Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 26, 1908, Image 10

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IMPRESSING ISABEL. By ELLIOT WALKER. Copyrighted, I*M, l>y Associated Literary I’rei* “I'm sure I don't know how I am over lo pH out of thin Hcni[>e.” The ptr! (veered helplessly from the anti quated shed, shuddering at the thuu dor eraHhes close ou the heels of every Hash of light nliip. A deluge of rain swept across the wild pastures. Tin* lifook, fifty feet uway, roared between its older lined banks. • t p<>n her wide hat fell a steady drib bb* from the leaky roof, and her thin dress was fnsl dampenin'; in the rnist driven shelter. She forced a laugh. Isabel Lynn was not easily daunted. <>f course it was lonely and wet and very shattering to the nerves, but she was perfectly safe < >li. yes; let her thank Iter stars to be secure under the friendly boards, j Suddenly a gasp broke from her. She shrank back. Something win coining with leaps through the high weisls growing rankly at I lit* corner of liet retreat. Through Isabel s startled brain tore thoughts of dangerous anl Dials. The near mountains might hold anything. She cowered into the far thest corner. Surely tin* tiling would go by. j But it didn’t. It dashed under the Hit'd, witli a loud snort, blowing and shaking vigorously, then stood gazing at the storm, and woids < ame to Isa ibcl's horrified ears in a steady stream of disgusted wrath. • “Well, If this doesn't beat me! Look at my shoos! Look at my new tlannel suit! My hat is ruined! The next (hue 1 g<> trailing around on the trail <>f a girl I'll kuow it. Foster AMsfcou, you’re nil unmitigated ass. 1 guess tln* ■ harm lug Miss Lynn will uot have tlie ideas tire of meeting yon! tJirls! Bali! I'll lake tlie* first traiu home. 1 wish Fd never heard of her.” “So (In I!" sounded a voice in ids rear Tin* man Jumped and wheeled. lie saw a slender, white gowned figure straighten up, take a forward stop and then halt. A clap of thunder drowned Ids exclamation. Then his Jaw fell. "I>!d you speak, sir?" indignantly. “1,-1 tiled to Beady, I I am over joyed to to bo here, Miss Lynn. Of course you are you that Is bless m.v soul! So unexpected, you know, Quite a shower.” lie cut a ridiculous figure in Ids star lug etnbai iVissment, pulling off tlie wrecked straw hat, bowing in bis soak ed garments, greatly at loss for words, woefully conscious of what lie had said. Anil he knew that Isabel Lyun had heard ldm as a model of courtesy and easy manners. He scraped a hesitating toe in the dirt, smiling Idiotically. Was it for this - ids fifty mile journey? * “Isabel is extremely particular and sensitive to first impressions.” bis Aunt 1 Julia had said. "Here is your letter of Introduction, Foster. It’s silly to go crazy over a photograph, but go nlioad. She Is worth it. Everything depends upon the way she is approached. Fie j praised you to her up to the skies.” t The girl stepped nearer, eying him in scornful amusement. Her eyes were ! bright with 111 concealed desire to hum ble. The dampness had curled her dis ordered hair In bewitching rings about ! her white forehead. Boses shone in the smooth checks where sarcastic dimples played. c A list on thought he had never seen r. more lovely face uor one so unread abb*. Idly swinging her hat. she sut veyod him curiously, with a chilling hauteur, which stung him to steadi- ! and a reckless impulse to retort. •'^yhon‘sumhiers farmhouse wetting must be expected. Mr. All stou," h aid Isabel evenly. “You shouldn't mind your new suit or your | shoes. Dear me, bow childish! I have | heard that you could afford to dlsre-| gard trifles. I wasn't to blame. \on needn’t have 'trailed' me.” Allsttou regarded her in silence. There was more than a hint of dls appointment in Isabel's tone. Ilad she been prejudiced in his favor only to react sharply at his boyish outburst? Surely some humor lay in the situa tion. Couldn't the girl set* it? He re-j fleeted dismally that many women never forgive slighting remarks, even when uttered in unmeaning careless ness. The cool voice went on. ‘1 suppose they told you at the house that I was over this way?” Foster nodded. “And you never imagined 1 might be in this shed?” A head shake. “You must have had me very much on your mind. Were Ia big man seek lug a lost damsel my Idea would bo to keep my eyes open for the shelters to (which she would sensibly run. not lose my wits In selfish consideration of rai ment and then anathematize the lady.” She laughed cuttingly. Allstou’s countenance was reddening “Why don't you speak?" The uplift lur'cliin was a challenge for his re aTTor sudlcfonTreduction. ‘•l'm thinking,” said Alfston slowly. “I'm trying to make out. wliut chance I have of of”— He paused, hesitating. “What chance?" Her eyes opened wide a I bis seeming audacity. “Of catching the 8 o’clock train. It. is getting late.” “Oh!” Inals*! looked down, then up. A strange darkness was settling down | upon the earth. Both had forgotten I the storm, now grumbling back from the south. The man stepped out In the i rain In a moment lie returned. Fils face was set In hard, worried lines. “You’ll put ou tny coat, atul we'll got into the open,” said he decidedly. “1 may be a fool, but I kuow something of cloudbursts. This building isn't safe. Quick!" A sharp command, a dui h beneath her arm, then a rapid hoisting over rough ground, through a pelt of huge drops, to a low stone wall, and Isabel, breathless, felt herself pulled to her knees, while a strong arm clasped her firmly. Forget ling all save the recognition of superior strength and judgment, ap palled by the murky blackness, the re verberating shocks of heaven's artil lery thundering over the hills, she nes tled against him, with a little cry, as before her frightened gaze a broad sheet of flame showed bending trees flattened to earth and a distant rail fence flung into flying wreckage. The man held her more tightly with an unconscious pressure. Ilis face was set and steady, tense in bis watching, j yet filled with that bold, half smiling light seen on the visages of those who fearlessly face danger. The next bright flare found Iter eyes meeting his in a look as rapid and in tense as the lightning Itself. The girl smiled at him as his breath drew In sharply. ‘T>own!’ shouted Allstim. “Flat! It’s coining. Shut your eyes and bang to tny neck.” Isabel did. In the roar of the ele ments she clung blindly to him, con scious only of a deafening noise and a sense of collapse. The hush following was broken by Allston’s laugh. “Thought so,” he uttered. “Look! Our sited is a heap of slicks. Miss Lynn. ’That miniature cyclone hit it just right. Well, well, if 1 hadn't hap pened lo think so much of my clot h**s”— “Don’t!” said the girl. “Don’t, please!" The man solemnly consulted his watch. “If we hurry,” he observed, “I can get you home and catch my train." Isabel caught his sleeve. “No,” she whispered Softly. “I’d father you would miss It.” ******* AilstoiTs Aunt Julia was speaking of Ids engagement a month after a be draggled couple surprised the occu pants uf a certain farmhouse. “I don't understand how Foster man aged it so quickly,” she said. “1 find my letter of introduction was not used. He must have made an excellent im pression the minute he met Isabel.” Napoleon and the Roman Law. Napoleon 1. had an extraordinary mind. He appeared never to forget anything he cared to remember and assimilated information ns the stom ach assimilates food, retaining only the valuable. An incident will illustrate this remarkable quality of his mind. When forming the '(’ode Napoleon” he frequently astonished the council of state by the skill with which be i! lustrated any point in discussion by quoting whole passages from memory of the Human civil law. The council wondered how a man whose life had been passed in camp came to know sq much about the old Homan laws. Ft ually one of them asked him bow lie acquired bis knowledge. “'Alien 1 was a lieutenant." Napo leon replied, “l was unjustly placed uu dcr arrest. My small prison room con taiued no furniture except an old ehaii and a cupboard. In the latter was a ponderous volume, which proved to be a digest of the Homan law. Veu can easily imagine what a valuable prize the book was to me. It was so bulky and the leaves were so covered with marginal notes in manuscript that had I been confined 100 years 1 need never have been idle. When I recovered my liberty, at the end of ten days, 1 was saturated with Justinian and the de cisions of the Homan legislation. It was then I acquired my knowledge of the civil law.” Marriage Among the Aztecs. The Aztecs, the most civilized peo ple of the new world at the time of Its discovery, had a curious marriage cus tom. The ceremony was performed by a priest, who took the hands of the bride and bridegroom, asking them if they would marry. lie then took a earner of the wo man's veil and the man's robe and knotted them together, and so they were led to the bridegroom's house. A fresh tire was then kindled on the hearth, and around this lire the priest caused the bride to go seven times. The wedded couple then sat down to gether. and so was the marriage con traced. An Inventory was also made, which the father of the bride aftcr •* .of jalL the man and . O iiAihr,, ' 11 A “Finished” Product in all things, com pels preference from r ihe man who cares Jnjfe. /a, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is pre-eminently so Maynard Bros. Shoe Store Winder, - Georgia. wife brought together, of furniture for the house, of land, of jewels, orna meSts and clothes. Then if It clinnred that the couple were divorced.(as was common among the Aztecs when man and wife did not agreei they divided the goods according to the portion each had brought to the other, both man and wife haring liberty to marry again whom they pleased. Of the children of the marriage the . daughters were given to the wife and the sons to the husband. It was enacted upon pain of death that the divorced couple were not again to remarry. DYNAMITE fN THE MAKING. Workmen Who Are Encircled by Death In Gallons and Tons. So thoroughly deceptive is dynamite in the making that you are apt to be disappointed on viewing the surface of things. You could more readily fancy thunderbolts leaping and crash ing from tender bine skies than that the most fearful forces in creation are hidden under such a peaceful exterior Nitioglyceriu, a cupful of which would distribute you over square miles of landscape, is diligently mixing around you in hundreds and thousands of gal lons. It is making itself in big iron retorts, cascading down leaden gutters and merrily tumbling in minute Niagaras into immense vats, wTicre the deli quescent yellow peril pursues Its jour ney powderward. Out of one recep tacle it fares furiously through special lead coils, driven only by cooling blasts of air. and is drawn off like draft ale and piped on to the next perfecting stage, (laze with the nitroglycerin ex pert into one of those big caldrons. The interior is brilliantly illuminated by electricity, the only illuminating agency permitted in or about the dan ger houses. Around you are other houses at uni form distances apart and connected by a series of narrow gauge tracks wherein workmen are railroading ni troglycerin from here and pulp cotton from there to be compounded into dy namite and blasting gelatin. Greatest care is taken in rolling the product from house to house. As noon as a is road pass gu|, of .the We Save You Money on \\ \ vwi\ ■ PLOWS' We Guarantee Every MIDDLE BUSTER We Sell Against BREAKING OF STANDARDS. They are light and easy draft. They TURN RED LAND. See thi Plows a id get our prices be= tore you buv. * ' WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING CO. \VI M)F,H, GA- hhhhhh WINDER LUMBER CO., * WINDER, GEORGIA. Phone 47. hhhh OLIVER, CANNON & CO. WINDER, GEORGIA. nitroglycerin house, for instance, a semaphore signals from an adjoining station, to which the consignment is carefully hurried. Around you are long storehouses packed with pulp in tons of innocent whiteness. Presently this pub) will as sume a tan color under the nitrating process, and then, suddenly becoming carbonite, red cross, hetvuies. judson and giant powder, for< ite or what you order, it develops the quasi virtues of dynamite—dynamite or Masting gela tin in which more natural forces are condensed to the cubic inch than exist anywhere else in creation. Death, curbed and sleeping, etwitvles you in gallons and tons. Annihilation threat ens at every turn in the term of poten tial pulverizing forces. Hut the man and the mercury are there also, alert, responsive, reliable. —I -eslie s Weekly. Never bear more than one kind of trouble at a time. Home people bear threeikinds all they have had. all they haveViow and all they expect to have. •* wLj,, V. >" . In The Lumber Market an expected rise will soon take place. We have a good stock on hand and plenty ordered for those who will need it for building pur p >ses at the.old figures, so tlrftt present prices will prevail. Or der now and take advantage Of the market at IT’S ALL WRONG % 1 o suppose that because we s*ol harness so cheap it cannot he' good. Low prices means just less profit for us. that’s all. T£fe purchaser it is who gets the bene tlt. Our reputation for reliabili ty and square dealing is pretty well known in the community.' Fine custom work our specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly j executed. The Town to Be Born In. In the German town of Ivlingenberg, j near Ascbaffeuberg, Bavaria. in addi tion to having no rates to pay for the upkeep of the town, those actually born In the parish receive from the municipality a sum of £l2 15s. a yea£ j This sum. if invested regularly at. say, 3 per cent, would entitle the owuer to rceive about £1.500 at the age of sixty , —a very handsome old age pension. Were it not necessary that the inhab itants should prove birth In the parish before becoming entitled to this pay ment the popularity of Klingenberg as a place of residence would be enormous.—Westminster Gazette. For Bargain Day. ‘■She’s no lady!’’ “Why, I always thought her most £*• j fined.“ “On the surface, yes. But what do you think of a woman who wears het* little boy’s football shoes to the bavJ gain sales and spikes every one who gets in her way?”—Cincinnati En quirer.