Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 12, 1908, Image 5

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WE UNDER-SELL ALL COMPETITORS, To His Customers, Friends and General Public We are all aware of the fact that the presidential election is over and to our regret the expected to rise of the cotton market has been a disappointment to us so far. It is need less for us to state here what effect the low cotton market has on the clothing and dry goods business. Yet, we believe in making the best of the situation. THEREFORE BEGINNING NEXT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, We will place on sale without reserve our entire stock of Men’s and Boys’ Suits, Ladies’ Cloaks and Furs at the most terrifying reduction ever put before thfe people in these three adjoining counties. It is our loss of profits and much cost, consequently your gain. It is a case of MUST HAVE the CASH. To fail to attend this sale is throwing dollars away. We need the patronage of every man, woman and child to help us unload, and we ask you to attend. $15.00 SUITS at $9.90 Men’s and Youths’ Suits. A good all-wool Suit in fancy and solid colors; sold everywhere at $12.00. Our price $7.85 ioo suits in famous brown and olive colors; sold by all clothing men at $16.00. Our sale price - - - $9.90 Lot No. 4856 represents a lot of hand made suits made by the best tailors of the country, worth from $17.50 to $25.00. We marked them down to $14.50 No. 5246 represents roB suits of latest shapes and colors formerly sold at $18.50; now at - - - $11.90 Knee Pants Suits. 150 knee pants suits, si/es from 3 to 8 worth from $1.75 to $2.25. Sale price $1.35 .00 values at - $1.98 $5.00 values at - $2.95 $6.00 values at • - $4-35 too knee pants suits in a job lot, sizes 9 to 16, one of a kind only, SB.OO will be closed out at - $3.25 Odd Sample Coats. 128 more of them left; come and get one al most at your own price as we are anxious to close them out. AAA SHEETING, 5 7-Bc. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR • YOUR MONEY BACK golden opportunity. So come and bring your family with you. A Sensational Note From Read these prices, and when you come to ex amine our goods, you will say that the “half has never yet been told,” Remember this sale lasts sixteen days only. It commences Friday, November 13, and ends November 28. To stay away is like throwing dollars away, can you? In justice to yourself and family you can’t afford to overlook such a THE CLOTHI EH Odd ranis. The line is too numerous to mention prices we have them also marked down at a reduc tion of 35 to 50 per cent. Ladies’ Cloaks. We have more of them than our counters can hold,more than we or any other large firm of Winder can sell between now and Christ mas under ordinary circumstances; therefore we knifed their-prices absolutely in two. Cloaks we formerly sold at $5.00 now $2.98 Cloaks we formerly sold at $7.50 now $3.45 Cloaks we formerly sold at SIO.OO now $5.90 Cloaks we formerly sold at $12.50 now $7.35 1 lot of Cloaks worth from $12.59 t 0 s*B.oo now .... $9-95 Misses’ Long Cloaks, $4.00 values at $2.1 S $5.00 values at - - - $3.25 $7.50 values at $4.63 Dry Goods. All standard Calico such as Simpson’s and American’s at - 4 7*Bc A good ioc Bleaching at - - 6.i-2c A good 15c Bleaching at - - 9c Fruit the loom Bleaching at - 81-2 Black, blue and brown Brilliantine 75c quality at 43c „ 75c quality Silk in wftite and black colors at - - - -48 c Best quality cotton Flannel - 7 1-20 Best Ginghams - - 5c 12 1- 2c quality Outing - - 9c All wool Flannel 25c quality -19 c All wool, water proof goods, 58-inches wide 70c quality at 48c Shoes! Shoes! There was enough said about our shoes, in fact they talk for themselves. We marked them also at a2 5 percent discount. Counter Bargains. Men’s fleeced Underwear; 50c kind, sale price - - - -38 c 50c Union Suits -24 c 35c Ladies’ Vests - - -24 c 3>i .00 Window Curtains - -48 c s[.so Window Curtains - -95 c §2.50 Window Curtains - - $1.38 50 Window Shades - - 24 c Ladies’ all-wool Shawls $2.50 quality, sale price - - - - - 9^ c WE HAVE PROVED IT. LADIES’ CLOAKS KNIFED IN TWO. SIMPSON’S GALICO, 4 7-Bc. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR ABOUT IJS.