Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, December 03, 1908, Image 5

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PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Clara Jones spent Thanks gring iu Atlanta. Mr- John \V. Millsaps spent Thanksgiving in Atlanta. Col. J. A. Perry, of Lawnnee ville, was in Winder Tuesday. Dr. J. ('. DeLaperriere made a business trip to Athens Tu Sclav. For Sale —Cood horse and buggy. Bee John B. Williams, Winder, (la. Mr. arid Mrs. R. 1,. Rogers en tertained at a Thanksgiving dime r last week. He sure to see the display window of Smith Hardware Company. It is a heautv. < >ur next ear of hogs to arrive just after Christmas. Wait for them. Sherds A Patman.’ Miss Ethel Jackson has returned from an extended visit to relatives and friends in Atlanta. Mr. Rufus Callahan visiti and Statham recently. Mr. Callahan has a great favorite at Statham. Mrs. W. 'l'- Hamby visited rela ves here during conference. Mrs. Hainby has many friends in Win der. _ The Keen ('utter Razor is the best safety razor on earth. Hoe the dis play in Smith Hardware Company’s window. Mr. Rainey Morris, of Atlanta, is visiting his brother, Mr. Cary Morris, who is very ill at his home on Athens street. Claud Mayne and Robert Smith, Jr., spent Thanksgiving in Oconee county and took in the Smith-Mor -4 *a marriage at Wntkinsville. Tire Ladies’ of the Baptist church made a decided success of their Thanksgiving dinner. We congrat ulate them on their fine patronage. Mr. Rolli • MeElhannon and Miss Maude MeHihannon were married sitting in a buggy in Winder on Sunday, November 22. \\ o wi-lr these young people a successful life. w The Aid Society of the Christian church will meet with Miss Pearl Saunders. Tuesday afternoon at :> > 'o'clock. Ail members are request ed to be present, as there will be business of importance. Mr. Muck Wills, who lives at Sparta, hut was reared in Winder, is here visiting relatives and friends'. Mr. Wills remarked to a friend that lie could scarcely realize that he was in Winder when ho looked at her wonderful growth. Married at S tat ham, Thanksgiv ing evening, Mr. L. K. Cooper, oi Athens, and Miss Missouri Arnold, of Sthatham, Rev .John 11. Wood officiating. This was a beautiful church wedding and the contract ing parties an- menders of promi nent families. Early Wednesday morning the angel of death relieved the suffer ing of the little nineteen months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Kavcnson. The little one had l*oen ill for several months and its death twas not wholly unexpected. The f funeral services were conducted at the homo Wednesday at 4:HU p. in., Rev. .John H. Wood perform ing the sad service. The stricken parents have the sympathy of many friends. The Proof of The Pudding is Eating It. We venture to say without any reflection on any of our competitors, but with apprecia tion of our customers and friends, that we have sold this fall more Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Ladies’ Cloaks to the salesman, for the actual cash than any other house in Winder. Do you know why? If you don’t, we can easily explain it to you. We sell same goods for less money or more goods -for same money and guarantee absolutely your money’s worth or your monev back. J. L. SAUL, The Clothier. Ask Tour Neighb or About us. WINDER , - GEORGIA. Don't forget tag day and the cause for which it stands. Don't miss the bargains at J. W. Lyle's. He will save you money. Mr. Chester Camion left Tuesday for a visit to his uncle near Litho nia. _ Mrs. Z. W. Hood, of Commerce, is visiting her son, Mr. .I.** t- Hood, this week. Miss Hawkins, of Opelika, Ala., is the admired guest of Mrs. Marvin Maynard. Miss Louise Barnes, of 1 nion Point, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. IT. O’Neal. Miss Annie Patman, of Athens, was the attractive guest of Miss Lucy Jacksi>n Sunday. J. W. Lyle is still selling goods at nOe on the dollar. Now is your time for a bargain- Messrs. Angel D. Wall and \\ . L. page called to see the editor today. Thank you# gentlemen. Miss Lillie Roharts left, this morn ing for Florida, : fter a visit to her niece, Mrs. W. 11. Quarterman. ' I Misses Annie Lou Jackson and Ermine Stanton, of the State Nor mal, spent Sunday with home folks. Miss Xaomie MeEireath has re turned from Monroe where she has been visiting relatives for several week s. Misses Lee and Bertha Iloseh, of Hosehton, have been the charming guests of Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. lliil this week. We heard it said that Rink Flani gan sold seven pianos Tuesday, swapped automobiles Wednesday, went to Lawreneeyille thi< morning to sell the fixtures to his gents’ furnishing store and to see his brother's new ha by. For the next three da vs he can he four.dat the same aid stand selling goods at uu |heard of low prices. j Miss Emma Moore has returned home after a three week’s stay in Comer. There will be no admission charged to set the baby show at the Presbyterian bazar Have you ever seen men hem aprons? If not, go to the oyster supper next Thursday evening. Miss Floy Smith, of Auburn, was the admired guest of Miss Edith Mayfield Sunday. Mr. Frank Carithers, of Rich mond, Va., spent Sunday with Dr. W. L. DeLaperriere. Mr. Hail Bailey, of Fniversity of ( icorgia, spent the week-end as the gue.-t of Miss Edith Mayfield. Don’t miss the spelling match at the"opera house December 11 ill. It will be worth twice the admission price of 1 o cents. Messrs. John A. Thompson and .J. P>. Williams returned Monday from Cordele, Ca., where they had gone on business. Miss Maggie Belle Arnold, who was the guest of Mr. S. W. Arnold Saturday and Sunday, left for her home in Monroe Monday. Inshad of a fishpond, the Rres hyterian ladies will have a Christ mas tree for the children at their bazar- Santa Claus will he there. S. <>. Brock, expert machinist and machine erector. Engine and boiler work a specialty. Can be found at the }L E. I’atat blacksmith sh >p- Mrs. Bello Johnson and little son, Master Hudson, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. IF Can non during Thanksgiving, returned to Lithonia Tuesday- Wanted. —l’arty to lease or buy good farm in Hancock county, con taining 142 acres. Title guaran teed. Fine Bermuda pasture and Address, jE. C. DREW GllN ON MR. FATE SIMS. Wednesday evening John Mapp, a negro bov who had been employed on the farm of Mr. Fate Sims, ap peared in the front of Mr. Sims’ residence with a double barreled shotgun and demanded that Air. Sims pay him ( two dollars. The boy had left the neighborhood some time ago and went to South Georgia. He returned in had health and Mr. Sims eared for him, the negro promising to work for Sims When Napp made the demand Mr- Sims started toward him. The negro leveled the gun and com manded Mr. Sims to stay where he was and send the money by 1 1 is lit tle boy. There was no gun in the bouse and his wife and children prevailed on Mr. Sims to come into the house and shot the door. The negro sulked around the premises for some time. Finally .another no- 1 gro came in from work, and Mr. Sims sent a note by him to a neigh bor for a gun. When the messen ger returned the boy had made his escape. Officers are now searching tor Mapp. Election for J. P. We are instructed by the ordinary of Jackson county that elections for justice of the peare and constables must he held at place of holding justice court. Therefore he has sent out blanks for only one pre cinct in this district, the place where justice court is held. The election occurs Saturday, |)ocemJer •'), 1908. Among the many attraction at the bazar will be the baby show on Thursday night of next week. The ladles in charge will not allow any Baby accompanied by its mother to enter the contest, but assure the mothers that they will be given the best attention and safely returned. BRICK SfORE IN MONROE. The Winder Lumber Company ; has closed a contract with Messrs: jj. M. Day and A. J. Arnold to t erect a ? 12,000 brick store in that | town. The wort he come,letch SPRUNG Tlif* Indies Aid Society of th<; ; Presbyterian church will have an ! apron sale and bazar Dec*cnil)er 10 and 11. The evening of the 11th they will have an old-time spelling match. The t\t> lawyers of the church, Cols. Quartorniaii and L. 0. Russell,have been selected as leaders. The old blue-hack speller will he used and the ladies have selected the following prominent W’inderitea as participants in the contest : Mr. W. H. Quarternian, leader — -Mrs. R. 15. Russell, Mrs. .1. T. Strange, Mrs. Walter Wood, Mrs. A. l>. Mc-Oury, Mrs. DelaiPerriere, Miss Manche Stanton, Mr. Rainey I.anier, Prof. \\ . M. Ifolsenhcek, Mr. N. .1. Kelly, Mr. 15. A. Julian, l>r. S. T. Ross Mr. IC. Russell, leader —Mrs. F. W. Bomlumnt, Mrs. R. U- Wright, Mrs. W. 11. Qunrterman, Miss hula Fowler, Miss Ham, Miss Mary Lou Cargill, Rev.J. 11. Wood, Col. (i. A. Johns, Mr. J. B. Will iams, Mr. R. C. Wright, Mr. F. W. Bond. THE NEW PREACHER. % It* v. W. .1 Hunnicutt, the Meth odist minister vvi.o was assigned to this charge by the North Georgia Conference, will arrive in Winder during the week and will l*egin his work at once. He will occupy tie pulpit at the 11 o'clock services Sunday. Rev. lluunieutt is no stranger to this section of Georgia, having served charges at Buford and Monroe. He was at Forsyth for four years and comes to Winder after completing a four year’s pas torate of Bayne's Memorial church, Atlanta. It is earnestly requested that all the memlx rs attend the s< rvieos Sunday. MRS. STANTON ENTERTAINS. One of the most enjoyable .affaire of the week was the reception given Tuesday afteriujon by Mrs. Hiram Stanton to the Ladies' Aid Society of {.lie Methodist church. The bouse was beautiful with a profu sion of palms, ferns and cut flow ers. Mrs. Stahfon received in the front parlor and was ably assisted by Mrs. F. E. Durst, who wore a most becoming gown of gray made direetoire style. In spite <4 thom clemuilt weather a large- numU-r of •Indies were present. The refreshments were most de licious and were served in courses. Those present enjoyed a rare treat and all voted Mrs. Stanton a charm ing hostess. I our Million Increase. i The total property returned for ! taxation in Ceorgiu this year, ae ! cording to the consolidated figures given out by the comptroller gener al’s office amounts to $584,199,197. This is an increase on this class of property for the year of #8,220,- 490. The valuation of railroad property lias fallen oft about M,* 000,000 for the year, being #119,- 1)00,000 in 1007, so the net increase will arnoiit to about #4,fMK),OOO and the increase in revenue for the state #20,000. U. D. C. As the regular meeting of the U, I). C. conies so close to Christmas the December meeting will he held next Wednesday, December 9. ■ ... - —" MMr Arthur —They say, dear, that people who live together get to look, alike. i • i-'-i —' ri - - ' '>■•****