Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 26, 1908, Image 8

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h/ icc and about 2 acres of land on Wright St., nUUoC knownas the J. W. Wright Place, for $1, 850.00. m Pannell House and Lot on South Side of Stevens street. Lot 76x210. A choice lot at lowest prices. Call and see us. Vacant lot on Broad street 70x100 for $200.00. $1650.00 house and lot on Sage street between Midland Avenuea nd Stephens street; lot 100x150. This is a real bargain. House and lot on Broad street just remodeled; in spledid condition, Large lot = - = = - * $1500.00 Quarterman & Toole, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WINDER. NEAR BEER ORDINANCE. (liven below will be found the ordinance passed By the mayor and council of the city of Winder, at a called meeting Friday November 13: ORDINANCE 103. Whereas, Drinks known as Bud, Malt Meade, Acme Brew and all other drinks by whatever name designated under the general name as neer-beer, advertised by their jn.akers as non-intoxicating drinks were so considered by this body at the time of placing a special license tax on the sale of same under which sales has been allowed in the city of Winder. Whereas, Under the ordinance placing license tax on the sale of drinks of this character, said drinks are now being dispensed, and, Whereas, It appears at this time that the sale and use of said drinks commonly called near-beer as car ried on, is different from what it appeared to be at the date special license tax was placed thereon, and, Whreas, It further appears that the sale of such drinks is injurious to the public and that such drinks E ither intrinsically or through asso ciation with other drinks bring about intoxication and, therefore, violative of the State laws and the laws of the city of Winder,therefore,; Be It Oiei'ained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Winder,' That from and after the fourteenth day of November, IffOS, no person, partnership, firm or corporation, whether through agents or by any means, directly or indirectly, shall sell in said city of Winder, or keep for the purpose of sale any Bud, Malt Meade, Acme Brew, or any other drink commonly ‘known as near-Uerh\ whatever name desig nated, or any other drink ordinari ly used as a beverage which con tains any alcohol. . (i ‘ J a ♦ 1 ! 1U * lid'O!ii• Mif‘f ’ 3 hat on conviction of a violation of the ahnve section of this ordinance the offender shall be punished as is prescribed iir section 12 of the charter of the city of Winder. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this or dinance be, and the same are, here by repealed. ORDINANCE 104. —-Be it ordained by the Mayor and : Council of the city of Winder as follows: Sec. 1. That ordinance No. Off, placing a specific tax of SIOO.OO per annum upon each person, firm or corporation dealing in Malt Meade, Acme Brew, Bud and any and all other l>eers or imitation beer com monly called near-beer dispensed from the original bottles Do repeal ed in all its parts and that sections, one, two, three, four, five .six and seven of said ordinance be and the same are, hereby repealed. See. 2. Be it further ordained, That each and every license granted under saidfordinance to any per son or persons, firm or corporation to sell any of the beverages com monly designated as near-beer in said city of Winder for IffOS, is hereby revoked ai.d same shall be null and void from and after the 14th day of November. IffOS. Adopted in special session by the Mayor and Council of the City of Winder, this Nov. 13th, IffOS. J. T. Strange, Mayor. B. A. Juhan, City Clerk. for a Loaf, All Right. As the tramp looked at Mrs. God ard he felt a thrill of hope. Here was surely an easy and benevolently in clined preson. “Could you gimme a dime to buy a loaf bread?” he whined. Mrs. Godard's guileless soul look ed out at him through her near sighted eyes, and she lingered her purse hopefully. “I have only a quarter here," she said, “and I'm really too tired to walk heme.” “Sure, lean change it. for you,” id the tramp, el ■ rfully, took out a dime and a nickel 5 and lmt until Mr-’. Godard was half-way Rome on the ear did it occur to her No matter how innocent a girl is, she can get to bo more so bv be coming mairied and then a widow. Sometimes a man can perform his duty with a fairly decent grace if he can't find anything else to do>. Half the people in the world are always doing some thing to take oft' flesh; and the other half to put it on. Most women never take their fig ures to bed with them. AT COST. This is no CUT-PRICE SALE, but goods must go at and below COST. I am going out of the mercantile business. Therefore, will sell my-entire stock at and below cost. Come and get a bargain. The good must go. The sale is on now, so don’t wait. J. W. Lyle, Winder , - Ga. JOIN THE LIFE BRIGADE IT WILL help you to help yourself. It will show you the way to health and success. What more do you want? Membership soc a year includ ing- 12 lessons and a useful C3 present. Money*, back if you desire it. Particulars and first lesson ioc. THE Lift BRIGADE, Box i So, Elberton, Ga. NOTICE. Mr. R. H. Cannon has retired from the firm of Cannon & Flani gan and all notes and occounts will be placed in the hands of an attor ney for collection if not paid at once. H. T. Flanigan. Parties Indebted to the estate of the late John S. Smith, and to the firm of j. S. & 6. W. Smith, must make settlement by November 15th, else they will find their notes and accounts in the hands of Col. G. A. Johns for collection. We must have the money. This is the last notice. G. W. SMITH, Administrator J. S. Smith, Deceased.