All of which will be sold at fair prices. Jobbers . from town or country, can have their Stock replen ished on favorable terms. oct n JPTTCm’St Photographic & Fine Art Gallery, I S remov ed to the old Daguerrean stand on Trian- ' gnlar Block, formerly occupied by Wood. I These large and spacious rooms, he has fitted up entirely new, so as to render them attractive by the good taste with which they are furnished, ns well a* for the beautiful and correct LIKENESSES which he al ways produces at such low jadti*. Give him a call, ii and v-on will be sure to he pica cd. oct 19 ISAAC HAYDEN,J. Ji. WOODWARD. SALE & LIVERY STABLE. HAYDEYA WOODWaBI' are DOW pre pared t<> furnish their friends and the'*\ public generally, with giu»d safe Horses tyid-’r—’) • new us well as tasty Buggies, Carriages, Ac. 1 in complete order at the shortest notice. They are determined to give satisfaction, if strict i personal attention, to business, and reasonable cash prices will enable them to do so. *-<• Horses fed and kept by the day, week or i month. Drove Stock also accommodated at reason ble prices. Mulberry Street, next to Lottery Office, Macon. Ga. Oct 19 BOOTS AI'LD SHOES. ». t'iiii: sign ok the ijg hoot. n.. . A \ 3. Colton Avenue, opposite Washi’igtun ftnl Hail Lot, Macon, Georgia. The subscribers T *"s' would return their thanks f<»r the very liberal and *■ long continued patronage extended to them, ami w ould most i< sj ( ctfnllv solicit a continuance of the same. We have in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SKOLS. ’ mostly of our own manufacture, to which wceklv ad ditions will be made, of all the different style* and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invitu those vv i.*liing to purchase, to call and exam ine our stock, a* vve are pi epared to sell us low as anv house in the citv or State. uct 19 MIX A KIRTLAND. 19OOTS. A full assortment of Gents’ tine French > < .dt Boot*, pump sole, welted and w ater proof, g of varioii* kinds and qualities, both sewed and pvg ue j. Just received and fur sale low bv oct MIX A KIRTLAND. ALFRED F JAMES, ATTORNEY T-.-A.-VCT, ' Galveston, Texas. < >l’l LL attend tn the prosiwutiou and collection of \ | clain.s .12 i list tlie Got ci .ii.ieut of Texas and indr. idimis--the inv vsti/ation "f, and perfecting ti tlcs, the payment of Tt&es, and redemption of pro- 1 perty sold lor Taxes in every count) iu the Stale, also the recording bills in the proper county. J’ersi.ns wishing to in vest in Texas Lands at ,• I th- pii'Utit low pi ices, and desiring information, will always receive prompt and reliable responses to tin ir enquiries. oct 19 SADDLERY & HARDWARE. r I '’il undersigned would respectfully in- 1 v ite the attention of hi* friends and cns- 1 ( toiners, and the trade, to his large stock of ** LEATHER AND KI BBER BELTING, Double mid Single Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Bits and Spurs, of the best make ami latest stylo. Also, prepared to do iob work at the shortest no tice, am! in workmanlike manner, and as low as any House in the city, (’all and set* at his new Store 1 next t<> the Mantd'acturcs’ Bank, and opposite Ross’ New Building. JOHN ( LEGHORN. i.i'T 19 ROBBRT FINDLAY, SR.. JAMES N. FINDLAY, I < URIS. D. FINDL VY. FINDLAYS’ STEAM miNE MANUFAraY, IKOK AMD BRASS FOUNDRY, AND (lENEBAI, MACHINE SHOP, MACON. GhOKGIA. r ■''HE Proprietors of this e*tahli*hment would re 1 spectfully call the attention of those contemphi ting tin* erection of Strum Milin, for Sairit/a and <;, ii Una, or for any •other purpose whatever. The superiority of the work has been, and will Le. a suf ficient guarantee for an extensive ami increasing 1 patronage. Our Workshops and superior outfit of Tool*. Patterns and Machmeiy. afford facilities so; tin expedition of work po.**csse<i by no other estab lishment i.i the State. Our prices and terms will < .inpare favorably with that of any first class North ern establishment. The following comprises a list of , Machinery, Ac., for any portion ui which we will be ■ pleased to receive orders, viz : ” Sti iim Engine*. Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery, Circu- : lar Saws, Mill Gearing, Mill Stones, of best qual ity for Corn ami Wheat, Water Wheels, a great variety, Gin Gear, all sizes, Iron Railing*, for (\metei ies, public and private Build ings, Ac., of Wrought and Cast Iron em- bracing Str< oath trith B-auty of Ihniyn, l Sugar Mills and Syrup Boilers, all sizes. Columns for “t Stores, Churches, Ac., Ar., Gold Mining Machine* rv. with Double and Single acting Force ami Lift Pumps of any required size, Shafting with Turned I’ullies, from tin smallest size to nine feet Di- ;* atnvtcr, Cotton Press Irons, to j C’Mum Screws, Mill •t. Screws and h t- England’s Celebrated self-acting Car Couplings, and !:«• ••the; Kail Road Castings. All work warranted lobe *t e<ju:d to the best made elsewhere. 1 oct 17 'j MACKEREL. LIME AND FEATHERS. ( |e | / k PACKAGES new crop Mark<*rcl ; I ’ 1"" Barrels Thomaston Lime ; i jvoundsTennessee Feathers ; For sale low for cash. J. B. A W. A. ROSS. ir LANIER HOUSE, M ACON. GEORGIA, LCGAN & MEARA, Proprietors. PROPRIETORS of this well known 1 establishment, respect fully give notice ’ that thev are still candidates for the patron- pjKS i age of Ute Travelling public, and determine*! to om;t nothing to de*i rve well of their guests and maintain the reputation of the House. i - Free Transportation in of passengers am! Baggage, to and from the House, bv a tine new Omnibus and Baggage Wagon, which HV thev have provided for that juirpose. Passengers l ,e hereafter vv ill be at no expense w hatever for transpor tation us themselves and their baggage either way be tween the Lanier House and the Railway Stations in [ r Mueon. We ask a continuance of public patronage >n and promise attention and comfort to our guests. oct 2" LOGAN A MEARA. ATTENTION PLANTERS. is scv» ana Plantation Goods, on as favorable k, i terms as any other establishment in Georgia. Give ; us a call. BOSTICK A KEIN. I uct IV MACON & WESTERN R. ROAD. PASSENGER TH UNS. I EAVE Macon S. P. M.. nrri- e Atlanta 8.::". P. M 1 n leave Atlanta 5, A. M., arrive Macon, 11, A M Passengers leaving Chatlam < -ga and points on tl e Western A Atlantic Road bv the night Train, wifi ai rive in Macon 10.55, A. M.,‘and in Savannah same evening. Passengers from Savannah and points on -'entral Road by morning Train, will arrive in Athmta munc evening and connect immediate!} with Train of the Western A Atlantic Road for Chattanooga and Nash I ville. I Passengers for Columbus. Americus and points on ; the South Western Road will arrive in Macon at !•».- | 3", A. M., and leave by South-Western Train at ; P. M. Passengers from the South Western Road will ar rive in Macon at 11. A. M., and leave by Macon A Western Train at 8, !’. M. A. L. TYLER, Superintendent. Macoii, Oct. nth. 1857. oct 17 WHO WANTS MONEY? $60,000 May he ohtained hy rirkiny 10 Tlollarn. Halves and Quarter Tickets in Proportion. JASPER 00. ACADEMY LOTTERY. BY H THOKITY OF THE ST.VTK OF UKOKGIA. Havana Plan, Single Numbers. 30,000 Tickets—3,2G6 Prizes AMOUNTING TO JiIA.SHO. Prizes Payable Without Deduction. ANDERSON A SON. Managers, Successor* to J. F. Winter. Managers. Our I.otteri*- draw in Macon, Ga. (Small Schemes) every Saturday, ami in Savannah, Ga. (Large Schemes) about the 1’ th of every month. CLANS DD, DRAWS NOV. l.Vril, I* U, AT ARMORY HALL. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. Under the Svvoin Sut’erinfendenc** of W. 11. SYMONS an.l J. M. PRENTISS, Esqs. CAPITALS of s2",‘M»o, sl",o<h», $5/100. ? 1.""", $2.""", 3 Prizes of $!,"<•", 5 of SSOO, I<hi of l"0 of SSO, -.tMMi of if.o, ami 72 Approximation prizes amounting tn $3,7«»". Whole Tickets $lO. Halves T 5, Quarters $2.50. Look to your interest and compare this scheme with any other. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at pnr. Checks on New York remitted for Prizes. Address orders for Tickets, or Certificates of Pack ages us Tickets to ANDERSON A SON. Managers, Macon or Savannah, Ga. (M • 17 iKO.V KTEF.L, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. TNTA.TM-/VIST -WEED, .MACON. GEORGIA, OFFERS for sale one of the largc*i and finest a> M»rt- ments of Haidwaiv ever of- mvdiiitiieStute, imported lirectly from ix j England, and from various Manufacto wk ° ( ries in the North. J I No pains have been spared in sidecting, I and having the most favorable facilities for buying, j feel assured that I can otter such inducements as will I be to the adv ant age of all purchasing to give me a call. My stock consist? in part of the following arti cles : BAR IRON - Swede*, English. Refined and Ameri can Hammered, al) sizes. HORSE SHOE Band. Xail Rod, Hoop, Sheet, Boil er, Round and Square, Oval amt ' , Oval, Ac. STEEL—PIow. Cast. German. Spring, Blister. NAILS Cut and Wrought, Spikes, Brads. BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS. Anvils, Bellows, Vises, Screw Plates, Hammers. Tongs Horse Rasps. PLOWS - A full assortment, Plow Lines, Hames, Traces, Wagon Chains. CORN SHELLERS, Corn Mills, Spice Mills, Coflfee Mills. STRAW CUTTERS Patent Self-sharpening, stipe rior to any in use. MEAT CUTTEltS—Sausage Meat Cutters and Stuf fers. HOLLOW WARE - Pots, Ovens, Spiders, Fire-dogs, ' Shovels and Tungs, Saucepans, Wash Kettle*, Boilers. AXES—S. W. Collins’warranted Axes, King’s, Brad icy’s ami others. HOES—Collins’, Scovil’s, Brade’s Patent, and Bl ade’s , Crown. SAWS Disston’s celebrated Circular Saw s, all sizes, Mill ami Cross Cut, Tenon ami W<hml Saws. TOOLS Os all kinds used by Carpenters, Cabinet Makers ami other*. SPADES AND SllO\ ELS Ames A Adams lung and short handle. ROPE Cotton and Manilla, all sizes. Bolting Cloths, Wire Cloths, Sieves. POCKET AND T \ BLE CUTLERY- A large variety. FANCY GOODS Adopted to the use of Country Merchants, to which I invite their attention, and to other goods before buying. oct 17 Flavoring Extracts, for Pies, Jel lies, &c. EXTRACTS of Peach, Extracts of Almond, Yaniilh, “ Strawberry, “ Pine Apple “ Rose, Lemon, “ Orange, Nutmeg, “ Cellery, For sale at the Macon Drug Store. oct i7 i i. Strohecker a co. QI I.MNE! QUININE! H Y OUNCES on hand and for sale low bv OUU oct 17 E L. STROHECKER A CO. I IIENII < (>N(.KES.% U A l EK, B N Store and for sale bv 1 oct 17 El kSTROIIECKER ACO G \KDEN NEED. IUST received a large and fresh supply of this year’s crop • 157>7;. The trade supplied at lowest rate*’. E. L. STR(HIE( KER A CO. <><t 17 I)l BBER SHOES. A large as*<>rtment ot Gent* 11 and bov s Rubbers. Al> • ImuL< s slipper and san dal rubb*'r Shoes of Goodyear’s celebrated patent. — Just received and for sale luw bv -■ii.- MIX A KIRTLAND. I>I.AN'TATION BROGYNS. N-.w in store the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we have ever otl'cred in this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and rus«etts; d<». heavy single soled black and russetts ; do. boys and youth black and russetts, all of which we are K-lling verv low. net. 19 MIX A Kill I I. YND. I)OOTS AND SHOES. Men’s and Boy> and . J Youth’s tine calf and kip peg’d Boots ; Men’- stunt kip hunting and mud Boots; Gents lasting (Waiters, Munterey, opera and ties, and fine calf Bro gans; Geiils, bovs’s and youths’ patent and enam etle<l Brogan.*; .Men’s bins’ and youth's Calilbruia kip Broguns, a large assortment. <■■•: P.< MIX A KIRTLAND. QUARTERS FOR FASHIONABE DRY GOODS. 11OST1CK A KEIN would invite the attention of } everybo<ly, (Specially the Ladies, to their new I stuck of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, which are now just opened am! ready for inspection. ' It is a well known fact that our House ha* alwavs ' been **Head Quarters,” for the Newest, Richest and most fashionable styles of Dress Good*, and we boldlv assert, that uur present assortment will com pan* in point of taste, variety and elegance, with any stock in the State of Georgia. Ladies, one and all, vve invite you to call and see ‘ the most magnificent stuck us Mapk* A Fancy Dry Go»<ls 1 ever opened in Macon. Come, whether you wish to buy or not ; we want you to see them, so that you can tell your neighbors and acquaintances how beautiful th.- goods are. (».-• BOSTI< K a K! IN ~ SILKS I SILKS! SILKS ! r I’HE largest, handsomest and cheapest stock ever I brought to Macon, including every style, color and price, from sl2 t" <!'»"« pattern, ju*t opened at BOSTICK A REIN’S. ' oct 19 CURTAIN GOODS 2\ND CARPETINGS. 4 !arg< supply just received, and wiil besoid ven . heap by * BOSTICK A KEIN. | uct 19 I NEW HAT & CAP STORE. An entirely New Stock of Hats and Caps. CT-IAS- B. STONE, (LATE WITH 4 C0.,1 H AS now opene<l in the Washington Block, (near . jv opposite the Lanier House,) an entirely new stok of' <>euts 9 * Boys’ mid Children**’ lints and Caps, of every quality aud pattern. Planter* in want of WOOL H YTS for Plantation use, will find it to their interest to give him a cull be fore buying clsewhuve. Having an experience of eight years and more, in the HAT and CAP BUSINESS in this city, he fiat ters himself he will be able to furnish his old friends and customers with the very latest fashions, aud at reanonablc raft*. He has also made arrangments with the most ex tensive manufacturers to supply him with the latest styles th «>ugh the season. Thankful for past favor s, be would solicit a con tinuance of public patronage. Macon, uct 19 ISAACS’ SALOON, On Cherry Street, near Ralston's Hew Hall, MA. UN, GEORGI A. IF you arc fond ot good eating and drinking—if you want to .iud all the delicacies of the season a comfortable breakfast--an excellent lunch a sub stantial dinner a first rate supper, or anything else in that line, you can't be better suited than at Isaac’s ('ELKBIiATED S.VLOON. At thia far-famed rstubliahmcnt, Straxgrrn and Rest dents can have whatever they call for, served up ■ at moderate charges, in the best style and by the moat attentive waiters, at any hour from early in the morning until late at night. Look at his Bill of Fare, and choose for youraclf: ( IVHTEKS From New York, Savannah aud Brunswick, in the shell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, iu any way you want them AbSO, Shrimps and Crabs, . \\ ild Game of every variety, Ycnison and Beef Steak- Mutton (’hops and Veal Cutlets, Ham and Eggs, Deviled Ham and Deviled Tern pi ns. Mountain *tcrs, Turtle Soul Ac., Ac., Ac. Wood rock, Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squi’Tels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and anything that an epicure , wants, can always bv hud when in season. ISAACS invite.-' the m ngmy and trihhty passing ' through Macon, t<-give him a Call, as his LARDER i is daily supplied wth all the lvixtiks to be procured ■ in the b'.ivnnnah aud New York markets, aud his ! BAR furnished with the best of Ljqi oils, Seoviisand ’ other accompaniments. Confectioneries and Fruit ISAACS also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortincnt of CoNFLCTIONFaiKS, OItANGES, Afi-lks, Ban vnan, Pink Apples, Yano'i* descriptions <»f Nuts, < vkes, Ac. All of which can be purchased at low prices for Cat'h. Be sure and call at THE ISAACS HOUSE, or, ISA ACS’ RESTAURANT, ChEKHY StKEET, NEAH R VSTO.n’s NEW IIaLL, M<:<i/h, Gcoruia. <’Ct 17 BOWDRE & ANDERSON, GROCEKS COMMISSION MERCHANTS. MA< ON. GA. Liberal Advances made on Consignments in Store. r |' , HE subscribers have in store thrir usual stock of 1 Fall and Winter supplies, which thev oiler for sale at the lowest market rates, among which arc: ' 5" Bbls, refined A, B, (’. and Crushed Sugars, 100 bag* Rio, Lnguira and Java ('<•#■«', i 20 packages Green and Black Teas some very choice, ' 10G(i sack.* Salt, 1" sacks fine Table Salt, i 1" Hhds. Molasse*, Gals. Lin.M-cd Oil. 1" ’ Gals. Linseed Boiled Oil, : ""•• Gals, pure White Lead in Oil, 1"< ■■ Gals pun- Zinc in Oil, l am Gals. Blake’s and Bridgewater Fire-proof Paint. 2"" Gals. Sperm and B. W. W. Oil, 1 75 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles, Fine obi YY incs and Brandies for medicinal use, Segars all grades, some very tine, 10,<mmi lb*, prime Tenuesscce Bacon, Sides and Shoulders, 2" boxes Starch, 2" boxes Soap, l",.»oo lbs. Family and Superfiue Flour, 15" kegs Nail*, 2" bales Gunny Cloth, 2<"' coils Richardson’s Machine Rope, :.»«» lbs. Bagging Twine, 3" doz. Collins A Co.'s and Leverett’s Axes, 15t»o Negro Blankets of various qualities, pair superior Georgia Negro Brogans, Willi most articles suitable for Planters. 0.117 BOWDRE A ANDERSON. OsnabargN, \ at ns mid Shirting. | il BALES Flint River Os nuburgs aud Yarns, T* F hales Macon Shirtings. For sale at Facturv prices bv ~,i 17 ’ BOWI'HE i AM.EIiSOS. 1 On < oii*i ;nin<*nt. 1 COILS Richardson's Hemp Leap Rupe, I.* -..1. . BOWDRE a fcNDERHO? 33 . I £3 13 I > Pl A. n Id R 1 >7 not si: fi kninhix; goods, CUTLERY, SILYER PLATED WARE, COOKING, BOX AND OFFICE STOY ES, WOOD WARE, BROOMS, BIU SUES. AND Aiaiiulucturrr of Plain Tin Ware. On Cherry Street, Maeou, Ga. < ci 17 ANDERSON & SON, LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, MACON, GEOKGIA. HAVING purchased the interest of J. F. WINTER . in the aljove business, we ask a continuance of the patronage so libetally extended to him. Ex change tor sale on all the principal cities in the Union. ’ UNCI intEMT HUNKY HOI GILT AND SOLD. ’ ' Gold for Sah. DRUGS. MEDICINE. PAINT, OIL, &C. DRUG STOKE- Tall and Winter Trade, 1857. E. L. STROHECKER & Co., WHOLESALE A HETAIL I>RI (iCISTS. We are daily reeeiv ing large supplies from DIRECT IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTUKERS, r |*'Hl S ensuring uur customers choice and 1 pure articles. Our Chemicals are invaria lay purchased from Manufacturers, direct, ena- JTK bling us to vv arrant them free from adulteration. v» haw now m store a select stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICAkS, PAINTS, (MLS, WINDOW GLASS, PATENT MEDICINES, I) Y E STU F FS, P AIN TBRU SI i I iS, Instruments, White Wash Brushes, Pharmacut Kai Inst rumen Is, and Toilet Articles, Together w ith the best ussoitmeiit ol Instruments ever off* red in this market. Planters, Physicians, and Merchants will consult their interest by'examin -1 ing uur stuck purchasing. E. L. STROHECKER A ( ()., ()p|M>sitc Redding House, 1 <»ct 17 Maeoa, <-a. A A. MENAKD. DR! GGIKT AM) APOTHEC %RY, ( TIPJHRY STREWr, MAC’OX, GA. H AS ju>t received and will keep constant h on hand a fresh supply ot DKCIiS A AiEPIt'INH.*, consisting of nt QI 1 WINE, IODINE, SAL L INE, < li I.OROrOit 41, IODINE POTASH, CALOMEL, MORPHINE, PIPERINE, ill.l E '.i ASS, Ac., Ac. Also, a large lut of American, English and German PLRFUMERY, CAMPHINE. BURNING FLUID, SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, SW EEDISH LEE< HES, GARDEN SEEDS. Ac.. Ac. He will also keep a pure article us BRANDY A W IN bi for Medicinal purposes. oct 17 FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, CllfUil \LS, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, PERFUMERY, AC. rj'MIE undersigned offers on as low 1 terms as any house in the State, pure and V// reliable Medicines, and warranted genuine. . Chemicals in great variety, Drugs in gn at abundance and alwav.* fresh. Perfumery, asserted. Foreign and Domestic, Instruments —Surgical, Dental and all Toilet Articles in great variety. Fancy Soups and other Soaps in great variety. Paints, Oils. Turpentine, Burning Fluid, French Window Glass, and fre*b Putty, Paint Brushes, Colors, Tools, Pencils and Sponges. Varnish—Couch. Furniture, Damar and Japan, Medicinal Herbs and Botanic Medicines, Starch, Congress W atet and best Citrate Magnesia, Snuff, Teas, Blacking, Crucibles, Sami Paper, Medical Scales, Murtars and Pestles, iron and Puree* ! lain, Gelctines, Soda, Potash, Alum, Saltpetre, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Ruse Water, Ouiuine, Morphine, Piperine ami Acids, Balsam Wild Cherry, Cherry Pectoral, Lozenges, Gum Drops, Bryant’s Cholera Remedy, “genuine.” Ami nil other reliable preparations <>f Medicine, Best W ines and Branay for Medicinal use only, Best Mustard and Spices for family use, Abundance of fresh Garden un i Flower Seeds, Kentucky Blue Grass Seed and other fceeds. GEORGE PAYNE, Druggist ami Apothecary, Corner Mulberry St. and Cotton Avenue, Maeou, Ga. i It POTAMi. UPERIOK Ist Sorts alwav* on hand. i oct 17 EL. STROHECKER CO. j Lands ! Lands!! I OFFER for Sale the following valuable Lanpe I JN SOUTH WESTERN GEORGIA. All persons ar<- hereby cautioned against trespassing upon any . T. R. BLOOM, October, 1857. Macon, Ga. DOUGIIEKTY COUTY. It'i District-- Nos. H", 95, 97. BAKER COUNTY. 7th District Nos. 3<W. 9th do -Nos. 18, 82S, 329,533, 339, 378, 379,380, 410, 40rt, 408. H'th District -Nor. 45, 43, 47. WORTH COUNTY. 7th District —Nor. 124, 525. 15th do. “ 11, 12, 55. I IKtb do. “ 26. 27, 38, 239. LEE COUNTY. Ist District— Nos. 13.", 16", t6B, 196. 13th do. 4, 181, 14th do. ° 113. 144. SUMPTER COUNTY. I 15th District— Nos. 91. TERRELL COUNTY. I 11th District—Nos. IfW, 250. 12th do. “ 198, 201. RANDOLPH COUNTY. '-th District Nos. 114. MILLER COUNTY. 12th District Nos. 209, 221, 222, 223, 224. 225, £57, 337, 375, 376, 396. 13th do “ 6, 18, 19. 2S. 36, 76, 391,392, 394. DECATUR COUNTY. 14th District—Nos. 130. 27 th do. “ 190. 216. DOOLY COUNTY. IM District Nos. 7, 2<h, 211, 212. 213, 214, 221, 222, 223, 224 225 226, 227, 228. 2d do. ** 152,237. 7th do. “ 211. 9th do. “ 11". HOUSTON COUNTY. 6th Dictrict —No. 214. PULASKI COUNTY. sth District No. 1"2. TA YLOR COUNTY. 13th District—Nos. 87, k.s. 14th do. “ 63,64. uct •_'■' T he In*ttre<l Participate ia the Profit*. Continental Insurance Company, CITY OF NEW' YORK. ./»/•/ y(A, 1857. I CASH (’A PITA I . ASSETS. JULY’ Ist. W.7 659/.••.*2 LIABILITIES. JULY Ist, Is .7 9,757.2* ‘ Ineunn liuildinan, Yfdtnn, Mrrrlatndfze. //- l uruiturr, and oth< r Innurahle Property, ftf the anti' 1 al rater. r | ’’IIREE FOURTHS of the net profit* <>f the busi -1 ness of this Company are divided annually to , holders of its policies in Serin Bearing intete*t. and 1 *uch profits carefully invested for the additional se curity <»f the In tired, until the fund thus accumu lated'shall have reached the sum of making the Ca.*h guarantee of the Company s!,'•<Mt,ttm; and, theieafter, the Scrip will be redeetned as rapidly ai.d t<» the extent that the profits Mecruing to the policy holders exceed the sum < f SS(W»,O’»". GEO. T. HOPE, President. 11. 11. Lvmi’oht, Secretary. T. K. BLOOM, Agent. Macon, Ga. •.< ‘ The Board <d Directors have this day drclar <•«! a dividem! to Policy Holders entitled to partici pate in the profits, of? hirty-threc and one third j>r Ci nt. Upon the Earm'd Premiums of the past yenr’s business, Scrip for which will be issued August Ist. oct 2" I'o I i \N I EBB. r p|lE subscribcis have on hand, a good stock <»f 1 Osnidnirgs. Kerseys, Blankets, snd coarse Shoes suitable for the season,’also, a general stock of Gro ceries which they will sell cheap for Cash or approv ed credit, nt the old stand on the corner above the : Lanier House. C. CAMPBELL A SON. Mitcon, Octolter 2<), 1*57. Geo. T. Rogers & Son HA VE in Store and constantly receiving a largo and general stock of Groceries, consisting in i pnrt «>f ! 12" Bags Rio Coffee, ' 2'» Bags Ohl Government Java Coffee, 1 I Cask Cevlun C«»ffer. very choice, _'•» Bags Pepper ami Spice, • Bbls, crushed and Powdered Sugar, I 7- Bbl* Refined Sugar, various g ades. 1 2 - I Bids, choice Molasses, I 15 11 lids. Bacon Sides, |im< Ix.xr* S| rm ami Adamantine Candb s, ' '.<» ifitxrs Soap, various qualities, 1 Boxes Stat ch, various grades, I .'<• Boxes t grossi Pepper. Spice aud Ginger, 4 > Boxes Candy, assorted. Boxes Tobacco, all qualities, o Boxes Pickle*, :is.*oitcd sizes, i 65,""" Cigars of every grade, Together w ith a gv'nei al assortment of Liqm r<— all of w hich will be sold low tor Ca*h. 2d M. BL M KSIIEAK A ( O. nWE removed tu their new Store in Washing ton Block, Mulberry Street, where they are now prepared to exhibit their l ull and W inter stuck of Clothing and Furnishing goods. Their .stock cuinprite every article necessary to a ifci.tleuian’s Wardrobe of the latest style* and I e*t manufacture, and bv wceklv importations from New York will bv kept om.*taully complete during the season. Also, Boy’s Clothing, Travelling Blankets, Shawls, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Hags, I uibrellas, ic. net 80 II VKIHIM AN A- GIIIFFIN, Wholesale A Retail t.rocers, (/>ra<r Chirry Third Strut*. Keep constantly on han<L SUG A RS—of even' de*cription, COkFEK Ja' A, l.;*guira and Rio.. FLOI’R -Ditfuvut Brands, including IHrunt .'Unittk Ch|m'Jessamine, (Superior Quality) and variou > Georgia and Tciine *< »• Brands. Mackerel, Paints. Oils, Snuff, Cheese, Bagging, Rope, Molasses, Butter, Candles, Nails m I Sal t. Staple Dry G<hmls, and other articles usually kept in a Grocery Stt>re. Also, Liquor* "f »dl kinds- Otard and Rochelle Bran dies, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Old Mononga hela, Scotch and Bourbon Whiskey. WINES -Champagne, Sherry, Putt, Madeira and Domestic. AMERICAN LIQUORS, including Brandy. Gin, Rum, Whi.-ky, Wild Cherry Brandy, Bitters, Ginger W inc. SEGARS A TOBACCO of various brands. All of which will be sold uu reasonable terms for Cush or approved Credit. oct 22 Hi/ Hi: OF ! $50,000 WORTH OF the must elegant, rich and varied assortment of Fail and Winter Dry Goods jnst received and iu store at ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS’, Cotton Avenue, ever before offered to the criticism of 1 a fashionable world. Allow us most respectfully to *olicit an early inspection <;f our European and Home fabrics, consisting us everything that can charm the eve or captivate the taste of even the most fastidious. We fee! no hesitancy in proclaiming il the largest, richest and most varieil assortment, by far that was . ever brought to Macon. A notice of only a few of ■ our novelties, will give a slight idea of the magniti i cencv of our stork, and the bright and beautiful no- velties that adorn our shelves aud counters. Point D’Alencon LAC E < ULLARS, from sl2 00 to $7" "" cncb. Real French EMBROIDERED SETTS, from $8 Oo to $25 "• per set. Embroidered HANDKI-. R( 111 El’S, from $1 00 t«x s2’> "" each. Juconet and Swiss BANDS, from 25 cents to $7 00 it strip. Rubes, Aqnillee in worsted and silk embroider*d velvet, from $5 «m» t<» si"" oo a Dress Pattern. Lady Cuurtnay Morning Robe-, from SI2OO t<>s3"o<) each. THIRTEEN 111 NDRED DOLLARS worth of new Jacunvt and Swiss frillings -exclusive styles, nt all pi ices. Cloth and Velvet MANTILL VS, from $3 GO to $l"0 00 etich. Embroidered Velvet M YNTiLLAS wuikt-d with Silk am! Ostrich Feathers. Oil Paintings, among which are Sybil’s Cave at Ho boken, New Jersvv, and the tomb of Koaciuseo. A great variety of Tape*trv, Velvet, Tapestry Brus sels, Thk'e ply and Ingrain (,’nrpetings, Rugs. Druggets, (hl Ch,ths, Ac. Our stock of plantation goods i.* m<».*t ample and ■ complete, 8-4 Wnite Blankets at 62 1-2 cent* aavh, and prices running up to $1 25 each. I Everybody is earnestly solicited to give us a call, : as uur stocki is unusually large ai.d wc are humid to I sell. I Please remember to get at the right place on I Cotton Avenue, at ROSS, COLEMAN A RUSS’. oct 22 JOSEPH M. BOARDMAN, W AMIIVGTOX B L0CK,.411 LBEHRY ST. M ACON, BEOKUIA. I AW, Medical, School, miscellaneous and Ju'en j ile Books. Blank Books, Stationery, Drawing Paper, Roll Pa 1 per. Waler Colors, Artists’ Oil Colors, Boxes of Oil ‘ am! Water Colors, Mnth«*:iuitical Instruments, Mathv < matical and Engineering Books, Copying Presses and Books. Wiiting Desks, Port Folios, Puck* t Books, I Gammon Boards. Writing Fluids ami Inks of the very best kinds, Faber’s aud Lubin’s Drawing Pen cils', Steel and Gold Pens, and all the various articles usually found in*a Book Store. Also, Agent of the Southern Mutual Insurance Coiupuiiy. oct 17 , MiRKOES. -m LIKELY NEGROES now on hand for *alc, for •HF bit’s us the Manufacturer * Bank ur *»thi <» i i rent funds. WILSON C. HARDY, oct 29