Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, September 24, 1908, Image 6

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WINDER WEEKLY NEWS IHiblished Every Thursday Evening Ross Bros. Editors and Proprietors K ...zt ..d -*. Postoffice at Winder, Ga. a 1 c!j*s mail matter. U J JSCKI ITI ON R ATKS One Year, ... SI.OO Six Months, . - - oO Three Months, - - -> Thursday, September 24,1908. A gigantic horse show —society dross parade, rather —will be the leading feature of Atlanta's fair in October. Mr. Pryan was arrested in Dela ware for going Iteyond the automo bile speed limit. Mr. Bryan is do ing some fast moving these days. Gwinnett will have a county fair on the 28-29th inst. These dis plays are always of interest and this one bids fair to he the most successful yet hold. An Indiana preacher has met his affinity” and skipped with her, deserting Iris family. A public whipping post would go a long way toward stopping this affinity fool ishness. Our appcmtiee has resigned to at tend school. We prevailed upon Mr. N. B. Eord, tax receiver of .lackson county, to accept a position with The Nows during the fall months. The devil has left us and Lord is 0 with us. Much has been said about pin head and pill box hats. Why a l*ox the size of the la*eat style lady's hat would hold all the pills owned by every drugstore patronized by the members of the Tri-County Medical Society. The hired men on The Atlanta iicorgian have about succeeded in leading its editor into the sensa tional field. They are accustomed to this kind of work, and the sky rockets have been going up ever since .••nine of them wi re employed. Tie- Alpharetta Free Press has a great liking for one of our celebri ties. But it likes John II >!drr best of all. —Marietta News. Now, Aw trey, you and Jim Bag well are carrying this, celebrity bus iness too far. lton'l adopt Our down. An ostrich became nnrul.x at the fair grounds in New York this week and a negro, saying he never saw a “chicken he could not. hold,' made an attempt to cage the bird. He was kicked twenty feet and finally landed in the hospital. This At lanta negro was just a litle too gay. Anew paper to our rxehange table is The Winder News. It car ries us back to our eollegf davs at Athens when Duke Ross and the writer were typos on The Morning Banner, along with .Jerry Young, Weyinan Conway, Ivey Ihorntou, Dude Williams, Walter MeKlhan mm an<l the lamented Rev. K. 1> Stone. The last two have long since passed over the river. A\ e welcome The News to our sanctum. —The Madisonian. The above was written by W . 1 ■ Bacon, who was a kind friend to us when a hoy of tender years we made ous first venture from the parental roof. He is a man ever ready to champion the right against wrong, and under his guidance The *' ■<>. ik utieauf thy CORRESPONDENTS WANTED. \\V want a correspondent at every post office within a radius of twelve miles of Winder. Stamped and addressed envelopes, stationery and subscription t<> The News free to accepted representatives. Corre spondents appointed agents and lib eral commission given for cash sub scribers. Nom dc plumes may lx* used, but editor must know real I name before publishing communi | cations. Write the news from your postoffice next week, and mail in time to reach us not later than I Wednesday morning. Call for sta tionery. “ SWAMPED. ” We’ve been “swamped” from i Monday morning to this good hour, land if .vou don’t see anything in i this issue to interest you but ads , please remember that page and two i page eiieulars are Hying over three |counties proclaiming what Winder, j the headquarters for up-to-date styles and low prices in northeast Georgia, has to offer, and lx nr w th our shortcomings. This is the fall opening week for the merchants in this section, and that means a stenuous existence for all hands in the job and ad. de partments of The Winder News, for the majority of our business men practice what they preach — believe in printers' ink and trade jat home. Being one of the com positors, the editor’s time has been almost wholy consumed in these ! departments. Most of our exchages are piled one upon top of the other, (still in their wrappers, and we haven’t seen many people outside ; our office force from whom to ob tain news. Our brain is all scram i bled up with pictures of broad brimmed hats and the Frenchy j names of the latest styles. ( ome ! to Winder Friday and Saturday and view the latest creations in — There it goes again! To those merchants who failed to get their ads into type this week we wish to state that Mr. N. B. Lord, whose ability as a printer is well known, lias been added to The News force'. So send in all the ads. : and job woik you wish and wr guarantee it will receive prompt at tention. Mr. Lord's connection will also | enable the editor to glean a smat-1 taring of what is going on “outside the shop,’’ and we hope to give ourj subscribers more news items than | is found in this issue. The above j was written to (ill the space it oc cupies. The Macon Telegraph propounds some significant questions to the Atlanta Journal. It would seem from reading between the lines that the said editor, having had his name recorded in the Atlanta v ity Direc tory, which he regards as the guide to voting privileges, neglected the little formality of paying Brother Andy Stewart, tax collector of Ful ton county, a timely visit, and has been seated in his sanctum disfrair ehised for these many month®, toll ing you and 1 how we should vote to save the state. hater —The editor of The Jour nal has admitted that he is not reg istered. At some places the Ohio river is getting so dusty they are talking se riously of sprinkling it. —Atlanta ; Georgian. Already has a sprinkling of oil. The Walton Tribune speaks of itself as the leading paper in noth ! east Georgia. The gall of some people gives tis pain in the region where it hurts when wo eat too much potlieker. —Gwinnett Journal. But the envy of an ass never gives us any especial concern . —Walton Tiibune. REVIVAL SERVICES. Starting next Sunday morning and continueing for one week, the Presbyterians will hold protracted services in their church building. The Rev. Frank I). Hunt, evange list for the Presbytery of Atlanta, will assist the pastor. Mr. Hunt has been exceptionally successful in his evangelistic work. He is a live, wiflc-awake pieaeher of the “old, old story,’ and if you come he will wake you up and keep you awake. A rare treat is in store for all who hear him. All in Winder are in vited to come to the services and to help make the meeting a success. Those out of Christ are urgently re quested to come and place them selves under the sound of the gos pel- U. D. C. MEETING. The first fall meeting of the daugh ters of the Confederacy was held on Wednesday afternoon at the resi dence of Mrs. W. Id. Quarterman. Quite a large number of the mem bers were present and the meeting was most enthusiastic. A delegate was elected to go to the state convention at Savannah, and several intend being present at the national convention, which meets in Atlanta. The chapter has enrolled a good many new memliers, and expects to add a line sum of money to their “Cemetery Gateway Funds” at an early date. They disbanded duing the shimmer months on account of hot weather,but expect to hold monthly meetings duing th*' winter. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our friends for the kindness shown us during our recent illness. Mu. \N'i> Mus. (J. N. Baowkj.i. COUNTY LINE. The night riders have created some alarm among the people of this section. We would like to have a few cotton seed to feed the cows on, but there are no gins run ting, and suppose we will have to abide the consequences. Our wife was called to the beside of her sister, Mrs. Jennie McEver, of near Hosehton, last Saturday. We are glad to know that Aunt Margaret Maynard -is some better at this writing. Cotton is opening very fast in this section, and wo are grabbling it out in a burry, but where in the douse we'll put it is what's trou bling me. What a fine season we have had for saving hay and forage of all kinds. Providence seems to be smiling upon us. If we could get a minimum price of 12 1-2 cents lor our cotton we would be doing very well and maybe we could sat isfy th >se we owe and have a few nick Is left to jingle in our pnekets But be. cotton and 12 l-20. meat don't suit in, and probably this is the reason some fellows art trav eling after dark. Cotton is shorter in this section than we anticipated a few weeks ago and corn is nothing to brag on. The drouth in August cut us otf on all sides, hu we must travel on as though we were making a bountiful crop It matters not- what comes nor wdiat g<Vs, we ire sure to fulfill taio of the great commands —we are multiplying and repleshing as fast as we can. So good luck to The Winder News. Honk! Monk! Saoku. ST ATI m. The view Booth ginnery is now ; in operation. l’ieree Cody is* improving slowly, ;to the delight of his many friends. Mi. Fred Daken and Mr. Jackson, I of Winder, were in the city Wednes ! day. Miss Lockhart, of Smith Carolina, is here visiting her brother, Mr R. S- Lockhart. Mrs. L. A. Boland has been con fined to her room for ten days, but is much improved at this time. The I. <) O F. of this city had a | delightful evening Tuesday. A nice lunch was served and an ad dress was made by Col. .J. F. ! lolmes. The Dixie (Quartet will be at tile auditorium Friday night. All our Merchants are up and doing as the fall trade is at hand, i and Statluun is out for her share, | and wyLgot it. S. C. ANNUAL STATEMENT Statement of the Condition of THE WINDLR BANKING COMPANY, AT THF CLOSt OF BUSINELSS SEP. 14, 1908. Resources: Loans and Discounts $179.421.46 Furniture and Fixtures 2,405.50 Real Estate and Stock 5,800.00 Cash on hand and in Banks 16.440.44 204.138.40 Liabilities: Capital Stock $50,000.00 Surplus 20,000.00 Profits, Less Expenses Paid 2,735.59 •# Deposits 73,459,39 Bills Payable and Rediscounts 57.938.42 204,138 40 The new and up-to-date FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP that does good work and makes good machinery. Owned and operated by Woodruff Bros. DRAG SAW IRON FRAME SHINCLE MILL , ~jw ifAT . PMESS •' ' >: ■ • . * L-1 v/ In every line, WOODRUFF MACHINERY is in a class by itself, embodying; every improvement known in mechanics which makes one macnine supe rior to another in durability, convenience, economy and speed of operation. Write us for prices on the Best Machinery/ on earth,. Don’t consider any other make3 until you investigate ours. SAWMILLS, SHINGLE MILLS, LATH MILLS, DRAG SAWS, HAY PRESSES, STALK CUTTERS. WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING CO., Winder, Ga. Lm/M/LL SAWMILL ; - f'W *’ y ',l l* -f '. >: '•* fy/' i-W' nT 'i ' >' • vC. -*•> ■?* "- WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MAUFACTURING 00., Winder, Oa. C. W, JACKSON’S IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Wagon and Buggy work, Carriage Trimming, Painting and Rubber Tire Work. HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Some good home-made Wagons on hand for sale. your patronage appreciated and WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. C. W. Jackson * . Winder, - Georgia.