Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, June 17, 1909, Image 2

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CANDIDATES FOR OfflCE OUT SPOKEN AGAINST TEE SYSTEM. Opposition to the iniquitous fee syntern has grown so strong in Al abama that candidates for office dare declare themselves against it; a thing which heretofore, in Geor gia at least, would have meant de feat at the hands <>f the "court house ring.” But, in Alabama, General \V. \\ . Brandon, who has announced him self a candidate for probate judge — a portion corresponding to that of ordinary in this state —of Tuska loosa county, has taken aTi open stand against the fee system, in spite of the fact that should he be elected and paid on a salary basis his compensation would Ik- consid erably less than on the fee plan. In the Montgomery newspapers G< n ral Brandon thus declares him self: "I would like to see a law enacted that will place all county officials on a salary basis, and which will be a reasonable compensation for the services rendered. "The abolition of the fee system INTELLIGENT SERVICE POLITE TREATMENT. GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION. Strong Board of Directors that direct Stock holders worth over a million dollars. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Your business will be appreciated. The First National Bank of Winder Capital Stock Paid in $50,000.00. fill DIVIDING lINE. A few months ;ig<> there came to a small town in South Georgia a stranger. Me was a man of pleas ing address, with great financial ideas in his head and with no money. This latter is a condition that is very common, and which f>r that reason perhaps he did not dem it ncecsary to advertise. He impressed the people favorably with his talk and manners, and the peo ple of that community likwise favor ably impressed him, so that lie de cided to cast his net among them. He started in business, according to his ideas. Although he had no money he opened a hank, and re ceived deposits. This was fostered by the impression he had artfully created that he was q millionaire. W ith these deposits lie was enabled t i start another bank, creating con fidence in his financial standing, lie became the most active business factor in that town and section, lie bought banks, saw-mills and real estate, everything that was offered for sale, paying in each ease as lit tle cash as possible. He made pres ents of automobiles t> employees, built a fine residence for himself, and naturally, married the daughter of a prominent citizen, to whom he gave as a wedding present a SI 0,0;);) set of diamonds. He was a locai Monte C'risto, u, king of finance at who.m touch < verything turned to gold- Ho all went well, until some little incident turned up which clogged the machine. Distrust was aroused, an investigation made, and the truth was discovered that he had no means of his own and was oper ating on nerve as his only asset. His banks were found to be without will enable the establishment of not only free schools, but "'ill enable the state to give the text books as well as the tuition free. "In most of the counties the compensation of the officials is not excessive, but in the larger counties where the fees run the pay of the officials into the ten thousands, the officials should be given a salary and th<‘ excess paid into the state fir county treasury.” In addition to tins outspoken dec laration, the Birmingham News mentions that already a number of the candidates for the position of sheriff and court clerks in the state have announced that they arc op posed to the fee system. Many of the candidates for the legislature have likewise expressed themselves in opposition to this fee-grabbing game- The public sentiment in nearly every part of the state is growing stronger against it, says the News, and it looks as if it is only a question of time before the move ment will assume organized shape forgetting rid <*f one <>l the worst evils in Alabama. —Augusta Chroni cle. funds. A receiver was appointed to wind up his affairs, and he was put in jail Quickly following this it was dis covered that there would be noth ing for the creditor. His young wife entered suit for divorce. And then it was revealed that the man was an escaped convict from Missis sippi, where 1 t had previously tried to work the same game. He will without a doubt be added to the good roads forces Now wherein did this man, who made such a failure, differ from the captains of finance who makes a success? Our big trusts are organ ized by just such men; our big railroad kings pursue the same methods; the men who corner the markets on grain and cotton do it on nerve as their only capital. Hut these become finance, while A. I). Oliver goes to prison. The divid ing line between high finance and swindling, like the dividing line be tween the sublime and the ridiculous seems to be impossible of exact lo cation.- —Augusta Herald. . 1 Mr. Henpeek —“\Ye are going to remove to the seaside, doctor. Doctoi —“But the climate mty disagree with your wife-’’ Mr. Helideck —“It wouldn't dare.” “What will happen," demanded the suffragette, “when a woman sit-* in the presidential chair?" “1 s'post? we’ll find chewing gum stuck under it,” answered the mere man. t The City Farmer —Doggone it I 1 planted three cans of baked beans here a month, ago, an’ dere ain’t no >'gns of ’em grhwin" vet! —Yew Yoik World. ■ 8 FARMS FOR SALE ! In and around Jersey, Walton county, Georgia, containing from 40 to 510 acres each. Terms easy :::::: APPLY TO W. L. Blasingame, Winder, Ga. Josiah Blasingame, Jersey, Ga. PERSONALLY Conducted Tour TWO WEEKS VACATION TRIP. Through New England, to New York, the Middle Atlantic States,National Capital, Virginia and the Carolinas, Including Forty Hours on the At lantic Ocean, July 2, 1909. RATE, $91.70 SEABOARD Conducted by David \V. Morraii, Traveling Passenger Agent and Chaperoned by Mrs- M. H. Whitner. The Seaboard invites you to join a Personally ('onducted tour to the Sea, thence by Ocean steamer to the principal cities of the East and re turn, covering two solid weeks of delightful travel in finest Pullman equipment, elegant ocean steamers, automobiles, trolley and ferry, over the finest roads, along the most beautiful roadways in the country. This charming journey offers you without the petty annoyances of travel, leisurely visits to Norfolk, Portsmouth and delightful Virginia Beach, to Providence (about 40 hours on the Atlantic Ocean on one of the Merchant A’ Miners Trans portation Co.’s palatial steamers), Newport, Narragansett Pier in Rhode Island, two entire days in classic Boston, four days in busy, hustling New York, a day to visit the wonders of the National Capital and then home- Arrangements have been perfected by which every care and annoyance of looking after tickets, worrying about time-tables, souring hotel accommodations in advance, ar ranging for sleeping car berths, will be taken from your mind and all you have to do is to go along and have a good time. The rate of $91:70 will include railroad and Pullman fares, hotel accommodations, meals for entire trip (except in New York, where only hotel accommodations will he provided) automobile rides, stage, trolley and ferry side-trips, trans fers and all actual expenses. Full particulars of the entire itin erary and rates will he furnished upon application to the undersigned. Also a copy of our published itin erary giving every detail of the trip and showing where you can lx* located each day will be furnished you. PARTY LIMITED. First Applicants Get Choice of Ac* commoda lions. The party will leave Atlanta, 11:25 a. in., July 2, stopping at principal points in Georgia and isouth Carolina and our representa tive will make it his espucial pleas ure to anticipate your every wish and comfort. Communicate with C I).WAYNE, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga., for full information. MANY PERSONS keep their money in this bank, that they may ha\e it within ready reach when needed for daily use; some keep it here awaiting opportunities for investment; oth ers, to avoid the risk and annoyance of loaning, keep their money here as a permanent investment. It will de seen that we accommodate all classes. The Winder Banking Company, WINDER, GA. GOING OUT OF THE CLOTHING BUSINESS! I will sell Clothing at Cost from now until mv entire stock is disposed of. Will enter tain proposition to s II part or all. Come and see my stock before paving trust prices elsewhere. 1 a’so carry a line of General Merchandise, and if you want the benefit of fair and honest dealings call on me. JUNE H. WOOD CARL, GA. A FAR SIGHTED MAN, Knowing tlie uncertainties of the future and realizing the responsibilities of life, does not let the fire which may consume his property rind him without Insurance. Furthermore, he pro tects his estate and those dependent on him by insuring his own life. For reliable Insurance, life and lire, see KILGORE & RADFORD, Insurancec Agents, at The Winder Banking Company. LEATHERS & EAVENSON, WINDER, GEORGIA. ■■cioRTRIGHr" REO US 'pat OFF CORTRIGHT With every Cortright § Metal Shingle Roof, you buy peace of mind. Property owners in districts lacking adequate fire protection are never free from the care and thought of the probabil ity of fire with the inevi table total loss. Cortright Metal Shin- O gles being fire proof, lightning proof and storm 0 proof take the place ot H ythis lacking protection ij and bring a peace ot U mind that can seldom be / bought. They outlast ’4K 7 the building. Send for free kook “Concerning That Roof’ which explains their many good 75A qualities. imTHI LEiibrJ