Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, March 18, 1909, Image 3

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Judged by Past Records A man’s record can’t be written at his birth, neither can you correctly judge the durability and value of any make of car ex cept by reviewing its past. The Buick cars sold in early days of the automobile industry are still giving splendid service. Time has wrouget many refinements in design, but the vical elements of durability and reliability have never been lacking in a Buick car. The Buick has reached the high-water mark in Motor Car construction. It is the product of people especially qualified for the work and is made in a factory especially laid out and fitted to produce cars of a higher quality at less cost than anywhere else in the world: and the BUICK ‘‘Makes Good.” Its general features are its absolute simplicity of operation and control, it’s flexibility —interchangeability —freedom from com plicated parts, easy access to all parts and its comfortable and luxurious appearance. The most beautiful cars seen in the city are of this make. To any intending purchaser who requires a really first-class car, reliable, silent and economical, we commend with every confi dence “THE BUICK.” It has solved the question of quality and price. Free from freakish ideas, simple, high grade, honestly built cars, sold at an honest price by We are prepared to do all hinds of First'Class Repair Work. AUTOMOBILES , STEAM and GASOLINE ENGINES a Specialty WINDFR MOBILE COMPANY, GEORGIA’S LEADING BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOL. | i v-sr** H i * 1 * Uppfg:; B '■ ■'■:? < Ja TSSSiSHfsiK?:: ia x^3| I ,Jlj g|fe 'iH W. A. WRIGHT. Stenographer S. & S. Pack ing Cos., Atlanta, Ga., after II weeks’ coarse in Cha r tier Shorthand at Bagwell Busi ness College. BAGWELL BUSINESS COLLEGE. IQS Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. l. Young. LUMBER. P 1 jjjhi-A YOXJ KNOW HIM. Warehouse on Candler Street. —””—^^^ ' „ ;■ . V :• . \.. ■■' cv. -w„ ~ , - - ' .. : ' " — ... |||||—— The splendid records of our students and their success in hold ing the Best positions clearly demonstrates that our modern methods and systems of Short hand and Book-keeping save one half the time required for old systems and that they make more competent Stenographers and Book-keepers. Exclusive right to teach the famous CHARTIER system of Shorthand in this section. POSITIONS SECURED. A good position is secured for every graduate upon completing the course. Write or call for beautifully illustrated Catalog. Address'! A FAR SIGHTED MAN, Knowing the uncertainties of the future and realizing the responsibilities of life, does not let the fire which may consume his property rind him without Insurance. Furthermore, he pro tects his estate and those dependent on him by insuring his own life. For reliable Insurance, life and fire, see KILGORE & RADFORD, Insurancec Agents, Office at The Winder Banking Company. NEW CHAPEL Several of the young people of this community attended the sing ing at Pentecost Sunday. Mr. Carter Smith, of Oglethorpe, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Susan Smith, near Statham. Mr. Luther Harrison and sister, Miss Belle, of Bethlehem, attended singing at Pentecost Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. It. Smith and family visited Mrs. Callie Millsaps. of Winder, Sunday. M rs. W. 11. House is still on the sick list with the grip. Mrs. Truman Smith, our mail carrier, was very sick Monday. His son,Willie, acted as substitute. Mr- John Williams is quite ill at this writing with pneumonia. We hope for him a speedy recover. Sunday school at Christian chapel is progressing very well. Come and help us to climb up to the top. Mr. Cleveland Harris, of Camp ton, was in our community Sun day. Mr. Jack Elder, of near Jefferson, was visiting relatives several days ago, near New Timothy. Hurrah for Masonic Hall and all her good people. Let her ever prosper as she is now and remem ber you have some good old friends at Chapel. Old Joe. RUSSELL. Mr. Richard House and a sing ing choir will sing at this place next Sunday afternoon. Everybody is invited to attend. Mr and Mrs. Joe Meadows, of Greenwood, S. C. have returned home for a short while. Mr. Boh Fuller and daughter, Mrs. Dora Booth, we re the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Z. Wright and family Thursday. Miss Della Smith, who is attend ing Athens business college, is with homefolks this week, attending re vival the Wesleyan Mem orial church. Mr. J. R. Huff is better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs- Fred Cox, of New Timothy, were the guests of the for mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cox, Sunday. Mr. Theron Hinesley.of Corinth, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T- Z. Wright Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Wright at tended Sunday school at this place Sunday afternoon. Several from this place attended services at the Wesleyan Memorial church Sunday. Sylvia Green, the richest girl in the world, has married a newspaper man. Take notice, girls. A mighty good example- —Madisonian. The Buick Automobile Stands at the Head A 6ENER4L INVITATION. • v. ThisMifHe notice is published as invitation to the in and around Winder to attend our church. Our doors are open wide to you, rich and poor alike. There is no partiality shown here. The Winder Methodist church wants to shake hands with every friend and stranger in and around Winder If you will come you will lx* given a good, comfortable seat, after being met at the door by friends. Then we will try to make it both inter esting and profitable for you. We are anxious to have the coun try people come in and enjoy the IV service each Sunday. Our church is out of debt and will lee dedicated third Sunday, March 21. Dedication sermon by Rev. J. B. Robins, I). D. We will begin revival services on dedication day and want you to come and he with us and enjoy these meetings. We are yours fraternally, C. €. Gregory, F. E. Durst, C. Loyd Thomas, J. T. Strange, Reception Com. College Sentiment. Dr. Blank, says Lippincott’s, about twenty years a professor in the Lhiiversity of Virginia, was on the eve of a trip to Europe, to be absent two years. In pathetic and rather harrowing tones he made his farewell address to his class: “Yes, lam about to part with you. This is moi*e than distressing to me. Would that there was a window in my breast, my dear boys, that you might see the inner most recesses of my heart.” A stripling in the real*, seized with a happy thought, shouted: “Professor would a pane in the stomack do?”