Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, September 24, 1908, Image 2

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After months of diligent work and discriminating search, we have completed our preparations for Fall and Winter. For the last six weeks our goods have been arriving daily. We are now ready for you to coine to our store, and we invite you and your friends to share with us in the pleasure of examining the many wonderful values we have for you. . . . Anion? the many interesting things for. the ladies, we mention the follow mg: 2000 yards Reliaance Brand, heavy Out ing Flannels, closely woven, smooth, double fleeced, worth 10c, tut 9c cotton price 9c • 1000 yards 7 1 4to 10c Ginghams, 9c cot ton price - oC 20 pieces nice Suiting, worth 10c, 7]Ac 25 pieces Mercerized Suiting, 15c. The F P. . • *%> • * IU - 1 • *• -*• I M ' /r>W.y .-".0- ■—s l ; -../ Corset, always U the I,cst new sl >' ks > sells for Af\ 'vUAI 00, only 83c A large stock of Ori- A&jljSaggßSK ental, A,xmin- i - •n.i-f" '' : ' T Tfe This heavy fleeced Under wear u ' 2 C. fjSSBi Millinery. . Hk Clothing. The Greatest values and most up-to-the-minute lire of La- |||l All of our customers who have seen our new fai. stock, dies' Misses and Children's Hats that has ever been our pleas- |H W<* with us and say it is the best ever shown ... tins seetton. ure to show; all at 9 e cotton prices. Opening Friday and Sat- ifißL To ..ante prices without showing you the goods would not , e ap urduy, September 25 and 26. You are cordially invited. preciated, but all to go at 90 cotton prices. Make this store your headquarters when in town. Here’s hoping that you will get 10 to 12c for most of your cotton, and buy your goods here for 9c cotton prices. Yours truly, C. M HUDGINS, 200 pairs Boys pants, 3 to 8 wars, ioe. 100 pairs Boys Pants, g to 16 years, 15c. Kxtra heavy Men's all wool filling- Pants; another pair if they fade or shrink. $2.00 reward if cotton is found in the filiing;ac cotton price $1.50 Good wool filling pants 98c. 500 pairs Blue Ridge SI.OO Overalls, 74c. The 5000, pairs Shoes we told you about last week are for you. A good Brogan, 9c cotton price $ 1.00. Dean’s “.V' grade Brogans, $1.15 Dean’s best grade, $1.25. A woman’s good everyday slue, “iadv Bettir; women's nice dress shoe,sr.7. ‘'Hattie Axe Victoria, "a nice full vld. black and brown dress shoe regular s4* and we’rtVh’for $1.50. "Vassar" in Vici or Patent, sells all over the world for sa.oo, qc cotton $..65. Every thing in shoes from the lowest to the highest, smallest and largest, all at 9c cottnn prices. grade, - - ' 12 l 4c 1500 yards Tidal Wave Sheeting, 5c SI.OO remnant rolls, 9c cotton price 90c All wool filling Suitings, the regular 50c goods, 9c fotton price -25 c All fine Dress Goods at SI.OO will now be sold at 9c cotton prices, 75 to 85c. In our Cloak and lined; semi-fitting Suit department you !llld in all colors will find tailor made f Sells anywhere for ,'Mf suits in the newest ($0? f\ SIO.OO to $12.00; 9c fabrics and styles. 10 cotton price $7.00. A suit that, sells reg- The higest Nicety tailored m | \!• newest tll ' rgS Skirts from $2.50 to fc£, | Ladies, Misses and SIO.OO. K R \ \ Cliildren’s Jackets A nice Broadcloth and Furs > at 9 C cot jacket. full Satin ton prices. en S ° n<l Ross more - Hat for SI.OO. V iff k-v Pf A young Man’s 4 scope, $1.25. V .' f X'W-s, The Howard# f Nis the best Hat Vim'- in the world for * 'F ~ / f]K $3.00. Trunks and Suit Cases 9c cotton 50c Dress Goods at 40 to 47c. Eiderdowpi, the 50c kind, 9c cotton % price 35c; 25c kind at 20c. The best 56-inch Broadcloth -79 c All silk Taffetta and satin Taffetta Ribbon 3-inches wide, others ask 15c, for 10c Some Extra Values in Blankets. A white Australian wool Blan ket worth $3.50, gc cotton price per pair $2.00. Matting worth 23 to 50c at 13 to 30c. Of Interest to Men and Boys. The Peer Dress Shirt, sells for 81.00, now 80c. This assortment of 10 and 15c Collars at sc. Umbrellas . covered 26 fancy assort ment of Iran dies, *.,5.