State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-18??, October 15, 1859, Image 4

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WOOD’S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY Is dftilv tlUX>ng c H w Hh delighted \ ibitors, to see his large and beautiful PIC ■ TURES, consisting of PORTRAITS IN OIL, PASTEL AND AQUARELLE. The celebrated Imp Lil PHOTOGRAPHS. Plain P' - aphs, DAGUER REOTYPES, H VLLOTYPE and AMBROTYPES. \l«o. a large and cth ' STEI :<>.-<'( : -e iii-is. mTMwwmam, Os anv stvf'or » ■ ■ L . ■ Ambrcu • Daguerreotypes, 7/' .at pric< that c.iunot Lil to plea- . and satisfaction warranted. AMBROTYPES. Ij; . , : larg< lot of new and beautiful < . i '■ < S', embracing sev eral . le dwi : go • al rea enable prices. 21 j/7? //'//■ ii > ■' y />''/-/>.l f> L. A OOl), Washington Block, wp_lß NeearlyoppoMteXhe Lanier House. ASW JI MAILING DEPARTMENT.] macokt, ± jL ■’'h\ ff BrMLOa Wf.® I A A if: itl f ' .A <• Jt M .jy W ai K I fl f their i i a uro, ba been eiicour- i . I• . iu.J.c il a i-r.ii. hos ihdr v.or:.s a ?pv ial department, possessing superior facilities for the man- IRON RAILINGS, f. k ! 1 \ - .f the id .-t appro- <1 J '. /ns either plain or oraamt They arc a -ured in ■r» t:.. J' . thn in ; -hit of variety and ■•'tali’i ll work, together with moderate prices, that they j; •'-??■. rui’m I t'.‘ pleas *. In addition to ail the usual riylvs of thiz class of work, they are making Fu er’s Patent Railing. T- •-is w article, possessing extraordinary strength by a combination of Wr . t Iron in its structure.— Ali w’ i h will bo warranted equal to the best made in the Union. •» ;; R. FINDLAY A SONS. :tras, Bargains. . . •.!» • > ' ib«*r Mf'.'s f.M sale b: • Mills know.: . J : Mill*. Crawford county, Gn., cuih ->>- ; Si v. Grist. Flouring 51 ill and Wool Carding M . hint* ; all new and in good running order, then- . •. i hundred acres of l ind, me hundred and lit t\ uc cm* cleared, wid pt' Lice from 10 to 2<J bushel* t i o per acre. The Mills < an be made to earn, with i pr o .■ management, f nn two to three thousand del- | .a; -a y: ar. attached to the premises is the privilege of *;c,\ timber on •mm acre* of land, with 100<» more ul'.ig (hat can b' 1 b iu.dit cheap. This property t : -rated in one of th*' healthiest port io s of the , .■'ll , live miles south «d'K noxville, Crawford cone tv. <a.. eight Huie- ;i>»r;h of S. W. Kail Hoad. For fu- •• ■ dbrnrition addre*sthesubscriberatKnox- Jrawffird countv, Gi. JAM E. BRYCE Joseph \ rmstrong, ATTOKET" -AT LAW ~ VIENNA, DOuLX, COUNTY GA. -I. 17 w-ljr CLARK & LIPPITT. ATTORNEYS AT LAV/, A/.JIAA'i’, (IA. i ' \ i I.Xt; returned to Dougherty county, and »- 11. iutvd with me in the pracitce of Law, Abx. S. i.iji, . i., prompt and faithful attention fill L givt ii > uli business entrusted to our care, rte o II practice in the counties of Dougherty, Baker, < mn. Lee, Dooly and Worth—iu the Supreme j ( . at Macon ; m the U. S. Courts, and wlgievor si Jis igaged. Particular attention will b/given i > . ..Ml c ting and securing of money demaqfls. Weir!): 11. CiAKK. r y, Ga., Dec. 7,1857. WILLIAMS A. POTTER, ’ jesrs & Commission Merchants, So. .<» South S&9 Ym9- t. S. WILLIAMS, E. syrOTTXB, G. N. WILLIAMS, J. W. SPALDING & rn., Camuiixiion and Forwarding Merchants. \ S S-f’A'h Ciminerei'il Strtei, Lttii cu Markit and Walnut, Saint Louis? M >. ’!• entire attention give i to th£ Sale and Purchase ■ iLi.e Kope and Bagging. Provisions, Flour, Grain, i lie»peetf\iily reit-r to Merchants of St. Louis t*c »»»r-iiy. oct 19 METROPOLITAN HOTEL, 1 IO WWAY. NEW YORK ■IM.ji.X LELAND A CO., Proprietors. ’ 5 ALFRED F JAMES, V JLA-’vST, G . v dirox, Texas. < FILL a. 1 , mi to the prosecution and collection of '» V c* as against the Government of Texas and in. Inal* —the investigation of, and perfecting ti r'*c pavmci-.c of Taxes, and redemption of prw- • • I- for Taxes in e very county iv the State, aiso II Lug bi’’> in the proper couxty " ’ is wishing to in ve*t in Texas Lan'ls at t . ■; .>w prices, ami desiring information. ‘ - receive and reliable responses tu t.- : ‘iiirie*. HAffABEBOif ...•’.CHANT TAILORS, •" j. 235 Broadway, How York '• .1. T. vb.-s I G nt’s ».ca.~ c* r.stanfy on hand. * .jicv r. ‘ -ut u. Gent’- I'm ni.-dring Good.*. PERKINS. KING A lU, ■ JI MSROHAXTS, J B. mJ Street, si-fft'J Hew York *>• • ; , t . every ,b’V r . < .'n of M-rc!iai. lire will rv ■ »rv npt uiiwi’imi ; .• ’ « ;apiw.‘!l Sun. M.tCon. Ga. ’ HEXRY L. KtXfi, n; x.’’T r. fkwmixs. E. W. HLOIHt, A l ... 17 A‘J C3 : JNSELLOa AT LAW, N :j i>. Mlwey, Cjtmt Bardiy St, Si.IV YORK, > - •> M. ; M -,r-. EAI J. A S.- b ' - U> Robert A'-Uh' -. Ml..«ri:jt '. aiiTta., Mu • 11 Hits t-rtl.-i.i.t 9tr«4. r.w York. 9f Grit a ‘St Style’ LACK F8.3C1 COATS. x zi. u.iirtE. I.iX KMOt>l> & 111 tints, TAILOBS, 558 Broa bAay. New York. B tuwi St. Niclvjktif and Metropolitan Hotels. \ LOCKWOOD, J. DUBOIS. ! OCt *l9 iIETIKY YOIIGE, 195 Breadway, If. Y. BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. \RTK TLAR attention given to the execution ot orders for Kail Ro d Mipplies ml equipments, agent for the Manufacturer* .r all the leading .p t, ' ,;e can furiu-ii them at the Factory prices fir.- of comiiiission. Heferenci s. N u Vurh K. W1 iti h • ite, L~- lat her; Mes is. Henry Colt A Son ; Chas Day, E>q. Macon—T. R. Bloom, 18-i ; Dr. Robert Collins. '•■avunnaU—Wm. Duncan, Esq. june 3-ts J. DON MELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, DKALBtt INBAOGING, Ac., 49 Broad Street- York* dec 9 WESTEBN HOTEL Nos. 9, 11, 13, & 15 CORTLANDT ST., Board, *1.50 per Bay. r IVI IS Hotel is centrally located in the business 1 part of the city. The J'roprietors are thankful to t . *ir Southern frit.nd* f ■.? pn«» favohs and re pectfuily aolicit a continuance ot the same. D. J. A THO’S D. WIM'HWni, dec 2 U! • New York. Notice. \LL PERSONS are hereby cautioned against trading with my wife Nancy Bussel, she having vehinturily and without provocation left my bed and board ; and I shall not’be responsible for any of her debts or contracts. WILLIAM BUSSEL. Vienna, Dooly co., July 1859. ISiIBELLxA HOUSE, (.Formerly Cruinmev House.) ALBANY, GA. FTMIE above Hotel, in Albany, th'* present 1 terminus of the Georgia and Florida Rail Road, is now open for the reception of the .fiwlliiifn TR WELLING PUBLIC. Th.* House and Furniture are new, the Proprietor is determined to make it a Fikst Glass Hotel, and hop- < by a strict attention to the wants of bis guests, to merit the patronage of the public. L. ii. DUNHAM. Proprietor. ■I. A. COLCLOUGH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW And Comniissioner of Deeds for the State of Georgia, Montgomery. Ahi. WB| practice in the ?d, Mil, yth and 10th Judi cial Circuits of the State, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. /. / -f «r.—WiLLiAii Knox, Jobs Henlt, Mont gomerv, Ala. feb io- JAMES M. FOLSOM, ATTORNEYATLAW, MAGNOLIA, CLINCH CO.. GA. 11’ ILL practice in the courts of Appling, Coflee, y 7 Ware Clinch. C i ton. Camden, Wayne Gl vnn of tiie Brunswick < ircuit, and in the Courts - : I.- wndes and Bernan of the Southern Circuit.— Par' cular attention paid to the sale of South Georgia Laml*. K> f« rences Judge A. E. C< < hrnr. Brunswick, Ga. Judge Pt tcr E Lev.-. Tl onascil|e. <)a. J.. N. \1 HI < I’LE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. O!■ Fil’E next to <’<■. 1 1 over Pavne'a Drug OJUK FIRE a' i» m oti-.. i -; :t \mi: < lUXTFOKT, CONN. Cash Capital 6300,000, T. R. BLCOM, AGENT, AT MACON, a A. Rif P ’ G'' LETT, Prtsideul. NOTICE. (I.d »r« jpft'patt‘4 <*•<>« H I .»4« I* feral aK ... . «m... i. . .i -rm 61&M0U- h ' MV • pt.vif * If A I*. Hurt*. UOr up, H Sprint and Summer Millinery for 1859. Mrs. Howland TS n w receiving her usual «tock 1 t Elegant Parisian Millinery, JSIhK ito which she would call the at- ; Aj/td ' tention of buyers. A s in Elegance, I quality and v./nef- . they are uu- I surpassed, among therd are Ip French Flowers t o iln nil variety, Rich and Varied *’ < ( Style* of Ribbons, Elegant Head Dresses, Caipfunee. and Cans, Pattern Hat* of Grang Lace, Braid und j Fancy Straw. Children'* Kata, Mats: and Bonnets, 1 Ladies’ and Misses’ Flats, Equestrians and Bonnets, j Skirts, Shawls,, Cornetts, Dress Trimmings, Hair Pins. Hair Braids, Splendid style* Embroide ries in part Lace, Honiton, Valencia and French I Muslin. With a variety of articles too tedious to I mention. Milliners supplied on the most reasonable terms' either wholesale or retail. New styles of all Goods in her line, received week ly through the season ; orders attended to with care n ich 21 d-ts 1) \ i . 1 sale by HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN. •pi> • • HHIHAIUI CURB, General Insurance Agent AM) BROKER, MACON, G-EO7 .Etna liiMirancr Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Capital and Surplusfl,Bo7,92o OF North America! fire insurance Co., OF HARTFORD, CONN., Capital anil Surplusss6o,9*o OH State Fire Insurance Company, : OF NEW HAVEN. CONN.. Capital and Surplusf 225,000 00 Quaker City Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA, PA., I Cash and SurplusU 24,351 42 Policies in th above first class Companies issued I ard losses promptly adjusted by ju’.i.' x !: !< H. CUBD. Agent, GR EAT ATTRACTION. IB SO. T ■> ’ < ! MOI ? ’N- - ' / 1009 Stitches per Minute. DECIDEDLY THE BEST driving OF THE ACE I ! \TTARRANTEI> to do all < f Sewing both NV ou fine and coarse fabrics with the greatest I Ease and Rapidity. Call or send your order* to the Matt n “Lamp i Store,” Cotten Avenue. BOLbdAW A HERZOG, Agents. Certificate Ji f >in Thomu.i H, Master Ma- cliiuist (J the South l> tstem Kail KtHid Works, Macon, Go. \ R rt" the fob wing pun hascr- of these* Machines: Ira 11. T’ay i r Th**. IL Else. J. F. M in ter. .I. M. .J 'Dc ; . E. <’ Graruis*. Jim. T. Brown, of Bibb C- i ntv. Dr. J. J. Miller, ami n.c.i-v •••h« r«. HATS, HATS. ■I. > - ■-W •. Stags t'M K ■ ■ •. GHAS. 11. STUNK & BRU.', WASHINGTON BLOCK. INVITE attention to their stock of Spring and Summer llzttfii and Cap*. The following comprise a few of their leading ’ styles: Gents’ Burrilla style Silk Eats, i ** New Orleans st vie Silk Hats, “ Behee “ “ “ “ Everet “ “ ° “ Black, Drab, I'carl and Fashionable Cassi meres, Gent’s superior French Cassinieres, of all colors. And an endless variety of Bovs’ and Children’s j Straw and Leghorn Hats and Caps. i We also have something very superior in the way of Straws and Leghorns. We invite attention to our stock and promise to sell as cheap as anv bouse in the citv or state. CH AS K. STONE <k BROTHER. Macon, apl r.'th, ’.>v d-ts CROCKERY, .I*’VviuK4’:i'CtJ; fe-y 4«»»p it- .•* J v-’iJ.'-: • 1 ~in; 4 .- v . ■ ■ : -* .7 7 r ‘. t: • > ■'eV i.Cri :• .<»• {gnu Sff t® Coal Oil & Fluid Lamps, CROCKERY WARE. FI ome A gain. I HAVE just returned from Europe where 1 bought I . the Largest and Finest Stock of Fancy. Gilt A White C hina. Ever in this market. Also, a Large Stock of Ctrn i men and Whit- Granite Ware, withe bt-» Pater ris that comes to this country. 1 would call the attention of, u> niv samples now on hand, which I am sure are prefers bk to anything hj tine !-vetu>u. I have a g«*ud Stock now on Land of B a iter* i.t / (t tWo/x, (.imm 'fiti I <tal th! iAUHjnf, Ftoid Lunpg t QMtU, TutaUh i, <fr. I* * d»vs A the t! Mr G.MHis otf rootn for sums OMLUDf IL R p. McEVUY HUPMINb, Jf I f,l. A mnfeOK, Jmptou»» A W LUesaie /irofors in rCX<KXGI>J Ac XJCXiAEMTJC DBY GOODS, 2*. M.IIUUIH* M,, Hmwiu M.,) L.O 1 .liiA-t ' ■' M<rtUM --Ts-- MM I M4U« > I A FINE LOT OF’ I MORSIS JUST ARIII V’TJ, FDB WI XiOAAZ, ilifflll 4 JEffERS. Opposite Passenger Depot and near Brown’s Hotel. sept ' ; R. FINDLAY, HRJ. N. FINDLAY,. . . ,C. D. FINDLAY FINDLAY'S /SMT 11 \\'X C OIMU!«S> »4.«.< C ■ .?=■ W • ■ v ■■■■—■■■■ ~ IRONWORKS, JI ACOX, <mA. STEAM ENGINES AND MILL MACHINERY, COTTON i’RESSES A \-T\ C!/ST>t?HrC! AND SCREWS, HORSE POWERS, CANE MILLS AND KETTLES, IRON RAILINGS, COJ.UMNS, Mil. J. STONES, GIN GEAR, GRIST & CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, PULLEYS. WHEELS, SHAFTING AC.. AC. R. IIA ISLAY & SOAS. fab a I Watches! Watches!- 1 * f ’’ELEBRATED EXGLISH 7TAKERS.—Limes Hod \ / dell .t C«» . R. A’ G. Pc ' -h-y, Jo>h. •Tohnsun, Jos’ Olot enshaw, Edward Robinson, and the celebrated American Watch in <O !<1 and Silvei Cases. SWISS MAKERS-E> ei Dr. net, Bn ithing, Le deriet, Edo WMd. Fa vie, Brun dt r ’ > th--;<stno numer* ouato mention, by DAV A- MAI SSENET. CLOCKS, CLOCKS. CLOCKS. The Marble Clork running three weeks withen winding striking lo ur ;>d l ;.lf hour. AUo.Eight Dax Marhleand Marl i. i/i-d Don, Bronte, Wood and Ma rim Time-pieces with and without the alarm. DAV A MAUSSENET. Fine setts of Jew elry. D KY A MAUSSENET. Diamond Pins, Finger Rini * and Ear Ring? DAY A MAUSSEXET. Fob, Vest, Chattiuiu.e and Guaid < Lions. DAY A MAUSSENET. A fine assortment nf Necklaces, ('i-osm ~ M* daliot-i and other Trinkets, by DAY A MAUSSENET. Silver Table, Tea, Salt, Mustard. Bt-rry, Sugar and Cream Spoons. Also, Desert and Pickles Fork-', j Cups, Goblets, Waiters, and sundry other article* 100 numerous to mention, bv DAY & MAUSSENET. ll’.iM<*al. InttruntrDl*. Violincelos, Violins’, Flutes, Fludgeoletts, Fifes i Banjoes, and Tamborim- 1 - ; also a fine ussortn.ent Italian, French and English Vinlin Strini s. bv DAY A MAUSSENET. Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated Specks xxith t Scotch Pebble Glasses, a large ahsortment by 11 \ \ m 1 1 <-• rVFT DAI <t MJLSSENET. Fancy Goods.—J Urge n.«-ui ’utnt b» D.l V A MJUSSENET JI ho, a good assortmen of Cutlery. Watches andJewelrv neatly Rei aired and Wai ranted by ’ DJY & MJUSSENET. oct 21 BOERHAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS THE CELBBBATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR ttYSFEPM V DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGVE. And the various affections conacquent upou a disor dered SUCH an Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Col icky Paius, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Deapon- ! dene , Cost veness, Blind and Bleeding Pi es. l;> all I Nervous, Rheumatic, und Neuralgic Afltction-, it 1 has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial. I and in olber» affected a decided cure. This is a purely beneficial compound, prepared on strictly scientific principle.-, after the manner of the celebrated Hollana Professor, Duet have. Because ot its great success in most of the European Stales, its introduction into tl.e United States was intended more especially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great suece.-s among them, I now oflet ’ it to the American public, knowing that its truly won derful medicinal virtues mu.-t be acknowledged. It is particula ly recommended to those persons who.-e constitutions may have been impaired bv the continuous use of ardent spirits or other forms oj dis sipation. Generallv in-tautaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the scut of lift-, thrilling and quick ening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit,, i und. in fact, infusing new health and vigor to the ' system. Notice.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed ; but to the .-ick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a g: ateful aromatic cordial, pos sessed cf singular remedial properties. < M TION : Thereat popularity of this delightful Aroma has induced many imitations, which the public ahoulv guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to bud anything else until you have given Boeriiave’s Hol • land Bitters a fair t. il. One bottle will convince i you how infinitely superior it is to all these imita- j I lions. Sold at <I.OO per bottle, or six bottles for bv the SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. M VNfFACTRHIXG Pharmacuetists and Chemists, PmSBUHGH. PA. Sold in M iron bv E L. STROHECKER A CO ZEILJN, HUNT A CO., GEORGE PAYNE, and Druggists generally throughout the State. mav xix-lv Swamp Land for Sale. acres of choice Swamp Land, two 1-j ni’les below Macon, 42 acre-* in cultivation, the balance heavily timbered and covered with cane.— For sale by . N. BASS. feh 10-ts Sundries. BR!>' I’-; 1' nt. ' —ej H B bris. and Boxes Butter und Milk Crack ers, 25 Boxes Star and Solar Sperm Candles. Pickled Pork Tongue-, 5o Boxes Tobacco different prices. j 20 “ prime Cbeex ,in Store and for »>.!« low b -'’ _ McCALLIE A JONES. I an 27 MOUNGEB & DeGRAFFEKEIED, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORSAT LAV. Vienna, Docly County Ga. | JOBS C. MOUXCBB. B . DaCBArrtXEIBD. I teb xt-tf HOI ME AM) LOT IN IINJ3ILLE For Sale. IOH ER tor «ale luv houw aud lot in t <:oo i!!» _ Tin* lot eniloace. aoven tu-no.d land, well im proved. Tlo Houae »• now and routaii.a eletio ruoma, witliall n<ce»arv<>u<iraildi»f ■ utia. «,n vs )cu<A aaU-r, Ac , and u> a ino.t deniaUt .UnaUou | for ageulleuiaa'a reaideuca. I a!iw»<df« for wnlar, ttiv KIVEK TL7-.KTZ.TJ.Gi;, I Lyiuirtbrw u four m ■. Udow tbi- .iu, audiior. i taimug LtsiO Of'res, halt << w Lirh j» rUai ed uud w«U i watered wilb apriup. Ihe ewaiup land and 160 busiferls of coni to U«e io ie. Ou thr p| fc < I good tenrmeutx Gm-LoUM*. Haros. ftLop and e»er» txMbvomeno lui plsotaUvo pu»po*.< > Tsrttii* <a«k Muy DFAV Vitt.-tjHr.Go. ZL Ceuircl- lI<U oxtttttdfeug o*ttf M*4« nd couotie*. fttsi.y of th., i,, duMMjl I‘Ott* hiuf-OU Umt ii. my firquenl (r*.*** cKy tor <u? ; <4 '“'bu ii.t liUAp'* ’ Outt OMwttd <tt Utf UtMUttft*' bs*r ttttd U CirMAhl, i ■ii pr»«'‘»Lr wjlL < «»: f( ut i pTaoLh-d <stt*l I rpulrttU*h, wirMOt - Will •'OA.tMHts M' . Itttttatttt to Oil MfeMh DfeaOMS Mb M» *>L«* riAji wittMs m«» >i>Ui«*<4i Mil* u»“r* <*o« Maa.; Aaaiiw 0 4 t IbriM, 1 O*tf 1 Fall and Winter Trade FOR 1858 AM) 1859. AT ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS’ “BAZAAR OF FASHION.” VITE are now in receipt of the largest and moss VV comprehensive Stock of Goods that we have i ever presented to the public. Below we simply give you an idea of our countless variety, and then come and see us, and if we don't show you that ours is the largest Stock in Macon, we are responsible for the consequences. Dress Department. Double June Robe Alaize, Velvet Embroidered Silk Robes, two Jupes, Robe Alaize in Silk, Cashmere and Delaine, Robe Aquille in Silk, Cashmere and Delaine, Silk Robes in three Volants, Deux June Alaize in Silk and Worsted, Printed Cashmeres in Plain and Fancy colors, Plain Poult DeSoie and Glacie Silks, Chintz Droguset auk Chintz Printed Delaines, Bayadere Silks, Cashmeres and Delaines, Mousseline DeChines in every color and variety, | Satin Plaid Poult DeS« les in all colors, Black Gro de Rhine Silks, all widths ; Marcellines ami Lining Silks, all colors ; Poult De Soie QuilleStripes, Plain and Fancy Colored Chillies, Morning Dresses with Fancy borders, and Sleeves Trimmings in Cashmere and Delaine; Valencias in Stripe and Bayadere Patterns, Gala Plaids and Stripes, in endless variety ; Black Merinoes, Alpacca >, Chailies, Italian Cloths tn great profusion ; Lupin’s famous bi and of Meriuoes and Delaines of every shade and hue; En-lish Merinoes at New York prices. Ginghams. Side Stripe Calicoes and Delaines, A job lot of ”5 cents Delaines atlll2 1 , cents a yard. The ahove gives but a slight conception of their ■' i t<>ck of Dress Goods now on hand at tne “ Bazaar of Fashion,” by ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. Embroidery and Lace Depart . MENT. Real Point A’Lencon Lace setts from sl2 to S4O a sett. Real Point A I’lique setts from $lO a sett to $25. Valencienes Lace setts in Plain Lace and transfer from to $25 a sett. Honiton Lace setts at all prices. French worked Collars and Sleeves from the low est price to sl7 a sett. Embroidered and Plain Linen Collars and Sleeves at all prices. Marseilles setts of the newest patterns. French Yokes and Chemisette of superior quality and design. Frilling and Financings of every quality from 25 cent* a yard to s.’> Dimity Bands in great profusion. Linen Embroidery, beautiful both in Edgings and Insertions. Swiss and Cambric Edgings and Insertions of eve ry conceivable style and puce. Ladies Rea Point Lace trimmed Handkerchiefs en tirely new pattern and si ape. Embroidered Bridal Kerchiefs very now and ex quisite designs. Eadie Round “ Princess Olga.” Kerchiefs that exci’e the admiration of all. Plain Hcnistiched and Bordered Handkerchiefs, in large quat.iirits. Silk 15 I r-.’.h *■ •’ T 'mas.’ Dies- - - Mei::.' . exceedingly rich. A tiue Stock of I Embroidered Dresses and Want'*. \de ice select? nos Embiv idered Skirts and Ilem stiched do. The above constitutes a few of our styles, all of which we will be hari-v to show von at KOSd, CULEMA.X A ROSS’ “Bazaar of Fashion.” Cloak, Mantilla and Shawl .Dc- PARTXENT. The following embraces a few of our styles to which we invite the a. tention of purchasers : Embroidered Velvets from S3O to $75. “ Princess Olga” for Winter of lbs a . ‘•Meg Mcrilles” “ “ “ “ “ Dunizetta” “ “ “ “ “Frezzollna” “ “ “ “ ” Pepita Gassier” “ “ “ ** “ Rosalies,” a plain but neat style. “Marataia,” tasty and full pattern. “ Coras,” “ “ “ “Evas,” with and without sleeve 9. “Casta Diva” of Beaver Cloth, imported. Stella Shawls i f all colors, Reversible Scotch Shawls thrit can be worn three ways all beautiful. Ladies Promenade Shawls, Cashmere and Merino Scharfs “a La Eugenia,” Plush bordered Shawls, fancy' colors. Velvet and Zephy r Scarfs fur the Nr k. Rigoletts and Au bees for evening v» ear. Zephvr Shawls, and in fact ever, thing to n’t ise the Ladies in the above Department,* at the wr </j' Fashion.'' by ROSS, COLEM kN AROSS- Hosiery and Glove Department. Black Silk Hose, all numbered from the lightest to the heaviest make. Pearl an . White Silk Rose both plain and Em broideied, iu great variety. A full line of German ar d real British Hose, both blai k and white, Cvnip firing every quality. A a* u:tu ent of heavy spun Silk Hose, "both white and black. Lama, Cashmere an*: Thibet Hose in all colors, and in great variety, for winter wear. In child en’s Hosiery our Stock is very full . em bracing a full line of Plain and 1-aucy colored ’aleii no Hose, Striped and Polka Shetland do. An elegant and well u-suited Stock of Gentt Half Hose, all colors. Boys Half Hose, in all sizes and colors. In Ladies and Gents G!<*ve>. we defy competition, us our Stock comprises a f ull line of Foreign and Do mestic Manufacture, embracing the most c »I eb rated brands. In Sil and Merino Undershirts, both fyr Ladies and Gents wear, we promise you a most superior line of all qualities Do n’t forget to ex *mine this branch of our Departm* t. t the •• Bazai r of Fash ion,” by ROSS, COLEMAN <fc ROSS. Ornamental Dspartm mt. This branch of our Department pres *uts to vour inspection and investigation quite an array of Oil Paintings and handsomely framed I. allographs of beautiful, modern design*. Among them you will see “Sybil’s Cave,” at Hoboken, New Jersey, “Tomb of Koscinsco,” at Westl?oint, “ Height of Fashion,” “Washington,” - “ Napoleon,” “ Lady and Slave,” “ llnssar,” “ Capitol of the United States,’ “ Champion of tht* Rhine,” “ Pi ize Fighters,” “School Teacher’s Frown,” “School Teacher’s Smile, ’ resides many others on hand, a: the “ Bazua. of Fas' non,” bv BOSS, C OLEMAX A ROSS. Staple Dry Goods Department. Calicoes from i<> ::7\ c jr.ts. Cashmeres, Vest ings, Opera Flannels, >, Kersevs. Satinets. Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Ch.ih-, . MantiliJ Cloth. Bleached aud B:ow n .Shirtings, 81. ached and 'l’ an Sheeting, s, i„, 4 Hrnnels. i U lute liouiet aud ail wool F lannels. Green. Pi 4. and Yellow Flannels, of all prices. Linens, Toweling,, i Napkins, Huckaback. Birds Errand Russia Diapers, Crash Canvassed and Cole red Table Dunasks, Fur niture and Dress Dimity. Marseilles Spreads. Knit tiiiu 4 arn. Table! overs, I'jam, Covers, Negro Stripes and Plaids, Tickings. Furniture and Bed Checks, an elegant assortment <>f it, nj, p, i s an( j 74.4 j Je< j ];| an . ket--, Negro Blankets iu great variety, and at a shade over cost, to make toon . besides a never ,-nding va riety which it is impossible to enumerate on paper, but which will bl- shown with pleasure al the “ Ba zaar of Fashion, •’ by ROSS, COLEMAN i ROSS. Fancy Notion Dopartmont. Every article for tne Toilet can be found among our countless variety, and to enumerate would be au endless task. Suflice it to say, that in Soaps, Pom ades. Hair Oil. Perfumery, Hair. Nail aud Tooth Brushes, Hair Pins. Hair Pin Head Dn-5.,... Sei-sors. Buttons, Threads, Needles, Tapes, Bindings, Hooks ,t Eyes, Cords. Dress Fringes and Gakums, Hamp el-. Baskets. Reticuli'S, Purses. I'ortmormies. Belts, I, Bn.-s aud St. id Hoops. < arpvt Bags, I Thimbles, and a thousand other atiicles we are tbor- I .m rbly posted in. and will behapnvto submit to vour inspection at the " Bazaar of Fashion,” hr ROSS. COLEMAN A ROSS. Carpet, Rug and Oil Cloth Depart-' M F¥T. JI r, V I, Tapestry. Vdvn Carpt tings of new, rich and ele- ■ gant shade and design. • Tapestry ) ru>**l Carpetings. comprising rverv ; shade and hue. with mingled and «m 4 figure* io great | variety. Three Ply, Ingrain, Super and Dutch I • Hemp Carpeting* to suit the mm>t exact and acrupu- I lon 4 , An extensive lot of Ruga of rarionv Patterns be ; side* a superb collection of Drugzeta, Mattmg«, and I 4-4 Oil Clot ba. i Dun I fail to aee the**’ Goods, a< our price* will en , sure aalisfa/'tion. Gouda can be at-eti al the •* Rar-tar of Fashion*’ bv I 7 fcw, COLEMAN A BONN. To the Public. pALL -oft . H V /of r, ! f , l I ► . I'wh • iti tI, ainJ. m*w i eal » I Uon at Pimr'a I ti*r Aat G*c<j,Jt», nod too wdi H*d Uiei ' ,be obis i.* 4 Galtery th* advor i tiarfliMOt of «Aorr» to the £oulmr> m4wHO*te4,<;.ag.. We do not to faevr ap'< - maro« of ■* ; guisbod i*«r•«*«•'■ Uukec to kew I'orfc. an ealuo>Oja, ’ •lu tinkuur GgJWy n’uon«» Wv hate , lUoa fat aud bop# still to do **>. by »«f*-rav ■ urn k.i uru p>Crvi<, Inf ,MMn, m ftt , ttf r r» r*ee*/< tLoar by MX**d*re JfiMlW /. A PL’GW M R. FREEMAN, ML D. f I I 1 .< • <k »• .*, 4.( .~,*■ ■. a >4 ♦, . »'«MOfod»ng *o<**te* audit po.pmad to teßte tUro •' <iMMO wul u.twiwt » . gHgbU : aoc uwpw <i**J 4«> > u'u„ »» U*r Ca*-i ior I | e# Mt dr»f Ol »Uo*4 ;. to« ' «•• »«o< ■■*•*♦ i la tU u . . pn€4U4'.4A4i Ly Mm ».*?<#<’ < j W FnriMM.inrf n«MM*4wO W*b M 4trr Ph*4Mj» . I w aww as agtaaa- i MA • 1 Valuable Lauds. DOUGHERTY COUNTY. Ist District -Nos. f.O, 97. BAKER. 7th District—No. S»8 tth do 1. .729.333, 319,878, 879, 380, , diJii, 408, 410. 10th do 45, 44, 47 ORTH 7th District—Nos. 124, 449,525 15th do 11,19,55. l.ith do 20, 27, 88, 289. LEE Ist District—Nos. 1 'i>, Ido, 168,193. 18th do 4, 84, 181. 14tls do . 35, 77, 114, 198. SUMPTER. 15th District—Nos. 87, 91, 94. •27th do. 198. 28th do. 308. TERRELL. 11th do 128, 250. Izth UO 108,201. WEBSTER. 18th District—No. 75. RANDOLPH, dli District—Nos. 107 212. Oth do 18, 83. sth do 144. 10th do 248, 249. CLAY. 7tli District- -No. 197. MILLER. 12lh District Nos. 209, 221, 922, 223, 224, 225, 257 259, 887, 375, 376, 89«. 13th do “ B, 18, 19, 28, 36, 76, 391, 392, 394. . DECATUR. 14th District—Nos. 130. 27th do. “ 190, 246. THOMAS. Sth District—No. 337. DOOLY. Ist District—Nos. 7, 2<>s, 211, 212, 213, 214, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228. 2d do. ” 152, 237. 7th do. ” 211. ■th do. ” lie. IRWIN. Ist District—Nos. 141, 143, 144, 145, 157, 161 162 171. COFFEE. Ist Distr 284. APPLING. 2d District—Nos. 540. 541. MUSCOGEE. 10th District —Nos. 65, 67. TAYLOR. 12th District—No. IV. 1.-ut, du RS RT RS 107 10R. 13tll do. 85, Si, BS, 107, 108. 14th de. 63, 64,158. 15th do. 28, 65. TALBOT. 16th District—No. 40. PIKE. Sth District—No. 242. HOUSTON. th Dictrict—No. 214. PULASKI. sth District—No. 102. CLINCH. 12th District—Nos. 35, 116, 117,165,166, 167,182, 194, ' r 5, 251, 290, 291, 298, 302, 346, 3a’, 356, 357, 355, 35V, 360, 386, 41S, 444, 515. 13th do . 86, 122, 137, 146, 159, 391, 392, 437,462 468,46 V. MERRI WETHER. Ist District—No. 97. CARROLL. 2d District—No. 27. RABUN. 3d District —No. 73. ORIGINALLY CHEROKEE. Ist District, Ist section—No. 421, 3rd do ” do 216. Sth do “ <lo 51. 4th do 2nd do lo7j , sth do ” do 11. ‘.th do “ do 119.116,148. 10th do “ do 58. 12th do “ do 258. 13th do “ do 171. 14th do “ do 61. 15th do ** do 214. 25th do “ do 65. 1 26tb do ** do 58, 158,203. 226. 27th do ” do 41, 50, 89, 318. 6th do 3rd do 126,24 V. bth do ” do 91. 9th do “ do 270. 16th do “ do 38. 17th do “ do 79V. •zt'th do “ do 536. 23rd do ” do 52. 24th do do 131. tth do 4th do 225,823. sth do “ do 314. 6th do ” do 68,72. 7th do “ do 246. » 9th do “ do 157 loth do “ do 6,33,35,40, 42,108,110‘ 131,204, 208, 297. 11th do “ do 34. 14th do “ do 242. 15th do '* do 48, 153. Ivth do •* do 29,81,95,126, 127. e For sale by T. R. BLOOM, r slug. 12th, 1858. Macon, Ga. SOUTH-WESTERN G EORGIA LANDS! LEE COUNTY. ’.st I'jstrict—Nos, 118, 155, 161. 1 18th '* ” 16. 14th I'-'., 99, : «i. 138,139, 157, SUMPTER COUNTY. 15th Disti act—Niis. so, 82,135, viz, 254. liltb " “ ‘-V6. 240, 245, 247. TERRELL COUNTY. 12th District- -Nos. 65, 66, 12V. 4th “ “ 191. R ANDOLPHCOUNTY. Sth District—No. 205. W'OIiTH COUNTk. 14th Di.-trict—Nos. 3 69, 188, 189, 196, 229, 251, 234 254. I th District—Nos. 60, ’’'l, 72, 157. Hth “ 11, ‘.V. zl, 43, 44. 53, 54, 116, 117, 128, 137, 143. 14 1, I s *, 160, 165, 166, 171 188, ISV, IVS, r.'7. H 8, 252. DOOLY (VUNTY. 2'l District—Nos. 6s, :M2, 206. 3d " “ -30, 67. 6th “ “ 2,4, 19, 20, 30, 35,36, 40, 51, 54 112, 113, 147, 179,205,206, .312, 237, 250. I 7th District—Nos. 1. 65.66,129, 121,132,188,189,195 10th “ “ -2, 110, 111,116, 184, 141, 142, 143 147, 167, 197, •-•23, 255,25 ti. 14th District —Nos. 16,18, IV. 189. PULASKI COUNTY. 4th District—Nos. 76, 77, 82,79, 85, 110,176,177,204, 205, 211. 214. Sth District—Nos. 150, 151, 161, 162, 168, 172, 177, 178,18 V, 198,199, 215, 216. 265. CRAWFORD COUNTY. Brd District—Nos. 35. 7th “ “ 28,41, 56, 61. MACON COUNTY. Sth District —No. I'3. Ist “ “ 116. «utl “ “ 178,208,209. MARION COUNTY. 3d District—No. 65. 4t n ” “ 97, 98, 125, 158. lllh “ “ 2. CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY. 6 th District—No. 82. TAYLOR COUNTY. 12th District—Nos. 187,199. 21'2, 209, 215,228, 256. 13th '■ “ 13, I’B, 126, 132, 134, 152, 153, 155 156, 158, 168, 182, 174. 198, 217, 243, 252. 14th District—Nos. I'3, 9«, 103, 126. 15th “ “ 137,187,168,229. TALBOT COUNTY. 16th District—Nos. 73, 1"2.1' '. EARLY COUNTY. 26th District—Nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, R 4. 85. DECATUR COUNTY. 14th District—Nos. 12, 13, 16, 17, 51, 68, 66, 76, 89, V 0.92, 93, 96. 141, 146, 147, 150. 16th District—No. 280. 2. th “ “ 263, 264, 298, 299, 300, 801, 302. THOMAS COUNTY. -th District— Nos. 389, 391, 392, 423, 424. 17 th " “ 212,847,348,874,876. The above lands owned and for sale bv WM. B. JOHNSTON, Macon, Ga. Oflic e st E. J. Johnston A Co.’s. feb 3 “ ulansas lands (SG3G ACHES) I- ’OH- Sf-A-JL/KJ. r I’IIE foVnwit e valuable lands in the State ot Ar- 1 kau- as are c <ered for sale at very low prices and I on the moat aecoi smodating terms, viz: 4 l's-100 acres iu Cnttendeß county located on ti e St Francis rivet —bi_'h above the late high wa- I ter and as rich in so. ’«’ ““N lands m the State. I.7'i ■ a :res in Prnirte county, in lotaofl6o, 320 and j '-I"acrts; thev are tiral rate lands and well located. ' a< sc« situated in It dependence county, about ! our miler from Bau.-ille (a flourishing town) and, I > <• Ik. a ’ about . u-and half mill s t ’ro* ’t‘ e river—about 4(i irr. of it being cleared, wi: a ” orchard, two tint springs, log house, crib Ac. This is good laud, in *»n old wet tied part of the State. 34-7 acres in White count* ; 30-Rki acres in Bradber count* ; <>7 news in Poi t*ett county. The abort rank aa'firat ckn* lands, wt U located m flour i»biu 4 neighborhoods. 1/ ■. > M<o t ou White rirer, two ’niiee aborr the low Uof Daaare Thi* i« known as be White Bluft tra t. and i» high and drv aboieall oi 'erflowa. Ihe isr d im rich, well timbered, and tn all r *P** , . U la »d to make an rirrllrnt plant ttu>n. ” bite river J oarig*ble th* ar f h “in: hundred . ttihw above 1.. »tract, wt ,« o»r of th#- !>■'•< pointe •*o the nv *-for a •»*** ! v 1 . <*f w* *>. to thr »t ’•mersin »’age» cXthe river «nd no doubt by proj a r •••>' 1 , -?.t lhe wo*>d c-'M-Jd !>•* made to pay fort* *<* lend 7 ■ *7o«e lands are e gem pt from tatatmn a f * I'G/ and They ftni <-<>-d with g **•* ■ ~od b'i of'‘i*4-n w Jhtl»r rgr«pio>o «doae tra td) eou»< otrftt te the iitn »X the M»-u pl.ia and L. V , ti* R> « H»«l Road, they will cona«M|aentJy incfaaM f-o» f jrrt*e» H»terti»aGoi4 apply te A II Dotiglaae. Men j* * Tenn ,or to F S KUxrM. | *4y ewe Agent, Mam, Tn I l* art huu*r A, < ; < urn’ll axts, ><./ COATES & WOOLFOLK link, riuk.ji • «ai »r/< >7 d#*<*** Im* ».g G t M*agimb. Aa , ate**’ < ** t‘ j*- *’_ e*** e » ’«*>> *2 * -*•», *«• a • <*»*••• i Mkwmo,** 1 SAMIJEJ. 11. WASHINGTON. [ ATTORNEY AT LA AV, MACON, CA. Will practice in all the countie* of the Macon Cir V cuit, and in the counties of Washington, Wilkinson j and Lauren*. Oflice next to Concert Hall, ore ' t npiijr Stem 'ict 21 1 * HAY. HAY. HAY’ TJMVE HUNDRED Bale* prime Eastern Hav. in , J first-rate order, for sale iu lot* to suit purebs- , «er*. H M NORTH. doc O-ts Ralston’s Block. Third street. A Desirable Remidenee for SAJLrJTS. THE Rubscrihcr intending- to remove, offer* for Rale his residence at Lake Academy, four miles ihove Macon on the Forsvtb road ft hss about one hundred acres attached—is pleesant’v situated in a •rood and nealthv neiphhorhood; it hnw fine water and a pood orchard with a select variety of fruit. —- The plnrc c in be seen and nt enr tiwe J\mf< N KHCG NDTTCF f WATTCF! ’ VAKVAULF COTTON PLANTATION For Rale. THE undersigned nffors for sale hi* rnbudde Oak 1 and Hickory Plantation of aero* situated ' five mile* from Albnnv. on Cnolenv*ahoe Creek There i* 700 ncre* nf land in a fine state of enltiva tinn with a good dwellin'? ho»ise. frame re<rro house* new and comfortable, and all necc’Rarv out house® ♦bet a farmer would desire The undersi<yned deem* it nnqpre«enrv to Rnv nnv thingof the fertility of this land Suffice it fn a**v that it i*a* pood a* anv nplr and htekorr land fbp “d District nf Dnurrbertr ronnfv. sn inatlv oofnlirMed for its richneß* and adaptation for the culture of cot- j inn. Fnr terms apnlv tn the undeynirred. nr tn B. A Vaoßev. Orprjppr on the place whn will show the niece to any nne wishing to look ’♦ sent xvii-ts PEN J T? SMITH. Per Role on Tnno* Credit. ■W w.. TOFFPr th*‘ plantation near /fmerien*. fnrmorl’’ owned by T. L. Zfolt. «ix miles frnm ,-fmeriens nn the Mnekalee creek cnnta»n?n<» cir hundred and «ov en acres, two hundred and fifty acres cleared w«tb all the necessary buildings, negrn hnnse anr hen®* l screw Ac. The place will bp Rnld at a harr»n?n end nn a Inng credit. _4pnlv to T. M. Furlow at A mori- ns. nr to me at this place. Warnn. not xir TAMFS W GRIFFIN Valuable Plantations FOR SALE. DESIRING to mnrp mv planting interest West. I offer for Rale two valnahlp Plantations. Opp situated in Manon cnnntv within three miles of Win chester. on the South Western Bail Bond contain ing 2.405 acres of level Oak and Hickory Land, with good improvements and between thirteen and four teen hundred acres in cultivation, a considerable por tion of which is fresh land. The other Plantation is situated in the l-lth district of Lee. on Flint River at the month of hnkepfichic kpp Creek and contain* 2.474 acres of Laud about two-thirds of which is Oak and Ilickorv I and of the host nnalitv. and the remainder good Pine T.and. with about thirteen hundred acres in cultivation, near ly all of which i< fresh land, and as productive n« any land in South-Western Georgia, and i« finely watered, and substantially improved. Mv overseers will show the«e places to anv one wishing to examine them. My terms will be liberal and payments easy For further particulars address the undersigned at Macon. ’may 27] N. BASS. NOTICE. FROM this date wn shall adopt as near ns possible the CASIJ SYSTEM. We are comnelled to do it Fr> jn this date al! articles wdl be nriced AS CASH. Where credits are given /'which will only be given to those who have paid us promptly an addition will he made to the price named according to the time de sired by the purchaser. II4RDEMAN A GRIFFIN Macen J:.r . L 1858. jan 7 Rheumatism Cured Without fait BY DR. T. M’GOWN’S SARSAPARILLA I) lODir>K OF 1 POTASH. THE great Blood Purifier and Health Bestorer prepared from Fresh Root, the only kind worthy j the confiderceof physician* or the public, old bn i ported root being inert. The components of this • medicine are highly ex-toled by some of the most distinguished physicians in the world, as Sir Wm. Fordvce, Brodie. Bel! etc., for the Cure of Rheuma tism, Scrofula, White Swelling. Syphilis. Neuralgia Diseases <>f the Kidneys, Lirer.Spine and Skin. Drop sy, Female Complaints, Old Sores, Pimples on the Face, etc. It makes the skin Hear and smooth—an object of interest with the ladies. It remove* mer cury. or any impurities of the blood or system, and should be used in the spring to purify the blood aud prevent sickness Price>l a bottle McGOWN’S ESSENCE OF TAR—A cer tain cure for Bowel Complaints, as Diarrhea, Dysen terv. Fljix. etc. McGOWN’S GOLDEN PECTORAL.—Fo the relief of Coughs. <’olds. Consumption, etc. McGOWN’S OINTMENT- Never known t failci Old Sores, Cancers, Chronic So e Eye* etc. The above prepared and sold in Memphis bv H. S. HUGHES. Sold by ZEILIN A HUNT. Drug and Chemical Store, Macon, Georgia I Feb. 28. CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS!!! “ Punch Cigars.” I?IVE THOUSAND Celebrated Punch Cigars, Ten “ La Purazo, De Mato “ Just received and for sale bv July 24 GREER & FREEMAN. Citizen copy. GRAHITE HALL OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE. THE subscriber will open the above Hall about the first of April next, for the ac- WnW commodation of Families. Day Boardersand ||*|H Transient Customers. This House is now offered as inferior to no other First Class Hotel id the South, and froiq its central location, its large and airy rooms, offers great inducements and accom modations to Families and Transient persons. The public may expect from this House, all the luxuries and comforts to be found in any other hotel. B. F. DENSE, mar 2-ts Late of the Fi«>vd House. JULIUS PETER Ilan just returned from With a New Stock of SPUING GOODS, The most complete ever offered in Macon, /"AONSITING of Cloths, Cassimerea, Vesting, als< V, * xreat variety of Gents furnishing goods : Silk, Merino and Cotton Undershirts, Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, Silk lisle, thread and English cotton Hose, Linen aud Jeans Drawers, Cravats, Suspenders Linen Shirts and Collars, iust received at Julius Pe ter’d. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofort bestowed upon nt, I assure any friends that no ex ertioD shall be wanting to deserve a continuance c their liberality aud preference. Call aud examim mv ato< k before pm chasing elsewhere. march 5 d ts. JULIUS PETFRS, T.C. MSBET, MANVFACTLRER OF Steam Engines & Boilers SAW MILL MACHINERY, MILL GEARINGS, AND MACHINERY IN GENERAL. Wrought Iron Cotton Screws Su gar MILLS, SHAFTS* PULLIES, IRON RAILING, WROUGHT * CAST, *C. undersigned believes that he is manufactur -1 ing and selling the above Machinery, b// yxr ctnt. cheaper, and of as good quality as any establish ment at the South, ana is willing to warrant all the work as equal, if not superior to any. : I dec n Kennedy ’m Excelsior Flour. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY S»ck» Kenned.' ' beat Flour, e i 0 Sacks Cleat eland Mills Flour, new and put u> in half and whole sacks. SOUS'k* Buffalo Millnand other good brands Tenn * , Flour. Just received and for sale bv _ 11 aug 2 McCAl.blE A JONEB »■ r | Bacon for Sale. " H “ Ud". < le»r Side*. J“«' reewved at Z.l <«< '4- tl HARDEMAN A OKIFFIN'S Sundries. *” / k H -Q ‘S- Choice 'O. Sugars, •M/ hbla Ktusrt’a A and B refine«l Sugar, I I //iid» Prime new crop Cubs Moiskaes, BsgaJaia, Km and Laguirat off* r, fx/ B**»eM Sperm and Adamantine Caudles, • f go Bbls. N. O Syrup, ( With sgenefaJ aaaortmmt of otl*erGr*»c«rirs F* i ; a*i* by BOWDUE A AkDtkMJX. i mm* b Ik ts 1< eaveJand Mill* Iteubh f* Estra. Per mmo by a, w«b 7 HOU DRE A ANDEKNOk £« U U *EM IKON and ptew Hwei Aaworted atee > atee tey DOWDEE A AEDEEmjA mart » * « |aaf i) t> >•*/>*■ p* wt<4* j > ■■■ /isA<'«*. I) r ■* • sad H»4« * I «*r sate bx U" teemg Lraf tevpa -tent i *•» , . iu*u»' iaMpsb tew aasla aapai* I i>«*4 MAahkK, A^n.,fr»v a “ ~~~ I I *•«. M-wr, tanM U*« ••*»>•< I Latest News h> the Mlantk Telegraph VIA ISAACS’ SALOON! rr-0 .11 •b«n' I« »«y eonectn : 'll i(1 i, t „ nolif 1 publicthat ISAACS is at 1 <i, I)gk i„ aild •, “ U> aaaure hi. patron, that hta Saloon i. tot a thiL of a dij . Citizens and the traveling public » ill t„3 their ent open, not for the .'uh',, c v but at .11 reasons of the tear, and tl.nae cullii UH w ill at all hours find our Larder .ui.died w i,|. S .n“* Yo.k and other n arke , will afford tn the way of eatable, and someth,!.., to drink—and, eix day. out ot seven, mere th u ea. be found in any other house. “ * E. ISAACS * BROTHER, LiuUi hatetoh * JlulL cj His Bill of Fare k ill every day ’ J ' Be just the thing for littb* pr r/ And those who rt their |'lh<h*» :)hv eat i Will find in it uli things cetn| i,e e Aud going once, they then will l'n ow - That Isaecs’ is the place to go. We shall be happy to see our friends, as-urin thini that it Mill be our unremitting care to |,| t , every respect, •« we flatter ourselves wehavedl., till now. It may rot be generally known, that we hav me. Bl e «ishes ol the Mi dical 1.,i ln , „, , ~l rf A ourselves a eery supenot quality of Bah Hraudv j fine Old Port. Mierty ai.<l Madeua. p< a || t C 1 medicinal qualities so much desiicd l.\ 'hem. * Look at our Bill f Fate and choose so. "ourself O-STSTEHS From New York, Savannah and Brunswick, in th shell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed in vuy you want them. ALSO, Shrimps and (’rubs, Wild Gameof every variety. Venison and Beet Steaks, Mutton Chop* and eul Cutlets, Ham and Eggs, Deviled Ham and Deviled Terupins, Mountain O»sters, Turtle Soup, w . , c -. Ac., Ac. NNood-cock, Grouse, Noontain Geese, Squirre’s U ild Ducks. Fish, aud anytbii.g thui an epicur wants, can always be had when in season. Confectioneries and Fruit. ISAACS also keeps constantly on band a good sortment of Con f ectionkbiki. Gkangbs, Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, Various descriptions of Ncts. Cakes, Ac All of which can be purchased at low prices for (,’<•»/ Be sure and call at THE ISAACS HOUSE, ’ or, ISAACS’ BESTAIT ANT, Cberky Street, neab Ralston’s n ’ oct 7 ihirtifi, Hall. Dvugs for C ash \ 1 ZEILIN & HUNT \RE now receiving a very large assortment of ; DRUGS; CHEMICALS, INSTRUMENTS, k Perfumery, Ac., p Which they atei-tlling for Cash at extreme!, low it P rice -- V lioksalius exclusively for sash, ard UDon no nthpr terms. c Drus-criMa. PhvricUns and Medicine Dealers gen ► nnl'v v ill find if ?reRt)T to their advantage to pur [ rha e their «ri’c!< s F.t tl CASH DRUG STORE. >. sept P. 2 PURE Union White Lead. Fnr «ale bv sept 22 ZETI IN A HUNT. FRFNCII and American Zinc Fnr sale by sept 22 ZEILIN A HUNT. CHROME GREEK. Chrome Yellow. Venetian Red, And all colors in oil. For sole bv sept 22 ZEILIN A HUNT, Macon, Ga, r V TR AIN. SPERM, NEATSFOOT, 1 And all other Oils. Forsnlehv s sept 22 ZEILIN A HUNT. TIAINT Wall. Plaster Brushes. Ar Ac. Fnr «ale 1 L by [sept 22] ZEILIN A HUNT. PFRFUMFRY. n 4 VERY large assortment of Pazin’*, A “ “ ” “ T ow’s. *« “ ** “ “ Lubin’s, p A Do, the mn«t celebrated Fair Oils, Cologne*, Extract*. Soaps. Ac. F«»r ealebv > e| t 22 ZEILIN A HUNT. Macon, Ga. Spices. A JUNTA RD, 'I Cloves, Nutmegs, Pepper, Ac., Whi«*h articles wn have been extremely careful tn select bv personal inspection; the purest, freshest and cleanest that can be obtained, which wy shall always keep on hand. ZEILIN A HUNT, Sent 22, ’.‘9-tf Macon, Ga. Kercsine and Coal Oil OF superior quality. For sale b\ H 4 J ZEILIN A HUNT, Sept 22’1-9 ts Macon, Ga. DUNCAN A JOHNSTON, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCP teb 14 ts SAVANNAH GA HAEBE® AN & GKIFFIN ABE NOW RECEIVING THBIB FALL JkKIID WINTER STOCK, e 4 T their old Stand. Their Stock consists in part z \ of thefollowing goods, to which they invite the * mention of Merchants and Planters: 50 Bales Gunny Cloth, 200 Coils Richardson Rope, 1000 Pounds Bailing Twine* 150 Bags Coffee-Java. Port Rico, Rio and Laguira, lo (’bests Black and Green Tea, 75 Barrels A, BA C Sugar. 25 “ Crushed and Powdered Sugar, ■ 5 Boxes Loaf Sugar, 15 Hogsheads Fine Port Rico, fiou Sacks Liverpool Salt 100 Sacks Alum Salt, 150 Boxes Adamantine Candles, 40 “ Sperm , < ’* 75 “ No. I Soap. ’ 20 “ Family Toilet Soap, 35 “ Assorted and Fancy Caudy, f 125 Kegs Nails. 5o Boxes Starch, 100 Jars Snuff, 50 Whole. Half and Quarter Kegs of Powder 20 Cans Duck-shooting Powder, 100 Bags Shot, j 100,oou Cigars, various bi anda, 50 Boxes Tobacco, 20Cases Magnolia and Combination To 20 Bales Osnaburga and Stripes, 5 Cases Homespun. Bleached, 10 Bales Georgia Kersey, 5 “ No'thern “ 15 “ Blankets, all prices. fiO Baskets Piper’s Heidsick wine. 75 Cases Ginger and Blackberry M ineand Brandy, * 50 Barrels Rye ami Corn Whiskey, 10 “ Extra and Bourbon “ i 50 “ Gin. Rum and Brandy, io Casks Madeira. Port and Sweet Wine, 10 Cases London Dock Gin, 15 “ Boker and Stoughton Bitters, 10 “ Lemon Syrup, 20 Casks Ale and Porter, 10 Boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes an d rigs, 80 “ Assorted Pickles, ’ 80 “ Assorted and Fau< T Candy, 20 “ Superior Carb-Jod a, 30 Barrels and Boxes and Butter Crackers. 2 » Boxes Herring* 5 Sacks Ashton’* Jab k Salt. 5 Ca»>us As'.i‘" n * table Salt, r lo Duz. Meli Bucke 25 “ B!ue “ v ] (j »«ts of Tube, go f)oz. Wool Hats. X" Boxes i.everitt Axes, JOJMM* pounds White . ead and Zinc, 100 Barrels Linseed Oii, 10 “ Tanners’and Machine Oil, Also, a tine lot of Chrome Green, Yellow, Prussian Blue. Terra De Sienna, Burnt Umber, Ac., Paints tnd Varnish. Brushes and Sash Took, Macon, Sept. 80-ts BUTTER, Cheese Piekled Shall. Pickled Beef end Codfish received weekly. For sole by o HARDEMAN A GKIFFIN. yy- City papers copy. Notice. tVE’dive a number of aceouuts made in 11-• . »ued at the >pnng Cuuru of U . —speouve cuuu ><m. None will be Mtghfea ...... w march * HAKIIEMAN AGRJkIi. l4ff- City paper, copy LAMER HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA. JOG AV A MEARA. Proprietors I 'Hl Iftlll'Kll lOIIK ■ » »' MM wlwL.uba--.,1. re.,*4h,M.. •-*— Pf. .1 u., y *>. .'..11 .»<.... »u» t. : p.'.ui. 4 . >4 11.. 1, ,|mM. ....I4».'U ■ >OO.O KoiblM, U, desrr*. well *4 llwil m* Ito Iq.M'l'r'S 18 Ito llusw Fr«M> Tr«»»poi tbOon * • mt* O*f-inftiT* el*** 1 * W •< BO «•*-*»■* .an. M-wtotod <!»%> •<4 totowto* ,«m W, e-i • «l pooto