Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, July 09, 1908, Image 4

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WINDER WEEKLY NEWS Published Every Thursday Evening Robkkt O. Ross, Editor. G. D. Ross, Associate. ■Entered at the Postoffice at Winder, Ga. as second class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATIOS One Year, - - ■ -t LOO Six Months, ... f>o Three Months, - - 25 Thursday, July 9, 1908. Yes, sir, we'll mention it. I’ig pen! And we'll go further. Mosquito, tty, trash; hack yards, oil, lime! Twenty-one persons died in New York Tuesday as a result of the ex treme heat. The Hardman hill, providing for the election of the pension commis sioner by the people, passed the senate Wednesday. What do you think of The News? If you believe it is worth the price, kindly tell your ncighimr and we will appreciate the favor. If not, tel! us. Commander Peary announces that his purpose is to plant the American llag on the north pole. ’Spose it would grow. We raise snowballs in (icorgia. Anna Gould has bought and mar ried her second princeling and the American people are expressing the same opinion of Anna that her father applied to the people. We Udieve the old soldiers have done enough marching. Let s sec that they ride in carriages in future parados, if we ’Big Ikes have to do a little walking ourselves. A donkey has been presented to tht' Democrats as a mascot. in view of the hubbub created b\ the J’arki-r resolutions it is evident that there were at least two of a kind at the Denver convention. Theodore A. Bell, temporary chairman of the National Demo cratic Convention, experienced great •dillieultv in reaching Denver by reason of the Hooded condition of Salt creek. And a more prominent Democrat than he may take a trip Up that same creek a little later. The Glenvillo Observer, Way cross Herald, Fitzgerald Enterprise ami Gwinnett Journal have been discussing the man who gets mad and (slops his paper. Why, boys, he doesn’t worry us in the least. He’ll cool off and come back. But when you find a remedy for the fel low you have to stop, send it to us, please. The entire country joins all Geor gia and the south in mourning the death of Joel Chandler Harris, which occurred at his home, ' The Wren’s Nest,” West End, Atlanta, Friday evening, and now Atlanta is searching for “the most fitting way in which honor could l*e paid to Uncle Remus. Why, Atlanta, you only honor yourself when you use his name. You may name parks and write inscriptions on marble, but Uncle Remus budded his mon ument long ago in the hearts of those who mingle with nature in language of the birds of the air and beasts of the fields. We extend our heart-felt condolence to ‘ Miss Sally” and the “little boys.” GIVE THIS SIDE REPRESENTATION. Tt is not our purpose in this arti e'e to make a choice betwen indi vidual candidates for office in the approaching primary in Jaok9on. We wish to call the attention of the voters to the situation that will obtain should a Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues le chosen from the eastern or northeastern portion of the county. Under the bill now pending l>e fore the general assembly, and which, no doubt, will Im* enacted into law, the chairman of said hoard ceases to he a dictator and becomes a servant of the people, sharing his authority equally with the other two members of tin j hoard. Let us look at the situation for a moment. Mr. Stapler, who has no opposi sition, hails from Minish s district, will make a good commissioner find will see to it that his side of the county comes in for a full share "1 road work. What is said ol Mr. Stapler is equally true of his next door neighbor, Mr. Marlow, of Mil ler’s dist rii t. Now, common fairness would seem to suggest that the third and only commissioner to be selected at this primary should come from this section. Granting that competency and honesty of purpose (, f the aspirant should he our guiding influence when we east our ballots, we con tend that the present candidates are all good men and on fin equal foot ing in this respect, and the ques tion now resolves itself into a fair and just sectional representation on the board. The road commissioners without opposition live on the extreme op posite side of the county. We be lieve the voters will see the justice of our plea and give this part of the county the remaining member. l)R. A. S. STEEL. Dr. A. S. Steel, of Browmvood, Tex., will-deliver a lecture Friday night in the Methodist church. You can’t afford to miss this lec ture. Asa lecturer Dr. Steel has no superiors. Believing that oratory is a fine art, he has studied with unusual intensity of interest amt his addresses are masterpieces of eloquence- Dr. Steel has a nation al reputation as a lecturer, is an inimitable memic and has a happy, cordial style of delivery. The lec ture is free and every one in Win der should hear this eminent di vine. The guano tag tax bill was killed in committee in the senate Wed nesday. Hobson attempted to talk war at the Denver, convention and was hooted off the Hoor as a huge joke. It is conceded that W. J. Bryan will he nominated for the presi dency. The convention is practi cally controlled by the Nebraskan. Tom Watson will tire a broadside in Atlanta today. Tbe occasion is his acceptance of the populist nom ination for the presidency. KILLtD IN ALABAMA. Mr. I'. M. Ferguson left Tuesday for Alabama to bring back the body of Tarry Harris, who was killed last Saturday by a man by the name ot .McDaniel. Mr- Harris was a son of Mr. N. A. Harris, of Walton comity. The body arrived in Winder this afternoon and was taken to the home of his father in Tennis district, Walton county, from which place it will he buried Friday. Particulars of the killing cannot be learned. A grouch always hurts the person most of all. With the Paragraphers. The Joe Brown convention en dorsed prohibition and disfranchise ment. Bully boys. —Sylvania Tele phone. The question** What shall we do with our ex-presidents?” will be reversed after March 4 next. It will then be: What will our ex-pres ident do to us? —Augusta Herald. The Atlanta Georgian states that there is not a Smith in the South ern League. Quite a bad year for Smiths. —Augusta ( 'hronicle. At this stage of the game, it looks as if John Holder has the speaker ship plum nailed dowy good and tight. —Dublin ('ourier-Dispatch. Don't run down the community in which you reside. If you must, remember that there are trains each way every day, and don t fail to use one of them with no return coupon to your ticket. Henry Countv Weekly. It was ten years ago today that we wiped the empire of Spain from the map, following twenty million dollars' worth of trouble in the Philippines. —Atl.itna Journal. In Switzerland the sale of hats measuring more than eighteen inches in diameter is forbidden. \\ e pass this along to the unmarried paragraphers for comment. At lanta (Jeorgian. The cotton picker is coming into notice rather late this season. It usually makes its appearance about January, when there is no cotton to pick for several months. They will have to hurry to get it out of the way by the time cotton opens. Fitz.g<■ raid Kntorprise■. A member of the house of repre sentatives has introduced a bill providing for the extension of the governor’s term of office to four years. Why in the thunder didn’t he do it last year. —Sparta Ishmae lite. An Ohio man has married a girl who accused him of stealing her purse. She will now have a chance to steal it hack while he is asleep. Columbus Ledger. A Pittsburg divine says that hell is a large city. That accounts for the exodus to the eam try in suni nc. r time. —Tallapoosa Journal. The Augusta Herald is disturbed because there was no prayer at the convention. The praying was done before hand brother, and it was shouting, not 1 praying time when the convention met. —Commerce News. IN MEMORY Of our dear little brother, young .1. Rcdinglirld, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Bedingfield, of Camilla, Ga. Died May 28, 1908, and was brought to Bethlehem and laid to rest in the beautiful cemetery of Bethlehem beside his litile loved ones who has gone before. Bit tie .1. wasjone year and nine days old. Dear little .1, it was sad to part from thee, for we miss you in the home so much; we cannot hear your little voice as we once could, but we rest content, for we know you are sing ing sweetly with the little angels in heaven. Goodbye, little J-, till time is o'er with those that loved the most will meet thee, darling, on thi* golden shore —precious jewel gone before, not lost. Written bv your true and loving sister- Mrs. Eliza Fuller. Business Change. The interest of W. B. McCants in the firm of McCants & Hill bur niture Company has been purchased by Flanigan Bros- and the firm will hereafter do business under the of Hill & Flanigan Furniture flßnpany. The members of the firm are all energetic young business men, and we wish for the new firm a prosperous career. The New and Up-to-Date foundry and Machine Works That runs every day in the year, and does first-class repair work, and builds new and up-to-date machinery. DRAG SAW IRON FRAME .-I I _ [t .... m Til, PJTJESS. ■j.. -'; 9 WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING CO., Winder, Ga. I . t■. • *,- • . * . v '. > ■’ ■'. • ' •c.‘- ...„• r ' • * lamrnt i^ san'mi WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING CO. Winder, Ga. BETTER DO IT NOW Too late for Fire Insurance after it burns. Too late for Life Insurance after your health is im paired. Make use of opportunity. See us to day. KILGORE & RADFORD, Insurancec Agents, r-/-()iiice at The Winder Banking Company. TO WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND RETURN EOR $5,00. On July 16, the S. A. L. Railway will run an excursion to Wrightsville Beach. The special will reach Winder at 10:00 o’clock p. m. Returning tick ets are good on any regular train as late as the afternoon of July 21. J. J. PULLER , A. G. P. A, e. c. McDonald, Agent.