Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, July 02, 1908, Image 5

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LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. Willis McDaniel is sick with fever. Mr. Ben Foster leaves today for Oconee. Mr. S. C. Potts is among this week’s sick. Mr. John Kilgore spent Sunday in Statham. Mr. Frank Suddath is confined to his room with fever. Mr. B. Nihlaek, of Virgil, was a Wh. h r visitor Wednesday. The many friends of Mr.' S. E. Sharp! ei are girl to si c him out again. _. * Mr._ Claud Cook spent Sunday and Monday with Ids parents near Commerce. H Mr. X. .1. Kelly was calk-d to the bedside of his brother, in Franklin, N C., this week. Mrs. Elizabeth Hinton, of Luin berton, Miss’., is the guest of Mr. N. J. Kelly this week. i Mrs. Beverly Ambrose, of Pacula, is the guest of her piuwits, Mr. and Mrs. .Judson Hardigree. . Mrs. Higginbotham, of Atlanta, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .T. R. Colter, this week. Mr. arul Mrs. 0. Y. Ilodges and son, of Loganville, are yisitmg rel atives in the city this week. Get your water pipe and hath tubs put in ready for use when water is turned on. Leathers & Eavenson. ’Phone 94- Mrs. R. D. Moore, of this city, returned yesterday from Griffin where she has been visiting relatives and friends for several days. The many friends of Mr. J. J- Wilson will regret to learn that he has been confined to his home on Athens street with sickness. Work on the waterworks system is being rapidly pushed. The big steam shovel attracts much atten tion as it plows through the streets. On Saturday morning, July 4th, at 10 o’clock, old Chapel church building will he sold to the highest bidder. Come and secure a bar ga in - . The smiling of J. P. Kelly, candidate for sheriff of Jackson county, was seen in \\ inder I ues dav. Jim is confident of election on July 31. The Gainesville Midland Railway j lias put on a rate of one fare for the ; round trip to Jefferson on Saturday,; July 4th, to the old soldiers re- ' union. The train will leave Win der at 6:20 a. m., fast time. Mr. Walter Lyle was the happy recipient of an elegant waitei ol fruits and vegetables from the pro lific gardens of 'Ross Hill farm. Mrs. Ross is noted for her generosity and kindness of heart. Mr. Lyle deems himself fortunate to he re membered among her many friends. “It Is Finished,” John 10;30, will be the subject discussed by Rev. Fritz Rauschenberg at the Pres byterian church next Sunday morn ing. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will he celebrated at this service. All members are urged to attend and visiting brothers will ' receive a cordial welcome. Col. .T. S. Ayres, of Jefferson, was in Winder Wednesday. Mr. Virgil McCutchen spent Sun day with relatives in Bogart. ■ —— ’ i We are pleased to state that Mrs. L. W. Hodges is improving. Mi-Marion Jackson, of A-hburn, (Ja., is visiting Mrs. H. D. Jack son . Mi.—Vela Richardson, of Camp ton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson. Misses Ola Daniel and Roberta MeElhannon spent Wednesday in Statham. for SALE—RoII; r top and -k and office chair. Good as new. Apply at this office. Mrs. Valiie Arnold and children, of Monroe, are visiting Mr. S. W Arnold and family. Misses Allene and Louise John son, of Washington, are the guests of Miss Gussie O'Neal. Misses Hortelle and Lourine Hood spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in Athens. Mr. and Mrs*-. T. J. Alien, of Conimeree, are visiting their son, Mr. G. J. Allen, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Durst have returned from a pleasant trip to Ohio and other northern states. Mrs. Patrick, the mother of Mrs. L. W. Hodges, who recently sus tained injuries by a fall, is improv ing- . Get your water pipe and hath tubs put in ready for use when water is turned on. Leathers A Eavenson. ’Phone 04. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kimbell have returned from a pleasant trip to their old home place, near Mon roe, in Walton county. Mr. J. A. Butler, of Atllanta, has accepted a position with the Winder Oil Mill and will move his family to this city. There js always room here for such men as Mr. Butler. Messrs. J. S. Settle, J- M. Stan ton, W. M. Holsenbeck, B. A. Julian, J. H. Turner and W. L. Blasingame left this morning.for i Monroe to attend the First District | convention of Knights of Pythias, ! which meets in that city. Wednesday at 11 o’clock Rev. Mr. Dillard, pastor of the Methodist Epsieiopl church, south, baptized the twins of Judge, and B. Russell, William and Fielding, and also Walter Brown Russell. The occasion was carried out nicely. The Misses Gunthers entertained the Jokers at an al fresco party Wednesday afternoon. Jollv guess ing games were indulged in. A de licious salad course was served. The Misses Johnson, the guests of Miss O’Neal, were the honored guests. The next meeting will l>e with Miss Ethel Jackson on July 8. ; Married, Sunday afternoon, at ! the residence of his brother, Mr. T. .J. Morgan, in Winder, Mr. Al bert Morgan to Mjss Mamie Austin, of New Chapel. Rev. A. W. Quil lian officiated. The entire News force extends congratulations to this young couple. Mrs. Morgan was one of our most valued corre spondents. Fire Insurance. Life Insurance. Accident Insurance. Casualty Insurance. Surety & Fidel ity Bonds. yjp j 'jf 1 ill-J Winder, Gs. We have just received a full stock of stationery material of all kinds. Having had 20 years’ experience in the print ing business, and having on hand the material and equip ment of a first-class establish ment, we are prepared to com pete with any firm in Geor gia in Workmanship and Prices. Place orders now for Cotton Tags, Cotton Receipts (in du plicate), and be ready for the rush. LLGAL BLANKS of all kinds kept on hand. We make a specialty of Commer cial Work. Let us bid on your work before placing orders elsewhere. R 055 BROS., Proprietors. Wants fund Separated. A proposal to separata the white and negro educational funds of Georgia, so that white people will pay for the education of their chil dren and the negroes for theirs, is contained in a bill introduced Wednesday by Senator Wilkes, of the Seventh district, which was referred to the genearl judiciary committee. '['he hill provides that tax col lectors and all other officials hand ling the educational funds keep separate books, showing the amounts j recived from the white people and the negroes; also that money from | the white funds he applied to white ! educational purposes and for the negroes a similar' arrangement. Revifais, ves. A tent meeting will Ix'gin in Winder Friday night. Office * Office Telephone No. 1. Smith Carithers BTd’K. Residence ’Phone No. 12 F. W. Bondurant, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Winder. Ga. BEST POIiCIES. BEST RATES. : urn -Jilts anj Careful AH Los ,os Paid Attention Given all Prow! tl> and With- Ag-enc: Mittcrs. out Discount. DOUBLL-HtADLR JULY TOURTH. The beck and Greofl Team, of Atlan ta, Comes For Two Games. The Winder hall team is to have a double-header on the local dia mond next Saturday- The Beckane Gregg team, of At lanta, which holds second place in the Atlanta City League, will Ik* the guests of the city. The first game will he called at j o: 30 o’clock. The Ixtys from the “near-beer” city are the real, simon ’ pure, dyed-in-the-wool article and j some fast and scrappy ball is looked for by the fans- Our team has been strengthened considerably and every one should go out and see us wallop the boys 1 from the Gate City. Admission will l>e 2oc for gentle- Fire Companie* Continental Ins. Cos.. N. Y. Hartford Fire of Hartford. Conn. Liverpool & London & Globe of N. 0. German American Ins. Cos., N. Y. Athens Mutual Fire Ins. Cos.. Ga. \ Winchester Fire ins. Cos., N. Y. Hanover Fire of N. Y. Caladonian Fire of N. Y. Pixie l ire of N. C. Accident Cmpan ies. Metropolitan of N. Y. North American of Chicago. Casualty C mpany. L T nited States Casualty of N. Y. Life Companies. State Life of Indiana 1 Bcnd3. Lfciited Surety Cos., of Md. 1907, bv Outcault Advertising Cos., Chgo July 2, 1908. Dear Friend: You can tell good coffee by the smell. Yale coffee smells fine. It makes you feel good when you drink it, papa says Yale coffee costs 15 to 350 a pound. Bad coffee makes you feel bad all day. Yale coffee smells so good that I teg mama to let me drink it. Your friend, JACOB. P. S. You can get Yale line of coffee and everything to eat --nice and fresh at The Gem Grocery Cos. Singing at Ebernezer. There will be an all-day singing at Ebernezer church on the third Sunday in July, conducted by the Wages family, of Athens. They will use Happy Voices No. 2. Mr. J. C. Wages, the head of the 1 family, lived at Ebernezer in his boyhood days and lias a great numlier of friends and relatives in J the neighborhood who will give ' him a hearty welcome. ■ All are invited to attend this i singing accompanied by .well filled i baskets, as there will be dinner on ! the grounds. Plays and Players. “Strongheart” Is now being used in the stock companies. John C. Rice and Sally Cohen will star in anew farce called “Just Like a Man.’’ The revival of “The Pride of Jenico,” which James K. Hackett made this season, has been most successful. Marie Doro has achieved a decided success in London. Both personally and professionally she is exceedingly popular. Felice Morris, the daughter of the late Felix Morris, w ill appear in vaude ville In a one act comedy called “The Old, Old Story.” % men, ladies and children 15c. Comer comes Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next* week for three games.