State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-18??, April 15, 1858, Image 1
- - - ■ —4 . Jp I ; |i 11S VOLUME 1. The State Press IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY r E. C. & A. M. ROWLAND. Sl'B.M KHTIOSI; Two Dollars per annum in advance, or Three Dol lars at the end of the rear. adve4tisim« : One Dollar per Square for the first insertion. rnd Fifty cents for each subsequent Insertion. Liberal arrangements will be made with those who advertise hr the year. JOB WORK. Having a new and beautiful supply of job type and one of Gordons celebrated Power Presses, we are prepared to do any kind of work in this line with neatness, accuracy and dispatch, at thod rate prices. SAVANNAH. The following lines have beer, sent to us from Savannah with the request to publish • 1. Beautiful Savrnnnh ! city of song. What mom'ries of old to thy regions belong. What sweet recollections tiling to my heart. As tliy fast fading shores from niy vision de part. o Oh! poesy's home is thy light calonadc. Where the winds gently sigh as the sweet twi lights fade. I have known ninny, btit the dwelling i for me. Is beautiful Savannah ! the home of the free. 3. Beautiful Savannah ! queen of Southern earth. Where dark eyes shine brightly, 'mid music ' and mirth. Where gay serenaders by light of the star. Oft mingle their song with the dulcet guitar. All that's lovely in life, all that’s deathless in song. Fair Georgia's land, to thy regions belong. YOU KISSED ME. Yon kimed me! My head drooped low on your breast. With a teeiing of shelter and infinite rest; While the holy emotion your tongue dared not ' speak. Flushed up. like a tiame, from your heart to your cheek. Your arms held me fast—oil! your arms were so bol.l. Heart beat ngninst heart in their passionate' hold, • Yotir glances scorned drawing my »otd through my eyes. As the sun draws the mist from the sea to the ! *3ft»s, ... , . I And your lipa clung t > mine till I prayed in my bliss T’ltev might never imclasp from tiiat rapturous ‘kiss' You kissed me! My heart and mv breath and my u ill. In delimits joy for the moment stood st jl. Life had lor me tlten no temptations—no cliiiriii* X» vista of'trc—o.itside i f your arm*. Ami were 1 tins instant all nugel, pos-e'se<l Th the glory and that are given the blest, I would tiing my white robes uurepinmgly down. And tear from nn forehead itsbeautitul crown, To nestle once more in that heaven of rest. With you lips upon mine, and my head on y our breast. You kissed me! My son] in a Miss so divine. Heeled nmlwwooned like a foolish man drunk ell with wine. And 1 thought twere delicious to die then, it death Woold come while my mouth was moist with your breath ; ’Twere delicious Lu die if my heart might grow cold ’•’Title yottr «rnts w rapt tue round in that pas s'uamte tol l. And these arc the questions I a-k day an 1 night : Must mv life taste but once «it< h exquisite de light 1 Would you care if your breast Were my shelter as then I And if I were there would ydfi kiss me again < WHAT IT HAS CO3T, AND WHAT IS IT WORTH! The Washington correspondent of the Charles ton Mermru justly remarks that the whole Kansas question Ims been ruinous to the na tion, and everybody Is sick and disgusted with the subject. Four months have elapsed and Congress has done nothing but debate Kansas. Our hom; and tore gn affairs hat e all been ne glected, the wants of the people have been un attended to, and thousands who have come from every section of the Union on business affairs, and with claims befVr'o Congress, have been kept w aiting he"' on heavy expenses tor months, hoping every day that Kansas would fume to an end. It has already cost the gov ernment more than the whole Territory is worth, if it was put up in town lots to-day. It is estimated that it costs $6,000 a day. for every day Congress is In session ; that a speech of an hour costs l-P'D, and a call ut tlie yeas and nays $150! While nil this time is being thrown away at an enbrmous expenditure, no one thinks of the devil who has exhaust ed his last cent for board, waiting to obtain justice from Congress. The tons of human misery, the heart-aches that have walked up the steps of the capital, would tell a fearful »tory. Had old Billy Sliaks|K'are ever dream ed that there would have been tin American Congress, he would Kfive left out the “law s delay’ - in Hamlet's soliloquy, and put in “Con gressional delays.” What have we gained I'y all this debate on Kansas' It was the sqnie thing with the Ne braska-Kansas bill—tnesame with the compro mise measures of 1850; and what has it all amounted to it It we cannot live in peace let us make a quiet cbmpact and separate. Let a bill be passed dividing the States, and forming a Southern Confederacy. We can all live un der the same constitution, and with our rights and boundaries distinctly defined, neither will be apt to take liberties with the other. We ran then make the North do whrtt England doesnow—tear and respect us. It is clear that this state of things cannot last much longer, nnd the sooner we have a fair understanding the better. I admit that much blame isattacli ed to the politicians of the country, but if the people will not open their eyes to the dangers before them, and blindly be led by the nose, why they must suffer the consequences. We are a worse politically-ridden people to-day, than the Mexicans are priest-ridden nnd an archists. One of the l>est reasons that I have yet heard fo* dtiftiritrtti, isrehfted by a Border Ruf fian. who went to call on the President. He said he waited four hours, and could not g>.t to see him, and “I concluded,” said he, “that if he was so cursed busy as all that, one Pres ident was not enough to attend to the affairs of this Republic, and we had better have ano ther - THE COTTON CROP. The figuring up of the cotton crop for this I year is already a source not only of argument i and enquiry, but also a basis for considerable i I betting not only in Savannah but in inane I other Southern cities. The N. O. Crescent says the question of crop appears to be settling down on 2.900,000 bales, ' ■ and that it wiil not vary materially from these I figures: of which, it is presumed, Great Brit- I ain will get 1,700,000 bales. To this the Delta replies that such nn esti 1 i mate is not of the right sort, and it fixes the . I crop as follows: Received 2,400,000 bales. ' To receive from Ouachita.... fiO.OOO “ From Red River 60,000 “ From Razoo, Tallahatchie. ; Yallabusha & Cold Water. 75,000 “ From Tennessee and Cum berland 40,000 •• From Mississippi River .. 150,000 From Arkansas 15,000 “ i From Bayous 15,000 “ 2,815,000 “ ! To receive at the Atlantic and Florida ports 250.000 “ At Mobile 110.000 “ At Texas 50,000 *• 3,225,000 “ THE COTTON CROP. We have collected some statistics, which en able us to approximate, we think very nearly, to the quantity of Cotton which will be re j reived at Savannah this year, from w hich we present the following exhibit: Stock on baud Ist Sept.. 1857... 1,0(12 Received fr mi Ist Sept., 1857. to I«t April. 1858 211,958 Quantity in ft'aniitu l<t Ap'l 1,732 Stock in Augusta A Hamburg April Ist 33,224 Deduct halt which will go to Charleston 16,612 —16,1112 Stock in Macon 14.3UJ will probably receive MOV Stock in Columbus IB.iHio Will probabiy receive WM) Stock in Grittiu 2.7 pi) will'probably receive 2.0 u Stock in Jonesboro - and vicinity . 112 Stock in Forsyth ami vicinity.. . . 500 Stoek in Albany afifl vicinity 1.000 Stork in Americus (estimated,) . 2.500 Stbck iu Oglethorpe and vicinity. 525 Stock in Montezuma and vicinity. 481 Stock in Wootens and vicinity... . 100 Stock in Adams and vicinity. ... 163 Stock iu Smithville and vicinity.. 75 Stock in Winchester mid vicinity. ion Stock in Fort Valley and vicinity. to; ' Stock in Butler ami vicinity 263 Stoek in Reyftolds mid vicinity. .. 7<‘ Stock on Tine Muscogee llailioad. 200 Stock on line t’entral It. Road. . 137 Stock on lire Augusta A Bav. It. R.. estimated 200 Stoek in Milledgeville and vicin- ity. esf itiml 4'X) S‘<|. !. in E.ito'.itoii mid I::>ity, < timated 400 Probable receipts from Savmimili River 500 Probable receipts from Moutgoui- cry s<).' Provable Rv<-vi|»t> Itxn:: (.h-u.ul/ec River ],ooo Probable reeeeipls from Gulf Road 2o<> 65,5.14 Os ibis quantity, probably 5.000 bales will be held over 5,000 30,594 273.614 The receipts of last year were 313,208 Showing a deficiency of bides. 39,594 We have been to considerable trouble to get , these statistics, and we can assure our readers that they are entirely reliable, as our inforitfv tion Ims been obtained, direct - , from resjkVfisi ble parties. We do not think the actual result will vary a thousand bales from our . Sacamuih Republican. • Xf?” A friend on the line oi tl e Musi ogee Railroad, who Ims been kind eqougli t.o interest himself in getting some suxirti. al information , ferns, writes as follows: “In obtaining the statistics for you, I ascer tained the astonishing fact. that of the Cotton crop not. one bale has been shipped from Ge neva to Savannah, though at that place a con siderable'portion of the crop of Talbot finds an . outlet by railroail—l7B3 bales have gone to j Columbus and 164 to Macon—heretofore, I ' think, one-half from Geneva has gone direct to Savannah. From all 1 can learn among the ' planters, they have planted fur a large crop of | corn, and are now putting in u very large breadth of land in cotton. If the season is fa vorable the next crop will show wimt we can i do in raising cotton.” “At Rutler there are in the ncighborhooil of j 250 bales yet Held by planters who are waiting I for 15 eeats.” — Ibid. FEEDING HOGS ON COTTON SEED. A Florida corn-spoiident of the “Cotton Planter and Soil,” writing on this subject. From actual experiment, coming under my I observation, for the last five years. I have no hesitation in saying that cotton seed, mixed : with corn meal, in the proportion ot one and ' a half bushels of meal to ten bushels of seed will make larger hogs at any given age than the same quantity of anything else that hogs | are fed upon. Mr Jason Gregory, of Calhoun county, in this State, who. I believe, is entitled to the credit of demonstrating the superiority of cot ton seed over almost everything else as food i for hogs, is now feeding 100 hogs, sows and pigs included, on 15 bushels of seed and meal, iu the above proportion, per week, and they I arc in fine order, growing rapidly, and his bogs will compare favorably with any in the State. Nor has lie been driven to feeding on cotton seed, from a scarcity of corn : his plan i tntion is in the low grounds or bottom-lands | of the Apalachicola river, and will, with fa vorable seasons and culture, produce from fif i ty to eighty bushels of corn to the acre ; but. i for the last four or five years, he bus fed on cotton seed in preference to corn. His manner of feeding is as follows:—He has an SA gallon sugar kettle, which is filled with cotton seed and a sufficient quantity of w ater to boil them. They arc then boiled till The seed arc perfectly soft One and a half bushels of meal are tlien added and stirred in, and the whole kept boiling till the meal is cooked to mush. M hen cool it is ready for feeding. His hogs are kept in a lot. or large ]>cn, with troughs, into which hig-feeder measures, eve ry morning, the food for each day. taking earc to keep the lot supplied with water, which is absolutely indhpcdsable for hogs fed in this way. 3' 7 ” A sciiooiuTaster in Wisconsin, named ilarp, whipped a little girl so crnelli, that she ■ died in four weeks. That Harp should he filing upon a u illow or some other sort of tree. MACON,'GEfiUGIA. TIIIiRSDAV, APRIL 15, 1858. LEGAL AOTHES. PULASKI MAY SALES. 117 ILL lie sold on tbe first Tuesday in Mar next, y ’ before the Court house door lit Hawkinsvilld Pulaski County, within the lega hours of sale, the fol lowing propertv to wit: Lot oi land, No. 12V, lying in the 15th district of PulMki County, levied on as the property of John Avard, to aatisiy one ti fa from Crawford Inferior Court, in favor of Elijah M. A vary, vs. John <’. Avaid principal, und William Berrias, Endorser, Also, ut tbe same time and place, lot of land, No. 65, lying in the 21st district of Pulaski County, levied on as the property of Green B. Williams tu satisfy three Justice Court h fas, two in favor of John Puss’er, ami one in favor of John Giddins, levied and returned to me by A. L. P. Giddins, Constable. Also, nt the same time and place, lot of land. No. not known, but known as the lot on which William Warren lived last year, m the 13tb district of Pulaski County, levied on as the property of Reasy Coalman to satisfy one justice Court h fa in favor us F. Thom as. levied and returned to me by John A. Harrell, Constable. Also, at the same time und place, half of lot ofland No. 331, lying in the twenty-first district of Pulaski County, said half being the north half of said lot of laud, and including ail the improvement made on fluid lot, levied on as the property of James 11. Jones to .satisfy three justice Court ti fas, one in favor of .U. 1). Gwinner, one in favor of J. 31. p. Giddius, one in favor of Joseph Graham all vs. James H. Jones, levied and returned tome by James M. Buchan, Constable. Also, at the same tin?*' and place, cue house and lot in the town of Hawkinsville, number not known, but known as the house and lot now occupied by T. 1). L. Ryan, and a negro b<>y named Adam, levied on as the property ofT.J). L. Ryan to satisfy five ti fas issued from Pulaski Superior Court, one in favor of Daniel Mathews, Adm r, one in favor of James Cross, Adm’r, one in favor of Henry Ruggles vs. T. D. L. Ryan, one in favor of William J. Fountain vs John A. Holder, principal and Thos. D. L. Rvan, Sccfv, one in favor of Daniel Yeung vs Thus. D. L. Bvan, and R. F. Delamar. Also, at the same time ami place, six hundred acres of land, more orle>-, number* not known, but kie-wn as the place on which Richard F. Dehunar now Ines in the twenty-lira district of Pulaski County, levied on as the property of Richard F. Delamar. to satisfy six ti fas issued from Pulaski Superior Court, one in favorof John Fail bv his Guardian, John J. Sparrow ; one tn favor of Clark A Phillips; one in favo/of Rob ert W. Radford; one in favor oi Wm. Dushuzo vs. Richard F. Delamar; one in favor Elia* Einstein vs. Richard F. Delamarand James M, Buchan ; one in favor of Mathew T. Grace vs R. F. Delamar, maker A Dav id Buchan, Endorser. Also, at the same time and place, four hundred acres of laud, more or less, numbers not known, but known as the plhcc where John C. Delamar now lives in the twemy first dis. of Pulaski Co., levied on as the property us John C. Delamar, to satisfy two ti fas from 1 Pulaski Superior Court one in favt‘>r of Sarah X. Ray, Adm’r, uue iu favor of Clark 4 Phillips vs John (’. Delamar. Also, at the same time and place, one hundred bush els ot corn, hior*' or lc*s, auu one yoke of oxen and one old buggy and five hundred pounds of fodder, more or less. All levied on av the p report vof Wil liam G. Wood to satisfy two ti fa*, one frum Pulaski Inferior Court in favor’of M A T Grace, one from Pulaski Superior Court in favor of James Stephens vs Wm. G. Wood. Also, at the same time and place, lot of land, num ber not know . hut known as tbe place whereon . Elizabeth and Rachel Hail now live in the district of Pulaski county; levied on as the propertv of William Stripling, to aatisfy two justice court ii ta.< in f*vor us Robert Higden, jr,, v« \\ ilii.t a Strip ling. Lev uij uu and returned to me by D. W. Swur eiikon, constable. Also, at ti»e smip.o time and pla«- '. ! >t • f lun I num ber nut known but known as the ! 4 on which J<»hu Love n.-w lives, m the di*nlm oi PuiasKi v..iu tv: levied on as the property of John Line, to satis fy one ti la from Pnla*ki Superior < ourt in favor of .loLn R. (’iri hian vs. John Love. Xiao, at the *amr time nnd pl.icr. lot < f land No. not know u. but known u* hie lot 0,, >vinch , ( j Gar rHt lived la-tyear. Levied on :l . ♦!,.• ( ~-tv ot Wm. ’l. Faircloth, to s?t. isiy om-It la ft <■:•/I'ul'iy ki S »»»••,*. • Com - ; in favorof M.tlram M.M >. <•. * Win T. I .itcloth. Alsu, at the same time ami place, orc bouse u.”d lot in the old town of llarilont, Xo. n 4 ki.own i,ut known as the house ami lot nearw hei o tL» old jail u- d to stand between tbe Milledgeville the low er I'irrr road. Lev led on the propettv of T. F. King to * 4idv a li fafruin Pni.iski Superior Court in favoroi David Sands v* T. F. king mid Berry Tiniirr. «pr» MILES BEMBin. Sheriff. Pl LASKI .MORTGAGE SALE. ILL be sold before da/* court bouse dour in gal hourv of sale, on the first Tuesday in May next the following property, to-vvit: Oue house und lot in the town of Hawkinsi ille, number and letter not known, out lying on the South side of Commerce t., and known as the 2 story build ing fortnerly owned by Joseph A. Burch, and' sold to A J. Tarver, and by him sold to Wm. D. Gdotn, and by Odom sold to Eli Shivers, and let of land number li£. tn the Mb district of originally Dooly now Pulaski county, and the half of lot number two hun dred ami forty-four, aud the hall of lot number two hundred and forty-five, both tn the fifth district of originally Dooly now Pulaski county; levied on as the property nf Eli Shivers to satisfy one mortgage ti fa hi favor of Adam W. Bell vs. Eli Shivers. Also, at tbe same tune and place, six hundred acres of land, numbers not known, but known as the John J. Hamilton place. Ivingon Big Creek, adjoining the lands of Monts Pollock, in The ith district of Palaski county; levied on as the property of Charles Love, to satisfy five ti fas issued from Pulaski Superior and Inferior Courts, one in favur of W. W. Darrell, one in favor of M. A T. Grace, one in favor of Daniel Rawls, one in favor of William R. Walker, one in fa vor of all vk. Charles Love, ouo in favor <A’ Moses Guyton vs. Charles Love and R. A. Love. Also, at the same time and place, one negro woman named Hannah; levied on us the property of John Love to satisfy une fi fa in favor of John Cochran. Also, nt the same time and place, one negro boy named H>rdy; levied on as the property of Jacob Dykes to satisfy one fi fu issued from Pulaski Inferior Court in favor us Allen IL McArthy vs. G. B. Wil iiams and Jacob Dykes. MILES BEMBRY, Shcrifr BIRR MORTGAGE SALES. A A ’ ILL be sold ou the first Tuesday in June A I before tbe court house door, iu the City of Ma con, that tract or parcel of Land situate, lying and being iu tbe city of Macou. county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, being according to the plan of said city, a part of lot number four '4), in square number sev enteen 1 17), and being that portion of said lot inclu ded within the following bounds, to-vrit|: —commenc- ing at a point on Fourth street, (thirty-five feet from the alley and running along said Fourth Street) one hundred and live feel, thence running in a direct line one hundred and five fret to the rear of said h»t, thence one hundred and fivefret along the bark of said lot to wards th cal ley aforesaid,and thence running in a direct line one hundred and five feet to the starting point on Fourth Street, so as to include the Dwelling House occupied by Alexander Richards and the kitchen, smoke hou*c and other out buildings on said lot ap purtenant U> said dwelling—levied on as the proper ty of tbe defendant, Alexander Richards, t > satisfy two mortgage ti fas issued from the May term of Bibo Superior Court, in favor of Wm. S. Williford, Treas urer, Ac., for the use of the Bibb County Loan Asso ciution vs. Alexander Richards. Also, at the same time ami place, that portion or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Macon, and county of Bibb, and known and distin guished in the plan of said city as part of 10l number four 4 , in square number seventeen (17), being that ; portion of sawi lot contained in the following descri : bed bound* to-wit: commencing at the mouth of the ; alley which divides said lot from the Presbyterian i Church, and running thence thirty-five feet trout on 1 Fourth streot. thence one hundred and five feet back to the rear of said lot, thence thirty-five feet in a di rect line to th-' alley aforesaid, and thence along said 1 alley, one bundrud and live feet to the starting point. | Saul property leviedonas the property of tbe defeud ‘ ant Alexander Richards to satisfy’ one mortgage ti fa issued from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of W. S. Williford, Treasurer, Ac., fur the use of Bibb coun ty Loan Association, vs. Alrsandu Richard*. Also, at the same time and place, that tract or par cel of land lying, being and situate in tbe city us Ala icon, Bibb county, known and distinguished in the , plan ot saideity ns lot number ’>• •* .in *qnare I seventeen (17), and further known as lae Mansion Hon*e lot, containing one-half acre, mure or les*: ' levied on as th-' property of Alexander Richards to i satisfy two mortgage ti fas issued from Bibb Superi ! or Court in favor of Edward J. Stowe. Treasurer. Ac., vs. Alexander Richards. Also, at the same lime and place, that tract or par cel of land situate, lying and being in the city of j Macon and county i f Bibb, and known and di*tin gulshod in the plan of said city as tots No. three and 1 four (3 and 4>. in square number seventeen (IT), with ;dl the improvements thereon ; leviedon as the prop erty of the defendant. Alexander Richards, to satisfy I 1 one mortgage fi fa issued fn»m Bibb Superior Court, in favorof Wm. S. Williford, Treasurer. . vs \1 exandrr Richards T W HR A X'TLY. Sheriff 8188 SHERD I ’S SALE. \\ T ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in May, v A before the Court house door in the city of Ma con, Bibb county, between tjie usual hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Fifty acres of land, more or le*s, being part of th ; west half of lot No. 237 in the 1 th Distr tof originally Monroe now Bibb county. Levied on as the property of Win. T. How ard, by virtue of a fi fa from Bibb Superior < ourt in favor of Dean M. Dunwoody’vs. William T. Howard. Property pointed out by William Y. Howard. Also at the same time and place, lot or parcel of land whereon William R. Jones now lives, containing about tiftv acres mure or less, adjoining lands of Knight. Woolfolk and other* Levied on ne the properly of William R. Jones to satiafv a fi fa from Bibo Superior Court in favor c* Dial I’onaghy vs. Wm. R. Jones and XV’ilioughby Jones. Property pointed out by Plaintiff"s Attorney. Also, st the same time and place, th? lot or parcel of land whereon Josiah Pender now lives, containing ' one hundred and fifty acres more or leas. Levied on as the property of Josiah Pender to satisfy & fi fu from , Bibb Inferior Court iu favor of Cicero A. Tharp vs. Josiah Pender. Property pointed out by Pl’tT. Also, at the same time and place, two bay mules , and waggon. Levied on as the pronerty of David B. Odum to satisfy a ti fa from Biob inferior Court in favorof Hodges and Phelps vs David B. Odum Prope ty pointed uut by Plaintiff's Attorney. i T-_W. RAILEY, Dep. Sheriff’. 8188 SHERIFF’S SALE. VXTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in May next. ▼ V before the Court House door in Macon, une large Buy Horse, about seven years old, and one hug gy and harness. Levied on as the property of Seger A Peltee, to satisfy one fi fa. issued from ’November term Bibb Superior Court, m favorof Dermod Demp ! vs Seger A Pet tee and J. AAS. S. Virgin, secu rities. Property pointed out by J. A Virgin. I . Ivo, at the same time and place, one sofa, one cen tre table and cover, one small table, six chairs, une ' common table, one rocking chair, one case and con i tents of Dental materials, one looking glass, one pic tore, one ily brush, one yard silk velvet, one pair window shades, two pair window curtains, one Den tiM’* case ; also, six chairs, one tete-a tete, thirtv-two ' yards carpeting, one carpet, and one buggy. Levied t on u* the property us A. L. Petree, to satisfy one fi fa issued from February termßibb Inferior Court, in fa- ! vor of 11. Seger vs A L. Pettee. “H l _ T- W. jiKANTLEY, Sheriff. 8188 SHERIFF SALE. Y A be sAritd on the fir*t Tuesday in Mar next, > » before the Court House door iii the citv of Ma con, Bibb county, between the legal hours of sale, a 1 house and lot in the city of Macou, fronting on Fifth or Bridge Street, adjuininu the lots of James Gaviq on one side, and Jos. Keuuu"y on the other, containing about an eighth of an acr-'more or less. Levicaon I as the property us Dominick Garaughtv. to aMisfy a fi fa from Bibb Superior Court, in tavu’r of vofiq W, Babcock, vs. Dominick Garaughtv and Peter Crogan, i property pointed out by Dominick Garaughtv, I. <• Ji.l 1 I RS. pei -riff 8188 ’SHERIFF’S SALES. YA’’ll.l. be Kold before the Court House door in v v 'he city of Maeon Bibb county on the first Tuesday in May next, between the uaual hours of ’ sale, the fiilvw -ig property, to wit : Oim Sofa, one I Centre Table and cover, oiie small Table, six Chair*, one common Table, one Rucking Chair, one case nnd contents. Dental Material*, one Carpet, one Looking 1 Glass, one Picture, on? Fly Brush, one yard Silk Veh vet, one pair Window Shades, two pair Window Cur tains. one Denti't'scase. *ix Chairs, one Tete-a-Tcte. thirt’ -tw - vard* Carpeting, levied on by virtue of a h m lion: Bii.' Interior Court in favor of Francis Kei'v. ty. Au*on L. Pctte«, property punned uut bv plaintiff. Also, at L.. -am.- <.!♦<• ..nil place, will be «< ld one grey Mare tul um- by m.ire Mule. 1? ied on a- the property of Joseph Druhun. to satisfy M ii fa frum Hib!; > ,r. iur C. urt in favur <»f William Hucknbv vs. lose!.!) I); hnn. property poiniod out bv PluintilT. A is* ei :h<* timr.’iuj pine - will In- s->!<l. lot of • ip<i, ti )<• hundred and e.glitx -<»• ••, in :h? thitii Pi' • • vri.-lly H'-e-nm u.-w !; i o -nta.min • i\\« : umEed t v >«• 4 ;> Irali - J.ioie <*r !<•>>, levied on fi \ nn.c >l ;■ t; m hom B.hh <c t , U ii ni fr. d \ M.i i.e. «. .1 j. Fem'.iu-. Wi’.v v* .\\ <mihVu X un'i illis W und, property notiite i O n'• V oil., This 7HI Hatch D‘s 1 T. W.::V. .<i,e,i.r. < R iWFORD \Y SHEHIIT S ILES. ■YVILLbcHuM L i. ; It’ iu Al. betv. fen th- usual h-fitrs <•! *aie, the undivided h.ilfin’• ■ in fee of Reuben F. Grant, in the fol lowing property to wit: Lot <»f land No. : in the .-•rd Disi. of -aid co.. aisolot.No. 35, in the sixth rtithi Dist. of jund co., ii *o oo much of lot Nn. (2y,i nin ■. in said last. Pint, as necessary to locate and erect a set of mills and out building*’ mid the water privilege on the same, and all the timber on said lot. including the site upon winch the said mills now stand, likewise* all the right and interest of R. F Grant in lot in the flth Dist.. also Eis interest nn<; title in No. •G, in said Dist. Levied on as the proper ly ot Reuben F. Grant bv a fi fa from Craw ford Su perior Court in favorof Thos. C. Howard, v«. Reuben F. Grant and Vincent Nicholls. Also. thrt*e hundred acres of land In thv 2nd Dist. of Crawford co., 2iM»of which is lot X->. 8 in said dis trict. 100 acres of which No. not kin.wn, the same be ing the residence of Nancy Parham, levied on a.s th© property of the said Parham, to satisfy a fi fa in fu ror of Junus M. Jones, vs. N. Pail-.urn et al. Also the interest of E. W. Joiner in tbe west half of lot No. ••■'in the 6th Dist,. the same being a lense for three years to satisfy fi fa fruir. Justice Court Dist. <;. M , Jamea Hays. vs. E W. Joiner, lev\ made by \\ . W. Tavlor. Constable, ami turned over : to me. JACOB LOWE, Dcp. Sheriff Also, at the same time and place, the undivided part or one-third us lot No. 128,1:1 the 7th Dist of ong inallv ILoistom now Crawford co., the same being levied on to aat sfy a mortgage ti fa from Crawford Superior Court in favorof l s ac G, Chares. Execu i tor. vs Charles G. Beavor*, property pointed out in said f la. MORGAN ILXNCOCK, Sborifi’ CRAWFORD SHERIFF SALE. Ik ILL be sold before tbe Court House door in the Av t own of Knoxville. Crawford county, on the first Tuesday in Alay between the legal hours of sale the f dlowiug property tu-wit: One hundred acres of land it being the south half of lot No. (3(n thirty-nine, lying in the sixth District of ('rawfnrtl count*, to satisfy three Justice Court ii fas issuing , from >32 District. G. M., in favorof Green P. CuL \erhouse. vs. William K. Mnritt. Levy made and returned to me by Willis W. Tavlor. conetahh-. JACOB LOWE, Dep. Sheriff. March X 'th, 1 '.JS-td POSTPONED SHERIFF N ALE. 1 VyiLl; be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, V V befi-re th- Court House door, in Hawkinsville Pulaski county within thy legal hours of sale, tbe fol lowing property to-wit: One lot of land No. ;X3, in j the eighth di*i. ot i’ levied on as the property <»f Mile* llarre’.tu satisfy a li fa Uaucd out of the Su perior Court of said omity,m favor of Sarah A. Hear, Adm'x, \a. Miiv> Barrel. Also, eight hundred acres < of land No. not know n, levied on’ as the property us William Shannon, to sntify one tl fa issued out of the Superior Court us Irwin county in favor of Wil- ■ liam Brown, known as the place wbcreuu he now j lives. Also one hundred acres of land No. not known, 1 levied i>u as tbe property of Oliver Jones, to satisfy j one fi fa issued out of I ie Superior Court of Pulaski county in favorof Clark A Phillipa known as the 1 place whereon he now lives apr b EDMOND A POLLOCK Dep. Sheriff. PI’IASKI SHERIFF SALE. \t T ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Mav next A v before the Court House door in th? Town us Hawkinsville. Pulaski county between the u*ual hours of sale Um*, following property to-wit: One house and lot in the to* n of Hawkinyvilk Pu i laski county No. not known, but known as |he prop i erty of W. h. Daniels, being the pla r ? wbf reort John R Harris now lives to sati*ly three Justice C ourt fi I fas in favor of Ira Stanley v*. W. B. Daniels, levied and returned to me by Tucker Mnulden, Constable. 1 Also, at the snmetim-* and place, the weal half of ■ lot No. 32. in tuo 2"thdi*t. of Pulaski, levied on as ' the prop* rty of Theophilus Williams to satisfy two , Ju-tic-. t <• r’ fi fan one in favor of G. R. Bridges vs Thtophjlus W iliums, and one in favor of Clark A Phillips vs Theophilus Williams, returned tu me by i Tucker Mani den. Constable. • apr s E. A. POLLOCK. Dep. Sheriff. E\E( I TOlt’S SALE. ILI. be ' )I<l on tl - first Tuesday in Mat next V v bef-»re the Court House door in Macon Bibb 1 county, between the usual hours of sal?, fractional lots -.f land \ I’7 andl'H in tbe 7th district 'd orig- inally Ba.dwin thenTwigg*. now Bibbcounty. Con taining four hundred and two acres first quality swamp land on the Ocmulgee River, about seven (7/ miles hrlow Macon. Soli as the property of George R. ! Clayton, dec’ll of Baidu iu county. Terms, half cash, I the balance twelve month?. I’ A. CLAYTON, fcxecutpr Macon. ±2d Feb’n , tds j ’ FOR SALK \FiRST-R.Vl® Dray and Harness ; also. , a good ftcr-r r < r th? Dra> Apt st G?*»rgia Tclrgraph Olli«f. tj? / 'I DORGIA Crawford County. VI Whereas. William Lockett and Rebecca Lock ett, Administrator, and Administratrix on the estat<- of James Lockett deceased, apply to me for letters of , i dismission from said estate. i These are therefore to cite and admonish all and ■ 1 ningular the heirs and creditors of said estate tu be and appear at mv office withjn the time prescribed by law. and show cause if any they have, why said letters dismissory should not be granted. Given under my hand at mv omce 11 Feb’rv 1858. ' fi b x. n James j. ray. Ordfaa / t EORIU A Crawford Couut) • \ T Whereas, William Luckett applies to me for ters of dismisaion from the Guardianship of Benja min G. Lockett, Sarah A. Lockett, James Lockett and Solomon Lockett, children of James Lockett, deceased. These arc therefore tu cite and admonish ail persons ! interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law. and show cause if any thev have, why said letters disniiaeory should not bv . granted. Given under my hand at cffico Feb’rv lltb JAMES J. RAY. Ordinary. / ’ EORCIA, Crawtori ( otrnH . VT Whereas. Washington F. Vining applies to mefor lettersuf administration ou the estate of Jane > Walton, late of said county dec’d. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said d* M ' dto show cause at my office within the tune prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand aud official signature, this April the 2nd 1858. JAMES J. RA Y. apr a Or.’i'H.r . / t EORGIA 9 Crawford < ouuty. yJT Court of Ordinary, April Ttnn, 185 s !'r z -nt ..ames J. Ray, Ordinary.—Whereas. Peter W. Graj applies to me for Letters of Guardianship us the per sons and propertygof William, Eli?abvth,iMary and John, minors and orphan children of William Crouch, late of said county, decease-1 ; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the friends and relations of said minors t«- be and appear ut my office within the time prescribed bylaw, and shew cause, if any, why said Letter* should not b? granted. Given under mv hand ut office, April 5, !<•*. apl .< JAM ES J I. \ ) (hi p EORGIA Bibb Cmiiitb Wh-’rea.r. John Thompson a man of color,! about five feet 8 inches high, about no years of age. applies to me for Registry in the Clerk’s’ office of the 1 Inferior Court of said countv, and also for the ap cointnient ot Jacob Russell as his Guardian - This is to notify ull concerned that they fib- their ob jections if anv they have within ten days from date, or tbe said John Thompson will be admitted t 6 regist ry. J. A. McMANUS, CTk April 1, / • I’ORGIA Bibh < oiint,. AJT Whereas, William Bvasly. a man of color, about •» feet 3 inches high, about 25 years of age, applies to me for Registry in the Clerk’s office of the Inferior Court of suid county, and also for tbe appointment of 1 T- N. Mason as his Guardian. This is to notify all i concerned that they file their objections, if anv’they i have within ten days f omfdat? or tl.e said William Beaslv will be admitted to Registry. J. A McMANUS. Clerk. April 1, 1858-td - ■ - •- - - NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED!. TORS. \LL persons indebted to the estate of Mrs. Sarah Q. Fluker. late us I-ibb County deceased, ar? hereby requested to make immediate payment to me, and nil having claims against Maid estnt.* «! •» required to present them within the time prescribed bv law. T R. Bi.OOM, Adm’r. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND C REDI TORS. \LL person- indebted to Henry G. Ro*s. lair ot Bibb contiii deceased, arc requested to make immediate payment t- the iiuuetsigned, and ull tiio*e l iving upm his estate to prv*rn: |them duly • attvsied iu term* of the law. A. B. ROSS, Adm’r. Msrrh 11th, 1858-ts k, SI dTER COTNTY. r j''.) THE SrPFRIOR CoVHT OF MAID Coi XTY.—The p?- 1 th ion -us Richard H. ( luik a*lhe Administrator d** bmiis non. of John Parker, deceased, sheweth thut ( ceria-ii nutes the property of said estate, made by , John W. Luuday, Wm. B. Punlaud aud William Dun cun,copies of which a hereto annexed Lavebeeu lust and your petitioner sheweth unto your Honor that - said Luuday and Poulaud. are not residents or citi zen* of the State of Georgia but reside in other States but that the said William Duncan is a resident of said county of Sumter. W lierefore your petitioner pray * that said notes may be established as List papers, un der tbe 6th section of the Judiciary act of 179 i». CLARK A LIPPITT, \ p .. JAS. J. SCARBOROUGH. t An -’ for * tr Upon hearing the above petition it is ordered by the Court,that said Defendants allow eaqse.on th* first day of the next term of this Court, if any they have’ u by said copie* of said notes should not b“. establish id in lieu of siud lost originals and it is further or dered by the Court, that said William Duncan be served personally with copies of said note*, petition , and this rule, and that as said Poulaml aud *aid Luu day are non residents and cannot be found, that cop ies of the same be published in tbe Slate Pres* at .Ma con, a public gazette of this Slate, for tbe space of i three months before the next term us this Court. ALEX. A. ALLEN. Judge us S. C , H. W. C. jtl.’O-On the first day of January, eighteen hundred and forty-five, 1 promise to pay Orreu B Cox. on or 4er oue hundred and fifty dollars, fur value received in rent for the Parker place—witness my hand aud seal Januarv lx th 1543. J W. LUNDAY, ;L. S.. W. B. POU LA ND, L. S.I WM. DUNCAN, |l S.l Endorsed in blank by R. K. Hines agent for Urren B - CoM. >32,00 —On the first day of January, eighteen hun- ; drvd and furty-five, I promise to pay Orreu B. Cox, agent of John Parker, or to his order, thirty two dollars, for value received in rent of the Parker place witness mv bund and seal. J. W. LUNDAY. L S.l WM. B. POU LAM >. [L. S.J , WM. DUNCAN, L. S. —On the first day of January, eighteen bun drudaud forty-six, 1 promise to pay Oncn B. Cox, agent of John’Parker on order thirty two dollars for v alue received in rent of the Park-r place, witness nn hand and seal. January 12. IM- : J. W LUNDAY, [L.S.. WM. DUNCAN, L. S. W M. B. POU LA ND, [L. S. S2O»-Od the first of January, eighteen hundred and , forty-sjx, 1 promise tu pay tuOrren B, Cox, agent of John Parker, or order, two hundred dollar* fur value received in rent of Parker place, witness my hand and seal. Januarv 12, IMS. J. W. LUNDAY. L. > ; W.M B POULAN D,FL. S. WM. DUNCAN, [L. S.J Georgia, Bib# Cou.yty.—Personally appeal til be fore me, Richard H. Clark, who being'duly sworn de noseth that h-’ is th? administrator de bonis non of the estate of John Parker, thut tbe origin a! a of the above stated notefl arc lost or destroyed, as he is in formed and believe*, and that th? above copy notes, are in substance true copies of the original*. RJCH’D H. CLARK. Sworn and subscribed to. before m?, this l»>rh day of Scpteml-jr, in th? year 1*57. F. S. BLOOM, Notary Public, Bibßco. True extract from tbe minutes of Sumter Superior Court, March 2.'th, Dio* unr a m ANDREW G RONALT‘S<»N Clerk S. C. TO TBiE Pl «Ll< . . r VIIE subscriber in order to reduce bis stock us I CLOTHING, will sell ftom now until the first of Januarv at ft E D i; C E D PRICES! llis stoek is large and entirely new, aud embrace* everything usually kept m a First Class Clothing Store. He invites the public to give him a call and evamin' fur thomselvc’s. E. WIJCSHIP. nt»v 28 Shirts! *>liirt* I * j k DOZ. Linen Iknmm and Marseilles Shirts, for JU sale cheap by E. WINSHIP. pov 26 , IMi I OYER < (1 \ ■ lUU for sale cheap by B. WINSHIP.’ 1 nov 26 I HAVE on hand a large lot of cheap but strong clothing for servant's wear, tha* I will disf *<• of . at very low rates. E WINSHIP. I nov 2»* MARBLE WORKS. J. D. ARTOPE, \ f ANUFACTURER of and Dealer in Foreign and . »l Domestic Marble. Afonvzwm/’, ytaidb”. Furnitnre Sfabt, has removed the Mar hie Works from Cotton Avenue, to th? corner f 3d .oil Plumb Street, a *b*>rt di*tanct South of Harde man A Spark*’ W’arcbou*r m l •!v HOBXRT FINBLAT, SR., . JAMES X. FIXDI.AY, CHRIS. D. riXDLAT. FINDLAYS’ STEAM ENGINE MANUFACTORY ili ——-.-V—r.-.-- IKON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, AND OENKHAL MAVHIWB aiJIOP. macon, Georgia. r I MIE Proprietors of this establishment would re-; 1 spectfuily call the attention of those contempla ting the erection of Stram Mill*, fur Sawny and Grinding, or for any other nurpdflt whatever. The *upcriunty of the work has been, and wiil be. a suf ficient guurauttie for an extensive aud iucreoaing patronage. Our Workshops and superior outfit of Tools. Patterns and Machinery, afford facilitien for the expedition of work possessed by uo other esteb- I lishinent in the State. Our prices and terms will compare favorably with thut of any first class North ern establishment. The following comprises a list of Machinery, A<\, for any portion of which wc w ill be pleased to receive orders, viz ; , Steam Engine*, Boilers, raw Mill Machinery, Circu lar Saw*. Mill Gearing, Mill Stones, of best qual ity for Corn and Wheat. Water Wheel* a great variutv, Gin Gear, all sizrs, Iron Railings, for Cemeteries, public and private Build ipg*. Ac., of Wrought and Cast Iron em- bracing StrfHjjti '• itk Rrauty of Sugai .Millsand Syrup Boiler*, all sizes. Columns fu.** Stores, Church?*. Ac., Ac . Gold Mining Machine ry. witfi Double and Sinjl? acting Force und Lift Pumps of any required size, Shafting with Turned Pullie*. frum th? smallest size to nine feet Di uim-ter. Cotton Press Irons, Cotton Screw*. .Mill Screws and Bale*. Englr.n-L* Celebrated self acting Car Couplings, and other Rail Road Casting*. AU work warranted to be : equal to the best made elsewhere. oct 1: Day & Maussenet.. H AVING removed to their NEW STORE <>n Mul berry Street next door tu E. L. Str<»hecker A Co. Where they will be pleased to see their aid customers. They would say to al? wishing goods in their line, that they are now opening a as- sortment, w Inch w ill l>e suld al the rut.pric#. They intend giving their personal attention to ! WATCH REPAIRING. Having been before the public m that capacity tor 15 und j*> years, the pub i lie are able to judge of their merits in that wav. JEWELRY REPAIRING done at the shortest no tice and in tht poMUde manner, WATCHES, Mag ic and Hunting Cases, Gold and Silver Hoddcll j W atches, for sale by DAY A MAUBSENET O WISB Anchor and Lapiue WATCHES. Gold cases » j low as t 25 each, tor sale bv oct 22 DAY A MAUSSENET. r (MIE ceiebrut! d American WAT<'HE.’L for sale by 1 DIAMONDS, OpaL Ruby, Garnet, Topaz?. Pearl and *olid g-Jd finger Kings of all style? an I price* For sale by ■ u;: . DAY a M \uss»:nft. \L\B<iE gsnorUuein of Fob. Vest, -Fliatalaiu and <4yard chain* us all styles aiybbi* ’•’w. For sale by DAY A MAUSSENET. \J \r<.!’ f'.ua-'itrnent us silver feud ]»! it?d ware fur wale bv joef 22 DAY A MAUSSENET \ | USIVAL INST RUMEN i'\ \ . •Ims. Flutes,Flag ’’ eoli.ites, Guitar*, Bair. - •. Tamburm?*, Jia** Viulin-, Accor«lo<»ns. best Dalian String*. Ac . Ac. For sale by [uut 22) DAY A MAUSAENEf. A L\RtfE Mtsortment ut FANCY GtHIDS. TOYS, ,\ Ac., for sal -by DAV A MAUSSENET oct 22 (tLOCKS uftterv description, for *alr bv HAY A MAI SSENET. \L \ RGE a«»ortui< Geun WusU nhoiiue * txt. Cutlery, for *aie tv <m t -j DA V A MAUSSKNET RI'.MOV AL. r I’'HE subscriber has removed to the corner store in 1 ‘ Washington Block." 1 new Budding, lor mother words, ’‘the Old Washington Hull Corner,” where lie will be plea-ud tu see Ins friends and customer* as usual. J. M. BOARDMAN, nov 26 Din GOODS AT WHOLESALE J. B. & W. A. ROSS. Are now receieving a LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, . FOR THE Spring and Summer 't rade. To which they ii vitc the attention of Merchants. a. : TO MERCHANTS AND CONSUMERS. arc offering for sale the following urti c!?«: 5 cases Print*. 30 cases Ginghams, 25 Bales Tick ing. 1060 piece* Fancy printed Mushn - , ii" l -fpst styles, 500 •• Linen*, all quality, 2<KM doz. Aiosiery, 120 hales (Knaburgs. 95 bale* Brown Domestics, J'io bales Yarns, with about every other article in the Dry (rood line. 2<>o cases Shoes and Bout s. 100 “ Pats. With a large ami well selected st< ck of ready made clothing. Ail us which w? will sell on as good terms as any honss in Georgia or Carolina. agrH J. B A W. A. ROSS Sundries. r I’WO HUNDRED Duz. Georgia Buckets, 75 Boxes ! No 1 Soap 1" ca*cs Sardines, boxes Carbonate Soda, 50 bares S»arch. 100 bags shot. J 1 chests Tea, 50 keg* Powder, ] • boxes Adamantine Candles, 1500 lbs. Rar Lead, 50 “ Sperm '• 25 ca*es Pickles. Just Received and for sale low bv K _ _ ? i A- RQSS. Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Mo* ' lasses, Candy, &c. fc ) BHDS- N’?w Orleans Sugar. —« ) 1 sacks Coffee, of choice quality, barrels Syrup, 75 hhd*. Molasses, 110 boxes Candy, 120») sacks Salt. 1 bsrrel Nutmeg*. 100 boxes Tobacco, 2 /o,o<»n Cigars. For sale low bv aprs J B A W. A. ROSS Bacon, Feathers, Flour, Oil, &c. 17IFTY THOUSAND pounds choice Tennessee Ba con. 25» hhds. St. Ixonia Bacon. 25 sacks Feusbers. 350 sacks of choice Tennessee and Georgia Flour, 20 barrel.* Tanner’s Oil. 10 casks Linseed Oil, 2 barrels Castor Oil, 10 barrels Lamp Oil, 5 barrels Machine Oil. 5 barrels Lara Oil. Also a large lot us No. 1, Extra and Pure Lead. A large lot of No. 1 Zinc. For sale on very accommodating terms by J. B. 4 M Mackerel & Shad. / \.NE HUNDRED packages Mackerel, I J m •< Pickled Shad. Daily expected by J. B. A W. A. ROSS April 8, 185e. DR. H. A. METTAUER, HAVING spent a portion of three 'ucceariv? years ' in this city, during which time be hag limited , bis practice almost exclusively to Surgery, now rr spectfully offer* his services to the citizens of Macon and the surrounding country, in all tbe brauche* of bis profr - •>. Ofln ?ou the South east corner of'd and (’herr* -treat •, o'er A.-her Ayrea* new Grocery Stere. dec il , M M BEK 2tf 1 SADDLERY & HARDWARE. r |'HE underaigued would, respectfully 1 vite tbe attention us hi* friends and cus SMMk j turners, and the tp his large stock LEATHER AND RUBBER BEI/HNG, Double und Single Harness, Saddles, Bridtee, Bits and Spars, of the best make aua latest style. A)«o, prepared to do iob work at the shortest no tice. and in workmanlike manner, aud as low as any House in the city. Call and see at his new Store next to the Mannfaetures’ Bank, and opposite Roas' New Buildiug. JUHN CLEGHORN. oct If V OT I(E. ; I-ROM thu Uut.. we .hall »dopt •• n-w M pouibl, T tbe CASH SA STEM. We wc cmumUi dto i» ft. From this date all articles will be priced AS CASH Where ar? given fwbtcb will only be given to those who have paid us promptly) an addition will be made to the puce named according to the time de sired by the purchaser. IIARDESUN A GRIFFIN. Macon. Jan. 1, ISC*. ISAAC HATOSM J. T. WOODW7MD SALE & LIVERY STABLE. HAYDEN a WOODWARD are now- pre pared to furnish their friends and w public generally, w ith good safe Horses an d/x - 5v new a* well as tasty Buggies, Carriages, Ac. ■ iu complete ordc< «»t the shortest notice. » They are determined to give satisfaction, if strict perßQual attention, to business, and reasonable cash prices will euabk *>lolll to do so. fed and kept by the day, week or month. Drove Stock al a* reason blc prices. Mulberry Street, next tp Dottery Office, Macon, Ga. “pH > •' T. ISAACS’ SALOON, On Cherry Street, near Ralston’s New Hall, mauon, Georgia. IF toner? tend ot oooi> katixg and uaiMarxo-if y ou want tu find all tbe dcliaaoiea us the season— a comfortable excellent lunch—a aub rttwnU'd dinner a tiret rate *upper, or anything else in that line, you can’t be better suited than at Isaac*? Cbm mii n:u Aaio6l. ; At this far-famed establishment, Stbaxgxrs and Hemidknts can have whatever they call for, served up ut moderate charges, in the best style apd bv the most attentive waiters, at any hour from early in the morning until late at night. , Lo< k at bi* Bill as Fare, and choose for yourself 1 OYMTEJIH Erem New ork. Sav aunab and Brunswick, in the shell or by the measure, raw, fned, stewed, ia any wav von want them AUSG, Shrimps and Crabs, Wild Game of crrrv variety, Wnisou aud Beef Steaks, * Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, ILttn and Eggs, Deviled Ham and Deviled Terapins, Mountain Oysters, Turtle Soup, Ac., Ac., Ac. Woo*' rock. Gronsc, Mountain Gerse, Squirrels, , Wild Duck.*, Fish, and anything that an epicure w*bts. cun always lie had when in season. ISAACS invites the hukort and tribstt passing ut h Ma <n, to giva him a call, as his LARDER •k daily supplied with all the dainties to be procured th? Savannah and New York markets, and his BAR furnished with the best of Liqvobs, Sbgahs aud •th?i avcompaniments. Confectioneries and Fruit. IS VACS also keeps constantly c*n hand a goed ee *<n tnicnt us i CONFECTIOXKRIF*. Oka nubs, A ppi Hfi, DANAS ,F, I’iMi Am xiiF, . Variou* descriptioM of Cakbb, Ac. AH of which can be purchased al low prices for (BmA. Be sure and cm!l at THE ISAACS HOUSE, or, ISAACS’ RESTAURANT, Chekby Stkjcmt, near Ralstom’s xew Hall, .l/ueon, (j«>ryba. » net 17 i h.XormE?s KAI VIE l»E V|J’ OR Balsam of Life. 11 'arranttd to bt rtru'tly d Vtgetabh Preparation. 1 C AKBFI LLY and 4CCUBATKLY PRBPAaXD FXOM TBI OBIQ- I.NAI. urtlpr OF DR. LBLBIVRB. valuable preparation has been in use for 1 nearly a century in Europe aud the West India l*lunds, and for a shorter period in these United States, with the most satisfactory results. No medi cine was ever compounded which has a more unirar* sal application than this. For the permanent cure of ail arising from a disordered Liver, Stomaeb or lutgstines, such a* Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepria, Nausea, Constipation, Ac., this remedy has nev -<• been excelled. For diseases of the nervous •A'tetn, Sick Headache, Nervous Debihfy. Ac. In ’ th'* mjmeroua affections peculiar to females, this rnedicip** i* a perfect balm. The proprietor hss hun» died* of testimonials from gentlemen and Udifi, M > the highest respectability, throughout this State as to its efficacy. . . 1 * Manufactured by CHARLES DbLQRME, Sumter. R. C. For sale in Macon bv E. L. STROHECKER A CO., A. \ MENARD aud FITZGERALD A NOTTING HAM. nor b CENT* It RAJL tOXjT SEW ARRANGEMENT. (-XN and after Sunday, Feb. the 21st, the Passes / ger Trains of this Road will be run as follows . BKTWEK.N SAVANNAH AJfD MACON- Leave Savannah 1.15, a. m„ 3,.p ro. Arrive in Macon, 10.45, a. m., !z.30, a. m. Ix*ave Macon fe.4o, a. m., 11.30, p. m. Arrive in Savannah 7.1a, p. m , 8.50, a. m. BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND A VO VST A. Leave Savannah 1.15, a. zn., 11,15, a. m. Arrive in Augusta 9, a. m., 7, p. rp. Leave Augusta 2, am., 3.45, p. tn’ Arrive in Savannah 8.50, a. m., 10.55, p. m. BBTWggN MACON AN* AV GV ST A. 1 ave Mscun 9.4 f». a. m.. 11.80. p. m. Arrive in Augusta 7, p. m., 9, a. m. Leave Augusta, 2. am., 3.45, p. tr. A r-rivr iu Macou, 10.45, a. in., 12.80, a. m. Trainsc<»nno ton arrival al Gordon, for Milledge v»’L end Eatonton, at Macon with the trains es tne Southwestern Railruad for Columbus and Albany, pud with tbe Macon A Western Road for Atlanta. Passengers leaving Savannah by 1.15, a. m., traia • will arrive in Atlanta abont 6, p. tn., leaving by the 2.45, p. 01.. train, can arrive in Atlanta, next morning to breakfast. EMERSON FOOTE. Savannah, 165 H. * Gen’l Rup't. iTffENSE ATTIIAi TIoX! CROWDS OF ADMIRERS AT THE . BAZAAR OF FASHION! «. w t m 1 I AVE Received and opened for the inspection of 11 the Ladies and Gentlemen of Macon and sur rounding Counties, their first supplv of , SPRING GOODS, EMBRACING every variety both Foreign and Do mestic, that ingenuity could possibly suggast. The reputation of their Goods is so weJl established as te preclude the necessity of particularising in each ‘ branch. Suffice it to say that their£tack is more aqj pie and varied than usual, and the »dv ant age*, they poseosa in their purchases will enable them to seR g* prices out of tbe reach of their competitors. U ad ditiun to what they have on band they shall receive from their Ajrent iu New Yqrk and Philadelphia, weekly supplies of New Styles as they appear in mar ket until their next quarterly purchase, thereby keep ing their Stock at all times tbe largest in the city. Tbe Latkes are particularly and moet oordigßy in vited to examine before purchasing, as the difference n prices, will be a r»vat saving aa will readily ap {*ar b» them. feoSS, COLE.V tN A ROW*. •