State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-18??, December 31, 1857, Image 1
VOLDIE I. The State Press IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY EDWIN C. HOWLAND, Proprietor; E. C. & A. M. ROWLAND, Editors. SUBSCRIPTION : Two Dollars per annum in advance, or Three Dol lars at the end of tire v-ear. ADVKRTISING : One Dollar per Square for the first iusertiou, and Fifty cents for each sub«queiit insertion. Liberal anrangemcHts will lx- made with ihu?w who advertise Lt the roar, JOB WORK. Having a new and bcautifnf supply of jdb-type and one of (Jordon’s celebrated Power Presses, we are prepared to do any kind of work in this line with neatness, accuracy and dispatch, a1 moderate prices. !H SIXESS ( ADDS. THOMAS MAUDEMAN, <»VU» «. SHACKS. HARDEMAN & SPARKS, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, 'll r ILL continue give prompt attention at their 1 > FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, •in the corner <uf 3d and Poplar Streets, to all business committed <o their charge. With their thanks tor past favors, ami a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all the interests of their t’iieuds and customers, they hope to receive their full 1 share of the public patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and other pro duce when required. • Planter's Family Stores, also Bagging, Rope, Ac.. furnished at the lowest market rates. oct 20 13. yv. is js DEALER IN HOCHE Fl RMSIIING GOODS, CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED WARE, COOKING, BOX AND OFFICE STOVES WOOD WARE. BROOMS. BRUSHES. AND Jlannfncturer of Plain Tin Warr. On Cherrv Street, Macon, Ga. •oct 17 ANDERSON & SON. LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. MACON, GEORGIA. H.\ VINO purchased the interest of J. F. WINTER in the above badness, we ask a continuance of Tie patronage so liberally extended to him. Ex chang 1 tor sale on all the principal cities in ihel nioii. 15(1 L'KJ-XT Mu.VEV IIGI CUT ’ < oct 17 IJIRI.iJI T. ( H IFIN & CO., IMI*OI.*TEI;s A.xn JOHBEKs (IF nml Yltllsiiery ix'ood-, A*. 1 >1 i.Jiray \..r Y'ul . Silks. Ribbons, L:hv-, EnJuoUcric-, Glove-. Dress Trimmings, Ac. JOSEPH M. IIT HL BUT, AVititEU I. CMAPIK, ' iv4m>i>ui;iim;e, r:i nsu man, oct L' WILLI VHS A POTTER. Grocrrs & Commission Merchants, Ab. 93. Stash -V«r IL S. WILLIAMS, E. v INHTEK, <L .V. WILLI VMS, net Vi F. W. DOYLK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. GKIFFIN, GA. «■< J. W. SPALDING A CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, A«. ,8 Stalk Can merriul Wrrd, Itr/trtf Marl'd a>.d Wain a*. Saint h*4in. M>>. Our entile attention given to tin* Sale and Purchase of Bale Rune and Rigging. Pint Floor, Grain, Ac.. Ac. Respectfully refer t»» Merchants id'St. Loui generally. oct lit E. <T- GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. I*i Exelalhae J*blo . <H>nG*itr M» rekant* Erxk'tue-- NEU YORK. nov 5 METROPOLITAN HOTEL BKOADW'AV, XKW YOKE, SIMEON LELAND A CO.. Proprietors. nov 5 ALFRED F JAMES, -A.TTOKWE’X' -A.T X.-A-’W, < '• ALVEBTON Tex AS. IV ILL attend tn tlx* prosecution and collection of 1 » claims against the Government of Texas and individuals the investigation of, and perfecting ti tles, the payment of Taxes, and red<*mjilxm of pi • - petty >oki for Taxes in every county in the State, also the recording bills in the pt*(»]M*rcounty. wishing tu invest in Texas Lands at the present low prices, and desiring information, wvill always receive prompt and reliable le.-p.m.-es t<» I heir enquiries. oct !'.♦ JONES A II IN IBERGII, MERCHANT TA.IJL.OTtS, No. 285 Broadway, New York, Opyoxitt A. 7\ Stewart'*. New Styles for Gent’s wear constantly on hand. Also, a choice assortment of Gent’s Furnishing Goods, oct 19 W ESTERN HOTEL, Nos, 9, 11.13 &15 Cortlandt Street, New York. This House is centrally located in the most busi ness part of the City and particularly adopted to Mmslhciii and Western Merchants. D. D. WINCHESTER, net THUS. D. WINCHESTER. DENNIS, PER kJ NN A ( ()., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 20 Broad Street, near Wall New York Orders for every description of Merchandize will receive prompt attention. Beiers to C. Campbell A Son, Macon, Ga. BEAMS PEIJKIXS, iIEXKV C. PEUKiXS, OCt 19 S 4JIr EL 111 NTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. on, ll Trtaiyjul<ir Hhck'' rorm’r of Cherry Sii-cef and f ’ottnn .Ift n at. WILL practice in Bibb, Monroe, Crawford. Twiggs. Houston, Macon, Dooly and Worth counties. To be found in his ollive at all hours <.ct 19 ALLEN A WOOTTON, General Grocers and Commission Merchants. Zfl “/A»/»L>7/’x Th ird Strt t t Maron, (in. oct 19 J. A. OI NLEV, General Grocer and Commission Merchant, "Ibdnton'n I!an<j(," Af'non, b’a. Highest prices will be paid for all country produce, oct I? ; L<»( KWOOD A DI HOIS. MERCHANT TAILORS, 558 Broadway, New York. Iktirrtii St. Nicholas and G. LOCKWQOP, J. HVBOIS. oct 19 1.. N. W IIITTLi:. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON. GA. OFFICE next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drug Store. ALEX. JI. SPEER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON GA. OFFK’E on the Avenue, over the Store of Bowdrr *t Anderson. oct 20 W ANTED. I Am still buying Military Ixmiity Lund Warrants, and will always give the highest cash price. Maron. Gu.. Ort G. .1 BLAKE. DR. J. S. B INTER, CITY PHYSICIAN. OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of .Macon and vicinity. Office over B. A. M ISE’S St orc eet 2’» DR. W >|. I . HOLT. OFFICE over E L. Struhcckcr A Co ‘ Drug Store I eel 20 3tatc *£■ DAVID ROSS, BOOK-BINDER AXI> BLANK ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACITTREIi.. Corurr of Third and Ckrrrij Htndr, (Id Stairr, MACON. GA. Is prepared tn execute all orders for Blank Book.- foii Cot rts ami Coi XTiXG Hcu ses, audio bind Musi( and ail kinds of Printed JV<u-k, with neatness am dispatch. llartiers’. Grahn in’s, Gmlcy’s and all other Magu zincs bound in cheap and substantial style. oct 20 1.. W. BLOOJI, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 229 Broadway, Corner Barclay St., I NEW VOKK, Kefeirncrs, in Macon: Messrs. E. A. A J. A. Nis bet, Attorneys at Jjtw; Dr. Robert Collins. oct 2<» T. G. HOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY A.T MACON, (SA. OFFK’E in Ralston’s new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to (’oncer! Hall. ' oct 2i’ J. 11. JIAN(.II 1 JI, ATTORNEY AT , i GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, oct 19 ROBERT COLE3IAN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, M WON, GKOItGIA. WilJgiw pF4>mpt atU-ntion to filling orders for Cotton. OUii*- over E. Winsliip’s Clothing Store, Cotton Avenue. oct -j. 1 T. 11. BLOOJI, Factor & Commission Merchant. MACON, GEORGIA. oct gu WILLI AJi DI N< AN, Factor & Commission Merchant, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. oct 2«» The Insured Participate in the Profits. Continental Insurance Company, CITY OF NEW YORK 1 J •July '.•th. Is.*i7. (’ASH CAPITAL .*>oo 1 Mio.on ASSIAS, .H LY I t. ]s.-.7 L1AB!LITI!>. .H L) i-l. H 7 r,?57.2s Innnivn Iladdf M> i > handizc, lloum ludd Tara it art, and •din r ln*araldt Prtna-rty, at the antt al rattx. of the net profits of the bu>i- I ncss «»f this CompaiH .•ire dtvi(k*d animali\ to holders <4 its policies in Scrip fearing isit-etvM, ami such profits curciuliy invested tor the additional sc curity of tlic Insured, until the fund thus accumu lated shall have readied the sum of x.T00.000, making the Cash guarantee <4 the Company £l,oo’>,ooo ; ami, thereafter, the Serin will be redeemed us rapidly rm! to the extent that the profits accruing to (lie police holders exceed tlx* >uw of ,s.>mmkw< GEO. T. HOPE, Prcsidciit. 11. If. I.wrorT. Secretarv. T. R. GLOOM. kgvjiG Jfncon,Ga. The Ihmril of Directors have this day declar ed a dividend to Policy Holders entitled t<> purtici | pate in (he profits, o\'thirti/-thn> and uut-tlurd ]nr rrut. upon the Earned Premiums of the past year's business, Srri’» f r which will be issued August Ist. Bay d; Maussenct, H AVING remove.’; t.. their NEW STORE on Mul berry Sheet next door to E. L. Stroheckcr A Co. Where they w i]i lx* pleas'd to see their <-Id cir’i incrs. J Iw-v would -ay (mil wishing good* in their line, tfen' ilx". are now opening a hjd< mini 4**. sorlmvnl, which will !»«• sold at the lofrrxtj>ri<-,x. The} intend giving their persona) attention to i\\ \TCH REPAIRING. Having been befote the nubiic in that rai'aciiv for mid 2” years, the pub lic nre able to judge of tlieir merits in that way. .IEV» ELRY REPAIR ING dune r.t tlir short«->t tm ticeat>d«>M< WATCH*■>. M .. ie and Htiuting Ca-cs, Gold ami Sil- er Huddvil Watches, ha- sale bv <x:t 22 ' DAY ct MACSSENET. W ISS Anclioi and La pine W ATt’HES, Gold ca.-e> as low a* >_■ each, for sale bv oct 22 I>A Y<t MA USSENET. r IM IE celebrated American WATCHES, for .-ale Lx 1 oct 22 DAY A MAVSSENET. \ I AMON DS, Opal, Riibx, Garnet, Topaze, lA.iil I / ami -oli<l : i’d finger Rings of all styles and prices. For sak l bv oct 17 DAV A MACSSENET. V LARGE assortment of Fob, Vest. Chatalain and Guard chains of all st vies and prices. Fm sale by |oct 22] DAY A MACSSENET. \ LARGE assortment of silver and jilated ware for sale bv |oct 221 DA V A MAUSSENET. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Violin.-. Flute-, Flag eolettes. Guitars, Banjo* -, Tumborines, Ba>s Violins, Accordeons, bc-t Italian Strings, Ac.. Ac. For sale by I oct 22] DAV A MAUSSENET. i LARGE as*ortm< nl ot FAN(’\ GOODS. TOYS, . \ Ac., fur sale by DAY A MAUSSENET (X LOCKS ofcvetv description, for sale Lx oct 22 DAY A MAUSSENET. FOR SALE. \ FIRST-RATE Singh- Drax and Harness; also, a goixl ]|or.-e for the Dray. Apply at Georgia Telegraph Other, oct 2'.’ \ LARGE assortment of George Wostenholme's . Ixl. CUTLERY, fur sale bx oct ■2 DAV A MAUSSENET. Watches, Jewelry, Ac. 1857. FALL & WINTER TRADE. 1857. A NEW. LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK, 1 EMBRACING almost every article that j can be called for hi 11 first class Jewelry E.-tabli-hment, ju-t opened and for sale on c cv/»-A most liberal terms, bx oct 29 * E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Repairing and engraving neatly and well done at short notice. Mulbcrrx’ St., "d door above Lanier House, Macon, Ga. IFOIEITIES. / V Y.~ \ J A Sons, and Nunns A Clark, at fac-feN'*’ tory prices. Violins, Flutes, Guitars, jJ i/ j Accordeons, Flutenns, Harmonicans, Ac., for sale on the best terms bx' oct 29 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. i'aney <X staph- Article'.. OF Gold, Silver, China. Glass, Ac, carefulh - select ed for Bridal and other Presentations. The lar gest and neatest varietx ever otlered in this market at |oct 29| ‘ E. J. JOHNSTON A CO’S. Ladic*’ Work Boxe«. WRITING Dr-ks, Cabas. Card Ca-es, (Jaunth'ts, Ac. A fine assortment on the best terms. OC< ■ E. J JOHNSTON’ A CO. Pocket 4'titlery. I)AZORS and STROPS, Pocket Books, Purses, k Canes, Plaving card-, Ac., at <>ct 29 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO’S. Itouhh* and siingle Gun*, I PISTOLS ami Equipments, tbr sale at verx low prices, by |oct 29J E. J. JOHNSTON. SPENDED currency in good standing, taken at (Y par by- oct. 2'. E. J JOHNSON A( <L Toy Tea I \OLLS, Grace-. Battlvdoors, Jumping Rope.-, 17 Tool Boxes, Building Blocks, New Game-. Al phabets. Bows and arrows., Ac.. Ac., for sale bx I oct 29 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. SADDLERY & HARDWARE. r IM!E undersigned xvould resp». tfnllx in . 1 vite the attention of hi-friends and cus turners, and the trade, to his large stock of X LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING’, Double and Single Hamess, Saddles, Bridles, Bits and Stuns, of the • best make ami latest style. Also, prepared to do iob work at the shortest no tier, and in workmanlike manner, and as loxx- ns 1 any House in the city . Call and see nt his new Store next to the Mannfacturc*’ Bank, amt opposite R<»—’ I New Building. JOHN CLEGHORN, i oct 19 Administratrix’s Sabu I > virtue <4 .in order from the Ordinary of Jones I J county, xrill he sold before the rom t bomte do->i i in Clinton, on the first Tuesday in January m \». all i the real estate of C.ider W. L»xve, late <4 -aid county, ! deceased. Term.- on the dax. M ATH D \ LOWE. \dm’x MACON, GEORGIA, TIH RSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1857. X’OTICE. -Sixty days after date application will becnade to the Oi-dinarx of Jones countx for leave to sell the real estate rtf Cader W. Lowe, late of said county deceased. MATILDA IXJWE, Adm’x. November 3rd, 1857. nov 5 ■ X OTK T. Sixty dax - after date application xvill be 11 made to the Ordinary of Jonrs countx, tor leave ic | t<» sell (wool the negroes belonging to the estate of id Jefterson P. WoudaH, deceased. ASENATJI K. WOODALL, Adm’x. a- nov 19 EXECUTOR’S SALE. X\ T ILL be sold to the highe-t bidder, before the v v Court House door, at Jackson, Butts county, ; I on the Jsi Tuesday in January next, between the’ J usual hours of -ale. Thirty three Negroes, of which eleven arc young and valuable men,a good Blacksmith and Wagon-maker. The women arc also young and s- valuabk*; among them are good house servants.— ' Sale to continue from day today until all arc sold.— Sold in pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordi nary <4 Butts county, and for distribution, under the Will of, and us the property of Dr. Stephen Bailey, 1 late of Butts county, deceased. Tenn* imidi: kiuuiiL on tlx* day of sale. DAVID J. BAILEY, t, nov 24 fds Executorof tlie Will of S. Bailey. i N El• ROES. *7 /\ LIKELY NEGROES nutv on hand fur sale, for * hills of the Manufacturer’s Bank or other cur rent funds. WILSON C. HARDY. oct 20 HIIHEIIT HXI.I.Ii. .MMI- X. FlMil.W, CHRIS. I». FINDLAY. FINDLAYS’ , STEAM ENGINE MANyFACTSRY I Te.e.g l o o 0.0 c- c » e e v a e t a jN , IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, * AND GE.NEBAL NrA(’III>7J< SIIOI’, MACON, GEORGIA. y r |’’HE Propi ietors of this establishment would re- 1 spectfully call (hr attention of those contvmpla- I ting the erection of Strain Mill*, for Satriny and ( " Grliidlny, or for any oilier purpose whatever.* The 1 2 supcrioiitx i4'the work has men, and w ill ix*. a »uf s iicicn) guuiwitec (or an extensive and increasing d patronage. Our Worksltops and superior outfit m fools, Patterns and Machinery, afford facilities fori the expedition of work po-scssed by no other c-tab i- iishment in the State. Our prices and term* xvill ' o coinpaii* favorably with that id'any first class North- ' <1 <-rn establishment. The following comprises a list of Machinery, &c., fur any portion of which we will be i- pleased <o receive orders, viz : g Steam Engines. Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery. Circu- I. Jar Saws. Mill Gearing. Mill Stones, <4 bc-t qual d i(y for Corn and Wheat, M ater Wheel.-, a great varirtv, Gin Gear, all sizes, Iron Railings, for Cemeteries, public ami private Build ings, Ac., of Wrought and < 'a-t Iron em- bracing sfrrayth irith ihnudy of ]lt*iyn, r Sugar Mill-ami Syutp Boiler-, ail, Columns for I * Stores, Churches, Ac., Ac., Gold Mining Machine- ry, with Double and Single acting Force and Lift Pumps of any required size. Shafting with Turned Pullie-, from the smallest size to nine fee! Di ameter, Cotton Pre-* lion.*-, Cotton Screw-. Mill 1 Screws and England's Celebrated self-acting Cai Couplings, arid other Rail Road Castings. All xvork warranted to be o equal to the best made elsewhere, r oct 17 Lands! Lands!! £ OFFER for Sxt.e Hu* following vari able Lands 1 3 tx SOUTH \\ ESTERN GEORtiIA. All person are hetebx’ cautioned again.-t tiespassing upon an , <4'them. * T. R. BLOOM, - <‘-.-ml vr. l-.’-7. Mav-ii, Ga. * DOFtHIERTY ( DUTY. Ist Di.-tiict Nos. <;<•. 95, . BAKER COUNTY. 7th District-No>. : J f : th do—Nos. Is, ;’,2S, ::29. 309, 378, 379,380, 'I l"th District—Nos. 45, 4»I, 47. WORTH COUNTY. 7th District-No-. 124. *25. n !-•• 11 do. ** 11,12,55. 10th do. “ 2«i, 27, 239. LEE COUNTY. ‘ 1.-t District Nos. L;o, Bin, b;>, 196. l:;th <l.>. " 4. 1-1. J Utl> <1». " 113, 144. .-I .MI'TIUteorXTY. * 15th Dixtiict -N.w. TEUREI.I. COIM Y. 11th hi trict X.-. 12-. 250. f 12th <l.l. " I-.-, 2"l. UANhOI.I-II COIM Y. Ih hi.lricl .Xo. 144. MILLER COI XTY. 12th Di-trict X<». 221. 223, 221, 22.5, 2.57, f 13th <h> “ li. I'-. Iv, 2-.hl, 3-.'l, i’.'.'i, 3'.4. . ~ hECATCR COIMY. 14th hi.triet X..., ! ■'. 27 th du. “ 19". 24«’». „ DOOLY COUNTY. Ist District- Nos. 7. 2"*. 211. 212, 213. 21 I. 221, 222, 223, 221. 225. 226, 22’7, 22*. 2d do. “ 152. 237. ! f 7th do. “ 211. ; ’.th do. “ 11". * HOUSTON COUNTY. 6th Dictrict- No. 214. ' . PULASKI COUNTY. sth District—No. 1"2. L TAYLOR COUNTY. 13th District—Nos. 87, ss. 14tk do. “ 63, 64. ■ c I oct 2" BURNETT'S COCOAINE! A PERFECT DRESSING FOR THE HAIR. ’ r COCOA INE holds, in a liquid form, a large • w I proportion < f deodorized t'<Mna Ad (hl, pre- j', n part (1 expressly for this purpose. I No other compound po-se*scs the peculiar propel - f ties which so exactly suit the various conditions of . the human hair. ’ It softens the hair when hard and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin. j ' It affords the richest lustre. j J It remain* longest in effect. It is the best and cheapest Hair Dressing in the j 1 world. 1 Marsden, speaking of the people of Sumatra, says: , “ Their hair is string, and of a shining black, the i improvement <»f both which qualities it probably owes in u great measure to the constant usu of Cocoa • ’ Nut Nut Oil." Marxd- :<,]>. I?. TESTIMONIAL. Boston, July l"th, lbs“. M -• r*. •/. Harnett <t Co. I cannot refuse to state j the salutary effect, tn my oxvn aggravated case, of your excellent Hair Oil—(Cocoaine.» ■ i ’ Far many months my hair had been falling off, un- ’ til I was fearful <»f losing it cntirelv. The -kin upon i my head became grndntd!y t ni<>rc ana inflamed,so that I j could not touch it without pain. This irritated con v ditiou I attributed to the use of various advertised hair washes which I have since been told contained i t camphene spirit. By the advice <»f my physician, to whom vou had ! show n your process of puritying the Cocoa N’ut Oil. I eommcnccii its use the last xvevk in June. The first application allayed the itching and irritation; in three or four days the redness ami tenderness dis- 1 appeared; the hair cea-ed to tail, and I have now a 1 thick growth of new hair. I trust that other-’ sim- • ilarly afllicted will be induced to try the same renic dv. Yours, verx trulv. SUSAN R. POPE. Prepared only Lx JOSEPH BURNETT A CO . j L Boston, and for -ale in Macon by F. L. STOHECKER * A Co. Fifty cents for half pint bottles. oct 22 1 • HI HXETT'N < <>< <> YIMi, IJOR preserving and beautifying tke Hair, and ren- j i dei ii>g it dark and glo.-sy. | -. The Coconino hold-in a li'iuid form, a large pro- t portion of deodorized COCOA NUT OIL, prepared ex prrssly ti, r t,bj K purpose. s No other compound p<>>scs-es the peculiar propet - P ties which so exactly suit the various conditions of j ,• the human hair. It softens the hair when hard and dry. < It soothes the irritated scalp skin. • It affords tire richest lustre. ! i It remains longest m effect. i * It is the Best and Cheapest HAIR DRESSING in t r the Werld. x I Prepared only by JOSEPH BURNETT ACO , Bos t , ton. For sale in Macon bx E L. STROHECKER A CO . ’ and by 'jenetally Fifty rents a bottle. I lIAKIIEMYX A GRIFFIN, Wholesale & Retail <<<roeers. ( terry <f* 7'Jtird Street*. Keep constantly on hand, SUGARS- of every dcscriptinn, COFFEE. Java, Laguira and Rio. FLOUR—Different Brands, including Hiram Smith Cape Jessamine, (Superior Quality; and various Georgia and Tennessee Brands. Mackerel. Paints, Oils, Snuff, Cheese, Bugging, Rope, Molas-es, Butter, Candles, Nails un< i Salt, Staple Dry Goods, and other articles usually kept it a Grocery Store. i Also, Liquor- of all kinds Otard and Rochelle Bran dies, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Old Mononga lielu, Scotch and Bourbon Whiskey. WlNES—Champagne, Sherry, Purt,’ .Madeira anc Domestic. ‘ AMERICAN LIQUORS, including Brandy, Gin Rum, Whisky,! Wild Cherry Brandy, Bitters Ginger Wine. SEGARS A TOB ACCO of various brands, AIJ <>t w hich witi Lv '4<l on rvnsonablc terms foi Fash or approxed Credit. oct 22 A. A MENARD, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY', chkhry s i-ie j m ac< >x, c ; a. Has jus, received and will keep constant- I iv <>n hand a liesli aitnplv of DHL’G.S A rw MEnit’lXlX consisting of ’ Hl Qi IMXE, IODINE, SAI. XCIXE, t II I.OROIOR'd, IODISE POTASH, < A EOMEI,, MORPHINE, PIPERINE, IS 1.1 E M ASS, dkc., &c. Also, n large lot <4 American, English anti German PERFUMERY. CAMPHINE, DIUXIXG I-1.1 111, SPIRITS TI RPENTINE, ALCOHOL, SWEEDISH LEECHES. GARDEN SEEDS. Ac.. Ac. He will also keep a pure article of BRANDY A WINE’ for Medicimil purposes. oct 17 BOWDKE & ANDERSON. GKOCEILS Ar COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M A< ’< >X. ( i A. Liberal Advances ma le on Cjasigrnmonts in Store. 'IMIE -übucribrri* have in .-tore then usual slock of 1 Fall and Winter supplies, which thev offer for sale at the lowest market rates, among xvlitch arc: 5o Bbls, refined A. B, C, and Crushed Sugars, 1"" bags Ri<>, Laguira and Java Coffee, 2" packages Green and Black Teas »uine very choice, 1""" sack* Salt, 1" sacks fine Table Salt, ]«» llhds. Molasses, -■’."V Gills. Linseed Oil, 1"" Gals. Boiled i.iiiM-ed Oil, :;<h»o Lbs. pure White Lead in Oil, Imio Lb.-, pure Zinc in Oil, l"»<w» Lbs. Blake’s and Bridgewater Fire-prouf Paint, 2"" Gals. Sperm and B. W. W. Oil. 75 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles, Fine old \\ ines and Brandies for medicinal use, .pt.ooii Segars all grades, some very fine, ]<»,oo" lbs. prime Tcnnc.'secc Bacon, Sides and Shoulders, 2" boxes Starch, 2" boxes Soap, 10.000 lbs. Famiix and Suncrline Flour, 15" kegs Nails. ‘ 2" bales Gunny Cluth, 2<hi e lt )|s Rie!i:irdson’x M ichine R"pc, lbs. Bagging Twine, doz. Collins A Co.’s and Ixwerctt’s Axes, ] ’>oo Negro Blankets of various qualities, it"" pa:r siqa-rior Georgia Negro Brogan-, Wihi most article' -uitatile for Planter-. IKHI DRE a LNDEBSON. Osnnburgs, Ynn.saitd Shirting. < / ‘ BALIS Flint Ilix t>r O-naburgs and Yarns, r ’ ’ b; le- Macon Sliii tii.g-. For sale at Factorx prices bx oct 17 ’ BOWI»RE A ANDERSON. On ( on-igument. H i < (*ILS Richardson .- Hemp Leap Rope, ejx HI Bbls, old Bourbon Whi-kex, For side low. BOWDREA AN DERSON. NE W HAT &. CAP STORE. Ar. entire y New Stock of Hats and Caps. B. STONE, (LATE WITH lIEI.hEN A CO., I HAS now opened in the Washington Block, near |v opposite the Lanier House.) an entirely new stok «4*‘ Gents’, Hoys’ and ( hildrecs’ Hats and , < »l>', ot rx ery quality and pattern. Planters in want ot XVOOL HATS for Plantation tt.-c, \\ ill find it to their interest to give him a call be forc buying elsewhere. Hex ing an experience of eight years and more, in tin- il AT ;m<! ( \l’ |U S| N ESS in thia city, Le flat ter- him-elt he will be able to furni-h his old friends ami customers with the very latest fashions, and at ream >n able rate*. He ha- also made arrnngments with the most ex tensive manufacturers tu supply him with the latest styles through the season. Thankful tor past favors, he would solicit a con tinuance of public patronage. Macon, oct 19 SOUTH-WESTERN RAIL ROAD. X ■ S( HEDULE I (hFpASSENGER TRAINS. IEAVE Macun 1.3", a. m., and 11.30, a. in.; ar j rive in Culumbus H. 52, a. m., and 6.3:;, p. m.; leave Columbus 1.55, a. m.. and 4."(», p. ni. ; arrive in Macon 5.56, a. ni., and l’»,2*. p. m. Jhta'em Maron- and Albany. Leave Macon 1.30, a. ni. ; arrive tu Albany, K.SM, n. m.; leave Albany 3.4", p. in.; arrive in Macun 1«».2\ p. HL Accommodation train leaves Macon for Albani 7.00, a. m., Tri-weckly; arrive in Albany 4.55, p. m.; leave Albany 5.00, a.‘tn., Tri-weekly; arrive in Ma con 1.4", p. m. Mail Stages to ami from Tallahassee, Thomasville and Bainbridge connect witn regular trains at Al bany. Pas-cngers from Columbus and the Wc.-t for South-Western Georgia or Florida should take the I."", p. m. train, ur on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays the 1.55, a. m. train at Columbus. Trains on Smith-W.-<tcrn Road connect direct w ith train- of Central Rail Road to Savannah and Augus ta. Passengers fbr Atlanta and the North-West should take the evening train at Albany and either train from Columbus tonvoid detention. First class S .eatnships leave Savannah on Wednesdays and Sat urday-for New York. Fare Cabin 825.••♦•, Steerage xs.oo. GEO. W. ADAMS. Macon, Nov. 19th, K>7. Superintendent. CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. p." ■ NEW ARRANGEMENT. / \N and aftei Sunday. Nov. the 15th. the Passen y 7 ger Trains of tin- Road will be run as follows: BETWEEN SAX XXNXH XNMMACOX. Lente Sm ;»nnail 1.15, a. in,, 2.46, p. m. Arrive m Mncon. 1".45, a. n»., 12.5", a. m. Leave Macon 9.45, n. in., 11.3", p. m. Arrive in Savannah 7.2", p. in., *.50, a. m. BETWEEN sx VANS All XXI> AIIJISTA. Leave Sax annuli 1.15, a. ni., 11.15, a. in. Arrive in AiigirMa •■. a, m., 7, p. m. Leaxe Augusta 2, a. in., 3.45, p. in. Arrive in Savannah K. 50, a. m., 10.55, p. in. BETWEEN MACON AXU AI GVSTA. Leax e Macon ?.|5, a. m,, p. ni. Arrive in Augu-la7, p. in.. 9, a. in. Leave Augusta, 2, a. m., 3.45, p. m. Arrive in Mac 1 n, 1".45, a. in., 12.3", a. m. Trains connect on arrival at Gordon, for Millrdg< - villc uud Eatuntoii, at Macon with the trains of the South-Western Railroad for Columbti* and Albany, and xvith the Macon A Western Road for Atlanta. Passengers leaving Savannah by 1.15, a. m., train, will arrive in Atlanta about 6, p. m., leaving by the 2.45, p. m., train, can arrive in Afl-mta, next morning to breakfast. EMERSON FOOTE, Savannah, 1*57. Gen’l Sup’t. nov 19 DRAPER AND TAILOR J ( 1.1 1 S PETER would re-pivlfullv inform bis friends and the public, that he has removed to the (.Id Planter’'Bank Building, on Cherrv Street, next d<H»r to Freeman A Roberts’ Carriage ejtßbli-h --ment, where hr i* now prepared, with a tine assoit meiit of Cloths. Cnsim. res. Vesting*. Ac., which he xvill make up to oiikv for gentlemen, in the most fashionable st vie. Al SO. on baud a g<md suppjx of Gentlemens’ fur nishing (■;< < (! . 'Ui’h as Glut <•>. (‘rax at-. Su-pcndc i IL I in x. Ac All >4'which ’vi|| sold on teabunable •c-m . ’’in BAZAAR Ol' FASHION ! », $50,000 ’WOZR.TH J.' ,w ,noMt rich and varied assortment Fall and Winter Dry Goods i jnst received and in store at us ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS', Cotton Avenue, ever before ofl'crcd to the criticism of a fashionable world. Allow us most rvspcctlully to id solicit an carlv inspection of onr European and Home fabrics, consisting of everything that can charm the in eve <»r captivate the taste of even the most fastidious. AV e feel no hesitancy in proclaiming it the largest, ii- richest and most varied uMortment, by far that was a- ever brought to Macon. A notice of only a few of our novelties, will give a slight idea of the magnifi id ccnce of our stock, mid the bright and beautiful no velties that adorn our shelve- and counters. n. Point D’Alencon LACE COLLARS, from sl2 "V to *, S7O <*" each. Real French EMBROIDERED SETTS, from $3 <mi to $25 "" per set. >r Embroidered HANDKERCHIEFS, from $1 <K.» to *25 on each. Jaconet and Swi-> BANDS, from 25 cents to $7 <«> a -trip. Robes, Aqtiillee in worsted and silk embroidered xvith Le velvet, from $5 "" to $10" «»’i a Dress Pattern. . Lady Courtnay Morning Robes, from SI2OO to $300" [ THIRTEEN H( NDKED DOLLARS * worth of new Jaconet and Swi.-s trillings—exclusive styles, at all prices. I Cloth and Velvet MANTILLAS, from $3 o<i to $;««» (»" each. Embroidered Velvet MANTILLAS worked with Silk and Ostrich Feather.-. Oil Paintings, among which are Sybil’s Cave at Ho boken, N.-XV J<‘! .( \ , ;H)«| lilt’ t<.,!.|> ( f ko'cill'Co. A great variety of Tapestry, Velvet, Tapestry Brus sels, Three ply and ingrain Carpeting*, n ' Rugs, Druggets, Oil Cloths. Ar. Our stock of plantation good* is most ample and complete, k-4 White Blankets at t,2 1-2 cents oacli, I ami prices running up to $1 2*» each. Everybody is earnestly solicited to give us a call, as our stock is unusually large and we arc bound to sell. * <’ Please remember to get nt the right place on , Cotton Avenue, at ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS’ oct 22 IVAT< II .11: w KLR Y SILVER AND PLATED WARE, \ ' undersigned mostre-pectfiillx informs /~9 1 his friends and customers that lie is now ,',x opening a beautiful .-lock of Goods in bis line, <•’. which for beauty ami elegance cannot be surpassed, '* and requests those who are purchasing to give him a ’ r call as they will bo sold very low for cash. Store on Cutton Axcnue one, d«»<»r bcloxv Bostick A Kein’s. M. D. BARNES. WATCHES. .' • Gold and Silver Watches, Chataline, Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, fur sale cheap bv M. D. BARNES. PINS and EAR RINGS, a large Stock of every va riety, and will be sold verv low bv ' M. D. BARNES. BRACELETS, Finger Ring- , Watch Key-, Pencils, Watch Seals and Chains. A large -utqilx for sale bx M. D. BARNES. SILVER SPOONS, Fork*. Ladles, Pie, Fish and Pickle Knives, Sall and Mustard Spoons, Ac., for sale bv M. D. BARNES. Plated Ware Cutlery, and a thousand other pretty * things which xvill bx* sold un the most liberal terms b> M. D BARNES. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ac., repaired nt »h<»rt notice and warranted to give entire satisfaction, bv oct 29-Miii M. D. BARNES. BOOTS AND SHOES. \j THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, No. _ 3, Cotton A venue, opposise Washington Swl Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia. The sub’cnbcts » would return their thanks for the x cry liberal ami long continued patronage cxtemled to them, am! would most respectfully solicit n e.mtinuanci* of the 1 same. We haxe in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES. mostly of our own manufacture, to ivlik'h weekly ad ditions will Im* made, of all the ditl'erent styles ami patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call ami exam ine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low us any house in the citv or State. "<*t 19 MIX A K ILTI.\ND. BOJH’S. —A full assortment of Gents* fine French , Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and water proof, , of various kinds and qualities, both sewed and peg- • ged. Just received and fur sale low bv "rs mix a- Kirtland 1)1 BBER SHOES. A large assortment of Gents , Ik ami boy- Rulibers. Also Ladies slipper and san dal rubber Shues of Goody ear's celebrated patent.— < Just received and fur sale low bv <»ct 19 tf|X A KIRTLAND. I PLANTATION BROGANS. Now in store the > 1 best assortment of Negro Shoes, we have ever offered in this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled i black and russetts ; do. boys and youths black and russetts, all of which we arc selling verv low. ' "ct. 19 MIX A KIRTLAND. I >OOTS AND SHOES. Men’s ami Boys and 1 > Youth’s fine calf and kip peg’d Boots; Men's ‘ stout kin hunting and mud Biwits; Gents lasting Gaiters. Monterey, opera and tics, and fine calf Bro gans ; Gi*nts, bovs’s and youths’ patent mid enam elled Brogans; Men’s boys’ and youth’s California kip Brogans, a large ussurtment. MIX A KIRTLAND. TAYLORS A VTI-DYSPFPTIC EI.IXIIS \\ r K would call attention to the above valuable > > remedy as being the best ever discovered for ; Dyspepsia; and for this alone we recommcud it. We c have many certificates, and could get many more, from some of the most prominent men in our section of the State but we decline this mode of adverti sing. , We only want the nlUicted to gix :• it a trial - and the worae the cases the more marked the relief to con i vincc all that this is trulv a wonderful remedy. We ; only wish we hud the intiuencc to induce every suf ferer from this terrible disease to give this remedy a trial, as we have never knoxvn of a case yet that was L . not cured or relieved by it even with one bottle.— Give it a trial bv all means. For sale bv GEORGE FAYNE, Macon, r SMITH A EZZARD, Proprietors. • mo l‘'-"m • i Gt 1 TO PLANTERS. f IMIE subscriliers hax e on hand, a good stock of 1 1 Osnaburgs, Kerseys, Blankets, and coarse Shues suitable for the season, also, u general stuck of («ru- ’ ceries which they will sell cheap for Cash or approv r cd credit, at the old stand on the corner above the ' Lanier House. C. CAMPBELL A SON Macon, October 2", 1*57. ISAAC HXYbEX, . . . .J. 11. WOOUWAttU. SALE & LIVERY STABLE. DEN A V OODW ARD are now pre pared to furnish their friend.s and - public generally, with gu»»d safe Horses , ** new us well as tasty Buggies, Carriages. Ac. in complete order at the shortest notice. They are determined to give satisfaction, if strict per-onal attention, to business, and reasonable <*H**h prices will enable tiM*m to do so. Horses fed and kept by tho day, week or, month. Drove Stock also accommodated at reason- I ble prices. Mulberry Street, next to Lottery Otlicc. Macon. Ga. Oct 19 'l'll MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. LI Assl’.TS. Exclusively Ca-b, i Four and a . half Millions of Dollars 7-4?*" Secured by Bond ami Mortgage on Real Es tate in the City mid Stateui New York, worth over : S9,(HHI,O(mi. The entire profits of this Company, $1,6(1",""", (Ist June, i*s7, » are the property of the as-unsl. Wives can insure the In **.- of their husbands for a -uni free from the claims of his creditors. Creditors can insure the lives of their debtors as a j ’ security for their claims. Parties can insure their lives for a sum payable on ] • their attaining the age of 45, 50, 5,5, or 6" years, aiul | * so make a provision for old age, or payable to their ■ heirs should they die in the interim. A fixed sum can he secured bv one payment, with power to increase or decrease the amount deposited, ' - renewing the amount assiwed equitably. FRED KS. WINSTON, President. , * Isaac Adbatt, Secretary. t Sheppard Hom xxs. Acfiiarv. Pamphlets giving every information, and blank fornrs fur applications, cun be had at mx »dfice. T. IL BLOOM. c nov 5 Macon Ga. » GOOD NEWS FOR LADIES \NT l idx that \x ill semi her addie-s t<» Mrs. CREA GER, Baltimore City. Md., with :» three cent . postage stamp* enclo-cd, xvill receive by return mail r information of inqM-rtancc »o her ’ ■ j HEAD GZTTAHTER.S KOK 11 FASHIONABE DRY GOODS. BOSTICK a KE IN would invite the attention of everybody, especially the Ladies, to their new stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, j- which are now just opened and ready fur inspection. , It is a well known fact that our House bus always been‘*flead Quarters,” for the Newest, Richest ( , and most fashionable styles of Dress Goods, and we boldly assert, that our present assortment w ill com pare in point of taste, variety and elegance, with any * stock in the State of Georgia. I 1 Ladies, one and all, vve invite you to call and sec the most magnificent stock of staple A Fancy Wry {wood* ever opened in Macon. » Come, whether you wish to buy or not ;we want you to see them, so that you can tell your neighbors » and ac(|uaintances how beautiful the’goods are. Oct 19 BOSTICK A KEIN. ATTENTION PLANTERS. , A 1 ’"E can supplv ymt with N’em Blankets, Ker- > > seys and Plantation Go<m!s, on as favorable terms as any other establishment in Georgia. Give ‘ us a call. BOSTICK A KEIN. , ’ oct 19 SILKS ! SILKS ! SILKS ! r |’ , HE largest, handsomest and cheapest stock ever 1 brought to Macon, including every style, color and price, from sl2 to SIOV a pattern, just opened ' at BOSTICK A KEIN’S. oct 19 CURTAIN GOODS AND CARPETINGS. < large supply ju.-t received, am! wiil be sold verv j\ cheap by ’ BOSTICK A KEIN. ’ oct 19 ISAACS’ SALOON, 1 tgv On Cherry Street, near Ralston's New Hall, ' M.U OX, GEORGI A IF yon ere fond of noon kitisi; and naiNKisa- if tou want to find all the delicacies of the season a comfortable breaktust an excellent lunch—a sub stantial dinner a first-rate supper, or anything else in that line, you can’t be better suited than at Ls vac’s Cklebhated Saloon. • At this far-famed establishment, Stiiajcgehs and Residents can have whatever they call for. serv<>d up a at moderate charges, in the best stylu and bv thu most attentive waiters, at any hour from early in the J morning until Iflte at night. I*ook at his Bill of Fine, nnd choose fur yourself 1 GYSTEHH From New York, Savannah and Brunswick, ih the -hell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, in unv I wav vuu want them ALSO, Shrimps and Crabs, Wild Giime of every variety. Venison ami iteef Steaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, Ham and Eggs, Dev iled Ham and (Deviled Terapins, Mountain Oysters, Turtle Soup. Ac., Ac., Ac. Wood-cock, Grouse, Mountain Gruse, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and anything that an epicure wants, can always be had when in season. ISAACS invites the ih nort and thiksty passing through Macon, to give him a call, as his LARDER is daily supplied with all the daintikm to bv prucuivd in the Savannah ami New York markets, and his BAR furnished with the best of Liqvokm, Segarsand other nccumpanimcnts. Canfectianpriea and Fmit. ISAACS alsu keeps cun.-tautly un hand u good as sortment of Cun fectio.n e i: j ix, Ohangbs, Ban vna«. Pine Apples, Various dr-criptiuns us Nlth, Cakes, Ac. All of which can be purchased at luvv prices for Cash. Be sure and call nt THE ISAACS HOUSE, ISAACS’ RESTAURANT, CIIEKRY STREET, NEAR RaSTO.n’s NEU If AM,, Maron, (Jwruia. ' oct 17 SI H TII-W J-STEUN <l El >U<; IA LANDS! LEE COUNTY. Ist Ifistrict—Nos, 11H, 1.-,;,, f.;i, l.rth •• KJ. SUMPTEUCOCNTX l.'itb District Nos. so, si, 133,-12, 254. Ifith ** " 223, 240, 247> 247. TEHHEI.I. COUNTY. 12th District—Nui. <JS, <l6, 12'.’. 4tll 11 “ 191. RANDOLPH COUNTY sth District—No. 205. WORTH COUNTY. 11th District— Nos. 169, ISs, lx‘q 196, 229, 231, 234, 15th District—Nos. 6", 64, 66, 72, 157. 16th " “ 11, 2", 21, 43, 44, .*>3, 54, 116, 117, I2N, 137, 143, 144, 154, 159, 16", 165, 166, 171, ! I**, I*9, 195, 197. 19M, 232. DOOLY COUNTY. 2d District Nos. 6*, 2"2, 2V6. 3d “ “ BV, 67. 6th ’• “ 2,4, 19, 20, SO, 35, 36, 4", 5), 54, 1 )2, 113, 147, 179, 2"5, 2»H>, 212, 237, 25". 7th District—Nos. 1,65,66, 129, 121, 132, 188, 159,195, 10th " “ *2, 11", 111, 116, 434, 141, 142, 143, 117, 167, 197, 223, 255, 256. J 14th District—Nos. 16, I*. 19, 139. Pl LASKI COUNTY. 4th District - No-. 76, 77, 82,79, 85, 110,176,177,2"4, 2V5, 211. 214. *th District -Nos. I.'", 151. 161, 162, 168, 172, 177, 178, I*9, 19-, 199, 215, 216. 265. ( RAWFORD COUNTY. 3rd District No.*. 35. 7th “ •• 2*, 41,56, 61. MACON COUNTY. -th District—Nu. 93. Ist “ •• H 6. 2nd “ “ 17R, 2"S, 2"9. MARION COUNTY. 3d District No. 65. 4th " “ 97, 98, 125, 158. 11th “ “ 2. CHA TTA HOOCH EE (’OU N T Y. 6th District—No. :>2. TAYLOR COUNTY. 12th District—Nos. Is7, 199, 2"2, g"9, 21.5,22*, 2.56. 13th " •• 13. 98, 126, 132, 134. 152, 15*. 15.5, 156, 15s, I H, J,174, 198, 217, 243,252. 14th District Nos. 93, 9«, I":;, 126. 15th •• •• 11-7. 15-, 22". TALBOT COUNTY. 16th District Nos. 73, 102, 1"3. EARLY COUNTY. I 26th District—Nos. 35, :.t:, .37, M, *5. DECATUR COUNTY. 14th District—Nos. 12, 13, 16, 17. 51, 68, G 6, 76, 89, !•", 92, 93, 96, 1 11, 146, 147, 15<». 16th District- No. 2*o. 127th “ “ 263, 264, 298, 299, 3»X’» SOL £O2. THOM AS COUNTY. i *th District—Nos. 3*9, 391, 392.423, 424. ; Kth “ “ 212, 347,34*, 374, 376. The above lands owned and for sale bv WM. B. JOIINSTON. Macun, Ga. Office nt E. J. Johnston A Co.’s. nov 12 ' IX*IX)I{ NI b’AH HA I 111] DE VIE, OR Balsam of Life. i Warranted to be *frictly a Wyetahle Ifaparation. CAIIKPt I.LT AXn ACCI’RVTEI.Y PKEP VIJEIi FROM THE ORIG- | IXVLREI IPE OF UR. LELKIVRE. I r valuable preparation ba* be<-n in «<<c for I nearly a century in Europe and the West India I Islands, and for a shorter period in these United , j States, with the most satisfactory result-. No medi- | ' cine was ever compounded which has a more univer- I -al application than this. For the p<-rmanent cure of i all diseases arising from adisordered Liver, Stomach j ' <»r Inte.-tiuv.-, such as Liver Cumiilaint. Jaundice, j Dyspepsia, Nausea, Constipation, rtc., this remedy | has never been excelled. For di*va-es«»f the nervons I system. Sick Headache. Nervous Debility, Ac. In ■ the numerous affections peculiar to females, this j medicine is a perfect balm. The proprietor has hun- . dieds of testimonial* from gentlemen and ladies of I the highest ri*j>rct<»bilify. tnraughaut this State, as I to it» efficacy. Manufactured by CHARLES DeLORME. Sumter, S. C. | 1 For J( in M icon bv F 1 STROHECKJSR A ('<> . 1 A A MFA XRDmI FITZGERALD A NOTTING : HAM no- a I M MBER 11. BROWN’S HOTEL, MACOX, GEORGIA, , f E. E. BROHX, Proprietor. v II A A ING been fully convinced of the ex- 11 ceedingly annoying inconvcnicncca to (mß* which the travelling public, passing over our |!!1M various Railroads, were constantly subject, izlHk i the Proprietor determined to erect and tit up, at the s most eligible and convenient point, a hotel that would ,t supply every demand and be entirely worthy the pa e tnmage of the public. He has, after much labor and expense, carried out bis original purpose, having se v Ircted a site immediately opposite, and within thirty yards of the Passenger Depot. Persons leaving on c the night trains can enjoy, at least, un hour's sleep longer hero than at any other hotel in the city ; and the table is furnished with the best the country af fords; the nanus are comfortably ventilated and sup plied with necessary furniture, and the servants are * well trained and tuny be summoned at any hour. He has spared no pains or expense to meet every want, and supply every convenience, and now everr thing being complete, he flatters himself hi» Hotel af fords eotttil advantages to any other in the State. i-C? Kemcmber thia Hotel is immediately opposite • thePiMitenger Depot. Macon, Ga., Nov. 12, 1857. 3m H IT* ! H ATS ! BELDEN <3c CO-, i RE now receiving nt their Fashionable Hat UM r . 1 Store, under Ralston's New Concert J Cherry Street, Macon, a large and varied assortTneiTt 1 us Goods in their line, consisting in part us the fol lowing articles : FALL SILK HATS, EXTRA FASHIONABLE | Black Beaver Huts, Extra French Felt Hats, Mens’ Casbmorette, Mens’ Mautiloes, Mens’ Drab Beavers, Mens’ Silk Vet vet Caps, Mens’ Navy Caps, Ex tra Ladies’ Riding Hats, extra tine, Otto Caps, extra, Boys’ Hats, Fine Cashiuorette and 1 Fine Black and Fur Hats. Wool Hats, Navy and Black Velvet Cups, Cloth Caps, from 5" cts., to $2 00. Alsu a large as sortment us Plantation (Foods, Leather Hat Boxes, Cm- ' brellas, Ac. All of which will be sold at fair prices. Joiirers from town or country, can have their Stuck rcplen ished oil favorable terms. oct 17 JOSEPH M. BOARDMAN, XVASHINUTON BLOCK. MULBERRY BT. MACOX, GEORGIA. I AW. Medical, School, miscellaneous and Juven a ile Books. Blank Book-, Stationery, Drawing Paper, Roll Pa per, Water Colors, Artists’ Oil Colors, Boxes of Oil mid Water Colors, Mathematical Instruments, Mathe matical and Engineering Books. Copy ing Presses and Books, Writing Desks. Port Folios’, Pocket Books, Gammon Boards, Writing Fluids nnd Inks of the very best kinds, Faber's and Lubin’s Drawing Pen cils, Steel and Gold Pons, and all the various articles usually found in a Book Store. AI-<>, Agent of the Southern Mutual usurance Company. oct I? LANIER house; MACOX, GEORGIA, LOGAN & MEARA, Proprietors. r |’’HE PROPRIETORS of this well known 1 establishment, respectfully give notice that thev are still candidates for the patron age of the Travelling public, and determined mEL tu omit nothing to deserve well of their guests and maintain the reputation of the House. Free Transportation Os Passengers and Baggage, to mid from the House, bv a tine new Omnibus and Baggage Wagon, which they have provided for that purpose. Passengers hereafter vv ill be at no expense vv hatever for transpor tation of themselves and their baggage either way l»e --tween the Lanier Houm* and the Railway Stations in Macon. We w*k a continuance of public fuitronage and promise attention und comfort to our guests. oj LOG A N A ME ARA._ J s " “ WM. A. BOM.- J. B & W. A BOSS, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL Dry Goods & Grocery Merchants,. MACON, GA., HAVE on hand, nnd nre now receiving, in tUeif* . new Store, on the corner of and* Cherry Streets, one of the most extensive stocks us NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS ever offered in the State. Onr stuck, besides a large and general assortment us Groceries, embraces wi extensive variety us SHOES, HATS, HARD AND WOODEN WAttE, C kRPETINGS, AND Fancy and Staple Dry Goode. Our extended acquaintance and lung experience in trade, afford us the most ample facilities fur procur ing our goods on the must favorable terms, and adapting our Stock to the wants us the public, Mid purchasing a* we do, in large quantities, and usually for the cash, we can nflbrd them tv oor customers at correspondingly luw prices. While we cordially invite tlie public generally, to avail themselves of our ample stock, from which to* make their purchases for their wants, we would also especially invite Wholesale Purchasers tu inspect our Goods, und hear our prices, Before pur cha-ing, or sending their orders elsewKere, for w« fee! confident we can offer as great inducements m any House in Carolina or Georgia, and we are deter mined to do it. *-<;•* Try us and sec. J. B. A W. A. ROSS. I oct 19 BAGGING AND ROPE. /*( k/ k COILS Richardson's best Rope ; 0" H F 2"" half coils do do do 2«m) do White Rope ; 2"" do New York Rope ; 20"0 lbs Twine ; 80" rolls heavy Gunny Bagging ; 20" Bules du do For sale by J. B. A W. A. ROSS, oct 19 AL JL G- OO±s S Foil PLANTERS AND MERCHANTS. * i k BALES Ga Kerseys, 10 cases Flannels, • 27 “ Northern do 25 “ Ticking, s.'Negro Blankets, 2? “ Jeans and Coss. ‘ 500 Bed do 10 “ Stripes, 75 case* Wool hats, 29 “ Nich'd Hotne'pns, .".20 " Shoes, 10 “ Suttiuctta, 4 20 “ Prints, 1" “ Alpacas, 1" “ Ginghams, 7 “ Linens, 30 “ Clothiug. We are adding daily to our stock a general assort ment of Good* in our line, to which we invite the at tention us purchasers who are in search of good bar gains J. B. A W. A. ROSS. oct 19 . , MACKEREL, LIME AND FEATHERS! 1 *)/ k PACKAGES new crop Mackerel ; 1— ‘ r 10" Barrels Thomaston Lime ; 50" pounds Tennessee Feathers ; For sale low for cash. J. B. A W. A. ROSS, oct 19 Geo. T. Rogers & Son HAVE in Store uud constantly receiving a largs and general stock of Groceries, consisting iu part of 12" Bags Rio Cofi'ee, 25 Bag* Old Government Java Coffee, 1 C;v-k Cev lon Coffee, very cbuice, 2" Bugs Pepper and Spice, .5" Bbl-, crushed and Powdered Sugar, 75 Bbls. Refined Sugar, various 2.5 Hhds. choice Molasses, 15 Hhds. Bacon Side*, !"o boxes Sjktiii and Adamantine Candles, s<» Boxes Soup, various qualities, 3,0 Boxes Starch, various grades, •o Boxes gross; Pepper, Spice and Ginger, ; 15 Boxes Candy, assorted, ; 6" Boxes Tobacco, all qualities, i 3V Boxes Pickles, assorted sizes, •;5,o"0 Cigars of every grade. Together w ith a general assvrtincot of Liquors— aD <>f which will be sold low for Cash. oet 20 MARBLE WORKS: ~ J. B. ARTOPE, X | ANUFACTURER of and Dealer iu Foreign and ' -M Domestic Marble, Monument*, Tomb-Stonu, Mantle*. Furniture Slab*, has removed the Mar I ble Works from (’otton Avenue, to the center of 3d and Plumb Street, a short distance South of Harde man A Sparks’ Warehouse oct 22-lv HEMOV2A.X-. E. SAULSBURY | S now located at his NEW STORE, ot» Mulberry 1 Street, opposite the Lanier House, and to prepared to show his old customers and the pablte generallv. ' as large and varied assortment of FINE READY MADE CLOTH4NG and GENT’. FURNISHING (.OODS, as can'be found iq this market. He will be receiving coustautly weekly shipments from New York, embracing the latest e*yle< F