State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-18??, November 05, 1857, Image 3

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MASSACHUSETTS ELECTION. Boston. Nov. 3.—The State is largely Ke puldiean. Banks is doubtless elected Governor by a large plurality. NEW YORK ELECTION. New York, Nov. 3. —The vote io the city has largely decreased. The State has tin doiibtedly gone for the Republicans. COMMERCIAL. MACON MARKET. MACON, Nov. sth, 1857. COTTON.—AII that is offered meets with remix purchasers at 11 cents. The class is an average of Strict Good Middlings. Receipts arc very light, and sales about 3aU bales daily. The weather continues very fine for the Planters to gather their crops. COTTON STATEMENT. Receipts in Oct. 1856, 15,175 “ “ “ 1857, 5,0%- Decrease 7,37 V Stock Nov. 1,1858 11.522 “ “ 1,1857 7,503 “ 4,319 Total rrc’ptto Nov. 1,’56, 23,419 “ “ “ “ 1,57,11,212 “ 12.2'»7 BACON -Is still very scarce, but there is not much demand. We quote clear Tennessee Sides at !*(<» cts. Ribcd Tennessee Sides at 17(uls cents. Ki bed Western Sides at DR<H •’.}<; cts. Shoulders ll' 15’J cts. Hams 17U'2" cents. BAGGING.—Gunny 1G(<» 1 •’».’< cents. BARLEY. —There is a small quantity in the mar ket for seed. It sells at x 1.50 per bushel. BEEP. Tolerably good fresh Beet i- til the Country carts at !'• cents per pound forth. i <1 quarter and ('.cents for the fore quarter. It is ■ g at the same rates at the market. CANDLES. -Adamantine ’■'» cents. Sjrerm 45 to .5o cents. Patent Sperm »’•" to t»2 cents. COFFEE—Rio 12 l s(r/1 •"■’ ■ cents per pound. La guira 1 15 cents, .lava 1. ’ _.(<■> I s cents. CORN—In sacks s 5 cents per bushel, in thecal 1 <j«i(rtos cents. FODDER Has been coining in slowly of late. I is sold at 75(«»so cents per hundred. FLOUR—Superfine $3.<R»(«?A3.50 per hundred. Family $4.5"(<» 4."" FEATHERS —45(0 5" cents per pound. HIDES Dry Flint sp/lo cents per pound. Deer >kimt 12(u13 cents. IRON Svveeds *»>£(«'*S cents per pound. Refine I 4(</1 I Cents. Com. English • •'.cent*. American > cents. LA RD—Stock on han.l light a! 17, 1 . •' - 'cent' ; jwjuud. LIME *2.12 , 7<u*2.25 cents per barrel. MOLASSES Cuba 55 cents per gallon. New Orleans 7.s<t*o cents. MEAL—’.to rents (u £1 per bushel. N A ILS -4\*v' l : ’t cents per pound. OATS In sacks 55(<*’^'vents per bushel. In th sheaf I'm cents per hundred. OlLS—Lowed $!."«'(•'s?Ll” I"’ gallon. Best Sperm s2.""(<'?2. _'s cents, bleached W inter Whale £1.15(0*1.2-5 cents. Train 75(0* 1.2-5 cents. Tan ner’s per barrel sl4(<r>lß. POTATOES—There is a small supply of Irish in the market selling at > I."" per barrel. Swcrl Pota tors a: • .-ifering at 75<a *o c -its per bu-liel. RICE s’^(o.cents per pound. RYE £l.l >■> to $1.2 *• per b I'hcl. ROPE Kentucky 11 (•/ 12 cents per pound. North ern !<>(.» 11 cents. SUGAR Clarified 12( ’ cents Crushed, Pow dered and Loaf I'i •! I rent - per pound. SALT >l.2'per CALLON 1 a - 1 , (•■•it- per ; • tnd. Y\ 111.-MA ': Ire mi ket is w< II •uj,l- -I Per titied sells at ::«•<«* ’.5 cent* per gall m. M-monga'i la 7.5 cents to jsj.oo per gallon. Fancy brands aie - i nt *4(« *5 per gallon ; but a first rate article c. bought for *2.50 per gallon. WHITE LEAD IX OIL Pure !•>’ . cent*;, pound. Extra cents. ZINC l"iu I -'.. ceuta pci pound. COTTON MARKETS. Svvvxxvh, Oct. U 57. Cotton firm with ag>o 1 ilemami. Sale* 3oi> Bale* 247 (•’ 12 cl* ; Bale- al 12 1-8. ArorsTV. Nov. 8. 4"0 bales were sohl to-day ' prices had slightly improved. N’i:vv York. Nov. The cotton market was d.i’! to-day. Mobil*. Nov. Sales of cotton three d:"*. Z’.ooo bale*- receipts l,*oo. The Indian’s news can cd an eighth adv ance. New Orlkvns, Nov. ’.. Sales of cotton t->-day <♦oo hale*. Market unchanged. Stock 1 “0" bah--. Sterling Exclumge quofc dat94 to ;on .New Y uik .5 per cent, discount. Colt Mm-. Nov. t. Cotton* There w.i* inactive inqiiiry for this article yesterday, and although th amount on thr market was double th 1’ of anv d a this season, the boards were c!r ire !at 1 1 yents. I aa’r-i of th •divto »t u;» * .'» bal •«. R .7k A u?. -7 i 5 j On the 2.-th nil., b; Rev. R. L. Bre< k. Mr.GEOKGL M. DEAN, of Savaniiuh, to Mi-. M. 5 YYOOD.oi lliis city. In thi*c -unt; .on tin- . P vh . !•' !’• ' J Ki ■ Dr. J \> >. ItUTTS, ot Bal lwin cmmty, to > ALLIE ( . dang ter ot Arthur FmOi r, 1- . Bibb. In this citv, on the :-l-f ot (>et"l»er. tl !. C’U \W 1 Oltf), in the Ithy< ir I" -ig • He buried w i«h l-’ne it- 1'- h •by Y ■ mg Aim-t .<-a I . ('omp.inv. N •."f w Inch < 'ompanv lie vv .1- a.i ae: uml honored mruilx-r. -J —ttn .a ■. -u wa ■"»"» a.nn i j i * Hie tiieii'ls of V» M. .'•'. It 11.! - unnoiince him an Independent Candi'h'tr mr ( IcrL. • t the Superior Court of Bibb Comity at the election i . January next, and will -uppoi t him fol tha< oilier » dependent ol all iioniinution.*. .MAN YY Ol I.L.'- nov .» SENATORS OF GEORGIA. I announce myself a- 11 candidate f.<r tin-oilier ol Messenger of the Senate at the approaching Se--i'»n of the Legislature, ami rr-|-erttullv ■ licit y >ur -up port. EDWARD C. EPPS. Griswoldv itie, Oct. 27. 1 ’-7. MUTUAL LIFE CO. OF K£W YORK. X ■ - i - Exclusively Uash, F:ur and a half Millions cf Dollars *4 ' Secured by Bond aud Mortgage on Real I’- tntr in the City and State ot New Y oik, worth over INN) OlHl. The entire profits of this Company, vi,'' 1 < Ist June. I**-?. • are thr propcity ot the assured. YY’ivvscan insure thr iiv< -of their husbands f-r a sum free from thr claims ot hi.* creditors. Creditors can insure the lives of their debtors as a jureurity for their claims. Parties can insure their lives fur a sum payable • their attaining the age of 45, 55, or yeais. .. so make a provision for old age, or payable to thei. heirs should they die in the interim. A fixed sum can Le secured by one payment, will, power to increase or direrrasc the amount deposited. —renewing the amount a*.*mt d equitably. FRED K S. WINSTON. President. Isaac Abbvtt, Secretary. SiiEri’Aitn Homvxs, Actuary. Pamphlets giving vveiv inbirmation, and L:. .1* forms tor application.-, can be had ai mv oilier. T. R. BLOOM, nov 5 Macon Ga. 1 >«•!.< >K NI bZH Bit IBE I>E VSF, OR Balsam of Life. 11 'arranted to ht drirtly a I eye fabb I*r> p it ion. C AKEFI I.LY AND ACOCK VTELY PREPARE" FROM TIIE <»Rl<i- INAL RECIPE OF DR. LKLEIVKK. valuable preparation has been in use fir JI. nearly a century m Europe and the YVest India Island*, and for a shorter p< riod in these Unit< d States, w ith the most suti-fact »rv results. No medi cine was ever compounded which has a more univer sal application than this. For the permanent cure of all diseases arising from a disordered Liver, Stomach or Intestines, such as Liver Complaint. Jaundice. Dyspepsia, Nausea, Con.-tipation, Ac., this remedy ha* never been excelled. For diseases < f the nervous sv *tem. Sick Hci'dacii■-. Nervous Debility. Ac. In the numerous affections peculiar t<» fi-male.*, this medicine is a perfect balm. The proprietor ha* hun dred* of testimonials from gentlemen and ladies of thr highest respectability, thruughout this State, a.* to its efficacy. Manufactured by CHARLES Di LOR.ME. Sumter, S. C. For -»u!e in Maron bv E. T. STROHECKER A CO.. A. A MENARD and FITZGERALD A NOTTING HAM. nov 5 Administratrix’s Sale. I) Y virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Jones j A county, will lie sold ueforb the court house door j in Clinton, on the li st Tuesday in January next, all I the real estate of Cader W. Lowe, lute of said county, deceased. Terms on the dav. MATILDA LOWE, Adm’x. November 3rd, 1857. ~ov ' 2 ' NOTICE- Inhalation in Consumption. See advertisement under this head. I’. ES.'Kl-XFORIB, Factor and Commission Merchant, nov Mi SAVANNAH,GA. NOTICE. IOST or mislaid one Due Bill on Moungcr Ade i j (Jraffeiireid for Fifty Dollars < £SO "•* >. Alt per sons are forewarned from trading for said Due Bill. nov .5 JAMES COBB, Drayton, Ga. YY W I LD TO HIKE 1) Y the year 4" or 5" able bodied negro men, to > work on Rail Road near Cuthbert, Randolph county. Ga. Liberal wages will be given. Appl} immediately to A. M. LOCKET. nov 5-1 in Macon, Ga. 3,CGO Grafted Peach Trees FOH SALE. Grafted on Xeedling Xtocl'i. < MONG them arc ] so<> Early FleweJlen Peaches. /\ phi Tinsley <!.*., low Early Crawford do., ]oo Laic (’rawford do., 100 Early Tilston do. Besides the above there arc numerous other vari eties. They will be delivered in Macon, or at Griswold ville, for >2" per hundred, or at the rate of 25 cent* . per tree for anv number les* than one hundred. Address the -uh; cribcr at Griswoldville. Ga. : m»v -’in THOM \S J. STEWART. 73. «T. TDOINTTSTEZLU, commission merchant, 16 /. Place, opposite M> rchant* Exchange, . NEW YORK. METROPOLITAN HOTEL, BROADWAY, NFXV YORK, SIMEON LELAND A CO., Proprietors. ii:halatioh in consumption. />’/'< ■ . l.‘t ri/h iitOttJ nfh. r of tin i < . ‘ /■/,''//!■; tr.ntxl !,</ tin li.h n'l- t'".. t,f '}■ JiftteJ Hint /h/r*//•/■*, Z»y tit,,<l t onttf itntni',l'l 'l'l-nitHu nt, at j»rodn <<l at th Sla. . .ttUht M ‘li<-'il M’C }<a k Cih/. f r |'MEi;.i reced« iiird since** which ha* altemled r I' , 'li<>«l of t renting drra -of the Lungs and Throat I: induced us lodcparl from our usual course ami a . •• >'ir.*elves of the columns of the Press, in order to l> ng it to the knowledge of such as may be laboiii.-i . der, or prcdi.*po>vd to such ailed ion.•«. The dau ; fa brighter day has al length arrived for Ihv c..ij live ; the doctrine of the incurabilitv of Consumption having passed away. We have imfiib;- * table pi oofs in our possession that t <, : i<ain>>tiuii in | a J I /*.' >•*a / x <an he cure.! ; in the first, by tubercular 1 absorpir ii ; in the second, bv the transformation <d the tub !< ule into chalky am) calcareous concretions; in the thud, by cicatrices, <»r scar*. Those xveihled . to the i of the past may assert that, even now . Con*i: i .iion i> incurable, such are behind the age. | T>> all, ’ • ' *i-«i truth must be apparent, viz: that ■ the !iie/' • !:<• inhaled in the fornj of Vapor or Powder j dirvel’;. the Lungs mu-1 be much more ( ffective : than th • :akv:i into the stomach, where the diseases do not i < t. The advantage of inhalation in ('on sumpt'oe ; ad Thi iait Diseases is, that medicines in hided io the form ol Vapor ;ii e applie I directly to the Lung-, a'.ere the diseases exi-t ; the stomach is thii* left lie- I > aid in restoring health, by administering i t•it he t't ay. life-giving f > 3. There is no case so hopeless that luhaLitimi v, ill nut reach ! The imams, I too, tire brought within the reach of all ; the manner j of admi’.ii'teriiig tin* Vapor* bring so simple that the j invalid is never requireu to leute home, whcie the hand ol fi ietidshit* ami affection adds so much to aid 1 the phx sician’s enbt ts. * The Inhaling n < thod is soothing, safe and speedy, i ami coiis\ts in the administration of mrdiciiic in such j a manner they ate conveyed into the Lungs in the sot m of Vapor, and produce their act if n at tLe ? of thv di*ra>e. It-practical success i- destined to revolutionize the opinion* of the mcd.c;3 world, and e.’tabii'h the eti’itr curability of Cousiimpiioii. 1 varne*l!y a, pi d to the common sense < f all af flicted with I.neg Di'Cases to embrace at once I. c ad vantages of inlialaiion, and no longer apph mcfli- j vines tn thr unoffending stomach. I claim for ml;a- I l it! • i a p’.iee among th. priceless iris-s th it Nature ,:r.d Art hath gtxeti u*, "that da' s may l e hmg i'i '1 e I >t I.’’ :m I as the only Aik of Refuge for the (sui>-,’mpn\<•; a method not only iati..mal, but sim ple ami eli'rae «•! *. Such of the prose ton that have adopted Inhala l ho. foimd d I. .irioit* i.i the liijic*t degree, aid iu;ik;ii2 o ■ a■.iri - m many d< - j»cr.;'e va-es ; in \. a•.. ,i ' - ial t iu i] hos our ai t o’. < r this Iv'.l de- <p; dated a i:!i ’ d p: a tie*, a.• ii.l<amrd. that r.u tin being valuable, we cat) oiih reply us t • the in- 'i l;e t. ■ i'i all c • ■ - <f i’.iliti'll I V Altec;.mis will be -- i’.' ll I I. I ofwi.i -'i the neccss;: y medicn ip and i ; ■•■ it u i:l l>e Im warded Applie mt* will sfatea ..... . - tire tow •: and St te be pkr.nly wrilt m. P jhr i !ii: :i mmt I m . c s< I. L< ters, when regt stored by the Post masler. will I ■• :;t our : i>k. Ail lettc.s mu t be a ldt< **ed to WALL \< I MEIITOUN. M. I)., St»tyvc-ant Medical It ..dilute. New Y< tk City. X’ttTH'h ' ■ ' I.' - •! ’ ’ rpphe itieil w til be ma<le t<» ti’ie (hdin ity of ,iom - county for lea’ etosi II the re d est itc • (’ i let W. Lowe, late of .aid c<..imy dcc uM-d. MATILDA LOWE, Adm’x. - Nov ember rd, «<»v 5 R.HJM OX/'afA-Z-.. t. h. ill. n it in: mi a eo. H AVE K-niovcl to their new Store in Wnsbing- ; Block, ,'billHH. Street, where thev me n.. 0 .. . ; .. e l to exhibit their l ull ami Winter stock . • .■|..ll:in ;: .-.I > b. u->. . k i t arli.le iutcsui v to a - W.,r.1r01.e of th.-latest sl>!.- an.l 1..-t m , rafaeiu t.n.l h. w wkl. intporiati.'.iia from N™ I oik aillle kept cnstanth e .inplete during the ' Ab.a I ..utli’s mid Bov's Clothing. Trunk-. Vo li .Cm, . I 1:.|..-. rmbrellas, Ac. Their faeiliti.- ~l<- Siteli ■- to enable them to lone mtl orders I n varments tib.-d « itli.n a space of lo to 14 da. a. w ith i.t guaranteed and atyle u'i:-u.; hymn house. , H idwnro. Iron and Steel. ( a nu art & cm». MACON, GA. A A’(>l'l.l) c dl the utten ’ ’ ’ ' ' a... ... (> -v; < .-it ing a. > •• -tork of HARDW \RE, ( TTI.ERY. N AILS. Ac. BL \( lx> IITII TOOLS, (ARPLXTER MACH IX IST TAXXEit PL XXTEI.’S’ HARDWARE. BUILDERS’ (‘ A I? 1:1 \‘:i: TRIMMIX' S. MATERIAL. RIMS. SPOKES A HUBS, SPRIX’ A \XLES. AGK ( ! LTI R \L IMPI EJIENTM. Corn She. ••:*, Plows, Straw c liters. Corn and (‘.-Lb Mills, Wort .d ’> ( ii rular Saw *. Mi : Iron*, Cross-cut Saws, Aid' Saw *, Hand and Pannvl d » .-•weth s Iron, all -iz.c. Id line i Iron. Ca-t Steel, Ban I a- <l Oval Iron. Spring Steel, Enirli.'h It on. German Steel. Hammond Plow Steel, warranted. Together with e . m v thing usually kept in our line, all of which we will sell verv low tor cash. <>. t 2‘.» ‘ CARHART A CUL’D. WA'.?I IVE-.i.EtV, SILVER ANS PLATED WARE &c. r -I'ignrd most respei-t fully informs 1 hi*: id* and custorm*r.* that he is now - opening a ix-autifid stock ofGooil 'in hi*line, ( ><« which for Leauty ami elegance cannot be surpassed, and reqiu-1-those who arc purchasing to give him a call as the\ ’a ill Be >,ihl verv low for ca-ii. Store on Cotton A venue one, door below Bostick A Kcin’s. M. D. BARNES. WATCHES. Gold d Silver Watche*. Chataline, Fob, Vcstand Guard Chains, for sale cheap bv M D. BARNES. PINS and EAR RINGS, a large Stock of every va rietv, am! will be sold verv low bv M. D. BARNES. BRACELETS. Finger Rings. Watch Key*. Pvncil.s, Watch Seals and Chains. A large supply for yair by M. D. BARNES SILVER SPOONS. Forks. Ladles, Pie. Fish and Pickle Knives, Sult and Mustard Spoons, Ac., for sale by M. D. BARNES. Plated Ware Cutlery, and a thousand other pretty things which will be sold on the m<»*t liberal terms by M. D. BARNES. Watches, Clock.*. Jewelry, A<'., repaired at short notice ami warranted to give entire satisfaction, by oct 2’.' in M. D. BARNFX MARBLE WORKS. J. B. ARTOPE, MANUFACTURER of and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Marble, Monanir ata, Tondt-Xtanee, ’ Furniture XW*, <(•»•.. has removed the Mar- ( ble Work* from Cotton Avenue, to the corner of 3d and Plumb Street, a short distance South of Harde , man A Sputka’ Warehouse. oct 22-ly QUARTERS FOR FASHION ABE BUY GOOPS. I)OSTK'K A KEIN would invite the attention of > everybody, especially the Ladies, to tbeir new stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, which arc now just opened and re»idv tor inspection. It is a well known fact that our Hou e has always been “Head Quarters,” for the Newest, Richest and most fashionable styles of Dre** Goods, and we boldly assert, that our present assortment will com pare in point of taste, variety and elegance, with any stock in the State of Georgia. Ladies, one and all, we invito you to call and see the most magnificent stock of staple A Fancy Ury tuood* ever opened in Macon. Come, whether yon wish to buy or not ; we want von to sec them, so that you can tell your neighbors ami acquaintances how beautiful the goods are. Oct lu BOSTICK A KEIN. Il lII.RO \i> TO ALBAN Y. f U • O. ;»•' -T--** •. . g, SA.LE or TOWN LOTS. r j\IE SUBS('RIBER will sell at Public Auction on I the tirst Tuesday in December, in the city of Al bany, Dougherty Countv: 2,’2 business and residence Lot*,of one-fourth, one half and one acre each. These lots arc sit tinted in the most desirable part of the city. Sale positive, to be continued from day to day until completed. TERMS.—One-third, cash, one-third, six months, and the balance at twelve months. The location of Albany, being in the centre of the rich cotton growing lauds of Smith-western Georgia, ami receiving as she will, from sixty to seventy thou sand bales of the present glowing rotton crop, with a certain prospect of a vapid ycarlv increase, offers thr grealc*t inducement fi>r prolit able inv e.-tment of any other point in theSouthin Country. The railroad will be completed to Albany by the first of September, in ample time for the opening of tiie b:tsinr.*s, ami tin* transportation of thr present crop. oct in-td W. W. CHEEVER. BUBNETTS COCOAINE! A I’EIU'ECT IIKESSING FOI! THE HAUL r I'MIE COCOA IN E h<>!<|*, m a liquid t >rm, a la-ge I proportion of dcodmizrd t'H<>a .Xat t/H, pre pared expie>.*!y for this purpose. No other compound po.*-.c*scs thr peculiar proper ties which >o exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. It softens the hair when hard and dry. It soothes the iiritated scalp skin. It afford* the richest lustie. It remains longest in effect. His the best and cluapest Hair Dressing in the world. Marsden, speaking of the people of Sumatra, says: "Their hair is strong, and of a shining black, the improvement of both which qualities it probably owe* in a great measure to thr constant use of Cocoa Nut Nut Oil.” .L'r//x,Z,/,,//. 4'. TESTIMONIAL. Boston, July loth, ]ss7. .’/(.'xrx, ./. Ji' <(* t'n.; | cannot refuse to state the salutary effect, m my own aggravated casp, ot your excellent Hair Oil Cocoaine.) Far many months my hair had been Ldl'-;g off, un til I was tearful of losing it entirely. Tift* skin upon myheud became gradually mole and inflamed,so that I could not t meh it without pain. This irritated con dition 1 attrilmteil to the u*e of various advertised hair washes which I have since been told contained camphene spirit. By the advice of my physician, to whom von bad shown your process of purifying the Uoca Nut Oil, I comim-ncea it - use thr hi.-t week iu June. The tir-4 application allayed the itching ami irritation; in three or fm»r day- thr n dne-s and tenderness dis appeared; toe liair ceased to fail, and I have now a thick growth of new hair. I trust that others sim ilarly aillicted will be induced to try the same reme dy. Yours, \ ei v uni., SUS\N R. POPE. Prepared only l v JOSEPH BURNETT A CO.. Bosmu, r.m! for sale in Macon by E. L. STOHEUKER A Co. Fifty cent* f.r half-pint bottles. oct 22 BURNETTE COCOAINE, |?‘H{ pre a rvitig and hra'itilying the Hair, ami ren ! ’ tiering i’ dark .> d gio*-'. The <'or uiinc holds i:i ;• liquid form, a large pro portion of tleodoi ized < (M'OA.NUT OIL, pteparedex pre--lv t o- tl.i* purpo-e. No other compound possesses the pro; op tics which so exactly -ait the various cvnditioiis <4 the human hair. Il - ften* the hair when hard and dry. Il soothes the irritated scalp akin. It afford* the ricbc-l lustre. It remain* longest in effect. It is tire Best a:.<! ( It.a; e-t H AiR DRESSING in the World. Pie; aicd mdy by J( SEPH LUP.NETT A CO., Bos ton. For sale in M cm bv E. L. STRGJEUKER A (’().. and by Iu .i* generally. Fifty cents a bottle. cct ZtL ■-■A-y. x . E. SAULSBHSY J..' -1., eated M:v. STOLE, ..1 Mulberrv 5 Strei t, op; ■ ite the LiUin i'»louse, and :* prepati <1 t<. si: v. «■'<! eii *• -uii.n ' a:.d the ac u'-'ii- ally, a* la gc ami vr.: i< d a -m tmeiit o' FINL KEAbV MADI‘ ( LitTHJN’ ... I ( T'.TS 1- , l:.\ IsillNG GOUL'S, as can din 'in* market. !!<■ will be receiving c m -tautlv weekly shij ;: eats fi.u i New 5 oik. embiacing tl c latc*l styles. E. S. ort 22-ts Day & Mm ss ■ac t, Having t<> new stohe <•» v.ui berrv Street next door to !’. L. Strol A ( •». W<’ they will be p!ca*cd to >ee their old customers. They would sav to all w ishing goods in their line, that fl cy are now opening a x^././,77.7 as soriment, w hich w ill be sold at the l-actst x. Tliev intend giving their personal attention to WATCH REPAIRING. Having been before the public in that capacity fr 15 ami years, the pub lic arc able to judge of their merits in that wav. JEWELRY iIEPAIRI.NG done at rhe sborte-t m>- tici-aml h.*t j .nuu. ,'■ . M \T('HES. Mag ic and Hunting Uu-e*, Gold and Hoddcil Watches, for .-ale bv <H22 * DAY A MA ESSEX ET. lJ WiSS Anchorami l. ij .tn- WATCHES, Gohl ca.-es Oa • bv < -ct 22 DAY A M A USS EN ET. r IMIE celchiated Amviicaii WATCHES. f.»r *a!e bv 5 <ct 22 DAY A MAUSSENET. ’ ■ \MO.N|iS. Opal. Ruby.Garm t, Toparc, Pea; I 1 / and »lid gold linger Rings of all style.* and pi ic*-. For sale bv oct 17 ’ DAY A MAUSSENET. * LARGE a*.M»rtmeiit of Fob. \’c4. Chat«ihu:i . *» am! Gmtn! chains of all -tv’es and price*. lor sale by [oct 221 DAV A MAUSSENET. k LARGE assoi tn-it of silver ami plutei! waic . \ for sale by ort ;21 DA YA M AUSSEN ET. MUSICAL I.NSTRU MENTS, Yiolm*. Flutes, Flag colettcs. Guitars, Ihmjoe*, Tamborines, Buss Yi din*. Accordeons. best Italian Suing*. Ac.. «kc. For sale by oct 221 DAY A MAUSSENET. To the Tas Payers of Bibb County. r IMIE Governor of Georgia having i*-urd hi* Pro -1 clamation instructing the Ta x Collectors of the several rountiv* to suspend the collection of t.xxe* for the prc'cut, th:* is to notify the tax payers of Bibb countv that I have accordingly stappeu collecting un til thr Legislature shall take action on the subject. \\ M. BONE, T. ( ~ B. C. October _-2. 1857. Watche*. J.-welry, Ar. 1357. FALL & WINTER TRADE. 1857. v \i ’V. ' \ ;.•<•■■. \ \i> I LEG \£ r -1"( K. 1 j < an be < alle ! !• . in a first class Jewrlry Estab!i*hment. ju.-t ■ ; rued ami for sale on the m ist libel al terms, bv oct -j.' E. J. JOHNSTON A CO, Repair mg and engra ing neatly and well done at short notice. Mulberry St., ■■’•■! <1 )<>r above Lanier House, Macon, Ga. I IXT O T’ ORtT ZE S _ OF the celebrr.’rd make - : A Son*, ami Nunns A Clark, at tory prices, Vu-lim*, Flute*, Guitar *. J J Accordeons, Ulutemis, Harmon; an.*, Ac., for saic on the Lc-t terms bv oct 2'.» E. J. JOHNSTON A <’O. Fancy A: Maple .Vrtictv*. OF < iold. Sih er. China. Glass. Ac - , carefully select ed for Bridal and other Presentations. The lar gest and neatest variety ever offered in thi* market ’B. .1 JOH '."Na CO’S. Ladies’ Work ESoxe*. WRITING 1 1. :l -i . <-tir<l < i Giunll.-1., \\ Ridi.ig Wliip.*, Sat- hr l -, Rrticulc*. Baskets, I Ac. A line assortment on the be«t term*. | oct 2.' E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Pocket Fnticry. 1> AZORS a- i STROPS, Pocket Book*. Purse*, ii Care*. Plav ing card.-. Ac., at oct 2? E. J. JOHNSTON A CO’S. Double and single Guns, S)!ST<»LS and Equiptm-nts. for ntveiv low ■ price*, by ioct 2“ ■ E. J. JOHNST<>N. SUSPENDED currency in good -fandrng, takeu at par by 'oct. 2'.'] J. JOHNSON A CO. Et iUIOIAL. J. &. "W. S. ELLIS H AVE removed their Drug Store to the New- Building opposite E. Bond's, near Cotton Ave nue. where thev will keep open a general assortment of DRU GS and MEDICIN rZS Also, a stock of Lau dreth * b re*h Garden Seeds, wholesale and retail. Cherry Street, near Cotton Avenue. oct 2*.’2m Toy Tea Mett*, I \OLLS. Grace-. Battledoors, Jumping Rope*, | 9 Tool Box* - *. Building Blocks. New Games, \l pbabvts. Bows am| arrow-., Ac . Ac., for sale bv oct 2'J E J. JUHNSTON A t’O. XKW CLOTNIAtt MTORE. JB. WINSHIP IS now opening a splendid and entirely new assort- . men! of Men*’ and Boys’ Reidy Made Clothing and Furnishing Goods, comprising the latest styles and varieties of Cloth and Braver Raglan.*, from fcs to s!<>. Fur Trimmed, “ “ “ “ Rrvrrsablv Pelissiers, “ “ “ Cloth Kaffatans, “ “ “ Boys’ Raglans, Cloth Frock Coats, 1" to .“>•». Pilot and Bcav rr Frock Coats, Business Suits 12 to :>•», Fancy Fr. Cass, suits, Black Dor Skin Punta, Frrnch Cass., Sdk Velvet Ve*ts. Cashmere ami Silk Vrst*, Cloth Vests,Trunks and Va lises, Carpet Bags, Canes, Umbrellas, White and c dorrd Marseille* Shirts, AVhitc atid Col ored L. B. Shirts, Silk am! Merino tinder Shirts, Silk and Cotton half ho*e, Scarfs ami Cravats, Collar* ami Suspenders, Silk. Cashmere Burk Gloves, Alex andre's kid Glove*, Travelling Shawls, Travelling Blankets, Bonnet Boxes, Ac., Ac. Hi* stock being entirely new. hr trusts will induci num . to call and examine it la-fore making theirpur chasrs. He feel* confident in assuring the public, that he will endeavor Io keep the Very In-st assort ment, ami the latest styles of Good*, and will sell them at -itch prices as cannot fail to attract the best judge* am! closest buyers. 2'- Corner of Cotton Avenue and Cherry Streets, fronting Ross, Coleman A Ross, and E. Bond. Macon, oct 19 BE ATS ’ ?S ATM I BELDEW <sc CO-, \RE now receiving at their Fashionable Half”® Store, under Ralston's New Concert lialL Chei rv Stn rt, Macon, a large ami varied a--ort..i- :.f of Good- in their line, consisting in part of the fol lowing articles : FAI L >f|.K HATS. EXTRA FASHIONABLE Black Reaver Hat*, Extra French Felt Hats, .Mens" Cashmorettc, Mens’ Mantiloeft, Mens’ Drub Beuvers, Mens'Silk Vel vet Cap*, Mens’ Navy Cutis, Ex tra Ladies’ Riding flats, extra tine. Otto Caps, extra. Boys’ Hat*. Fine C:i«hinorette nnd Fine Black mid I i Hats, Wool Hat-. Navi and Black Velvet Caps, Cloth Caps, (rotii ,s<’ cts., to *2 00. Also a large as sortment of Plantation Goods, Leather Hal Boxes, Um brellas. Ac. All of which will be sold at fair prices. JonnKtts from town or country, can have their Slock replen ished <»n favorable terms. oct 17 Photographic & Fine Art Gallery, IS removed to the old Daguern-an stand on Trian gular Block. - formelly occupied by Wood.) These large and spacipux rooms, he has titled up entirely new, so as to render them attractive by the good taste wrth w hich they are furnished, as well us for the beautiful ami collect LIKENESSIIS which he al ways produces at such bar price*. Give him a call, and y<>u will Le sine to be pleased. oct 19 MACKEKEL, LIME AND FEATHERS. | •)/ k PACKAGES in w crop Mackerel ; 1 t 100 Barrel.- Thomaston Lime ; 500 pounds Tennessee Feathers ; For *ale low for cash. J. B. A W. A. ROSS, oct 19 LANIER HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA, LOGAN & MEARA, Proprietors. UMIE PROPRIETORS of this well known M establishment, respectfully give notice that thev arc still candidates for the patron- *?j|B .igctin- Travelling public, and d«-fei mined ***♦*•« to omit nothing to deserve well of their guests ami maintain the reputation of the House. Free Transportation Os Pa-seng'T* ami Baggage, to ami from the House, by a fine new Omnibii* ami Baggage Wagon, which they have provided f-»r that purpose. Passengers hc! <-:i‘tcr will be at n > expense vv lintewr for transpor tation of themlve* and their baggage either way Ire twcen the Lanii-r ib>ii-<-and tin- Railway Statiohs in Macon. \Ve ,i*k n continuance of public patronage and promise attention ami comfort to our guests. <-(t 2" LOGAN A MEARA. CITY IIOTLL—SAI ANN 111. 'j ' ’ ’ ' I 'l' J S B. F.'h'v '• i .r <t 4intl »• City Hotel, begs t<t iiif.nm the traveli’ig public that lie will p.|HP n-r every eU'< it to make the house an agreca bl- stopping phi t f<y-lii>>.*e wh<> may iavor him with M'\ lai'oun I Mnrphv will 1 ;• a-*ociated with him iu comb'diiig the Ic-inc-' of the h'mse. o ' •• JACKStiN BARNES. ZEL IB LvL O "V .A. ZC . IL L. WOOD, H\S remov el hi* rooms for the prex nt, to CON CERT HAi.l., over Mv-s.*. Mix A Kirtland’s > ■ .-, win re he i prepared to lake likdEOSSua iu •i Superior Sty 12. I'.k i:g just i turned frutn New Y»uk. Le cun show -< veral New aid .important improvements in the PHOTOGRAPHS. tal.rh usual :»i I Col n<- I true to Nature, l»y Mr. BI.RI i-'F, the ( i-h-lnated Arli*t. A large c<illcvtion <’t PiotUl’es "ii exhibition, at his Rooms. If >jnit a ntt a anihl I icta ■, call an-/ yat can art t»nf in \V(H>l)'Xbr*t Style. N. B. On the first of November, be will open his now atnl magnilie: iit Gallery in Washington Block, opposite the Lanier House. sept 2" I.Ot 18 MEH IJtl) F. Il m i:'. ll |R|>, I.ate with M. D. Barnes, j Late with Dav A Mausenet MENARD & BURCHARD, Watch Makers and Jewellers, IV ILL open at their New Store, Ralston'* it Range, cmiier of Cotton Avenue and ■ri’TX Cherry Street, about the Ist of October, aTT - * Ji '- :.'llif:il and well -< !• (te<l a*sortmeiit of wItJG Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Mu sical Instrunieuts, Fancy Goods, Ac., A c. An examination of which they would most respeet fitlh -'licit, feeling confident that thev will be able to oiler everything in their line calculated to please the taste of even the most fastidious. • io-pairii.g of every description executed in a man i-crlliat will guarantee satisfaction, by the best work n.e.i in the South. Tli'-y hope, by offering choice and elegant Good*, and by -trict attention to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. oct 19 JXO. B. BOSS, WM. A. ROSS. J. B. & W. A. ROSS. VV It O L KS A 1. E A XII RETAIL Dry Goods & Grocery Merchants, m vcox, <;.v., HAVE on hand, and arc now receiving, in their large new Stole, on the corner of Second and 1 Cherry Streets, one «»f the most extensive storks of NEW AM) SEASONABLE GOODS ever off-red in thr Stale. Our stock, beside* a large and general assortment of Groceries, embraces an extensive variety of SHOES, HATS, HARD AND WOODEN WARE, CARPETINGS, AND Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Our extended ac |uainlancc am! long experience in trade, afford us tin- most ample facilities for procur ing our goods on the mo*t favorable terms, ami adapting our Slock to the wants of thr public, and pu:cha>ing as we do, in large quantities, ami usually for the cash, we can afford them to our cu-tomcrs al correspondingly low prin-*. While vv <• conliallv invite the public generally, to av ail themselves of our ample stock, from which to mak'- their pureh:i*<-s for their i>er.*omd wants, we would also es|rer;a!lv invite Wholesale Purchasers to inspect our Goods, air! hear our prices, before pur chasing, or sending their orders elsewhere, for vve feel confident we can offer a* groat induecim-nts as any House in Cai.'lma or Georgia, uml vve arc deter mined to do it. * ’ v us a '"’ ><c - J. B. A W A. ROSS, oct 19 BAGGING AND ROPE. / / 1 COILS R|' . ltd son’s best Rope ; v)v H f 2"" half « 'il* do do do 2<h» <!•• White Rope ; joi' d'» New York Rope ; giMMi |b* Twine ; *o • rolls liea'' Gunnv Bagging ; 200 Bah * ■do ‘ do Formic by J. B. A W. A. ROSS. <>ct I.' JF.A.X>Xj goods FOR PLATJTEES AND MERCHANTS. • ) ’ F ' s.<»<io Negro Blankets, 27 “ Jeans and Cuss. sik» Bed do “ Stripes, 7-5 ca*'-s W'H'l hats, g'.t “ Rich’d Homv’pns, ;;2o “ Slxre*. ]n “ Saitinetts, 20 “ Prints, Jo “ Alpacas, lo “ (tinghams, 7 “ Linens, :’,O “ Clothing. We are adding daily to our stock a general assort ment of Goods in our line, to which we invite the at tention of iiurclia*ers who are in s<-urch of g<w»d bar gains. J. B. A »V. A. ROSS. oct 19 SILKS: SILKS ! SILKS I r jMIE largest. haml*"inest and cheapest lock ever I brought to Macon, including every »Iyie, color and price, from *l2 lo • a pattern, just opened ai BOSTICK A KELN’S. ' oct 19 MACON & WESTERN R. ROAD. 1 i'.\ssi:Ni:r:n tkaixs. I EAVE Mneotl S, P. M . arrive Atlanta H.Ao, P. M.; J leave Allanta 5, A. M., arrive Macon, 11, A. M. Passengers leaving Chattanooga and points on thr We*tern A Atlantic Roail by the night Train, will ar rive in Macon 10,55, A. M., and in Savannah same evening. Pa--engers from Savannah and points on (’entral Road by morning Train, will arrive in Atlanta same evening and connect immediately with Train of the Western A Atlantic Road for Chattanooga aud Nash ville. Passengers for Columbus, Americus ami points on the South-Western Road will arrive in Macon at 10.- ", A. AL, and have bv South-Western Train at 3. P. M. Passenger* from the South-Western Road will ar rive in Macon at 11, A. M., ami leave by Macon A Western Train at 8, P. M. A. L. TYLER, Superintendent. Macon, Oct. 11th, 1857. ort 17 WHO WANTS MONEY? $60,000 May be obtained by rilling IB hollari. 1111! ve* mid Quarter Tickets in Proportion. JASPER CO. ACADEMY LOTTERY. BV VI TIIORITV OF THR STATE OF (lEOUGIA. Havana Plan, Single Numbers. 30,0C0 Tickets—3,2B6 Prizes A.MOI XTIX<; TO #2l-v;u. Prizes Payable Without Deduction. ANDERSON A SON. Managers, Successor* to J. F. Wlxtei:, Managers. Our Lotteries draw in Macon, Ga. 1 Small Schemes) every Satunlay, and in Savannah. Ga. (Large Scheme*) about the 15th of every mouth. CLASS Dl>, DRAWN NOV. 15tH, 1857, VT ARMORY HALL. SAYANNAH. GEORGIA. Under the Sworn Suprriiilemlrncv of W. IL SA MONS and J. M. PRENTISS, Esqs. CAPITALS of jsi'.ojioo, 10.000, g. 5,000, .*4,<m)o. ><2,’m , *i, ;; Prizes of ’» of j»m» of .*l"o, joo of xso, :‘,ooo of A.", 0, and 72 Approximation prize* amounting to >■ .7*'’'. Whole Tickets $lO. Halves 96, Quarters $2.50. Look to your interest ami compare this scheme with any other. Bank Notes of sound Bank* taken at par. ( lurks on New York remitted for Prizes. Addrt s* orders for Tickets, or Certificates of Pack ages of Ticket.* to ANDERSON A SON, Managers, Maon or Savannah, Gn. or! 17 HARDWARE AND CTITTrHY. NATHAN WEED, MACOX.GEOHGIA, OFFERS for sale one of l»G'gvst and finest assort- incuts of Hardware ever of- »- :■ red iu in- - State, import - I directly from u? o I England, ami from various Manufacto- °jv / l ies in the North. ~)/ No pains have been spared in selecting. and having the most favorable facilities for buying, feel assured that I can offer such inducements as will b<- to the advantage of all purchasing to give me a call. My stock consists in part of the following arti cles : BAR IRON Swedes. English. Refined ami Ameri can Hammered, all sizes. HORSE SHOE Band, Nail Rod. Hoop, Sheet, Boil er. Round am! Square, Oval amt ’., Oval, Ac. STEEL - Plow, Cast, German. Spring, Blister. NAILS Cut and Wrought, Spikes, Brads. BI.ACKSMITU’S TOOLS. Anvils, Bellows, Yises, Screw Plates, Hammers, Tongs, Horse Rasps. PLOWS—A full assortment. Plow lanes, Hames, Traces, Wagon Chain*. CORN Sil ELLERS. Coi n Mill*. Spice Mill*, Coffee Mill*. STRAW CUTTERS Patent Self-sharpening, snpe -1 ior to any in use. MEAT GUTTERS Sausage Meat Cutters ami Shif fers. HOLLOW WARE Pots, Oven*. Spiders, Fire-dogs, Shovels am! T<»ngs, Saucepans, Wash Kettles, Boilers. AXES S. W. Collin.*’ warranted Axes. King’s, Brad ley’s ami otiiers. HOES Collin.*’, Scov il’s, Blade’s Patent, and Brude’s Crow n. S \WS Di**ton’s rclebrated Circular Saws, all sizes, Mill and Cross Cut, Tenon ami Wood Saws. TOOLS Os all kimlx used by (’uq enters. Cabinet Maker* and other*. SPADES ANDSHOYELS Amrs A Adams long and short handle. ROI'E Coil m aud Manilla, nil sizes, IhdtingCloths, Wire Cloths, Sieu POCKET AND TABLE ( UTLERY A large variety. FANCY GOODS -Adopted to the use of Country Merchants, to w Inch I invite their attention, ami to other gooils before buyuig. oct 17 Fiavci’ing Extracts, for Pics, Jel lies, &c. EXTRACTS of Peach, Extracts of Almond, “ Yanilla, “ Strawberry, “ Pine Apple “ Rose, “ Lemon, “ Orange, Nutmeg, “ Ccllwry, For sale at thr Macon Drug Store. oct 17 E. L. STROH ECKER A CO. QUININi;’ QI ININE! u? /D ) OUNCES on hand and t-r sale low bv Cl H F oct 17 E. L. STROHEt KER A CO. 1 < ()N<;KESS W VI’ER, IN Store ami for sale bv * oct 17 E. L. STROH EC KER A CO. G IB DEN SEED. JUST received a large and fn-*h supply of this v car’s crop < 1857 The trade supplied at lowest rates. E. L. STROHEt KER A ( O. oct 17 J) ÜBBER SHOES. A large a**orrni«-ut of Genl* K ami boy* Rubbers. Also L:i<lir*»!ip|rer:iml*an dtd rubber Shoe* of Goodyear’* celebrated patent. - .lust received ami for sale low bv oct 19 MIX A KIRTLAND. PLANTATION BROGANS. Now in store the 1 be*t assortment of Negro Shoe*, we have ever offered in this market. Men’s double soled peg ami nailed black and rus*'.tt*; d<». heavy single soled black and ru.—etts ; do. boys ami youths biavk uml russetts, all of which vve arc selling verv low. oct. 19 MIX A KIRTLAND. I)OOTS AND SHOES. Men’s ami Boys and ) Youth’* line calf am! kip peg’d Boot*; Men’* stout kip hunting and mud Boot*; Gent* lasting Gaitrrs. Monterey, opera ami ties, ami tine calf Bro gans; Gent.-', boy*’* and youths’ patent ami enam elled Brogans; Men’s boy*’ and youth’s California kip Brogan.*, a (urge assortment. bet 19 MIX A KIRTLAND. ISV.VC HAYBKX, J. H. WOOHWAID. SALE & LIVERY STABLE. H ayden a woo dw ard m.-m w pre pare! to furnish their friend* and public generally, with good safe Horse* s, n<l z'r - • new as well as tasty Buggies, (’arriage*. Ac. in complete order at the shortest notice. They are determined to give satisfaction, if strict persomil attention, to bu*im-*s, and reasonable cash prices will ruablr them to do so. Horse* fe<l ami kept by the day, week or month. Drove Stork also accommodated at reason ble prices. Mulberry Street, next to Ixittery Office, Macon. Ga. Oct Pa \ LARGE assortment of FANCY GOODS. TOYS, Ac., for sale by DAY A M A USSENET. <»ct 22 ((LOCKS of everv description, for sale bv oct 22 DAY A MAUSSENET. Plantation and Negroes For Sale. r |'*HE undersigned offer.* for sale his plantation and a Negroc*. in Lev county. The plantation contains 1,. 2" acre*, first quality Land, on the east side of Muchalee three miles from Starksv illc, am! six luiles from Wooten’s the first station above Alixiny, on the Southwestern railroad. The plantation ha* new and commodious buildings ami is provided w ith every convenience usually upon Cotton plantations. It i* now under cultivation, and i< one of the most productive places in Southwest ern (tergia. The Shrek, Provisions, and Tool*, will be sold with tli<‘ place, if desired. The Negroes will also Ire sohl in a Is sty, to an up proved purchaser. Terms lilreral. If this property is not sold at private sale, before the second Satunlay in December will then be *old at public out-crv, on the premi«-*. sept2o 11 -.dec ’ G. J. JORDON. .Macon, Ga. WANTED. \ FIRST RATE Single Dray and Harness; also, a goo<| Horse for the Dray. Apply at Georgia Telegraph thllce, oct 29 I’ORTY’DN’E LOST. EWHERE'on the R ad leading from Pond town to Black's Tanyard, Marion county, Gn., lost one Portnmnie, containing Two Hundred ami Fix e Do'.la? * •>!•' “ ;.i HttM Lili-, \iz ; 2 Fifty Dollar bill* on the Manufacturer*’ Bank at Macon, 4 Twenty Dollar bills on the Bank of Suvannali; also. 2 Ten Dollar bills on the same Bank 'Savannah' and one Five Dollar bill on the People’s Bank of S. C. Any person finding, or giving me any information at Bet lor, Ga.. of said B<»<»k and contents, so that I caq get it, shall Ire liberally rewarded for the same. October 2'»th, J H. MILLER. <»Ct 29-2111 4 LARGE a""'4inent "f George Wostenholmv's \ 'Xi. CUTLERY, for sale bv oct 1:2 DAY A MAUSSENET Isaacs’ Jsyk-iLOOisr, On Cher y Street, near Ralston’s New Hall, M ACON, GEORGIA. IF you arc fomi of good evtixg ami hiii.xki.xg —if you want to find all the delicacies of the .season— a comfortable breakfast an excellent lunch a sub stantial dinner a first rate supper, or anything else in that line, you can’t be better suited than at Isaac’s (’ki.eok vtkd Saloon. At this far-famed establishment, Stuangeks and Residents cun have whatever they cell tor, served up at moderate charges, in thr best style and by tbw most attentive waiters, at any hour from early in the morning until late at night. Look at his Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself: < )YSTJ'IKS From New York, Savannah and Brunswick, in the shell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, iu any wav vou want them ALSO, Shrimps and Crabs, W ild Game of every variety, Yvnison ami Beef Steaks, Mutton Chop* and Yeal Cutlets, Ham ami Eggs. Dev iled Ham and Dev iled Terapins, Mountain Oysters, Turtle Soup, Ac., Ac., Ac. YVood rock. Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and anything that an epicure wants, ran always be had when in season. ISAACS invites the hi .xgkv ami tiiikstv passing through Macon, to give him a call, as his L.vRDER is daily supplied with all thr to be procured 1 in the Savannah and New York markets, and hi* ■ BAR fiirnisbed with the best of Liyi ous, SEG.vusand other accompaniments. Confectioneries and Fruit ISA ACS also keep* constantly <>n hand a g<w>d a* sortinent of ('<»X FE(’TIOX’EIH|M, OIIAXGEN, Afl'I.ES, B V.X VNAS, Fixe Ai-i-les. Various dc*<-riptions of Ni ts, Cvkes, Ac. t All of which can be purchased at low prices for f 'a*h. Bv sure and call at THE ISAACS HOUSE, or, ISA ACS’ RESTAUR ANT. CIIEIIKY StKEET, XEVH R VSTO.x’s NEW H VLL, ficurgia. oct 17 BOWDRE & ANDERSON, GROCERS A - COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JMLA.CON’, <1 A. Liberal Advances made on Consignments in Stere. r IMIE subsriil»vrs have in store their usual st<»ck of 1 Fall and Winter supplies, which they offer for sale at the lowest market rate*, among which are: 50 Bbl.*, refined A, B, (’, ami Crushed Sugars, 1»h» bag.* Rio, Laguira am! Java Coff<-e, 2° packages Green and Black Teas sonic very choice, ]ooo sacks Salt. lo sack* tine Table Salt, lo Hhds. Molasse*. :;oo Gal*.*ei-'i Oil, 100 Gal*. Boiled Linseed Oil, Lbs. pure White l.ea<l in Oil, I'H’o Lbs. pure Zinc in Oil, 1 .oo JJ»-. Blake’s and Bridgewater Fire-proof I’aint, 20" Gals. Sperm and B. YY. YV. Oil, 7-5 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles, Fine old YY ine* and Bi andie* for medicinal use, 1 4o,iwmi Segura all grades, some very tine, Jo.oimi |l»s. prime Teunessecc Bacon, Sides uml Shoulders, i 2'» boxes Starcli, go boxes Soap. lo,o<Hi |b*. Family ami Superfine Flour, 15" kegs Nails, 2" bale* Gunny Cloth. 2"" coil* Richardson's Machine Rope, 300 lb*. Bagging Twine, • doz. Collins A Co.’.* ami Leverett’* Axes, Lsoo Negro Blanket* of various qualities, pair siqrerior Geoigi.-i N<-gro Brogans, YVitn most articles suitable for Planters, oct 17 BOWDRE A ANDERSON. OMiaburgs, Yarn* and Shirting. | / v BALES Flint River Osmiburgs and Yarns, Iv * 3.5 bales Macon Shirtings. For salt- at Factorv prices bv oct 17 BOWbRE A ANDERSON. On ( \>>t*ignni(*nt. / IM COILS Richardson’s Hemp Leap Rope, 2" Bbl*, old Bourbon Wlnskrv, For side low. BOWDRE A ALDERSON. A. A. MENARD. DKI’GGIST AM) lI’OTIIEt AIIY, < •< 1 i iijitv srni-:i-ri’. m.a< -<>x. <; a. HAS ju*t received and will keep constant ly on hand a fresh supply or DRUGS A yyz MEDICINES, consisting of £34 <2l iMNE, IODINE. SAL M INE, ( III'OKOI'OHM, IODIN E I’O’j ASH, V YLO.YI EL. YIOKPHIN E, PIPEKINE, 81.1 II M \SN, Arc., Arc. Also, a huge lot of American, English amt Gernum PERFUMSRI. CAMPHINE. BURNING I'Ll ID. SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, SW EE DIS 11 LEECHES, GARDEN SEEDS, Ac., Ac He will al*o keep a pine article of BRANDY* A YY’INE for Medicinal purpose.*. oct 17 CURTAIN GOODS AND CARPETINGS. \ large supplv just received, and vviil be sold verv cheap by ’ BOSTICK A KEIN. j oct 19 NEW MAT & CAP STORE. An entirely New Stock of Hats and Caps. B_ STONE, (LATE W ITH KKI.I'E.X A <•<».,! H AS now opened in the Washington Block, (nenr |V opposite the Lanier House, 1 an i-ntirdy new sink of (Cents’, Boy*’ nnJ Children^ 9 Hat* mid Clip*, of every quality and pattern. Planters in want of YY’OOL HATS for Plantation use. w ill find it to their intt rest to giv c him a call be fore buying cl-cwhvre. Having an rxp< riem-e of right years and more, in the HAT uml CAP BUSINESS in this rity, he Hat ters him.H-lt he will Im- able to furnish bis uld friends and customers w ith the very latest fashion*, ami at refiMHntble raft*. He has al*" made arrangments with the mout ex tensive manufacturers to supply him with the latest styles through the season. Thankful for past favurs, lie would solicit a con tinuance of public patronage. Ma< "ii. Ml 19 BOOTS AND SHOES. \TTIIESK;N OK THE BIG BOOT, Xi>. ■'•.Cotton Av<-n«ie, op|M»*i*e YY’ashington WMI Hall Lot. Macon. Georgia. The subscrilrer I would return their thanks for the very liberal ami long continued patronage extended to them, ami would most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We have iu store a large as«ortinent of EO3TS AND SHOES. mostly of our own niunutacturc, to which weekly ad dition-. will be made, of all tin- different styles ami patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and exam ine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low a.* anv house in the citv or Stale. oct 19 ‘ MIX A KIRTLAND. I>(>(>TS. A full assortment of Gents’ fine French y Calf Boot*, pim-.p sole, welted am! water proof, of various kind* and qualities both sewed and peg ged. J list received and for sale low Lv oct i'.» mix a Kirtland. ATTENTION PLANTERS. 1 \ ’ E cun sitpt'iv vou with Negro Blanket*. Ker » Y sey* and Plantation Goods, «•;« a.* favorable terms a* anv other establishment in Georgia. Give us a call. BOSTICK A KEIN. ' ort 19 DRAPER AND TAILOR J ULIUS PETER wonld respectfully inform hi* friends and the public, that he ha* removed to Ibe old Planter's Bank Building, on Cherry Sturet, next door to Fre<-man A Robert*’ Carriage establish ment. where he i* now prepared, with a tine assort ment of Cloths, Casimere*. Yestings, Ac., which be will make up to order for gentlemen, in the most fashionable style. ALSO, on hand a good supply of Gentlemen*’ fur nishing Goods. *uch as (4love*. Cravats, Suspenders, Hosiery. Ac. All of which w ill be sold on reasonable ’ Jerma. oct 2"-3m SADDLERY & HARDWARE. r I MIE und»i'igm-'I would respect fully in- jffs 1 v ite the attention of hi- friend* and < 1- f tomers, ami the trade, to his large stock of • ’ LHATJIHU AND IN BBER BHLTING, Double and Single Harness, Saddles, Bridle*, Bits and Spurs. r»f*hv best make and latest aty le. Alan, prepared to do job work at the shortest no il ire, ami in w nkmanlikc munn-r, and as low as, any House in the city. Call and see a! his new Store ; rn-xt tn the Manufacture.-’ Bank, and opposite Ross’ Nrw Building JOHN ULkG|I<>KN. 1 oct |9 1 The Insured Participate in the Profits. Continental Insurance Company, CITY OF NEW YORK. Jul) •ith. 1H57. CASH CAPITA! »S00,000.»O ASSETS. .11 I.Y Ist. K.7 »6H,57«,8X I.IAUII.ITIES, JL'I.Y l»t, IH7>7 »,757.2h Inx'ii-e* llnilding*, < ottan, Merchandize, Ilouzehold Furniture, anil other lugurablc I’roperty, at the ven al rate*. r |''H REE FOURTHS of the net profits of the busi- 1 ne-s of this Conqiany are divided annually to holders of its policies in Serin bearing intereat, and such profits carefully invested for the additional ac eurity of the Insured, until the fond thus accumu luted shall have reached the sum of $500,090, making the Cash guarantee of the Company $1,000,000 ; ano, thereafter, the Scrip will be reifeenied as rapidly and to the extent that the profits accruing to the policy holders exceed the sum of $500,i.h.h.», GEO. T. 1101’E, President. 11. 11. Lamport, Secretary. T. 11. BLOOM, Agent. Manin, Gm The Board of Directors nave tins day declar ed a dividend tv Policy Holders entitled to partici pate in the profits, <dthirty-three and one-thud per • nt. upon the Earned Premiums of the past year’s , Lu*ine*s, Scrip for which will be issued August Ist. | oct 2" TO PLANTERS. ' I MIE subscribers have on hand, a good stock of 1 (>.-naburgs, Kerseys, Blankets, uml coatse Shoes suitable thr tl.e season, also, a genernl stock of Gro ceries which they vv ill .*<-11 cheap tor Cash or approv ed credit, at the uld stand on the corner above the Lanier Hou e. C. CAMPBELL A SON. Macon, October 2", 1857. Gcc. T. Rogers & Son H AY E in Store and constantly receiving a large and general stock us Groceries, consisting in I part of 120 Bags Rio Coffee, 2.5 Bag- Old Government Java Coffee, 1 Cask Crv lon Coffee, very choice. Bag- Pep| er and S] ice, o Bbl.-, ciushcd and Powdered Sugar, 7 Bbls. Relined Sugar, various grades, 2-5 Hhds. choice Molasses, 15 Hhds. Bacon Side*, Phi Ih'.xcs Sperm ami Adamantine Candltw, Boxes Soap, various qualities, o Boxes Starch, v ai iou* grades, 5o Boxes igrossi Pepper, Spice and Ginger, 15 Boxes Candy, assorted. •lo Boxes Tobacco, all qualities, . •• Boxe* Pickle*, assorted si;v«. Cigars of every grade. Together with a general assortment <»f Liquors all <>f which will Ire .sold low for Cush. oct 2<» IIARDEM AN A GRIFFIN, tVhole-ale A Retail fnrocers, Corner Cherry d' Third Xtred*. Keep constantly on hand, SUGARS of every description, UOFFEE. Java, Laguira and Rio. FUH R Different Brands, including Hiram Smith. Cape Je--amine, (Superior Quality) and various Georgia and Tennessee Brands. Mackerel. Paints, Oils, Snuff. Cheese, Bagging. Rope. Molasses, Butter, Candles. Nails aud Sait. Staph- Dry Goods, and other articles usually kept in a Grocery Store. Also, Liquors of all kinds Otard and Rochelle Bran die-, Hol!and Gin. Jamaica Rum, Old Mononga hela, Scotch and Bourbon YY hiskey. WINES Champagne, Sherry, Port, Madeira and Dome* tic. AMERICAN LIQUORS, im-luding Brandy. Gin, Rum, Whisky, Wild Cherry Brandy, Bitters, Ginger Wine. SEG ARS A TOBACCO of various braii'ls, All of which will be sold on reasonable terms for Cash or approved Credit. oct 22 13AZ A Alt OF F ASHIOA I $50,000 WORTH OF the most elegant, rich and varied assortment of Fall and Winter Dry Goods jn*t received and in store at ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS'. Cotton Avenue, ever before offered to the criticism of a fashionable World. Allow us most respectfully to solicit an caily inspection of our European and Home fabrics, consisting of everything that can charm the 1 eve or captivate the taste of even the most fastidious. \Ve feel no hesitancy in proclaiming it the largest, richest and most varied assortment, by far that was ever brought to Macon. A notice of only a few of our novelties, will give a slight i lea of the magnifi cence of "in stock, ami the bright and Ireatttiful no velties that adorn our shelve* and counters. Point D'Alencon LACE COLLARS, from sl2 to. *7" "" each. Real French EMBROIDERED SETTS, from $3 •«• to per set. Embroidered IIA NI *K ER('ll IEFS, from $1 •*• to» *25 00 each. Jaconet and Swiss BANDS, from 25 cents to $7 00 n strip. Robes. A«piillee in worsted and silk embroidered with velvet, from ?5 00 | n >loo no a Dress Pattern. Lady CoiirtDiiy Morning Robes, from sl2' ,< ’ tc»$80(8) each. THIRTEEN’ MI NDKEI) DOLLARS worth of new Jaconet and Swiss frillings—exclusive styles, at all prices. Cloth and Y’civet MANTILLAS, from $3 00 to SIOO 00 each. Embroidered Y’elvet MANTILLAS worked with Silk and Ostrich Feathers. Oil Paintings, among which are Svbil’s Cave at Ho iMikeii, New Jersev, and the tomb of Kosciusco. A great variety of Tapestry. Y elvet. Tapestry Brus sels, Three ply and Ingrain Carpeting*, Rugs, Druggets, Od Cloths, Ac. Our stock of j'l.-mtatiuii goods is most ample and complete, s-4 W bite Blankets at 32 1-2 cents .»ach, ami price* running up to *1 25 each. Everybody is earnestly solicited to give us a cxll, as our stock is unusuallv large and vve arc bound to sell. 3-<’ : Please remember to get at thr right place on Cotton Avenue, at ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS’, oct 22 JOSEPH M. BOARDMAN. YY ISIIINGTON BLOC K, ML’LB ERR Y ST. M ACON. GEORGIA. I AW. Medical, School, miscellaneous and Juvcn j de Books. Blank Book*. Stationery. Drawing Paper, Roll Pa per, Water Colors, Artists' Oil Colors, Boxes of Oil and Water Colors. Mathematical Instruments, Matbr mafical and Engineering Books, Copying Presses and Books, Writing Desks, Port Folios, Pocket Books, Gammon Board*. Writing Fluids and Ink* of tbu very be*t kinds, Faber’s uml Lubin’s Drawing Pen cils, Steel and Gold Pens, and all the various articles usually found in a Book Stoic. Al*o. Ygcnt of the Southern Mutual Insurance < 'om| any. <mi 1. NEt.’ROEN. .* / k LIKELY’ NEg|{(»ES now on hand for sale, for • ’ Lili* of the Manufacturer’s Bank or other cur rent fund*. WILSON C. HARDY, oct 2<> DRUGS. MEDICINE. PAINT. OIL, &C. MACON DRUG STORE- Fall and Winter Trade, 1857. E. I- STROIIECKEII & CO., M lIOI.ESAnE A RETAIL l)KI GGISTS.. \\ e aie daily eeceiv ing large supplies from DIRECT IMPORTERS AND MANUI ACTUKEKS,. ensuring our customers choice ami i pule article*. Our Chemicals are invaria- yy bly purchu-cd from Manufacturer.*, durct. etia- 43L bling 11* to warrant them free from adulteration. We have now in store a select stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS WINL'OW GLASS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STI FFS. PAINT BRUSHES. Instrument*, YVhite YY u*h Brushes, Pharmacutiral Instruments, and Toilet Articles, Together with tl.e best a-sortiuent <>f Instruments ever offered in this market. Planters, Physician*, and Merchant* will consult their interest by examin ing our stock before purchasing. E. L. STROHECKER A CO., Opposite Redding House, oct 17 Macon, Ga. FRESH DRUGS, MEDICiNES, < 1!;:hi< als, paints, oils, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, I’EKFVMEHY, i<\ 'I’HE undersigned offers for sale on as low 1 term- as any house in the State, pure and i< liable Medicine-, and warranted genuine. Chemicals in great variety, Drug* in great abundance and always fre*h. Perfumery, assorted. Foreign and Domestic, Instrument- Surgicul, Dental and all others. Toilet Article* in great variety. Fancy Soap* and other Soups in great variety. Paints. Oils. Turpentine, Burning Fluid. French YY'indovv Glass, and fresh Putty, Paint Bru-hv'. Colors, To°L*. Pencil* and Sponges. Y’arni-h- Coach, Furniture, Damar and Japan, Medicinal Herbs ami Botanic Medicines, Starch, Congress Water and treat Citrate Magnesia. Snuff. Tea*. Blacking, Crucible.*, Sami Paper, Medical Scale*. Moria:* and Pestles, Iron aud Porce lain, Gelctine*. Soda, Potash, Alum, Saltpetre. Castor Oil. Sweet Oil, Coil Liver Oil. Rose Water, tpiinine. Morphine, Piperine ami Acids, Balsam Wild Cherry, Cherry Pectoral, l/ozenges. G-.iin Drop*. B.y ai.t’s Cholera Remedy, “genuine.'* \ml all other reliable preparations of Medicine, Best Wine* ai-d Brandy for Medicinal use only, Br.t Mu*tard and Spices for family use. Abundance of fresh Garden and Flower Seeds, Kentucky Blue Ura.-f Seed and other Seeds. GEORGE PAYNE. Druggist and Apothecary. Cornet Mulbcny St. and Cotton Avenue Macon. Ga ol ';