Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, December 31, 1908, Image 5

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HERE’S GREETING: Condensed statement of condition at close of business, December 31, 1908. . RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts - 34,873.99 Stocks and Real Estate - 5,800.00 Furniture and Fixtures - 2,465.50 Cash on hand and in Banks - - 29,592.01 $172,731.50 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock - $50,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - - - • 21,908.11 i Deposits - ... - 95,110.06 Re-discounts - - - 5,713 33 $172,731.50 OFFICERS: Thomas A. Maynard, President, Albert A. Camp, I . 7 . TANARUS) ~ , \ ice Presidents, James 1. J. Bell, 1 Lee S. Radford, Cashier, Guy H. Kilgore, Assistant Cashier. WINDER, - GEORGIA. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. It. L. Mill is ill at her home on Broad street. Miss Kathleen Coker has accept ed a school at (>ratis. Mrs. O. E. Eauier, of Jefferson, mas visiting in Winder Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Coker spent Sunday in Jefferson with relatives. Mrs. Oliver, mother of Mrs. 11. p. (JuiUian, is visiting in Winder. For Salt —Cow and G-weeks-old calf. Price -527.0.1, See John Craft. Services at the Christian church every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7: JO p in. Messrs- I J. Fanier and John I’erry, of StaUuun, were in Winder i Monday. 0 < Mr. Jim Whitehead returned this week from Florida, where h ■ ha. been on business. Lost. —A small lan*. 1 pin of lv. 1'- and Masonic design. Return to office. Mrs. W. W. Hinton has returned from Cummem , when- she had been visiting relatives. • Miss Florrie Wood left this week to the Normal and Industrial sclm. ] pit Milledgevillo. There were quite a munlier of changes in business circles in Whi ttier oit the first. Rev. W. A. (’lmstain, of Athens, ■spent a few hours in Winder Mon jfclav. Mi. Chastain once lived in RViiuler- His friends are always glad to see him. Lost hy Violet Wood a little gold hraeelet. The finder will please return to this office. Miss Osse Wills visited her sisters, Misses Xora and Ethel Wills, dur ing the holidays. Mrs. 1). I*. Flanigan, of lloseli ton, was in Windin’ Thursday visit ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leathers, of At lanta, were visiting their son, Mr. Lee Leathers Sunday. Mr E. A. Starr and children spent the week-end in L iganville, visiting the former's parents. Messrs. Edwin and Toni Beale Strange left M mday for College park, Atlanta, where they are in school. Mr. and Mrs. ('. S. Perry and <oil, of Pichnioud, Va., Were guests of |)r. and Mrs. S. T. Bos- last week. B y. I. 1. Oxford and two daugh ters, of Atlanta, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W E. Ehh r Thursday. We are glad to report Mrs. ’Vasco Segars as much improved. We hope she may soon be entirely well. Miss Launa Tudor, of Statham, and her cousin, Mr. Tucker, of Gordon county, visited Winder Sunday. The work on the new Christian church is moving rapidly. It will likely he finished in six or seven weeks. Winder Lodge, No. Si, 1. O. <>. at it- last meeting installed the fol lowing officers for the ensuing year: J. E. Callahan, X. G.; X. B. .ord, V. G.; W. J. Smith, Secretary and G. W. McDonald, Treasurer. May this good year 1909 bring to all our friends and patrons full measure of peace, health, pros perity and happiness. .). W. Lyle is >tili selling go'xls at cost. This means first net. Dr. L. C. Allen, of II osehton, paid l he News a eall tliis week. Mr. Ernest Arnold spent the holidays with relatives and visiting special friends at Loganville- The Wimlerit* s who are taking collegiate courses have all returned to their respective institution- of learning. Miss Alma Downing, who spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs, A. 11. O’Neal, has returned to hi r home in Atlanta. The Winder Public. Schools open ed Monday with a full attendance. The school now has only one ses sion per daw Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shank, who have been spending some time with Mrs. M. E. Smith, have returned to their home in Salem, Ya. Mrs. Belle Johnson, and little son, who spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Cannon, re turned to Lithonia Monday. Miss Dora Wilhite, of Atlanta, was on ■ of Winder s visitors during the holidays. .Miss Wilhite is de lightfully known and is always cor dially welcomed. Lester Harwell blew in from Tam pa, Fla., a few days before Chri-tmn- and in Ciceronian ac cents proclaimed “I am in iiiv father's house, and in my father’s lmuse to stay The Ladies' Aid Society of the Christian church will give a Valen tine Social at the home of Mrs. W. <>. Perry on February 12, begin ning at :* p. m. and continue through the afternoon and evening. We thank you, one and all, for the liberal share of business which you have 0 given us. We solicit a con tinuance of your favors, assuring you that all matters intrust ed to us will be received and han dled with courtesy, promptness, ac curacy and dispatch. OUR MOTTO: “Lvery accommodation consistent with sound banking.” DIRECTORS: Dr. J. C. DeLaperriere, N. J. Kelly, W. B. McCants, R. J. Pentecost, J. W. Lyle is still selling goods at cost . This means first cost. Miss's Pauline Camp and Starr Blasingame left Monday for Bremitl. Mr. 11. C. Davis, of near Statham, paid The News office a pic isant call Tuesday. For Bent —Three rooms .suitable for light house-keeping. Apply to J. T. Woodruff. Miss El lie Stockton, of Jefferson, spent Sunday with Miss Manche Stanton. " Mr. J. B. Dalton is with J. L. Saul and will lie pleased to haw his friends call to see him. M iss < ins-ie O'Neal, after spend ing the holidays with her parents, returned Monday to Agnes Scott College. Mrs. Mark Whitehead and daugli- Iter, Miss Wtiodic, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White- j head. Miss Mamie Pendergrass, of Jef ferson, was the guest of Misses j Annie I/m and Jackson Sunday. Mr. am 1 Mrs. B. it. (7mm m left thi- morning to spend a few days with relatives and friends at Con -1 yers Mi ssi's Annie Lou Jackson and Ermine Stanton returned Tuesday to Athens to resume their studies at the State Normal School. Mr. (diaries Barron spent Sunday and Monday with relatives and friends at Crawford. Charlie says the rabbits arc so thick in that sec tion of Georgia that they remind j one of young pigs trotting along j Itch mil you through the fields. W. H. Braselton, James I. J. Bell, Albert A. Camp, Thomas A. Maynard. Little Disma Elder spent the weekend with relatives in I roach ton Lost. — Between ivddeic-e of J. M Williams and Way Hotel, a a brooch, horseshoe shape, daisy in center. Bet urn to Mrs. E. E- Durst. Lost —Two o-dollar bills at Granite Hotel or between the hotel and S. A. L. depot last Saturday. Kinder return to this office and re ceive reward. Mis-e? Mary Willie an 1 Ina Bu,- B sell, Nell Kilgore, Sarah Cannon and Florj’ie Wood will all enter the Girl s Normal and Industrial school at Milledgevile this term. Winder High Scliool opened Monday, January Ith, with a lii e attendance- A large number of the old pupil- returned and sixty-one new scholars matriculated. Mr. Le-tcr L. Moore, of Winder, will leave on the loth of January for Hosehton. to sell Mules, Horses and Hogs. Mr. Moore will he in j Hosehton practically all the year. Bcv. J. W. Perry will deliver a j sermon Sunday on the subject of j‘‘Communion.” At the conclusion of the sermon the Lord’s supper will be spread and the niernligE will commune. \ Mr. Lester 1.. Moore will be * Hosehton, Ga. during the spriin* season. Mr. Moore will deal ex tensively in Horses, Mules and Hogs. See his announcement in another column. Rev. Thomas Burry, rector of the Episcopal church in Gainesville, will preach in the Presbyterian" church at 11 o'cloc k Sunday morn ing. All member? urged to bo present. Public cordially invited.