State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-18??, March 11, 1858, Image 1

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g s— ■' in L _»! State ■ : VOLUME 1. The State Press IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BV E. C. & A. M. ROWLAND. NVBS< lIIPTION : Two Dollars per annum in advance, or Three Dol lars at the end of the year. ADVERTISING : One Dollar per Square for the first insertion, and Fifty cents tor each subsequent insertion. Liberal arrangements will be made with tho*c who advertise by the year. .TOR WORK. Having a new and beaiififhl supply of job type and one of Gordon’s celebrated Power Presses, we arc prepared to do any kind of work in this line with neatness, accuracy and dispatch, al moderate prices. REIN HOT LINES ON AN OLD SCHOOL HOUSE BY HENRY l». T.EI.AN’P. I've visited the Sehotd-honse, Jim, Where we in childhood s.h. And nest- one recollection came hnyjey—rft thtft ! The windows all had fallen in. The wind, oh! floored the door. The chimney wfts blown ever, Jim; I stayed tn see no more. Those school boy days! O, twaddle! I count the dinners lft«t; The bitter tears—the agonies That Latin grammar cost. I «op that stern old teacher. With ruler in his hand ! The only love he ever knew—- A love to reprimand. -LETTER OF THE HON D t. DICRINW TO THE DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF WASHINGTON. Washington- City, Feb. 185$. gentlemen : I am honored with your kind note of this morning, desiring me t » name an < ♦•vetting when I can meet my Democratic friends of the District, and others sojourning here, and give expression to my op nions upon the great public questions of the day. 1 feel ingly appreciate the generous ami confiding spirit which suggested a compliment so grati fying and distinguished, and regret to add that while it would afford me the highest *.iti*l’?ic , tion to comply with your reqne-t. the pro fessional engagement which brought me here ha* put been closed, and other calls of a kin- ( <!red character at home compel me to leave the city. Our country, blessed by a beneficent Provi dence with all the elements calculated to ren der a people prosperous ami happy, seems des tined to be convulsed by internal strile, and disfigured by domestic discord. Os all the agitations which lijiv* di tnrbed <»ur repose a* a people, and arrayed one sec tion against another. I have regarded an I still regard, the Kansas question a* the iiio-t artifi cial an 1 cnusel •*<. originating in a great degree in bad intentions and worse actions. F<»r all pre' - it p irp •*-•* | shall not consider the vr mmat.oiis and recriminations which h.iy* prevailed, nor the allegations of fraud, violvflt c and treason which bit • sigmdi'••d its imhanpv history, but remark that the < v I* o? which its people roß'pla’u. origiiuitv in their own bosorn. a.i 1 that. as a p • »;de th y have genera’.!;, held, an I now hold, a full and a. :p.u r • iic ly in their own hind- mH* hat t:io-v who r f is • to exerr'e one of the dearest privileges ail highest duties of freemen—that of the elective franchise—may indulge m »rl»i I grief, or cherish p irtizan spleen, but should never be espcci d objects of sympathy. The people of this I’nioii have interests, both foreign a:: 1 domestic, too mighty and diversifie I to bestow heir time and energies, ami sympathy, in con aidcriiig the details of local constitutions or the fairness of territorial elections over which they call have no legitimate iiiiiueiire or con trol. Had I Leena member of the Lvrompt »n Con lent ion. I would have urged the snbmtss siott of the Constitution as a whole, and in all its parts, to the people f»r approval or rejec tion. But lam iinahD to perceive upon what possible s uind theory of non-intervention eitln-r rhe President or Congress ran go behind iiCon- , stitution republican in form, ami determine whether a people who uiight have voted tor delegates did s • v »te. or whether t!ic delegates in <v*4Jvvouion. in negleetitig to submit the de tails of the r<Mi*li<trt ion to the propio, obeyed or disregarded the popular will: w hether the constitution wa* wi*e or unwise, slave or free. All these are questions belonging exclusively, to rhe people oi Kansas nt all times under their complete control, ami in which the federal gov ernment cannot intervene without disturbing the foundations upon which the popular feder ative edifice rest*. If Congress may reject a constitution because its detail* were not sub mitted to the people of the Territory, it may, in like manner, manifest its disapprobation be cause they were. If it may tirtervewc to com pel a submission to the people, it may inter- . vene to prevent submission ; if it may reject a constitution for the sole cause that it authorizes slavery, it may reject it because it does not ; and popular sovereignty becomes but another name for federal despotism. The democratic party, through many periods of vicissitude and trial, has proved itself to be tlie guardian of the constitution and th * Union, the preserver oft he public |>eare, ami the foe of sectional strife ami disunion, under whatso ever pretence presented. Its chart is the con stitution. its policy progress in the cause of true freedom and human regeneration. The country looks to it again in this crisis to put forth its conservative power, to rescue the last best hope ot man from the evils w hich menace, it. The administration of its choice, firm in its purpose, and guided by wisdom and modera tion, is devoting its best energies to procure the admission of Kansas into the I nion, and thus leave the elements which disturb a na tion’s repose, and arrest its progress to the correction of those with w hom they originate. It is gratifying to perceive that the democracy throughout the Union, with great unanimity, are rallying to the support of the administra tion upon this great principle, ami sustaining its policy. This Kansas question is the aliment of those who live and move and have their being in sectional strife; and they will feed upon it. and urge it npon others so long as it can be made available for partisan pur poses; and when it can be no longer used to stimulate taction or “adorn a tale,” it will *be discarded as worthless, and all the clamor for freedom ami the rights of the people of Kansas will vanish into the air. No one, familiar with the course of events, can doubt the design or the consequences of a prolonged existence of this controversy, nor the importance to the best interests of the country and its institutions that it be brought to a speedy conclusion by receiving Kansas at once into the Union. That done? the ques tion no longer remains a disturbing element beyond the confinesot the State. Thus limit ed, with the inherent and ronceedv 1 right of the people to change the constitution at will, it becomes a question of local and restricted interest, ami of course of restricted agitation. Beyond that limit, while some have been miss ed by artificial clamor, the first object of those politicians who started this i x «u<. ;l ad seek to prolong its discussion, is the overthrow of the democratic party and tl»c administration of its choice—a party which is identified with the great interests of the country, ami which at all periods of its history has interposed the shield ot sound opinioh alill patriotic action against the combinations of politicitl enemies and the enconragcr* ot sectionalism. Let every true democrat, in and ont ofCon gress, retlect upon the conse<|uences, if at this t ime ami under such circumstances that party < and its administration shall be broken down, and all the disturbing at the late Presidential conte-t ’he again set ‘in imltion-: am! let him ask himself if he can be made aux- , iliary to such tin object ami to such consvquen •res. so the citiken* of this Dn»triet. ever loyal to the Union and its constitutional Mtjfegtiards. 1 am happy to renew the expressions of my at tachment un<l respect, and to acknow ledge the gratitieatioii it afibnls me to feel that I still ' . Irve in their Kkay’-t'O'Meiswv** in tluencc ever prevent it from being tlm great central bond of I nion of the States of our gio- ' Hotis republic. 1 have the honor to be, with high regard, ! sincvrcMv vonrs, D. S. DICKINSON. J. F. Exxis, Esq.. President Washington Democratic Association, and others. MISCELLANY. Law fob Rail Road Collisions.—Judge Wiaahvard of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania, in the long contested suit of Obrien, vs. the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore K. R. Co., lur damages lor personal injuries sustained by plaintiff, while crossing the track ot the Railroad, in a two burse wagon, charg ed thejnry. say* the Philadelphia Ledger, sub stantially as follows: Ist-., That a person about to cros* a Railroad track, is in duty bound, to stop a id look in both directions, ami lister*, be fore crossing. 2d. That if the plaintiff contrib uted-in the slightest degree to the accident in question, he Could not recover, although the 1 Railroad Company w ere negligent.’’ Is J.auei: Peer Lx roxh ating ?—This ques tion wa* recently before a jury in Brooklyn. N. Y. A crowd of w itnesses were brought forward to prove that it not. Dr. Arming . testified that he saw a German drink Dhi pint ghissc* <*f l,ager within three or sow hours without getting drunk. James \\ Lite testified to drinking 32 glasses within two hours ami ♦lid not feel any intoxicating effects. Philip Kock astonished the court mid jury by swear ing that owiv*. <bn m be drank a keg ot La ger Beer e uitaining nfcen and a half' gallant within two hours, ami did not feel any the worse for it. lie said it depende«l very much upon the state of bis purse how much he drank during a day. When tlush he drank l»0, ! 70. No ami !h> glasses within a day and evening. Never wa* intoxicate J ami never saw any one intoxicated on Lager Beer. (The glasses re ferred lo contained a pint.) A Missurm Sm i: ;eo.\. —During a late revi val in tue Baptist ( hurcli at Lagrange. Mo., a lad 17 year* old. who had acquired some m>- torirty in the tow n a* a theatrical performer, joined the church ami prepared himself lor the ministry, lie ha* recently been licensed, ami ha* entered on hi* clerical duties; and so won deriul arc li * powers, tlrnt the w hole commu nity are in vc ’.arie* w.t’.i his elforts. When iic -he*, the < hnp-h is crowded; persons from nil the country round about llorkiiig to hear him ; and hie oldest veteran* declare that they never Les »re listened to such thrilling el olu-n ••. ihe name ot tl. “buy preacher” is .1. i>. Fuller. The Qveens of Ei itort:. —An American la dy. who wa* at Stuttgardt during the last meeting <>f the Emp< r<»rs. thus w' ites of her own *ex as r-presented in the Imperial party: “ I he <L ,ceu IL’lhU’d is a most cultivated j ami elegant womau-r *4iil very htttidsouie, tlrnMgh sl-w has a grandson. She speaks En petiectiy, and is. perhaps, the most ac complished woman in J jirmic. The Princess t Olga is *aid to be the handsomest woman in' Europe. I'lase ladies w ere dressed in white mo !\*antiquc silk; a stripe ot whit<\ five or! *ix inches wide, and a stripe of the same width covered with the richest flowers here; and then, in the w bite stripe, there was an immense luimdi of flowers, ihe dresses were all some thing in the same style—chip IwHinets with white feathers, ami magnificent lace mantle*. 1 cannot forgive tfce Queen of Greece for being a fat, fair, roil nd-laced. j<dly-looking human.— 1 expected to see a maid of Athens, and 1 don’t like my romance dispelled. Letter A and Let Hen Bi:. —We have made a discovery. The w onder is, in this age of new *paper paragraphs, it was never made before, but wa* reserved for the Gatesliead Observer of 1M57. Byron had a “passion for the name of Mary,” and our gracious Queen has a passion for a letter A, Here is the proof: Alexa.idriana Victoria, Queen ; Albert. Prince Consort; Adelaide, Princess Royal; Albert, Prince of Wales; Alice, second daugh ter ; Alfred, second *<»n ; Augusta, third daugh ter ; Alvrtik fourth daughter; Arthur, third son; Albert, fourth son ; Beatrice, fifth daugh ter. — Englitdi paper. Letter Ais played out; and now let her be. Personae. —Mr. Buchanan’s Cabinet is com posed of “men ot weight.” Howell Cobb is set dew n at 217 1-2 pounds. Gov. Brown at 177, Secretary Toiicey at ififi. Secretary I’homp son at 147, and Gov. Floyd at 129. Gen. Cass will weigh nearly 2(H) pounds, although he is , not so fleshy as he was a few years since. He is very active for one ot his age. ami walks to the Department ot State almost every morning, without an overcoat and with an elastic step. Sih-nky Girls. —In Bangor Me., recently, several persons were lined tor an assault upon a school master. It seenisthat four of the large hoys endeavored to carry into effect a plan they 1 had been concocting for some time to put the ma*ter out by seizing him about the neck and choking him, while two of them held the door open. Three of the girls, aged from Hi to 19, two of whom had taught school, then came to the rescue, ami by main strength ami by the use of a billet of wood, which they used to good purpose on the rufliaas, laid them out straight on the floor ami caused them to give in beat. The struggle lasted some time. Alabama Lec-islati re.—Parson Brownlow, writing from Montgomery says: “The Legislature of Alabama is composed of P too many' inendaTs —100 Representatives and • 83 Senators. Fifty members in the House, • and twenty-five in the Senate, would do more i business, and do it better.’’ What would the Parson exclaim were he to peep upon the Georgia Legislature, as it will t l»e 12(5 Senator'! and 163 Representatives!-—- Would not his involuntary exclamation be, it f i* a wonder that any businessatall is ever done? Recorder. I To Catch Owls.—ls troublesome to your - poultry, set a steel trap on the top of a pole, ? i near the hen roost, and they will certainly be » r aught. MACON, GEORGIA, Till RSOAY, MARCH 11. 1858, I\ B>. El A I LE Y, ATTOIINEY AT LA II; Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga. 11 TILL Practice in the following Counties : Ter ▼ ▼ reil .Superior Court, l.*t Munday in March and Sejnembei, Early Superior Court, 2d Monday in March and September. Clay Superior Court, 4th Monday in March and September. St. wart Sujierior Court, 3d Munday in April and October. Randolph Superior Court, Ist Munday in May and November. Calhoun Superior Court, 4th Monday in May ami November. Lee Superior Court, 4th Monday in March and September. Dec. 17, 15.’»7..1y. Hrs. Howland TSnowopening FALLand WIN- ' ■% 1 TER MLLLINERY. < 'onsixting /rj > . of all the Fashionable Stvles of r- Donuetiu Hefwi Hrcsxe»K | f V I’rnthcr*., I’lowrr*, ( Jonh*, and Dr rases, Silk Evening J- Dre* rs, < rinofines, Wire K [* Braid*, strtkt Shawls and v M Scarfs. w \ All <>f Width Will be sold on the most reasonable terms for Cash, (’ontrtry Milliners supplied with Bonnets by the Case or DoZt n. All orders promptly attended to in Millinery ur Dress Making. nov 2 r > MARBLE WORKS. J. H. ARTOPE, MANUFACTURER of and Dealer in Foreign and . Domestic Marble, nt", TtnHb-St'Htte, Mantle, Fur nit nr* S/afrt, dr., has removed the Mar ble Works from Cotton Avenue, to the corner of 2d and Plumb Str»Tt, a short flbtatter South of Harde man Sparks’ Warehouse oct 22-1 v REMOVAL. r I’’HE subscriber has removed to the corner store in 1 “Washington’Bl«»ck.” • new Building, i orinotlr r words, “the Ohl Washington Hall Corner.” wlicrelw w ill be pleased to see his friemla and customers hs usual. J. M. BOARDMAN. nov 2fi PLANTATION FOR SALE/ ’^1 > HE Plantation near Amerifu* fornwrlv ow ned I v 1 T. L. Holt -containing acres. It is finely situated, in good state of repair, with the necessary buildings, Ac. Terms.--One-third cash, one-third one year, one-third two years, with interest. Apply to T. M. Furlow, Americus, or to the undersigned at Macm. JAME.N W. GRIITLN Macon, D/v. 3rd 18.'»7. City pn|x r* <-opys TO THE Pl ZSLSC. r |''lll; subscriber in order to reduce hi* stock of 1 CLOTHING, w ill sell from until the first of January at It E D I C E I) P R I C i: K ? lli* stock is large and entirely new . and embraces everything usually kept in a First Class Clothing Store. He illites theqiublic to gi\e him a call and examine fur themseh vs. E. W UNSHIP. nuv 2ti • Whirls .' I ■“■/Y DOZ. Linen Busum and Marseilles Shirt*, far •Hr sale cheap by L WINSHIP. MW OVER CO *TS,oi e»cry stvle a ;d vm i'-iy, 1 * H F for sale cheap by L. WINSIIII*. nov | HAVE on hal’d a large h,t ot C.rcap but sarong 1 clothing for servant’s wear, that I w ill disjwise of hi very low rate*. E. 'A INSIHI’. TT 2 * TT r/ '-Ss FINE A RT (.A LLERY. TRIANGULAR CLOCK. MACON. GA. IJHOTOGIi U’HS lift'size, at |.ne<-s leu >i!f a. coioied by the best Arti-t in ti.c countiy. Ani brotypes, >tei reosctq es and Dague’ rcaly pe*. cbeaj - er than ever before. For only one doilai you can on tain at this splemlid Gallerv a good likeness .na neat i ca*e ; and it is the only Gallery in M.-.r.»n wliv-e good pictures ate taken at Aw- prices. Every picture war ranted to please, and to Im* as good as can be obtain ; ed elsewhere. nov 2<» n, IIOPGKINS 4- SON. LT-’cnn. Gi.. Dealer* in, run/ 'ihni"f''e'm <r* nf. v?Grf7i?;3 AHTI3LES ALG-tE. Everv description of G-TTKTS, i RIFLES, I’ISTOIX FISHING TAC KLE. CFTLERY, WALK- ING STICKS. &c. THE public generally are invited to call and exam ine a- great a variety a* can be found in any house in the Slftithern States. nov 12 THE NEW YOU 51ES OF BLACKWOOD AND THE FJUR BRITISH REVIEWS, COMMENCE VS FOI.LOMS-C The NORTH BRITISH, “ EDINBURGH, “ LONDON QUAIL, -.lunuarv, 1:53. “ WESTMINISTER and BLACKWOOD. 24*’ Si uscuirTKKX Pk« i:s. Blackwood or any of the Review *. *-•> a year. Blackwood and one Ret icw —or any two Reviews, s.’•, The four Reviews. £-. Blackwoot* and the four Reviews, xlo. Postage ■ w hich should Im' )<id quarterly in advance) on the four Reviews and Bl.tckwoiKl to any Post Oilice in the United States, only -<• cents a year. Namely : 14 cents a year on each Review , and 24 cts. a vear on Blackwood. Address L. SCOTT A CO.. Publishers. .‘•4 Guld Street, cornel' of Fulton, N. Y. jan 14 * dunce t.rocci’ics. .1 E S T II EC E I V E I). fcWtIIIIDS. New crop N. 0. Sugar, !«•<» bbls, Relined Sugar. 2*> Blds. New Crop. N. O. Syrup, ]•»" Boxes (’mini Cheese, 25 Kegs ami Tubs Goshen Butter, !<»«> Packages New Crop Raisins, For sale at very low figures for cash. J. B. A W. A. ROSS. I Dec. 24, I<»7—tf TO I’I.DTERS. r | S HE subscribers have on hand, a good stock of 1 Osnabtirgs, Kerseys. Blanket*, and coarse Shoes suitable for the season, al»o, a general stork of Gro ceries which they will sell cheap for Cash or approv rd credit, at the old stand on the corner abo\r the Lanier House. C. CAMPBELL A SON. Macon. October 2»'. D-’»7. I! I I 1 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. VJ'ET ASSETS. Exclusively Cash. Four and a half Millions of Dollars- Secured by Bond and Mortgage on Real Es tate in the City and State of New York, worth over The entire profits of this Company, . (Ist .lune, are the property of the assured. Wives can insure the lives of their husbands for a sum free front the claims of his creditors. Creditors can insure the lives of their debtors as a security for their claims. Parties can insure their lives for a sum payable on , their attaining the age of 45, .50, 55, or •’>" years, and so make a provision for old age, or payable to their heirs should they die in the interim. , A fixed sum can he secured bv one payment, w ith power to increase or the amount deposited, —renewing the amount assured equitablv. FRED’K S. WINSTON, President. , Iswc Abbvtt. Secretary. SitEPPtan Homvns. Actuarv. Pamphlets giving even information. and blank ' forms for applications, can be had at mv office. T K. BLOOM. nov 5 Macon Ga. DR. H. A. METTAUER, IT AV ING spent a portion of th rec successive rears lin this city, during which time hr has limited his practice almost exclusively to Surgery, now re C s]H*ctftilly offers his sen ice* to the citizens of Macon and the surrounding country, in all the branches of ’ his profession. Office nn th,. South-east corner of :<1 and Cherry streets, oxer Asher Arres’ new Grocery Store. dec 81 ' LECIL xotk i::;. 8188 POSTPON ED SALE. 11’’ ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, > > before the court lumse door in’ the city of Ma con, Bibb county, between the legal hours of'side the following property, to wit : Fifty acres of land, the same being a part of the West half of lut No. 237. in the L'.th District <?f orig inally Monroe. now Bibb county; levied <»n a* the property of William Y. Howard, to satisfy one fi fa, from Bibb Inferior Courß in favor of Arthur Fos ter vs. Win. Y. Howard. Propertv pointed out bv Defendant. T. G. W. RAILkY, D. Sheriff. ' april 4 8188 Sil Eli:> I s X Li;. AX sold on the first Tuesday in April next. \ v before the court ligium- door in the city of Ma ron. Bibb bounty, between tlie legal hours of sale, the following prtiperly, to-t. it: Lot No. o. square frbtrting on Fifth Ktrvet in tl:“ City of Macon, Bibb tmuirfy, Georgia; h vied on a* the property of John Kcana-' to satisfy two fi fas from Bibb Superior Court in favor of Logon A Meara vs. John Kearnes. nmrch 4 X w BRANTLY, Sh’flT. CRAWFbttirWt?>:tti»T J4ALIX X \ ’ ILL he so’.d, ijcforctiic Court Houaedoor in tip l v v town of Knoxville, Crawford county, on the first Tuesday in April, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to w it: One bay mare mule ana dnv bay horse mule, and a two h »r*<- wagon and harness : levied on as the prop erty of JatneL. Merrit to satisfy a fi fa from Craw ford Inferior Court in favor of Asher Ayers vs. the said Merrit. Property {»ointed out by Geo. W. Nor man. plaintiff*s Attornev. mar 4 MORG AN IIANCOCK. Sh. riff. 8188 NIIEIIII'F SALE. XX ’ ILL be -old on the first Tuesday in \pril, V ▼ 1 s'i*. before the c •art hou*<* door in Macon, and within the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit : * * One in to man by the name <»f Gabriel, about thir ty years of age and of dark complexion ; levied on as the property of Ro*>ert R. Gilbert, to satisfy a fi fa from Bibb Inferior Court in favor of A. M. Smith vs. Robert R. Gilbert. Property pointed out bv A. M. Smith. Also, at the same time :.n1 place, fraction lot of bind No. 253, in the- tth district originally Houston now Bibb county ; levied on as the property of Rich ard B. liitlenbvrry to satisfy a fi fa from Bibb Supe rior Court in favor of Samuel Robhison and w ife vs. Richard B. Rittcubcrry. Propertv pointed out by defendant. Also, at the same time and place, one hundred acres of land, more or less, it being part of the lot whereon Warren Amerson, decease I, lived, adjoining the lands of Thomas Bi'gLy, Win. Fivcinan ami others, on the : left of the public roa 1 from Macon to K noxvillc, aboift * miles from the City of M.icon; levied on as the prrqMTtv of A*a Sumerlin to satisfy ali fa from Bibb inferior Court in favor of Charles E. Moore x*. said Asa -umcrlin. Property pointed out h* defendant. mar 4 ED. <i. JEFFERS, Di p. Sheriff. PULASKI MORTGAGE SALE. XX ’’ILL be sold before tiir court lmu-e door in 5 1 Hawkinsville. Pulaski county, within the le gal hours of sale, on tlit first Tuesday in May next the following property, to-wit: One house and lut in the town of Hawkinst ill*, •number ayd letter not known, nut lying on the South *ide of Commerce street and know n as tl.e stone build ing formerly owned by .1- ph A. Burch, and sold to A..L Tarver, ami by him sold to Wm. D. Odom, and by O/loin sold to Eh Shivers, and lut t»f numlicr ■'sixteen, in the «th district of originally Dooly now Pulaski <• -uinty . and the h.ilf f t number tw • hun dred and fu'iy (our, and th ! . t of b.j number two bn.idred and forty five, both in the fifth district of •h . gmaliy Dooly i.o'v Pulaski cotimy ; lc\ i< d on as ti«e p - op.«.t; ot I'.i S’.ii vrs to satisfy one mortgage fi fa in tuioi of Adam W. Bril F. i Shiver*. MILE’S BEMBKY, She riff at the -ame tim • and p!xce. < x humited acres ;if :.i id, Bimfie's n .1 ki .an, but f-.'i -wu a-, t'te Joim J. Ila ui.'t hi ;dae>-. Ivingoii Big C.v'L. adi nrit.ig fin* lands of M »rns (• , ( t »-k. in the t.i dtstri.-i >i Pu a-ki county ; levied on a* tin* property <»f Cha' les Lot e. to -n'.i !» live n t’<w i'- ;eifvo';) I’ulaski Superior and !.!<•: io; e 'ou I*, one in fav u'of *.V. W. Har. ell, c in favor ol M. .k T. one in favor of Daniel Rawls, one m fa or of William R. vVuiker, one i<i fa \o»- of ui v*. k aarles Love, o w in favor of Mo>es (anyton \s. ( l a n * Loir a..d u. A. L«»\e. Also, at the same time an ! place, one negro w itran na'-ie i ii i i.ian ; le ,ed » i as the property of John l.o\e m -at.-t ? one fi la in fm »r of John Cochran. Also, at t’ie s-une time mid place, one negro boy 4 named Hardy; letici • i as the property of .lacib Dy kc* to sati-iy one ti fa issued from Pulaski Inferior Court in favor us Alien B. MeArthy vs. G. B. Wil liams and Jacob Dyke*. an faAsui Ai KiL .-s kLL.*. \ V ILL l»c sold on the lii-( Tt:i sday in Aprit m'v', V I briere the court house d-»«>r in Hawkinsville, Pulaski county . w ithin the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit : The Haw kiiisviile Hotel and the Stables, together with all the appurtenances belonging to said Hotel; levied on as the property of W. B. Daniels, to oatisfy four fi fas, two issued fr >m Pulaski Superior Court, one in favor of M. T. Grace vs. A. .1. Turner and W . B. Daniels, security, one in favor of Clark A Phillips vs. W. B. Dtuticis; two from Pufas i Infe rior ( ourt. one in favor <4 Dean Elbert is. W. B. Daniels, one in favor of George J. Smith vs. W. B. Daniels. Also, at <l>c aame ti nc and place, one bou>e and lot in the tow n of Hawkinsv die, numlfcr not known, but known as the house and lot now occupied bv Daniel M. McCabe, and the stables attached to said hou***, with a4l iir«* appurtenances thereto belonging, ami one pided horse, two mules ami a. two horse wagon, and one buggy and harness; all levied on as the property of Daniel M. McCabe to satisfy three fi fas issued from Pulaski Superior and Interior Courts, one in favor of John .1. Spansiw \s. Daniel M. Me < id»e and John H Oakley . one in fax-or ot I'homas (’. Dempsey vs. Hart A Mvi abe. one in favor of George 1. Rogers A Son vs. Hart A McCabe. Also, at the same time and place, lot of Land, num ber not known, but know n as the lot on w inch James Holland now lives, in the 21st district of Pulaski county ; levied on as the propiTty of James Holland to satisfy one ti fa from Pula-Ki Superior Court in fa vor of i.vary E. Wimberly, his Guardian, George Walker, vs. Green B. Williams and James Holland. Also, at the same time and place, one hum! ed bushels of corn, moix* or less, and one voke of oxen and ox cart, one buggy and harness ; ail levied on as t :»c property of A. »». Coody to satisfy one Superior Court ti la in favor of M. A I’. Grace vs. A. B. Coody. Also, at the same time and place, lot of land No. 52, lying in the sth <hstrict of Pulaski county ; levied on us the property of Rot H-rt L. Edwards to satisfy one ti fa from Elbert Inferior Court in favor of the Cen tral Bank of Georgia, vs. Joseph T. Edwards, Robert L. Edwardi* and John F. Edwards. • Also, at the same time and place, lut of land num ber not known, but know n a* the lo: on w Inch Roland f Williams now lives in thy i'jth district of Pulaski county; levied on as the property of Roland Wil liams, to sutisty four fi fus, one in favor of Darling Swervngen, one m favor of M. A T. Grace, one in fa • xor of.i. I’oilli; - A Co., one in favur of Daniel Kuwis, all x s. Roland U iliiiuus. Also, nt the same time ami place, lot of land, num ber not known, but known as the lot on which Daniel J. Witt now live', in the fourth district wf Pulaski county ; levied on the property of Daniel J. Witt to satisfy two ti fas from Pulaski Superior Court, one in favor of Tnonia* Alexandria, one in favor of Daniel Rua Is, both vs. Daniel J. Witt. Also, at the same time and place, lot of land num ber not known, but known as the lot on which Jesse Wade now lives, in the 22nd district of Pulaski coun ty ; levied on as the property of Jesse Wade to satis fy one li fa in favor of Jackson Lamb vs. Jesse Wade. Also, at the same t ime ami place, the South half of lot of landplumber one hundred ami fifteen, contain ing one hundred acres, more or less, lying in the Nth district of Pulaski county ; levied on as iim* property of Elizabeth to satisfy one Superior Court ti fa in favor of Alexander Stuart vs. Elizabeth Ixivett. Also, one s<>rrel mare; levied on as the property of George D. Grinstead to satisfy two ti fas, one in favor of M. A T. Grace and one in favor of Ryau «k Fort, both vs. George D. Grinstead. Also, fifty acre- of land, number no! known, but known a* the land whereon Reuben Williams now lives, lying in the *th district of Pulaski county, und levied on a-the projxTtv of Reuben Williams, to sat isfy two Justice Court ti fas in favor of Lathrop. Man ning «c Co. vs. Reuben Williams. Lev ie.l and return ed to me by Willington Connor, constable. Also, half of l it of land, number not known, but known as the place whereon John M. Stoke- now lives; levied on as the property of John M. Stokes to sati-fv two Su|»eri<ir C.urt ti fas. one tn favor of Rob ert W. Radford v<. Jvtm Stokes, and one in favor of Reuben Harrell vs. Edward Pipkin ami John M. Stokes MILES BEMBRY. Sheriff mar 4 8188 Nil KRII l"s BALK. T be on the iitut Tuesday in March □ext, ' T before the court bouse dour, in the City of Ma ron, Bibb county, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: A negro man by the name of Daniel, about SOycars of age; levied on as the property of Francis M. lluglies, alias Francis M. U drox, to satisfy a ti fa from Bibb Inferior Court, in favor of A. I*. I’ower vs said Francis M. Hughes alias Francis M. Wilcox. Propertv pointed out bv D<*tvn«laut. Jan 2< T. W BUANTI.Y, ShenC. » Above sale postponed to the first Tuesday in \pril , nfrxt. march 4 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDU TORN. < LL persons indebted to the estate of Mrs. Sarah Q. Fhikvr, late of Bibb county deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment to me, and all having claims against said estate are required to present them within the time prescribed bv law. T. R. BLOOM, Adm’r. Macon. March 4th. 1555. CRAWFORD POSTPONED SlIERiFig SALE. 11 TILL lie sold be fore, the Court House door in the I V town of Knoxville I rawford county, on tbr first Tuesday in April K"*. between the legal hour* of sale, the following property, to wit: One negro woman, named nliza, twenty-threv years old, and one boy, Leander, four years old. Levied on as the property of James W. liobison, to satisfy * ii. fa. from Crawford Inferior Court in favor of Levi B. Smith and Thomas .1. Sheppard, fur the use of An drew J. Cloud ▼*. James Robison, Principal, and Ewell Webb, Security. MORGAN HANCOCK, mar 4 Slier iff. (1 EOIIGI k Crawford C ounty. I Whereas. William Lockett applies to me for let ters of dismission from the Guardianship of Benja min G. Luckett, Sarah A. Lockett. James Lockett ami Solomon IsK’kctt, children of James Lockett, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail persons interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, and show cause if any they have, why said "letters dismi.*.<*o|-y should not be ! granted. Given under my hand at office Feb’rv 11th NA JAMES J. R.\V, Ordinary. / t DORGIA ( rawford County. \ I Whereas. William Lockett and Rebecca Lock ett, Administrator, and Administratrix on the estate I of James Jxickett deceased, apply to me for letters of . dismission from said estate. These are therefore to lite and admonish all and ' singular the heirs ami creditors of said estate to be and appear nt my office within the time prescribed by law , and show cause if any they have, why said letters dismiss! try should not be granted. Given under my hand nt my omet* II Feb’rv W>s. t.-l» xx *i» JAM ES .1. LA V. <» dinary. GU ARDI IMS SALE* / x EORGIA, 8188 COCXTV Will be sold before \ I the Court Hou<e door in Bibb conntv. on the first Tuesday in April next, by virtue of an order from the Honorable the Ordinary of Bibb county, Land Warrant number < twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight, i issued to William Taylor and fur eighty acres. .--old as ‘he propety of William J. Taylor, Junes W. Taylo. nd Henrietta Tailor, minor children of William T v ar, deceased. ELIZA) fHK.TAYLAR, feb xviii-4'M Gua tin of said minors. Feb. 17th 855. VOTK E. -Sixty davs after date application will he made to the Ordinary of June" countv f>r for leave to sell the half interest of Cader W. Lowe, > in a negro man Jack. jsn _s MATILDA LOWE. Adm’x. PROSPECT! K OF THE (IHRLESTOX MEIUTRI. A PJltbal, Commercial and Literary Newspaper, Dalhi. ’T , ili< p<'htir::l c lof the Mon in cm-.-t* in the I pri>‘Cipic< of the Democratic Part), as laid down in the Virginia and Kentucky Res.'Lilians of 17'. ami .!•<• S tvereigniy of the Mate-: a Sfi.ct C i -tru ii-»n of tin- 1 • iutal <*on*lttufion bv the rr.<l Government, th • Agent of the Stales ; Five Trad.-, and an Economical Administration of the General (i . er' nieiit. Ds policy f« the muon <»f the Southern Slit - in maintaining their right-. Ti. • Mercurv give* daily reports of the Market and M i. iue L.'e’b e in <’l:ai .’—ton ami the h ading sea oort- of the Lb ion. Its connect ioi» whit the “A— -.-i ,i e<l Pros’’ insures the latest intelligence by Telegraph. The Wee'Jy Price- Current i- imide up v it!i much care, and from the must reliable sources. The Literary Notice- arc di-criuiinating and compre • hensive. Attention is paid to nil matters of general concern, cspceiallv tho.-e in reference to the planting and Agricultural intere-ts, and to the ennent news of the day; and care is taken that nothing shall ap pear in its columns which should be excluded from the fatnilv circle. TERMS. Daily, per annum Tri-Weeklv .*».•»<> Weekly tl*o be issues! early in Feb. uaty.. 2.' ” ci-riis WILL BE Fl K.XIsllI-n as follows: Five Copies of the Dailv for>' od Five Copies of the Tri-tVec kly L" Five Copies of the H eekly V VO PAYABLE IN ABV <N< E. The name of no person out of Charleston will 1m» entered on our books, unless the payment of the subscription be made in advance. S«»r will onlers from wifliottt the city to publish Advertisements, Marriage Notices or Obituaries, be attended to, unless the cash, or an acceptable City reference, accompany the order. Money may always be forwurded at our ri*k in registered letters. •-V s “ Po-*tm i-ters an* authorized to net as our Agents in obtaining subscribers and forwanting the Ktoiiey ; and by sending us /7/r Daily Sub-cribers. with enclosed -or Five Tri Weeklv sub-eriln r-. with enclosed —or Five Weekly snii-crilM’rs, with s|oenelo-ed will be entitled to an pftra : or, if preferred, they may retain Ttr^nty ptr n nt. of the pre-paymruta, for tbeir trouble and in lieu ot the ex tra paper. Out of South Carobnh. Ao person whatever is au thnriz'sl to collect debts alremh <hie to the Mcrcun. In the Siati*. Mr. Svmi el E. lit is our regular Agent to make collections and procure new bu.-ine-s and subscription*. Subscribers ami others, in debt t<> us. arc urgently requested to send in our dues bv mail at the earliest period. HEART A RHETT, feb s I-tf Charleston, S. (’. LAMER HOCSE, MACON. GEORGIA, LOGrATT & MEARA, Proprietors. r IMIE PROPRIETORS of this well kiown 1 establishment, respectfully give nutice that thev are still candidates for the patron f ! age of the Travel ling public, and deternitned to omit nothing to de-erve well of their guests and maintain the reputation of the House. * Free Transportation Os Passengers ami Baggage, to and from the House, bv a fine new Omnibus mid Baggage Wagon, which they have provided f«»r that purpose. Pa—<-ngcrs hereafter will be at no expen-e whatever for transpor tation of themselves and their baggage either way lie tween the Lanier House ami the Railway Stations in Macon. \»'v ask n continuance of public patronage and promise attention and comfort to our gm—ts. oct go LOG AN A MEARA. MACON & WlibiEßN B. ziUAD. MACON, December 14th, 1557. ON and after Friday, the inst., the trains will be run as followst Ixiave Macon 1, a. ni., arrive Atlanta s. 15, a. m. jz»i»ve Mic hi 11.30, a. m., arrive Atlanta p. m. Atlanta 12, night, arrive Macon 7.15, n. m. Jx*ave Atlanta 12 m., arrive Macon 5.4‘», p. m. The night trains will not be run on Sundays. The 1 a in., train from Macon connects with the State Road for Chattanooga nt 12.30, p. in., and Georgia Road tor Augusta at 10 a. m. The 11. go, a. in. tiain connects with the State Road at 12. :"., p. m., and the Ge iffcit Road, at 12, p. m. ALFRED L TYLER. Doc. 21, Superintendent. Geo. T. Rogers & Son H AVE iii Store and constantly receiving a large and general stuck of Groceries, consisting in part of 12" Bag- Rio Coffee, 2 * Bags Ohl Government Java Coffee, 1 Cask <’e\ ton Coffee, very choice, 2" Bags Pepper and Spice. 5" Bbls, crushed and Powdered Sugar, 75 Bbls. Retiued Sugar, various grades, 2*> lllul-. choice M<»hi-s<— f 15 llhd*. Bacon Sides. 100 Imxe- Sperm and Adamantine Candies, 5" Boxes Soap, various qualities, 3" Boxes Starch, various grade-*. 5-» Boxes gross Pep)>er. Spice and Ginger, 45 Boxes (’amly, a-sorted. C" B«»xes Tobacco, all q«ia!iti*'«. Boxes Pickles, assorted sizes, •?5,0. mi Cigars of every gra<U*, Together with a general a* - oilmen: of Li ,-iior*— all of u bic'.i w ill be anld low for (.'ash. oct £0 ROHEttT FINDLAY, SR., JAHCH X. FIkDLAY, CIIKIS. D. FINDLAY. FINDLAYS’ STEAM EN9IHE MANUFACTORY \JFc' 6 c C® V ft.r » f *.« ■»■ X i 7.1 ‘ ;; - : IRON AND BRASS TOOTDRY, AND O K NER AL M ACHLVE SIIOI MACON. GEORGIA. Proprietor* of this establishment would re- L. spectfully call ihe attention of these contempla ting the erection of EL-uifi .Mill*, fur Sairinj and i grinding, or for any other tnirposc whatever. The Mii*ei ioijiy v!*tbr u irk has Deen, and will be, a suf- , ftriTOv gu.iTiWlee fur an ami inervaxiug patronage. Our Workshops and superior outfit of Tools, Pattern* and Machitiery. afford facilities L»r the expedition of work possessed by no other estab lishment in the State. Our prices and terms will compare favorably with that of any first class North ern establishment. The following comprises a list of Machinery. Ac., for any portion of which we will be pleased to receixc orders, xiz : Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery, Circu lar Saws, Mdl Gearing. Mill Stones, of best qual ity for Corn and heat, Water heels, a great varietv. Gin Gear, all sizes, Iron Railing*, for Cemeteries, public and private Build ings, Ac., of Wrought and Cast Iron em- bracing Str -nosh witn P*anty of Sugar M ill - and Syrup Boilers, all sizes. Columns for {store-. < ’hurcbe*. Ar., Ar., Gohl Mining Machine ry. with Double' and Single acting Force am! Lift Pumps of any rvifuiird size, Shafting w itli Turned Puilirs, from the smallest size to mm'feet Di ameter, Cotton Press Irons, Cotton Screw*. Mill Screw s and Bale*. England’s Celebrated self-acting Car (’■ uplings, and other Rail Road Castings. Ail work wan anted tube l equal to the best made el exvhere. <»ct 17 D.ny & Mauesmc t, • H AVING removed to their NEW STORE on Mul berry Street next door to E. L. Strobeckrr A Co. Where they will bo pleased to see their aid rwstomcr*. They would say to all wishing goods in their line, that they are noxx oj enh g a- ?/'//</ os , sortment, which will !>♦• sold at the /0,/ .. / Thex intend giving their personal attention to WAT( 11 REPAIRING. Having been be fort- the public in that capacity for 15 and 2* years, the pub i tic are able to j-iage of their merits in that way. JEWELRY REPAIRING done nt the shorteri no ‘ tire and tin b<*tptHdldt fnannfr, WATCHES. Mag ic and Hunting Cases, Gold and Si’ Huddell Watches, for sale by I oct 22 ’ D\Y A MAUSSF.NET Am h. ram'l Lapinr WATCHES, Gold ca*» * as low a- F 25 each. lor side bv oct 22 DAY A MAVSSENET. r cririnuted Amvrh ai W \TCHE. X . for sale by 1 net 22 DAY A M \USSENET. |X I A MO’x I (Inal. K'lhy, G iim't. Topa/r. I’v ill 1 Z ami solid g 1 huge! R.. - ol all style and prices. For sule bv oct 17 DAY A MAUSSENET. 4 LARGE :•*-••!tnh-nt M Fob, A vM, I liatalam . X and Guard cliuins-of all s«y lv< and prices. For sale by |oct 22J DA V A MAU’>SENET. \ LARGE assortment of silver mid nlaied uurv far sale bv fort 22| DAY A MAI SSENET. Musical in.-trcmentf. vHute*,Fiag eolvtle*. Guitar*. B.ny<.<‘«. Tiunborine*, L'ass Violins, Accurdeous. best Italian Sfrir.g-. Ac.. Ac. For sale by |<«vt 221 • DAY A MAUSSENET. ! \ LARGE a -ailment of I \\<’Y GOODS. 'io\ S, Ac.. for sale by DAY A MAI; SENET j ! or I 22 (BLOCKS ofeverv description, for- !<■ 1 \ oct 22 ’ DAY <k MAI SSENET. \L AKG E a"artment of George Wostridiulinc's ixl CU I I.ERY, fur >uh- l x , oct 22 DAY A MAUSSENET. KAJt AND KVId. DRS. LLKKI N A 1)1 I T<)N> O ( U 1. IS T S AN D A URiS TS. DR. LEBRUN < tiers to those suffering from <!eaf n<'sj»hi* infaUibl* aural remedies, winch have been successful m nearly three thousand cases of con firmed deafness! The e remedies have l>c<‘ii pro -1 nounced bx Dr*. Khramer, of Berlin, and Deleau, of i Paris, ami Uurtis Pilcher, of London, a* the must wonderful ever applied for diseases of internal and middle ear. They comprise difierrist course* for the various diseases that affect the < \terual and middle ear. Dr. Lebrun harrant* a cure in tiary ca*t, when the ear is perfect in its formation. He has eighteen certificate* from those who had been d*affrtan ii>fan av, whose bearing is now completely restated, and they arc now enab’ed to learn tlie language! Over twcu t«. ->even bundled cum-s of deafne * have teen *ucccss • fully treated by him. (’vititivates tu that ci.cct may , be sss’ii on iip| lication. in all case* of deafne-* arising from inflammation, • thickening, or ex en perforation of the “im-mbrana , t x mjiT.ll.” usually called tltv‘drum*; inilainmatioii of tiiucus membrane of the tynq imum and cii*t:eliaiii tube, xvilh areiiniulatinnof inueii--; t.crv«»us allections, polvpu* growths, Ac., or when the dt »a-e can be traced to seal lut. typhus. liiiinms or ino ’ mil tent fe ver. cohk, the use of quinine or mercurial medicines, r gatliei ings m the ears of childhood, Ac., the 'imse i can. in nearly ex cry instance, lie restored. When a want of accretion is appaivnt. the “Auditory canal,” being dry and scaly : when the <leafne*s is accompa- t bird with noises in the ear, like rustling of Jeeves, • chirping of inserts, failing water, ringing of bell*. i pulsations, discharge of matter; when in a stooping position a sensation is felt as if a rush of blood to the head had taken place ; when the hearing is pet feet I v , acute where their is much noise, or less acute in dnll, cloudy weather, or when cold has been taken, the , course mir-m-d by Dr. Lvbnm is considered infallible. hr. DI’FTON, the only practitioner in the United State* who practices the new. painless, and success ful method in treating all diseases to which the Eye is subject. wh?re every other mean* have failed to I aft'ord relief, he asks from such a fair ai;d impartial trial. Patients sending a few particular* of then case, can have remedies sent to any part. Testimony. “We the undersigned, practitioners of medicine in the city ot New York, having had occasion to witness * the practice us Dr#. Lebrun and Didton. in die lse* of the Ear and Eye, lay ing aside all professional jeal ( ou*y and prejudice, freely admit the course pursued , by them in treating diseases of those delicate organs, from the unparalleled sue .ess w hieh has attended it. is well worthy the attention ofour professional breth ren throughout the United States. Tiieir system of treating diseases of the middle and intvmoljrar, by the u*cj>f “medicated vapors.” particularly in chron ic and complicated cases. form* a new era in the practice of aural surgery, ami tills up a void which has long l»eeu felt by the general practitioner. In di* K vases of the eye. thev s- idom require to resort to an operation. As skillful Aurists ami Oculists, and en- ■ thusiasticallv devoted to their profession. we cordial ly recommend them to such as may require their aid." rdgued, .Slewm-i.i: K. Mott, M. D. George S. GkaXen, M. I). Hoi:ace Wixslow. M. D. p C. Delphax. M. 1) Aii-stox B. Francis, M. D. T. V. Van Bi hex, _M. D. BcnFonn Dountt s, M. D. New York. August ", I*4'?. Students wishing to perfect themselves in this branch of medical science, will find an opportunity by joining thr class, at the Eye and Ear Infirmary nf lir. Dvlacy lx*Brun, Union Place. Cliniqnes, every p Tuesday ami Friday afternoons, from 1 to 8 o’cloct, _ during Medical College terms. TERM**. Five Dollars Consultation fee. Ten dol lar* to be paid when tie hearing is restored to it* original acuteness. Address Hrs. .1. DELACY LEBRUN A DI’FTON. Union Place. New York City. , N. B. A treatise on the nature ami treatment of deafness tmd diseases of tlie ear, w ith the treatment of the deafand dumb. Price One Dollar. Money letter* must be registered by the Post Master. Registered letters are at our risk—please bear this in mind. Correspondent* must enclose Postage ft»r return answer, the new postage law re quiring prepayment ot letters. Dec. 24, Ki? —ts. FOB SALE. i FIRST-RATE Single Dray am! Ilarnc; also. I /\ a good Hor»e for the Drax Apply at Georgia Telegraph Office. oct 2? NUMBER 21. SADDLERY & HARDWARE. r pHE undi-rsigm'd would rßßpectfnlly IB- 1 vitc the at lent ion of his friends and cu* turner*, and the trade, to his large stock us * ~ LEATHER AND Rt BRER Double and Single Harness, Saddled, Bridles, Bits and Spurs, of the best make ana latest style. Also, prepared to do job work at the ghortrirt ri6‘- tici', nml in workmanlike manner, and as low as any House in the city. Call and see at his new Store next to the Manufactures’ Blink, and opposite Ross' New Building. JOHN CEEGHOKH. net lw NOTICE. “* ( ''ROM this date we shall adopt ns near as possible the CASH SYSTEM We ore conqtelh’d to Mio It. From this date all articles will be priced AS CASH. Wherecrcdits are given (which will only be given to those who have paid us promptly i an ndilition will be made to the pl ice named according to the time de sired by the purchaser. HARDEMAN 4 GRIFFIN. C.i. jan 7 N EGROES. ’ ,*T LIKELY NT.GKUES now on band for sale, fut vJv/ bills of the Manufacturer’s Bank or other cut rent funds. WILSON C. HARDT. oct 20 J. 11. WOUUWAK'D. SALE & LIVERY STABLE. n\YDEN A WOODWARD are now pre pared tn furnish their friends and th^ public generally, with good safe Horses i:<*w as well as fusty Buggies, Carriages, Ac. Y x in complete ortler st the shortest notice. Tlh-v ai « determined to give satisfaction, if stript per-unul attention, to business, and reasonable easn prices will enable them to do so. Hors*** f»’d and kept by the day, week or rmffrtb. Drove Stock also accommodated at reason* blc prices. Mulberry Htitet, next to Lottery Office, Macon. Ga. Oct 1W ISAACS’ SALOON, Oa Cher-y Street, near Ralston’s New Hall, M ACON, GEORGIA. you arc fond of uoov And DRiNxdWs—rr you want to find all the delicacies of the season— a comfortable breakfast—an excellent lunch—a sub stantial dinner a first-rate supper, or anything else in that line, you can’t be better suited than at Isaac's Celebkateu Nalihix. At this far-fametl establishment, Straxgbrs and Rksihents can have whatever they call for, served nt moderate charges, in the best style and by the . mo-t attentive waiters, at any hour from early in ike morning hntll late nt night. ‘ Look at hi- Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself: • From New York, Nhvahnah and Brunswick, in tbk -hell or by the measuiv, raw, fried, Stewed, in any w nv you want them ALSO, ■Shrimps and Crabs. WBd Game of every Venison ami Beef Steaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, Ham ami Eggs, Devilcdilam and Dev Red Terapina. Moqtitain Oysters, Turtle Soup, Ac., Ac., Ac. Wo.h! cock. Grouse, Mountain Ochre, Stjuirrrl*, . Wi!<l Ducks, Fish, ami anything that au epicure wants, can always Lc had when in season. ISAACS invites the nt MIRY and thirsty passing through Macon, to give him u call, as his LAKDER I.- daily »uppiir<l with all the pai.nties to be procured in the Savannah and New York markets, and his BAR furnished with the best of Liqi ors, Skga«s and other accompaniments. Cans ctionerica and Fruit ISAACS also keups Vuii*nmtly un bund a good ax'* sortuieut of I <rNVi:< TtoNtniFM, Oranges, Apples, * Banaxas, Fixb Apples, • Various descriptions of Nlth Cakes. Ac. All of which can be purchased At low priced for CaaA. Be sure and cull at THE ISAACS HOUSE, ISAACS’ RESTAURA NT. Cnxp.r.T Street, near Ralston’s sew H-all, (jevctfia. net 17 i ><• lor Ni>rH BAI VIE DE VIE, OK Balsam of Lifd. Warranted to bt stri.-tly a Vegrtabte Preparation. CAKEFCLLY AM) ACCt’KATKLY PREPARED FROM THE ORIQ* IN VL RECIFE OF DR. LELKIVRB. 'T’MIJS valuable preparation has been in use for 1 ncurh a centurv in Europe and the West India Glands, and for a shorter period in there United State*, with the most satisfactory results. No medi cine was over compounded w hich has a more univer sal uppluation than this. Fur the permanent cure of all di.-rii-vs arising from adisurdervti Liver, Stumaeb or Intestines, such ns Liver Coninluint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Nausea, Constipation, «c., this remedy hn< never been excelled. I-or diseases of the nervous i svstem. Sick Handsclm, Nervous Debility, Ac. In I tin* numerous affections peculiar to females, this i nivdicii eis a |*Tf‘vrt bultti. The proprietor has hun died-of testimonials from dentlemcu and ladies nt • the higlrest rv>i ectability, turonghbtit thia State, as to its eilicacv. Manufactured by CHARLES DeLORME, Sumter. S. C. For i'<- in Macon bv E. L. STROIIECKER A CO., A. A MENARD and FITZGERALD A NOTTING IM M. novi SOU TH-WESTERN RAIL ROAD. fTT -.a It EDU EE FOR PASSENGER TRAINS. IE \VE Macon !.*<», a. ni., and 11.30 jb. m.; ar j rixe in Columbus 5.52, a. m., and W-. 83, p. m.; h ave Columbus 1.55, a. Ih.. And 4AAh p. Wi. ; arrive in Maoou s.ftH, a. in., and 8»,25, p. m. Jictwten Jfa<w» and Albany. Leave Macon la. m.; arrive in Albany, 3. S 3, a. in.; leave Albany 3.40, p. in.; arrive in .Macon 1U.28, p. tn. Accommodation train leaves Macon for Albany 7.00, a. in., Tri-weekly ; arrive in Albany 4.5 ft, p. mJ leave Albany •’MA’, a. ni., Tri-weekly; arrive in Ma con 1.4«'. p. in. M ui Stage* to and from Tallahassee, Thomaavilli and Bainbridge connect witii regular trains at Al bany. Passengers from Coin mbits and the West for South-Western Georgia or Florida shttUhd take the 4.* p. m. train, or on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays the 1.55, a. in. tram at Columbus. Train* on South-Western Road connect direct with train* of CVntral Rail Road to Savannah and Augus ta. Passengers for Atlanta and the North-West should take the evening train at Albany and either train from Columbus t.»avoid detention. First class S eamships leave Savannah on Wednesdays and Sat* urdax *<or New York. Fare—Cabin $25.00, Sleerari x . . GEO. W ADAMS, • Macon, Nov. 19th, I<>7. Superintendent. CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. NEW ARRANGEMENT* f AN and after Sunday, Feb. the 21»t, the Passes " / ger Trains of this Bond will be run as follows: BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leave Sax anmih 1.15. a. m,, 3, p. m. Arrive in Macon, in.4ft, a. m.. 12.30, a. m. Leave Macon '.‘.4’», a. in., p. m. Arrive iu Savaniiali 7.15, p. m.. b.ftO, a. m. BETW KEX SAVANNAH AXD Al GCSTAc Leave Savannah 1.15, a. rn., ]!.!•% »«* Arrive iu Augusta 9, a. m., 7, p. m. l.eavc Augusta 2, a. m., 3.45, p. m. Arrive in Savannah *.50, a. m., 10.55, p. m. BETWEEN MACON AXD AI GI STA. lA?avc Macon 9.45, ft. m., 11.30, p. m. Arrive iu Augusta 7, p. m., 9, a. trt. Leave Augusta, 2, a. m., 3.4 ft. p. C*. Arrive in Macon, 1".4'», a. m.. 12.30, a. m. Trains conn<*ct on arrival at Gordon, for Milledge ville ami Eatmiton. at Macon with the trains of the South Western Railroad for Columbus and Albany, mxi xx ith the Macon A Western Rood for Atlanta. Pa*sengers leaving Savannah by 1.15, a. m., train, will arrix e in Atlanta about <>, p. tn., leaving by the 2.45, p. m.. tram, can arrive in Atlanta, next morning to bn akfask JIMERSON FOOTE, Saxannah, ISSF. Gen’lSupt feb 25