State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-18??, October 15, 1859, Image 3

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ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY an order of the Ordinary of Bibb county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in said countv between the usual hours of sa.e six hun dred acron of land, more or less, belonging to the estate of Washington Durden deceased, said lands lying in Rutland District on the Ocmulgee River eleven miles from the city of Macon. And on the #aU , <: v will be sold befon the Court House door in the county oi Twiggs, one hundred and nine acres of laud Icing in Twiggs county, Ga.. belonging to the estate of said deceased ; said one hundred and nine acres of land being a fraction, lying on the east side nf the Ocrnulgee River eleven miles below the city UMacon. JAMESH COWART, oct is Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR’}* SALE. I> i virtue of an order of the Ordinary of Crawford j nD will bt told before the Court Rouse doot, 1" Knoxville said county, un the first Tuesday io Dt’c-nnber next, between the usual hours of sale u !l t, e lauds belonging to the esta.e of Jouatbau 'Io ,mason deceased, in said county, except the wid dower. Sold to pay debts and make a distribu non. Terms on day of sale. EWELL WEBB, SAM L B. THOMASON, Oct. 18, 1559. Administrators. ADMINISTRATOR’S >vl I \ virtue of an order of the Ordinary of Crawford > county, will be sold before the Court House <k> .in Knoxville, said county, on the first Tuesday in December next between the usual hours of sale, u 1 ;he lauds in said county belonging to the estate of Isaac Fincher late of said county deceased. Sold for a<l - i ibution. Terms on day of sale. October 13,’59. JOHN P. McNEICE, Administrator </*■• bonis non. FALL OF 1S»5O. CLOTHING!! NOW RECEIVING A Iffagnificient Stock, . An<l will be sold at Prices to defy competition At o Bairds. ILL THE NOVELTIES IN FURNISHING GOODS, Very Low, At J3aii?d’s. Oct 15 SHIRTS! THE NEW YORK PATTERN shirt, __ Acknowledged to be the best made I and best fitting SHIRT extant, at Baird's, Oct 15 Telegraph Building, , POL GRIER Have removed to BOARDMAN’S BUILDINGS. Oct 8 2t DR. R. 11. NISHET. OFFICE on Cherry Street, over Menard A Bur ghard’.N .D welt Store OCt 8 1). C. HODGKINS & So.\. Macon, Invite the attention of the spotting public and others to their large selection oi DOUBLE G( T NS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, POCKET AND SPORTING CUTLERY, FISH- ING TACKLES. WALKING STICKS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC AM UN- ITION, and every article found in a first class Sportman s Etnptrrium North or South. By caret ill attention t< business and keeping the best goods in our line wt expect to secure a continuation ot past favors. Re pairing carefully attended to as heretofore. E. SAULSBURY IS now located at his NEW STORE, on Mulberry Street, opposite the Lanier House, and is prepared to show his old customers and the public generally, as large and varied assortment of FINE READY MADE CLOTHING and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, as can be found in this market. He will be receiving constantly weekly shipments from New York, embracing the latest styles. E. S. ■i 22 ts Fire Proof Ware HOUSE Cotton Avenue. THOMAS T. WYCHE, H AVING rented the Ware House lately occupied . by J. Collins & Son, respectfully tenders his services to the natrons ot the late firm of J. Collins A Son, and to Ins personal friends and the public generally, for the transaction of a legitimate U arrbouse A Comuiissiou UuMiiess. Unconnected with any speculative transaction, di rectly or indirectly, in the interest confided to my care. My motto is, and will be, “to secure the best prices for produce, and give satisfactiflhi to my pat rous.” Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other Mer chaudise, will be filled carefully and promptly, and the usual cash advances made on Cotton in store. rag 2 THOMAS T. WYCHE. Just Received and for Sale LOW, \T the reliable Drug and Chemical Store of George Payne, Druggist find Apothecary, Ma* con, June 6,1859. FRESH VACCINE MATTER. FRESH SWEEDISH LEECHES. FRESH and GOOD CITRATE MAGNE SIA. FRESH and GOOD TURKEY OPIUM, FINE BAY WATER, FINE SOAPS and POWDERS, HAIR and TOOTH BRUSHES, VARIETY CORKS and SPONGES, FINE FLAVORING EXTRACTS, AI.CHOLand BURNING FLUID, TURPENTINE and PAINTS, FRESH SEIDLITZ POWDERS, FRESH ROSE WATER, FRESH FAMILY CASTOR OIL, FINE FRESH MUSTARD. FINE COLOGNE and (ITIIER PERFUME RIES, LUBIN'S HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, FRESH and GOOD POTASH, WASHING FLUID ,ud LIQUID BLUING. GUTTA PERCHA, RUBBER and IVORY COMBS. GAY ETT Y'S MED IC AT ED PAPER. FRESH YEAST POWDERS, SODA WATER in perfection, with none but healthy Syrups. Macon, June a, ’59 J. J. MILLER. J. WATERMAN. MILLER & ’ll A TERM AM. AIiCTIBI 4 COMMISSIM HEffliKS. MACON, G--A-- Al TILL give particular attention to the public and '' private sale of Merchandize and property of < • vrv description, and will make prompt returns so same. Refer by permission to J. B. AW. A. I oss, T. R. Bl >"in. J. F. Winter. L. M. Lamar, E. . Prvibleat Manufacturer's Rank, Miicyn, Ga W. M. Davidson, La Recta A Beil, R. Habersham A Brigham, Baldwin A Co..T. J. Walsh, Savan nah, Ga. W. C. Dukes A Son. Charleston, S. C. aug 1 SELECT SCHOOL. II It. K. W PARSONS will re-open hi. School, in ’ 1 the rear of Mrs. Jos. Bond’s residvm-e, on Von Sept. sth. Terms, Ac., same us those • f ast sept 2 MLLES! MLLES!! MLLES!!! r I S »IE undersigned will have tirtv head of N»>. I 1 Mules, at the Stable of Adrrhold A Jeffers, <»p ••te the i‘a-senger Depot, ou tta l.*>th iuat., tor • * law. Alsu a few good Horace. •-p-i B. S. LETTON. FERFI MFHY. I.RY eh ’-re selection of French, English un<? A rricaa Eatrarts and Cologne, Foreign an. L i«*siu* In ato re and for sale by fob jk d E L STBOHKCKLH Shirts !!! 4 k the Arf omAsw> *• Alsu HHtkf ' ' . .-n.d and will -.4 low b/ L- U BAlMfo d THREE-FOURTHB OF THX PROFITS OF THE BUSINESS DIVIDED ANNUALLY TO POLICY-HOLDERS. « 4 SB® INS <A . ..* -Y.- 18 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CASH CAPITA I 5500.000 00 ASSETS, Ju1,1,1850 908.681 84 LIABILITIES .. 10,514 37 The attention of the community is reßpectfiilly called t.< :li ■ Allowing feu turea in .'oimection with thia Company • AV ' By insuring in tfila Company, the advantages - ’ i H t Insurance Company ar obtained, with the ; t i ’i<m il advantage afforded in the security given by •.n ample an I reliable Uiush Capital—a feature not pre ;, ’ r 4 by <>r Mutual Fire Insurance Companies. The dividends to customers, already declared, are as follows: Firs: Division to Policy* Hol den, 1857 33S perct Second <lo. du. <!«. 1858. 50 ** Third de. do. do. 1859, 50 “ Second. T u security given. v> hid is already lanre, will const uit' v with each vt-ar of successful operation. 1 his is exhibited clearly in the following ■ ■ ' ■ ti-t.i of foe Uoi.tpanj in each year since the new system was adopted. July, 1 <>6. Net A -els of the Company,.. ..$570,868 “ 18 7. “ 649.719 54 “ 185>, “ - “ 751,908 52 “ !**.*>» Gross Assets, “ .... 905,6>l S 4 “ “ Liabilities, 16,514 87. Third- The insured incur no liability whatever, while obtaining these advantages of superior security and cheapness. H. 11. LAMPORT. See'y. GEO. T. HOPE, Pre# Cyrus Peck, Am t Secy. T, R. BLOOM is Agent for the above Company at Macon, Ga. sept 22 '59 <1 & w-ly Ft a a MTS MW, Hats Caps, Leather, Leather, Shoe Findings Arc., mini nuns s cl Have received a very large and select assortment of the above kinds of Goods, to which they re spectfully invite the attention of the public. Triangular Block. Repairing promptly execut ed. sept 23 d-ts 1859. 1859. Spring & Summer Trade, E. J. J hiHoton & Co. HAVE in addition to their former stock received and made recent selections of Watches, Jewelry. Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Cutlery, A-c., Ac. Making one of the latest and most elegant as sortm iits of goods to 1;/found in the Southern cit ie- and offered on thomiost moderate terms. An inspection and careful comparrisonofqualities and prices, respecttullv solicited. Three doors uhovi- tli<. Lanier House, Macon, Ga. E. J. JOHNSTON. G. S. OBEAR. March 21, 1259. Pianos I Os elegantly carved Rosewood, and al! the plainer varieties just received, and for sale on the best terms by E J. JOHNSTON A CO. I3TOld Pianos taken in exchange. March 21. 1859. SILVER FORKS, SPOONS, &C.,&C., Received bvlate arrival«, making the largest and best stock ever offered in Macon. Warranted of sterling quality being 925-1000th» tine. Also, a tine lot of warranted “ IT. S Coin,” at low er prices, [march 21 ] E. J. JOHNSTON CO. HAIR WORK TO ORDER. Over 250 designs from which to make selection by march 21 E. J. JOHNSTON & CO I MILLIARD Balls, Cue Leathers. Wax Ac., al- J wavs ou hand and for sale at Inw prices, march 21 E. J JOHNSTON A CO. MEERSHAM PIPES, warranted genuine, for sale by march 21 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. I?ANS in iarge variety. Travelling and Recticule 1 Baskets, Leather Satchels Ac., for sale by E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. WATCHES and Jewelry repairedand warrantoa by march 21 d E. J. JOHNSTON A CO City papers copy. BOOTS AND SHOES. *T T THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, No. ±\ Cotton Avenue, opposise Washington *■! Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia. The subscribers 1 would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We have in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES. mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly ad ditions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually culled for in a shoe store, and would invite those to purchase, to call and exam ine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as anv house in the city or State. MIX A KIRTLAND. 1)O()TS —A full assortment of Gents’ fine French 5 Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and water proof, us various kinds and qualities, both sewed and peg ged. Just received and for sale low by ' od lu MIX A KIRTLAND. 1 > ÜBBER SHOES.—A large assortment of Gents 11 and bovs Rubbers. Also Ladies slipper and san dal rubber fchoes of Goodyear’s celebrated patent.— Just received ana for sale low by oct lu MIX A KIRTLAND. 1 PLANTATION BROGANS—Now in store the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we have ever ottered in this market. Men’s double soled neg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled black and russetts; do. boys and youths black and i ussetts, all of which we are selling very low. oct. IV MIX, A KIRTLAND. I>OOTS AND SHOES.—Men’s and Bovs and > Youth’s tine calf and kip peg’d Boots ; Men’s stunt kip hunting and mud Boots; Gents lasting Outers, Monterey, opera and ties, and tine calf Bro ;ans; Gents. b<»vs’s and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans; Men’s boys’ and youth’s California kip Brogans, a large assortment. oct IV MIX A KIRTLAND. rtZMOVAL. S. BRAINERD'S Hacoii Variety Store, lias Ke moved to the Corner of Cotton Avenue, and Poplar St., opposite of Collin s Bare House. ('IRO(’KE/*Y and Glass Ware, J House Furnishing articles, Tin Ware. Ice Cream Freezers, Cord ami T -vine. Cutlery, Brooms, Pads, Tubs, Wash Boards, Brushes, a’l kinds. Fancy Soapsuf different kind*, Extracts, Combs, AC., Medicines for Horses and Man, Worm Tea for Children, Ac. Furniture repaired, cleaned and polished in the mMtest manner. Violins, Canes, Ac , repair .d and rei-ulubed. Hand Paper and Varnish of th<*bcat quality for Furniture as low as can be soldin this city. .411 articles sold if not perfect cun be returned. N B Graflenberg Medicine tor sale, pure from ti e Company. H. B , Agent tor Company. July ftt STAYED OR STOLEN I vdor .r«aded uthf with L »-r T -a tbs h»f’ Jw« I < Ifowra! reward will bsgt*«a for sot d*iiv«wy vs fo* I U«»i «.» U *«4 UMk. U. Hu**t j ■ 4 —— -*•— To the Lady Readers of This Paper. Fall of 1859 . ELEGANT DRESS GOODS, RICZf DRESS GOODS, THE MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS, OPENING EVERY DAY. OPENING EVERY DAV, OPENING EVERY DAY, AT PARKER’S, , AT PARKER’S, ! AT PARKER’S, j A Large: Stock of Silks, such ns ~ they have never brought out before, , may noiv be seen at Strangers visiting Macon should not ! fail to call in and see the Fall Stock I at sept 28 Mrs. S. Audoin H AS just returned from New York with a beauti ful and well selected Fall and Winter Stock. Paris ian Hats of every variety ; Leghorn and tine Straw Bonnets; French Flowers; Fancy .and Ostrich Feat - ' > • - ;Biidil Wi mtha and Vaila; Net ami Grecian Caps; Ornaments lor the Hair; Shell and ornamental Tuck Combs ; Reul LaceCof feurs and Veils; beautiful Lace Set’s and French Km broidery: Misses Leghorn, Plush unci Beaver Hats, Boys Hats and Caps, Dress Trimmings. Ze , phyr Yu-ii for Ku tting and Embroiden ; Nulieas <lpcra C,.| ■; and s *’s Wigs; Bands, Braids - ! •. C aka; Muffs and Cuffi. \ i - . FICLES um tedious to mention. Phiasec il’ and •■' amine for yourselves before pur- I chasing. T’ ank r » ’ for pi-t f *••»»»$ »nd solicits n 1 continuance ol the same. All orders promptly at i tended to. »t*pt 26 Fail & Winter Fashions, 18-59-60. «. ?. TRIANGULAR BLOCK, J ! II kS just rttariicd from New York and is n<»w ■ opening invoices of rich Dress Goods, real French i deLaine Dress Goods, Velvet and Beaver Cloth I Cloaks, Basque. Evening Dresses, Embroideries, i Gloves, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, real Thread and ' Silk Blond Laces, Vails, Hair Ornaments, Ac., Ac., all of latest importations, and would invite her lady patronesses and ladies generally to give her a call. Will open on Wednesday, Sept., 2>,an assortment of newest style Velvet and Straw Bonnets, Head Dresses, ir.ulk s Dress Cups, Coifures, Ac, Ac. Orders from the country promptly attended to. - Liberal deductions forcash sales. sept 22 Still in the Trade! DEALERS IN Fashionable & Durable DRY GOODS. BOSTICK, KKI.X & CO. Have opened tor the Fall & Win er Trade. A Mammoth Assortment of useful ASI> BEA VTIFUL FANCY GrCJOCISS, , \-fTUICH they are eager to expose to the scruti- I > V nv of thi-'Lulies, »ml » discriminating public. I A- «re me well posted in the largest .1 in i New York, and purchase freely from them, we can I always after I'iiluctmehU to buyers, that never tails to convince—in a word we can afford to sell Extremely ( heap, and si.II realize/air, living protits. Call and see our AUCTION DRESS GOODS. such as Velvet Flounced Robes, Silk Robes 2 \ olantes, Bvadeit and l’s 'i-’,e Silks, Berage and Cashmere Robes, Embroideries, Lace Setts, Dress Trimmings, etc., etc.. And many other styles which we know you will pronounce exquisite. vVe would also call your atteni'on to our stock of Ue-iros, Bombazins, Alpacas and Solid De Laines all of Lupin’s beat make. STABLE & FAMILY GOODS, Such as Sheetings, Table Damasks, Pillow Cases, Linens and Cottons, Towellings, Napkins, Flannels, i -j rtings ish Linens, Tweedu for boys wear, Joc [ met,Swiss, Nainsook, and cheecked Muslins, Hai d k erchiefs. Gloves. Hosiery of all kinds, and many fuZ articles, w e have just opened and they must be sold. CURTAINS, CURTAINS, Satit l Damasks, Worsted Damasks and all kinds of Lace mid Embroidered Cu. ;.i.->s. with the Trimmings) ut low prices. Cloaks, Shawls and Scarfs, From the most expensive Jt/M and C/o/A, ton medium priced quality. C arpel*. Carpets, We are now prepared to exhibit Velvet, Brussels, 3 plv, superior Ingrain, Hemp and Max Carpetings; also* Rug 3, Matts, Floor Matting and Floor Oil Cloths. Give us a call—we can suit you exactly in every department of our business and’ would be pleased to show you our Goods. BOSTICK, KEIN A CO. Macon, 1. th S.-pt., Read This! IF you wish a fine likeness to leave with your friend when you go abroad to spend the summer. Go Pugh’s Fine Art Gallery, He will take you a fine likeness, possessing Artistic me it which vou can show to your friend*, with pleas ure—assured that it will bear the criticisms of the most fastidious. Pictures in fancy cases cheaper than ever offered in Macon, a large assortment always on hand. Our cases for dollar pictures are neat gilt cases—no very common stock being used at this gallery, so by calling on us you will get a good Picture in a good case at the same price you will have to pay for a common one elsewhere. A large number oi lift- xizt Photographs colored in Oil on exhibition, also Photographs in Pastelle, colored by Mr. Hunt. To all of which the attention of the public is invited. J. A. PUGH. Macon, June 14th d-ts. Shivers’ Lucky Office- CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES OF GEORGIA, HODGES, DAVIS & CO., Altiiiagers. IN Class B, whole ticket 1-50-68, Prize 1.3,000. Plenty more of the same sort. Be sure to call at Shiver’s Lucky Office. Floyd House Buddings, Macon, Ga. ’ WM. SHIVERS, Jr.. Agent. P. S.—All orders for tickets should be directed to Win. Shivers, Jr., Agent, Macon, Ga., as I have the entire agency for the sale of those tickets for the city of Macon and Bibb county, Ga.| WB, Jr, Ag’t. sept 22d-im AGIIICULTI BAL IMPLEMENTS. CARHART A CURD HAVE IN STORE Grant’s, Clinton’s and others’ make, all sizes, [FAN MILLS. Emery’s, W info ip’s, Georgia, and other SPIKE THRESHERS. Emery’s Railroad, Bogardus 2 and 4-horse lIORSE POWERS. Grant’s, and others’ make of 5 aud 6 fingered <>iraiii Cradle*. Scythe Blades, Grass Sickles, Scythe Stones. Grass Blades, Straw Cutters, Curn Shelters. All Kinds of Aldi Iron*. Bulling Cloths. Wire do.. Leather and Rubber Belt ing, Mill Spindles aud Cranks. Also a full assortment of Carriage Makers’ Materials! TOCKTHKH WITH Ever, Article usually kept in their line; al! of which we offer »t the lowe.i rau>». may 13 Save Freight and Commission. CARHARTbCURD Are SOLE A'iEXTB fur the e»le IA Fairbank's Scales A full ae»‘kf’iftrul wf fowir COL'NTER & PLATFOEM HCALEb . *■>« ie will h* <wM M <hmr pn»—nv i tr»4b< <u*Mi AAtUUkI * Ci K*. 1 Mn> U. HE! I-. I>E5 PJ’S Fall and Winter Styles OF FASHIONABLE HATS, Gaps &c. M » fi- ,ve ju t received and opened the largest, \ ' .best, cheapest am! most fashionable stock of IL s Old Caps that has ever been ottered in this market. It Comprises, in part, Mi u’s soft Hats, ennine imported Black, Brown and I’euil French of the finest quality, Men’s Ledger Hats, all kinds; *• Victor Emmanuel Hats, “ Black and brown Pocket Hats, “ Light “ ounce” “ “ Extra Black and brown Planter’s Hats, sept 28 BOYS’ SOFT HATS. 1 > LACK, brown and pearl Ledger, fancy plaid and extra black and brown medium. sept-J' WOOL HATS. I-’NTRA Cassmerette, Men’s and Boys’ from »3.50 'j . ; per doxen. sept z- MENS< I) LACK, brown and blue silk Velvet, blue Edin > burgh with black Ribbed Cassnnere, English black Cloth Caps, mixed Caps, Navy, the Oakford and xx Navy Cap-, black Jockev a id xxx Otter Caps, at nil prices, black ami brown Plush Caps from x to xxx _ Be P 28 BO'S S’ < A’” • IkI.ACK and valixt Jockey Caps, brown and green J Solferino, National Guard Caps and blue .Ist Regiment Caps, Bovs’Cloth Caps from S 3 cents Jo sept 28 f. \1»l US’ H ITS. IAROWN, white ami smoked riding and prome- J nude hats f the finest style and quUitj atlow ...... INFANTS' H ATS. I -INE smoked and white Turbany, real imported, l' extra brown and white beaver. Sep • MBKF.LLAS. SILK and cottonnf al! qualities, at any prices. Call ami exalfiine our stock and we will guaran tee to please the most fastidious. sept 28 WM. BELDEN. MENARD & BURGHARD. MR. Burghard has retarned from New York . with the finest selection of Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Articles ever brought to Georgia, and they are now opened and exposed for sale at our benutiful Store on Cherrv Street, two doors from the Telegraph Building, at the sign of the 13ig Watch, Therefore, we invite ail to call and see the latest novelties. Our selections embrace Rich, Rate and Gorgeous Styles of Ornaments —Pins, Rings, Brace lets, Chains Ladies Enamelled k Diamond Watches, Diamond, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, and other full and half sets of Jewelry—some of new design, just out. We desire to call particular attention to our stock of Watches, bv the celebrated makers, Cowderoy, iloddel, Stoddart. Tobias, Ac., made to order ex press’.y for us. We have al oo i hand the invalua ble Jurgenson and Nardin Chronometers. A lai ge variety of Clocks—latest style. Sterling Silver and Plated Tea Setts, Pitchers, Goblets, &c. Musical Instruments of everv description. Call and look at our varied stock of \ iolins. We also cad the attention of the trade to our stock of GOLD PENS! The largest and best selection ever brought to this market. Keim” v pt'.y ib>ue and warranted. ME -IUD BURGHARD. se: '. 22 Sign ot the Big Watch. S- 10FIELD& BROTHER, FOiIHDEBS AMD MACHiNiSTS, Jf.l c i J ga ukoia. JOHN HOUOHKLD, JOSHUA SCHOFIELD. We are prepared to Manufacture STEAM KISTO-HSUES, UiK< 8 i.AU MAW UILI.M, MILL AND GIN GEARING, SUGAR MILLS, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. IRON RAILINGS aud VERANDAHS. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Rail ings in the State, which for elegance, neatness, du rability and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suitable for the fronts of Dwellings, Cemetery Lots, Public Squares. Church Fences and Balconies. Persons desirous of purchasing Railings will do well to give ns a call, as we are determined to ofler as good oargains as any Northern Establishment. Specimens of our Work .xn be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in his city. dec 2 SI N DRIES. Ir'IFTY THOUSAND Lbs. Tennessee and Georgia J Bacon, 100 Bibs. Whiskey, various price and brands; 1,000 Bushels Corn, 500 “ Meal, 2,000 “ Oats, 50 Package fine Leaf Lard, 190 Bbls. Georgia Lime, 50 “ Rosendale Cement, 300 Bales prime Eastern and Tennessee Hay. The above, with other articles in my line, in store and for sale by WM M- DI NN. General Commission Merchant and Produce Deai are, Macon, Ga april 25 d Aw-ts NEW SPRING ( LoTHI.XU. E. WINSHIP TS now receiving a splendid stock of fine Ready Made Clothing for the spring trade and invites the public to call and examine it. march 16, ’59. Citizen ! h IMG MACHINES. npHE subs-efiber is Agent for the sale of Rarthrop't 1 St winy Machines. He has thoriughlv testec them and recommends them to the public. lie war rants them to perform well or no sale. niiirch 17 £. WI NSIIII’. SHIKTS! SHIRTS! TUST received a large assortment of the “ Goldei Hill” Shirts, a superior article. They are wel made and fit first rate. E. WINSHIP. n Citizen copy. Montpelier Farm School, MONROE CO., GA. Rev. Carlisle P. B. Martin, Pres. HAVING purchased at Montpelier, that celebrat ed seat of learning, Mr. Martin has transferred thither bis Fa km School from Henry county. No plain, in all the South possesses more facili ties, ermore peculiar advantages, than does this, for the successful education of youth. The Fall Session will commence on the 25tb of Ju ly next. For further information address the President at MontpoL'T. Ga. mav 23 THOS. J. LANE lias just received 65,000 Feet of Lumber, 1 WTHICII he is offering at verv reduced prices bv A A the car load at the South Western Rail Road, or at his Lumber Yard opposite the Market. Give him an early call if you wish to avail yourself of the lowest price. july-jT-tf ROPE, BAGGING & TWINE. 1 (V M I COILS Richardson’s Hemp Leaf Rope, 1 HH ' 500 Coils superior Hand-made Rope, 100 bales of Heavy Gunny Bagging, in store and to arrive. 1,000 lbs. of Twine, for sale by may 26-dtf BOW DRE A ANDERSON. BACON. i I W I LBS. prime Tennessee Side’, yJv'jx/L/k/ 2,000 lbs. prime Tunuoesee Canvass ed Hams, 2,000 lbs. prime Jowls, for sale hy BOW DBB .t AMDIRBOW. PORTER AND ALE. i|| CASKS Hibbert's and Jeffries’ Ale, ’ ’ 10 casks Hibbert's London Porter. For sale by BuWDKE A ANDERSON, may 2y-dtf ALEX. W. i’ERSo.XS. Attorney at Law, l oin \ ALLEY. GA. WIU. pi-tclic. is mH of th. Cuuru of th. Macou I Circuit. sug i w-i, liaiaua Senars al Mlioltsalr autl nctail! % | I ES A HAM’EDO. Importerauf Havai a Hegars, ’I ’ Iwfod of <hr Hm»muh aad ♦ to | O pvr tbou»ahd Uofueruf C'fawrrj WaMM» IMMEDIATEI.V. 'i’f.Ji vt i«»l<« <1 lopwuu .1 th. "ilaM- I*J • _ 1 agSAJLWWMiIL. T D I TX I! POCKET KNIVE ! IHAVE iubt received a large and splendid assort ment of the above Pocket Cutlery, Direct from the makers and will offer extra induce ments for purchasers to call and examine my Stock of Rodgers and Wostenholms BUCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, SCISSORS, RAZORS. Ac. I have now in store Glass Preserving Jars, Ice Cream Freezers, Refrigerators Water Coolers, Double Wall Ice Pitchers, • The Old Dominion Coffee Pot, Feathered Dusters and Brushes, Bird Cages, Baskets, And the celebrated and invincible Iron Witch Cook Move, all of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms for cash or to prompt paying customeis. R. A WISE'S Hous * Furui 4 nr Store, may 23 Cherry st.. Macon. Ga. To Publishers. I TV) R sale one second-hand Princeton wei PreM in good running order—at a Great Bargain. Also one No. 5 Imperial Hand Press, nearly as goo a-new, with inking apparatus complete, for ? *• cash. Also, one t-inall Job Ramage Press Price Applv at (He i'ince oi ihe apl 1V d A w ti “GEORGIA CITIZEN, Macon. Ga. FEW BOOKS AT Book More. \ MERIC AN Eloquence in two Vols ; a new Cy clopedia of Commerce: Burton’s Cyclopedia of Wit and Jlu'no’; a handy l ook m Propern Law;; Man upon the Sea '»v Prank Goodrich; Romantic passages m So-ith stern Life be;.rath .he Waters; The Ha ni but not. the I‘Latt, I ;> T. S. Ar thur; William the conqueror, by Gen. Sir Charles Napier; Doctor Thorne; a ucw edition oi Edgar A. Poe’s works; the Preacher and the King; the Priest and the Huguenot; Lord George Bentinick, by Dis raeli; Beatrice Cenci; Debit and Credit; Major ling er Potter, Douglas Jerrold’s Wit: Belle Brittan on a tour; Life and Times cf Hugh Cruise oi the Betsey; Testimony of the Rocks; Jeffer son’s Works; BafAct’s Novels complete; Grate’s History of Greece; Sparrowgrass Papers; Lord Montague’s Page, b\ G. I’. K. James; the Three Beauties, by Mrs. Southworth; Ventilation in Amer ican Dwellings; Derivation of Family names , Wis dom, W.tand Humor ; Steps towards Heaven ; Dtu’s Moral 1 oology; Mizpah, a Prayer Book ; Way side i’ictHie.4 in ,? ance. Holland, Belgium and up the Rhine; Wild No r thern Scenes. Also a large assort ment of fine Family Bibles. J. M. BOARDMAN. MACON LAMP STiHIK, NO. 11, COTTON AVENUE. CROCKERY, GLASS AND CIIINA. Coal Oil Lamps & Chandaliors, FLUID LAMPS, SILVER-PLATED WARE, Ta’olo Cutlory and Castor Frames, LOOKING GLASSKS, I M P R O V E D C O Al. OI I . Burning Fluid, k amphene & Alcohol. At Wholesale & Retail, Cheap for Cash I ON THEJ|' AY—A fine Assortment of Bohemia Fancy Colored <U Cut GLASSWARE, Os our own Importation; much of it is suit able lor Engraving for HOLIDAY PRESENTS! ETN’ItRAVINGr ON GLASS! Os every description, done to order in ocr Store. Call and hc us. tep 18 BOLSHAW .\ HERZI ■ FANCY IIYK IUIUSE, STEAM On the Alley in the rear of WaterinanV Dry Good* Store, (formerly known as the “Vir ginia Dye House.”) MR. W. W. JOHNSON respectfully u forms tne citizens of Macon and vicinity, that he is now fully prepared to Dye and Finish in the neuie<- style, and at short notice, every description of Lu flies and Gentlemen’s apparel. Silks, Satins, and Woolen Goods, and in fact. Goods of every fabric; Shawls of every descriptioi Dyed and Pressnd; white and all kinds of Sliuwl> cleunsed, blear lied and stains removed. Articles foi mourning dyed ai the shortest notice. Gents’ (’oats. Pants, Vests and Cravats dyed h beautiful hlaci. Warranted not to Smut. Gents’ apnarelcleansed from paint, grease. *ar Ac., without Ripping: in other words, Dyed or Cleansed whole. Carpets, Rugs, Piano Cloths, Ac., Cleansed at this establishment. Hid Gloves dyed l/ack, Straw and all kinds of Bon ners dyed al! the 11trht colors as well as the black, and pressed in the latest styles and shapes. Car pets cleaned Ac.. Ac. Woolen Goods Not Ripped ! This is the only establishment of the kind in Ma con w here the Finishing is executed \)\' Strain. A liberal share of the public patronage is respect fully solicited. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction, or no charge will be made. Orders from persons in the city should be left at the Dye House, where the subscriber may be found at all times. Orders from the country should be addressed to Mr. W. W. Johnson, Macon, Ga. Persons sending Orders must state fully what they wish to have done, written in a plain manner. All Goods to or from this establishment can be sent by Express. No Goods subject to the claim of the owne r one year from the date they are left at the estab lishment. Cleansing and Repairing promptly and neatly done. I also have on hand, for sale Cheap, Superior Marking Ink for marking bags, boxes Ac. (’ash terms and cesh prices. W. W. JOHNSON. Merck 11 d A w-ly Grates ! GRATES ! GRATES! I PERSONS in want of Grates will please call and examine m» assortment, as I have the largest and cheapest Lot ever offered in Macon. B. A. WISE, Cherry Street, seyt 23 Macon, Ga. R.W. SIMMS & 0. A. LOCHRANE HJVING associated themselves in the practice of the Law at Macon and Atlanta, and will at tend to business in the several counties in their Cir cuits respectively. Otlice in Macon near Mechanic’s Bank. aug 6-ts WROUGHT IRON rtAIIuIIV G-! 4 McQUEEN, Manufacturer of Wrought Iron • Railing oi evvry description, plain and orna mental, from the lightest scroll Iron up to the heav iest Railing used. 7/aving an endless variety of de signs, purchasers cannot fail to be suited. Being entirely of wrought iron their strength can not be questioned, and for beauty they cannot be surpassed anywhere. All kinds of fancy Iron Work made to order. Particular attention paid to making all kinds of Geometrical Stair Railing. Portrait Painting. JT. POINDEXTER would r espectfully inform • his patrons and the public that he it again in bis Studio, for the winter and spring, where he would be happy to see all who feel any interest iu bis branch of the arts. Portraits ol citizens always on exhibition. Studio in “ Triangular Block,” entrance on 2d Street. oct <1 w -im War! War! War! |ON DHY GOODS, zsiixr/sTJEiisrs. 1> ng hg< <i to i«»air out Stoit- we hav« <*om > meuced * g<-nerul warfare of extenniual nos ou our G>Mid» Wv are now Helling the bul aiu rof our Htock of Gmclm al N'rw Y'ok cost to make room. Among which will be found m beauli ful lot of Firbrh Lu<« Uai.lllluH, Moubie Jujh* 4U<l j FloutiM'd Silk Robes, Double Skirt and 2 Fiounred Burge iG uri, OrgMudie* and JmcoiiH Double Jupe Robes, Plain, Figuted aud Striped Silk*, Plain and Figmed Blara Silk*, Hwim uud Ja£«iieH t’uliara and HfoevtS, E«ubf>ad> d and !«<** h.d «. *r I. < »ud M H ar Hoop UkicU, MwiiL* ut kind*. Men and PW , BfoeM U« «l aud sfoawlibg Mild MLiKmm* Info fo* << tftia.4 uUuaadea, A<, AaUauda*♦ t< ' * isr **»»« Law Partnership l HILL & HILL, SUCCESSORS TO THE L.ViT ITILM Ol STUBBS & HILL. practice in t! ’i - ,!.lj..h,ing ('it Vt cuit and in t’ s c.iviu. ..nd Federal Courts the same as neretofore bv the late firm of Stubbs J Hill. ’ B. BILL, J NO. 11. HILL. The uudersiginxl will close up the biuiucssol tb-- I 'aU- firm of Stubbs A. 11.11 as speedily as possible. tend, all peraons indented to said titm aru reunested to make payment at as early a .lav as prac ticable. H- HILL, au g 29 w-ts Surv. Partner of Stubbs A Hill. j CHANGE OF SCIIEDI LE ON I . t.g -a _ _x» at A—i -•—*« -X SOUTH WESTERN R. R. /AN Saturday, Septum!**, r the <l, the Accomm* i; v 7 lion Train will be taken off On and utter Sunday, Sept 4th, the parser - ■r ;; mail train for Albany and Cuthbert will run a.- f<- lows : Jr . ’< P ,n ’ Leave Albany at 1,4 b j m, arrive at Mau n p Di. The mail and pt!’**, nger train from Cut!’ • r connect with the Albany mail train at Smithvn No. 10 S U . R. K. kuv C’utbb a- 12.15 p. ... arrive r SmtbviiJ. 3.1 t p. in. • 6.39 p. ■. • I■. t . ■ ■ ■■■ itb i up it ' down Albany mail train. The •'olumbut* mail and passenger train • . ru n n ret-dun. VIRGIL I’ jWER.n '.ng. A Supt- | inacen, sept 2, '.>9 Central, Macon & Western and .soith-m es’i ern bailroads. (~f CAM), will for the present, be transported < vei 1 UeCentrr. Railroad to M ion,or tunny Sta | tiiiu on that and the Eatonton Road, in any quantity, to any Cot piee, at *2 00 pet ton ot 2,000 dbs., and ' iv-r tiie *. ac<> i A Western, a”’. South M -s;eiu I ■ Hail Roads, or to any Station < eitbet of these Roads, at »1 00 per ton of 2,000 lbs., provided each i Sack is marked with consignee’s name. GEO. W. ADAMS, Geu’l Sup t C R R. ALFRED TYLER, “ “ MAW R R. VIRGIL rOWEHH, “ “ SWR R. tab 94 w.lf House W anted. I "’URNISII ED, or part i.illy so, prtfered. A «<l 1 built dwelling, centrally and pleasantly situat ' c<! in Macon, by t family without young children Any person having such u property to rent may I. sure that it will be well taken care of, by a punctur* and permanent tenant. ALSO WANTED. Two good sized pleasant rooms, by a person wlr will Finnish them handsomely. Full board prefer*« in the same hou<e, but if the chambers suited, men' could be taken ala Hotel, Mulberry streetprefers For un interview and particulars ad 'ress sept 30 A. B. CURTIS, City Post Office. TVSACOS: LAMP STOKE, NO. 11, COTTON AVENUE. A No. 1. imf-xio vian Coal Oil AT ■ Clall I PEN GALL< July V-m BCLBHAW aIIER’/OG. I GREAT ATTRAt T10N! EVERY BODY READ THIS! ! Till, 1 uxin-rented the Ware Hou I it. East Macon, formerly occupied by Jana Deuton, and will have. it in good repair hv the firn >f September to receive the patronage of all jwL> tn iv fee: a willir tdcsf *. • g.'<• me their Cotton. • v. . W. A. McLANE. ' GROCERIE! 1\ W- • Bacon, Flour, Coffee, Sugar. Butler,Cheese, Syi up. Soap, Candles, Ac. ALSO, a choice lot ot Tobacco, Segars, Snufl, and man other articles too numerous to mention. For sal by JOHN MASSETT. up rd 12; 1859. Gent's Furnishing Goods. I"piFTY Doz. Linen and Mareailes Bosom SMrti. . 25 “ Merino and Silk under Shirts, . 5 ‘' British H Cd “ Linen ana Silk Handkerchiefs, 30 “ Silk Scarfs and Ties, 15 “ Fine Suspenders. Just received at E. WINSHIP. sop Fresh Garden Seed. A | EN’ARD A CAfSTLEN have jmt re?vi i .»I large and selected stock of t'rah G'<i S. ••- of all kinds, warranted to be the growth of 1*• - which are equal in quality and as cheap in price iu any that can be found elsewhere. Store under Rai ston’s Hull. feb 3 City papers copy. COKN, O ATS AN D .MEAL. QAA BUSHELS Corn in Sacks, e)’ * V 4UU bushels pi i;: e Tenn Seed Oats, 50 “ r resh Corn Mwai, 700 “ Wheat Bran, just received and for sale by McCALLIE A JONES. dec 9 GR Vs i:s I GRATES! \GOOD assortment at very low prices B. A. WISE, jan R Cherry St., Macon, JOSEPH M. BOARDMAN. W ASHINGTON BI.OCK,MULBERRY ST MACON, GEORGIA. I AW, Medical, School, miscellaneous and Juven j de Books. Blank Books, Stationery, Drawing Paper, Roll Pa per, Water Colors, Artists’ Oil Colors, Boxes of Oil ami Van r Colors, Mathematical Instruments,Mathe mat '.ni Engineering Boeks, Copying Presses and 800 Writing Desks. Port Folios, Pocket Books, Gammon Boards, Writing Fluids and Inks of the very best kinds, Faber’s and Lubin’s Drawing Pen cils, Steel ami Gold Pens, anil all the various articles usuaijy found in a Book Store. Also, Agent of the Southern Mutual nsurance Company. oct 17 Just Received. A LARGE and choice selection of Lubin’s Extracts ./A for the handkerchief, warranted genuine, and not the offensive imitations usually sold, put up with counterfeit tables. Also, a splendid assortment of genuine French and American Pomades and Oils for the hair from the most celebrated manufactures, for sale bv april 8 E. L. STROHECKF.K. MACON DRUGSTORE. HAVING resumed business on my own account I am prepared to serve my patrons and the public with the most reliable articles in my line.— My stock is the largest and most complete ever of fered in this city. My purchases being invariably from Direct Im porters and Manufacturers I can warrant every ar ticle pure and free from adulteration. I have now in store a large and select stock of DRI G& MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS. WINDOW GLASS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STt’t FS. PAINT BRUSHES, VARNISH BRUSHES, Sash BriinheN, W hiti* Wa*h llhin!i«»n, Badger Ulen<l«*rs 9 < amei iiuir Brushes and < amei and Sable Hair Pencils, Together with the beat assortment of Instrument**. Planters, Physicians, and Merchants will consult their jaterest by examining our stock before purcha sing. i. d E.JL. BTROHECKER. Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! MACON ICE CO., D. DEMPSEY, JR.. AGENT, I S prepared to furnish ICE in large and amal quantities in both country and city us low us an) house in Georgia. Also, keeps on hand a large and well selected sto of family Groceries ami Provisions .choicest import Brandies, Wines and Segura, Holland Gin, Bourl and Monongiihala Whiskey, and u full supply i West Indi* Fruit, Candies, Ac., A , Ac. f mu) .dlw Jy D. DEMPSEY, JR. spring Trade. GUANITE II2X.IL.Xu. \. \ PBUDDEN4 Cftj- ISV ITE aiU>alM>a u# tbe*r eatirely aew stock SPRING DRY GOODS. ■ feMbr** >4-L. H, Iw lu U... 1 MM-M. fk. Bnw -.MU., f ll Ul*l, ... I. I oil ■ ««<!«»> dfi ' . ... U 4 XL-.» ...... ■ SOMETHING NEW’! CITY PLAN! $ 1 o d?o O O IJFOJRL isx.oo: Prixes payable immediately after the Drawing, Without Deduction! CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES OF GHUOROIA., Authorized by a Special Act of the legislature, for the ben efit of Academies and f«»r other purposes HODGES, DAVIS X CO.. MANAGERS, MACON, OEOBGIA. By this 8< heme purchaser? can select their own numbers, and pay any amount for a ticket they desire. EXTRA CLASS! 75 Ballots—l 2 Drawn Num burs’ To l-e drawn in the city of Macon, every Monday, Tues day Wednesday Thursday. Friday and Saturday After nr < ■> ar 4 o’clock, during the year* 1859, 1860, 1861, 18*32, and 1863. By this CIMB, the holder of any One Dollar Ticket, if the number? so selected dhould be drawn, will be entitled to a prise, according to the following SCHEME! Anv 00 Ticket with 9 drawn numbers on it, SIOO,OOO 8 “ “ “ 50,000 « « m « 7 *» « u 25,000 “ “ “, “ 6 “ “ “ 15,000 «• »• <• “ 5 “ “ 5,000 *« u « *» 4 »< *< « 1,000 m « *« « 3 ** « it 200 ““““2 " “ « 80 tt « <« « i «« « »< 5 Any Si.oo Ticket with a drawn number on it stationed to come out at any particular place, oq such a? 57 Ist, 2d, 3d, or any other station ’ v in the drawing, TICKETS FROM 50 CTS. TO ANY PRICE, And Prizes paid at the above rates per dollar. This is the favorite scheme in New York, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boeton, Chicago, Buffalo, and other cities, where there are 5.000 offices in which Tickets in this scheme are exclusively sold: and such is the demand that the Managers of the Consolidated Lotteries of Georgia have been induced to issue Tickets, for the benefit of our town and village friends who cannot purchase in the cities. Feeling that it will be as successful in the country as it is in the cities, the Managers submit it to their patrons. PLAxV OF THE LOTTERY. In the above novel and lucky scheme, there are 75 num bers, from 1 to 75 inclusive, printed upon separate pieces of paper, and enclosed in tin tubes placed in a gla«s wheel. Upon the day of drawing the wheel is revolved around several times, and a small boy who is blindfolded draws a number at random from the wheel It is then exhibited to the audience, and registered by the State Commissioners as the first Drawn Number. The wheel is revolved again several tiruH?, and then the second Number drawn This operation L- repeats till twelve are drawn out and registeivd as the Ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. sth, 6th, 7th, Bth, 9th. loth. 11th, and 12th Drawn Numbers, and any Tickets having the numbers ■elected, with the numbers drawn from the wheel anywhere upon them (except the ,-tation numbers, which must be in the station for which they are bought,) are prizes; if not they are blanks. The advantage this scheme has over all others is that it enables any one to purchase a Picket with any nuinbei up to nine, and at any price he pleases to pa>, and the Prizes are paid in full immediately after the drawing. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a superior denomination, caw be entitled to an inferior prize; nor can any ticket be entitled to any prize other than that for which it was originally bought. For instance, if a person buys a 31.00 ticket with 9 numbers on it, if they all are drawn be is entitled to 3100.000; if the whole 9 numbers are not drawn it is a blank. So with any numbers bought; they must all be drawn, or the ticket will not be entitled to any prize. Addreu all ordrrt for the Extra Clast, with the aurnhtrs, slating Uiu day and date you want them for t tc HODGES, DAVIS & CO., A/acon, Georgia. H , D A Co are also Managers and Contractors of the Florida. Kentucky North and South Carolina Consolidated Lotteries, which they will soon commence drawing N. B. The Combination and Extra Class Lottz&im are drawn tttry day~the Havana every .Saturday Circulars. con*aining full explanations of our Schemes, &c , will be forwarded, by mail, to aiv one sending us his address ’I vOaclr rYtiuAuiiicto ry, Gitli . IN, <4EO., Comsr of Broadway ant* Hi'l Stree G. W. CLARK . )EGS Ra -to HU mid tin public 11m’ I1 a« r 1> gagtd thi- service* of Mr. ruremaii, lo hi* establishment, and that he is n- ' prepared to manufacture at the shortest notice, a Kindboi Carnages, (Aacbes, Rockuways, Buggk v ~ equal iu elegance, and durability m UEe. to an i anuluctuied in any part of the South or in tl N tb. Mr. Winter is a practical (’ouch Maki i and has been engaged in manufacturing for twen years. His workmanship, taste aud experienc* are well known in many parts of Georgia. Otht experienced workmen in each branch of the Carriag making business, are also employed. T o ensure th procunng of light running, strong, dura-ble, and ele mint vehicles, call upon G. W. Clark Persons in want of aNo 1 job, will do well to cal and examine the finished work 1 have on hand, a? ,tlso that now manufacturing, before purchasing . l>ewhcre. They will iiud it to their ivdvautage t* do so. Ail work sold at my establishment warranted a* represented. Repairing neatly and promptly executed and al work shipped wiiii care aud dispatch. Orders thank folly received. Terms, to suit purchasers. Libera! deduction t< cash customers. juue 1 Valuable Plantations FOR SALE IN SOUTH WEST GEO. Estate of the late Joseph Bond. LN pursuance of the last Will and Testament ot Joseph Bund, late of the city of Macon, county ol Bibb, we the undersigned, Executors and Executrix of the said deceased, will offer fur sale on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court house door, iii thetowwof Albany, Dougherty county, the following tracts of Land, viz : Ist. That valuable settlement of Land, known a? the “FOWLTOWN PLACE,” Lying on the waters.of Fowltown and Kinchafoo uee, in the county ofLee and within two miles of th* South-Western Rail Road, containing torty-aevei hundred and fifty-six (4756) acres. Upon tbe prem isest here is a good Saw ami Grist Mill on a never failing stream, good pwellinghouse.frame negro cabins with all other improvements to correspond. 2nd, At tbe same time and place, chat equally val uable tract of Laud known as the “WILKINS PLACE,” Containing thirteen hundred and five (1305) acres : this settlement adjoins the homestead of Thomas \I. Moughon and his Byron place, and equal to any ir the neighborhood. The improvements are all go i-d frame buildings. Also, will be sold at the same time and place t’at following described Plantations situated, lying an o being in tbe county of Dougherty: Ist. That justly celebrated and rich settlement of Land known as “ OAK LAWN or ROYSTON PLACE,” Containg twenty-three hundred and twenty-seven (2327) acres; a small portion of this tract lies in th* county of Lee. The improvements consist in a dwel ling bouse and a fine range of negro cahins, all fram ed, and put up within ihe last season : this tract stands upon the list as being one of the best in South west Georgia. 2nd, That renowned tract of Land commonly call ed “MUD CREEK PLANTATION,” Containing thirty-five hundred (3500) acres lying up on Mud ( nek ami Kiokw. the most productive cot ton lands in the State. The improvements are all good on ibis place and the plantation in thorough re pair. 3rd, That place adjoining the above, usually called “THE DUCK ER PLANTATION,” Containing three thousand (3,000) acres, lying in the fork of Kiokev ami Chickasabatchec. Tbe pro ductions of this farm will compare with any iu tbe State. The buildings are all new unu framed. 4th. That beautiful ami rich body ot Land which goes by the name of “ HICKORY LEVEL PLANTATION,” Containing forty-five hundred (4500) acres. This sctth-Diciit. without any doubt, whatever, comprises t >tne of the richest Land in the Southern Mates.— The nun Utt! yield of this plantation has not been less than a bag of ©often to the acre for the* last five years. Thu improyumuntz, buildings, Ac., are all rubatantial. It is deemed unnaerssury to give a full description of thus<* Plantations • it j« suffndent te ttaU* that they were owned ami cultivated with much s iceezs and profit bv the late Col Joseph lloiid. They embrace the ehoi<uH land* In South Wmi Gvofgia, and for pro<lurti>m, fertility of suit, improi viueutt, local ion. health, ami ronvenicn©© <o market, A<*., not surp'XM od by any tract* of laud iu the South. Per*"!.* <le*irou» of rx'Aimidng these Laud* ant re f**red to the rv«|HM tiva overaeerf «u tbe Plantation** who will chow them, ami to Thoma* II M >ugLou* oue of Uw |’.x*eutor»* rvauiiug immadiately iu th* Uelghh fbuud. To any ou« wi«hiug te maktf * purubaav of « g<a«d C<4tea PUmaMou »«*h mi opp< rlauttk m* y n*H a<aiu prcarul iteelf ter years. I*riu« ut tab u*»4a bu«>wu om lb* - day. IHOr H MOl GHttK. i v WILI I4M ft Moi i.iilH . F ‘*< »***•■ HMKOlfAft Em mint. Ab th* UMfltas* DUW wteMKb r *'|t tell*, • »»•« of * oi Moud wdl L* • aU**M> I*»at. aud Mml) kviM *lll U «l Um iU)» mm a uUm. .4 m j i . .*-■ '...nt »»«.!■■ .i<— y i.’nur / -1.-Jones Comity. \ugu..lO- 1- V Fri r. . -dinsrv so-said count' ” The Court of 0 CHAS M ,. agreeable to law. v To the Ordinary of i of Luke Roberts, surviv ~* e . ‘ . arts d<M.eaae<l, .showeth t ‘‘•’ t be . the duty assigned to him ns ‘,C' r nr a aud therefore petitions the from said RORp/q’v Surviving Exec, 'tor and Petition* On hearing the above petitio u lt woidered > • citation he issued and that all p<•> ns ‘ ;Cneer,,l '‘ and thev are hereby required to s crusx*. H they have, on or before the first Moi ’day in r ehrna next, why said Luke Zfoterts should •’ ■ .. ir ’saory should not be granted to hiru. aih I further ordered bv the Court that this cnatv published in one or more public Gatettes < \ State for the space of Six months. nig 9 m CHAS. MACARTfi) 0 ( F.ORGlA—Crawford County. T When as, \rcbibald Kendrick, a- 1 upon the Estate of ThomesC Kendrick. t<» me for letters of dismission from san’ ' Those are therefore to cite and adroo sngular the kindred and creditors of s i • to be and appear at my office within th scribed by law and show cause (if any thei ' s .id letters should not be granted. Given under my hand ai office, this ■ ‘ ! ; 859. JAMESJ. R * Or’ / N l!ORGI 1. Crawford Comity. ’ I Tln-mas Klexander Mills, Admin 1 - ■ ( Will suuexed. of Isaac Mills, dec - ' letters of dismission from the win i ' ui<? Estate: ’ sh • ire therefore to cite and admoui -.ngular, U e heirsand creditors of said est and appear ai my < flic within the lime presci nw t »show cause, if any thev or either of tin i | w bv said letters should not be gi anted. i (liven under my bund and uiliciat siguatui ' 6th, 185 V. | JAMES J. RAY, Ordim. j may 14-6 w (V EORGIA Crawford County. T Court or Ordin art, June Term, >■* Griffin Oneal’s estate, John W. Attwn I and Griffin G. Oneal, Administrators of said cs- I h iving filed their returns in my office and reprt - j ed that they have fully administered said estau | oraveth Letters Dismissory. There* ore ordered by the Court that all y< ■ concerned show cause,™ anythey have,within th* nrescri.hed by law why said letters should u '’•ranted- that this order be published in the > Press, in tt'rmsofthe law and be entered on the* utes of the t ou ‘‘ cclvel h O ksE & ANSLEY Movants After* true extract ’’rom the M inutes. June Btb. I jn: . 11 JAMES J. HAY,Ordin EORGIA—C/awford f onnty. ( I Coi rto. i’Ro»*Rr. June Term. 1 /,. re., AVillis Hood's ' st *K Ja ™ e^¥: J’,'’.!' ministrator of sai l estate, having filed h>i •*‘red «aid estate and pray Letters Therefore, ordered by the Court that nil f ■oucerned show cause, if any they have. w. nine prescribed by law, why said letters slno. be granted, that this order be published in ’i Press in terms df law and entered on the min CULVERHOUSE A ANSI.I Movants Attot A true extract from ihe Minutes, June Bth, I junell JAMES J. RAY, Ordim EORGIA—Bibb County. \ 3 WHEREAS James M. Davis as Execut Jizabuth Tharpe, late of said county deceased dies to me for letters dismDsory therefrom. These are therefore tc cite and admonish all a iugular the heirs and creditors of said estate bow cause at my office within the time prescribed aw why said letters dismissory should not be gra* J the said applicant. Given under my hand in office, July 4th. 1859. W. T. MASSEY, Ordinary. CR AWFORD SHERIFF SALE. \XYILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Nover ’ \ \ next* tn Knoxville, in said county, • he usual hours of sale, the following property wit: • hie hundred nne and nne quarter a ind, tli *. me being the north half of lot itty-six s<i) lying and being in the sixth i» ’! • rict of originally Houston now Crawtorr ’o satisfy two fi fas issued from a Justice < the 53-.’<l 'district G. M , of said county of C? ciz J. 11. Harris for the use of Emanuel A \ Harper, also, Emanuel Aultmah te i' sane Ha.-per; levied on as tbeproperty of sa»* larpei. Said property pointed out by plain’ -eiv ma le and ret' rned to me by E. Tn> •nstable. This 22nd Sept >59. octi MORGAN HANCOCK, Sb kIIMINISTR 1 TOR’S SALE. 4 GREEABLY to sn order from the C . k dioarv, Dec- über Term, I*sß w.ll b. he first Tuesday in Nov mber next !• <‘ial hours of sale, at th«-’ Court Hnu«e • •own o' Knoxville, ( rawfol d countv. ’h« »f laud belonging to the esta»e ol Mason •f -aid county deceased; containing on« i ‘d fiftj isui acres hiore or less, thews 1, ; : 1 S >ld for tbe benefit of tl ■ rs. Terms mad* known on d«v of ’“h sep 2! HENRY N BRI T, A EXEC UTOR’S SALE. r>Y virtue of an order of the Ordinar* ofC' > county, granted on tbe first Monday in Sei- < ’■ will !••* sold at the Court House door or untv, w ithin the leual hours of sale, on the ' Tuesday in Noveml er next, that valuable sett cm 1 Land belongimr to the estate of Allen G Sinn te of said countv deceased, known as the plac« hich he resided ; lying on Alcohatchee Creek, lining five hnndraa and thirty five ’ acreeii ■ r less, about three hundred and fifty acres (350 i i high state of cultivation, a considerable portion which is rich creek or bottom land. This is a he: •by and desirable place to live and one of the bei ’-otton plantations in the countv. D. W. Simmo* oi A. J. Simmons can be found at all times on th •remises, who will take great pleasure io showtiu *ll who may desire to look at li. Terms made know i ou the dav of sale. D. W. SIMMONS, (»♦. s A. J. SIMMONS* ADM INI ST RATO IVs SALE V GREEABLY’ to an order of the Court of Ordi rv of Crawford County, September Term, 18’ * ’ill be sold within the legal hours of sale, bef< the Court House door in Knoxville, in said com in the First Tuesday in November, that largo • a hiable settlement of Land belonging to the e of Green P. Hani late of said county, decea containing One Thousand Twenty-four and a h Aci BS, (1,024 1-2) more or less, lying on Alkapatc. Cret*l:; a large portion of said land being rich b< • torn ’and. The said settlement of Land contain’ about six hundred (G 00 acres in the woods and 'b»- balance in a high state of cultivation. The s.*id settlement is a desirable place on v 1 co k to live, being convenient to schools and churcl • - Terms m ade known on the day of sale. WILLIAM D. HARP, Adr ’ Sept. 15l h, 1853. dltwtd AD HINISTRATOR’S SALE. 1)Y virtue ot an order from iht Honorable, Jo ) Court of Ordinary ofCrawford county, Sept*» Iht Term 185 k , will be sold on the first Tuesaa* November next, before the Court /7ouse door i the town of Knoxville, within the legal hours * ’ -ale, all the lands belonging to the estate of Josial Goodin deceased, late of said county, the widow’s • dower excepted ; the said lands lying and being in j this, the second, district ot originally 7/ouston now’ Crawford count*, containing in the aggregate eight hundred and tiftv ,•- ■ acres mor? or less, the dow rof the widow a • above ex< )*wd. Said lam.- mld fur the benefit ot the 1. eirs an ; d creditors of said es tate. Terms made knov- uon day of sale. JO//N H GOODIN. l AdtTfr RICH' a L GOODIX, l Aa ‘ r ) sept 22 d-it w-td EXECUTOR’S SALE. I)Y virtue of UM order of tbe Ordinary of Craw > ford countv w ill be sold before Court House iu Knoxville ou tie first Tuesday in November next I within tlte usual hours of sale, all the lands lying tn said countv belonging to tbe estuteof M illiam Hert num late of said county deceased, being tbe place where said 11 ertiuau lived, containing two hundr d acre* tnoreor .'ess. JjSold for the purpose of adetri bution of property among the heirs. Terms on day ofsalo, ADAM H. HEKTMAK, sept 17 d-it w Eaeeutor, ADMINI 'TRATOR’S sale. ]>Y virtue of an < rderof the Ordinary of Craw- > lord countv, will be <i ItHtefore the Court H, e tn Knoxville, oil tbe b,-st Tuesday in November nex>, w ithin the usual hours ">f sale nil the lands belong i to the estate of Ji nes F Bryce deceased, contaiun g about seven hundred act ' S, on which is situateu a fine Grist Mill and Saw- M 'll, wj<h tbe greatest plenty of saw timber convenient. The place is five mil. - from Knoxville and eight from tbe Kull A'oad. cot - venient t<> churches and schools. Sold for tbe bem tit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on dav of sale. LUCIUS G. EVANS. sept 17 d-it w-td, Administrator. REM O \’A L. Henry Horne HAH KEMvVED 1118 Cuke, Pastry and BREAD BAKERY, CANDF & ri!HT STORE NEXT TO Ayers, Wingfield & Go's. ' GROCERY STORE, IN CHERRY bTREET, un<! Lum now fine ar euiniiu»<ittiion, h id »u uiitire hew ntuck of all Cotifre liona which i» ott* ‘led ul lowu*t price* for CAHH, nor. jMf To Land Buyers. llf|i<rtui tor »air »iluatr<l nah* > 5 ! luiumg about arr« * and two third* c leared, It lu* upow It two *etlleh*eu te and might be divided The other DoaUMHM ate«ul ot*e Lubdrod were* ahd two third* eiewrad.. Both v • Ibea* pla<w are well willed, ’ afe'f pl«w»Mth NltMWted ih a good *od health? teeugfe borhood aud hoar a ho* w tewl, Ua*e w*irr ac«d wphml ufeLard* of eairtoi ** wlr*ted fruH Ate. *#i « hundred *tr*a wit M abool * Mybr the labd* of Ite' tttaU’ , tbfe* fourth «.i*M r *4 awd a Mt* a. CaulUtaituti i'»>tuhw* i» I te ewb Jd b~ iha abv»« p Umw wteu ti» M 9 < i vu ante. JAMLa > hi AG. .1 tevjuaa juru.