Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, October 22, 1908, Image 4

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WINDER WEEKLY NEWS Published Every Thursday Evening Boss Pros. Editors and Proprietors li .? I'ostoflice at Winder, Ga. c S.t ~ t i-s mail matter. SU liSt'K 11 *TION RATIOS One Year, - - * SI.OO • Six Months. * ' r^J Three Months, - - Thursday , October 22, 1908. Colonel John I’ecse, of r l he At liHita Georgian, tvns knocked oat ol ’ \he box on that cigar proposition. \Vs it our big talk or the brand, Colonel? The Wright who i- pawing the earth for Taft is Puke K., of Ten- i lessee, Seaborn’s neighbor. Our Hpitesman is not in active politics just now .^ '(’be republicans am spending ■barrels of money, and where it comes from is no secret, though the campaign committed is silent on 4hc subject. The Atlanta papers arc not only making laughing -lock of Sid Tapp and Jack Smith, hut arc advertis ing the Gate City as the freak cen ter of the 1 initial Stab s. Docs your citizenship in Winder cause it to fe a better town? Have you got your shoulder to the wheel or are you part of the load that the home loving citizens are carrying? Mail ordwr firms, which pay no taxes for the maintenance of a mu nicipality, are leeches sucking I'm life blond out of a town, and their agents are drones in any com munity. Well, what if Mayor Joyner did say Atlanta would vote a wet ticket if she had a chance? It was only the truth told by a man who gained prominence by the reekless driving of a little red wagon. Some people will patronize foreign agencies until a spoiler who affects their business comes to town. Then t hey are greatly surprised that the fire company is not called out and the populace up in arms. We are indebted to Brother Hay good, of The Lawrenceviile Herald, for a prompt display of fellowship and brotherly love. A ton of paper went astray for us ti)is month, and had it not been for his kind consid eration The News would have ap peared tiiis week in pink or blue. And now 'The Atlanta. Georgian i turning the light of publicity onto Atlanta's public school system- What otti.ct its observations will! have on the sage old politicians who have been in charge of th*- hoard of education since the mem ory of man runneth not to the con trary remains to he seen. if we all go to Atlanta to make our purchases, our merchants must move to Atlanta to make the sales. If our merchants send 10 Atlanta •foi their printing, our printers must go to Atlanta to print, and this principle carried to its last analysis would depopulate Winder and re duce her real estate to the normal value of farm lands. Thus it is plain to be seen that the mail order agent who ships money out of local circulation to foreign firms i- not only of no value to the upbuilding of i h • eomnmuity in which he lives, but is a decided detriment. RALLY TO BRYAN. 4)emocrucy, led by that peerless orator and Christian statesman, Y\ . J. Bryan, we believe, will ring tri umphant Tuesday, Novendx*r •. , Either Bryan, of Nebraska, or Taft, of Ohio, will Is- called by the American people to the chief execu tive chair of the nation on that day. This much is certain. Whether the people shall rule, or predatory wealth control, is the question the ballots must decide. Bryan represents the masses Taft stands for the classes. Democ racy would remove the tariff from tin 1 necessities of life. The repub lican party fosters a trust-breeding high tariff so that a favored few may grow richer and richer at the expense of the masses. The repub lican party would make serfs and slaves of t lit* laborer, while democ racy would make him a self-respect ing citizen. How shall the verdict be written? Georgia, of course, will he found in the democratic column, but it seems to us that of all times this is the time Georgia democrats should rally to their standard hearer and rebuke the action of those misguid ed delegates to Denver. The Ninth congressional district furnished one of the four who stood by Bryan. Let us vindicate his ac tion by rolling up a big majority for Bryan and Kern. Let the old democratic guard of the state forget its differences of the recent past, aid in overwhelming numbers write its approval of what the party stands for. Speaking to a large and enthusi asticcrowd of people at.Eoilet, Ills., Momlav, Mr. Brvan said of the at titude of the republican party to ward the toiling masses: “My friends, I think too much of the next generation to stop my efforts to rid this country of the evil of private monopoly. 1 am willing to go down on my knees every morning and to mv Father in heaven, say, 'Give us this day our daily bread, but God forbid that 1 should make my countrymen go down on their knees at morning and say to a trust magnate, 'Give us this day our daily bread, and have him answer, "I will if you will vote the ticket I want you to.’ You cannot afford to fasten that sort of system on this country or any other country, ’' BACK 10 IIIS URSf LOVL. Several changes have been made in the newspaper field of Caiuesville recently. D. Cl. Bickers has pur chased W. H. Craig's stock in The Herald. Mr Craig in turn luts purchased controlling stock in The Eagle and thus returns t.o his first love. Hal ve Craig was connected with The Eagle in the days when the versatile Pete she was its managing editor and was in the thickest of the fray in that mem orable battle royal between inde pondentism and court-house democ racy. when Emory Speer, Ceorgia s brainiest and most gifted young orator, was defeated for congress by Hon. A. 1). Candler, “the one eyed plow boy from pigeon roost. ’’ Mr. Craig is a true-blue democrat and an editor who speaks his con victions without fear or favor. Keep your eye on The (laincsville i Eagle. Mr, M. 1\ Harnett,, of Ihjsehton, was in Winder Tuesday. Mr- Bar nett has been a continuous sub senior since The News began pub lication, and gave us a call while in tovm. lfe left us smiling when he said good-bye. An Atlanta boy stole 820 from bis father with which to buy a hun ch*, and rather than take the pun ishment which he believed bis father would give him when the theft was discovered, committed suicide. Some children receive lit tle attention from their fathers until whipping time. J. W. LYLE, The Busy Corner. Better goods for the same money. The same goods for less money. LADIES CLOAKS, Nice line of Ladies’ and Children’s Cloaks to go at your own price. BLANKETS. Cotton and Wool Blankets from SI.OO to $3.50 a pair. DRESS GOODS. A general line of Dress Goods. We are making a great reduction in this department. Ginghams 5c a yard. Outing 4c a yard. MILLINER Y. In this department we are well equipped to please you and save you money. Call and let Miss Dana Smith show you through. J. W. LYLE, WINDER, - GEORGIA. SPOT COTTON LETTtR. BY W. K. LYI.E & CO The cotton market has developed some strength, caused by W all street buying, principally by 1 boo H. Brice ami-J. S. Livermore. Spin ners still remain out of the market for anything more than immediate wants, as they are heavily stocked on goods which cannot be sold, and until stocks are disposed of, we do not anticipate an active demand for actual cotton. We would advise sell ing on advances. Winder —Weak, 8 10-lIV Liverpool —Spots, 0.41d. New Orleans—Steady, 8 id-lne. New York —Quiet, 9.d0. Mobile —Steady, 8 81-KJc. Savannah —Steady, 8 o-4e Charleston —Quiet, 8 11-l*>r. Norfolk —Steady', 9 1-1 be. Baltimore —Normal, 9 l-Bc. Ilouston —Steady, 9c. Augusta —Steady, 8 Id -1 be, ItNNtStt NIGHT RIDtRS. Zaeh Taylor, an aged lawyer, and Captain Rankin were ►aken from a hotel at Walnut Log, Tenn., Mon day night, by night riders and the latter s body• riddled with bullets. Col. Taylor made good his escape and turned up at Tiptonville Wed nesday. When Rankin was lieing lynched Taylor jumped into a stream and hid behind a log. '[ he mob fired several hundred shots into the log and loft, him for dead. The cause of the lynching was the connection of the men with the West Tennessee Land Company, which had forbidden fret fishing in a lake on tln-ir premises. The governor of Tennessee has offered a reward of £IO.OOO for the capture of the guilty parties. The Georgia Confederate veterans ! arc' being royally entertained at ! their n union in Atlanta today. , Tis claimed that the Republi cans are using the t . S. mails for the free delivery of campaign j literature. Roosevelt is to the front with an other attack on Bryan and the Re* publican employers are cracking the whip at their employees in an en deavor n> whip them into line for i'Faft. We Save Yew Money on I* 1 A 'W& We Guarantee Every MIDDLE BUSTER We Sell Against BREAKING OF STANDARDS. They are light and easy draft. They TURN RED LAND. See ths Plows and get our prices be= tore you buy. . WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING 00., W l N'DKIf, Ci A- A desperate negro at 1/ithonia killed two white men and,, beat an other into insensibility with the butt mid of Ins pistol. A negro at Buck-head, near Atlanta, seriously wounded three white men before he was winged by the town marshal. These were only small acts of inde pendence displayed by representa tives of the class upon whom ho much sympathy was wasted by re form newspapers a few weeks ago.