Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, May 14, 1908, Image 2

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Money Saved Is Money Made MILLINER Y We are keeping in close touch with all the new styles and shapes in millinery. We can give you a nice new hat trimmed by a first-class trimmer as cheap as the cheapest. No fake, but a real bona fide cut price sale on certain kinds of merchandise. There is a reason for every cut price sale. We do not claim to be cutting the price on every article in the house, and we are not going to mark anything up and then cut the price just to what it should be sold for and call it a cut price sale. Our reputation bears us out in the statement that w r e al ways sell just what we ad vertise. We are overstocked on certain kinds of goods that we can not afford to carry LONGVIEW. We now have a splendid Sunday school. Everybody in-vited. Rev. Brown, of Gainesville, preached a very interesting sermon here Sunday night. Several from here attended the Hinging at Cedar Creek Sunday. Mr. Bud Skinner and family vis ited relatives near'lJlaincsville re cently. Mr. Floyd Bethel, of Gainesville, was the guest of Mr. Elbert Hayes Sunday. Mr. Elmon Green, of near Dacu la, visited relatives and friends here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Isom Hogan has purchased anew rubber tired buggy. Watch out girls, there may be more candi dates about. Mr. Allen House and Miss Myrt Wiley attended Sunday school at Walnut Sunday afternoon. Misses Sunie and Ruth Williams, of Winder, visited Miss Flora Rai ney Sunday, Mr. Joe Moon and family spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Rum Reynolds. There will he a children’s day at this place the fifth Sunday in this month. Everybody cordially invit ed to come and bring well-filled baskets. Miss Sallie Mosley spent Monday with Miss Bertha Hogan. Several farmers of this section are planting their cotton over. Mrs. J. E. Hogan spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Lena Moon. -H You could never make a girl think her parents do as much for her as the one who takes her to a matinee- HODGES & COOPER. PARADISE. The farmers are all done plant ing in our community. Mr. and Mrs. John Notvell and daughter, Miss Carr, of Bethlehem, spent the latter part < f last wok with Mr. L R. Rogers and family. Mr. anu'Mrs. F. A. Smith and children utt< miedfpreaehing at Win der Sunday. Mr. J. R. Waters and family, of Campton, spent Sunday with Mr. Clack’s family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Camp spent Saturday night and Sunday at Beth lehem, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas. Mr. and.Mrs- Lesser Clack were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erast us Perkins Sunday. Rittle Ollie Lee Clack was quite ill last week, but is some better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. John Odum, of Bethlehem, spent Sunday in our community. Mr. and]Mrs. John McElhannon spent Sunday with Mr. B. C. Clack’s family. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. L. L. Rogers is sick. Hope to see her out again soon. Our Sunday school is progressing nicely. All are cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Henry ,Hardy and children, of Oconee county, were the guests of Mr. Scott Hardy's family Sunday. NEW CHAPEL. Rev. John H. Wood filled his regular appointment at Chapel Sun day. He was greeted by a large audience. Some of our young people attend w ed the singing at Cedar Creek Sun day afternoon. Miss Pearl Morrow visited Miss Nancy Marr Sunday. Miss Lucy Johnson, a beautiful and accomplished young lady of Greensboro, is visiting Mrs. Lee Morris. Mr- and Mrs. Norman Austin and Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Austin were visitors in our midst Saturday night. Mr. Willie Smith has purchased anew buggy. Mr. Carl Yearwood and sister, Miss fori line, attended preaching at this place Sunday. Rittle Truman Thomas is quite sick at this writing. Little Herbert Austin has return ed home after spending a few weeks with his sister near Athens. There will be an all day fa se la singing at Corrinth next Sunday. Everybody invited to come and bring well-filled baskets. Miss Maude McElhannon was the charming guest of Miss Bessie Mc- Elhannon Sunday. LEBANON. There will be no preaching here Saturday. Rev. George I). Stone will fill his regular appointment Sunday. Sunday school will be held at 10 o’clock a. in. Services at 11 o’clock. Miss Marge Holliday, who has been stayirg in the Gate City for some time, is visiting home folks. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fulcher vis ited Mrs. Malinda Booth, of Sta tham, recently. M. C. and J. H. Guest went to Wilcox county last week with a view of buying some land. They will over and as an inducement to our customers we are go ing to offer for the next few days 50 per cent off on our entire stock of straw hats. Everything new and of this season’s style. Rugs! Rugs! Rugsl We have them, but we are not going to keep them if offering them at a close mar gin of profit is any inducement. We have the Eight Wire U. M. Rug that we are going to offer for the next few days at a very lib eral discount. We have them in two sizes and we positively will not carry them over another season. DRESS GOODS For Dress Goods, Notions, Belts, etc., come to the old reliable firm of return the latter part of this week. Mrs. E. M. Lavender and Missess Ola Lavender and Ruth Cneelv, of \ttico, spent last Sunday in our midst. Fr- and and Walter Nash, of Clarke county, spent last Sunday in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Holliday, of Eider’s Academy, spent a .-hurt time recently with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Holliday. Benjamin Martin, of Oak Grove, -■pent. Saturday and Sunday here. Hubert Martin and Roy C. Jar r *tt spent Sunday with T. R. Guest. The Farmer’s Educational and Co-operative Union will meet at the usual place of meeting next Satur day night. Several of our citizens attended the Hoke Smith rally at Jefferson Saturday night. B. E.B. PLEASANT HILL The pound supper at the home of Mr. Lon Hamilton Saturday night was highly enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Will Millsaps were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Owens Sunday. Mr. George Hamilton was in Winder Thursday. The Pleasant Hill singing class will sing at Union school house the fourth Sunday morning. Every body invited. Our Sunday school is in a flour ishing condition. We ask every one to attend and take part. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Michael visited Mr. and Mrs- Lon Hamilton Sun day. * Messrs. Columbus Hunter, Will Wall. Jim Owens, Junie Millsaps and Claud Hunter attended the singing at the home of Mr. Boyd, near Paradise, Sunday night. Mr. ( ieorge Hamilton and family attended preaching at Chapel church Sunday. Mrs. Henry Mobley was the guest of Mrs. Julia Wail Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Candler Mobley were the guests of Mrs. Cinthia Mob ley Sunday. Mrs. Ann and Mrs. Mary Hardi gree were the guests of Mrs. Jane Finch Sunday. Mr- .Jesse Thomas was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Evans, Sunday. Mr. Junie Millsaps was the guest of Mr- Jim Finch Saturday night. Mr. Lewis Grizzle visited relatives near Winder Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Owens and children spent Thursday night with Mr. J. 1.. Owens’ family. It Reached the Spot. Mr- E. Humphrey, who Owns a large general et- re at Omega, 0., and is president of the Adams County Telephone Cos., as well as of the Home Telephone Cos., of Pike County, O , says of Dr. King's New Discovery: “It saved my life once. At least I think it did. It seemed to reach the spot —the very seat, of mv cough— when evervthing else failed. ’’ Dr. King's New Discovery not only reaches the cough spot; it heals the son- spots and the weak spots in throat, lungs and chest. Sold under guarantee at G. W. DeLa perriere's drug store. 50c and #I.OO. Trial bottle free. And a strong minded wife some times keeps a light weihgt husband from going up in the air.