Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, December 31, 1908, Image 3

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MANY FARMLRS OFFICERS: W. H. TOOLE, ljß*ei(lont W. L. B LAS IXO AME \ v J. B. WILLIAMS / N • 1 re? * W. L. JACKSON, Cashier. Hogs! Hogs! Fine,Thrifty Tennessee Shoats Our first car of these fine Tennessee Shoats for 1909 will arrive Thursday, JANUARY 7. Be on hand the next day with your cash and a good large box. These Tennessee Shoats are bought direct from the rich corn fields and green pastures of Tennessee, direct from the man who raised them. We guarantee them to be entirely clear of disease. The kind we sell are too well known to need any comment. About 500 sold last winter; ask the people who bought them. We export to continue selling just the kind we sold last winter. Fine, thrifty Shoats ranging from 40 to 100 pounds. Don’t forget your box and CASH. Hand this to your neighbor and ask him to come with you. The price will be 7c. SHEATS & PATMAN, WINDER, - GEORGIA. W. E. YOUNG, The Shingle Man, Dealer In Lumber. Lime, Shingles', Brick, Hardware. Cabinet Mantels. Doors, Sash, etc. Agent for the Celeb rater 1 Rubbeivtte Roof in,r Warehouse on Candler Street. o REMOVAL SALE. After January Ist, you will find us in the Winder Banking Company’s building next door to John Lyle. Everything in heavy groceries will be sold at * greatly reduced price before we move. Very truly Yours, Herrin BrotEiers. W h y Not V o u THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WINDER. Would like to keep an account of their receipts and expenditures if someone would keep it for them. Open a bank account with the First National Bank and you will find the account keeps itself, with no expense. Your checks are always evidence of date and amount of all disbursements and your deposit book shows dates and amounts of your receipts. Many of your friends and neighbors have ac counts with us. WHY NOT YOU? Don’t wait for a big amount offered, either large or small, is cheerfully accepted. It’s a handy convenience to the farmer as well as the busi ness man. S. W. ARNOLD W. T. ROBINSON W. L. BLASIXOAME A. 11. O'NEAL S. T. ROSS DIRECTORS: L. F. SKI.,. L. O. BENTON J. B. WILLIAMS T. C. FLANIGAN W. 11. TOOLE. JOIN THE LIFE BRIGADE IT WILL help you to help I yourself. It will show you ; the way to health and success. ' What more do you want? ! Membership soc a year iiiclud i ing 12 lessons and a useful present. Money back if you desire it. Particulars and first lesson ioc. THE LIFE BRIGADE. Box iS6, Elbertox, Ga. HORSES FOR SALE. Fine buggy mare,very gentle, fast trotter, 8150.00. Good farm horse, good size and qualities, L. C. Ai.lkx, Hosehton, La. -J Of all that a lady uses, wears, or eats, nothing is more vital to her daily com fort than properly-fitted shoes. It decides the question of how she shall finish each day —whether tired and unhappy or rested and comfortable. Not one woman in eight is properly fitted to proper shoes. If you will give us a little extra time some day, we will fit your feet scientifically and accurately to a pair of “Queen Qual ity” Shoes. Your discomfort will cease from that hour. Maynard Bros'. I!”,! WOMEN’S WOES. Winder Women Are Finding Relief at Last. It does seem that women have more than a fair share of the aches and pains that atlh-t humanity: they must “keep up." must at tend to duties in spite of con stantly aching hacks, or head aches, dizzy spells, hearing-down pains; they must stoop over, when to stoop means torture. They must walk and bend and work with racking pains and many aches from kidney ills. Kidneys cause more su tiering than any other organ of the body. Keep the kidneys well and health is easily mantained. Head of a remedy' for kidneys only that helps and cures the kidneys and is endorsed by people you know. Mrs. J. W. Marlow, Broad street, Winder, da., says: “When I first used Doan's Kid ney Pills, I was much run down in iti v hack and hips, was bothered by frequent headaches and felt tired and languid most of the time. I had previously taken remedies but they had proved of little benefit. Doan’s Kidney Bills, procured at Tur ner’s Pharmacy, made a change for the better almost before 1 r - alized it and it was not long be fore the pain ami lameness had entirely disappeared. My kidneys! were also restored to a normal j condition and my strength and energy returned. My health is now of the best and I attribute it entirely to Doan’s Kidney Pills. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cos.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the I'nited States. Remember the name —Doan’s —and take no other. Perhaps nothing makes a girl so angry as the thought that a young man thinks she would not resent be ing kissed. OMER. The singing at Mr. Will Page’s was highly enjoyed by all present. Miss Pearl Brock spent Sunday with the Misses Adams. Mrs. Cammie Hill has returned home fnm Oglethorjje county. Mr. Joe Nichols, of Young Harris, is visiting his sister, Mrs. \V. 15. Austin. Mis- Buby Fuller spent Sunday with Miss Alma Page. Mr.M cron Aust in and soil, Sylv s trr Miller, spent Sunday with W- A- Austin and family. Mr. Henry Wages spent Sunday with Sidney Maughon. Mr. James M. Austin was the guest Sunday of Mr. B. A. Helton. Messrs. Jim and Boss Austin wore the guests of Mr. N. 11. Thomp son recently. Mr. Willie Smith and Mr, Wood, of New Chapel, spent Sunday with Mr. Alfred Wages. Mrs. S T. Maughon and children -pent Saturday with Mr.Bill Dillard. Mr. drover Brown spent Sunday with Mr. Moses Dillard. PARADISE. Let Us hope that The News readers and its editors enjoyed Christmas and are looking for a happy New Year. Mrs Cora Smith ami little son, Herliert, spent the holidays with Mrs. Lillie Bedingfield in Cudsden, Ala. Mr. aval Mrs. B. C. Kinney visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Luther Adann Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Harrison and children spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Otis ('amp. Miss Pol lie Clack was the charm ing guest of Misses Berta and \ alhe Smith Friday. Mrs. R. F. Clack and son, Paul, spent Saturday and Sunday in our : midst, the guests of Mr. J. IL ! Clack and family. Mrs. Ada Ward spent Monday land Tuesday in our community. Mr. and Mrs. Willy Patton, of Rocky Ridge, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A- Williams. Miss Maud Clack is visiting her aunt Ih-low Crufts. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waters twin girls.