Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, July 30, 1908, Image 4

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WINDER WEEKLY NEWS / Published Every Thursday Evening Robert O. Ross, Editor. (}. D. Ross, Associate. Entered at the Postoffice at Winder, Ca. as Second class mail matter. KUMSCR’I I’TION RAT ES One Year, ... .SI.OO Six Months, - - - oO Thr-*e Months, - - -d Thursday, July 30, 1908. ’Spoct llmre’s a picture of a pig in that letter. What is a Georgia democrat? A year's subscription for the best an swer. If there is a democratic party left in Georgia, it certainly needs a nerve tonic. As to the convict question, let s have some prosecutions and less brain storms. These “harmony plays,' if con tinued, will swell the ranks of the republican party in Georgia. We take the testimony of dis charged convict guards and ex(?)- critninals with a great deal of salt. The man who will not support Bryan and the Denver platform has no right to be classed as a dem ocrat. \ • We have seen more hungry, filthy, free specimens of humanity sleeping in Park Row, New York, than can l>e found in the etmvict camps of Georgia. The state executive committee made no effort to indorse Tom Watson for president, which goes to show there is always somethin"' for which to he thankful. Tom W atson says he intends to dominate the polities of the stah for the next ten years. So long as 'Tom wag> the populist tail to the democratic kite our way we prom ise not to kick. The W indcr hall team is made up exclusively of home talent . We agree with the Commerce News in its opposition to hired men for teams in small towns. Hired men kill tin interest in the game- According to the evidence before the legislative committee, .lake' .Moore should hr -out to the pen, and yet, sin add justice overtake him, we look for a tearful petition for his pardon in a. year's time- Any matt Can tell you how to handle the had hoy that doesn’t belong to him. But give* him one of his own and he will succeed i about as well as a sentimental ed itor of a newspaper would handling desperate criminals. The name of Bryan was hissed at the meeting of the Heard Inde pendence party at Chicago, llearst. Watson, Delis and our little John Temple Craves are just naturally “agin’’ anything that does not re dound to their own aggrandizement. We notice that Editor Camp, of the Walton Tribune, is again at Iris p<>st of duty* Ernest received more lx-netit from the gathering of the edits iris at Gainesville than most of us, and is now publishing a weekly paper second only to the Alpharetta Free Press* PILL FOR THE BEST TOWN. Pull for the best town in Geor gia.— Lavouia Times. Clarksville is the beat town, s° pull for it. —Clarksville Advertiser. In pulling for the best town in Georgia if you start well, just roll up your sleeves and pull for Hartwell. H irtwell Sun. Rut if you are going to follow the advice given by the Lavonio Times and pull f>r the best town in Geor gia, you'll have to pull for Elberton. —Elberton Star. All of which go< s to prove that peoph who have never gone outside of the limits of their own malitia district know v- ry little of the' world. Everyone who has ever been to Commerce knows that it is the best town in the world. Com merce News. It is self-evident that the above was written in a religious sense. Though we have five churches and many devout citizens, we can t say they are better than other ( hristian. In other lint's, however,it is conced ed that Winder is /he most enter prising business town in the state, so pull for Winder. The state of Texas will stick to local option. “The Merry Widow,” a, gasoline launch with twenty men aboard, was capsized at Pittsburg. That name is a sure sign of trouble. With Anna out of the limelight, Frank .1. Gould now occupies the center of the sensational stage in New York. Divorce case, of course. 'Tomorrow' brings to a close the quietest campaign ever known in Jackson county. Be sure to vole, and remember we want a road com missioner on this side of the county. John Temple Graves has been named for vice president on the Hears! Independence party ticket. John never did plow very deep, hut can’t he beat picturing tin' leaut.v of a soap bubble. The Commerce News says: ”W< have no objections to autos,'and our citizens are able to own tbelli, too, if they choose. ” An old man died in Indiana a ftv weeks ago, and when they elonred away the shack in which he lived s 17,000 was found buried on tie* lot. That fellow could have owned a fine hotel. The committee appointed to in vestigate the convict- question i.- uearing the milk in the eocoanut- Order th * prosecution of those in high positions who disregard the law and trade in human llesh and we are with you heart and soul. This does not carry with it the making of a Sunday school class out of a convict camp, liow< ver “Takt this dollar and mark me up a year 1 can’t afford to miss the best country weekly in Geor gia,.’’ Thus spoke our boyhood friend, Philip M Elder, of Sanford. Fla., who is spending the summer with friends and relatives in Jack son county. Mr. Cider is prosper ing in the state of his adoption and has many friends in Florida as well as in Georgia. And Mister Keith, the ex-eon viet who was a star witness before the special committee of the legis lature and who is slicing a lessee for cruel treatment while he was in the pen, is a man who called a neighbor to tin* door and shot him down in cold blood, and after he was liberated from the chaingang gave his wife so much trouble that she was forced to call upon the courts for protection. This poor follow certainly deserves all the damages he can possibly receive. are you satisfied TO FACE THE FUTVteE ” ' —— .with its uncertainties endeavoring to provide protection for those who have 'been entrusted to your care? SAFETY AND SURETY CAN BE HAD by giving them the benefits of your effortsby taking out life insurance NOW. THE STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF INDIANAPOLIS, IND , offers the best protection, doubly secured by the “COM PULSORY RESERVE DEPOSIT LAW” and has been the means of making thousands independent when the independent ones needed it most. F. W. BONDURANT GENERAL AGENCY, Office over Sith & Carithers Bank, Corner Broad and Candler Streets, WINDER, GEORGIA. With the Paragraphed. Miss Fortune was indcited in Rome a few days ago for silling liquor. And .-till there are people who eant( nd that there is nothing in a name. —Augusta Herald. An Indiana man lias been fined £lO for hugging the wrong girl. A man who is so careless as folium tie wrong girl ought to be fined §lO. Columbus Ledger. Still, it must be remembered that a convict is supposed to he under going punishment for crime. Ihe chain gang i-already very attractive to certain classes of our population. —Sparta Ishmaelite. Aii enterprising theatrical man ager has secured anew play, entitled “What Was in That Letter. ’* It will no doubt he an immense success in Georgia. —Athens Banner. A prominent Georgia preacher told the writer a few davs since that the trouble with most ministers was that they were forced to come into contact with the bread line and could not assert their God-given independence. W e had always been of the opinion that too many preachers came in contact with the gas bags and windmills. —Walton Tribune. The 'Teddy bear will he supplanted by the Billy goat, just as soon as the manufacturers know whether to make it very fat, or only middling so-so. —Clberton Star’ A certain millionaire in New ’i ork stated recently that if lie was mar ried he didn't know it. Well, it s a safe 1h t that he isn't. That is one of the things you can be sure of if you’ve got it. —Golden Age. Wt* believe it was hen Broughton who said tie would eat his hat if Car maid; was not nominated in Tennes see. We suppose, of course, he is now going bare-headed. Dalton (’itizen. Young man, if you should come across a girl who, with a face as radiant as a sunflower, says as you appear at the door, I will be busy for bait an hour yet, for the dishes an not washed," just sit right down on the doorstep and wait for her, because some ot ic r chap may come along and secure the prize, and right there you will have lost an angel. —(lunison Gazette. Wonder how these fellows who call themselves state democrats and national repuMicians, ail in one and the same breath, would feel it Bryan should heat Taft- Be sort of dry-grinning proposition, wouldn t it ? —Madisiai Advertiser. Wouldn't it look mournful to see the names af Rcarst and Graves heading any ticket. —Clberton Star. If Mrs. Kern talks as much after election as before, Mrs. Brvau and herself will never be able to run the White House togather satisfactory. —Macon Telegraph. “To make them more delicious, the Georgia peaches are this year being packed by pretty girls," says the Columbia Dispatch. We have been wondering why they more then usual this year.—Washington Post. Capital Stock, $50,00.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 The Winder Banking Cos. A name that stands for Financial Strength, and that measure of Commercial Growth and Development consistent with the Rules of Sound Banking. Under control of a Board of Directors compos ed of representative business men, men of sound financial worth and moral integrity. All business intrusted to us given prompt, accurate and careful attention. THE WINDER BANKING CO. WINDER, GEORGIA. The New and Up-to-Date Foundry and Machine Works That runs every day in the year, and does first-class repair work, and builds new and up-to-date machinery. miESm tstmtttm fryjsFs' _ Smm£MlU ' Z yr i 11l every line, WOODRUFF MACHINERY is in a class by itself, embodying 1 every improvement known in mechanics which makes one machine supe rior to another in durability, convenience, economy and speed of operation. Write us for prices on the Best Machinery on earth . Don’t consider any other makes until you investigate ours. SAW MILLS, SHINGLE MILLS, LATH MILLS, DRAG SA WS, HAY PRESSES, SS TALK CUTTER3. WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MftOCIHi £3, LDdsiyGa 3nmu 'fflwiitu= 1 WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING GO., Winder, Ga. The Georgia Midland railroad is a great convenience for the colored population of Winder. They oc casionally give a barbecue in this neighborhood, and with an ex cursion from Gainesyille and up the ; road, they succeed in having a large [crowd. But, so far as the citizens of Winder are concerned, with the schedule now in vogue, a pig path leading out from our town would be of about as much importance.