Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 19, 1908, Image 1

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vol. xvi. tight-fitttngCoat Suit, Directoire Coat pair Zeigler Shoes, and ■m if ' M PERSON\L MENTION. “Tag day.” Mr. W. B. Mathews spent Mon , day in Athena. Prof. Roh< ?;>n visited Gainesville Saturday 'and Sunday. Mm Herselu i Hill spent Monday in Hoschton. Miss Cainie Hutchins, of Auburn, ' v fs?FTcd friend' here Monday. Mr. W. Q ruffian, of Atlanta, pr.*-nt Sunday with-homi folks. ‘ ~ Mi”' Linton, .f At lien."' *" Sunday with.friends in Winder. Mrs. S. T. Ross left Monday for Pane*Jvi!!•••, A*h- ns and Jefferson. i < • \'y\ ]:y •• lilt'- inf. 1 of Mr. and Mrs. B. 1 . Maffet died. Miss Hattie BrUnihv, of Athens, was the guest of Miss Mary Russell .Sunday. . , Mrs. Fulton Jackson and Miss Lucy Jackson are spending the week in Atlanta. Mrs. Ailie Morris has been quite ill at The Way Hotel, on Candler street. Mr. Starr, of Loganville, was the guest of his son, Mr. E. A. Starr, last week. Mr. L. A. House and little Edith, Mrs. L. A. House in Atlanta Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. ftouse will be glad to know that she is expected hone the last of this week. \* *J§ A toiler lUcchln Furs, Furs, Furs! Things in Keeping ! Dame Fashion has decreed that a lady must wear a broad Hat, long, a Martha Washington Ruche, if she is well dressed, but still she must have a FUR. STRANGE has them in the very best styles. No one is a strict judge of the quality in FURS. 5o buy your furs from us. We guarantee QUALITY and STYLE. Any genuine Fur—black Lynx, Sable and Isabella Fox —purchased from us can be sent to New York and made over five years hence if you wish. Nothing better for your wife or sweetheart as a birthday or Christmas present than a handsome Fur. They never decrease in value—good as Diamonds. The prices are: 1.98, 3.50, 4.98, 7.50, $lO, sls. *37.50. ASK TO SEE THE NEW MUFES TO MATCH. WINDER. JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1908 j. T. STRANGE & COMPANY, Leaders in Styles; Regulators and Controllers of Low Prices. The girls will tag-you December 5. Mr. W. O Perry has gone on an extended business trip to South Many hogs have died here the past few days and pork is now on the bill of fare. For first-class slice repairing bring them to the harness shop of < River, Cannon & Cos. Lost —Signet ring with letter “P' ion outside. Return to this office and get reward. Mrs. Graham, the mot-ht r of Mr., i Sam Graham, is improving from I Tier recent illness. Our next'ear of nogs to arrive just ! after Christmas. Wait for them. Shears A Patman. Mrs. J. M. Qn,llian, of Com merce, spent a few days this week with tv;d.: hve- ia \\ i: ■r. Children remember the fish pond and home-made candy at the Thanksgiving dim r. Shoe Repairing —Parties wishing first-class work on shoes, bring them to Oliver, Cannon & Cos. Join the big crowd at the Thanks giving dinner and supper. Youi friends will all be there. Misses Ilortelle and Lourine Hood spent Saturday and Sun day with relatives in \thens. Messers. H. T. and P. A- FlaiYi gan and R. H. Cannon made an automo*xfc> trip to Oglethorpe coun ty with a view to pur- Lands. Mrs. J. T. Quillian, of Com merer 1 , spent a few days this week with relatives in Winder. Mr. Grady Camion, who has irvU ! in Atlanta for the past two month I', 1 ', ■spent Sunday and Monday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom I ligginbotham, of Atlanta, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Coker last week. The coffee used at the Thanksgiv ing dinner will be the Dayton Spicy Mills Company’s ‘‘OhyLlkdM*.” Lost —At fJbstoHice, gold pen*. ; VakruTife to owner on account of as sociations. Return to this office- Let everybody remember the tur key dinner and oyster supppm T 1 ranksgiving. Evt rybody eoniia Ily invited. Mrs. S. (h Brock, who lms a resident of Winder only a few months, is ill at her home on Mid land avenue. Mrs. IT. D. Jackson is expected home this week from a visit to her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ola Jackson, of Ashburn, Ga. Mr. and Mr\s. J. M. Hood, of Winder, attended the funeral of the former’s brother, Dr. W. L. Hood, at Nicholson Wednesday. There will be presented at the Lyric Friday night “For Love or Money,” the cast being composed entirely of Winder girls. Winder is now building some of the handsomest residences in North east Georgia. Panics may come and panics may go, but Winder con- Itiuues to grow. Be ready for your tag December 5. S. (). Brocks expert lraelpnist and machine erector. Engine and boiler work a specialty*. Can be found at ih.' IT. E. Petat blacksmith shop, Winder, Ga. Flanigan Bros., are preparing to retire from the clothing business, and in future will devote their time to other interests. Space forbids us„4* eng into <1 ‘tails in this issue, Hut we hope to g : ve particulars in next. Expert sign paint rs have been dressing up some buildings in Win- i der. i tit* signs on the blindings of > Young, the -hingh man; Cannon; & Flanigan and the Winder Gro cery Cam pan y make a striking ap p- a ranee.- On IT , cub r dth the U. I). (Vs are iroing to have tag day in Winder for the purpo.- t of raising funds fur the c.-im-tery. gateway. Each one : may contribute as they like. The Daughter-- will take pleasure in tag ging all th • u. si they can find. A business deal of much interest : to the friends of tie* contracting,' parties was the sale this week by Mr- R. 11. Cannon of his interest, in,the firm of Cannon A Flanigan; to his busiia ss associate, Mr 11. T. Flanigan. Mr. Cannon has other interests which will now receive more of his attention. —Mr. Flani gan is sole owner of the Can non & Flanigan buggy business,and he has the good wishes of many friends and admirers of his ener getic enterprise. Here’s hoping Hiram’s nerve will never fail him, and he may win unbounded success with lone hand “Thank God lam Lack in old Georgia,” said Joe Wilhite as ho stepped from a S-i,board train Sat urday. Joe has been in* Atlanta 7b r the past eight months,*but can now be found in the clothing do-, piflbment of J. T. St ran *c A* Cos. Rev. Jm#. 11. Mi boat or, of St. Louis, is expected to preach at the Opera. House Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Mohostor is c< rre -ponding secretary of the National Benevolent Association of the Chris tian el ureh and h'v- a rational rep utation. I hiu and 1 car him. Mrs. Sue Jack-,n, Mr. Claud Mayne and Rt v. John IT. Wood have returned from Fitzgerald where they were in attendance upon the convention of the Christian church. Bi' itla r Wood was greatly taken with tie* hospitality and business progr s- of this plucky littl * town. There will he Thanksgiving ser vices at the Methodist church Thanksgiving week. The ladies of the Foreign Mi sionary Society will .observo Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternooqg, holding ser vioes One* .hour each day, beginning at.o o elock. The ladies of the town are invited to attend the s* r viees • A WOODWARD BACK IN RACE. An Atlanta mass meeting was .held at Lyceum theatre last night and sent for Woodward. The meeting demanded that he re-enter the race. He did s< upon the condition that every man in the audience would rise and appoint himself a raemler of the campaign committee. It is said there was standing room only NO 37