Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, August 27, 1908, Image 5

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HILL & FLANIGAN FURNITURL CO, SUCCESSORS TO McCants & Hill, Have moved into the remodeled building on the corner opposite First National Bank, and next door to Winder Furniture Company, where we have more room and more convenient location. We ask that you see us before buying Furniture, Stoves, Rugs, Art Squares, etc. We expect to give Winder as good furniture store as can befound anywhere in this section Yours to please, HILL & FLANIGAN FURNITURE COMPANY WINDER, - GEORGIA. PERSONAL MENTION. Vestus House,who has boon quite sick, is convalescing. r mlr. R. P. Jackson is the guest of homefolks this week. Mr. Golden Craft, we are glad to state, is very much improved. Mrs. A. D. McC'urry has returned home from a visit to Gainesville. Carl Niblack has returned from a week’s visit to his parents in At lanta. Miss Nell Smith, of Jefferson, the, recent guest of Mrs. Daisy Rogers. Mrs. Martha Looney is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. A. Hosch, near Auburn, Ga. Miss Minnie Elder, of Jefferson, is visiting Mrs. Walter Suddath this week. • Miss Annie Yerner, of Suwannee, Ga., is the guest of Montine Wil liams this week. * Hr James Bailey and little son, of Abbeville, S. C., are visiting friends in the city. J Mrs. Walter Wood and Master Jamie Wood left Sunday for a visit to friends in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ayers have returned from a two weeks’ visit to relatives in Mt. Airy. Mr. and Mrs. C. F VVagne* spent a tew days last week with friends an#,relatives at Calhoun. $ Mr. Reese Couch, who has been Very ill for several weeks, is reported some better at this writing- Mr. Moses Stone, formerly of Raleigh, N. C., now of Knoxville, Tenn., is visiting Mr. T. C. Dunn and family. Dr. A- P. Quillian has his mother, of Gainesville, with him this week. a* Mr#Quillian is over eighty and hale and hearty. The friends of Mr. Z. F. Jackson will be glad to know that he has decid'd to enter the mercantile Held agait 1 . Mr. Jackson will Ik* con nected with one of the leading cloth thing and dry goods firms in Win der. Mrs. W. J. Whitehead is visiting in Jefferson. ♦ ~ Miss Pauline Camp has returned from a visit to Monroe. Mr. Homer Hancock, of Jeffer son, was in Winder Sunday. The Misses Jones, of Madison, Ga., are visiting Miss Cleo Bush. Mrs. Arline Brown, of Commerce, is visiting Mrs. R. L. Carithers. Mr. Jack Carithers has returned home from a visit to Madison, Ga. Mr. Hal Carrington, of Com merce, was in Winder Wednesday. Mrs. A. H. O’Neal has returned from a week’s visit to Union Point, Ga. Miss Ada Hancock is visiting rel atives and friends in Jefferson this week. Miss June Rowe, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Horton, of Atlanta, are visiting the former’s mother. Miss Annie Lou Jackson will leave Friday to enter the State Normal School at Athens. Miss Ruby Chandler has returned from an extended visit to Franklin, N. (’., and Tallulah Falls. Mrs. Joe House and children have returned from an extended visit to relatives in South Carolina. Mesdames Bonds, of Crawford, and Watters, of Athens, were the guests of Mrs. M. E. Smith last week- Get your water pipe and bath-tub put m ready f '-’* use when water is turned on. ’ athers A Raven son. ’Phone 14. Mrs. Luther Lyle and children, of Fort Worth Tax., are here to spend several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Lyle. Mr. Carlton Pentecost has ax cepted a position with the firm of Kilgore A Kelly, as book-keeper for another year. Mr. G. G Robinson, can still lie found at J. L. Saul’s, where he will l>o pleased to wait on his friends. He will Ik- with Mr Saul all this fall. Miss Leßoy Camp, of Charlotte, N. C., is visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. C. DeLaperriere. J. B. Williams and Jno. A. Thompson made a business trip to Cordele this week. Mr. Tom Dunn was on the sick roll a few days last week. He is again at his post of duty. Miss Pearl Fowler, of Auburn, Ga., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. J. Smith, on Wright street. Get your water pipe and bath-tub put in ready for use when water is turned on. Leathers A Eavenson. ’Phone 14. Rev. Jno. H. Barber,of Lousiville, Ky., will preach at Baptist church next Sunday at 11:30 a. m. Every ln>dy cordialy invited. Miss Bessie Ham will arrive from Jackson, Ga., Tuesday to resume j her duties as teacher of expresson j in the Winder Public School. Miss Agues Wilhite, who for several weeks has been visiting friends in Winder, returned Wednes day loher home in Atlanta. Messrs. H. I). Miller and L. I). Strickland have purchased the Wood property on Wright and New streets. The tract contains about 20 acres. Miss Dovie Blair arid Miss Lula Bowden, teachers in Winder Public School, will arrive Tuesday, and be at home at the residence of Mr. and Mrs G. W. DeLaperriere, on Cand ler street. Mr. W. B. MoCants attempted to visit Arnoldsville this week, but the washouts and bad condition of the roads forced him to spend sev eral days in the Classic City. Mrs. Walter Wood has made all arrangements and will move her family to Atlanta next week. Mrs. Wood has a host of friends in Win der who will lie sorry to part with her and her estimable family. We call attention of the citizen*, of Winder to the proclamation of the mayor, published in this issue, in reference to cleaning up of pre mises. The News has called atten tion to this matter several times, and now cymes Mayor Strange and says it “must Ik* did.” The mayor means business and you will save yourself trouble by paying heed to his little notice- < Ini O*. c<9 Aug. 27, 1908. Dear Friend: Have you gone back to school? I have. What do you have for lunch? I got nice cookies and chipped beef and cheese and things at the gro cery. Mama says its lots nicer and cheap er and lots less trou ble than .baking up things for me. And then Mama helps me with my lessons too. And she says that it is better than spending so much time in the kitchen. Your friend, JACOB. P. S. That’s why she gets so many things all ready to eat from The Gem Grocery Cos. GEORGIA RUST PROOF OATS TOR SALE. From one to lift;/ bushels of Georgia Rust Prof Oats for sale at SI.OO per bushel. J. P. HARDIGRFL, ROUTE 22, WINJAF R i. A FEW FARM BARGA INS. 66-acre tract of land one mile from incorporate limits of Winder. This is one of the best bargains in the way of small farms we have on our list. Can show you the entire tract in one hour from time of leav ing to returning to Winder. 125 acres miles of Win der and 3Vi miles of Slatham, 7 room house, large barn and outbuildings. Good orchard, fine pasture and strong land in splendid community. Close to church and school, and on rural route. This is the place for you. 106 acres 4 miles of Win der. Nice new residence and outbuildings. No nicer farm to be found any where, in splendid neighborhood and near school and churches. The farm you are hunting and the farm you can buy if you get a move on you. 1-3 cash and terms on remainder. 600 acres of fine land locat ed iti Oglethorpe county. Two dwellings, two barns and other outbuildings. Enough timber on land to pay for it. Will cut this into two or more farms. It is a special bargain and you should see us at once about it. Good terms offered. 200 acres with two, three room residences, and within one mile of depot on Georgia railroad in Oglethorpe county. A pretty farm and great bar gain. Also a farm in same com munity and two miles from depot with one ten room and one three room residence. Both of these are desirable places and will not be on the market very long. 24 acres of fine land par tially in the incoporate limits of Statham. Owner of this land is going to make a change and will give a bar gain if bought within the next two weeks. See us at once about this place. 492 acres in Oglethorpe comity, a beautiful 10 room residence and plent3' of out buildings. This is a fine farm and extra bargain, and will give good terms to right’part}*. 267 acres of good land near Athens with four good build ings, fine pasture and other modern improvements. This place can be bought cheap. You will miss a splendid bar gain if you fail to investigate this farm. See 11s if you want a good farm. j 1 Umar A Prcv - •“-'rs—r— •